Someone to love me

by DevilBrew69

10 Apr 2023 1952 readers Score 8.3 (14 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Aiden sat at his work desk with a manuscript in one hand and a warm cup of coffee in the other. It brought him infinite joy turning an amateurish script into tomorrow's best seller. That was the exact reason why he worked at Rising Star, the hottest book publisher in Atlanta. Aiden prided himself on contributing to the high diversity of their book output. He always advocated for more black leads in the literary scene and his wish was granted thanks to his perseverance. Rising Leaf featured the highest amount of queer black characters in book publishing by a large margin.

He even won an award for " Achievements in Diversity", something he displayed proudly in his workspace. Others called him a woke try hard but he didn't care. He was too busy living his best life.

Aiden was in the middle of editing a manuscript when the loud laughter of his coworkers broke his concentration. He faltered a bit when he noticed that several of their gazes were directed at him. He gave them an eye roll accompanied by a heavy sigh. It was not uncommon to hear the employees gossip about Aiden's shiny bald head or his voluptuous ass that many assumed to be the work of some back alley doctor. A " bootleg Nikki Minaj '' was what he was sometimes called. There was nothing fake about his ass and he worked damn hard to get it to its current size. For the life of him, Aiden couldn't understand how these grown adults had the maturity of high schoolers. It was like dealing with a nasty clique of airheaded brats every day.

Something seemed to be off this time. Their stares were much more intense and some even looked repulsed by what they saw. Aiden then noticed that all of them had their phones out as they alternated between looking at the screens and then at him.

' Just what the hell is going on this time?' He wondered before getting up from his chair to approach a trio of snickering hyenas.

" I must've missed the memo that said Y'all can stand here chatting instead of getting to work. Nothing on that phone is damn funny enough to be wasting the day laughing. " Aiden snapped at the trio who seemed to be unfazed by his words.

" You sure got a big mouth. Guess that's not surprising considering how many men you probably keep in there." one of the employees scoffed.

" What the hell did you just say!? You must've lost your mind." Aiden was completely taken about. He had a vague inclination what his coworker could be referring to, but it would be impossible for him to know.

" Don't go acting innocent now 'cause we all know what you be up to after hours. You wanna act like the boss around here so bad even though you be getting your back blown out like a little bitch."  The employee held his phone up to Aiden's face and on the screen was what was supposed to be something for his eyes only.

Aiden was butt naked in a hotel room, all oiled up while an athletic-looking man was drilling into his fat ass like an animal in heat. His gargantuan-sized cheeks were on full display as the long dick made them clap severely. Most striking of all was the face of Aiden who had a girthy penis lodged deeply down his throat. He bobbed his head ecstatically; letting saliva fly in every direction. The video came to an erotic end with Aiden having his face blanketed with a geyser of semen. The lustful smile on his bukkake-glazed face was an image of pure joy.

It was like the ground beneath Aiden vanished because his knees went so weak he almost fell on the spot. He couldn't believe what he was looking at and thought for sure the video never would've gone public. It was supposed to have been a secret. All the interrogative stares of his coworkers left Aiden feeling fully exposed. He couldn't stay there a second longer. He grabbed his work bag and took off sprinting like a fire had just broken out.

" Aye yo, Aiden wait up!" , he heard an all too familiar voice call out to him. Aiden turned around to see a tall and muscular looking dreadlocked man running up to him. The worried look on his face made it clear that he was yet another viewer of that accursed sex tape. Of all the people that could've seen the video, Denzel was the absolute last person Aiden wanted to see. His relationship with the man was now on a feeble string ready to snap.

Aiden ignored Denzel's words and went right back to running. Tears were on the verge of falling from his chubby face that he wanted to hide from the world. Aiden grabbed an elevator and closed the doors just before Denzel could enter. 

' I fucked up. I fucked everything up and now everyone knows my darkest secret. Can't I ever do anything right!?'  The tears were fully released and Aiden didn't bother wiping them away.  He bolted out of the entrance and into the nearest train he could find.

