Tales from the Cove: A Thug's Struggle

by Hunknown

4 Oct 2020 2190 readers Score 9.9 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt



~ Old enemies ~

Alex and Derek were still sharing a moment of intimacy on the crumpled bed, and the guy was feeling on cloud nine, after the exquisite love Alex had made to him.

They heard a polite knock and the door opened. Derek turned to see who was coming in, embarrassed for being seen naked in the bed with Alex, and picked up his wet sweatshirt from the floor to cover his crotch. But suddenly he gasped and widened his eyes, and in fraction of second he jumped off the bed. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit!!” – he whined, alarmed, recognizing the tall black man and his young black boy that he attacked with his gang, a year earlier.

He shot a reproachful glance at Alex, as if he’d set up a trap for him, but the guard hastened to say: “Don’t worry, Derek, everything fine, no one will hurt you. They’ve not come for you, they live here”.

Jorell, the black man, exchanged a puzzled look with his boy LaShawn, as they didn’t recognize the former skinhead, with his now long flowing hair and his muscular frame. But then LaShawn murmured: “Sir, look at his tattoos…”

“Jorell, LaShawn, I guess you already know this guy...” – Alex said calmly, getting of the bed and looking straight at the black couple – “His name is Derek, and… he’s a friend of mine”.

“If you say so…” – Jorell replied curtly – “But he’s not a friend of the two of us, for sure. He attacked us and almost killed me!”

Alex got closer to the tall man and said seriously: “Take my work, buddy: that guy who attacked you doesn’t exist anymore. You can take revenge on him, of course, you have every right to do that, but not here, not now”.

“OK, Alex, I don’t really understand, but I trust you blindly. I won’t touch the kid. And neither will my boy”. He moved his gaze to the guy and added: “You look so different, kid, with that long hair and those ripped physique”. In order to have a better look at him, Jorell moved a bit closer to the guy, who backed off, holding his sweatshirt over his crotch as his only protection and staring with wide eyes at the black man, who was wearing only a loose trunk, as he was about to go to bed.

“Don’t worry, kid” – Jorell said in a calm tone – “I promised not to touch you, I just want to look at you…”. He took another step forward and Derek backed off again, whining: “No… Fuck no…!”

“Don’t be afraid of me, kid, I’m not going to hurt you…” – Jorell protested, and Alex shot an inquisitive glance at Derek and then said, pensively: “Uhm… He’s not scared of you, I guess. Jorell, I know it’s weird but… can you please drop your trunks?”

Tough puzzled by the strange request, the man complied, and slowly pulled down his shorts. The base of his black cock, nested into a thick bush of curly hair, appeared from underneath the fabric, soon followed by inch after inch of his thick shaft. Derek looked with rapt eyes at the pants sliding down, slowly revealing what seemed an endless cock. Finally, the pants dropped to the floor, and Derek gasped, mesmerized by the eleven plus inches of black limp cock proudly dangling from Jorell’s groin.

“Oh, fuck… Oh, fuck!!” – the guy whined, while the sweatshirt he was holding in front of his crotch couldn’t hide anymore his throbbing erection. He blushed crimson red and looked pleadingly at Alex, who flashed a comforting smile: “It’s OK, kid, don’t worry”.

“I… I have to go!” – Derek hastened to say, picking his clothes from the floor and taking another long glimpse of Jorell’s impossibly long cock. Alex got closer to the guy and with gentle determination tried to take the clothes from his hands: “You’re not going anywhere, with these wet clothes, this late in the night. You will stay here tonight”.

Derek hesitated, but in the end he silently nodded, letting Alex take his clothes. “Good!” – the guard mused, turning to the black couple – “I’m sure that Jorell and LaShawn will gladly have you in their suite for the night, right, buddy? I believe the three of you have some fences to mend”.

“We sure have…” – Jorell replied, winking to Alex, and then, to Derek: “Come, kid, and don’t worry: we hold no grudge against you. Not anymore”.


~ The Cove ~

Jorell and LaShawn led the way upstairs, to their suite. Derek entered the room with a bit of anxiety, as Alex let him go alone with the black guys. The guard’s words to Jorell still echoed in his mind: ‘You can take revenge on him, of course, but not here, not now’.

