Store Clerk Spies Straight Male Model Jacking Off

by Kevgenesys

10 Feb 2018 4712 readers Score 8.2 (37 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I need a fitting for a new tailored suit for a friend's wedding, so I walk into a local men's store. It looks like there's only one guy working. I'm a little sweaty since it's a hot day. My shirt starts to cling to my chest. Even though I'm a male model, I haven't gotten any free suits because I usually only get free swimwear and underwear which is normally what I'm photographed wearing.

The clerk leads me to the backroom. I ask if I should take off my shirt to get measurements and he says yes. I can tell he notices that I'm a little sweaty and takes a tissue and gently wipes me down for a minute. How nice of him. He takes out a tape measurer and takes his time as he measures my chest and stomach. His palm gropes me at times, by accident. He asks me to take off pants next. As he's measuring my in-seam, he accidentally touches my bulge a few times. Maybe i shouldn't have worn tight briefs today, but they were my last clean pair. Man all this accidental groping is making me feel a little flushed.

He mentions a deal being offered today. Free underwear with suit purchase! All I have to do is try on the underwear first. So, where's the changing room? He points to the back area. I make my way over and enter one of the rooms. It's weird because the hinge is not working well so the doors swings out, just about an inch, so it's not much. I'm sure it's fine - there's no one else here because me and the store clerk. And he's busy off at the front getting me a tie.

I slip off my underwear and as usual, admire myself in the mirror for a little. Now I'm completely nude at this point and I know any girl would get instantly wet if she saw me posing like I am now. It's getting me a little hard actually, and I already have a semi coming in. Maybe I should do a quickie before he starts measuring me again. I don't want him to see that i'm getting a hard-on and send the wrong message.

It feels nice to run my hands all over my muscled body. Shh I need to be quiet. I can't help making noise sometimes. The pleasure makes me close my eyes and tilt my head back. It gets to the big release and...shoot, is it going all over the mirror?

I don't have anything to wipe them with. I guess I'll use my pair of briefs? How long have I been in here? I kinda got lost in time. The clerk must be wondering what has been taking me so long. I put on the new pair of underwear, the free ones. They look great. Did he want to see me in them? I walk out back to where he fitted me. Actually, I don't see him right away, but he comes back out with a tie.

Well, we finish the fitting and I get a suit. When I get back home, I realize I'm still wearing the free underwear and I accidentally left my own pair of briefs back in the changing room.

*****Clerk POV*****

Credit for writing this part of the story goes to Peter Onan!


Since the hinge on the fitting room door went out of alignment I’ve had so many purvey times working in this men’s store. I've managed to cop a glance at six or seven super hot guys, trying on clothes.  They seem to notice the door doesn't close properly but, the opening doesn't face out on the main part of the shop and I have worked out a way of standing nearby and being able to see into the cubicle without them noticing me.
Trouble it, it has becoming habit-forming. And seeing guys strip down to their underwear has made me want to see more. I need to see dick!

Recently we had a delivery of samples of a new line of underwear. As they were free I took a few dozens pairs and put a plan to work. Free underwear with any purchase of a suit. All the customer needs to do is try them on in-store. I made up some blah-blah story about the manufacturer wanting feedback about how they felt on being first put on and how well they fit. Guys, it seems will do anything for a free sample and its been heaven the last few days. I do it on the lunch break crossover when I'm the only staff member.

A few days ago, this guy came in. He was a really fit-looking college guy wanting a suit for a friend's wedding.  He said it was fancy affair so he wants it tailored and would I take measurements and make it a perfect fit. I said no problems. We talked as I lead him to to the back of the shop. Turns out he is a model and does a lot of underwear and swimwear modelling and used to undressing around other people. He is already showing some sweat on his tight-fitting shirt as it was a hot day and he was little sweaty since it's a hot day. He noticed too and asked if he should take the shirt off.
I said yes, adding that it will allow me too get a really accurate measurement and as the shirt came off said. “I’ll just wipe away some of that perspiration for you.”
I grabbed some tissues from the nearby counter takes a tissue and gently wiped his chest and back. He had a perfect six-pack which I gave a once over with the tissue then moved up to his chest. I wiped it, moved the tissue over his nipples, giving them a little flick and then, noticing a patch of light chest hair in between them, dabbed them with the tissue. I slipped the tissue into my pocket. Getting the smell of him will be great for the wank sessions I am bound to have picturing this hottie. I quickly looked down and his crotch. His pants were a tight fit and I am sure I saw his dick twitch when I touched his nipples.

