Owen's 18th year

by Loki66320798

25 Jul 2022 1692 readers Score 9.3 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Owen was laying on the sofa in nothing but a pair of dirty white socks, and a pair of silky white football shorts. He was watching the football and rubbing his hands over his crotch and arse subconsciously, whilst thinking about their earlier football game, and what could have happened…

* * *

Owen had been playing in midfield and had gotten into an altercation with another player, and having not had the best relationship with the referee, the judgement had been made that Owen was yellow carded, and then subsequently benched so that he would still be able to play later in the game if needed, but would also have time to cool off.

Whilst sat on the bench, Owen played on his phone and saw that Ethan had sent him a message telling him to wait after the game.

Owen popped a semi in anticipation, and was tempted to head off to relive himself, but he knew he’d get flack from the manager if he did. So he stayed there, thinking ‘unsexy’ thoughts, in a world of his own.

“‘George’ is gonna be on site on Wednesday” he heard a voice say.

Owen couldn’t see a face or a body at first, and didn’t even know if they were talking to him, but the mere mention of ‘George’ had flooded owens brain with memories of that mystery cock, and the way it had pummelled his insides and opened him up like never before.

“He was impressed you could take him” said the voice, which owen was starting to think sounded familiar, and then with those words he realised. It was the “stranger”.

“Of course i got the best lube, that is to say cum, up you first. And then to get to feel your tight hole try to grip my cock after his, well kid, you’ve got some talent.”

“Yeah you fucking perv, you didn’t even give me a chance to steady myself after your mate before you rammed your knob back up me” owen grinned whilst trying to sound macho despite the words he was saying.

“You gonna come out in the open, so I can see who’s fucked me, and to give me another go, or have I got to wait until Wednesday for you too?

Josh, one of the linesmen, who was semi regular on their pitches stepped from behind the obscuring walls of the players shelter, and stood grinning at owen.

The same Josh who had reportedly been caught hooking up with Ethan.

Josh still stood grinning as he saw the look of realisation on Owens face, and rubbed his crotch in a way which he thought looked manly and assertive, but Owen thought looked childish and chavvy and reminded him of the lads he went to school with just 2 years before.

“I’ll make you a bet” said Josh

“If your team win, I’ll do what you want, at a time of your choosing”

Owen knew his team were loosing 2-0 currently, so this ‘bet’ sounded very one sided.

“What happens if we don’t?” Asked owen?

“If you’re team loses, your arse is mine to do with as I please on site for a day”

Josh moved on closer

“Luka only sucks cock on site, so if you lose, I’m sure the boys would love to fill your tight plump c*nt for the day, and I bet you would too”

Owen had shaken his hand before he even thought about the possible repercussions at work.

As they shook hands, owens fantasy seemed to loose momentum before it had even started.

Owens team scored a goal, and somehow within 3 minutes had levelled the score.

Josh had wandered off and was back fulfilling his duties for the amateur football league, and owen was called back onto the field. As he crossed the ball for an assist, his hole twinged at the loss of the sexual fantasy of being used by numerous men on site, but his brain knew team loyalty wouldn’t let him screw up their game or their chances in their group league.

It also meant owen was showing he wasn’t going to be a play thing at their beckoning… even if that’s exactly what he wanted.

The game finished 2-3, in favour of owens team, and Josh was quick to approach and congratulate him.

“Il leave you my number, a bets a bet.” Said Josh. “Only rule is I’m not giving up “George’s identity”

“Don’t worry, il find out my own ways, even if I have to ride him until Christmas” laughed owen.

He said farewell and headed to the changing room with the rest of the guys, who showered in cubicles, rather than in a communal shower.

Owen hadn’t played the whole game, and wasn’t sure if he might get to see Lee, so deliberately changed only his top, and then headed out to the fixtures board.

“Easy tiger” called Ethan, pulling Owen’s thoughts back to reality, and to his current surroundings.

Owen looked up from his phone, which showed the last 4 messages from Lee were still unread, and he was being unusually silent.