«Maybe this is the place and the time they will take revenge on me…» – Derek thought, while Jorell closed the door and turned to him with a serious expression. The guy was scared, as the black man was so bigger and taller than him, and could hurt him badly. «But not as bad as I did to him» – the guy considered, lowering his gaze to the floor with a contrite expression. He was still naked, and the wet sweatshirt he was holding in front of him didn’t let him feel less vulnerable; but at this point, being naked or fully dressed made no difference. So, he dropped his wet clothes and stood in front of Jorell with the palms of his hands open, defeated and ready to submit to the man’s anger without putting up any resistance.

“Are you going to beat me, sir? You have every right to do it. You and your… friend, too” – he said glancing at LaShawn – “I’ve been so mean to the two of you… I’m ready for my punishment, sir”.

Jorell briefly shook his head, and when he talked, his voice was calm, not a trace of anger or resentment in it. “You know, kid, we call this house ‘The Cove’…” – he said – “…and there’s a reason for that. For all of us, this is a safe, peaceful bay where to find shelter from the stormy waves that, in a way or another, shattered our lives. And though in my case the ‘stormy waves’ that hit me were, uhm… you and your gang, this applies to you, too. This is a safe place where you can be yourself, and no one will ever judge or take revenge on you”.

“I was not lying” – the man continued – “I really don’t hold any grudge against you. Alex is such a wise and righteous man, and if he says you’re not the same guy who attacked us, that’s enough for me”. And to enforce his words, Jorell put out his hand; Derek hesitated, but then shook it with an uncertain smile. Suddenly he felt his tension fade away, and the many hours under the rain, the difficult talking with Alex, the shattering experience of losing his virginity and now the tense clarification with Jorell started to take their toll on the guy, who started trembling and shivering.

“My boy!” – Jorell hastened to say to LaShawn – “Our friend, here, needs something to put on and a good night of rest. Will you lend him your bed for the night? You wouldn’t need it anyway…” – he concluded with a loving wink. The promise of a night of hot love with his man gave wings to the boy’s feet, and in few minutes Derek had been given a clean pair of shorts and was comfortably resting under the bedsheets, alone, in the adjoining room of the suite.

He lay motionless on the comfortable bed, thinking back to the many things that happened that day. He had the distinct feeling that his life had taken a totally different direction. That very morning, he didn’t have a home, he didn’t have a job, nor a scope in his life; now, he still was unemployed and homeless, but he knew what he had to do: he had to make amends for his past life, he wanted to help other people, maybe volunteering for some charity work, so to win Alex’ respect, and Jorell’s… and his own. A hard life awaited him, but he was more than willing to live it fully, without shortcuts, relying on his own only strength.

He relaxed on the bed, smiling, and he was already drifting to sleep when his eyes snapped open: «I didn’t even apologize to Jorell and LaShawn! They forgave me and I didn’t even say I’m sorry!»

So, he jumped out of the bed and ran to the connecting door, but when he was about to open it, he thought that maybe they were already sleeping and he didn’t want to disturb. So, he opened the door just a crack and peeked into the adjoining room… and had to stifle a gasp!

Jorell was lying on his back on the ample king-size bed, and LaShawn was kneeling between his splayed legs, holding the biggest, longest and… blackest cock Derek had ever seen. Better, it was bigger than Derek could ever imagine! Thirteen inches of hard black meat were firmly held by the boy’s hands, while his mouth slowly lowered to meet the fat mushroom head.

Derek was like frozen, he knew he shouldn’t have been there peeping at them in such a private moment, but he was like glued to the spot and kept staring at the black couple making love.

Apparently, LaShawn knew well how to deal with such a gigantic cock, because he confidently parted his lips and engulfed the thick meat without any hesitation. His head bobbed up and down, every time taking inside an inch more, until the stiff rod clearly hit the back of the boy’s throat.

