Tau Kappa Delta

by lornopoln

27 Jan 2024 1060 readers Score 9.8 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

For a long time Ben didn’t move. He just sat in silence on the floor. He wasn’t even really thinking about anything. He was just sort of in shock. After about 45 minutes he got up and went and brushed his teeth. Twice. He also used a liberal amount of mouthwash. Then he went and collapsed on his bed and fell asleep almost instantly. He woke up an hour later when there was an insistent knocking at the door. For moment he panicked at the thought that Tyler was back but it was just Joseph who had finally worked up the courage to return.

“Is that guy gone?” Joseph asked hesitantly. When Ben nodded, he asked, “Who is he?”

“He’s just… a friend,” Ben answered even though he wasn’t sure that was true. Ben was relieved Joseph didn’t ask any more questions. It was after dinner but Ben wasn’t really hungry. He sat down at his computer and browsed the net absently. He saw he had a couple of mail messages and opened his inbox. The first message was from one of his professors with some updated notes for the last homework assignment. The second message was from his father which surprised Ben because his father didn’t write very often. The message was short and businesslike. He said he hoped Ben’s classes were going well and was sure he was enjoying the campus. He told Ben that if he needed anything such as a new computer or anything to just get it. His father closed by saying how pleased he was that Ben had joined

TKD and assured him that the friendships he made at the fraternity would last a lifetime. Ben thought about replying to his father’s e-mail and telling him that he hated it here, that he had no interest in joining the fraternity and that he wanted to transfer schools. But he didn’t. He could never stand up to his father like that. His father wanted him here and so he was here. His father already thought he was in TKD because he didn’t know about Ben having to compete with the other legacies for a slot. He had no idea how to tell his father that he was such a loser he was never going to earn a place in the frat. Ben had always lived in his father’s shadow and though never spoken Ben knew he was a disappointment to his father. If his father knew the truth he’d probably never speak to Ben again.

Ben opened the next message and was surprised to see it was from Tyler.

"Hey Ben,

Dude I’m sorry about being such a dick earlier. I know I went overboard. I guess I was still angry about you assuming I wasn’t smart enough to play chess. People always assume I’m dumb because I’m an athlete. It’s been that way since I was a kid and it pisses me off. When you treated me like a “dumb jock” it really hurt my feelings. I was mad and I took it out on you. I’m sorry. Hope you can forgive me and we can do lunch tomorrow. If not, well, I understand if you never want to have anything to do with me or TKD again.

Sorry, Tyler"

Ben sat back in surprise. He had thought Tyler hated him after the way he’d acted earlier. He certainly hadn’t expected Tyler to apologize. Ben replied to Tyler’s e-mail.


I was wrong to make assumptions about you just because you’re athletic. I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I should have known better. You’re really smart and I was a jerk for thinking I could beat you easily in chess. You’re a really good player.

Hopefully we can still be friends. I’m up for lunch if you are. Ben"

Ben suddenly noticed he was hungry. Joseph had already eaten so Ben went off by himself and got a sandwich. When he got back to his room he saw Tyler had already replied.


No worries. I forgive you. Let’s do lunch at 1PM tomorrow at the pub on 3rd street. Tyler"

Ben felt relieved. He worked on his homework for a couple of hours and then went to bed.

Meanwhile, Tyler was relaxing in his room feeling very pleased with himself. He really had been angry earlier when Ben didn’t just give up on joining the fraternity but he got a lot of satisfaction see that little fucker on his knees licking the dirt off Tyler’s sweaty bare feet. Tyler was shocked Ben had done it. Apart from how nasty it was, Tyler just couldn’t wrap his head around how a guy could humiliate like that. Didn’t he have any self respect at all? Was he some kind of fag who got off on it? It wasn’t like Ben had

initiated anything. Tyler had manipulated him into groveling and Ben really looked like a hurt puppy when Tyler made him worship his feet. Tyler just didn’t understand why Ben didn’t tell him to fuck off but since he didn’t Tyler was just going to have to break him until Ben was kissing his feet and apologizing for ever even thinking he was worth joining TKD.

Tyler and Ben met up at the pub the next day. Tyler made sure to greet Ben with a grin and hearty handshake. They had a companionable lunch and talked about ideas for Ben to get back in the running for a spot in the fraternity. Tyler had an idea but Ben wasn’t sure it would work. They finished lunch and when the check came Ben was going to offer to pay for everything but Tyler took it from the waitress and looked it over.