I started measuring the chest and arms, being a bit more ‘hands-on’ than usual but pretending this little gropes were part of the service of getting accurate measurements. I asked him is he could remove his trousers too as that would help get accurate measurements. He seemed really easy going and said “sure.”

He took his pants down and, as he did the standing on one leg routine to get them past his feet, I saw his tight underwear were struggling to contain a very big bulge. My plan was working and those few extra touches in the right places had made him chub up a little.

“Tight-fitting briefs,” I said, “that’s good, much better than loose boxers. It will mean we can get a very accurate measurement.”

“That’s good,” he said, “it was my last pair of clean underwear, so I didn’t have much choice.”

“You're in luck,” I said, “we have a special promotion that might be useful. We have a new line of underwear and are offering a free pair with every suit purchase. You need to try them on in the store though and answer a few question about fit and comfort and so on.

“Cool,” he says, “can I try some on?”

“Certainly,” I answered and fetched a pair of my stash, selecting some that I know would be the perfect, tight fit.

“As you are an underwear model, don’t bother about the questionnaire, it will be a good promotion for the brand I’m sure. Change room is just there,” I said indicating the room with the askew door hinges.

“I’ll get some ties for you to look at while you change.”

He went in and I backed away to spying position, where I could see him but he couldn’t see me. I could see him try and close the door all the way but, when it opened again those few inches he seemed not to mind and slid his underwear off.

As he was bending down to take off his underwear, his arse spread a little and I got a quick look in-between. There was a tuft of light brown hair growing around his hole. It looke like it matched that tuft of hair between his pecs. Otherwise he was smooth all over.

“No wonder he is a model,” I thought.

He stood completely naked looking at himself in the mirror. His dick was going from semi-erect to full-blown. It was obvious he was aware of it too. He stood there contemplating his dick. I moved a little closer. As it hardened, his foreskin opened to allow his knob to protrude.

“Looks like he has a dilemma,” I thought to myself. “He’s sprung a boner that won’t be going anywhere fast. I’ll give him a few minutes to either let it go down naturally or let him have a wank if I’m lucky.”

He started running his hands over his body. This was fantastic. His erection throbbed to full size. He wrapped his fist around it and started tugging. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. Lost in the moment, he must have forgotten that the door was ajar. It didn’t take long for him to cum and suddenly his eyes opened as he leaned forward again as a blast of sperm flew out of his dick and splattered on the mirror. He shuddered as a second blast hist the mirror, followed by a third, lighter load that trickled over his fingers. He squeezed his fist over his dick and massaged the remaining cum up onto his fingers. He looked around the change room, presumably for something to wipe them on. Picking up his own briefs, he wiped his fingers clean, leaned across to the mirror and wiped off the sperm that had begun running down the glass. He rolled the underwear up and stuffed it into the pocket of his pants then bent down to put on the new underwear.

I got another glimpse of that perfect bum and equally perfect wisp of bum hair again. It looked slightly damp from the wank. With the underwear on he leaned out of the cubicle and looked around.

“You there?” called.

I stepped forward from my hiding place with the ties.

“Just coming,” I said, thinking to myself ‘but not in the way you just did’.

“What do you think of the underwear,?” he asked, turning to face me and outstretching his arms and legs to display himself.

“They look great,” I said, “not too tight?”

From where I was standing I could see a spot of cum beginning to show in the fabric. He didn't seem to notice but said they felt fine and we finished the suit fitting. I watched as he put on his clothes again afterwards. Just as he was pulling up his pants, his crumpled pair of undies fallout of the pocket and onto the floor. I kept his talking so he wouldn’t notice. After he left I went back and retrieved them. They were wet with his cum and the smell was just starting to take on that intense odor.

This was going to be my lucky day. I wonder if I can start a collection of soiled jocks?

Swap stories like this? Email me at [email protected].

by Kevgenesys

Email: [email protected]

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