It wasn't until late in the afternoon did Aiden return home. He spent several hours aimlessly drifting around the city just in case Denzel decided to pay him a visit. His suspicions turned out to be right on the money since a note left in familiar handwriting was left on his door.

 I'm always here for you if you need someone to talk to. What happened today was fucked up and I'm not gonna let that shit slide. Let me whenever you're up for talking.

The note was brief and to the point. Aiden knew he'd have to confide in Denzel eventually, but for now, he just wanted some personal alone time. Doing so would be hard when Denzel kept blowing up his phone with texts every other hour or so. Aiden fondly read each encouraging message with fervent emotion. It was that charming attitude which drew him so closely to Denzel.

" I'll talk to you when I'm ready." Aiden texted Denzel back before changing into his pajamas and wrapping up in a blanket on a couch. He was in desperate need of a Love and Hip Hop Atlanta marathon to calm his nerves.


Aiden stared at the computer with a canvas of worry  painted on his face. It had been three days since the video broke out and he still hadn't recovered from the aftermath. Cruel slanderous comments filled his vision as computer light beamed on his bald head and glasses.

" Damn this man wants to be a woman so bad with the way he was moaning."

" That dude is way too ugly to be acting like a fairy."

The harsh words dug into his psyche like a knife. He was still dazed by how quickly his life changed. A loud knock on the door broke him free from his rumination.

" Aiden, you there? We really need to talk."

The sound of Denzel's tender voice filled his heart with a mix of yearning and embarrassment. More than anything, he wanted someone to confide in, but it was a humiliating hurdle to get through. How could he look his friend in the face when everyone in the office saw him at his most vulnerable?

" Go away, Denzel. There's nothing to discuss." Aiden's cold voice pierced through the door.  He wasn't ready to talk to anyone about this fiasco, let alone the man he least wanted to stumble upon the video.

"Boy, I didn't take two different trains and bump into a crackhead to come here just to go back home. The office hasn't been the same since you left and we've all been missing you. You gotta open up."

Aiden was beside himself. He wanted to avoid getting hurt any further but Denzel always knew how to lift his spirits. He fondly remembered all the wonderful chats they shared over cups of coffee.

The door slowly opened up to reveal quite the pigsty. Denzel gasped when he saw the piles of old fast food containers and scattered laundry. It was a far cry from the usually ornate way Aiden kept his room.

" Damn, my nigga! you really must be going through it cause this place is looking like a frat house. When was the last time you showered?"

" Don't make me regret letting you inside. I've had enough snide remarks to deal with as it is." Aiden grumbled.

" Sorry bro. Wasn't trying to throw shade at you. How 'bout we take things back to the beginning and you tell me how all this started. The video had all of us shook. " Denzel sat down on a cushioned chair so he could face his friend. " I have the perfect thing to help you unwind." Denzel dug in his pocket to pull out two fat blunts of weed. Aiden's eyes popped up as he glanced at the oddly nostalgic herbal remedy.

" I haven't touched a blunt since our college days. You got the perfect answer for everything." Aiden happily took a blunt and borrowed a lighter from Denzel to spark his joint up. He inhaled the powerful smoke and released it once he had his fill. Aiden repeated this process with Denzel several times until he felt all his troubles dissolve.

" I suppose you deserve to know everything. This all started a few months ago. For my entire life, I've struggled with my sexuality and kept it locked away like a dirty secret. I wanted to finally test the waters so I took myself over to a gay bar on the other side of town. It was unlike anything I was used to. Guys were throwing themselves at me left and right. I was having sex with a new dude every week and they always had my ass talking back. That sex was so fucking bomb." Aiden looked to the ceiling with a blissful look on his face as if he was having a flashback.

" Deadass? Now that's what's up. Let me find out my boy been getting his cheeks clapped." Denzel gave him a boisterous slap on the back. Aiden was taken aback by the unexpected response.

