River rafting

by Chnuschti

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It was at school, probably you would say high school, but the system in germany is a bit diferent. however we were all about sixteen year old and I had very nice classmates. at least that's what I thought until that day. but before I continue, I have to say that it was the best experience that I have ever had....

at that time there were school camps during summer. there were two teachers going out for one week with 'their' class. Our teacher was an old lazy guy who was glad when the teenagers were taking care of themselves, as long as nothing bad happend he wouldn't care. and to my very misfortune, he couldn't swim very well. This fact is a key to the whole situation that I was brought in.

My friends in that class were:

Chris, he was very good at playing tennis. He was even in the national team, or at least in the close circle to get into the national team. he was tall, skinny and dark haired. and his arms were stronger that you would expect from a sixteen year old boy.

Pascal, he was playing soccer in the team of the town. He also trained nearly every day, probably because he was never really good in school, but he was hoping for a career in the local or even national soccer team. By origin, he was Italian, that's why he was also dark haired and his skin was of an olive tan, even in winter. He was not that tall, but well built with strong legs of course.

Julian, he was handball player at the time. Sporty figure, typical northern European with blond hair and as for sixteen year old boys usual, skinny type.

David was also always with us, but I don't remember if he was doing a special sport, at least not on a daily basis in a team of so. He was rather thin, not too tall but with a very handsome face and white skin, even though his hair were rather dark.

The rest of the class consisted of other boys of course and girls, who I need to describe two of them closer:

Nathalie was the one who was a bit older than the rest of us, because she had to repeat one or even two years at school. So she was almost 18 years old already and has had already far more experience than all of us boys. And she was very good looking, with her well build body, dyed hair to blond or any colour of the rainbow and always in a very good mood. So all the boys (except myself) were totally admiring her.

And then there was Verena, who had dreadlocks, was the bad kid of the class, also very good looking and admired by all of the boys (except myself..)

And then there is me: I was in the national swimming team, training twice a day. I haven't had a lot of time to spend with my friends, but I was accepted by them and usually never had trouble. I have dark blond hair and at the time, as all of us, no body hair. I was quite tall, with a skinny figure, but well defined muscles from all the swimming. I have had some girlfriends back then, but in my deep inside, I admired especially Chris and David. I did not know why at the time, but whenever there was a chance, we compared body and stuff and talked about girls.

So in that summer camp in the very hot summer that year, we had a river going around the house, where we stayed. There were some big rubber tubes from truck tyres, the inside of it. These were provided for the fun of fiver rafting down the stream, you could really get into the river just in front of the house and raft down the river for about half an hour and get out not so far again back to the house. It was really convenient.

The thing was, that our teacher, as mentioned before, couldn't swim that well. Therefore he asked me, if I would go last, whenever we did that river rafting. Certainly I had to agree, since being in the national swim team meant also to have the license as a live-safer. So every day when we went rafting, I had to 'supervise' the entire class. I didn't know that my 'friends' were making so much fun of that...

One of the last evenings of the camp, we were all sitting by the campfire and having fun. As it was a very hot day again, we were all wearing light clothing. I don't remember about the girls, but the boys I can tell as if it was yesterday:

Chris was wearing a t-shirt and some tennis shorts. As he was always wearing tennis shorts, it's no surprise.

Pascal was wearing soccer shorts, of course... and a shirt.

Julian some cargo shorts and David had these black, short but loose swimming shorts by Nike. I have had the same ones, that's why I know these have a cotton inner slip.

So I guess David was the only one to have the advantage of some thight fitting slip inside his shorts, because at that time we were all just discovering the advantage of loose fitting shorts to wear. It was always a discussion between us, whether to wear loose or tight underwear for example. And it was so uncool, to have briefs or tight boxers at that time. It was loose fitting boxers, or you were so out of it, so oldschool. And being in the warm summer camp, we just did not wear any underwear at all. I don't know how we came to that, but it was probably because we didn't have enough 'cool' boxers anyway and nobody wanted to wear the 'kids underwear'.