“She was pretty nice,” Tyler said with a nod towards the waitress. “Give her a $10 tip,” he said as he slid the check over to Ben. Ben was a little surprised but thought maybe he’d already told Tyler he’d pay. The total only came to about $25 so a $10 tip was very generous but Ben did what Tyler asked.

“Let’s go over to the bookstore,” Tyler suggested as they walked out of the pub.

“Um sure. Do you need something?” Ben asked. “Well you still owe me a shirt, remember?” Tyler said. Ben looked at Tyler confused, “I owe you a shirt?”

“Yeah, from when you ran into me and spilled crap all over me?” Tyler explained. Ben suddenly recalled having literally run into Tyler with a tray of food before he had even met him at the fraternity.

“Oh right,” Ben said in embarrassment. “Yeah sorry about that. I didn’t mean to.” “Well you can buy me a new one at the bookstore,” Tyler said.

“Oh sure,” Ben said. They headed over to the campus bookstore and Ben followed Tyler around as he browsed the clothing section. Tyler finally narrowed his choice down to two different shirts with the school logo: one gray, one blue.

“Which one do you think is better?” Tyler asked Ben as he held them both up. “They’re both nice,” Ben said with a shrug.

“Okay you can buy me both of them,” Tyler said with a grin. He didn’t even wait for Ben to reply he just wandered up towards the register. He paused to look at some hoodies. He found an XL and turned to Ben.

“You don’t mind do you?” Tyler asked.

“No, that’s fine,” Ben said slowly. He wasn’t sure why Tyler just assumed Ben would pay for everything. Maybe Tyler was still mad at him and this was his way of making Ben apologize.

Tyler smiled and took everything to the register where Ben was shocked to see that the two t-shirts rang up at almost $30 each and the hoodie was $65 dollars. Tyler chatted up the pretty cashier while Ben swiped his credit card and paid. Tyler picked up the bag of clothes and Ben followed him outside.

“Thanks dude,” Tyler said as they walked back towards Tyler’s car

“Sure, no problem,” Ben said.

“No, I mean it,” Tyler said in a serious tone. “I appreciate it. I couldn’t have afforded that.”

“Oh,” Ben said in surprise.

“Yeah, I’m here on an academic scholarship,” Tyler explained.

“It’s okay,” Ben said.

Tyler grinned. “Well I may not have money but I’m smart and handsome as hell. Not to mention I can literally kick the shit out of anybody. But seriously thanks.”

Ben smiled in embarrassment, “You’re welcome. It’s really my father’s money.”

“Your dad’s really loaded isn’t he?” Tyler asked. Ben nodded. “Man that must be nice,” Tyler said wistfully.

Ben shrugged, “I guess.” Ben paused, “Wait a sec!” He pointed as Tyler’s car. “You drive a Porsche!” “You don’t know a lot about cars do you?” Tyler asked with a laugh.

“No,” Ben confessed.

“It’s a 10 year old Porsche Boxster that I picked for cheap because it had been wrecked. My uncle helped with the body work,” Tyler explained.

“Oh, sorry,” Ben said.

Tyler shrugged, “We can’t all be rich boys.”

“I’m not rich,” Ben said uncomfortably, “My father is.”

“But you could pretty much buy what you wanted right?” Tyler asked.

“I guess,” Ben shrugged. “I mean anything normal. I can’t like buy a yacht or something.”

“Must be nice,” Tyler said with a nod.

Tyler tossed the bag of clothes on the passenger seat and said, “I’d offer you a ride dude but I need to head to the gym.”

“That’s okay,” Ben said. “I can walk.”

“Cool,” Tyler grinned. “I’ll see when I’m done then.”

“Is there something going on at the fraternity tonight?” Ben asked.

“No,” Tyler said. “I’ll just swing by your dorm room.”

Ben suddenly got a bad feeling. “Why?” he asked softly.

“You know,” Tyler said. When Ben didn’t respond Tyler glanced around to make sure no one was listening and lowered his voice, “So you can lick my feet.”

Ben’s heart sank. “But… you said… I thought… I mean you apologized… “

Tyler put his hand on Ben’s shoulder gently, “Yeah I said I was sorry for being a dick and I meant it but dude you still lost. It’s not fair if you don’t pay up.”

