Swopped Bodies

by PCLatex

18 Oct 2022 531 readers Score 8.9 (5 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“This is a completely new technology, acquired from the Anannukian Realm. They developed the technology as a means of reproducing themselves.” The doctor said, his eyes sweeping the room. There were twelve of us present, six women, and six men, all of us what some might consider ‘gay’ or ‘lesbian’ though we would all have argued that we were simply the wrong gender. “As you know they are like us, but swop bodies at intervals, and this is how they do it. To function it requires two subjects, one male and one female.” He paused. “All of you have indicated, and we have tested and confirmed, that you have gender dysphoria — consider yourselves transgendered.” He paused again, watching the reactions. “The technology we have acquired may offer you a chance to resolve this. We think it will enable a transfer of a trans man into the body of a trans women and vice versa.”

There was a collective gasp, and everyone tried to speak across each other.

“Quiet, please!” The doctor held up his hands. Slowly the noise subsided. “We will need two candidates for the first full test. I have to warn you that there are risks involved. We don’t fully understand how this device works. It is important to understand that if it goes wrong, the consequences may well be fatal at worst, or schizophrenic.” He paused, letting the buzz of concern. “If you are still willing to take part in this trial, I want you all to write your names on the card you were given when you entered, and if you wish to volunteer, you can put the card in the box on the counter before me. The names will then be drawn from the box and we will match you to a person of the opposite sex. We have to try to match you up as closely as possible in terms of qualifications, skills and personality.” He paused. “Because you will end up as the other person. You will swop bodies, yes, but you will then have to live as the person you’ve become.” His gaze rested on each one of us for several seconds. “Think about this carefully. If you still want to go ahead.” He indicated the boxes. “Put your card in the box.”

We’d all been issued with either pink or blue cards as we entered the room, the colour of the card indicating the gender we identified, or wished to identify ourselves, as. Mine was pink. I’m physically male, but have, since before puberty, preferred to consider myself female. I hated my penis and did my utmost to hide it, even trying, as a pre-teen, to glue it between my legs. I wanted breasts and contrived falsies for myself out of foam rubber. It had been tough, because there was no medical support for my condition until I was well into my development and, worse, my family hated the very idea. Yes, I do crossdress, and when I’m alone at home almost always do so.The same applied to all of those present. I gave the risks perhaps five seconds thought, then wrote my name firmly on the card, said a short prayer for any listening spirits, and dropped it in the box as we filed out.

In the waiting room we helped ourselves to some refreshments while we waited to be told the next steps. 

“God, I hope I’m chosen.” Liz, my ‘girlfriend’ from school and college joined me at the coffee dispenser. We’d taken the same courses and knew each other well. We’d formed a sort of relationship at college, as she was lesbian-transman and I was, well, the other way inclined. We’d provided each other with ‘cover’, pretending to be a couple as we grew up and avoiding confronting the general mocking people like us attract. We were friends, and knew each other well — including our trans desires, each helping the other with tips on make-up, ways to disguise the anatomy we loathed and fake the bits we wanted — we’d never actually got beyond a sort of brother-sister relationship. All through College we’d talked a lot, but never actually admitted to ‘dressing’ to the role we wished we had. It was a secret I kept very close, even though it paid a large part of my way through college.

“Do you think it can?” I sipped the coffee, surreptitiously admiring her figure and wishing it was mine. I really loved her slim hips and pert breasts, the nipples showing through her sport bra and teeshirt, and could feel her admiring my body. We both dance — my way to keep slim and trim — and ballet keeps you flexible.

About the same build as me, she had a nice voice and an attractive face. Neither of us got a lot of support from our families and tried to avoid having much contact, especially now that we were both out of college and in work, me in an advertising agency, and she as a graphic artist at a local paper. Both of us had studied art, and that’s our careers. I supplemented my somewhat slim earnings by working as a ‘model’ for a line of fetish wear, mainly leather and rubber, and occasionally performed as a drag artist at a private club. At least it meant I got a lot of sex.

“It works  okay — at least it did, for the Anannuki.” She smiled. “I hope this works for us, I really hate being female.”

I took in her tattooed calf, pert breasts and tight cut-off jeans, short cropped hair and boyish style, and not for the first time, wished I could have her body, her gender … This seemed to be an option now, which was why I’d signed up to the request for volunteers. There’s only so much a guy can do the feminise himself, even in a tolerant environment, and ours wasn’t.

“I wish I was a woman. I’ve been trying to convince someone that I hate having a penis since I was a kid.” I shrugged. “I used to dress as a girl as a kid — then the family got nasty about it.” I stared at the floor. “Now I sometimes work at the Pussy Cat — private events only. At least I get to be a woman for a few hours at a time that way. If this doesn’t work, then I don’t know …”

“Me too. And I’ve seen you at the Pussy Cat. You make a fabulous girl — especially in your latex cat suit, though it must be torture flattening your …” She smiled. “I’m Les when I’m being the male me.” She laughed at my surprise. “It was my secret all through college. I used to try to imagine what being you must be like.”

“Nice name.” I felt my cheeks burn. How had I not known she cross dressed? How had I not recognised her at the club? “You certainly fooled me — I never saw you at the Pussy Cat!” Probably because I was too busy hiding my own cross dressing. “You tried to imagine being me?”

“Yup. It took me a while to recognise you. Then I remembered thinking — you knew far too much about women’s underclothes …” Her grin was teasing. “A couple of times I wanted to ask you to ‘dress’ for me …” 

Surprised, I giggled — a dead give away that I was embarrassed. “I call myself Liz, and you’re right, I do try to imagine being you when I ‘dress’. I had to hide it — family again, and work. I need the income from my job.” I grinned. “We could be a good swop!”

“We could — easy names to adapt as well, Len. Why did you stop?”

 “My family hated it when I was a kid, and still try to keep me straight. So I hide most of my stuff in a storage facility.” I stood aside with my coffee while she waited for hers feeling my usual twinge of envy as I watched her. She had exactly the sort of figure and style I wished I could have. “I wonder what we have to do for this process?”

“I heard it’s very intense.” She grinned. “It’s quite a fetish experience according to a friend in the research team. And very intimate she says.” She nursed her cup, her grin naughty as she looked me over. “The doctor said they hope to get people roughly similar in character for the swop. They say it makes the adjustment easier for the subjects.”

“I thought we were the first human trial? They’ve tried it on someone else?”

She glanced round. “Actually, yes. Unofficially. The subjects needed a LOT of help and support after …” She frowned. “But they know why, and how to avoid it.” She smiled again. “It’s exciting isn’t it? I mean, yes, we can go down the route of medication, hormone adjusters, surgery and all that, but this way we get a fully biological body that is biologically exactly how we want to be.”

Before I could answer, the doctor entered, saw me and indicated I should follow him.

“Looks like you’ve scored!” Liz/Les punched my shoulder. “You lucky devil! Damn I wonder who you’ll be swopping with? I’ll kill whoever it is if it isn’t me!”

“Down, Tiger,” I grinned. “It could be to tell me I’m not selected!”

I followed the doctor into his office and he shut the door. “Take a seat, Liz, or do you prefer Elize?” I felt a thrill as he used my feminine name. “You were drawn by the computer so now I have to go through the process with you and you have to decide whether, once you know exactly what is involved, you want to go through with it.”

“Okay,” I nodded, my pulse racing. “Actually, Liz is fine.” I thought of Liz waiting in the waiting room. 

He explained that they’d gone through my file very thoroughly and that I would be ‘partnered’ with someone whose likes, dislikes, behaviours, interests, fetish and skills most closely matched mine. “One aspect of this process is that, once you have swopped bodies, you will both remain linked mentally and attracted physically.” He paused. “It will take a while to adjust to your new body and your new gender and sexual orientation, so you and the person you’ve swopped with will be staying in our facility — in a small apartment -- while you help each other adjust. There is just one other thing you must know. The person you are matched with cannot have children. Does that bother you?”

“She can’t have children? Oh.” I considered. “It’s a pity, but I guess we could always adopt if we decide …” I thought of my tiny flat. I’d have to give that up by the sound of things, but that would have the advantage of my finally being able to go somewhere my family couldn’t spy on me and interfere. “Sounds good to me.“

“Good, then we can move on to the process itself.” He paused. “Have you ever had sex with a woman?”

I felt my face flush. “No. I tried once, but couldn’t get hard …”

He nodded. “Yes, many Gay men with gender dysphasia have that problem. However, we can help you with that. We’ll give you an injection that will make you erect and keep you that way for the duration.” He smiled. “Your partner will have to deal with it post swop.”

“Deal with ..? Oh, you mean they’ll have a hard-on for a while?” I laughed. “I’ll help him deal with it — I’ve plenty of experience …”

He smiled. “Yes, I expect you’ll know exactly how to help him in that regard, and he’ll know exactly how to help you deal with the orgasmic condition you’ll have.” He shuffled the papers in front of him. “Right, now we have to give you a full medical examination, then you’ll have to have your head shaved — and a few other areas as well — before going up to the preparation ward where you’ll be given a flush of your gastric system, and tomorrow morning, after a final check, you’ll be taken to the exchanger and the process will start.” He stood and I joined him, my excitement building. “Follow me and let’s get you started. The exchange process takes about six hours, and then you’ll want to sleep probably for at least that long.” He smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll be in very good hands all the way.”

There was one more thing I had to do, and that was to ring my employer and ask for immediate release from my job. I explained I was taking part in a medical experiment (they already knew this) and as I’d now been selected for a full on trial of a new treatment …

Reluctantly they’d accepted, and agreed to terminate my employment with immediate effect. The only thing after this was to sign a whole bunch of forms, hand over my bank details so the research facility could pay me a small retainer — useful as it would cover my rent — and then follow him to the medical exam …

He was right about the medical. I don’t think I’ve ever had such a thorough going over. The least said about the ‘flushing’ of my stomach and colons the better, but I slept like a log, and the early wake up, wash — strange without my hair on my head or anywhere else — was refreshing. Then the final medical, an injection in my perineum, that had my cock stiffening as I walked, and I was being ushered into a small dimly lit room wearing only a hospital gown and a strange sort of rubber hood that held a web of small silver electrodes firmly to my scalp..

The walls seemed to be lined with monitors and strange equipment, while in the centre sat a sort of chair-couch. This was already occupied by a female figure, her legs splayed wide to expose her evidently aroused vulva, her clitoris exposed and her vagina agape and an intricate and colourful tattoo adorning the smooth mound in her crotch. Her head, like mine, was covered by an identical rubber hood. Heavy rubber straps secured her in the padded ‘seat’ and it was clear she could not move at all.

She grinned as I was steered into position. “Great! I was hoping it would be you,” Her eye travelled to my now swollen and rock hard penis. “Ooh good. You’re a big boy as well — and in my favourite situation for sex. Helpless!.”

“Love the tattoo — and the position.” I giggled. I love being in bondage for sex as well, this could only get better. “As for this appendage, it’s going to be all yours from now on!”

“Position yourself, please Len - Liz.” The doctor nodded. “You ready, Les? You’ve had a man before this?”

“Yeah. A few. None I really wanted in me.” She looked up at me. “Don’t rush it. I’m a bit tight, but boy, am I lubed up to receive …” She bit her lip, and I shivered as my circumcised ‘head’ parted her lips. She was ready, okay. It felt like she had a gallon of lubricant inside her as I slid in. As soon as our public mounds met, the attendants strapped a hefty belt over my back and pelvis, effectively locking us together, then, as I lowered myself onto her, my head swimming with the sensation in my cock as it lay inside her, they fastened a harness over my back and shoulders, that fixed us together.

“Oh!” I gasped as a butt plug entered my anus, and straps between my legs trapped my scrotum against her perineum.

“Yup, I’m plugged there as well.” She chuckled. “Just as well I love bondage.”

I laughed. “Me too …”

The attendants fitted connectors to the back of my hood, and a multicore cable led from there, to the back of hers. Electrode cuffs on my ankles were connected to cuffs on hers, and then our wrists were likewise connected as we were strapped to each other.

She flexed her pelvic muscles. “Ready for this?” She whispered. “I am. And I want you to know that I really wanted you as my exchanger.” She paused. “Kiss me before they gag us:” She giggled as I responded. “Guess what, Liz? From now on it’ll be me on top …” She winked. “Sometimes …”

We accepted the mouthpiece gags and our heads were secured inside a metal cage. Now only our eyes could move. I felt my legs and then arms being encased in what felt like a metal cage, and then a larger one was clamped over my torso, connecting the cages over our heads and limbs. She winked, and I responded, then we both went rigid as what felt like a massive electric current surged through us. 

It didn’t stop, but now things got really confused. She was inside my head, and I was in hers. I could feel myself, and I could feel her body. I could ‘hear’ her thoughts, her hopes, her desires, and she could ‘hear’ mine. The shocks intensified and we seemed to be in limbo. I found myself outside my body, holding hands with myself as we watched the figures below us and the attendants monitoring the equipment. Time stood still, the monitors did their thing, showing heart beats, brain activity and much much more, then I felt myself being pulled down, down and into a body …

Suddenly I was looking up at my own face, into my own eyes as they stared down into mine. Slowly it registered that the torment was over.