" So you're not grossed  out by me being the whore of Atlanta?"

" Why the hell would I be? Slut shaming ain't what I do and brothas like us gotta stick together. You shouldn't be ashamed to live your life the way you want. The motherfuckers in the office are just hating-ass bitches. You do you." Denzel spoke with a conviction that made Aiden's heart flutter. This was the exact kind of support he needed.

" Oh my God you have no idea how much this means to me. I've been keeping all of this locked away without anyone to confide in. I'm glad you're okay with it but there's something else you need to know. I like you. I mean, I'm head over heels for you and think about you 24/7. It's been that way since college but I never had the courage to admit it. Screwing around with random men was a lot easier than opening my heart to the man I truly loved. Sounds silly,  but that's how I genuinely felt. I hope this won't change things between us." 

At first, Denzel was silent. He simply looked at Aiden with widened eyes until he finally made his move. Aiden didn't have time to react before Denzel's lips were pressed against his. It was an electrifying impassioned moment that seemed to last for years.

" I gotta be fucking honest with ya. I feel the same way about you. The way you strut around the office with your chubby stomach and ass bouncing all over is way too cute. You're adorable even when you're barking orders at us. I like guys who can keep it real and you always know how to brighten up the day. I need you in my life." 

" Deadass? I never figured you'd be interested in me like that. I never even knew you were gay!" Aiden would've been blushing bright red if his dark skin would allow it.

" Yeah, not all of us gay niggas make it obvious. You know how judgemental people in the community can be. I had to stay on the down low to avoid conflict but now I'm ready to say fuck off to all that sneaky shit. I don't care what people think about me anymore. It's time I be honest with myself and that means doing this."

Denzel pulled Aiden in for another kiss that was somehow even more euphoric than the previous one. Their tongues pressed against each other's mouths as they savored the embrace. A long trail of saliva formed from the parting of their lips.

" That… was fucking amazing. 

I've been waiting for this moment for years." Aiden looked at Denzel with hearts beaming in his eyes.

" I feel the same way babe, but I'm still wondering where that sex tape came from."

" It's partially my fault. Sometimes I let guys record me during sex so I can keep the videos as proof of how far I've come. Unfortunately, one of my clients turned out to be a slimy bastard who uploaded a clip without my permission. I should've known better."

" Aye don't beat yourself up over it. That nasty nigga was dead wrong and I'm finna beat his ass if I ever find him. Let's forget about that bitch for a second and focus on you. I need ya so badly right now. I wanna feel every inch of your luscious body." Denzel gave Aiden a rough hug so he could grope the two ripe melons in the back. Aiden moaned like an excited schoolgirl upon contact with his love.

" Then how about we take this to the bedroom? My ass is in desperate need of some good pipe." Aiden smiled fondly at Denzel as he grabbed his wrist to drag him to his bedroom.

" Oh nah, we bout to do this in style" like a groom would do to his bride, Denzel lifted Aiden up to carry him in his arms. Aiden was easily over 230 pounds and yet Denzel was carrying him without breaking a sweat.

" Damn my nigga! Did you train with Goku or some shit when I wasn't looking? You paying my medical bills if I fall" He laughed as Denzel carried him up the flight of stairs and gently laid him down on his bed. Aiden threw his clothes off with reckless abandon just to show his all to his love. His man boobs and jelly rolls were on full display, something that made him feel self conscious even mid-coitus with his hookups. He figured most guys would be turned off by all the extra fat, but the pink tip black dragon rising between Denzel's legs was a clear sign of desire.

" Ah shit, you making a nigga brick hard right about now. I just wanna grab all this fat and motorboat it all day." Denzel intensely clutched Aiden's right breast, making the fat man moan in masochistic delight. He then crouched down to suckle each nipple and even gently bit them while doing so. The only thing that could make this moment even hotter for Denzel was if Aiden could lactate, but unfortunately, that would have to stay a fantasy.