“I got your Message” said Ethan, with a stoic look on his face. “I take it you heard about me and Josh”

“Mate, I did, but it’s not like that” Owen started

“I don’t shout it from the rooftops but I like guys” he blurted.

“So instead of starting with a conversation, as a mate, you thought that sending the vid of someone…”

“Me. It was me.” Interrupted Owen “I think you’re fit, and I don’t want to make things awkward here or out for drinks, but I thought you might be interested in seeing if the friendship goes in another direction.”

“Well from the message you’ve sent I’m guessing you don’t mean romantic” laughed Ethan.

“Just fun mate, no strings fun”

“Il have a think about it and maybe we can see what happens” replied Ethan.

“You off to find Josh now? Laughed Owen

“Shut up. No. He can suck my cock next week”

And with that Ethan flushed red and ran off, having Said more than he had planned.

5 minutes later, Owen heard his phone ping. 2 messages at the same time.

First was from Josh, inviting him to his place for a bacon sandwich and a chat.

Seconds later was Ethan, asking if Owen wanted to watch that afternoons football game.

Owen weighed up both options, and decided that either they were playing games with him, and that he wanted to see how far they’d go, or that neither one knew about this and that he could see how far they’d go separately.

Owen replied yes to both, and received Josh’s address a few minutes after, and Ethan said he’d swing by Owens house that afternoon, as he knew where he lived.

45 minutes later Owen hopped off of the electric scooter he had rented and knocked on Josh’s back door.

They sat and chatted and made small talk before Josh steered the conversation towards their encounter on site. After establishing that Owen got off on it, Josh explained that he was verse, and that “George” had fucked him a bunch of times in the cubicle on site, so it was hot for him to top.

Owen asked about him and Ethan and found out that they were just hooking up, with no romantic feelings between them, and that Josh was helping Ethan find his way. So far Josh had sucked Ethan off a few times, fucked him once, and been fucked by him on 3 different occasions.

Owen was caught off guard finding out that Josh was verse but knew that there was gonna be someone else who liked getting fucked, as he wasn’t the only lad with a preference for bottoming in the world.

“So have you really invited me round for a bacon sandwich and a chat?” Asked Owen bluntly, half an hour into his visit.

“I believe, I do what you want, was the bet” replied Josh

“Ok suck my cock then” stated Owen.

Josh dropped to his knees and slowly pulled Owens shorts down, revealing a ap pair of white Calvin Klein boxers, which in turn revealed a grey jock strap, that had been carefully hidden from the other players.

Owen was a little more than flaccid, but not quite semi, yet Josh slid his tongue under Owens now freed cock, and swallowed it to the base. He felt the cock harden and stiffen and expand inside his mouth and down his throat. Josh slowly moved his tongue caressing Owen’s growing cock, and swallowed the the helmet down his throat so that owens full length stayed inside his mouth.

This was clearly someone who was used to sucking cock, and also dealing with bigger cocks that Owen was sporting too which turned Owen on immediately.

Josh started to bob his head up and down the length of owens now solid cock, and could already taste a wad of precum glazing his tongue and dripping down his throat. Josh caressed owens balls and then grabbed owens hips and cupped his arse. He gripped owens firm cheeks and guided Owen upright.

Owen had taken off his shoes on arrival to Josh’s house, and so stepped out of the shorts and underwear items which had fallen around his ankles. As Josh sucked his cock, with his eyes closed, Owen silently pushed his lips together and pushed saliva onto his forefinger and index finger and smeared it across his hairless pink hole.

Owen pushed the 2 fingers up inside himself and massaged his ring, and bucked his hips inside Josh’s mouth. Josh massaged owens balls and moved his hand up towards owens arse and felt that Owen had already started to take care of his own hole.

Josh kept on sucking as that’s what he’d been ordered to do, and increased his momentum, twirling his tongue over owens helmet.

Owens knees bucked as he suddenly blew his load down Josh’s throat. It was the best blow job he’d ever had, and it had taken him less than 6 minutes to get hard, and cum in this hoover of a mouth, which was sucking every drop from his throbbing cock, without once having his cock fully leave Josh’s mouth.