I saw myself wink. I returned it, and tears filled my eyes as sensation returned, and I felt that warmth in my vagina that comes from it being filled by a hard penis. I became aware that he was being released, and tried to hold him inside me as he was drawn off. It was quite scary watching myself walk away through a door. 

At the door, my former body stopped, his erection still obvious even through the bathrobe, blew me a kiss and winked. “See you soon, Liz. Don’t be long!”

The attendants were already at work releasing me, and as soon as I was free, helped me up and steadied me. “Whoa.” I gasped as my breasts — MY breasts — moved freely on my chest. The nipples still stood stiff and proud, the areola puckered and taut. “Whoa. I never realised breasts could feel like this.”

The doctor smiled. “You’ll get used to them.” He ran his stethoscope over my chest and checked my eyes. “Feel up to walking next door? I’ve a few questions to ask — checks that the swop has been successful.”

“I think so.” I smiled. “Can I have some panties? I seem to be leaking a bit …”

Twenty minutes later I walked into a comfortable sitting room wrapped in a long bathrobe and enjoying the feel of the rough material on my stiff nipples,  and feeling of warmth and wetness in my crotch. 

“This will be your home for the next week or so while we make sure you’re adjusting properly.” The doctor smiled. “You’ll find everything you and Les need if you’re hungry in the kitchen, but you’ll probably want to get some sleep first.” He indicated a door at the end of a short passage. “Bedroom’s through there.”

He was gone before I’d fully registered everything, and there was one part of me that really wanted notice — the swollen lips between my legs really wanted attention. I made my way to the bedroom hoping I’d find something there that would give me the ‘relief’ I wanted.

“What kept you, Liz?” My former self greeted me, a cheeky grin spreading as he threw back the duvet. “I think we’ve some unfinished business needs doing.”

Dropping the robe and slipping the thong I’d been given, I smiled. “Like what you see? I think I love what I’m seeing — even more now that I’ve got what I really wanted to be able to appreciate the bits you’re now equipped with.” Moving onto the bed, I slid under the duvet and ran my hand over ‘my’ former stomach. “The doctor suggested we should sleep, but I think we still have some unfinished testing to do. Want to try out that new equipment, love? I think I need to feel you inside me …” My hand found his rigid member — my rigid member — and I gently caressed it in the way I knew hit all my switches.

His arms welcomed me and we kissed. “You sure my love?”

“I’m sure.” I rolled onto my back. “Show me how to really enjoy this …”

“Then I’m going to teach you how to enjoy your pussy properly, and you, my love, can teach me how to get the most out of having my man bits …” Les moved his hand down my abdomen until his fingers found my tattooed Mount of Venus. He gently massaged my swollen vulva, stealthily slipping a finger between the outer lips until it was gently rubbing the ‘hood’ covering my clitoris. His mouth found mine as my body shuddered with my first proper orgasm … “Enjoying this, love?”

“Yes,” I whispered as another ripple of pleasure started under his gentle fingers. A shudder shook me as his fingers touched just the right spot. “It’s even better than I thought …” Then I realised he hadn’t spoken, and neither had I! How could we, with our mouths firmly locked in a prolonged kiss.

My hand found his erection, and I gently gripped it in my familiar masturbation position, only now it was no longer part of ‘my’ anatomy. He moaned gently, then intensified the kiss. With a shock I realised that I could also feel the movement of my hand and the sensations it was producing in his penis! Neither of us needed any words as we knew what the other wanted. I spread my legs and helped him position himself, then arched my back to thrust my eager vagina against him as he penetrated me.

Of their own accord, my legs embraced him even as my arms folded around his body. Body instinct took over as his thrusting motions increased and I rode them, the climax mounting in my crotch augmented by my feeling the sensations he was experiencing. My orgasm coincided with his and we both lay still stunned by the raging sensations in our sexual organs. 

“Did you …?” We both began as the sensations eased. 

“I think I felt everything you did …” Les kissed me. “We seem to be still somehow attached to our original selves …”

I squeezed my legs over his thighs, trying to prolong the feeling of his now softening penis inside my vagina. “I think you’re right. I could feel my hand on your member, and I felt the sensation of cumming when you came …” My mouth found his and I kissed him. “I wonder if it’s always going to be like that?”

“I think so,” he replied, moving his crotch gently against my still tingling vulva and clit. “I can live with it.” He kissed me again. “Yes, I can live with getting both sensations. How about you?”

I giggled, hugging him. “What do you think?” I ground my self against his crotch. “But I might need to be convinced at regular intervals …” His now flaccid cock slipped free and I unlocked my legs. “Mmm, I love the feelings in my body …”

He moved off me and we rolled into a tight embrace. Speech was simply not necessary, and we drifted into an exhausted sleep.

Waking up to find yourself laying in bed in the arms of yourself is a confusing experience. For a moment I felt panic, then I remembered. I was now a woman, and my partner, the previous ‘owner’ of this female body, was now a man, and living in my former male body. As I managed to get my own head round this, my companion opened his eyes, and I recognised the shock as ‘he’ found himself face to face with ‘herself’.

“Good morning, darling.” I kissed his forehead. “Yes, we’re still swopped. Still liking the new view?”

His arms slipped round me as he smiled. “Loving it! How about you?” A grin spread. “Do men always wake up with an erection?”

“I could ask the same question about women …” I kissed him again. “The answer is mostly. I always did.” I paused, throwing back the duvet. “And now I’m ravenous — and not for that! Shall I make us some breakfast?” 

He rolled out of the other side. “Now you mention it, I’m starving. Yes, let’s get some breakfast — but we’ll do it together.” 

We both grabbed bathrobes, and then laughed about how inadequate they were at things like covering breasts, or containing a male’s appendage. I stopped to admire the tattoo decorating my pubic area. An intricate ‘Celtic knot’ design it somehow made ‘my’ vulva very attractive.

“I love this tattoo,” I said. “Where did the design come from?”

“I designed it for myself.” Les grinned. “I’m glad you like it, I wanted to make my pussy look more like what I wished it was. So it’s actually a pair of interwoven penises making the knot. The guy who did it didn’t charge me if I agreed to design something similar for him and his boyfriend.” 

“I love it.” I kissed him, wrapping the robe around myself. “Does it always dribble like this after intercourse?”

 “‘Fraid so.” He grinned. “Oh, I better warn you. It pays to wash your vulva after sex — but use just a cloth and warm water, then ‘pat’ dry with a towel.” He grinned. “Don’t wipe, it can be a bit, um, abrasive.”

“Thanks for the tip,” I pecked his cheek, slipping an arm through his. We stared at the mirror. “I guess it will take a while to get used to seeing ‘me’ standing next to myself like this. And I guess even stranger is that we seem to have lost our Gayness in this process …”

“Yeah.” For a moment ‘he’ was silent. “You know, in a way, I’m okay with that.” He pecked my cheek watching me in the mirror. “But if we get to share each other’s experience during sex …” He grinned. “I guess that means we’re now really bisexual!”

Another surprise awaited us in the kitchen. I made to make two cups of coffee and Les fetched out two bowls, served muesli into them and put a tub of yogurt between the places. Without a word he added a banana each even as I poured the coffee and added milk. I sat before it registered that neither of us had asked what the other wanted … 

“How did you ..?” Les asked.

“Snap!” I started, then ‘heard’ him in my head figuring it out. “Yup. We don’t need to ask. We know. Because we’re both of us.”

“Wow,” He grinned. “You know, you’re right, I ‘know’ what you know, and you ‘know’ what I know.” He stopped. “This just gets better all the time.” His hand touched mine. “The ultimate in a relationship.”

Seating myself, I helped myself to the yogurt, then mixed it into the muesli in my bowl as Les, now Len, mirrored my actions. Seeing it, I laughed. “Have you always eaten your muesli like this?”

“Actually, yes. When I ate breakfast at all.” He smiled. “I was usually running late for work. Speaking of … where are we going to live after this? I’ve a feeling we won’t want to live in my room at the boarding house. Do you have a place?”

“Yes, but it’s so small we’ll be falling over each other all the time. It’ll do as a start, I guess — it’s yours now anyway since you’re now me!”

“Mine? I don’t even know where …” He paused. “But I do.” My former body laughed. “Of course I do. You’re right, Liz, we’ll need somewhere a bit bigger.”

The adjustment to being Liz proved easy in one sense, and difficult in another. It was always a surprise to find myself looking at the person, or at least the body, I’d been personified by for all my life, and to see the new me in the mirror — unmistakably a woman.

“There’s something you’re both going to have to work out.” The doctor studied us. “You’ve both adjusted much more rapidly than we expected, but there’s one area that you need to consider.” He paused. “Have you considered how you will deal with your respective families?”

I ‘heard’ Les in my head. ‘Why bother?’ I answered the doctor, “They basically rejected us, Doctor. Why do we need to deal with them now?”

He nodded. “I can understand that, but, think of it this way, you are now the son and daughter they wanted …” He hesitated, searching for the right words. “You might want to consider reconnecting with them, but you, Les connecting with Les’ family, and you Liz with Liz’s family. To them you will be the personalties you were — they’ll see the face, the ‘person’ they knew, but apparently now content to be yourselves.”

Les stopped him. “Yeah, and that’ll be what they want to see. None of them wanted to know me when I was Liz. Fuck them.” He glanced at me. “And I know how Liz was treated when she was Les.” He took my hand. “We agree — fuck them too.” 

“Okay.” The doctor paused. “Now we need to discuss the fact that you’re mentally linked.” He watched us. “Can you explain exactly how it is?”

We glanced at each other. “Not scientifically,” I began. “It’s like I have an idea, and Liz—Les — knows what I’m thinking. And the same the other way.”

“I see.” The doctor frowned. “We’ll have to test this as it will have an impact on you in future. The mental link will mean you have difficulty being separated for any length of time.” He pressed his intercom. “Ask Dr Florentine to come in please.” Turning to us again, he asked, “Do you share experiences? Do you feel things?”

Les grinned. “Yes, it does. And our taste for certain things.” He squeezed my hand. “It’s, um, a fantastic bonus.”

The door opened and Dr Florentine, a statuesque blond, entered. Dr Johnnes explained, “It’s happened again. We need to check if it’s the same extent, but …”

“Ah.” She smiled. “That clarifies something about the Anannnuki who gave us this tech.” Florentine nodded and grinned at Dr Johnnes. “And it confirms that it is as we thought. We’ll have to check on the implications, but first, a simple test of exactly how much you ‘share’ this way. If you, Liz, will come with me, we can test this very simply.“

The test was amusing in a sense. Taking me to a different part of the building, the doctor started by asking me to think about where I was. Then a few minutes later asked me to read something to myself. It was a boring text from a medical book, but I waded through it. Then he asked me to do a sketch on a sketch pad, so I drew a picture of him watching me, and then, naughtily sketched a design for a tattoo I thought would match the one decorating my pubis for Les …

The phone rang and Florentine answered. “Okay. I think that proves it.” She smiled. “Right. We’ll reverse the procedure.” Putting the phone down, she paused. “It seems you two are very tightly linked. Les is now going to start doing some exercises and I want you to write down exactly what you sense.” 

“Everything?” I laughed. “He’s being a bit naughty at the moment.” I turned the page on the pad and wrote down that Les liked the tattoo design and planned to get it done as soon as we could. Then he read to me a rather entertaining poem. This was followed by a series of photos of places and then people. I’d never met any of ‘his’ family — now technically mine — but was able to recognise all of them instantly. I didn’t write down the fact he identified one as having raped him while he was still Liz as a teen, but I felt my new body actually react when I saw the image and ‘remembered’ something … 

The tests went back and forth for quite some time, with both of us moving to different locations within the building, and beyond it. The link between us remained, nothing seemed to break it and we started to enjoy ourselves, sharing erotic suggestions and thoughts about our lives before the exchange, and our fetish tastes in between the stuff we let the doctors know about. Some things a girl prefers to keep between herself and her lover. It was a long day, and we were glad to finally return to our temporary flat.

“I’ve been thinking,” Les began as we curled up on the sofa, cups of coffee in hand.

“I know,” I cut him off. “Yes, you — we — do have an Aunt who could help us set ourselves up somewhere nice.” I grinned. “I’ll think about how we can approach her.” 

He grinned. “Another member of your family the rest of them don’t approve of?”

I nodded. “Yeah. She always treated me … and let me dress as I liked when I stayed at her place. That stopped after I found a rather interesting corset … and I stupidly told my mother I wondered what it might be like to wear.” Sipping my coffee I considered what I’d ‘remembered’ and the picture of ‘my’ cousin.

“Yeah. He was a bully, and a shit. The family wouldn’t believe me either — he was his parent’s golden boy — could never do anything wrong, and I was always that little Tomboy slut …” He gave a snort of angry laughter. “Actually, he gave me a dose of clamydia which made me infertile, though it took a while for anyone to recognise that. He was just a filthy bastard. He raped me, and my brother thought it was hilarious.“

“What did your parents do?” 

“Do? You mean apart from tell me I deserved it? My father even said I should just have let him fuck me and enjoyed it.” He shuddered, and I sensed his anger. “The only thing they were worried about was if he’d made me pregnant. He hadn’t, but they took me to a doctor who made sure I wasn’t and probably did the damage … But I got my own back just before I went to college.” 

