Strange new feelings

by DarkArchon

21 Feb 2021 557 readers Score 7.8 (13 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

"Have you ever let yourself go, sexually?" Boris asked.

I blushed. I should be more prepared to handle these out-of-the-blue questions from him, but somehow I can never get used to them.

"Yeah, have you?" Alyssa echoed.

My face must've turned into a very amusing shade of red, because both Boris and Alyssa erupted in laughter. It took the tension out of the situation for me, though.

A little background about me is in order here. I'm Alessandro, a 27 year old software developer from San Diego. I moved to the US from Italy before I was old enough to remember. I studied at a community college, it was all my family could afford.
I have a mediterranean complexion, making me a little more tan than the average Californian. I take pride in my physique. I stand at about six feet and two inches, have well-developed muscles and a masculine jaw line. I have hazel eyes, with short brown hair. I get enough attention from girls, but I've been so busy with getting my career on track, that I've not let myself get tangled up in a relationship with anyone. Contrary to what my heritage might suggest, I'm kind of an introvert. I don't like being around more than 6-7 people at the same time. I can be very reserved and find it hard to open up to people I have just met.

I met Alyssa and Boris in on the beach one day. I don't really remember how we started talking, just that we had a lot to talk about and a lot of mutual interests. We like sports, like 'nerdy' stuff like science, programming and science-fiction and fantasy. We've known each other for about five years now. 

Alyssa is of Italian descent, like me. Her grandparents on her mother's side moved here at a very young age to escape the second world war back the 1940's. They met here, in the States. Unlike me, she barely speak a world of Italian, though. She's 5 feet and 9 inches tall and takes very good care of herself. She has bright green eyes, long, sun-touched brown hair and a hourglass shaped body.

Boris is of (obvious) German descent. He is blond, even taller than I am, and has dark blue eyes with a gaze that feels like it can penetrate your soul. The unnerving questions he asks support this impression. Highly intelligent and sensitive, Boris works as a researcher in the field of Psychology. His body type is similar to mine, differing in the fact that he is rather pale, even in comparison to other caucasians.

"Did I overstep?" Boris asked calmly. "No, you just caught me off guard." I replied. "I only asked because the last the girl you told us about was named Elsa." Boris continued, with a blank expression on his face. Looking at his face, I realized this was one of Boris' well thought out jokes, that I hadn't seem coming. I felt the tension in my body release and I started laughing uncontrollably. My infectuous laugh did it's trick and before long the three of us were reaching for our stomachs because our abs were starting to hurt.

It had been a while since I had been with anyone, though, and Elsa was the last one. The sex was... underwhelming. We just didn't click. She expected me to do all the work and when she was close to climaxing, she would vocalize so loud it made my ears hurt. I've never understood why she did that. I ended things like I usually would at the five encounter mark. I always make a point out of setting the expectation, though, I'm not inconsiderate.

Since the pandemic hit, I've not felt comfortable to go out to meet anyone. I mostly just jerk off to porn these days. I'm kind of okay with it for now, I know what I like and it saves me a lot of hassle. I'll get back in the game when this whole COVID-19 shit-show subsides.

From what they've told me, my best friends have a very active sexual life. They're not shy about sharing, either. They've even gone so far as to comment on how Alyssa enjoys how well-endowed Boris is. Apparently, his cock is about 9 inches and pretty think, too. She likes blowing him until her nose hits his abs. I could've gone without the visual, though. Now, every time I see Boris, I keep wondering if he's really as big as they said. Not that I have anything to be ashamed about. I have a thick, 8 inches and a half cock when erect. I have had trouble hiding it when I was younger and still got uncontrollable erections. Since, I've learned how to give myself a mental cold shower.

"To answer your question, Boris. Not with Elsa, but she definitely did!" I said when we stopped laughing. "Not a match, then?" Alyssa answered. I told them how Elsa was between the sheets and they both nodded in agreement.

"You don't seem to have much luck when it comes to finding a good match." Alyssa said on a more serious tone. I told them how things had been since March of 2020 and they looked at me with a confused look on their faces. "Really?!" they gasped. "I bet there's plenty of girls out there that would gladly help you with that, you looking like you do! I would if I were one!" Boris added. "Ha! You probably would as you are now, if he were into it, Boris!" Alyssa teased.

This made me feel very uncomfortable. Boris would engage with me sexually if I'd let him? This is new information. I look at Boris with a perplexed expression on my face. Had he done anything with another guy before? Was Alyssa just joking?

"Oh relax!" Boris said when he noticed my inner turmoil. "I'm just open-minded like that. I don't subscribe to labels. You know, the only way you're going to find out what you like, is to experiment a little now and again."

"Uh... It's getting a little late, you guys. I'd better go home, I have an early day tomorrow" I whispered. "Alright, you gotta do what you gotta do!" Boris said with a smile. "Don't feel uncomfortable about what I just said, okay? I know you're only into girls."

I nodded and got my things. As I closed the door behind me, I noticed I had sprung an erection that was very visible. What's going on?