After the waves of his pleasure had diminished, Owen pulled back and removed his still hard cock from Josh’s mouth.

Josh sat on his knees still, with a grin on his face from a job well done, his cock visibly tenting in his shorts.

“Are you gonna take care of that” asked Owen?

“Wasn’t told to” replied Josh submissively

“Well I’m telling you to get that cock out” Owen replied, enjoying the domination role he had been thrust into.

“Now lay on the floor” commanded Owen and Josh did as he was instructed. He lay on his kitchen floor in just his football shirt, with his underwear and shorts around his sock less ankles.

“Jerk it” instructed Owen, and he began to finger himself again.

Josh lay on the floor jerking his cock up and down, as owen then climbed on top of Josh and set straddling his cock. He felt Josh’s helmet grazing and brushing against and over his hole as Josh wanked his cock. Owen pushed back and felt the helmet of Josh’s cock penetrate his hole and he let out a gasp in pleasure.

Josh was still jerking his cock whilst owens hole was now slowly letting 2 and then 3 inches of his cock sink inside him, feeling Josh’s hand pressed between his own body and Owens descending cheeks.

Owen lifted himself slightly and allowed the small amount of Josh’s cock which was inside him to slide in and out, doubling Josh’s pleasure.

Josh caved and couldn’t keep up the wanking, and gripped Owens hips, thrusting up into him, as Owen began his descent down Josh’s shaft. The result was that all of Josh’s cock was dramatically pushed inside Owen with momentum resulting in owens ass cheeks slapping against Josh’s exposed thighs. Both Owen and Josh let out gasps of pleasure and groans, and moved their bodies against each other in perfect synchronicity. As Josh pushed up into Owen Owen would push down so that he was balls deep inside him, and when Owen lifted away, Josh withdrew slightly so that Owen had the repeated pleasure and momentum of Josh’s adequately sized member slamming into him with his whole 5 inches deep at a time.

Owen wished Josh had a bigger cock but right now it was scratching an itch that Lee wasn’t.

Thinking of Lee owen wondered why he was distancing himself, and then snapped back into the moment as Josh grabbed owen and pulled him into a kiss, whilst his cock pumped and throbbed, erupting and shooting his load up into owens waiting hole.

Owen groaned feeling the slimy stickiness coating his walls whilst Josh remained balls deep inside him. Eventually Josh broke the kiss, and apologised. Owen shrugged and smiled, happy that he was now filled with the nectar which his hole craved more and more of.

Owen stayed at Josh’s for another 40 minutes, and got his bacon sandwich which was promised too which had made Owen chuckle when Josh had gotten up and started cooking for him after catching his breath and laying beside Owen on the cool kitchen floor when Owen had finally climbed off of him.

* * *

“You enjoying yourself there mate?” Asked Ethan, who was sat in the armchair across the room from Owen, whilst they watched the football.

Owen was laying on the sofa in nothing but a pair of dirty white socks, and a pair of silky white football shorts. He was watching the football and rubbing his hands over his crotch and arse subconsciously.

Owen stopped and looked sheepishly at Ethan.

They’d been sat in silence other than a few words about the game on tv for almost an hour, and Owen had let his mind wander more than he had realised.

Ethan climbed out of the armchair and sat at the opposite end of the sofa which Owen had been laying across.

He let his hand touch Owen leg just above the sock, making direct skin to skin contact.

“Thinking about taking this friendship in a different direction?” Ethan asked.

“Maybe” lied Owen. He’d been thinking about the bet which Josh had made earlier and how he could have been passed around the builders, roofers, electricians and plumbers on the site for a day and how he’d have felt during and after. If only his team had lost…

“What’s the situation?” Asked Ethan. “I’m guessing that from the way you’re rubbing yourself, and the Snapchat you sent, that you prefer to be on the receiving end”

Owen nodded and felt Ethan’s hand slide up over his knee slowly and stop at this thigh. Ethan’s fingers traced owens light hairs on his leg and owen noticed the tenting in Ethan’s trackies.

“I have a boyfriend, but it’s an open relationship, as I like to take it, and he’s happy to share me from time to time” stated owen matter of factly.