I had the image of a fight in what looked like a bedroom, and a guy lying on the ground clutching his groin with blood pouring from his nose. “You didn’t …”

“He tried his luck just after he finished college.” Les chuckled. “I’d taken some lessons in self-defence, and, of course, the ballet training means I’m — you’re — pretty fast and flexible.” His kiss on my nose sent a thrill through me as he said, “You’re now the beneficiary of that training.” He shook his head. “He walked in on me at his sister’s place as I was changing after a swim. Let’s just say he took some damage below the waterline. Last I heard he’s sterile — but he daren’t admit what happened. It’d destroy his macho image, and it would get the police involved.” He shrugged. “The family hushed it all up. ‘Unfortunate accident' on his bike or something …”

“Thanks for the warning.” I put my cup down and moved to snuggle into his arm. “What did the family say?”

“Say?” His laugh was derisive. “They said I enticed and encouraged him. That I invited it …”

I felt the anger. “Bastards …” I kissed him. “I think I know how to approach our Aunt.” Slipping my arms round him I put my head on his shoulder. “We’ll do it together as soon as they let us out of here and tell her the whole story. She’s a lawyer — and a campaigner for LGBTQI rights.”

Two weeks of intense tests and what we both called ‘head’ sessions with a variety of psychologists got us to the stage of no longer finding it strange to wake up next to our former selves. It took a while, but we slowly got used to thinking of our ‘new’ bodies as ‘ourselves’ and identified as such. There were some silly adjustments, like getting used to learning a bra — me — and dealing with male arousal for Les.

“These boxer shorts they gave me just can’t hack it,” Les complained. “Every time I get a little aroused — and you do it to me with naughty thoughts all the time — I get this ‘tent’.”

“Mmm, you boys do rather signal your interest …” I teased. I took pity on him. “That’s why I always wore briefs, thongs or a jockstrap.”

We joked about it often, and we also explored an unexpected aspect — our bodies seemed to respond to our desires from our former orientation. So Les found himself attracted to some males, and I was attracted to some women — and both of us craved bondage and dressing in latex.

“It’s weird,” Les said as we lay in bed relaxing in that post coital glow after great sex. “I thought that being male, and having this link to you would end my being attracted to other men, but there’s a lab assistant in the medical team. I get a sort of electric thrill whenever he’s around, or touches me anywhere, and as for what happens down below …”

“I know the one,” I kissed him. “But his assistant is a real wow in her scrubs …” My hand found his still slick penis stiffening. “I keep wondering what she’d be like in latex!” I felt his rising desire and sensed the mixed thought images that caused it. “Hmm, seems like we both have this problem, and no we’re going to need to deal with this — you’re getting all excited again.” I kissed him. “And so am I!” Slipping my leg over him, I lay on his chest and kissed him again. “My turn for being on top I think …” 

Raising myself I shifted position slightly, found his erection with my hand, and carefully positioned myself to receive him. His upward thrust drove him fully inside me and I grinned as my tits bounced in response. My fingers found his nipples and I teased them, knowing how sensitive they were when they’d been on ‘my’ chest. “Easy, big guy.” I flexed my thighs, rising slightly on his stiff member, then lowering myself again enjoying the sensations this gave both of us. “You know, if we’re going to be bisexual, there’s no reason we can’t enjoy it …”

He grinned, his hands reaching up to hold my breasts as they dangled between us, his long artistic fingers teasing my nipples. “You think? Perhaps we could …” He bit his lip as I moved on his penis. “Oh, fuck, this feels sooooo good …”

Keeping the gentle rocking motion going, I enjoyed the feel of his penis massaging my clitoris and labia, and sharing the sensation he was getting as I did so. I controlled my movements carefully, trying to prolong our coupling as long as possible as I could feel an orgasm building inside me. I loved the sensation as he toyed with my nipples and massaged my breasts in a manner only a woman would know how, and I reciprocated, using the tricks only a man knows to raise his excitement … Our climax was worth every second of the effort.

There was one small complication. As ‘Len’ I had a driver’s licence, as Liz, I didn’t — and Liz/Les had never driven. So ‘our’ car, a small and rather clapped out Corsa, stayed in the garage. We were going to have to puzzle out a way for Les to learn and get past never having taken a driving test, and for me to get a driver’s licence in my new body and identity. But first we had other problems to deal with, like employment. 

A second problem was a not so simple one. Who’d have thought we’d have to learn to sign our new names the way the former occupant of our bodies had done. It took a LOT of practice and even then took all our artistic ability to overcome our mental template of how we wrote. We were still wrestling with these and a few other adjustments when I wrote to my Aunt.

The employment proved tricky, but I got some ‘work’ at the club Liz/Les had previously danced and done her fetish routine at, and he took some slots at the Pussy Cat Club doing my old drag routine. We also got a few ‘modelling’ assignments from the fetishwear firm I’d worked for as Len and it all added up enough to cover our rent and food. In between I gave him lessons in looking after our car, making sure the battery stayed healthy, and teaching him the Highway Code. We didn’t dare try any driving lessons!

My letter got a response. I’d explained everything I could in it, about how we’d met, what we’d been party to, and why we wanted no further contact with our families. About a week after we’d left the clinic she came to visit us in my — now Les’ — tiny flat. I answered the door, forgetting for the moment, that I was no longer her nephew, and she’d never met Liz. 

“Aunt Jen!” I opened the door wider. “Please come in. We’re a bit cramped for space, but …”

She studied me for a moment. “Is my nephew, Len, here? This is the right flat?”

“It’s the right place, Aunt Jen, and I’m Len — or was. I’m called Liz now.” I stepped aside to let her in just as Les emerged from the bathroom. “And Liz there, is now Les …”

Aunt Jennifer’s face was a study as Les stepped forward. “What Liz has garbled up like that is true. We were the guinea pigs in a study using Anannuki technology, and we’ve swopped bodies. Len wanted to be a woman and I always wanted to be a man, so …”

“I think I understand.” Aunt Jen sat on our only chair. “I think you’ll have to let me take this one step at a time.” She studied Les. “First of all young man, I know that you ‘look’ exactly like my nephew — the shaved head actually suits both of you, you have lovely skull structure — but you’re telling me that you are, in fact, a young woman who now occupies my nephew’s body?”

Les nodded, running his hand through the now regrowing stubble on his scalp. “That’s it exactly.”

“It’s a bit more complicated,” I chipped in as Les slipped an arm around my waist as I perched on the stool at the breakfast counter. “You see, the process switched us into each other’s bodies, but we’re still sort of in contact with our original body.”

“That’s right, and while we love it, it does create a small problem — we have to stay within a couple of miles of each other at all times.”

Aunt Jen studied us. “So what do you expect me to do about it? Assuming I accept that you, young lady, are in fact, my nephew?”

I held Les’s hand. “I — we — were hoping you could help us find a new home somewhere else. The research centre is paying us a small allowance to make ourselves available for further study, but we want to set up our own graphics studio and earn our own living.”

Aunt Jen nodded slowly. “That’s not unreasonable, but it isn’t that simple setting yourselves up in business, my dear.” She paused. “First I need to assure myself that you are who you claim to be.”

“Of course. But you also need to know that what I am thinking, or Liz is thinking, tends to leak into the other persons thoughts …” Les grinned. “It can get awkward, but it can also be a lot of fun.”

“I see. So if I ask you, Len — Les — a question only the real Len should know, both of you will think of the answer?” Jennifer frowned.

“Not quite, but close. If you ask me something only family would know about something in the family, as soon as I start to answer, Les will ‘remember’ it as well.” I smiled up at Les. “We can try and see what happens.”

“If you’re ready?” Aunt Jen kept her eyes on me. The first few questions were easy, but also the kind of thing Liz/Les could have learned or looked up about the family. Then she came up with a real corker, one that went right back to my preteens. “What did you find in my closet that made your mother angry the last time you stayed with me overnight?”

“A black leather corset,” I answered. “Stupidly I asked if she had one like it.”

Aunt Jen switched her gaze to Les. “Did you know that?”

“Not until Liz thought of it.” He smiled. “If what she remembers is right it must have been fun to wear.” He kissed the top of my head, and I ‘remembered’ having worn a similar corset before the swop. The memory felt good. “Would you like to try one, love?”

“It was — and still is.” Aunt Jen relaxed visibly. “Alright, I’ll help you, Len — Liz.” She paused. “Are the family aware of this swop?”

“No, neither of us have had contact with our families since …” Les replied. “Partly because we were in the clinic until a couple of weeks ago, but mainly because neither of us really wants to.”

“Don’t blame you.” Aunt Jen gathered her things. “I’d like to take you out for a meal. A nice one, where we can get to know each other properly. Any suggestions?” 

The meal was very enjoyable, all the more so because it was in good company. We learned that Aunt Jennifer’s life partner was named Birgit, and she was the editor of a fashion magazine. Jennifer was a lawyer, and had taken the trouble to look into Liz/Les’s background and family. We parted on the promise that she would be in touch as soon as she had things arranged.

Sometimes the phone can be a curse. Mine rang just as Les filled my vagina with his cum. I locked my legs over his butt. “Don’t you dare pull out!” I whispered fiercely into his ear. “I’ll let it ring out — I can call back when we’re done.”

“If you insist,” Les relied, shuddering as I deliberately moved under him knowing how sensitive his glans would be at this point in coitus. “But it could be important …”

“Let it wait.” I pulled him down and our mouth’s met in a prolonged kiss. “Nothing can possibly as important as this.”

“True,” he sighed. “Are we going to do that modelling job for the Latex Shop?” He moved his semi-tumescent member in my pussy, sending a wave of pleasure through me. “Probably not as much fun as this, but it’ll give our bank balance a nice top-up.”

“It’ll be fun,” I agreed. “Why not? We can ring them later and arrange it.” I relaxed and released him from my leg lock as his now soft penis slipped from my vagina. I stretched as he eased off me and then rolled into a position alongside me. Sliding my arm under him I hugged him and snuggled into his body. “With a little luck we’ll get to keep something for our own amusement.”

“True.” He kissed me as the phone rang again. “Better answer that. It could be important.”

“If you insist.” Reaching out, I grabbed the phone off the shelf and checked the display. “It’s Jen!” I pressed the answer, and fumbled the phone to my ear. “Hello, Jen.”

“Hello, yourself, it sounds as if I’ve disturbed you having fun.” Aunt Jen sounded happy. “I’ll come straight to the point. Birgit and I have a rather nice little place we were going to let at the bottom end of our garden. It’s a converted barn, with a nice living area, ensuite to the main bedroom, guest room and so on, and a studio. It would suit you two.” 

“Wow, sounds fab, but what about the rent?” I eased into a sitting position, and Les teased me by slipping his hand up the inside of my thigh until he could gently massage my pubis, sending a little thrill of pleasure through me. I stuck my tongue out at him, making him chuckle. 

“We can sort that out later, once you’ve got yourselves established.” She paused. “Do you have a car? How about furniture?”

“We’ve bikes, and a car, but I have no driver’s licence as Liz, and Les has never had one.” I laughed. “As for furniture, the chair you sat in when you were here is it. Everything else belongs to the flat.”

“I thought as much.” Aunt Jen hesitated. “Okay, we can sort that out. I’ll pick you both up on Saturday. Pack everything and be ready at ten. Oh, and text me the address and number of your landlord — I’ll square them away for you.”

“Wow. Thanks, Aunt Jen, but you don’t really need to do that, we can cover it.” Les’ finger found my clitoris and I almost dropped the phone as it triggered an orgasm. I only just managed to stifle my  response.

“No, I’ll do it. Consider it a little gift, you’ll need all your resources to get yourselves set up.” Jen chuckled. “And now I better let you finish what it sounds as if Les is doing with you. No, wait, give him the phone and let me talk to him.”

“Okay,” I clamped my thighs on his hand as his finger continued to tease my clit. “He’s being naughty …” I hand Les the phone, pushed the duvet aside and gripped his erection. “Aunt Jen wants a word.” 

The photo shoot for the Latex Shop was fun, and we converted part of our payment for it into several items we’d modelled. I got a fabulous catsuit and a heavy rubber corset with strap cups for my breasts, and Les got some bondage gear and a straitjacket out of it as well as our pay for the full days shoot. I wore the corset home. 

“That looks amazing on you, my love,” Les said as I submitted to being chained in a spread-eagle on the bed, my only garment the thick latex corset.

I grinned up at him. “Feels amazing as well.” I shivered in anticipation as he positioned himself between my legs. “I’m pretty restricted like this, love, but I don’t think you’ll need my help …”

“Then just lay back and enjoy …” 

I did. More than once, and so did he, in his straitjacket, or, as I’d been, chained in a spread-eagle. It was huge fun.

Saturday arrived and the little flat was spotless, all our things filled four bags, three large boxes and that was it.

“Not a lot to our worldly possessions is there?” Les hugged me. “No regrets about our swop, love?”

I kissed him. “What do you think? I have someone who is absolutely literally my soul mate holding me, I’m a woman, even if I can’t have children, and we’re about to start the rest of our lives in a new place among friends. What’s to regret?”

“Just so you know, I wouldn’t want to change our situation for anything — not even if your Aunt had refused.” His lips brushed my forehead just as the doorbell rang. “Time to go?”

