Tell me a tale

by Daniel Berasaluce

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The Arabian Nights

The next day I found him reading a book which was his next school task: The Arabian Nights.

-You’re always telling me that you love tales. Would you like to star in some of the tales of The Arabian Nights?

-I’d love to, Aiden.

-Then this afternoon, when we both return from our faculties, I’ll make a selection of tales in the book and I will be Sheherazade. I wish I had a more masculine name, but ok, it was Sheherazade that was telling these tales. If you happen to come home before me, wait for me with no clothes.

-Perfect, Aiden –He was jerking himself off before me as every morning after I had told him the tale of the tub. And now he came one more time with an eager face, wanting me to tell him some of the tales in The Arabian Nights.

In fact when I returned home that afternoon, he was already naked and with a hard boner waiting for me.

-I’ll get naked later. We will start with one of the episodes of Sindbad the Sailor. There will be no tale of Ali Baba and the forty thieves, but I could also tell you a version of Aladdin, maybe today or maybe tomorrow, who know? Look what I’m doing –and I moved a little and grabbed an ottoman-. This is a roc egg –he recognized the tale at once.

-You have fallen naked into a deep gorge and you know the bottom of the gorge has a lot of diamonds that hunters from up the mountains chase like this –I moved just a while to the kitchen and brought a couple of chops. Hunters throw these chops to the bottom of the gorge and diamonds get stuck in them and later they lift them. But you know that down here diamonds are protected by fierce snakes. In my tale, they are not poisonous –I said as I was already stripping of everything and once again I was happy to see my roommate’s strong erection.

-What’s my name in this tale, Aiden?

-Now you are Sindbad.


-Maybe you’ve already thought that you could get out of this gorge when the roc comes and you are picking up diamonds now, but the snakes start to bite you –I approached Milo then and started to bite his chest. He started masturbating so I kept on biting his nipples and later also a bit his legs. I finally started slightly biting his balls and later his cock. You can only think of one way out of this small torture so suddenly you grasp the nearest snake and turn it –and that’s what he did now with my body- and so that it stops biting you, you decide to fuck it.

-Oh, can I?

-Just follow the tale, Milo.

And he couldn’t believe I was finally allowing him to fuck me. He’d been desperate to do it for some days but never told me, just waiting for me to tell him a tale where he could finally do it. And now I was sure that Milo could do anything with me, I was also looking forward to have his cock up my ass.

And there he was. That hot boy was fucking me slowly, with deep affection and even though I had not told him anything in the tale, he started kissing me and for a minute I stopped being a snake and became only his roommate Aiden. That’s the best he has –I thought as I was feeling fire in my ass with the soft motions of his cock inside me getting used to a new pleasure as he was getting used to the idea that now he could often fuck me-: the best of him is that he could be the protagonist of a tale, but knew perfectly well when I needed to be just Aiden Cornell, his roommate and friend.

Finally a long stream of juicy semen bathed the interior of my ass and I told him.

-You have made this snake and all the snakes surrounding it really pacific and none of them bite you anymore. And finally the roc comes. Now after you’ve tied a couple of chops to my back –which I saw him doing at once- you will pretend you are the roc, grab my whole body and take me to the couch where we will kiss for a while. This tale has ended and now if you want, I’ll tell you a new tale.

He was able to grab tenderly my body and raise me. I felt like I was flying with the roc, Milo now. And soon I was put gently on the couch and first he thanked me for the new tale and later we started kissing like maniacs for a good long while. He thanked me for in this tale he had been both Sindbad and the roc. After five minutes kissing and noticing his horny face awaiting me to go on, I told him.

-All right, Milo, I’ll tell you a new tale now. I’m sure you will recognize it.

-Now you are a handsome prince who has just entered a cave following the steps of a really sexy princess…

-If it’s the same to you, I’d rather be in search of a sexy prince, Aiden.

-Good, so you are following the steps of a sexy prince inside a cave when suddenly you meet a wicked genie, and to your greatest surprise, he turns you into a monkey.

-Oh, I already know the tale.

-Do you think you can pretend you’re a monkey, Milo?

Instantly his face changed and he started moving his facial features as a monkey would. He was hard as a rock, and soon he even started jumping and something more that drove me crazy: he started putting his hands under his armpits and rubbing them, at the time he imitated the sounds a monkey would do. That very day I knew he was good at imitations. So I saw him jumping totally excited, with a huge boner, doing monkey sounds and with his hands under his pits.

-You cannot talk now since you have been turned into a monkey, but you preserve your human intelligence. Not knowing now what to do with your life you start wandering till you reach a new kingdom and there you are taken to the court and find out that the king does not have good scribes but you surprise him writing something with your beautiful handwriting and wondering how a monkey can write so well, the king makes you his new scribe.

-Good –he said.

-Remember you cannot talk now, Milo. So you are hired and they give you a place to live and they also feed you –and I surprised him moving to the kitchen and bringing a banana.

-Here, you can eat it, Monkey Price, that’s the name the king gives you.

Milo grabbed the banana and started eating it in my presence, eating also the peel. He was all the time jumping and his boner increased. He showed now the face of a happy monkey eating bananas and soon he’d eaten everything. By that time I was rock hard.

-Would you eat a new banana, Monkey Prince?

With his face he told me he did want a new banana. And then I pointed at my dick and told him.

-Here’s a new banana for you if you wanna eat a second one.

My monkey roommate just jumped to the floor, only eager now to have more and more opportunities to suck my cock. He started then to lick my balls and then he became a monkey hungry for a second banana and he lowered my cock skin as it he was peeling this new banana and started licking the whole foreskin of my sensitive cock. This way he still drove me crazier than in my former blowjobs but I wanted to prolong that sensation and could hold it as he showed me his human gratitude for that and his animal gratitude that I had given him a second banana to eat. No doubt Milo was becoming the most arousing boy I’d ever met. After ten minutes I had to bathe him with juice from my banana. He drank happily and after that I told him.

-In order to recover your human self, this monkey will have to eat this banana three more times today, for three is a magic number in tales, but since I’m sure you’ll do it, you can start to speak a bit as a human.

-Thank you. I wanna make the spell disappear and make this prince look for sexy princes again, so of course I comply.

He was never tired. Though I did not suck his cock that day, he spent the rest of the afternoon totally nude and gave me two more blowjobs. And the last one in bed for of course now we always slept naked together. After the fourth blowjob today, I told him.

-Now you’re no longer Monkey Prince. You are again a beautiful prince in search for princes, Milo. And if you have liked these two tales from The Arabian Nights, tomorrow I will tell you the gay tale of Aladdin.

Freedom can move your life and it can be seen even in the hardest conditions, together with love and friendship, happiness and beauty. Have a look at the life of eight beggars who live together at: or in English at:

by Daniel Berasaluce

Email: [email protected]

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