He didn’t drop names, and he didn’t explain about the complicated situation with Lee also, but his explanation was seemingly enough for Ethan.

“So is he joining us today? Asked Ethan, slightly on edge at meeting another of their friend group in this situation.

“Nope, just us today” replied owen. “Didn’t want to scare you off” and he chuckled.

“Scare me off from fucking your fat arse? Replied Ethan, and he brought his hand straight up owens shorts and cupped his cheek with his hand tightly.

“Oi, my arse is not fat” growled owen

“It’s plump and tasty mate, wanted it since college if I must say it” said Ethan, catching owen unawares.

“You’ve literally been a fantasy, and I thought you were just close with your best mates, didn’t realise how close you could get though. Wish I’d acted on it sooner, but you had the girlfriend and…”

Owen moved his leg and used his foot to rub Ethan’s herd on through his trackies, shutting him up, and giving the go ahead for this to happen.

Ethan climbed in top of Owen and kissed him in his neck, then his nipples. He worked his way down owens torso, as he lay there shirtless, and brought his hands towards owens shorts. Owen pushed them down and kicked them off smoothly, without kicking or knocking Ethan off if him.

Ethan was greeted by a blue jockstrap which was straining to keep owens cock inside. Ethan greedily pulled the jockstrap to one side and inhaled the scent of owens crotch, before licking his balls, and up the underside of his shaft, then swallowing owens cock. Ethan gagged a bit as Owen got halfway down his throat but he sucked and bobbed his head up and down, giving a wet sloppy blowjob. Saliva was dribbling out of his mouth but Ethan’s eyes had practically rolled back in his own head. He was fully engrossed in the moment, and in tasting as much of Owen as he could. Owen had a decent 8 and half inch cock, and Ethan was swallowing just over 4 and a half of his length

Owens balls tightened and he was deciding whether to flood his friends mouth and throat with his load, or whether to hold off, when Ethan pulled back for air, unknowingly stopping at a good point.

Owen decided to return the favour, and showed off his skills, taking Ethan’s solid cock fully down his throat and nuzzling his nose against Ethan’s trimmed pubes.

Owen used his mouth to massage the throbbing member, and caressed the underside of Ethan’s shaft, which caused Ethan’s whole body to shudder in pleasure. Ethan bucked his hips and placed his hands in Owens head, holding him down, whilst breathing heavily.

“Owen, mate, stop” pleaded Ethan “Owen I’m so close and I’m not ready yet. I need to be with you properly, but you’re too good”

Owen let Ethan’s meat fall from his mouth, and looked at Ethan’s face, the need and the lust clearly visible in his eyes.

Owen lifted his legs and grabbed hold of his socked feet and revealed his pink hole, presenting tightly, giving no sign of the earlier penetration, and the white creamy trait waiting within.

Ethan looked at Owen presenting his hole to him on his family sofa and waited less than 10 seconds before his tongue was already lapping greedily at owens entrance. Owen didn’t want to reveal that he had been fucked just a few hours ago, by Josh, so was tightening his muscles so that ethan had to put some pressure in his tongue to force it up inside him.

Ethan was pushing his face deep into owens crotch and had his jawline firmly embedded between owens cheeks, whilst his tongue worked its way up into owen, and he ate his friends hole as if it was the most delicious meal he had ever sampled. Owen moaned and rolled his head back into the cushions below him, and pulled his legs back as far as they could go, as if he could get any more of Ethan’s tongue inside him.

Owen couldn’t resist and brought his hand to his solid cock and moved it slowly up and down whilst bucking his hips and fucking himself on Ethan’s tongue.

After what was nearly 10 minutes of just eating Owens hole, Ethan had pushed lots of saliva up into Owen and he was wet and ready for something more.

As Ethan sat back and admired his work, watching Owen hole drip and gape slightly, Ethan decided to skip straight to the full fucking.

Ethan knelt between owens legs and positioned his cock, pointing it straight at owens hole, and pushed forwards, letting his cock penetrate Owen, and feeling minimal resistance from Owen.