“Time to make a new start, my love.” I released him and he opened the door.

The drive was a long one. We were, after all, moving towns as well as home. Finally Aunt Jen pulled into a secondary road between dry stone walls, and then into a small paved yard, with ‘my’ little Corsa parked under a lean-to carport. A restored stone barn sat in front of us, the new roof lights giving away its change of status. Beyond it could be seen a large house and further off to the left the suggestion of more buildings. The door opened and a woman of Jen’s age stepped out, smiling broadly. She was blond, obviously kept herself in shape and smiling as she waited.

“We’re there.” She switched off the engine. “You’d never believe that at the other end of this property is the town.” Opening her door she called, “Come and meet my new nephew and niece, Birgit.”

“It looks great,” Les said, easing himself out of the backseat. 

“We hope you’ll like it and be comfortable here.” Birgit greeted him. “You must be Les? You look male and Jennifer tells me you were Liz.”

“Er, yes, I’m Les. Still.” Les found himself embraced. “But we’re sort of half and half …”

“What fun,” Birgit laughed and hugged him again. “And you are Liz.” She gave me a hug as I stepped clear of the car. “You must both call me Birgit. Now, you must be tired, and hungry I hope. I have a welcome meal for you, then we can talk.”

“Thanks,” I responded, feeling almost overwhelmed. Les already had our bags out of the car and I grabbed two, only to be firmly relieved of them as Les, Jen and Birgit took charge and we entered the house.

Appearances are deceptive. Outside the building looked exactly like what it had been for a couple of hundred years, a small barn. Inside it was a new and entirely modern structure. And it had been tastefully furnished.

“Aunt Jen — this is fabulous.” I gestured. “But we can’t pay you for this stuff — not yet anyway. And you still haven’t told us the rent.”

“First, the furniture is a present to you both, second, we don’t need the money, and third, you two need a break, so it’s our pleasure. As for the rent, what about you pay the water, lights, heating and community charge?” Aunt Jen slipped an arm round my waist. “Now then, Birgit has cooked a lovely meal, let’s eat and we can show you the rest of the house when we’ve eaten.”

The house was bigger than it looked. The ground floor had a living room, dining alcove, kitchen  bathroom and studio. The loft floor had two large bedrooms, both en suite, and the side of the house facing toward the main house had windows which gave us the most fabulous views. We lay in each other’s arms wondering if this was a dream.

“I can’t believe our luck,” Les murmured. “This is way, way beyond anything I’d have believed we could possibly score if anyone had told me …”

“Neither can I, love, but Jen says she feels we’ve earned it.” I kissed him gently. “She says she had you investigated, and that it turned up some really bad stuff on that cousin of yours.”

“She had me investigated?” Les was silent for a moment. “I bet that turned up some surprises for her …” He began to laugh. “And dear cousin Sid? She found out about the hush ups while he was at school and then college? I wasn’t the only girl he forced into sex …” He stopped. “But I was the only one who kicked up hell about it.”

“She was impressed that you held down a job as a barman in a Gay club.” It was my turn to chuckle. “The same one I was working as a trans dancer in.” I grinned. “She found that interesting as well … and my modelling for the Latex Shop.”

“She went to a lot of trouble to check our story.” He sighed. “I’m surprised she’s accepted us, especially with my record.”

“It’s behind you now, my love.” I whispered. “This is our home now, and we’re going to make one hell of a team and a future for ourselves.” I giggled quietly. “Oh, and Jen says the leather corset I found is now mine. She says it’s in the house and ready for me to wear — any time you want me to.”

“This I want to see,” Les chuckled. “But not tonight. Tomorrow morning though …”

“You’ve got it, my love.” Our mouths met in a gentle kiss and I caressed his chest gently. “And it will be my pleasure to wear it for you.”

“I know,” he sighed, hugging me close. “I think I’m the luckiest …”

“Wrong, I am.” My hand moved down his naked body, and found his penis. “I got the better deal — to be a woman, and to enjoy having my male body as my lover, friend, companion …”

I slipped out of bed before Les woke, found the corset where Jen had put it and carefully fitted it. It was exactly as I remembered it, the heavy leather with its contrasting panels and rigid boning, the half cups for the wearer’s breasts and the over strap that secured them in place. Steel rings framed the wearers nipples and the half cups thrust these upward and out. The corset covered me from half way up my stomach to my breasts, with the front dipping from the hip, downward toward the crotch, with the part over the hips and back moulded to the general curves of the body. It had a zip at the front, then lacing over that to secure it. Anchor points at the sides suggest the wearer could be immobilised. On a bed or couch, or simply their arms fixed to it. 

I checked my reflection in the mirror, then quietly made coffee and set out our breakfast things before carrying the coffee up to the bedroom.

Les woke as I put his mug on the nightstand next to him. He opened his eyes and stared at my corseted figure. A smile spread across his face.

“Wow. Now that really is something, my darling.” He took my hand. “How does it feel?”

“Beautiful.” I laughed. “But don’t ask me to bend down to kiss you. I can’t. The stays in it are almost rigid. I can stand, sit or lie down in it, but I can’t bend at all!” Carefully, I knelt next to him. Now, leaning forward, I could kiss him, and he responded as I hoped. “Now, sir, are you going to give this girl what she dressed up to get?”

“This girl can bank on it,” he retorted throwing back the duvet and sitting up. Taking my hands, he smiled. “Stand up, love, I want to take a good look at you.”

“Yes, sir,” I teased. His erection was at just the right level and position. I grinned as I leaned forward and had him in my mouth before he could react. “Mmmm.” I enjoyed the taste of his precum and took my time to lovingly give him some pleasure. Lifting my head again, I looked up at his face and smiled. “Thank you for allowing me to be you, and for being me …” I struggled to stand. “Still want me to stand over there?”

Lifting me, he kissed me. “Yes, my darling, I want to see you properly, then I’m going to give you the most monumental orgasm I know how to give you …” His fingers touched my swollen vulva, teasing, exploring. “Now go and pose for me, my love.”

“Yes, Master,” I replied, using the address I’d adopted when ‘entertaining’ clients at the Club. I moved carefully to the other side of the room and adopted a pose pretending to be attempting to modestly ‘cover’ my crotch and my breasts, but in reality showing them off. “Like this, Master?”

“Exactly like that …” he was across the room in four strides, and I was being pinioned in his arms as his mouth crushed down on mine. His rigid member slid into the gap at the top of my thighs as he embraced me, our tongues entwined, and I surrendered myself to him completely.

In a haze I felt myself steered back to the bed. Laying me down on my back, he parted my legs, and set about sending me into orgasmic bliss. He used his fingers, his mouth, his tongue and eventually his penis. It was bliss to be so completely dominated and at the same time loved. The coffee was cold by the time I was able to put my mind back together and think coherently. To find myself cradled in my lover’s arms.

“Satisfied, my darling?” he whispered.

“Are you, my beloved?” I sucked a deep breath. “Thank you, beloved. Now I know what it means to really experience this womanhood thing …”

He chuckled. “Think you can make it to the kitchen? I’m starving and the coffee is cold.” His kiss was tender. “If you like you can stay here and I’ll bring it up.”

“Help me up, my love.” I returned his kiss. “I put everything out for breakfast, so we can eat it there.” I stood with his help. “I better put on a thong, I’m leaking cum!”

He chuckled. “Good idea, I better have some shorts as well.”

I grinned. “The rubber Bermudas — I’m going to keep this on, so you can show off our fetishes as well!” 

We’d just finished breakfast when there was a knock at the door that faced the garden. I panicked, the only way to get back upstairs was to pass that door, and I was suddenly very aware of the fact the latex thong I had put on showed off my vulva very, very well. 

Les grinned. “Grab one of those table cloths, love, and wear it like a sarong.” He handed me one. “Here you go. Wrap it round yourself.”

I did as he made for the door the latex Bermuda shorts showed off his butt to perfection. In my absolute funk, I wrapped the tablecloth around my waist and tied it just as Aunt Jen walked in with a huge grin on her face. 

“Now that confirms your swop.” She chuckled. “Liz, darling, a girl always covers her tits, and knows that with them covered, her nethers are as well.” She admired my corset supported breasts, my nipples neatly framed by the rings and the flesh shaped by the leather half cups and straps. “I must say, you’ve got lovely breasts, look after them.” She smiled. “And that corset is perfect on you, my dear.” Her laugh was wicked. “Les is going to have to fight Birgit and I off if we get half a chance to play with you.”

I blushed, and laughed, struggling to adjust the table cloth, then gave up. “I’ll have to remember.” I smiled. “Les and I were wondering about something. We’re strongly attracted to each other, but …” I paused, my eye on Les. “Truth is our bodies still respond to men and women we find attractive. The doctor says its because our bodies are responding to pheromones they’re programmed for …”

Aunt Jen nodded. “Yes, I’ve read that.” She put an arm round my waist.. “Now then, Birgit and I would like you to join us for lunch today.” She held out a hand to Les and he accepted it. “We’ve a lot to discuss, and over a meal is absolutely perfect. Will you join us? Say in an hour?”

“We’d love to,” Les replied echoing my thoughts. “And we’ll dress less provocatively!”

“If you insist,” Jen shot back. She squeezed my waist. “Is everything here to your taste? Are you going to be comfortable here?” She sounded almost anxious.

“We love it,” I said, returning the hug. I pecked her cheek. “I — we — can’t thank you enough, Aunt Jen. Really we can’t.”

Les slipped his arms round my waist from behind as Jennifer made to leave. “Liz is absolutely right, Jen.” He kissed my neck. “We can’t thank you enough. This place is fabulous, and we love it. We’re really going to love living here, I just hope we can earn enough to pay our way.”

“We’ll talk about that over lunch. Oh, I forgot, have either of you any portfolios of your artwork or even ad work?” Jennifer caught our nods. “Good, bring them with you — and your modelling photos.” She winked. “Birgit may have some more conventional work for you.”

We walked up to the house hand in hand, our portfolios in a backpack. I’d dressed, on Les’s advice, in leggings and a loose cotton top that hung partly off the shoulder and dropped to my thighs, with a pair of knee length boots, and he wore a pair of neat chinos, an open shirt and a good pair of slip-ons. The garden was stunning, though part of it was an orchard. Even so, it was, as Jennifer had said, difficult to credit that it was right on the edge of a town.

“You two look very happy together,” Aunt Jen greeted us. “In this lovely weather, we thought we’d go al fresco and sit on the patio.” She pecked Les’s cheek and gave me a somewhat more meaningful kiss on the lips. “This way, my dears.”

The house was modern, with a big open living area occupying most of the ground floor. A kitchen was somewhere off to one side and on the other ‘wing’ as Jen called it, were her and Birgit’s ‘Home Offices’. The patio opened off the living area and fronted and enclosed swimming pool. 

“Anytime you want to swim, feel free.” Jen smiled. “We don’t usually bother with bathing costumes, but it’s up to you. I’ll give you a key to the back entrance.” She indicated a door in the ‘office’ wing. “That door goes to our gym. It’s got an exercise bike, a treadmill and a rowing machine. We use it to keep fit and in shape, and you can enjoy it as well.”

“We used to do ballet, but haven’t been able to get back to it since …” Les began.

“You look lovely, my dear.” Birgit rose from her seat and hugged me. She smiled at Les and then hugged him as well. “And you, young man, are far too attractive to be wasted as a man — but it’s your choice.”

“It’s what I’ve always dreamed of being, Birgit.” Les grinned. “And for the record, since we’re now part of each other, we actually get to enjoy the best of being both!”

She laughed, “Touche´.” She hugged him again. “Yes, I like that. You’ll fit right in with our ways, I know it.” She flourished a wine glass. “Now, what would you like? I have a lovely Chenin Blanc, or we have a good Merlot?”

With wine served Les and I found ourselves drawn into a lively conversation which soon put us at our ease. The meal was a delicious cold buffet and we enjoyed ourselves, joining in the teasing and the joking. Somewhere in the mix Birgit told us what she had in mind for a commission for us, and Jen told us how she planned to help set up our studio operation.

“This work you’ve got in your portfolios. You did it all on laptops?” Birgit asked.

“Yes, but they are a bit higher spec than ordinary ones.” I told her. “Slow, but they can run the programs we use.”

“You’ll need some serious computers then, so we can talk to the guy who looks after my chambers IT. He also looks after a group that do graphic development for a electronic gaming. He’ll know what you need and where to get what you need reasonably.” Aunt Jen, winked. “He’s also one of us — always a plus to support each other.”

Birgit agreed, swirling her wine. “Very true. Les, I like your ideas for page layouts and cover designs. I’m pretty sure I’ll be putting a lot of work your way as soon as we can get you set up.” She turned to me.  “And I think your photo manipulation and photoshopping skills are exactly what I’ve been looking for in a major spread I want to develop.” She smiled. “And you’ve a very good figure. I can use you as a model if you’d like to.” She tapped my portfolio. “You have an instinct for turning a pose into something electric. I can use that.”

Les laughed. “She does, doesn’t she?” He squeezed my hand. “It’s just one of the reasons I love her.”

Aunt Jennifer didn’t let the grass grow under us. Her computer adviser arrived with a full spec of what she and Birgit thought we’d need just as we finished arranging our stuff on the ‘studio’.

