Rescued and got a whole new life

by Slutty Texas Btm

6 Oct 2020 8611 readers Score 9.3 (162 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I never considered myself anything but a regular guy. I dated girls all through high school. I was never a stud or anything, I was still a virgin and had only made out with a few girls. I played sports because my dad insisted on it, I was okay at football but I spent most of my time on the bench but I was really good at baseball. My size kind held me back in football but in baseball, I was a great catcher and I could hit a line drive that was pretty damn impressive also I was fast.  Now, I’d never be able to compete on a college level so I wasn’t playing anymore but I still worked out and maintained a strict regiment so I didn’t get the infamous freshman 15. I liked working out, it felt good and I liked hanging around like minded guys even if I didn’t really talk much to them. It was my only outlet for exercise so I never missed a workout. I’d go first thing in the morning so when you go regularly at the same time, you see the same people al lot and kinda get to know some of them at least by site. I’m kinda quiet so I don’t really say much and as much as I like being around these guys, they intimidate the hell out of me. In high school, I grew up with all those guys so I was fine around them. It seemed like these college guy’s for the most part, were so much bigger than me. I’m only 5.6 but I’m fairly muscular with very little body fat so my 145 pounds is pretty much all muscle. From all my time outdoors I stayed pretty tan and my dirty blond hair is even a lighter blonde. I’m not real hairy, just a light sprinkling across my chest, downy blond fuzz on my legs and arms and of course my ass has the same faint peach fuzz so at a glance I don’t look like I have any at all. I was also younger than everyone, I was the youngest person in my graduating class. I walked across the stage at seventeen years old so that made me also the youngest one my in the freshman class. 

So anyway, I’d seen these two guys that were there every morning. I called them Captain Marvel and Rip. The bigger one looked like a superhero , he was huge with coal black hair and the darkest eyes I’d ever seen. He always wore workout tights and tight fitted shirts so that helped with the super hero look. All he needed was a cape and the look would be perfect. The other guy I called Rip because he was just ripped. I bet he had 0% body fat and every muscle just popped. He was almost as tall as Captain Marvel and he had this shocking platinum blonde hair that fell to his shoulders. He was very strikingly handsome and between the two of them it was hard not to look, I mean the guys were so tall. I’d seen them on campus and even in regular clothes, they were eye catching to say the least. I’d never spoken to them and had no idea what the story was but I couldn’t help but stare. 

One morning I’m on the elliptical with earphones on and lost in my music when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I nearly jumped out of my skin, it was Rip. I snatched off the earphones and said...

“I’m sorry, did you need something?”

“Just saying hi. We see you all the time and never met you. I’m Ford and he’s Tanner. You are?”

“I’m ah ah ah....”

I was so stunned he was talking to me and I couldn’t get a word out. 

“Didn’t mean to surprise you little dude. Are even old enough to be here?”

I blushed and broke out in a sweat. I had no idea why I reacted that way, they just surprised me I guess. Ford was doing all the talking and he’s so good looking. Talk about intimidating as hell. He’s chatting me up, asking all kinds of questions. What was my major, where I lived, was I dating anyone, bet the bitches were hot for my ass. I answered everything. Said I’d only been out on a few dates but wasn’t really trying to date at the moment. Captain Marvel, I mean Tanner finally spoke up...

“You should come hang with us tonight. You’re not doing anything, are you”

It didn’t sound like a question, more a demand. He scared the shit out of me. 

“No sir. I’m free”

Why the hell did I call him sir? Thankfully he didn’t seem to react so maybe he didn’t notice. I was finishing up and started my warm down before I stretched. They followed me over to the mats and Ford kept talking to me. I was so caught off guard, I didn’t know what I was doing. He had me give him my phone and he put his number in and  he put my info in his. They were just taking charge and I let them. I didn’t know what to say or do, I didn’t seem to have any say in anything. 

“I’ll text you the address and you be at our place by 7:00. Got it little dude?”

Ford was friendly and always had a smile on his handsome face but he was still telling me what to do. I didn’t feel I dared to say anything to the contrary. I told them I need to get cleaned up for my first class and headed to the lockers to shower and dress. I went and stripped off and sat in the sauna for a short steam and then on to the showers. I was standing under the water, I had my hands on the wall leaning forward and doing a little more stretching, enjoying the feel of the warm water. My head was down and I was thinking about what had just happened. All of a sudden my ass is on fire. I jumped and yelled, slipped and landed flat on my ass on the shower floor looking at two of the biggest cocks I’ve ever seen in my life and they weren’t even hard. I tore my eyes away and looked up at Ford and Tanner looking down at me and laughing. 