Derek saw LaShawn concentrate, with the wide cock head pressing on his tight throat muscles, and after few moments he saw him pushing down with a greater effort, and suddenly two more inches of man meat disappeared into the boy’s mouth. The guy was amazed, as he couldn’t think possible that someone could take so gracefully such a monster down his throat without even gagging. He remembered way too well when he forced Alex’ cock down his throat, during his “punishment” at the abandoned mansion, and how he almost chocked on it; and now the boy was gulping down something like eight or nine inches of hard cock with utmost easiness!

And soon, under Derek’s astonished eyes, the nine inches became ten, and then eleven, as LaShawn’s head went on moving down, slowly but inexorably. The further LaShawn’s lips moved down, the wider Derek opened his mouth, until the boy’s nose dove into the man’s bushy pubes… and Derek uttered a chocked gasp!

The black couple turned to look at the guy, who tried to hide behind the door, but Jorell’s deep voice reached him: “Come out, kid, it’s too late to hide!”, and then he heard the man laugh heartily, so he shyly opened the door and entered the room. LaShawn had recoiled, and was now gently stroking his man’s cock with one hand, smiling at him.

Derek, utterly embarrassed, blushed bright red and blurted out: “I’m sorry, sir… I wanted to come to say I’m sorry, but I’m sorry if…”

“OK, OK, you’re very sorry, I got it!” – the man laughed again – “But there’s nothing to be embarrassed of…”. 

“I… I meant I wanted to apologize with you and your… er… friend? You’ve been so incredibly understanding with me, and I didn’t even apologize for the stupid and hateful way I attacked you, back then…”

“LaShawn is not my friend” – Jorell corrected, glancing with affection at LaShawn, kneeling between his legs – “he’s my boy. We love each other and, as you can see, this is the way he shows me his love…”


~ Big, black and beautiful ~

Derek was putting a great effort to keep his eyes focused on the man’s face, and started to say: “If there’s a way to make amends, I’d be glad to…” – but he couldn’t resist peeking at the massive cock, slowly massaged by the boy’s caring hand, and without noticing he breathed: “Fuck, it’s huge…”

LaShawn smiled wide: “Yeah, it’s not something you see any day, is it?”, he giggled and then looked straight ad Derek with a rascal grin: “Wanna try?”

“Hey, hey, kid!” – Jorell stepped in – “First, that is my cock, if you don’t mind; and second, you can’t force Derek to join us!”

LaShawn glanced lustfully at Jorell and started stroking his cock so sensually that the man couldn’t hold a loud moan. “Oh, come on, sir…” – the boy mused seductively – “There’s more than enough for two hungry mouths! And I wouldn’t say I’m forcing anyone…” – he concluded, glancing at the obvious erection tenting Derek’s loose pants.

Jorell looked at Derek, and the guy’s enthralled and eager expression left him no doubts. With a smile and nod of his head, the man invited Derek to join them, and the guy didn’t need to be told twice: he instantly stripped out of his loose pants, revealing a throbbing hard-on, and jumped on the large bed.

LaShawn realized that Derek didn’t know even where to start, inexperienced as he was; but didn’t want to embarrass him giving him explicit advice. So, he decided to teach him by example. Silently, he took Derek’s hand and brought it to Jorell’s stiff shaft, and then lowered his head and stuck out his tongue, to lick one side of the man’s wide mushroom head.

Derek did the same, and started licking the other side. At first, he was hesitant, but then he became more confident, and his tongue started lapping and circling the fat knob. The two guys had their heads very close, their lips were almost touching, and their tongues occasionally brushed against each other, while working feverishly on the long cock.

In a short while, their lips and their tongues were locked around Jorell’s cock head, and the two guys shared a passionate kiss, keeping the hard rod imprisoned between their eager mouths.

“Oww… fuck, boys! Do you want me to shoot this soon?” – Jorell protested, finding hard to hold back his orgasm under the tender onslaught of the two ravenous guys. LaShawn and Derek turned to the man, with a shy smile, realizing they had been a bit carried off.

The black boy winked at his new friend and said with a knowing tone, pointing to the incredibly long cock: “Come on… I know you want to try… Get down on it!”