“Hi, I’m Dalton,” he introduced himself at the door. “Ms Talinin phoned and said I was to introduce myself and talk to you about the IT stuff you need.”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Liz.” I smiled, conscious of his appraisal of my outfit, today a pair of wet look leggings and a sports top as I’d been moving furniture. “Aunt Jen said she’d talked to you.” I stepped aside indicating he should enter. “Come through to the studio and we can talk it through with Les.”

“Thanks,” he waited while I shut the door. “Nice place you have here. Ms Talinin said you’d be doing some work for her magazine, so I brought the specs for the kind of machine you need for graphics and layouts.” He shook hands with Les, rather obviously trying not to admire his figure. “It can be configured to any spec you like, of course.”

It was pretty clear he knew what he was talking about, and both of us knew enough about the equipment to appreciate what he was saying. I eventually interrupted him. “This all sounds fabulous, Dalton, but I’m pretty sure it’s going to come with a price tag way beyond what we can afford right now.”

Dalton smiled. “Your Aunt was pretty clear on that.” He laughed. “She told me to discuss what you want from the kit, and how you want it, and then to supply it and invoice her.” He held up a hand as we both started to object. “Hey, don’t fight with me — I’m just the messenger and supplier.” He grinned. “And I was told that I must not take ‘no’ for an answer.”

I looked at Les. “Okay, we’ll have to argue it out with her.” Standing, I asked, “Can I get you a coffee? It’s time we had a break and I want one.”

The equipment arrived two days later, and Dalton spent the rest of the day setting it up and making sure it had all the right programs and that everything ‘talked’ to everything as it should. Over a celebratory drink, he asked, “Have you guys heard the news? The McIver Research Foundation had a big fire — all their research into an Anunnkian device and the device itself has been destroyed.”

“What? That’s awful.” Les looked shocked, and I felt his horror. “What happened? Was anybody killed?”

“There’s some odd stories going round, and a few people missing. They’re searching the rubble.” He shook his head. “The whole place was destroyed. You knew somebody there?”

“We took part in an experiment there a few months back,” Les said, frowning. “And we knew a couple of the researchers.”

“Oh wow,” Dalton’s face showed his curiosity. “There was a rumour that they were experimenting with body swopping.” He glanced at us. “What were you doing there?”

“Nothing much.” For some reason I felt we needed to be wary. “They just needed some genetic stuff from us for research into a potential genetic reason some of us are Gay, Lesbian or Transgender. There were a lot of people on the programme.” I replied carefully. We’d agreed while still in the clinic to not mention our body swopping to anyone who didn’t know, or need to know. If the device that had swopped us over and the research had been destroyed, there might be something sinister behind it that could threaten us. I shrugged. “Les and I are bisexual, open about it, and,” I grinned, “we have a fetish interest as well, so they thought it might be genetic. I guess we’ll never know now.”

“Bi? And into a fetish?” Dalton’s face showed interest. 

“Yes,” Les decided to stir him a little. “Rubber bondage.” He grinned. “Nothing heavy though. Just enough to inspire us …”

“Inspire? Oh!” Dalton laughed. “Lucky you — it’s bloody difficult without a regular partner you can trust these days.”

“True,” I said, laying claim to Les’s hand. “What do you do when you’re not building someone an IT system?”

“Not a lot,” Dalton replied. “Swim when the weather’s good, jog, watch a few movies and meet up with friends. Sometimes visit a club, but that’s about it.”

The conversation drifted into a range of topics, and it was late, and after a light supper, before Dalton left. He’d proved amusing, very interested in our work, had a great sense of humour and evidently far better educated than he let on. We both liked him, and decided to develop the friendship we seemed to have started.

The news of the fire worried us, and I did a websearch as soon as Dalton left, pulling up all the information available about it. There wasn’t a lot, just that they’d been working with alien tech (we knew that …) and on some military projects (that was a surprise …) and that while the equipment and records for the alien project had all been destroyed, most of their work was secured and would continue at a new site.

With our new equipment we got to work. A lot of mine was retouching photo shoot stuff sent to me by Birgit. It’s not terribly complex, but it does need patience to get the skin tones, colours and lighting just right so it matches all previous images of the same model. Sometimes this involved doing a bit of ‘body sculpting’ to improve a figure, at others it meant adjusting the outfit worn. Hey, it’s what I do, and I get a kick out of it. The thinness of the news reports suggested there was a lot not being reported, especially for such a major fire, and it being in such a sensitive site. It was worrying, particularly the news that the investigation into the fire had been taken over by a military team.

Les was also loaded with work sorting layouts, adjusting images, blending text — and doing a fair bit of work for our old employer. We delivered the latest fashion shots to Birgit late one afternoon, and she phoned almost immediately.

“Can you come to the office, my dear?” She asked. “I need to speak to both of you. Oh, and bring your super camera! I’ll collect you myself.”

“Sure,” I replied. “You want something photographed?”

“Yes,” she replied. “The shots the usual photographer took are no good.” She laughed. “Even your magic program won’t make these better!” There was a pause. “I hate to say this, but it’s not just the photos, it’s the model they used. These are for a major feature and this is the third set they’ve sent …”

“We’ll be ready in ten,” I said. “I’ll bring the camera and a terabyte memory chip. It sounds as if I’ll need it.”

“Welcome to my domain.” Birgit ushered us into her spacious office. “Sorry about the panic for this, but we’re up against a deadline here, and the pictures they’ve supplied …” She shrugged. “The photographer did his best, but the model is clearly not comfortable — and it just screams at you.”

“The model …” I began. “Oh, you mean she’s wearing something she isn’t comfortable with? Like some fetish gear and she hates it?”

“Almost. It’s not fetish wear,” she said, smiling, “but it is unusual, and the author really wants it photographed in an unusual way. I’m hoping you’ll save the day for me and model this special bra. You have just the right breasts to show it off to perfection — not too large, but just the right shape and weight with great nipples.” She held up what looked like a bit of ultra-light cloth with some forms attached. “Will you try it?”

I studied the thing, it could hardly be called a garment, it was very light and flimsy. “How does it actually support ..?” There seemed to be almost nothing to it. The cloth the straps were made of were near enough transparent, and the ‘cups’ looked almost nonexistent, although they held their shape and felt quite rigid in a sense. 

“It’s a very new material, a type of carbon fibre, and I think it may well be the future.” She smiled. “Especially for those of us of a certain attraction.”

“Let me see,” Les took the bra. “I see.” He grinned. “Come on Liz, this I have to see. If I guess right, this will firm your chest up and look spectacular!”

Removing my blouse, I laughed. “Okay, let’s try this thing.” I unhooked my normal bra and slipped it off. “Somebody better fit this thing to me …”

“That’s my girl.” Birgit moved behind me, and carefully held it in front of me. Right, slip your arms into these loops. “That’s it,” she said as I carefully slipped my arms into the broad and almost invisible shoulder loops. “Now lift your breasts and then let them fit into the ‘cups’.” 

Carefully I cupped my breasts and then settled first the left and then the right into the quarter cups. It felt strange. The formed material lay beneath my breasts and supported them, but it also pushed them up and forwards so my large nipples stood firm and proud as she fastened the back. “Wow. It certainly feels comfortable.” I grinned at Les. “My nipples will be a bit obvious though my teeshirt!”

“That’s the general idea,” Birgit confirmed, smiling as she admired my now perfectly displayed breasts. “How does it feel? Move about a bit — I want to check what movement is like.”

“Okay.” I tried a few ballet moves, surprised to find the bra was flexible, and my tits stayed firmly in their ‘nests’. Normally these same moves meant having to adjust myself in any bra other than a sports number. “It’s amazing.”

“It’s that, alright,” Birgit agreed, her ‘interest’ showing. “And it fits you perfectly.” She paused. “Are you happy to pose it for me? The feature is one on women’s bras past and future — and this one is ‘future’ obviously.”

I glanced at Les and saw his nod. “Yes,” I said. “I’ll do it. Les can do the camera if you like.”

“I like,” Birgit said. “Right, I’ve a studio through here. Follow me.” 

We followed into a rather bare studio and she switched on the lights. “Damn, I forgot. You’re going to have to shed the slacks as well. The ideal shots are with you appearing to be completely nude.” She frowned. “Damn, I should have thought of it earlier. There’s a thong of the same material …” She gave a grin. “It moulds to a girl rather intimately …”

I hesitated, glancing at Les. “I guess I can manage it, Birgit. Is this what the original model had a problem with?” I had a feeling it might be. “It depends on how you want me posed.”

She nodded. “It was. Damn, damn. I was only thinking of the bra, and didn’t think it through … Look, I’ll get the originals and you can see what’s needed. Oh, and when we’ve got the pictures, you’ll need to do some work on them as well — you can make changes to your face if you like, and your hair.” She smiled. “And anything else except those gorgeous breasts!”

The photos she showed us certainly showed off the model’s breasts, but she had clearly not enjoyed having her vulva on display, even in the ‘artistic’ poses that meant it was partially hidden.

“Okay,” I agreed. “Only one thing, I have a tattoo, a gift from the original owner.” I grinned at Les. “I’ll want to photoshop it out.”

“Sounds interesting,” Birgit raised an eyebrow. “But, okay, I’ll leave that to you. And you may want to give yourself more hair, it’ll change the feel of the images.”

She was right about the way the thong — which we didn’t have — moulded ‘intimately to a girl’s assets. It was going to be interesting to match it for her in my manipulations. I posed for Les, as he put it, making love to the camera, conscious of Birgit’s attention, and her fascination with my tattooed pubic mound. I could feel the warmth in my vulva that told me I was aroused and showing it, but trusted Les to get the camera angles and so on right for it. It didn’t take long, and she and Les went through the images while I dressed again. 

“I was absolutely right, my dear.” Birgit kissed me. “You’re a natural, and I’ll pay you a bonus on top of the modelling fee for this, plus, of course, your ‘finishing’ fee.” Releasing me, she gathered her things. “Now let me drive you home.”

“You’re a star, my love.” Les whispered as we followed. “And you make a far more feminine woman than I ever did.”

“I have a great teacher,” I whispered back. “You’re far better at the man thing than I ever could be!”

The pictures Birgit had chosen didn’t need a lot done. I changed the tattoo to a leaf design on my pubic mound where it was visible, and on my calf to a vine rather than the dragon I had. I gave myself a dark bob hairstyle and darkened and thickened my eyebrows, gave myself lip gloss in a nice shade of red, and played a little with light and shade to really highlight the bra and the ‘nearly nude’ aspect it was supposed to offer.

“Satisfied?” I asked Les.

“Brilliant, love. Send them to Birgit.” He slipped his arms over my shoulders as I attached the images to the email for Birgit and hit send. “I meant what I said in the studio — you are an amazing woman, far better at it than I ever was.”

Taking his hands in mine, I eased them down to cover my breasts under my teeshirt and bra. “And I just love to hear you say it — and enjoy sharing it with you.”

Gently he fondled my breasts. “I know.” His kiss was light on the top of my head. “I think we’re the luckiest people in the world.” He paused. “I wonder if anyone else went through the process after us? Before it all went up in smoke.”

“I guess we’ll never know,” I said, enjoying his touch. We remained silent for a few minutes, watching the garden. “How about a walk? Or something to drink?” I had a sudden thought. “Or would you like me to put on that new ultra-tight catsuit, and then take a walk in the garden?”

“Now how could I pass up an invitation like that?” He squeezed my breasts. “Get the suit on. I’ll dress as well.” He nibbled my earlobe. “But I’ll need some help — I’m going to wear my strait jacket suit, so you have control tonight.”

“I love it.” I turned in his arms to hug him. “And I love you!”

My catsuit is a neck entry with shoulder zips — useful for getting my breasts into the moulded rubber — with a very fine zip through the crotch. It has a wide collar that buckles over the sliders at the neck. The crotch zip enhances my ‘camel toe’ rather dramatically and, of course, tends to stimulate my clitoris. The latex is very elastic, and the suit cut and built as an exact fit to my figure. With it on, I inserted my feet into a pair of calf-length riding boots, and cinched a wide belt round my shiny black latex waist. This had a small pouch attached into which I inserted my mobile, and then I went to help Les.

“I think I’m going to have an accident just looking at you, darling.” He grinned waving his encased arms. “Better strap me up tight, I can feel myself becoming a depraved sex maniac!”

“Really? Maybe I should keep you like this all the time then.” I pulled the zip fully home up his back, and secured the collar buckle. “Arms across?” I asked.

“Yes.” He folded his arms across his front. “As tight as you can, love.”

I picked up the tongue from the end of his mitt covered hand and brought it round to meet the buckle attached to the other mitt, then drew it as far as I could. Moving round to his front I secured the strap that attached his arms to his chest, then secured the cuffs at his elbows. “Want the boottees, Lover?”

He nodded and I knelt down and fitted these to his feet, noting as I stood again that his crotch looked deformed in some way. He caught my thought and nodded. “Yes, I’ve locked myself into a feminising chastity belt …” He bit his lip. “It’s … a bit tight, but the key is under your pillow — if you want to release me later …” He gave a lopsided grin. “I thought you might want me to show you a bit of girl to girl …”

I wrapped my arms round his waist, pulled him into a hug and kissed him passionately. “Goof! You don’t have to do it …” I took his elbow. “Come on, let’s strut our stuff in the garden.” I giggled. “Who knows Birgit and Jen might get some ideas!”