That evening, I was wearing soccer shorts as well. These were the FC Real Madrid home shorts, white, no inner lining. I was so proud of these shorts at that time, even though I never played soccer very well. But I got these from my cousin, whose mother must have emptied his clothes storage in order to get him new stuff. He was older than me, and all the things I got from him were too big for me at that time, as he was also a bit taller than me and two years older. So also the white FCM-shorts were too big for me, but at the time it was cool to wear oversized clothes. And of course I was wearing a t-shirt.

As the evening went by and it got late, the teachers sent us to bed, but by the time we got into the house, they disappeared in their rooms as well. Since the house where we stayed was the only one for many miles, there was no risk that we would go out to buy alcohol or some stuff. I think that's the reason why the teachers didn't really care anymore. At least for the whole night, no teacher was seen anymore.

But us teenagers decided to go for another river raft with those tubes in the night...

All had to be very fast, let's go, let's go...

No chance to change into swimming shorts for nobody. T-shirts off, that's it. I thing the girls even went in their underwear. But us boys were wearing our shorts anyway, which was fine for most of us, except me, wearing white soccer shorts and nothing underneath...

OK, I thought, don't worry, it is dark outside. But having that risk of transparent shorts in mind, I was already pretty aroused. As a sixteen year old... well you know ;-) and as I mentioned: it was one of the last evenings of the week, and during the camp there was no privacy: showers were all together as well, same as the sleeping room. So there was no wanking off for several days.

So when we picked up our tubes in that garage under the house, it was bright light and I had to walk a bit bent down, as I was already half hard. I knew I would have totally transparent shorts once they got wet, and alone the thought of it made me get aroused. But I thought it would not be that bad, as it would be dark outside and some of the girls were wearing white underwear as well.

We went to the river, and with a lot of laughter and cheers rafted down the stream.

And there started my misery:

My friends were starting to make jokes of me, that I would be the teachers best friend and being 'the math teachers baywatch boy', 'our live safer', 'the only one who can rescue all of us', basically the teachers most loved pupil who can get all the benefits, once we are back from this camp, because I looked after all of them while he was barely able to swim.

First it was all funny and we, even I, was laughing about it.

But then it sort of turned a bit, and I felt that my 'friends' were acting a bit weird, starting to tease me in a way I din't experience before.

Once we got to the place where we had to get out of the water, they were still making fun of me and throwing me back in the water when I tried to get out. This was funny at first, as I had no problem with swimming, even in the current, and I was hoping they would loose interest before I needed to get out in my white shorts. At least my dick was again as small as it could ever be, due to the cold water. What a relief.

Once we got out, we did not want to go directly back to the house, but we wanted to enjoy the warm evening a bit more. So everyone was lying in their tubes and chatting.

until they came back on the jokes about me being the teachers puppy boy and saving them from drowning.

By the time, someone lit also a campfire by the riverside between the trees of the forest and the evening was filled with laughter and joy. At least for the others, as I got more and more embarrassed.

Chris and David were sitting on the tube I was lying in and hopping around, so that I was shaking up and down all the time.

Then I think Pascal was the one who said, I should show them how they should swim.

Big laughter of all of them and the boys, Chris and Pascal grabbed my legs, Julian and David grabbed my arms, spread eagled they carried me back to the river and threw me in the water. This alone made me almost hard again. A few seconds more and they would have noticed.

'one, two, three... splash'!!

Cheers, laughter, the girls clapping hands.

There I was back in the water.

I was so glad I could cover myself, I think I stayed in there until I was shivering. But at least they lost interest in me and my dick got smaller and smaller again in the cold water.

But I was wrong:

While I was in the water, somebody must have developed the plan, else I can't imagine how they did it.

When I came out of the water, I thought I could retreat into the dark and lie back in my tube.

But the four guys that grabbed me before, came on me again and wrestled me down onto the tube as soon as I was close to it:

they pushed me face down on the tube, it was a soft landing, no worries.