“Damn little dude. I just can’t seem not to scare the shit out of you. How do ya like the view from down there”

I started trying to get up and slipped and fell again. Tanner reached down and hauled me to my feet and all of a sudden, Fords hand is gripping my left butt cheek and his finger tips are practically pushing into my asshole. I clamped down on his fingers and he laughed again and wiggled his fingers, causing me to gasp. They got me on my feet and said they’d see me later that night and don’t be late. Damned if I didn’t say Yes Sir again. 

The rest of the day was a fog, I was so confused and freaked out. Why the hell would these two want anything to do with me. I looked like a little kid next to them. Some time that afternoon I got a text from Ford, all it had was a link to his address, nothing more. When I got back to my dorm, I went through my closet trying to figure out what I was gonna ware. I must have pull out everything I owned and tried on most of it. I settled on some nice navy shorts and a pink polo with some leather flip flops. I got to the house way to early and walked around the block twice before I finally knocked on the door at straight up 7:00. My hands were shaking as I stood there. Tanner opens the door and said...

“Right on time. Good boy”

I felt stupid saying “hi” but I still didn’t know what I was doing here. He was dressed in shorts and a shirt none to different from what I had on. He called to Ford and said...

“He’s here. Hurry up I’m staving” 

That’s the most I think he’s said since I met them. I hear Ford in another room call out...

“Just dressing, come on back” 

Tanner put a hand on my shoulder and guided/pushed me forward. I kinda stumbled and almost fell forward but he had a strong grip on me and pushed me along. I stepped into a bedroom as Ford was walking out of his bathroom and he didn’t have a stitch of clothes on. His body was amazing and once again, I can’t take my eyes off him. He’s like a renaissance marble statue come to life. He was just perfect. I’m standing there with my mouth hanging open like a fucking idiot. I’d just never seen a body like his. He looked at me and grinned. 

“I guess you like what you see”

I just kinda said under my breath...


I realized what I said and blushed big time. 

“I mean you look like you should be in a fitness magazine   You’re body is amazing, both of you”

“Thanks little dude. We could help you look like a smaller version of me if you like. You just gotta put your life in our hands and do everything we tell you. How bad do you want it” 

I looked from him to Tanner who was looming over me. He never said a word to me just kinda growled at Ford...

“Hurry up damn it, I’m hungry”

Ford reached in his closet and pulled out a black button down shirt and casually slipped it on. It’s like he was doing a reverse strip tease because he was totally naked from the waist down.  My eyes were taking it all in, his big cock wasn’t hard but it was kinda fuller looking. I kept thinking, what ever chick was taking that thing had to be really slack in the cunt department or she would be ripped to shreds. He then pulled a pair of short black linen shorts out and slipped them on, going commando. I could never go with out briefs, I’d be afraid I’d pop a hard on. This guys confidence blew my mind and he wore it with ease. He cuffed the sleeves up on the shirt and only buttoned the bottom few buttons, slipped into some shoes and he was ready. Tanner grumbled...

“About time”

Then we were off. We all got in Tanner’s Range Rover, me in the back seat like a little kid and off we went to eat. As per usual, he was stoic and Ford did all the talking. It was all friendly like earlier that morning but I kinda felt like I was with my parents and was being talked down to like a child but then the talk changed and I was brought in to the conversation like an adult. I’ve always been more of a passive personality and my friends growing up always took the lead. I guess I’ve always been more comfortable letting others make the decisions but this was even more so. I felt completely comfortable not having to make decisions so I was fine letting Ford take charge. We pulled up to some place I’d seen but never been to. He asked if I liked this place and I said I didn’t know. Turns out it’s a healthy living restaurant and most everything could me altered to be extremely healthy or less so by the addition of sauce or other things. He asked if I had any dietary issues or if there was something I particularly didn’t like. I had none and as I was looking over the menu, he took it away. When our waiter came up, both he and Tanner ordered and when he turned to me, Ford once again took charge.

“Bring him the grilled herbed chicken breast with asparagus and spinach. No butter or sauce, just clean. Thank you”

I looked at him questioningly. 

“Have you already forgotten? We are taking over your life. You said you liked my body so we intend to help you with that. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”

He was nodding his head as he spoke, telling me without saying a word to agree. So I did. 