Cautiously, Derek took hold of the big cock and opened his mouth to take the dark pink cock head. He worked it passionately, making it slide back and forth between his tongue and his palate, each time becoming a bit more daring and moving his head a bit further down. But as soon as the hard rod reached the back of his throat, he gagged and had to recoil.

«Damn, when LaShawn did it, it seemed so easy!» – he thought, and raised his shameful  gaze to Jorell’s face. The man smiled warmly and said: “You don’t have to go all the way, kid. My boy is used to take my cock, but you…”

With a determined chin, Derek took back the cock in his mouth, and let it slide in deep, until once more the hot helmet was pressing against his throat; he paused, relaxing and breathing through his nose, and then closed his eyes and pushed down.

His throat muscles gave way and the fat knob slid behind the tight passage. Derek felt his gag reflex kicking in, but he stopped and breathed hard, until he could start again bobbing his head over the long shaft. He flashed a proud glance at Jorell, who nodded at him with a praising expression.

Derek knew he wouldn’t ever been able to take the whole black beast down his throat; nevertheless, he tried hard to emulate LaShawn, pumping his head up and down and trying to take a fraction of inch more at each thrust. Jorell appreciated the inexpert, and yet passionate blow-job, but in the end became restless and stopped him.


~ Wild fuck ~

“Was I doing it wrong? I’m sorry sir, I’m not that good at… this” – Derek said, ashamed, but Jorell smiled at him: “No, kid, you’ve been wonderful, but… it’s about time I get my fair share of hot ass!”

Derek gasped, as he felt he could never take such an impossibly huge cock up his ass, still a bit sore from Alex’ earlier pounding, but then soldiered on and said: “I… I’ll try, sir…”

The man laughed: “No, kid! I didn’t mean you! You’re brave, but you can’t possibly take me inside you…”.  He looked straight at LaShawn, his eyes shining with lust and affection, and added: “It takes a well-trained boy to do that…”

LaShawn quickly moved in front of his master and openly offered his ass, staying on all fours; Derek moved out of the way and seemed a bit unsure what to do. He still was rock hard, and he badly felt the need to cum, but apparently at this round he was out of the game.

The black boy, sensible as always, guessed what was in the guy’s mind and winked at him: “What are you waiting for? Come here, lay on your back under me”. Derek did as instructed, and LaShawn raised his legs, exposing the guy’s puckered anus. Then lowered his head and passionately dove his tongue into the quivering hole.

“Fuck! Oh fuck!!” – Derek screamed, taken aback by the exquisite feelings radiating from his ass, enjoying for the first time in his life an expert rimming. His hands gripped and released spasmodically the bedsheets, while he succumbed under the tender ministrations of his friend.

Still munching feverishly on the hot ass, LaShawn reached to the guy’s cock with his hand, and started wanking it slowly, adding to the already overwhelming sensations he was feeling.

The black boy was standing on his knees, with his torso lowered to his friend’s groin, thus giving to his man an irresistible view on his perfect ass. Jorell growled, greasing his black snake with plenty of lube, and then went to town. He had already waited way too long, his lust had risen to a boiling level, and he just let his instinct take over.

He pointed his enflamed cock to his boy’s splayed anus and entered him, with a long and slow, but inexorable thrust of his hips; he pushed steadily, without ever pausing, until all his thirteen-inch snake was fully buried into the warm chute.

When LaShawn felt the stiff rod pushing at his back door, gasped, raising his head from Derek’s ass. The white guy stared into LaShawn’s wide eyes, and shared his very same feelings, his surprise, his desire, his pride in being the boy of such a powerful man. As the long cock sank into LaShawn’s insides, reaching places that only his master could reach, Derek could read on the boy’s face a fiery pleasure, that suddenly blended into a concentrate frown, to then fleetingly turn into a grimace of pain when the black beast inexorably forced open his inner defenses.

And when Jorell’s hips finally pressed hard on the boy’s buttocks, LaShawn gasped loud, tilting back his head, with an ecstatic expression on his face. “Oh, sir! Oh, sir!!” – he moaned loud, tossing his head from side to side under Derek’s rapt eyes – “Only you can make me feel so… Owww… yesssss!”