" Ah yeah you really know how to work that tongue. Stand up so I can show you what my mouth can do." Denzel didn't need any further instructions. He bolted right up and dropped his pants in one quick motion. Aiden yanked on Denzel's dick like a hungry beast ready for action. The long girthy dick pressed against his lips as the masculine aroma seeped into his nostrils. Without hesitation, he stuffed the dick into his mouth and bobbed his head like his life depended on it. Aiden's tongue held a firm grip on the shaft. The dick was so deep into his mouth that his uvula became a punching bag.

 Denzel isn't one for stereotypes. He wasn't wild about watermelon. He preferred fruit punch to grape as a flavor. He was firmly from the hood but came from a family who cared about grammar, even if some habits are impossible to kick when it comes to some words. But if there was a stereotype he absolutely fit within, it's that he had a monster cock. The kind some would be too scared to try, lest it tear them apart. He didn't have to worry about that with Aiden, clearly. Denzel couldn't stop throbbing as Aiden's mouth was an expert at suction, and the fact he could get as deep as he did, only just a few inches from taking the entire length at once.

Aiden only paused briefly to hand Denzel his phone. " Just got an idea. I wanna capture this special moment on camera. That way we can look back on this whenever we want." Denzel nodded and began recording his new boyfriend giving him the ultimate sloppy toppy.

"Damn, nigga, that throat is.... ngh..." Denzel didn't even know how to finish that thought, as his own knees got weak from having the life damn near sucked out of him. His shaft smoothly runs back and forth as Aiden's head bobs up and down, Denzel doing his best to change angles, keeping that beautiful bald head in frame.

Aiden slobbered all over that cock like it was a popsicle on a hot summer day. He spent the last few months building his talent for sucking dick and it worked wonders. He was glad that he slept with so many dudes because it meant he got to give Denzel professional head. His bald head shone brightly under the bedroom  light as sweat rolled down his brows.

Aiden often sweats easily, especially during sex. All that extra fat stored a lot of heat so there wasn't much he could do about that. He spent the next several minutes puckering his lips on the dick and twirled his tongue in every direction. Aiden maintained eye contact the entire time so Denzel saw the unbridled lust on his face. He watched Denzel's body spasm drastically with every twirl of his tongue.

" Fuuuccckk! When the hell did you become such a throat goat?" Denzel was on cloud nine from the stellar head he was getting. It was like Aiden was sucking his soul out. Aiden took the compliment in stride, giggling while abusing his poor uvula on the rising dragon. He had to stop momentarily to catch his breath.

" Now this is what I call bomb dick. Best meal I had in ages. How 'bout you show me how well you can handle all this ass. I'm pretty sweaty right now so sorry if I don't smell fresh." Aiden had his back arched to give Denzel a good view on his round black globes.

" Oh word? Say less."

Denzel gives the side of Aiden's ass a couple kisses and licks. Once he sets up the phone on a tripod, Denzel tosses Aiden over onto his stomach, lifting his ass up and letting both hands smack and grab at the full moon feast in front of him, first massaging the warm, thick cheeks in front of him, before spreading them wide.

"Let this be an answer to you not being fresh." Denzel suddenly shoves his face directly against the sweaty hole, lapping Aiden's ass like a dog with a bowl of fresh water in the summer heat. He even groans and growls, smacking that ass again so it jiggles around his face.

He regularly got horny while faded like this. But getting Aiden's confession, and proposition, getting the best blowjob of his life? That dragon inside of him is dictating the pace right now.

Denzel lets up, staying stuffed for a good couple minutes before coming up for air, face covered in sweat. "You better say your prayers now cause once I put it in...nigga, I ain't stopping until I breed you like the slut you are."