Ethan’s thick head popped inside owens waiting hole and slid all the way in. There were no words spoken between the two lads as Ethan sank all of his 7 inch cock into Owen.

Owen loved the feeling of a cock plunging into him, and even more so when it was the first time taking the new piece. He also loved how his hole was relaxed under his control yet he still felt when the last 2 inches of Ethan’s cock pushed past the limit of where Josh had been just hours before.

Owen was loving the feeling of Ethan being inside him, his cock was thicker and longer than Josh’s, but not quite the same thickness as Lee.

Ethan started to pound Owen hole, moving his hips slowly and already building speed, and Owen was not ready for it. He didn’t cum completely but his cock suddenly shot a spurt of cum straight up over Ethan’s chest.

Ethan wiped it off with a finger and licked it clean. He grimaced slightly, and admitted he wasn’t a cum lover, but wanted to experience every part of being intimate with Owen, as he had spent many nights coming to terms with his own sexuality, thinking of how he’d like to hook up with Owen. He had half expected for Owen to be the one topping and he’d prepared for this, but the fact that he was fucking Owen just made it even sweeter of an experience.

Ethan’s attention was on Owen and having seen how much he’d enjoyed his cock sinking inside him, Ethan decided to rapidly withdraw it and reinsert it. Owens hole gaped at the sudden removal and Owen groaned as the cock was shoved back up him just as quickly.

So Ethan did it again.

The third time he did it he noticed that his cock was covered in cum.

Ethan stopped and looked at Owen

“Mate, have you been fucked already today?” Ethan gestured to his cum covered cock “is this a present from your boyfriend?“

Owen weighed up the options.

He could say it was his boyfriend and lie, or he could tell Ethan it was from Josh, and gauge his reaction. Owen decided the latter.

“It’s from Josh. We hooked up at work a few weeks ago and”

Owens words were cut short by the sudden feeling of Ethan’s dick thrusting back inside him

“I’m gonna fuck you like the slut you are” breathed Ethan and he began to jackhammer inside Owens hole, half planking, half holding Owen in place for the hard fucking that was to follow.

“I’m not a slut” groaned Owen, secretly loving being verbally dressed down whilst getting railed by Ethan

“Said the cum dump. You clearly love getting fucked, and you’ve just told me you’ve had another guy breeding you just hours ago”

Ethan thrust forwards and pushed with all his might against Owens cheeks and tried to force himself so deep inside Owen, that there was no gap between them. Yet somehow without pulling back, Ethan was still thrusting up inside Owen, balls deep, fully bottomed out. He took Owens feet and pulled them to his face and inhaled deeply. He started to suck Owens dirty sweaty socks and groaned

Owen knew Ethan had gotten off berating him, so decided to push him over the edge

“Fuck my slut hole, breed me, send me back to Brad dripping with your cum”

Shit. Shouldn’t have said Brads name thought Owen.

He need not have worried as it did the trick. He felt Ethan erupt shooting his cum deep inside Owens guts. The force was so strong Ethan literally kept on fucking Owen deep, bellowing like a beast, and he fucked Owens cum right out of him.

Ethan pulled out of Owen and watched as his hole twitched to close but returned to gaping. Ethan’s cum, and some of Josh’s too, ran from Owens hole, however before Owen could reach around to stop it, Ethan had scooped it up and pushed it back inside Owen well fucked hole, before pushing it in deeper with 3 of his fingers.

Owen was shocked and turned on how Ethan was using him like a sexual object. Totally different from the romanticism he had expected.

Ethan flexed his fingers in Owens cummy hole, and his cock throbbed and bounced, having not gone flaccid yet.

He was still sniffing and sucking at Owens sweaty socks and they were getting pretty wet with Ethan’s saliva.

Owen felt drained and yet was keen to see how far Ethan wanted to take this encounter.

With his free hand, which was not inside Owens hole, Ethan released Owens foot and peeled his sodden socks off quickly, and he ran his tongue over Owens feet, from sole to toes, over and between each of his toes and and back down the arches of Owens soles.

He squirmed as his feet hadn’t been touched in weeks since Lee last saw him, which made his heart and hole Pang with longing.