“Tyler please,” Ben pleaded, “Isn’t there some way…”

Tyler shook his head, “Dude I’m trying to figure out some way to help you get in the frat but you gotta man up and honor your word. You made a bet. You lost.”

Ben bowed his head. “I understand. I’m sorry.” “So I’ll see you after my workout okay?” Tyler said.

“Tyler,” Ben whined. “Couldn’t we just get it over with now? Before you go to the gym?”

Tyler shook his head. “Nah, first off I’m late already and second that wasn’t the deal. I know it sucks but you got really cocky thinking you were going to beat me in chess and now you’re paying the price. Unfortunately for you that means licking my sweaty feet.”

Ben just looked sadder and sadder. He was almost too afraid to ask the next question. “Are you going to run too?” he asked in quiet voice.

“Well yeah, I usually run as part of my workout. Why?” Tyler asked. Ben didn’t respond and Tyler’s eyes opened wide, “Oh I get it. You want to know if I’m going to run barefoot like yesterday don’t you?”

Ben nodded.

“Actually it really kind of hurts my feet,” Tyler admitted. Ben breathed a sigh of relief.

“But,” Tyler continued, “the deal was you were going to lick my dirty, sweaty feet so yeah I’ll run barefoot.”

Ben looked like he was about to cry.

“I’m sorry,” Tyler said. “I know they get really dirty when I run. I’ll tell you what, tomorrow I won’t shower and I’ll walk around the frat and the locker room barefoot so they won’t be as bad. How’s that?”

“To..tomorrow?” Ben stammered.

“Well yeah,” Tyler said with a shrug. “You have to do it four more times remember?” “Can’t I just do it longer today and get it over with?” Ben begged.

Tyler shook his head. “Come on Ben, that’s not what you agreed to. You lost five times so you have to lick my dirty, sweaty feet five times. You can’t do it all at once. That doesn’t even make sense. Once you’ve licked my feet clean then I’d have to get’em dirty and sweaty again for you to honor the bet right?”

“I understand,” Ben said sadly.

“You don’t want to quit do you?” Tyler asked.

Ben paused and then shook his head. “No Tyler, I’m sorry. You’re right. I made the bet. I lost. I’ll do it.” Ben said.

Tyler sighed. “Okay then,” Tyler said, “I’m really late now and I need to get going. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

Ben nodded and began the slow walk back to his dorm room. Tyler drove off to the gym. Ben didn’t seem to want to quit yet. That was enough to motivate Tyler through an extra strenuous workout . He was determined to get as sweaty as possible. At the end he skipped the shower and went to the track. If anyone was surprised to see him jogging around the track barefoot they didn’t say anything. By the time he showed up at Ben’s dorm room his feet were filthier and sweatier than the day before. Ben didn’t look happy to see him but he seemed resigned to humiliate himself again. Joseph wasn’t around so Tyler just had a seat in Ben’s chair.

“Might as well get started,” he said pointing to his feet.

“Okay,” Ben said. “Take off your shoes.”

“Nah,” Tyler drawled, “I think that should be your job.”

“Why?” Ben pouted.

“Jesus Ben,” Tyler sighed, “You’re about to clean my nasty feet with your tongue. Is taking off my shoes and socks to embarrassing for you?”

“No… I just meant…” Ben said helplessly.

“It’s just part of the deal dude,” Tyler said sternly. “It’s supposed to suck for you. That’s why it’s a punishment.”

“I know,” Ben said.

“Well I won and you lost right?” Tyler asked.

“Yes,” Ben agreed.

“Okay, then the loser, that’s you, should get down at my feet and take off my shoes and socks and then just because you’re being stubborn about it you can kiss my feet 100 times and tell me you’re sorry for arguing.”

“That’s not part of the deal,” Ben complained.

“Neither is me slamming my foot in your face but I’m starting to consider it,” Tyler warned.

“I’m… I’m sorry,” Ben said meekly realizing that things would only get worse if he pissed Tyler off. “Then get started,” Tyler snapped.

Ben quickly dropped to his knees and removed Tyler’s shoes. Once again the aroma of sweaty jock feet permeated the air but Ben didn’t hesitate this time and peeled off Tyler’s sweat drenched socks. Ben immediately began kissing Tyler’s feet.

“I’m sorry Tyler,” Ben apologized as he kissed Tyler’s feet. “I’m sorry for arguing.”