" You think that scares me? I want-no- I need you to go apeshit on my ass. Fuck me like it's the last supper and ass is the only thing on the menu. Make this ass talk back and treat me like your bitch. I'm all yours."  Aiden was a horny bitch in heat now. He twerked with excitement in anticipation for what he hoped would be the best dickdown in his life. Aiden got into his beloved face down ass up position to get things started.

" Aight bitch I warned you." Denzel brought the tripod closer before plunging his full length inside the ass. The inside of the walls greeted the dick with no resistance and swallowed the shaft tightly.

" Ugh mhm oh yass!" Aiden moaned seductively as the long dick drilled into him with those powerful thrusts. It was like electricity was racing through his whole body with how much pleasure he was experiencing. " Mhmm daddy you gotta keep fucking me just like that. Destroy this pussy and fuck the piss outta me." Aiden begged while not knowing how ironic those words would be in a few minutes. His anus instinctively tightened around the mighty rod and refused to let go.

Denzel grabs at Aiden's beard, giving him another deep kiss. "Sexy ass bastard, you know that?" As Denzel tries to pull back, he notices that Aiden's hole is trying a death grip on his cock.  "Cocky little bitch, think I can't fuck you loose?"

He groans loudly as he pulls back, feeling the hole tug so far back that he pulls Aiden towards him just with his dick, smashing his hips forward with a loud, wet smack.  Then he keeps going and going with short, hard quick pumps, taking Aiden's hands and pinning them to the bed. He places his legs against Aiden's inner thighs, spreading them apart solely to focus on the hole he pummels recklessly.  "Fuck you til you piss? Fine with me."

Denzel spent the next several minutes using his penis as a battering ram that made Aiden's ass clap like a drum recital. The heavy pounds of flesh shoom passionately on the long shaft and even let out a few loud farts from the overstimulation. This embarrassed Aiden greatly but Denzel didn't mind one bit. He knew this was simply the body's way off telling the top that the sex was on point. " That ass talking back, nigga. Its telling me to crush your walls."

In another display of his herculean strength, Denzel tossed Aiden over on his back and immediately returned to beating the pussy. Now his dick was like a jackhammer.

" Oh my God damn you beating my pussy up.  Got that enter the dragon strength going on between your legs." Aiden pulled Denzel in for a hug, softly digging his nails into his dark back.  This was a side to him he never showed to anyone that he personally knew. It felt liberating being so open, emotionally and anally, for once to his best friend. 

As the long dick was pumping into his seconds hole, small droplets of piss came leaking out from the tip. Aiden's bladder was going out of control from all the pressure invading his body. " Just imagine how all the guys in the office would react if they could see us now."

Denzel hisses from the nails, grunting deeply as he grinds against Aiden's hole after another full length plunge. "Heh... I'd dare them to talk shit. Can't let them say anything about Daddy's favorite bitch." Denzel sits up, turning Aiden onto his side even while still inside of him, legs closed and exposing his fat ass more. "Wanna this body jiggle some more."

He grabs onto the top of his upper thigh, pumping quick with plap that makes his skin jiggle from Aiden's ass down to his stomach and chest. "God damn this ass knows how to swallow some dick." Denzel's never been able to let loose before, always having to be careful and not break someone before ending the night too early. Yet with Aiden, he knows how durable he is. It's still surreal to think he's blowing out his best friend's hole. They've never been closer. Denzel almost snatches his sperm from Aiden's hole, spinning him around so they face the camera instead. He spins him on his stomach, only to lift Aiden's ass up in the air. Hard spanks collide with the soft, durable cheeks, though one can tell how sensitive they look right now. "Haven't even gotten to my favorite position yet." Denzel spreads the cheeks wide, Aiden's hole basically sputtering with the thick, white cream that's come from his hole. "What a nasty fat ass."

Reaching over to grab Aiden's wrists to pull them back and lift him off the beds sans his knees, effortlessly sliding in and out of the ruined hole with deep strokes before the short, rough ones return again for a few more moments. 

