Solo Love in the Caribbean

by Jay3549

1 Dec 2020 883 readers Score 8.0 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Upon a recent trip to the Caribbean I was wondering just where I was going to be able to take care of my personal business.

One day while sitting on the beach sunning ourselves I was watching the gentle waves caress the beach. I thought the only place I've ever jacked off under water was as a kid in the bath tub. I remember being so amazed what was coming out of the end of my penis. I remember thinking it was just so cool.

Getting back to the story, I was in need of some relief, being an avid stroker of the male organ, my wife and I we're staying in a small condo, so if I was to pound one out I needed to find a safe location.

So I remembered a restaurant we ate at the other day. There was a coral reef a reasonable distance from the shore that created a calm area about a mile long. It had a nice secluded beach. Not wanting to chance of getting caught on the beach jacking off I thought of doing it in the water.

Hmmm could I get off in the water while snorkeling? This was a challenge for sure.

So to set the plan in motion, I informed my wife I would be going to the restaurant to so some snorkeling the next day. I started getting that great feeling of doing something I've never done before.

Upon arriving there were people on the beach but nobody out swimming or snorkeling. This sort of bummed me but I had to do this now that I was this far and horny for a solo hand job.

I got into the water and went out a ways to where it was hard to make out faces on the beach so I'm sure they couldn't see what I was doing under the water. I dropped my trunks around my ankles and was just floating vertical bouncing off the bottom on my fins. This was so cool I thought, I would look around underwater while breathing through the snorkel and every once in awhile I'd look down at the cock I love so much.

Getting hard was a little bit of a chore I didn't mind, Jackin underwater was a little more challenging than I thought. You see I was needing to breathe through the snorkel, being a little nervous, enjoying the fish swimming around, and watching for anyone coming close.

But being a lover of solo sex I worked to overcome all the obstacles in my way of achieving something I've never done before.

I worked to relax and do the things I love to do, stroke the meat. In time it worked. I really got into jacking in the Caribbean! Sometimes I'd sort of float face down watching the fish, just letting the water caress my body.

Then getting back vertical so I could watch myself being stroked by the most talented hand I know. I felt the familiar urge coming from my balls. Finally I erupted and gave myself totally, to the Caribbean Sea!

Oh God this was so good, I looked down and witnessed cum leaving my cock, something I have seen in about forty years.

I then fell forward and just floated while the sea was washing over my body. So as I drove back to the condo I had the most pleasant thought. Today, I made love to the Caribbean Sea, and she swallowed!

by Jay3549

Email: [email protected]

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