Student residence

by Leather pants slut

22 Mar 2023 1259 readers Score 8.8 (21 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


—————  Saturday afternoon,  DSH, Universitycity

A cheerful boyish boy with a mischievous auburn quiff and sparkling green eyes opens the front door of the DSH.

"Welcome Troy, come in!" says Raf, Mr. Kasper's sub.

“Come upstairs, Mr. Mees expects you in his room.”

When the boys arrive on the first floor, Raf knocks politely on the door of the Praeses' room. “Sir Mees, Troy van der Zandt is here for you”.

“Let him in Raf” sounds a warm, not unfriendly voice.

When Troy enters the room, he feels butterflies in his stomach as he sees a gorgeous young man in a full leather outfit standing behind his desk. The young man leafs through some papers. When this god, descended straight from boy heaven, puts the papers back on the desk in his hand and sits down in a luxurious armchair with his leather-covered legs spread wide, Troy notices that he is not offered a seat.

“Welcome Troy, I'm Mees. Mees ter Borch, president of the DSH”

“Good afternoon Mees,” says Troy with a slightly nervous smile.

“Subs call me ’Sir Mees' in this house, the subs in the house address all Dominants with ’Sir’. From now on I want you to address me as ’Sir Mees'".

“Yes Sir Mees,” says Troy in a submissive tone. He is turned on by the dominance of the leather-clad boy opposite him in the armchair. An erection is visible in his tight pants.

“I see that Mr van Zandt, your father, has given me good advice regarding your leather fetish. It is clear to see that you like my outfit”

Troy blushes.

“Don't be ashamed boy, enjoy it. That is the purpose of your visit here at the house.”

“There are a number of house rules you should know Troy” Mees continues, “you already know the first two rules: the first is that Dominants are addressed by subs as ’Sir’, the second rule is that you don't have to be ashamed for your feelings or your body's reaction to them.”

Mees looks straight at Troy.

“For rules three and four, I need your explicit consent, as long as this weekend lasts. Rule three is obedience. If I ask you to do something, you must do it immediately. Rule four is openness and honesty: I want you to tell me what you think and feel. Excitement, fear, pleasure, pain, embarrassment, happiness, disgust, anger, whatever it is. Tell me. There is no such thing as a wrong feeling. It is important to me that you are an open book to me. If you agree with these rules and something happens that you explicitly do not want, or if a question is asked that you do not want to answer, you can use a stop word. Let's say the stop word is cassava cracker, if you use this word we'll stop everything and talk about it.”

Mees pauses for a moment and then asks “Do you agree with this or do you have any questions, Troy?”

- “Yes Sir Mees, I agree”

“I want you to formulate your answer in full Troy, say clearly what you promise me”

“I will obey you and I will be open and honest with you, Sir”

“Fine, boy. Now that the formalities have been arranged, I can show you the house,” says Mees, standing up and putting an arm around the boy, and leading him into the hallway. When they arrived in the corridor, they heard spanking noises coming from another room whose door was open.


"Ah, that's Mr. Kasper and his sub, Raf, playing." Mees tells his temporary sub, “the door of their room is open, that means we can just go and have a look. Come along, it will be instructive.”

In the room they meet Raf, the boyish red-haired twink draped over the lap of the blond, tough "surfer dude" Kasper. Raf's ass sticks up with his buttocks like fiery red beacons above the rest of his slim boyish body. Kasper alternated slapping Raf's ass with massaging his buttocks, cock, and balls. The kid was moaning loudly with pleasure.

“Not every spanking is a punishment,” says Mees, “sometimes a spanking can be a wonderful reward”.

“Mmmhhhmm,” Troy exclaims, watching the spectacle with rapt attention.

Mees gives a good slap on Troy's ass. “Remember rule four boy!”

"Yes Sir Mees", Troy's voice is distorted by his horniness. "I would like a hot spanking on my bare ass like Raf is getting now, Sir".

“Good boy! In this house it is important that you make your desires known” Mees took a seat on the bed next to Kasper, tapping his hand invitingly on his lap “Put your pants down and get over my knee in such a way that you can look Raf in the face”.

Troy does as he was told and looks straight into the eyes of Raf, who is clearly already in ecstasy. Troy himself is already in a daze. The mere idea of his bare ass draped over the lap of this sexy, gorgeous Dominant made all the blood rush to his cock.

*whack* *whack*

Mees lands two hard blows in quick succession on Troy's ass, one on each buttock. Due to the impact of the blows, Troy's cock slides over the hot leather pants of his Dominant. As a result, it is not only his butt that glows pleasantly but his crotch as well. Mees pauses for a moment so that Troy can properly register the warm glow in his buttocks.


Troy is now well on his way to the same ecstasy as his colleague Raf. Their faces almost come together now. The subs kiss each other, their tongues intertwined. They look into each other's eyes as they moan and enjoy the horny, sensual spanking they receive on their asses. Raf, whose ass has been chastised by Mr. Kasper's skillful hands for some time, is about to cum. With one hand Mr. Kasper caresses Raf his sensitive and glowing buttocks while with the other hand, he caresses his sub's erect dick. Raf's eyes roll away, the boy is currently in Nirvana. Moaning loudly, the twink, now even redder than usual, cums in the lap of his Dominant. Troy is not far from an orgasm himself because of this hot spectacle and the erotic glow of his own hot ass.

But instead of caressing his ass or cock, Sir Mees now pinches Troy's cock and balls in a mean way. When his erect cock goes limp again, the rest of Troy descends back to earth from the horny and submissive daze he was in.