Ethan now moved his hand down and was jerking his cock, whilst still stretching Owen hole with three fingers, and moving them around inside him.

After a few more minutes of this Ethan told Owen to get up and bend over the large footstool which sat next to the sofa making it like a chaise lounges.

Owen did as he was told, lifting himself off of Ethan’s fingers, as they were not willingly withdrawn.

No sooner had Owen bent over the footstool, before Ethan had decided to ravage him again, and thrust his hard cock back up inside him.

Owen groaned and his hole spasmed and gripped Ethan’s invading cock tightly, but it was too late and Ethan had used so much force with his thrust he was 6 inches deep already and the way he was jackhammering his hips meant it was mere moments until he broke through Owens tightened sphincter and was balls deep again.

Owen was loving the hard fuck his ex school firmed was giving him, so much so that his mind wasn’t even wandering to what if scenarios, or imaginary extras appearing.

Which was ironic because at that moment Lee walked in the front door, looked straight through the hallway and into the living room and watched as Owen was being railed on the footstool.

Lee was here to fuck Owen the way he knew Owen wanted it and showed no surprise at Ethan being inside his lover.

He slipped out of his clothes, and walked up behind Ethan, tapping him on the shoulder, and pointed at Owen.

Ethan nodded, and leant forwards to push Owens head down lower so he couldn’t see Lee at all. He kissed the back of Owens neck, and unceremoniously pumped another load inside Owens hole. He thrust harder and deeper and Owen could really feel Ethan’s cock hitting the base of his stomach.

Owen sighed deeply as Ethan finally withdrew his cock, and was still bent over the footstool when Ethan came and sat in front of him, pushing his cummy sweaty cock in his face to be cleaned. As Owen took Ethan’s cock in his mouth, Ethan wisely pushed the full length down Owens throat so he had to control his breathing and ensure he didn’t gag.

This also served as a distraction preventing Owen from biting down on Ethan’s cock, as Lee pushed his thick helmet against Owens hole, using only the saliva, sweat and trickles of cum which had escaped to lubricate his entrance.

Owen gasped and gagged and tried to turn but his head was held in place by Ethan and he started to panic, tightening his sphincter and gripping the momentarily unknown cock inside him.

Owen looked at Ethan as if to ask “what have you done” when Lee spoke for the first time.

“Hey lover, or should I just call you slut now?” Ethan released Owens face and he looked back, relived, turned in but also put out.

“What the fuck Lee?”

“I’m helping you get the fuck of your dreams Owen. If I can’t love you without sharing you, I figured I’d come to terms with it in my own time and help you out to show my love at the same time.

I was down the pub the night after your special encounter, and I overheard Josh and a mate of his openly discussing their time with you with Ethan here.”

Ethan looked sheepish as Owen looked back up to him.

“You acted like you had no idea about Josh” started Owen, but he stopped as lees thrusts hit his gspot and his cock throbbed viciously against the boxing of the footstool, which caused him to then wince slightly and tighten around lees cock.

“That’s it bitch grip this cock and squeeze my cum into your waiting hole”

Owens cock throbbed again, tureens on with all this dirty talk and slut shaming.

Lee resumed his tale “Turns out ‘George’ and his mate Josh were the ones from the site, and following your admission that you’d want to do it again, I thought I’d tell them you’d be game. It was me who told Brad about Ethan and Josh, and they were all keen to help you get off, and to use you to get us all off.

We’ve been planning this for a little while and we want to see if we can outdo ‘George’

Owen Tilted his head quizzically, Having just adapted to taking Lee back inside him, and watched as Ethan stood up and sat on the sofa.

Lee bent down over Owen and kissed the back of his neck and nibbled on the lobes of his ears.

He jumped Owen like a dog, and planted his load deep inside him, before finally pulling out.

Owen was dripping precum from his cock and he’d left a considerable amount down the side of the footstools material.

He stood up and embraced Lee, happy to see him, and happy that they had resolved their issues.

They kissed tenderly, and Lee jerked Owens cock gently, before placing his hands on Owens shoulders and guided him backwards, pushing him down onto Ethan’s still solid cock.

