Sugar Daddy

by Ralphe Brandon

10 Mar 2022 7957 readers Score 9.3 (67 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Disclaimer: The following story contains graphic depiction of consensual sex between males that are related by blood. If this story offends you or is illegal in where you are residing, turn back now. This is also a work of fiction. The characters and the events that take place are non existent. Any similar occurrence in real life is purely coincidental.

Copyright: © Ralphe Brandon, 2022. This story is not to be distributed or used without permission from the author. This entire body of work is also not allowed to be used as an NFT unless specified by the author.

"Fuck yes!" I screamed in delight as he deliciously drove his long hard daddy dick inside me. "Ugh, daddy."

"Whose hole is this?" He said before plunging his cock in a long stroke that pressed down on my button so hard it almost made me cum.

"Yours. Just yours." I moaned. He just smiled at me then kissed me like I'm his favorite person in the world, which I know I am. "Daddy!" I broke off the kiss because I suddenly started cumming from the pleasure he was giving me. I guess he felt it, too, because a sudden warmth engulfed my insides. He let out a deep groan and hugged me tight as he planted his load deep inside me.

The minute we were done gasping for air after that wonderful orgasm, he disentangled himself away from me, looked into my eyes and smiled before standing up and heading towards the bathroom to clean up. Meanwhile, I remained on the bed as I basked in the afterglow of our love making.

"Kiddo." He said after exiting the bathroom. "I got you the thing you wanted for Christmas." It's really weird that he still calls me that even though he knows I'm 20, but I kinda like it.

"Really?" I squealed a little. I've been dying to get my hands on a few new things and I'm pretty sure he got one of them. "Which one?"

"Everything." He smirked.

"What? Are you serious?" I was shocked. The new phone I wanted, a gaming console and a Surface Pro would've cost him a fortune.

"It's what you wanted. Anything for my baby boy." He dropped the towel he was using, then crawled towards me on the king size bed we've been fucking on for only god knows how long. But, before he could plant his lips on me, I pushed him gently on the chest then frowned.

"You know I hate it when you do that." I said, pretending to be annoyed but wasn't actually annoyed with him spending on me. I was more annoyed with him dropping the wet towel on the laminated wooden floor.

"Want me to take them back?" He raised his eybrows and looked at me like I was being ridiculous.

"No. I meant that." I pointed towards the wet towel and the floor and he laughed. "You're just like your mother. You know it's why we got divorced." He gave me a knowing grin.

"Shut up. Besides, you got divorced because she would rather have a person with a V than enjoy that large and gorgeous P dangling between your legs." I countered and grinned back at him.

"Such a smartass." He picked up the wet towel and threw it on my face before jumping back on the bed with me.

I pretty much didn't get any sleep that night. We were at it til 4am.


"Kiddo, wake up." He kissed me on the cheek before gently slapping my naked ass that was lying on top of his bedspread. "I have to get to work." When I looked up at him, he was all dressed up and ready.

"What time is it?" I asked groggily while sitting up.

"9 am. I have a meeting to get to. Alright if I left you here?" He said while fixing his beautiful brown hair as he stared in the mirror back at me. My dad Mark, even though 15 years older than me, was still hot as fuck, especially wearing his office formals.

"I'll go to the gym where you bought my membership. I told you there was no need for that. I can workout in the campus gym." I said half jokingly. He just shrugged.

"I don't want you getting too pudgy. I want to feel some firmness when I grab onto your ass everytime I fuck you." He giggled as he teased me because he knew I was conscious about my ass.

"Asshole." I giggle with him. "What time will you be back?"

"I can be back home anytime you want me to be, being CEO and all." He moved towards me, smiled and winked before bending to kiss me goodbye, then went towards the door to leave, but before he could do so he looked back at me. "Before I leave, I have a surprise for you. It has a ribbon on it. Look for it and use it later." He winked and finally left.

I stood up, took a shower and had breakfast before I went searching the house for the gift he told me. I looked under the Christmas tree but none of the wrapped gifts had a ribbon on top. I looked at the pile of gifts in the dining room that he wasn't finished wrapping but I guess those didn't fit because they didn't have a ribbon either and judging by his vague description, it needed to have a ribbon on it.