It was fun walking around the garden, a mix of formal areas and more informal beds, in the late summer twilight. It was quite titillating knowing we could be seen from Jen and Birgit’s house further up the slope as we strolled and talked about the way our lives had changed.

“I wonder where Dr Florentine is? Or Dr Johnnes? I hope they’re okay.” I sat carefully on a stone wall, part of a terrace. “I wonder what happened? There’s been nothing on the news other than the reports the whole place was burned out.”

“Jen seems to think it’s all being hushed up.” Les perched carefully next to me. “She thinks it may be a cover for something somebody really wants under wraps.”

“Could be,” I slipped an arm round his waist. “I’m just glad we were swopped before …” Our mouths met and I let myself control the kiss. “Still want to teach me how to enjoy girl sex?”

His response confirmed his desire and inflamed mine to white heat. I ‘knew’ what he wished to do, restrained as he was, and let him, helping him where I needed to. Seated on the wall, with my legs apart and my pussy zip open, Les used his lips, his tongue, his teeth … and sent me on a voyage of galactic discovery. I’d experienced multiple orgasms in our lovemaking before this, but now I found myself experiencing an orgasmic state that was not just ‘whole body’, but which sent me into a state of almost suspended animation.

It was getting dark by the time I managed to get control of my limbs sufficiently to stand up, and then I just wrapped my arms round him and held him in the tightest hug I could manage. My pussy seemed to be still having mini-orgasms as I managed to get my voice functioning again. Finally I managed to croak, “Take me home, Les …” I hesitated, getting my voice under control. “Take me home, so I can take that chastity thing off you, and release you so you can restrain me and let me show you what men do to each other …”

As soon as we were inside, I released him from the chastity belt, no easy feat under his straitjacket suit, and then I gave the blowjob to end all blowjobs. While he recovered his breath I released his arms from the restraints and then opened the mitts so his hands were free. Then I handed him a set of cuffs and chains. “Now, love, chain me over the table …” I put some cushion on the surface and positioned myself.

“What now, love,” he asked locking the wrist cuffs to my ankles.

“Where do men have an opening like a pussy?” I teased. I sensed that he knew what I was offering, but wanted me to say it. “I want it in my butt, lover. Fill me with your gorgeous cock …”

“With pleasure,” he said, kissing my upturned cheek. “Mmm, I like the view from here.”

I bit my lip as he pushed his cock against my tight sphincter. I knew it would hurt, and it did, but it also set off the sensation in my pussy as he stretched the muscle. When he was fully inside me, I gripped his cock as tightly as I could … “Like it, love? If you’ve got a guy who knows what he’s doing and enjoying it, he’ll use his muscles to give you the ride of your life.”

He groaned. “I believe you. Fuck, it’s just as well my balls have just discharged.”

“I know.” I giggled. “So I’m really going to get my manhole pounded. Enjoy yourself love — fuck me into oblivion.”

He did his best, and we eventually found our way upstairs and collapsed into bed leaving our rubber suits on the floor to be cleaned and dealt with in the morning.

Work kept us busy, but we had plenty of time to explore some of the more esoteric aspects of our change of bodies. Propped on one elbow, Les played gently with my nipple. “You know, it’s strange, but I find myself attracted to some of the men we get here.”

“I guessed as much,” I teased. “I guessed as much, you bulge a bit whenever Dalton’s around.” Reaching up, I traced my fingers around his lips. “I get a bit aroused sometimes around some of the girls Birgit and Jen have visiting.”

“Hmm,” Les lowered himself and lay on his side, one hand now caressing my stomach. “I wonder if it is a sort of residue of our original orientation? I mean, you were Gay, and needed that, um, medication so you could penetrate me for the process …” He kissed me. “Now we don’t have that problem, but I’m just not attracted to any other woman, but guys …”

“You might be onto something,” I said, my hand finding his penis and gently gripping him in a way I knew we both liked. “Because I have the same feeling. I absolutely love having you fucking me, but I find the girls much more interesting sexually and other men don’t interest me at all …”

His hand slid down to my swelling vulva and his fingers found just the right spot, sending the electric thrill through me as he stroked the engorged ‘lips’. “Do you think we’re actually still — or our bodies are still — programmed to same sex ..?”

“Could be,” I shivered as he induced another orgasmic thrill. “Maybe it is sort of genetic. Built into us as it were …” I sighed and opened my legs. “But now …”

He obliged, as always gentle. I arched my back as he entered my eager vagina, then wrapped my legs over his as we coupled. The sensations in my crotch were, as always, astonishing as he worked his penis inside me in ways that sent me into the nearest you can get to being in paradise and still be alive — and our shared consciousness meant we both got the best of both experiences …

Curled into his arms in our post coital haze our conversation came back to me. “It’s a pity we can’t talk this over with Doc Johnnes, or maybe Doc Florentine — the fact our bodies seem to be  Gay …”

“Mmm.” He was silent for a moment. “I remember Doc Johnnes said something about it. And about it reinforcing our fetishes.”

“The fetish bit they got right.” I held him close, enjoying his warmth and the feel of his naked body against mine. “Want to explore it a bit further, love? If you find someone really attractive ..? Maybe Dalton?” I sensed his interest and kissed him. “I think it might be fun for both of us …” 

“Dalton?” He chuckled. “He’s been hinting …” His hand cupped my breast, his thumb teasing my nipple. “He asked if you’d mind if he invited me to a guys only party …”

“Nice of him.” I snuggled into his embrace. “Would you like to do that?” Taking his hand, I kissed it. “I think you’d enjoy it, love.” 

He chuckled. “Then you should let Birgit or Jen seduce you.” He kissed my neck, his hand squeezing my breast gently. “You’ll love it …”

The opportunity to test our theory didn’t come up for several weeks, then Dalton invited Len out for a drink ‘with some guys’ for a fetish evening. As it happened to be an evening when I had to get some work done for Birgit, I laughed at his nervous apology for not including me in the invite when he arrived to collect Len. My ‘other’ half looked stunning in his latex jeans, muscle shirt and a latex jacket. Under his jeans I knew he had just a latex thong, and the through zip on the jeans pulled nicely into his butt, showing off his shapely cheeks.

“You’ll have to buy me a nice lunch or something,” I teased, adding naughtily, “Do I need to lock Len into a chastity belt?”

Dalton grinned, and looked guilty. “Chastity belt? Has he got one?”

“Oh yes! He has a good heavy duty job I make him wear when he’s being naughty.” I grinned at Len, adding, “Well, love?”

Len laughed, and slipped his arms round my waist. “If you do, I’ll make you wear yours, Minx.” Kissing my neck, he whispered, “You sure you’ll be okay?”

“Of course.” I kissed him. “Enjoy yourself. I’ll be fine, there’s not a lot to do, and I’ve plenty to keep me busy once it’s done.” Turning to Dalton, I smiled. “Dal, give him a good time, he really deserves it.”

With the door shut behind them I made myself a drink, then settled down to work. It wasn’t a big job, but it was a rather fiddly one, and it took about an hour to complete. Then I sent it to Birgit’s email, put the computer to sleep and made myself some supper, then poured a glass of wine and wondered what Len was doing. 

Our connection worked. I felt my vulva swelling almost as soon as I thought of him. Shutting my eyes, I focussed. Someone was giving Len some really good ‘head’ and he was enjoying it. I ‘tasted’ something salty, and grinned, found myself a comfortable spot on the sofa and enjoyed the taste of Len’s first cock with him. Whoever it was certainly had a lot of cum to feed him — and it tasted good, and the sensations in my vulva and clitoris suggested he was getting head from someone who really knew what he was doing.

From what I was tasting and feeling through our ‘sharing’, Len was enjoying his first Gay orgy. The phone interrupted my enjoyment …

“Hi, Jen.” I answered. “What’s up? Len’s out for the evening with Dalton and a couple of friends.” I almost dropped the phone as whoever was giving Len a work over penetrated his butt. The sensation in mine was almost as good. “And it feels …”

“Feels?” Jen sounded confused. “Oh, of course.” She paused. “You’re alone?”

“Yes,” I laughed. Whoever was fucking Len was giving him a fantastic fuck. “We thought it time to test something. So I’m here all turned on now …”

Jen was silent a moment. “Would you care for some company?”

“I’d love some …” I paused. “But I think I’m going to need to be restrained …”

“We’ll be there in five minutes. Have the special corset handy.”

The phone went dead and I hung up. In the bedroom I stripped, got out the corset, arm and leg restraints, a gag and skipped downstairs. I’d just put these down when there was a knock at the garden door. I dimmed the lights, and walked to the door, drew aside the curtain and opened it. Birgit smiled and stepped forward, her shiny latex catsuit revealing her figure to perfection. Behind her Jen stepped into view, likewise fully covered in latex.

They admired me as they entered the room and closed the door. “You’re right, Birgit, she’s delicious — and willing.” She smiled. “You’ve the corset ready?”

“Yes, it’s …”

“Place your hands on your head. No talking while we dress you.” Jen’s voice suggested she expected instant obedience.

Grinning in anticipation, I obeyed, the movement lifting my tits, and thrusting my hardened nipples toward her. Birgit moved behind me and I heard her lift the corset , and then she began to fit it round me. Jen held it, and fitted my tits into the half cups, then secured the over straps. Behind me Birgit had the zip closed and laced it tight, then secured the over straps over the laces.

“Lower your hands, and place them behind you,” ordered Jen.

I obeyed, and Birgit snapped a pair of heavy metal cuffs around my wrists that locked them together crossed behind me. 

“Open wide,” Birgit said softly.

“Ye .. ulp.” The gag was a ball, and held in place by a bridle type harness.

They stepped in front of me, and Jen smiled. “You were right, Birgit, she does look fabulous like that. Let’s put her boots on and we can take her up to the house for some fun.”

“She’ll love the boots.” Birgit smiled and drew a pair of long boots out of the bag she’d carried in. My heart skipped as I realised these had hooves for feet and the ‘leg’ would reach all the way to my crotch. They did, and were comfortable, though it was like wearing very high heels. Birgit admired the effect. “Yes. Perfect.” She smiled. “Shall we lock her into her chastity belt?”

Jen smiled. “Of course. We can’t leave that gorgeous pussy exposed and available while she walks to where we will enjoy her.” She took the steel moulding from Birgit. “It’s moulded to your vulva, and you’ll be able to pee wearing it. This bit goes in your vagina.” She smiled. “With it locked on you, your pussy will be ‘out of use’ until we let you out.” Her chuckle was evil. “Poor Len will only be able to make use of your butt if we decide to keep you in it.” She knelt down and prepared the waist belt section. Spread your legs, Lizzie, here it comes.”

Almost before I had adjusted to the steel dildo in my vagina, the thing was locked tightly in place, my camel toe vulva now encased and displayed in shiny steel secured in place by a wide steel band looped around my corseted waist.

“Test it, Birgit.”

“Eeep”  I squeaked as the dildo vibrated.

“Good, you’re all set for your first girl on girl session, Lizzie.” Jen indicated the door. “This way, my dear, we’re going to teach you all about girl sex.”

  The moonlight walk up the garden between my two rubber sheathed escorts was fun, the sound of my hooves on the path loud. It took me a while to get the hang of walking in them — rather like wearing very high heels, but without the heel — and it made the chastity belt and the dildo it held in my vagina move in a stimulating way. And I enjoyed the sensations I was sharing with Len, and wondered what he was getting from me as I plodded in my hoof boots up to the house. And I was getting a lot of stimulation — and not just from the dildo. Les seemed to be having a really good session with Dalton, and, by the feel of it, at least one other companion.

At the house, Jen and Birgit had obviously prepared for a good session, and I soon found out just how good they were at some of my favourite bondage positions and tastes. 

“Over here, Liz.” Jen indicated a St Andrew’s cross and I moved to where she indicated. “That’s a good girl, now spread those hooves and raise your arms and we’ll just strap you in place …” She fastened the wide leather cuffs round my wrists, then added more at my elbows.

They worked as a team and I found myself spreadeagled and strapped in place with cuffs at my thighs, my ankles wrists and elbows. “Mmm, she looks so eager, and so willing.” Birgit fingered my nipples. “Mmm, nicely aroused.”

“Give her another little buzz,” Jen laughed. “I’ve got a nice little hood to fit on her, and then we can show her how to really enjoy girly sex …”

“Let me take the bridle off her first.” 

Birgit had the bridle off, and Jen had the tight rubber hood over my face and head before I could say anything. Now my mouth was tightly covered by the latex, and my view was restricted by the fact I could see only through a scattering of pinholes. Then the vibrator in my pussy started to buzz …

“Gnnnnngh!” I gasped as my pussy was gripped by a powerful orgasm. “Gnnnnnn …”

 The corset seemed to intensify the stimulation. Who knew a girl could be locked into a chastity belt and be stimulated to multiple orgasms? I didn’t, until they induced it in me. It was just the start of the most intense experience I had ever encountered. Between them they showed me ways in which a woman can be stimulated that I would not have believed possible — especially while wearing a steel moulding over my vulva. As for having a dildo vibrator locked into my vagina … let’s just say that I leaked a lot of vaginal fluid. Then they took it off, and had me whimpering and on the edge of orgasm for what felt like hours. 