"I need to keep you sharp boy!" says Mees with a chuckle.

  Mees continues to take Troy on a tour of the house. In the basement, they arrive at what Mees calls the 'playrooms'. In the larger room, the walls of which are painted in cheerful colors, next to a table football game, there is a pool table, the necessary game consoles and large TV screens, and a comfortable three-seater sofa. The whole is completed by a large refrigerator, filled with beer. "This is our 'man cave'" says Mees.

Next to the 'man cave' there is a smaller room. Here the walls and ceiling are painted red. There is an Andrew's cross and there is a sling. On the floor is a square black metal cage. There is also a bed, fully covered with leather. “And this is our ‘other’ room to play,” says Mees cheerfully. Troy looks delighted when he thinks about the raunchy games that take place here.

Upstairs in Mees' room, Mees sinks into his armchair, again without offering Troy a seat.

“Get me a beer from the fridge,” says Mees in a demanding tone to Troy. And a little later: “While you are there, have one yourself.”

Troy takes two cans from the refrigerator, takes the beer to Mees, opens a can, and hands it to Mees. "Please, Sir". He gets butterflies in his stomach again from Mees's dominant attitude. Mees takes the can and points his hand to the ground, between his legs. “Take a seat there,” he says curtly. Troy takes a seat on the floor, his back against the armchair between Mees's sexy leather-wrapped legs. Sitting on the floor, Troy is painfully aware of his ass being spanked that afternoon. Between Mees' legs, it smells pleasantly of leather and Mees's aftershave, and well, Mees himself. Troy feels safe, warm, secure, and above all, horny.

The boys watch some television this way and after an hour Troy says "Sir, I'm quite comfortable here in this place between your legs, but I'm also very horny."

“Good boy, make your feelings known,” says Mees, “what is it you would like to do?”

“I'd like to lick your leather pants before….” Troy pauses. “Go on, what more do you want? Expressing desires, remember?” says Mees.

“Yes Sir, I would like to suck you off too,” says Troy, blushing again.

“Start licking my leather pants”

“Oh, thank you, Master!”

“Troy, I am not your Master. Only my own sub, Rens, is allowed to address me like that. You may address me as Sir”

“Yes Sir.” Troy expresses a little disappointment.

“At some point, you will get a Dominant of your own who will eventually be able to call you your Master. Until then, every Dominant in this house is 'Sir' to you."

“Yeah Sfirr!” Troy mumbles as he enthusiastically licks Mees's leg. Slowly the horny twink slobbers his way up to the holy grail, the crotch of Sir Mees, where a big bulge is visible in the dominant boy's leather pants. Troy takes the leather-wrapped bulge in his mouth and bites into it softly as he let out a moan.

“Take it out, you can suck it off,” Mees says, “Rens has been gone for a few days, so I have a big load for you,” says Mees, after which Troy eagerly unzips Mees' fly. “Nothing but the very best for Mr. Van der Zandt's little son,” Mees grins.

Troy's heart skipped a beat as he pulls Sir Mees’s beautiful cock out of the leather pants. The smell of new leather, mixed with the delicious smell of Mees' balls and cock, has an intoxicating effect on Troy. Mees' tool, now at full power, is long and thick, perfectly straight, the foreskin completely below the glans, on which a drop of pre-cum glistens. Troy takes a deep breath, taking in all the scents. Then he licks the drop of precum from the top of Sir Mees’s cock. The precious juice tastes deliciously like sweet chestnuts. Troy now takes the whole colossus in his mouth while he moans blissfully. His hand now goes to his own pants, to free his own stiff cock from his now much too tight pants. However, he is stopped by Mees. “Not now, cum slut, first pay full attention to the task at hand,” he says. Troy moans again, this time in frustration. But like the good slut he is, Troy obediently continues to suck his Sir’s cock. Sir Mees now starts fucking Troy's mouth. Mees' pleasure rod now reaches deep into Troy's throat, which does take Troy to ever deeper levels of horniness and submission. Then Mees shouts "I'm going to cum, swallow everything, slut". Troy feels Mees's cock pulsating in his mouth and the glans swelling. Mees pulls his cock back just a bit before he starts to cum. Out of Troy's throat and into Troy's mouth so the twink can taste his cum intensely. "Aahhhh!" groans Mees. Troy gobbles everything up. The thick boy juice tastes like sweet chestnuts again, this time with the saltiness of oysters thrown in.

While Troy still cherishes Mees's slacking cock in his mouth, Mees regains consciousness somewhat from the stupor of his orgasm. “Now it's your turn kid, pull down your pants and come and lie over my knee” Mees orders Troy. When Troy, for the second time today, lies over Mees's knee, his buttocks are caressed sensually by Mees and alternately he gets a tap on his still-sensitive buttocks. Mees takes some lube and starts fingering Troy’s boy pussy. First one finger then two. Troy moans in pleasure. Then Mees starts massaging Troy's prostate. The horny twink no longer knows where to look: writhing and moaning, he lies on the lap of the dominant boy. Troy has never experienced anything like it and before he knows it he is seeing stars, having the first anal orgasm in his life.

After Troy recovers from his orgasm, still slutty with his ass draped over Mees' lap, he thinks "wow, this is quite an introduction, I want this every day".

“Sir Mees”, asks Troy, “if I come to live in this house will I also get my own Dominant?”

“Yes boy, I don't know who it is yet, I will meet him for the first time on Monday. Ultimately, you will have to decide for yourself whether and which Dominant you wish to serve.”

by Leather pants slut

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