Lee was kissing Owen as Ethan sank his cock inside him, and Owen ended up sat in Ethan’s lap. He was straddling him, with his legs on opposite sides, but Lee lifted Owens legs so he was rolled backwards onto Ethan’s torso.

Lee stood there and licked Owens left foot, groaning and his cock springing back to fully erect at the smell of his football sweat which still clung to the sole and his toes.

Ethan thrust up into Owen and held him on his thighs, bouncing him up and down on his cock and his lap.

Lee pulled away from Owens foot, spat on it, and then pulled it down to rub over his cock.

Whilst Ethan fucked Owens hole, Lee pulled Owens fight foot round and fucked Owens feet.

“Lee I want you inside me again, I’ve missed you so much”

Lee winked at Owen and nodded.

He withdrew his cock from Owens feet, and pushed Owens legs apart again, staring at Ethan’s cock sliding in and out, slick with Owens juices, saliva, and multiple cum loads.

Owen thought he was going to lift him back off of Ethan but he didn’t, he took his saliva coated cock and positioned his helmet at Owens hole, and started to push.

Owen groaned, as he realised that Lee and Ethan had planned this, they were going to double fuck him, together at the same time.

He couldn’t contain himself and he shot all over himself as Lee popped his thick cock head inside Owen, alongside Ethan’s cock. Ethan was still, as Lee pushed more of himself inside Owen.

Owen writhed in pleasure feeling both cocks inside him.

As lee pushed more of himself into Owen, Ethan resumed thrusting, and within a few more thrusts, both cocks were going like pistons in and out of Owens hole.

He was in ecstasy and his cock had shot another burst of cum over himself making that 2 loads in a matter of moments, just from the feeling of having his hole stretched, and both cocks using each other in different ways to hit his prostate.

Ethan was panting heavily, and seemed to be nearing his limit, and just 3 thrusts later a third load was pumped from his cock, up deep inside Owen.

The throbbing sensation, then squeezing sensation of Owens hole, as it struggled with the new sensation of 2 cocks at the same time, and tried to contract to keep all the cum inside himself, was then enough to push Lee over the edge, as he kissed Owen passionately.

The three lads laid there, their bodies still entwined, for a number of minutes before both cocks had gone to a semi flaccid state.

Lee pulled out first, and he watched as a trickled of cum followed. Owens hole contracted quite quickly, but when Ethan pulled out after, his hole was too well used to close, and a flood of cum fan from his hole, and down onto Ethan’s crotch. Lee had picked up Owens silky shorts and passed them to Ethan to stop their combined pool of cum from running onto the sofa.

Mainly because Owens mother would go apeshit metal when the stain revealed itself.

Owen climbed off Ethan and laid on the floor, and Lee lay beside him and embraced him.

Ethan watched the 2 lads, jealous of their openness but happy to have been included in lees sexual plan.

“That was amazing” sighed Owen

“I love you” said Lee. “And I’m prepared to do this to keep you happy”

“I love you too” replied Owen

“I love your hole” murmured Ethan and the three of them laughed.

“We all love his hole” said Lee, “and I’m excited to see how much more it can take. Not today though, I’m knackered and I think you might be fucked enough”

“I didn’t know I feel really empty now” replied Owen bluntly “maybe we can go again in nano hour or so when you’ve both recovered?”

Ethan laughed “this slut is relentless, I can’t believe I thought you liked birds”

Lee laughed too “no he loves the deep dicking. Feel free to use him when you want, but don’t forget what we agreed”

And with that Lee rummaged in his pocket of his discarded trackies, pulled out a medium sided butt plug, and passed it to Owen.

“From now on, if you want cock, you take it, but you keep the cum inside, and Ethan, Brad or myself will keep checking. You know I love pounding that tight hole, and when it’s full of cum, it’s just too hard to pass up.”

Owen grinned and swallowed the plug, coating it with saliva, before pushing it up inside himself.

He was looking forward to showing it to Dwayne, as Brad supposedly knew about it already. He was also looking forward toseeing what new exploits their growing friend group would soon be getting up to.