Chris sat on my back, David on my legs, while Pascal and Julian held my arms and pulled them over my head. I can't say who it was, but somebody tied my hands with the rope that was formerly used to tie the tubes together. It was quite a long piece of rope, and the one who did it, did a good job. Several loops around each of my wrists and then in between some eights, pulling all together. Then they threw the other end of the rope over a pretty high branch of one tree and someone held it in good distance.

'one, two, three...go!'

All of them stood up and released me, so that I was lying on that tube, my hands tied over my head stretched up. I was still face down but I thought that all was over and they would release me. Of course I did not turn around, because I felt my dick already growing a bit. I was still quite cold, so nothing to worry yet.

But then they started to pull on the rope and I realised, that they would make me stand up and have my arms pulled up. But I could not resist. They pulled and I had to struggle to get up, walk over to the tree where they attached the rope and let them pull my hands up, until I was fully streched up, standing under that tree, very close to the campfire.

It was so embarrassing:

My foreskin is cut, so there is a clearly visible ring, where the head of the cock begins. And I was wearing white and wet soccer shorts, no underwear. And I was standing tied up, hands high above the head in the bright light of the campfire.

I was so much concentrating, but with every heartbeat I felt more blood being pumped into my dick.

I tried to think about anything disgusting, but in the mind of a sixteen year old boy being aroused, there is nothing disgusting enough to prevent him for what is inevitable:

the boys and girls were standing around me in a circle and cheering to what they have done. Laughter was filling the air.

And slowly my shorts started to bulge.

Wearing white and wet soccer shorts means, that the fabric is quite heavy, but completely transparent. So slowly my entire length of cock started to press against the shorts, the ring below the head of the cock clearly visible, even making a small mark of shadow on the white fabric. But because the shorts were wet, my cock could not go fully erect, if was still held down by the shorts.

And as I was standing completely upright with no chance to bend down, I could not release it to stand up. Everybody could see it and I could not avoid anything.

There was a small break of surprise, but soon I saw some grins in the faces of my male friends.

The girls were just looking, but there was no real action yet. I think that was the surprise.

But Pascal and Chris were the first two to do something: they approached me and started to tickle my upper body. I was shaking and rocking in my ties, but my erection did even get harder... by the end of the tickling, which was just about two minutes but felt like an eternity, my dick was about horizontal, still being restrained by the white soccer shorts from standing up totally and was hurting. And I could do nothing to hide it.

But if I am not wrong, I could see that Pascal in his own blue soccer shorts was also a bit aroused: when he was laughing and jumping, one could clearly see his dick jumping up and down in his shorts. And Chris in his black tennis shorts was also a little bit bulging, but later on he stuffed something in his pocket to hide it. Tennis shorts always have these pockets to put the balls in.

But I had no choice...

Somebody had then the idea, to cool me down with some river water.

Now all of them, also the girls took whatever they could find to get some water from the river and pour it over me. Now if the shorts would have been a bit dry to cover more of me, they are fully soaked again. It was Verena who had a bottle with her that she filled up with cold river water. She really poured all of it directly on the head of my cock! One the one side it made me cool down a little bit, on the other side I was moaning with lust, I could not help it. It was simply not possible.

I already felt some precum building up in my dick, even though nobody even touched it. But I was sooooo excited. And still my dick could not go fully erect, as the wet shorts were hanging over it.

I don't remember who it was now, but they had the idea they could do it as the boyscouts do. It must have been Chris who had the idea, because we were always joking about the boyscouts...

'Let's tie him down on the floor as the boyscouts do!'

I could imagine what that meant and I was almost cumming by the thought of it. Of course I couldn't, having the wet shorts and nobody to touch my dick. But I really started to enjoy this. I mean, it was too late to hide anything anyway...

Somebody loosened the rope holding my hands up a bit, and the four boys again wrestled me down. I came down landing face down on the forest ground. Chris was sitting on my back holding my arms down with his knees. Julian was sitting on my bum, pressing my hips down. This was really painful, because my semi-erect dick almost broke. At least I had the feeling. David and Pascal got some more rope and tied some loops around my ankles while sitting on each of my legs so that I had absolutely no chance to move.

