Summer School Heat

by GayBlade90

26 Oct 2023 2491 readers Score 9.2 (15 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Side story. Bobby POV

*Taking place along the bus ride home, from Bobby’s POV *

Mike looks at me and asks me the question I dread. 

“What’s with the shoes and feet, why do shoes turn you on?” He asks

“I don’t know it just does” I told him

I have to look back and figure out when it started, I thought back and began to tell him all while looking at his vans and caressing it with my foot.

Mike half turned to me, and vice versa, we each had one leg bent on the chair and our feet dangling in the air and they touch. His shoe lace loose and found it’s way tickling between my big toe and second one. 

   This fetish for shoes goes way back I told Mike. Since my first memory, I remember liking the canvas shoes worn by women like Keds and similar shoes styles or slip ons.


I noticed they were worn by my mom and grandmother when I was about 3 or 4. When my mom left (or “died” according to my dad) I would often see girls in Keds or converse in grade school and try touching them with either my hand and later my foot by accident. 

One girl I was friends with wore them in school, when I was 7 I wanted to really touch them with my skin, so once I tried to take off my shoes during lunch in the cafeteria while sitting on the bench next the girl in Keds. The girl would sometimes be kicking her legs under the table and my socked foot would make its way to her side, and her Keds would kick my foot. It felt as if my dick had gotten stiff even back then.

 I then started not wearing socks so that next time my bare feet can feel it and get hit by the Keds under the table. One time I was bold and I took my left shoe off during class and the girl in front wore Keds and i would kick a bit like teasing under the desks. I then went to touch the soft canvas, it felt great and i used my long toes to untie the girls Keds. She then giggled and looked under and realize that I was barefoot and she said “yuck eeeewww”. 

The teacher heard and I tried to put my shoe on but too late, I got in trouble for that, as I remember the teacher saying that I was caught “Red-Footed”.I was moved to a separate desk alone as the girl told her mom. We were still friends though.

My dad was told about that incident, after school he came to speak with the teacher. The school was empty and as we walked in the outside halls, I was holding his hand when suddenly I felt pain, my left hand was being squeezed so hard that i whimper.

 Then he took me into the boy’s bathroom. “Empty” he said. He locks it and I fall to the ground to throw a tantrum. He said he wants to spank me in the bathroom stall. I was kicking at him on the floor and crying that  my shoes flew off my feet and he saw I was sockless. He grabbed my shoes and tossed the them in the trash. He walked to me with an almost evil grin. 

“You don’t wanna wear shoes at school I’m gonna send you in just your feet.” He said, his shoes just closed in as i backed into a stall that had a broken lock, he was able to open as I curl into the corner next to the toilet, I cried hiding my head and I felt it. His shoes touched my bare feet. Despite all that I ended up getting what I asked for but it was just my dad this time wearing the shoes. 

As my feet were resting on top of his shoes he kicked them off, “those feet are disgusting, they stink!” He sneered, he grabbed my ear and made me get up.

He sat on the toilet and began spanking me with his hand, I remember looking down and seeing his shoes, he was wearing what appeared to be an old pair of white shoes, similar looking to Keds. They had gold leather laces, he wore them sometimes to cut grass. 

The spanking no longer hurt as I was feeling something else, something I didn’t understand yet. I cried many tears and they began to fall and some fell on his shoe leaving little wet marks that would dry by the time the spanking was over. I remembered thinking my dick had been stiff. 

My dad and I wrestled a lot in the grass in our backyard when I was 5-6. He’d win usually tickling my side, stomach, armpit and also my most sensitive spot, the soles of my feet. I would give up for sure by then, he said never would let me win because I was too ticklish. Once I tried harder to control my laughter and bit his hand. Which led to him mad agin and wanted to give me another hard spanking. I refused saying “I didn’t do anything.” 

He wouldn’t hear it, I was on the ground vulnerable again and he said “get up” after the second time I said no, he took off one of his shoes off and held it up like he were to swat at me.  It was a pair of leather Sperrys, brown and with a flat white sole, I secretly liked when he wore those too. He swung the shoe down hitting my legs a few times. I cried but  he pinched my lips and waved his finger threatening me about crying out loud. He was gonna teach me a lesson he said, he put the leather sperry back on as I was over his knee my legs dangling, butt above his knees and he spanked hard. I tried not crying or screaming and thought about something else, I had tears coming down, and put my focus on watching them fall on his sperrys and how they roll off not being absorbed.