Les had given me a taste of what it was like to have someone ‘eat’ my pussy, but now I got that and more. Birgit did incredible things to me with her fingers, and knew exactly how to play with my nipples while her partner concentrated on my vulva. And when they’d done they locked the steel pussy prison onto my throbbing crotch and then released me, gently helped me satisfy their need for relief, and finally removed the hood and we all enjoyed a glass of wine seated on a wide sofa with me between them, enjoying their caresses and banter.

I walked back to the cottage wearing the chastity belt, the hoof boots and the corset, though now with my hands free and no gag. The whole session had been intensified by ‘sharing’ the sensations Len was having, and knowing that he was getting the same from me. Now I planned to give him one more when he arrived home. With my pussy locked away, I carefully lubricated my butt as I heard the car pull into our yard, then waited until I heard him say good night, and shut the front door.

“Enjoyed yourself, Les?” I asked, stepping into view. I kissed him. “Jen and Birgit worked me over in your absence, but now I need a dose of you … “

He grinned, slipping his arms round my waist. “After the workout the guys gave me, this could take a while …”

I kissed him. “That’s what I hoped.” I handed him the control for the vibrator. “Take me over the back of the couch, love, and hit that when you’re inside me.” I giggled. “I think it’ll give us both something to remember.” Kissing him again, I added, “Oh, and you’ll have to get the key to this thing off Birgit in the morning or I’m going to be staying in it a while …”

“Mmm, now that she might like.” He positioned me over the back of the couch. “Ready, love?”

“Ready,” I confirmed, feeling him press his erection to my butt hole. “Go for … umph! Ooooh, the guys obviously showed you a thing … Ooooooh!” I squeaked as he hit the control for the vibrator. “Oooooooh!”

If I hadn’t been impaled on his dick, and pinned against the couch, I’d have been on my knees. As it was the sensations that vibrator created in my vagina and vulva, and obviously transmitted through his penis in my butt into him, sent both of us on an orgasmic trip of a lifetime. He was right about needing a long session, after his evening with Dalton and friends, but now both of us experienced something almost indescribable. 

We were both speechless for several minutes after his ejaculation, and I was almost catatonic with orgasms that just ripped through me every time either of us moved.

Once we’d recovered sufficiently, Les helped me up to our bedroom, and we stripped down — with me remaining in the chastity ‘pussy lock’ as Les called it.”Thank you,” I whispered as he spooned against my back. “I hope the guys were as good as I think they were.”

He chuckled. “They were. And damned good teachers with it.” He nibbled my neck. “Did you have fun with Jen and Birgit?”

“Uh huh.” I giggled, shuddering as another orgasm rippled through my crotch. “They’re good teachers as well.”

He chuckled. “They must have been. Are you going to get an orgasm every time you move? Should I go and fetch the key to get you out of that thing?”

“Mmmm,” I snuggled into him. “I don’t know, but I do know this, I want you to fuck me again in the morning like this …” I hesitated. “Then we can go and fetch the key together.”

His fuck in my butt in the morning was, if anything, even more intense than the night before. We showered together — I needed his support as I was still getting mini-orgasms — then I pulled on a pair of wet-look leggings, and the hoof boots and a teeshirt with no bra. Les dressed in a thong, then some jogging pants and a teeshirt and a pair of slip-ons and grinned. 

“It looks as if you’re showing off that pussy lock, love.”

I studied my reflection in the mirror. The moulded metal made my crotch very obvious, and the loose teeshirt draped over my tits didn’t do more than act as a sort of veil as my nipples poked firmly through the thin cloth. I grinned. “Like it? I do, and I want them to know I do.”

“They’ll probably want to keep you in it then!” Les laughed. “I might find myself deprived of your charms!” He wrapped his arms round my waist and hugged me. “Come on, we’d better go and show you off and get that key.” 

“After the session they gave me last night …” I laughed.”Having my pussy locked up like this is probably their way of staking a claim..

“You could be right.” He studied me. “Do you mind? Do you want to be a part of their scene?”

I paused, then kissed his cheek. “I don’t mind, and, yes, I am sending a signal with the boots …” I kissed him. “Do you mind? They did things, and I responded …”

He chuckled. “No, love, I don’t mind. We’re linked, remember? And we seem to have something in our bodies that craves same sex action. I had a ball with Daton and his partner — and I know you did as well with Jen and Birgit.”

“True.” I laughed. “Funny, the only man I want fucking me is you.”

“Then we’ll be fine, because you’re the only woman I find myself sexually aroused by..”

Hand in hand we strolled up the garden, and found Jen and Birgit having a light breakfast on their patio. Jen grinned as she studied me. 

“Now there’s a girl who knows whose in charge.” Jen greeted me with a possessive kiss and Birgit did the same.

“Yes, Ma’am,” I replied, adopting my role from the session they’d put me through the previous evening. I could feel my vulva swelling and my nipples hardened in response to their kisses.

“You enjoyed yourself with Dalton and the boys, Les?” Birgit asked, giving him a welcoming kiss.

“You could say I learned a lot,” Les quipped. “And then I came home to find my other half all locked up.” He grinned. “And I got another lesson …”

They both laughed. “Sit down both of you and join us for breakfast — I assume you haven’t eaten yet?” Jen raised an eyebrow and stood with a fluid movement that I remembered well from the previous evening. “Croissants? Coffee? Pour yourselves some orange juice while I fetch the rest.”

“Thanks,” Les squeezed my hand. “We thought we’d come and see whether Liz can be released — breakfast was a coffee and,” he grinned, “a little exercise.”

“Exercise,” Jen glanced at me. “Hmm, then you’ll want at least the croissants.” She laughed. “Got to keep your strength up — especially after a good session like last night.” She smiled at Les. “A glutton for it, your Liz. I think we need to consider investing in some additional gear for her — and for you.”

The joking and banter continued as we ate. It was after lunch when we made our way back to the cottage, with the key to my chastity belt now in Les’ possession. Inside I turned to face him as he shut the door.

“Lover, will you do something for me, please?” I slipped my arms round his waist and hugged him. 

“Of course, my darling.” His arms held me close. “What do you want me to do?”

“I’m going to go upstairs and get rid of the leggings and teeshirt, I want you to put on your catsuit, the really tight one.” I kissed him. “And the full hood. Then come up and chain me as you find me to the bed, unlock this chastity belt and enjoy my pussy any way you want to …” I held him close. “I want to be completely in your power, completely helpless, and completely yours …”

I’d prepared myself by the time he joined me. All I wore was the hoof boots and a thick rubber hood that blindfolded me and deprived me of almost all sound. I sensed his arrival as I lay on the bed, and then felt his rubber gloved hands as he positioned my arms and legs, attaching the cuffs to my ankles and wrists. He’d evidently brought more restraints because he added heavy cuffs to my thighs,, then a really heavy belt at my waist.

A kiss on my lips surprised me, then I yelped and bit my lip. as the dildo in my pussy began to buzz. I writhed as he varied the intensity, and then he was sitting astride my waist and playing with my nipples. I shuddered beneath him as the first orgasm gripped my pussy. The vibrations stopped, and I felt his hands dismantling the chastity belt. 

I moaned as he removed the moulded cover and the dildo was withdrawn, then his tongue was exploring the delicate tissue of my inner labia. I yelped again as he explored my cloitors , and nibbled those swollen inner lips, inducing several small orgasms. Then I felt him change position. I felt his stiff  penis touch my opening and shuddered, moving my hips as much as my restraints allowed to welcome his entry. 

He sank his full length into my eager vagina, and then his mouth crushed down onto mine, our tongues entwined, and our sensations melded into one. Time stood still as I felt him thrusting inside me, his movements stimulating my clitoris and my labia, his pubis rubbing my vulva — and at the same time feeling the warm embrace of my vagina engulfing his penis. I felt his balls tightening, the sensations in his glans and in his prostate as he controlled his urge to release his sperm inside me ,,,

His ejaculation was an explosion of sensation, and then my orgasms joined us in the most unimaginable release. I heard myself squealing as the first orgasm ripped through me, to be followed by an even more powerful one, and then several more. Every movement brought a fresh orgasmic tremor, and it was some time even after Les had completely withdrawn before they began to ease. 

I felt him reach for the buckles to begin releasing me. 

“No love. No. Don’t release me … Please, I need to stay like this …” I gasped. “I need …” I bit my lip. “Last night I gave my pussy and my tits to Mistress Jen and Mistress Birgit. From now on I’m their Rubbermaid, but I am also yours …”

He put his mouth close to my ear. “I understand, my love. Last night I became the property of Master Dalton and Master Eric … I think we’ve hit the jackpot, both of us. We’re the gender we wanted, the bodies we wanted, and now the fetish sex we love …”

I think I slept because it was dark outside when my beloved male body released me, and removed the hood. Our mouths met in a long kiss. 

“Thank you, darling Les,” I murmured cradled in his arms.” I registered that he was still in his rubber. “Mmm, I love the look of you in your rubber, my love.” My hand found his erection. “May I ..?”

“No, my dear, first you must chain me to the bed.” He grinned. “And then it is yours to use as you please.” Reaching for the hood he’d just taken off me, he fitted it to himself. I’m all yours. Oh, I should tell you, I’ve got a vibrating butt plug in my …” He giggled as he positioned himself and I began to secure the cuffs on him. “My masters orders! It’s set to a timer, and I’m to keep it in me at all times …”

“Oh wow,” I said, adjusting his restraints. “I know what that’s like, I had a gig with a customer who used one of those …” I knew he couldn’t hear me, so I sat astride his waist, kissed him, and slipped a penis gag into his mouth. Then I set to work on his cock. Several times I had to pause as the plug did its thing, until, finally I took his cock into my vagina yet agains and rode him and the vibrator to a climax …

“We have visitors who want to see you,” Jen said on the phone. “Are you available?”

“Of course, Jen,” I replied. I was working on a tricky image, but it was not desperate. “Should we come up to you?”

“No, we’ll be down in about five minutes. Put the kettle on.” She hesitated. “Oh, and no need to dress up, but you might want a little more than a tablecloth.”

I told Les, and he laughed as I put the phone down. Both of us were dressed for a normal day’s work — jeans and teeshirts — so I went to sort out coffee cups and some biscuits and put the kettle on, while Les did a whirlwind tidy-up of the living area. We’re both fairly tidy, so not a huge task, more a check that we’d not overlooked some item from our regular’ games.

The kettle had just boiled when Jen knocked at the garden door and Les answered.

“Hi Jen, Birgit.” I heard him greet them, then “Doctor Florentine? Doctor Johnnes? What brings you here? We thought you’d lost the clinic.”

He ushered them inside as I joined him. “This is a surprise.” I glanced at Les. “You’re not going to tell us we have to change back!”

“Change back? Good lord, no!” Dr Florentine walked forward and hugged me. “No way.” She glanced at her companion. “We were the first to go through the swop, and you guys were the last. The research was terminated by the military after we reported it was all a failure and didn’t work on human subjects.”

“Yes,” Dr Johnnes laughed, giving me a firm handshake. “There was quite a bit of an upset about that. They took over all the equipment and demanded all the records — which we’d faked from the start suspecting something like this — then there was an accident when they tried to use it.” He paused. “It’s been quite a difficult time this last two years.”

“But it’ll soon be over now, Felix.” Jen seated herself and we all joined her. Accepting the mug of coffee I passed her, she smiled. “Funny how no one wants to admit anything now the media got wind of what they were really doing with the Anannuki tech.”

My head finally caught up. “Wait. You guys also swopped? But the military were planning to use this for … what?”

“Would you believe ‘rejuvenation’? They thought they could use it to swop aging bodies for younger ones.” Dr Florentine gripped her colleague’s hand. “The idea was to find willing ‘volunteers’ at least half the age of the person needing renewal, and swop with them. Mostly they wanted this because the person involved had some terminal illness.”

“But that’s …” I stared at the doctor.

“Obscene is a good word,” she said, her expression angry. “We put ourselves through the process to check on an enigmatic bit in the records — and you two confirmed it. Though we’re consciously now in each other’s bodies, a part of us is still in our original body, and stays there. That is the connection that allows us to feel and know what the other half of us is thinking or experiencing.”

“It goes deeper,” Felix Johnnes added. “What Anika and I realised when we ran tests on ourselves and on you was that the link means that anything that happens to one of us, happens to both — regardless of age. So, if a dying man swops with a younger person — and yes, it is possible to swop man to man and woman to woman — and the older body dies, so does the younger one.” He paused. “Actually, that’s not the whole of it — the younger body may continue for a while, but with the worst case of schizophrenia you can imagine.”

“Shit.” Les stared. “How’d you find that out?”