Ben kept count in his head but at the end, Tyler said he hadn’t done 100 and made him do them all over again. Ben threw in a dozen extra this time just to be sure and Tyler seemed satisfied with his second attempt.

“Okay, you can lick my feet now and make sure you do a good job,” Tyler ordered. “Yes Tyler,” Ben said. “Just let me get a chair for you to put your feet on.”

“Okay,” Tyler said but then a second later said, “Wait. Nevermind, which bed is yours?” Ben pointed to the one nearest Tyler, “That one.”

Tyler stretched out on Ben’s bed making sure his bare feet were just at the end of mattress. He fluffed up the pillow and made himself comfortable.

“Got anything to read?” He asked. “Um… like a book?” Ben asked dully.

“No, like a newspaper or magazine,” Tyler said.

“I mostly just read stuff online,” Ben said gesturing at the slim tablet on the nightstand by the bed.

“Sweet,” Tyler said as he picked it up and began browsing the net. “Okay, you can lick my feet now,” he said casually. “Just let me know when you’re done.”

“Yes Tyler,” Ben said as he knelt at the foot of the bed.

“On second thought,” Tyler said, “it took you about half an hour yesterday but my feet are a lot dirtier today so just lick’em for an hour.”

“An hour?” Ben asked incredulously. “It won’t take me that long. I promise.”

“Well now I’m thinking 90 minutes would be better,” Tyler quipped without looking up from the tablet. “Tyler come on!” Ben begged.

Tyler glanced up and fixed Ben with a piercing glare. He stabbed a finger in Ben’s direction and said, “Loser,” then pointed to himself and said, “Victor. So *I* decide when you’ve cleaned my feet enough. Got it?”

“Got it,” Ben said timidly.

“So now there’s two hours on the clock and if you say one more word I will lose my temper and show you why I have all those martial arts trophies. Now lick my feet,” Tyler ordered.

Ben didn’t say a word. He just began licking Tyler’s feet. Tyler wasn’t kidding when he told Ben his feet were dirtier today. Ben lapped at Tyler’s feet but the dirt seemed embedded in the wrinkled pattern of Tyler’s soles. Little by little Ben’s tongue removed all the dirt from Tyler’s right foot and then Ben set to work on the left. He had to concentrate not to gag on the taste of sweaty feet that permeated his mouth and nose. When Tyler’s left foot finally looked clean he spared a glance at the clock. He’d been at it for forty minutes. He wished he were done but he wasn’t about to risk angering Tyler. He went back to licking Tyler’s feet.

Tyler took no notice of Ben. Oh he was conscious of Ben’s tongue on his feet but it was a pleasant sensation that he quickly got used to. He relaxed and browsed the web. He lost track of time and was surprised when Ben spoke.

“I’m done Tyler,” Ben said quietly.

“Oh?” Tyler said without looking at Ben, “My feet nice and clean?”

“Yes Tyler,” Ben said.

“Cool,” Tyler said absently, “I want to finish reading this article so just keep going for a bit.”

“Keep going?” Ben asked sadly.

“Yeah,” Tyler said without looking at him, “Just keep going till I finish this and then we can go grab dinner or something. I’m starved.”

Ben didn’t know what to do other than obey Tyler so he began licking his feet again. Tyler read for another 20 minutes and then set the tablet down and looked at Ben.

“Okay, put my shoes and socks back on and we can go get something to eat,” Tyler said.

“I’m not very hungry,” Ben said truthfully as he fetched Tyler’s socks and shoes and put them back on him.

“Seriously? All you’ve been doing is licking dirty, sweaty feet. You’d think you’d want some real food in you but whatever. I’m starved so let’s go,” Tyler said as he stood up.

“I really don’t think I can eat Tyler,” Ben said.

Tyler shrugged, “Ok well you don’t have to. You can still buy me dinner though.”

“Oh,” Ben said not realizing what Tyler had wanted. “Sure I guess.”

Tyler looked at Ben with sympathy. “Sorry dude, I know the foot licking thing sucks but my feet won’t be as dirty tomorrow and you’ve only got to do it three more times.”

“Yeah,” Ben said. “it’s just… hard.”

Tyler nodded. “I get it. But I’m really hungry so let’s go eat.” “Okay,” Ben said with a sigh.

“But first,” Tyler said with a grin, “Go brush your teeth. I don’t want to smell my sweaty feet on your breath all night.”

Ben flushed in embarrassment as Tyler laughed.

by lornopoln

Email: [email protected]

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