I would play outside barefoot growing up because I felt free and maybe other people in the neighborhood can step on me by accident while playing or what not. One time when I was about 8, I tracked dirt into the house and made my dad crazy. I had to clean up my footprints, they were size 7.5 already so big tracks for a kid. Dad then said he were to spank me. He was wearing a robe, with white socks and blue slippers.

“Over here boy!” He said as he pulls out a chair

I was afraid and I’d flex my toes on the carpet.

“Get over here I said.” He demanded as he kicked off one slipper off of his socked foot and into his right hand. He seated it in his hand as if it were a baseball in a mit. Dad had large hands, but his feet were small, it was kinda weird. My grandma said he would walk on his hands a lot when he was growing up (Wish grandma would live with us, she usually stops her son from punishing me).

I ran and tried to hide in my room with the door locked and tried to escape out the window.

My dad caught on and he wouldn’t go out in the robe. I tried to hide at my friends Richard’s house but his parents then got mad I came inside without permission, and we went outside to play. I forgot about my dad. We were drawing on the sidewalk with chalk, my little left hand I’d drawing animals when all of a sudden a shoe comes down and crushes my hand it lifts up and steps on my drawing and then I saw my dad standing above me, he was now dressed, and his shorts had a loose belt.

The walk home was awful and long . Dad had been twisting my left ear the whole way as I heard kids giggling at seeing that. I’m looking down and see my bare feet walking next to his canvas slip ons that he threw on. Looking back I must have felt the fetish here too, as a young barefoot boy walked next to the shoes of his father, it was like he had the power and advantage while I was the vulnerable one in only my shorts (and no underwear with either) . 

“Yeah I’m gonna embarrass you!” He said and he swatted my butt. I swung my left hand hitting him back at his leg. He looked in shock. That’s when he grabbed my hair and took a step toward me which crushed my foot. He then yelled and began hitting my arm as I used it as a shield. 

His right shoe crushed my left foot throughout him hitting me. It ended up leaving me with pink arms, a very red and scraped up foot. I was crying and it wasn’t over. 

The spanking began again as he gritted  “ get over my knee you little twerp.” 

He spanked me again until No tomorrow but I was a bad boy,  I would taunt him saying “that doesn’t huurrrtt.”  My angry dad took one of his slip ons off and used his shoe and hurt me good. But I think I liked it. 

Dad wore size 8 or 9 I think, the flat sole did hurt me on my arm, leg and bottom. My foot was bigger than normal and grew fast so I went through shoes like crazy. When I was 9-10 I was already the same shoe size as my dad, despite me being shorter. My feet grew first and then I would eventually become taller. 

I thinks my dad noticed this, he dad went shopping and would ask me what shoes I wanted and I would get sandals with the straps like tevas, maybe Nike for school.  Dad was looking for shoes and I grabbed a pair of white shoes I saw and it made me feel a certain way but I could not explain it, they appeared like Keds but manlier, bulky, but they had the blue label saying Keds in the back. I would bring it to my dad and said “how about these? They look good for you.” Dad didn’t want it, but kept it in mind, he saw a pair of blue slip ons that looked nice and I brought it to  dad. He bought them, casual navy blue canvas slip ons. Dad said they remind him of prisoner shoes but he wore them frequently on the weekends and days off.

I remember playing in the park and wanted to be barefoot while dad wore the blue slip ons. We would run in the grass and I realized this fetish went beyond women and onto men as well. Me and dad would play soccer and our feet touched while trying to steal the ball and dad’s shoe sometimes touched me or kicked me leaving me bruised. We Wrestled in the grass and played football, dad’s shoes would get grass stains but he would get a fresh new pair for summers as they wore out. However he wouldn’t buy me a pair as he said we didn’t have money, and said since I would stay home during summer I wouldn’t need new shoes. I had my old Nikes that were worn with a couple of holes and barely fit me,  my sandals with the straps or flip flops. I preferred just staying in bare feet during the summer months.


My dad started to practice martial arts a bit, including kickboxing and king fu. He bought a uniform and would teach me a bit. Bobby and him went to a store that sold uniforms to get him one. Bobby saw king fu slippers the kind that Bruce Lee wore. I grabbed them and said dad would look cool in these. But they secretly had that nice sleek shoe style I loved.

We use to practice in the backyard, dad wearing his outfits, a tight yellow shirt, black martial arts pants that look like sweat pants which end cuffed at his ankles and to complete it  the king fu shoes. While I had a karate uniform that was white, and would spar l with him barefoot. My dad taught me kicks and punches, ending with me losing usually. He didn’t want to teach me everything I thought , He was afraid that I  would get too big and strong to be controlled.