The two doctors glanced at one another. “I told you there were several other subjects. Four couples, including yourselves and us. The other two pairs are, like us, okay. But then the people behind this came up with an ‘emergency’ and demanded we do the swop for one of theirs. They’d already moved the equipment to their own facility, and we were not given any great choices.” Anika Florentine gripped Dr Johnnes hand. “They had a young man lined up, and the subject was a senior politician. She had a tumour in the brain and barely weeks to live.” She paused staring into the distance. “The young man was not quite all there …”

“That’s putting it mildly. He was healthy, but he wasn’t the brightest …” Dr Johnnes frowned. “Okay, his IQ was quite possibly a long way below average. The swop went perfectly. Then it got ugly. Cutting to the chase — and we’d warned them this would happen — the young man, now an old woman, went over the edge. Totally insane. She attacked the staff, then tried to kill the body he/she’d been swopped from. Worse, the woman now in his body couldn’t cope with what her old body was experiencing … It got messy and we ended up with two dead, a number of traumatised people and some very angry senior politicians and military.”

“Is that why the clinic burned out?” I asked. “What happened to our records?”

“Gone. Along with ours and the other two pairs. The military still have the falsified records, but,” Felix smiled. “After all the furore, we pointed out the flaw in their proposal, pointed out that our objections had already been clearly proved right, and suggested the machine should be destroyed.” He nodded to Jen. “Add in a well known barrister demanding to know what had been done to her ‘client’ and a lot of things very quickly vanished …”

“Client?” Les asked.

“Yes, client,” Jen replied. “You see the young man was a ward of a family Trust, and the Trust is a client. He went into the facility healthy, and came out dead. They know I know, and they know that I have the evidence, and that that will emerge if anything happens to me, to you or any of the others involved. They also know I’m not the only person that knows what happened, and that if it even looks like someone is planning to try something …”

“Bottom line is that the Ministry knew nothing about any of this. It was all a dark project cooked up by a small inner circle who’ve now been arrested and put out of action.” Birgit intervened. “There are some very powerful people involved now — on our side. So, anyone fancy a celebration?” 

“Cautiously,” Jen interjected. “You’re all safe for the moment, but we think this isn’t over, and that someone may still try to get you all where they can experiment and find a way to get it to do what they want.” She paused. “I’ve pulled some strings. You’ve met Eric, he’s much more than he appears, and he’s putting together a way to ‘disappear’ you all.”

Our celebration was premature. A couple of months of normal routine came to an end one afternoon with a phonemail. Eric had alerted Les to the need to report anything unusual to him, so we did. The caller hadn’t spoken, merely hung up when Les answered, however, on a second call that I answered, whoever it was called me an evil demon, a man in a woman’s body, and muttered something about seeing to it that this was ended. I reported it immediately to Eric, and that kicked off a whole process.

Our peace and privacy was now shattered, a very sophisticated alarm system was fitted to our cottage and to the main house, and surveillance cameras monitored the garden. Twice in the ensuing weeks, alarms were triggered, and our now ‘resident’ security people went into action. It quickly became obvious that there was more than one person involved, and Eric was worried.

“This isn’t just some crank.” He told Jen in our presence. “There’s a very nasty bunch behind it, and they’ve got the backing of the bastards we jailed over the Anunnaki device.” 

“So what do we need to do?” Les got the question in first.

“We’re working on a scheme, but it’ll mean you all have to ‘vanish’.” Eric paused. “Not just you four, but everybody that went through the process, or was associated with it.”

“That’ll take some doing,” Jen commented. “It won’t be easy just walking away from everything. If they’re as organised as you say — they’ll be monitoring our bank accounts, my practice, Bee’s magazine office, Len and Liz’s business …”

“Yes, and there’s precious few people we can trust. This runs very deep. There’s a lot of very influential people involved.” Eric paused. “We think there’s a way to get you all shifted, and established somewhere else, but, as you say, it needs a lot of setting up.” He glanced at Jen. “I don’t want to share the details too widely, so I’ll ask you, Jen, to be the one person in this group I work with. Everyone else will just have to trust me …”

We exchanged glances, then Birgit nodded. “Okay, I’m happy with that, Eric.” She smiled at Jen. “It’s time we made a change of scene anyway.”

“Good.” Eric said as we all gave our agreement. “To make this work I’m going to have to go right out on a limb. I’ll organise a Doms and Subs ‘event’ and we’ll have everything set up for you to simply vanish from there. We’ll have a couple of intermediate stops where we can keep you out of sight while we make sure we’ve thrown them off the trail, and while we busy with that we’ll deal with things like your bank accounts and property.” He smiled. “We have to set up a final destination for you that is off the radar and secure in every sense of the word.”   

I studied my reflection in the full-length mirror critically. This was the night we were to ‘vanish’, and the fetish outfits were a large part of it. If you’re going to pull a disappearing trick, you need to make sure the ‘audience’ is distracted. Our outfits were intended to do exactly that. 

The leather suit had been tailor-made for me, and looked as fantastic as I’d hoped. The soft, pliable, leather had been cut and formed exactly to my body and the discreet use of matched lycra and reinforced elastane material gave it more flexibility. Lacing over these areas supported them and gave the suit a very restrictive look. 

Instead of a through zip in the crotch I’d worked with the maker to create a ‘tongue’ of elastane that provided complete closure, with laces drawing the opening closed. Mind you, my vulva was locked into the lined, steel moulded chastity cover that held a thin dildo vibrator in my vagina, so the suit simply held that very firmly in place and showed it off rather well. The dildo also had a tracing device so I could be tracked should the need arise. 

The lacing and the tightness of the closure gave my crotch an exciting focus. Likewise the ‘cups’ encasing my breasts were held in place by a series of cunningly positioned micro studs, allowing them to be detached so my breasts could be exposed for display or play. The outfit was completed by knee-high boots with high heels, and thin leather gloves covering my hands. With my face made up, and my crew cut hairdo, I was ready for an evening of fun. It had taken almost an hour to get dressed in it, and parts had needed Les’ help — as had his outfit.

“Nervous? I am, in fact I’m scared.” Les walked up behind me, his leather outfit similar to mine, and slipped his arms round my waist. 

“I’m frightened, Les. What if this goes wrong?”

“It won’t. Eric knows what he’s doing, and Jen trusts him, so …” He hugged me. “You look stunning, my love.” He kissed my neck. “Just as well I’m locked into this chastity belt.” He chuckled as my hand found his crotch and fondled the steel shield covering his genitals. “You ready? I can’t wait to see Birgit’s reaction to your outfit.”

“And I can’t wait to see Dalton’s reaction to yours.” I turned in his arms. “Do you think we’re really safe from the people Anika and Felix told us about?” I shuddered. “What a horrible plan …”

“Yes, it was.” He hugged me. “Jen thinks that after this we’ll safe and so does Dalton — Eric’s hand picked the squad and has decoys and his special team waiting for anyone that tries to track us. He’s absolutely certain that everyone involved is sound, and his ghost team know who they’re watching for.” He paused, smiling as he held me close. “And now we’d better get downstairs and be ready when they arrive to collect us.” Kissing my forehead carefully, he asked, “Got everything?”

“Let me think.” I grinned. “Vibrator in my pussy, complete with tracker … Yes, I’m ready. You?”

“Same — except the pussy bit.” He laughed. “I think we’re going to be well looked after, my love. Come on, let’s go.”

“Do you miss it? Being a woman, I mean.” I asked as we descended the stairs.

“Miss being a woman?” He paused. “No, in all honesty, I don’t.” His hand found my leather covered butt. “Besides, with this sharing bodies thing … I’m still woman enough to enjoy what you get, and more than man enough to enjoy giving it and all the Gay stuff as well. You?”

“Same, I guess. And, no, I don’t want to go back to being the man I was!” I looked around. “I’m going to miss this place. Do you think our new home will be as nice?” I kissed him as the doorbell sounded. “They’re here. I’ll get the door.”

“Eric planned something special for this. A double bluff to make a good jumping off point to our new identities and futures, so this is a variation on the old three cup trick,” Jen said over her shoulder as she drove. “We’re going to have a little fun first, then Eric’s people will take our places and we get moved to the first of a series of ‘safe’ venues. The others are meeting us there.”

“Sounds good,” I said. Both Jen and Birgit were ‘dressed’ in leather outfits that suggested the venue was somewhere with a definite fetish theme. “Eric’s running the operation?”

“Yes.” Jen replied. “And confirmed it’s safe — there’s always a chance they missed someone, so we’re playing very safe.” She concentrated on the road. “Once you guys are safely away, Bee and I are retiring and selling up. We’ll join you eventually by a very much longer and more devious route.”

“Basically we’re all going to ‘disappear’.” Birgit’s tone was matter of fact. “Just at intervals.” 

“We’re hardly dressed for travelling like this,” I objected.

“True, and that’s why it’s perfect.” Jen chuckled, turning into a driveway. “And now we’re here. I see Felix is waiting for us.” She parked the car. “Let’s get the show on the road.” 

Birgit held the door for me as I got out. “That outfit is so damned sexy …” Kissing my cheek she laughed. “Oh well, I’ll have to get you to model it for us once we’re all settled after this.”

“It’ll be a pleasure,” I replied. "I just hope this all works out.” I took Les’ hand as he joined us. “We really loved Barn Cottage.”

“We know, but we hope our new homes will be as good.” Jen joined us. “Come on my dears, let’s get this party started.”

We got off to a slow start. All of us were, despite our outfits and arousal, nervous. It was a while before we relaxed enough to enjoy ourselves and explore the possibilities our outfits offered. Then, all too soon, it was time for the ‘plan’ to swing into action. Len and I were the third pair to be substituted by doubles from Eric’s organisation, then we changed out of our ‘special’ suits and were spirited away in a caterers van. Three changes of vehicle and outfits later I walked aboard a luxury yacht. We were reunited in a rather luxurious cabin below decks.

The next few weeks passed in a whirl of changes of outfit, changes of location, even, with the help of special makeup, changes of face and physiognomy. Finally, in broad daylight, we walked aboard a small commercial airliner and disembarked at a small airport outside a very small city.

“You’re almost there, folks.” Jen welcomed us, looking relaxed, her hair loose, and casually dressed. “We’ve a short ride from here, then a boat trip and we’re home.”

“Is everyone here?” I asked as she drove toward the sea.

“Almost. Just two couples still to arrive, but they’ll come a different way.” Jen laughed. “Relax, kids, I think you’re going to love this place.”

We stepped out of the small cruiser onto the floating jetty at the head of a narrow inlet and stared at the scene. In a sheltered hollow nestled a cluster of new bungalows, each with a garden and facing onto an open area. 

“Welcome home,” Jen said, hugging us both. “I bought this island quite a while back, and when Eric said we all needed to disappear, I thought of it. His people have set up an untraceable ownership, developed everything properly, and here we are. Yours is the bungalow next door to me and Birgit. Follow me!”

Our new home was perfect in every way. Intimate, yet large enough for us to entertain, with a studio and all our ‘office’ equipment installed. Even our toys and fetish gear was here and the pantry and freezer were well stocked.

“Looks like we’ve landed in the clover, love.” Les said, giving me a hug. “Do you think Jen’s right and we’re untraceable here?”

Returning the hug, I nodded. “I think so. I don’t know how she connects with Eric’s people, or where she fits in with Anika and Felix, but I trust her.” I grinned. “After all she’s ‘our’ family.”

He laughed and we parted as someone knocked at the door. “I’ll get it.”

“Like your new home?” Birgit asked as he opened the door.

“You bet,” Les replied. “Come on in, we were just wondering how to celebrate it.”

“We thought you might want to.” She laughed. “So we’ve arranged a little welcome. Liz, darling, wear that leather outfit you wore the night we left, it’s in the wardrobe, and you, Les, can wear your going away outfit.” Her eyes twinkled. “We thought they made fabulous ‘arrival’ outfits to celebrate in.” She blew us a kiss and stepped out. “See you at six thirty. Don’t be late!”

The Welcome Party rapidly turned into something of an orgy, and we all threw ourselves into it. The sun was just rising as Les and I made our way to our new home. Like me, he was tired, but extremely happy and walking in a haze of post-coital satisfaction. In our living room he took me in his arms, and kissed me.

“What’s that for?” I asked wrapping my arms round his waist. 

“Just to remind you to look after that body, darling.” He grinned. “Your double-fuck-suck was quite a performance.”

“So was yours,” I retorted. 

“Ah, but I only had one in my butt, and mine in someone else’s, while I gave Stuart ‘head’ — you had two inside and a third in your mouth.”

“True.” I grinned. “You.” I hugged him. “Now do you want to help me out of this suit and take me to bed?”

Returning the hug, he kissed me, then swept me into his arms and carried me toward the bedroom. “Minx, I should leave you as you are and put you in the bed restraints!”

“Oooh, promises and threats!” I laughed and kissed him. “You say the nicest things.” My pussy felt hot and swollen. “Can I have a rain check on the bondage? What I need now is another dose of us in our pussy …”

“Anytime, my love.” He lowered me onto the bed. “Phew, now, do you want me to release you first, or do you want to stay in this suit?”

I laughed. “I’ll stay like this, but first I think we need to release certain parts of you …” Reaching up, I removed his codpiece and gripped his rising erection. “Mmmm, now this is more like it, beloved.” Spreading my legs I helped him into position. “Fill me up …”

The sun was well up by the time we’d both managed to get out of our bondage suits, have a quick wash and ‘comfort’ stop, then with the blinds down and the curtains closed, we fell into bed, snuggled into each other end let sleep take us.