Jorell flashed a rascal grin, as he knew well how wild a pleasure his cock could always give to his boy. “And there’s more, kid…” – he growled, pulling almost entirely out and stopping there for a moment, so to heighten the boy’s tension and his own pleasure.

For a fleeting moment, nothing moved in the room, and the scene appeared to Derek’s wide eyes as a freeze frame. «He won’t do it!» – the guy thought in disbelief – «He can’t spear his boy’s ass with such a weapon! It’s just --»

Jorell’s hips sprang forward, and with a single swift move plunged his impossibly long cock into his boy’s well-trained ass, all the way, to the hilt, and with such force that LaShawn had to brace himself on the mattress with both hands to sustain the onslaught.

“OOOWW FUUUUCCKKKK!!!” – Derek screamed, overwhelmed by the intensity of the pleasure painted on both LaShawn’s and Jorell’s faces, while his own cock exploded in a massive spontaneous orgasm. The black couple exuded such a fierce, almost animalistic passion that Derek was completely swamped by it.

Cumming like a hose, Derek couldn’t tear his gaze from the tall man fucking hard his boy, making him squirm and jolt. His hips were a powerful piledrive that relentlessly plunged his humongous club into the boy’s tender flesh, over and over, making LaShawn roll back his eyes for the devastating pleasure. “Brace yourself, kid, as your man is going to breed you!” – Jorell finally exclaimed with a coarse voice, pacing up even more the already quaking pounding.

“Fuck YEAH!!! Awwww… FUUCCKKK!!” – Jorell screamed, pulling his boy up from his doggy position to hold him tight against his chest, and then planted his rod deep inside him and flooded his insides with his thick man cream.

LaShawn shook hard, into his lover’s strong arms, and reclined his head over his shoulder, moaning loud: “Oooohhh… AAAAAGGHH!!”, and his own cock shot countless streaks of white boy juice that splatted on Derek’s torso.

The loud moans slowly trailed off, and soon the only sound in the room was the heavy panting of the three guys. LaShawn opened his eyes and looked down at Derek, flashing a worn-out smile: “Man, you can’t know how intense it can be…”

“I… I have a faint idea…” – Derek replied under his breath, still shook by the couple’s wild love-making. He was not the one on the receiving end, of course, but he had somehow lived the intense experience just looking at LaShawn.

“Shower time!” – Jorell said aloud, snapping the boys out of their intimate moment – “And then straight to bed, as it’s very late!”

LaShawn jumped off the bed and took Derek by hand, taking him towards his private bathroom. “How can you do that?” – Derek asked while being given a fresh towel and a clean boxer – “Take such a… beast, I mean…”

“It took quite a hard training, if I may call it so” – LaShawn replied with a proud smile – “The first time…. boy, it hurt like hell! [1] but slowly I became expert enough to… tame the beast! But now, rush under the shower, you heard the man!”


~ ‘One of us’ ~

It was late in the morning, when Derek was woken up by a gentle knock on the door.

“Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!” – said jokingly a tanned man, who entered the room holding a tray overflowing with delicious food – “Breakfast in bed, today, but don’t make a habit of it!”

“Goo… Good morning” – the guy said, uncertain, squaring the handsome man, whose tanned skin and slanted eyes gave him an exotic look. He was apparently in his early forties, and was wearing a colorful printed shirt, left open to reveal a ripped and almost hairless torso.

“Hi, Derek” – he said in a friendly tone, putting out his hand – “I’m Kale”.  He pronounced his name ‘kah-leh’, and Derek, shaking hands with him, thought that even his name sounded exotic. “Yeah, I know, it’s an unusual name” – he soon added with a cheerful tone, looking at the guy’s puzzled expression – “It’s Hawaiian. It means ‘male’, just that, nothing fancy, but I think it fits me, as I’m… well, a male!”

“Indeed…” – Derek said under his breath, unable to take his eyes off of the man’s handsome features and chiseled abs, but soon he corrected himself: “I mean, of course you are, sir…”

Kale placed the tray on the bed and sat on the side of the mattress. “I’m a counselor, I live here at the Cove. Alex told me something about you and the… uhm… hard time you are having. You don’t have to, but if you feel to talk about that, I’m a good listener”.