Dad was okay and sometimes cool, I remembered wanting to be stepped on by my dad if he was wearing those soft shoes. If he was reaching up for something above the kitchen cabinet he would stand on his tippy toes to try and reach. Leaving space between the floor and the soles of his shoes  I would run next to him  put my foot underneath his to wait for it to come down. He would crush my foot and I whimpered in pain a bit saying “yowwch” but I secretly liked it. Dad would get angry telling me “why do you get next to me!”.

Maybe  dad was catching on, because he noticed when he wore certain shoes like sperry, canvas slip ons, deck shoes, I tried to get near him or to play or something, usually ending with dad getting annoyed. He would then pull and twist my ear and sometimes spank me outside.

One time he gave me a haircut and towards the end he had me stand up with my back towards the bathroom sink. I kept moving around because he kept hurting my ear with the clippers but dad stepped on my foot to keep me still. I had that weird feeling again, my foot hurt and I tried to get out from under the shoe. Finally I slipped my left foot back and it flew back hitting the bottom of the sink cabinet on my heel. I yelled in pain and cried. My dad was mad, and said suck it up. His shoe was a lightweight white slip on. I remember the tears I shed fell on the shoe, as he kept me still to finish the haircut. Then he took me outside and hosed me down because he didn’t want hair in the house. I felt like a dog.

Whenever I got in trouble dad would make sure I was barefoot and stepped on my toes hard before grabbing my ear. He would walk me to the chair while stepping on my feet at times, my feet were nearly the same size of my dad by age 9. He would spank me over his knee, when my legs were flying everywhere dad would hold them still with his leg. He often used his slipper to spank me hard, until he tired.

As an older kid around 12-13 , my foot was now the size of an adult. My age and foot size would match. Making buying shoes a nightmare as I grew out of them quickly. Summers I would just remain barefoot, and the shape of my foot often changed and got stronger. I remembered how black my soles were, nearly permanent.

I played a lot of basketball ball with neighborhood kids, and sometimes one on one with dad. He would wear either converse or white sneakers. One time while playing ball with him my big feet would be stepped on at times and one time my pinky toe bled as I whimpered.

 Dad hated this and actually didn’t apologize, grabbing him by the hair inside and began to smack his bottom and actually spanked my large feet with his hand and then a stick. Another instance I was out with him on errands and I made a comment and cursed and he pulled me into the public bathroom and threatened me with another spanking. I remember having a hard on as he was stepping on my foot accidentally. After we were done in there I tried covering the hard on discreetly.

Dad then smacked my behind otk style, he said that I loved getting in trouble a lot and that I liked the spankings. Dad used one of his shoes  (by this time he had so many shoes, all casual kinds) to do spank me, a lightweight shoe, like a slipper or espadrilles. He would send me to grab the shoe from the closet. 

The first time I jerked off I was 13. I thought about the shoes and things turning me on like getting trampled or even my dick and balls getting crushed. I jerked off to this under my sheets, thought about getting spanked by dad and his shoes. I left stains on the sheets and dad noticed. 

He must’ve known I remember trying to hide under the bed and watching as his white slippers were going back in forth in my room looking around. Then he went out of view and I felt a sharp tug on my ankle. He sat in his chair and was preparing me for a spanking.

By now I was taller than dad, I had started puberty and my dick by now was bigger. Dad, however was strong and pulled me around. If I struggled he’d twist my ear . He put me on the floor by this point. I’m kneeling on the ground and he takes off my underwear and straps me until I’m purple in my butt.

I got a massive hard on while being spanked, dad noticed this. I didn’t know what to expect, what would he do to me? I fitted my teeth and held my crying but the tears began to fall. I felt pain when sitting for at least a week. 

My fetish extended to a friend, a boy my age and we sucked each other off, and i convinced him to crush my balls and dick with his shoe. Even jerk my dick with his shoe. Whenever dad wasn’t around he could come over. I lost my virginity just before I turned 15, in a trio, a guy and a girl. The girl was wearing converse low tops, we convinced her to keep them on, my friend had some checkered vans and he kept them on. 

One time we had an orgy with a few guys in my backyard, we tied up one person with rope from his wrists and had him dangling. We began to edge him,flogged and whip him; everything. But the sliding glass door had opened 

“Dad?…” I stuttered fearfully 

“Everyone , go home! Now!” He demanded 

He cut the rope of the guy hanging. Everyone was scared of getting in trouble with their families, I bet their mothers would cry if they found out what their son’s were doing.