I decided to forego looking for the gift and deal with it later. Besides, he'll chew my ass, figuratively of course, if he finds out I didn't go to the gym he said I should go to, so I decided it was time to go before he makes a huge fuss. When I entered the garage, I got the shock of my life. I literally dropped on the floor. My old car was gone. On its place was a brand new silver Audi E-tron with a huge red ribbon on top and a large card with a note that says "Merry Christmas, Evan! Love, Dad" visible from where I was slumped down. "He fucking went all out this year!" I muttered to myself. "I can't fucking believe he really spent a fortune on me." I immediately called him, while still slumped down on the garage floor. "Dad, what the actual fuck?" I exclaimed.

"You don't like it?" He asked.

"We're gonna talk when you get back home because this is seriously fucked up." I hung up. He knew I was upset. He was treating me like I'm one of his sugar babies that he had before he and mom got divorced. I was so upset, I returned to our bed instead of going to the gym.

I woke up to him lying beside me, no longer dressed in office clothes but wasn't naked either. He knew I was angry and he never lays beside me naked whenever I'm angry. His arm was draped around my lower back, his fingers grazing my muscles, gentle enough not to be ticklish nor erotic. "I'm sorry." He murmured as I opened my eyes.

"You're not my sugar daddy, you know." I said. "You're already my dad and your love for me is enough. You don't have to buy me expensive shit."

"I thought I can shower you thing you like like your mom." He said. Sadness was evident in his eyes.

"And yet, she still left, and even took half of your money with her. It's a good thing the business wasn't named after her or she would've found the way to get that, too." I said. "Wait, are you afraid that if you don't give me stuff, I'll leave just like her?" He looked at me like he was about to cry.

"I love you, son. Not like I'm in love with you but I love you love you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me especially after you stayed when your mom left." He moved his head closer to me. "I know, you'll find someone else who you'll fall in love with and that's why I'm afraid when you do, I'll be left all alone."

"Dad, I'll never leave you like that. I'm always gonna be here for you." I moved towards him and smiled becore giving him a full kiss on the lips. He kissed me back and the next thing I knew, my legs were up in the air.

"Fuck, daddy. Lick that hole." I could feel his tongue dancing inside me, his fingers prying open my hole. "Yes, fuck!!" It was like he's licking my soul from my ass and it was sending jolts of pleasure to every part of my body.

"Ready, kiddo?" He asked as he lined his 9 inch dick on my hole. I can feel the bulbous head throbbing, begging for entry.

"Fuck me, daddy." I pleaded. He slowly impaled his thick tool inside my hole. I can feel every vein dancing on my rim as he cut through me like knife on butter. I guess my hole was used to him doing this that it immediately blossomed out, sending him so deep, I could feel the air in my lungs leave as I breathed in when he bottomed out inside of me.

"So fucking tight." He mumbled as he started plowing deep into me. I could never get enough of the feeling of his dick plunging into me. It kept hitting the right spots especially when he gyrates his hip to go deeper than anyone I've ever experienced.

"Da...ddyyy..." I moaned. I was already so close. "I'm..."

"I know, kiddo." He started pummeling me faster. He knew I was close. Everytime he does this, I know it won't be the first time I'll be coming from this fuck. "Cum for me." He bent down and took my dick into his mouth while continuing to fuck me deeper. He was flexible like that.

"Shit! Dad! Fuck!" I came so much I thought he'd suck all of me from my dick. And yhen he was kissing me, snowballing some of the cum that was remaining inside his mouth. He slowed his thrusting and waited for me to come off of my orgasmic high while we continued to make out in pure bliss. My dick was coming alive again.

I just laid there and looked deep into his eyes as he slowly fucked me into another oblivion, but before he did, he asked me a question. "So what do you want me to do with the car? I already scrapped your old one."

"This not fair. I'm high on your dick and you're asking this questionnn..." He jammed his dick directly into my prostate and the thought went right across my brain. "Fine. I'll keep it."

"That's what I wanted to hear." He smiled as he plunged his dick faster in me.

Well, I guess I really do have a sugar daddy.

by Ralphe Brandon

Email: [email protected]

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