As I was pressed down by Chris sitting on my shoulders with the knees on my arms, I had to have my head sideways on the ground. In the side of my eyes, I could see the opening at the left leg of Chris' shorts. I am not sure, but I think I have seen the tip of his cock sticking out of his shorts a bit, as he had to spread his legs wide in order to hold my arms down. Oh, my dick hurt...

Somebody also tied some lengths of rope to each of my wrists.

Once they were ready, Chris and Julian stood up and my legs and arms were pulled apart. First the got it wrong, so that the legs were pulled in the other way that the arms. I don't know if that was the trigger, but then they decided to adjust the arms in the same way than the legs, which turned me around lying on my back... oh shit! Face up, arms and legs spread wide apart and tied to trees.

how embarrassing again! Because of the action and myself lying face down first, my dick got soft again.

But when they turned me around, Chris was still standing over me, so that I could see directly up his shorts. He had his legs spread to both of my sides, towering over me and I don't think he realised that I could see his dick and balls very clearly from where I was lying, as he was not wearing underwear either.

And that made my dick hard again...

It happened so fast, I don't really remember.

But all of them decided I would need to be cleaned, as I was covered in dust from lying on the forest ground. They got water again and washed me down from face to toes with cold water.

If the white shorts were of any help before, now all was lost: my fully erect boner was sticking high out, the soaked shorts sticking on it. Also the white shorts stuck completely tight like a second skin around my balls and my inner thighs. I could have been naked, same thing. But I guess wearing the shorts even made me harder. Also because especially the girls were putting much effort in the cleaning of the shorts, as they said: 'we have to wash the shorts, else it gets dirty' ... and another bottle of water was slowly poured on my dick and balls. Eventually they even held the bottle high up, so that the water hurt a bit when on the balls, but almost made me cum when they poured it up the length of my shaft and on the tip. And can you imagine how long you can pour a tiny stream of water out of a 1.5 litre bottle of water from high up onto the dick and the balls of a sixteen year old boy lying spread eagled with no protection other than thin white soccer shorts? I guess I didn't cum only because the water was cold. But I was moaning... I couldn't resist. Everybody watching, fully exposed hard erection in white wet soccer shorts and a drip of cold water from high above directly on your genitals....what would you have done?

I think that's what made the boys tickle me again: Chris was sitting down again on my chest, the opening of his shorts touching my face, reaching behind him and tickle my armpits. I could not see who was working my lower body, but someone was tickling my belly just over the waistband of my shorts and somebody else was tickling my legs. The one tickling my legs slowly made his or her way up my legs to my knees and then to my inner thighs, eventually touching my balls as if not on purpose. Same thing with the person tickling my belly: occasional touches of my dick almost brought me to craziness.

And Chris eventually knelt on my upper arms so that he could tickle my lower arms and hands, which were tied wide apart high above my head: that meant i had his crotch in his thin tennis shorts right in my face, I could almost lick his balls if I were not laughing like crazy.

Once they stopped tickling, I could see that Chris had a semi-boner as well. He was clearly enjoying this. And I was struggling to cum or not to cum, I am actually not sure anymore. I was so horny that if my shorts were not already wet anyway, they would show a clear mark of pre-cum.

In the end it was the girls who took over the tickling. I was not happy about it, but I was so horny, I did't really care.

Nathalie tickled my hips, just beside my huge boner, Verena tickled my feet. Chris had turned around and was sitting on my chest facing down my body. Somebody, I don't know who it was, was tickling my neck.

Eventually they stopped, but Chris was still sitting on top of me, so I could not see my body from chest down, only Chris' back.

In my fantasy it must have been Chris, but I can't say who it really was: somebody took my dick in a grip and stroked me two times: I exploded in a firework of joy!

Two strokes was all it took: spurt after spurt must have come out of my dick into my shorts and I was moaning in pleasure.

After a few minutes they untied me and we went home.

It was never again spoken about this night, but I still have a fetish for soccer shorts and tie up games....