Denzel's hips with Aiden's ass at this angle sounds like thunderclaps. Resorting Aiden to nothing more than a living Fleshlight, Denzel feels as hard as he can get without cumming. But he knows that's gonna cum sooner than later. After a few more minutes of the position, Denzel makes them both flat, Denzel resting on top of Aiden, sinking into those cheeks as he suddenly becomes faster than before.

"Call this my two minute drill...gonna breed this pussy the right way...."

" AH YASS NIGGA JUST LIKE THAT! CRUSH THIS DIRTY FUCKING PUSSY! I NEED YOUR DICK SO BAD!" Aiden was a complete moaning mess at this point and his mind was completely clouded over with euphoria. It was easily the most sensual moment of his entire life. His produced a series of loud thunderclaps and his screams echoed throughout the room and maybe even across the whole apartment floor. The next door neighbors who could hear him were either greatly disturbed, annoyed, or jealous.

Aiden's bladder was done at this point. The piss came out full force like a broken hydrant on a summer day. The clear fluid splashed all over the two men and made their beautiful brown skin glisten .

The camera captured Aiden's eyes roll to the back of his head as he had an orgasm to end all orgasms. "FFFUUUUCCKKK!!!" His roar was enough the shake the whole room. Semen, piss, and farts filled the room that night before Aiden passed out.

Denzel couldn't care less about Aiden's cock pissing everywhere. It's exactly what he was asked to do. He wrapped his arm around Aiden's neck, squeezing as he burrowed his cock inside of the wrecked pussy making his cheeks spread just from the weight of his hips giving one last good smashing before what was left of Aiden's consciousness hearing his dragon growl deeply in his ear. 

The throbs this time came from the constant ropes of white gold shooting inside of Aiden's tunnel, Denzel's balls audibly churning and he dumped every last bit of breeding material inside of his best, his new lover boy. After a fucking like that, no way two people can merely stay friends after. 

It felt like a minute straight of emptying his balls, but eventually the feeling subsides, even if Denzel's body delays fully pulling out of Aiden. Occasionally Denzel's cock reacts half-hard, but the men are long spent. Denzel even just gets heavy, resting on him like a pillow, as he drifts off as well.

Aiden woke up the next morning from the most fulfilling night of deep sleep he ever experienced. It was as if all the stress from the last few days never existed. He was almost worried that what happened last night was just a dream, but thankfully, Denzel's loud snoring dispersed those concerns. He watched his friend- boyfriend- slumber blissfully on his bedside until he eyes finally drew open.

After a few minutes, Denzel would wake, his dick sore but satisfied. Even his most intense jerk offs didn't render his dick so spent. But then again, he's never had an ass so eager, willing and capable to handle his most intense effort. Especially from someone he's always harbored some interest in. But here he is, snuggled up against him.

"Hope I didn't hurt you too badly. But damn, nigga, your ass is too good to not want to fuck up." He takes a chuckle, kissing the cheek of Aiden, holding him tight against him.

" Oh babe you didn't hurt me at all. You had me screaming like a gospel singer that got possessed by the holy ghost of good dick. I'm still surprised you ate out my unwashed ass." He chuckled before tenderly kissing Denzel right on his lips.

" I know some guys who'd put even dirtier things in their mouths." Denzel cackled and returned the kiss.

" I'm so in love with you. You had my heart racing the entire night and it's still dancing even now. I guess this makes us official boyfriends."

" Hell yeah it does! Ain't no way we can stay friends after all that happened last night. Since we got the weekend off, how about I help you take care of this pissy laundry so we can Netflix and chill the day away." 

" That depends. You still got any weed on you?" A mischievous smile grew widely on Aiden's face.

" You already know it."  

Aiden was surprised by how much his life changed in less than a week, but he's glad it was for the better. He now had the courage to be the true him and there was a smoking hot boyfriend who would be by his side every step of the way.

by DevilBrew69

Email: [email protected]

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