I was more afraid than ever despite my height and strength now. He came toward me stepping above my friend who was still in shock on the ground. He inches closer and the first thing he does is crush my foot, and pull my hair and then my ear.

Dad had told me to get to his side as he sat in the chair and told me to get on his lap. I refused, he was crazy. 

“No way, I ain’t getting spanked!” I yelled

“It’s gonna happen boy, you may not think it will, but it’s gonna happen.” He said

“I’m too old for this and I’m not getting my ass spanked!” I shot back

“Yes you are, now get your shorts down now!” He said firmly

For some reason I did what he said and my dick was erect. I said that he was crazy and that he will be sorry.

“Oh really? Get over my knee you skinny little bastard! I’ll make YOU sorry.” He said

He spanked me with his hand at first. He spanked and spanked. But I took it.

“You spanking is weak! Like a pussy!” I yelled despite the stinging 

“Oh yeah.” He said and he began to spank faster and harder. My toes began to squirm in between the hits. Eventually my legs began to swivel around and I turn red in the face. 

He kept going and spanking me until my legs were dancing around, he then locks my legs with one of his legs and holds me still. His right hand continues to come down while his left hand twist and pulls my ear. When he was done with me, my ass was purple and blue. He then ties me up in the corner, and I’m left standing a minute there. He then began to whip me and I’m dancing around trying to avoid the strikes. He had a bunch of  S&M stuff and I was now his little play thing. He later tortured me with tickling until I run of of air. Tickling my toes also, his shoes stepping on my feet from time to time.

“I know you like this boy…” he whispered 

If I ever get punished now as I’m older it’s usually something humiliating or chained up with a leash. He had me strip down once and had put a shock collar on me . I was naked except for the collar as he walked me around the house and then in his dungeon that he built in the garage with soundproof walls. All my cries and whimpering would not be heard in there. He even put me in a cage once, and fed me water and food on a plate with no fork or spoon. I had to eat like a dog without my hands. If I didn’t he would step down on my head shoving my face in the food while he whipped my behind.

I was afraid of him because despite his size he was stronger and smarter than me. Lately he would put something in my water or soda and I would feel drowsy and I’ll be completely under control. At one point he hypnotized me using flashing lights and a pendulum. He would treat me like a dog at times kicking me, sometimes making me lick his shoes clean. He would crush my hand and dick with his shoes while I’m drowsy.

I threatened him many times with the cops but he said that I would end up homeless because he said my grandma would take his side, 

“Who she gonna believe, some little snot like you or her own son?” My dad would repeat 

I believed him, I’m 18 now so then I would have nowhere to go without support, I’m not good in school so I have no scholarship or any way of getting into college without paying out of pocket. I was stuck with my dad. He owned me.

***End Flashbacks***

Mike sat there in awe and couldn’t believe what I just said. We both got off and said our goodbyes. I walked up to my house,it was quiet, my flip flops making sounds that echoed down the street.

My dad was sitting on the house stoop, drinking out of a mug of something, probably alcohol. He was dressed casually in a shirt and shorts and white shoes.

“Sit down son., kick your sandals off and kick back with me” He said as he also took off my shirt that I sweated through.

“No hard feelings about before I see you’re becoming a man, so I wanna let bygones be bygones.”  dad said

I was nervous next to him, my toes flexed from nerves. My dad offered me a beer and he emptied it into an already cold glass. 

“First beer with your father, I want to savor this moment.” dad said 

“Thanks dad” I said as we both drank a swig of beer

“ I didn’t have a dad growing up, so I had no idea what it meant to be a father.” dad said

“ I know I have to be a role model for you, and let you make your own choices also.” He continued 

I was finishing my beer and felt funny, my pinky toe was touching the rubber outsole of my dad’s shoe. Then dad stepped on it, making me wince. I felt my ear being pulled. I was stumbling and  dad began to pull me inside. I felt my clothes falling off as we went into his dungeon. My dad has lost his mind once again . He wants his son to be a prisoner.

My dad grabbed my cock and pulled it hard as if pulling a leash, I was crying as dad yanked it harder and laughed sinisterly. Brought me to my knees, my tears falling in front of my father, one tear drop went on his shoe, he lifts his leg putting his shoe under my chin and makes me look up at him.

Dad had me in just underwear chained now in push up position. He told me to do pushups and I was able to do about 50. As I’m doing them my dad pushed down on my back , head and neck. Gave me a hard on and I could see he had gotten hard also.

“Oh yes boy… let’s start over and just have fun as father and son.” Rob said 

To be continued 

by GayBlade90

Email: [email protected]

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