Derek started munching hungrily on the succulent breakfast; the man’s friendly attitude and his sincere smile, not to mention his magnetic light brown slanted eyes, made him feel he could trust him. With an ashamed grin, Derek asked: “Do you know what I did to Jorell and LaShawn?”

“I’m not here to judge you, Derek” – Kale reassured him – “I’m here to help you, if you let me”.

Derek smiled, and during the following hour or so he told to Kale all about him, his past life, his racist and homophobic impulses, what he felt and what he learned when Alex ‘punished’ him at the abandoned mansion, the clumsy sexual approach with his former friend Buck, and the hard following months, without having a place where to live, and the recent attempted rape he was subjected to by his former boss.

He was still talking when the door opened again and Alex came in, followed by Jorell and LaShawn. Alex winked at Derek, smiling wide, and joked: “I’ve been told that yesterday night you some more fun without me!”

Derek blushed bright red and Alex reassured him: “I was joking, kid. I’m glad you, er… made peace with Jorell and LaShawn!”

“So, buddy…” – he then said in a friendly tone to Kale – “What do you think of this reckless, confused, fierce kid?”

Kale flashed a half smile, but then his expression became serious; he stood up, shot a meaningful glance at Alex and said: “I think he’s one of us”.

An eerie silence fell in the room, and Derek looked up at the men standing around his bed and asked with uncertain tone: “What does it mean?”

“It means” – Alex replied with an affectionate smile – “that you’ve been offered a great opportunity, kid. It means that you can live here at the Cove, with us. We’ll help you find a job and you’ll contribute to the house expenses, but the Cove is much more than a roof on your head and three meals a day: we are a sort of family, here, we help each other and we love each other…”

Derek looked at LaShawn, who flashed an urchin grin and whispered: “Yes, that love, too…”

“But only if you feel to” – Kale hastened to say – “Here at the Cove, no one will ever force you to do something against your will. This is a safe place for all of us… and you are one of us [2]. We all had our share of… misadventures or hard times, and the Cove is where we could rebuild our lives, helping each other. And you too can do that, if you want”.

All the eyes focused on Derek, who felt tears rolling down his cheeks: “Home… I’ve never really had one…”.  But then he lowered his eyes, frowning, and added: “You’re all so kind that I don’t know how to say it, but… I can’t stay here, sir. You forgave me for what I’ve done in the past, but I’ve not: before I can think to myself, I have to make amends for all the harm I’ve done, and I have to do that myself, relying on my own strength. I want to look at the mirror and be proud of the man I see”.

Kale sat again on the bed and took the guy’s hand: “Alex was right, you are a fierce guy. This is not a limited-time offer: when you feel you’re ready, or whenever you need help, or just someone to talk to, the door to the Cove will always be open for you”.

Jorell, though understanding Derek’s decision, was worried for him, as he knew way too well how hard was being a homeless living a low life on the streets: “Are you sure, kid? Where will you live? How will you eat?”

“Oh, that’s easy, sir” – the guy replied with a smile, getting off the bed and putting on his clothes, now dry – “There’s a charity shelter in Church Street. I will volunteer to help them serving the meals and tiding the rooms, and they will let me stay there, and there always be a hot meal for me”.

“Tell me you’ll be back, sooner or later” – Alex said with a serious tone, when he saw Derek ready to go – “Promise you will”.

“I promise” – Derek said with a sincere smile, and gave a hearty hug to the bulky guard, said goodbye to everyone and went away. And as he heard the main door close behind him, he felt that he was not leaving the Cove, as the Cove, that peaceful place where to rebuild his life, was now in his heart.


Optional references to “Rowan’s Journey to Manhood”, if you want to read more about:
[1] LaShawn and Jorell’s first love-making: Chapter 39, 
~ Freedom ~
[2] ‘One of us’: see my 
“Psychological mumbo-jumbo” comment at the end of Chapter 47


by Hunknown

Email: [email protected]

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