“Oh yes sir, I totally agree. What ever y’all think I should do”

Tanner had a kind of a sideways grin and said again...

“Good boy”

He did open up and talk a little more and I was a tiny less scared of him. They did most of the talking and mostly to each other. I liked Tanners voice, it was rich and deep and kind of rumbled and when he laughed, it was intoxicating. Both of them were strangely alluring and I found myself very drawn to them. I answered their questions and they asked about my life before I got to school they wanted to know about my parents and what they were like. I told about my domineering father and how hard it was to please him, how I was more like my mother. I told of my handful of friends and how I interacted with them, also what it was like to be seventeen and on my own. It finally got around to sex, I told them about the girls I’d dated. Ford asked me how I lost my virginity and I started to sweat and stammer. They glanced at each other and smiled.

“So, you’re still cherry..... Haven’t seen an 17 year old cherry in a long time. By the time we get through with you, that’s gonna me long gone. You leave it to us, we’re gonna get you laid all right. You’re gonna have more sex than you can imagine. This is gonna be fun”

I sat there with a stupid grin on my face and blushing like crazy. They started talking about working out again as the food was delivered. I was so glad for a change of subject. Ford’s telling me what I need to be eating and Tanner is telling me what all they have planed for my new workout regiment. I would meet them every morning and I’d be doing more in the evenings after class. They thought I should study with them so I could keep up and they could control what I was doing. Dinner finished up and they took me to a bar to meet up with some friends. I was introduced but after that I was pretty much ignored. I guess if I was someone else, I’d be upset but I was content to just listen and speak when spoken to. I was standing between them and I felt at ease and protected between these tall massive men. Somehow I knew my whole world had just changed and I was fine with it. You see, my father had always made all the decisions and told me what I needed to be doing. I always gravitated to friends who were the take charge kind of guys so meeting Ford and Tanner took a lot of pressure off me. I could study and keep my grades up and they would take care of the rest. On top of that, they promised to get me laid and for that I was thrilled. 

Both of them came from wealthy families and Tanner owned the house they lived in. The place was really nice, it was a four bedroom four and a half bath ranch style house with large spacious rooms. Two living areas two dining areas, a huge totally updated kitchen and an enormous back yard with a pool. The place was fantastic, a lot nicer than my parents house and bigger too. I started spending a lot of time with them. I did most everything except sleep there. Hardly a day passed when I wasn’t over. They would have me swim laps in that huge pool until I was nearly worn out. Tanner liked to cook so he controlled what I ate in the evenings. I was informed what I was to eat in the mornings and how much and I was told what I could eat on campus. I wasn’t allowed any sort of fried food and mostly ate ether a simple salad with lemon or one or two other options. I liked I didn’t have to think about it, it took a lot off me to let them do it. My work out, got a lot more intense and I was really seeing the results. As much as I was around them, I still wasn’t doing much of the talking, I spoke when spoken to and I did make comments here and there. On weekends, they would often have big parties. All kinds of people and I noticed all were really good looking, both guys and girls. I wondered which girl they had in mind for me. But mostly I was happy to be included. As good as my body was getting, my personality was still the same. I remained quiet and shy and when other people were around I hardly spoke at all. I found it more comfortable to help out and I’d pick up glasses and trash, wipe up spills and keep everything clean. By the time October rolled around, I was pretty much a servant in the house. I cleaned up when Tanner cooked and more or less kept the place tidy. They had a cleaning service that came twice a week but I kept it pretty well spotless in between. I wasn’t allowed any booze except at a party I could have one, not that I cared for any. Ford didn’t want me drinking anything but mineral water or milk for the most part, I was allowed a small glass of juice a couple of time a week. 

By this time, I’d grown accustom to seeing them naked. Ford rarely wore clothes at home and would normally drop them as soon as he hit the door. Tanner was almost the same, I mean he always ended up nude but he didn’t strip as soon as he walked in the house. I never took mine off. I was always fully dressed, I was far from being as secure as they were with my body and I was in better shape now than I’d ever been, hell I was in better shape than most guys I’d seen but I couldn’t do it. The guys dated and it was always a group date. Ether a double date with each other and some girls or with another couple but mostly it was them at home with me in the background. I grown to dread it when they went on dates because I was alone and I didn’t know what to do with myself without them. 

One Friday night they were out without me and I was in my dorm room at loose ends, absolutely miserable it’s about 10:30 and I get a text from Tanner. 

“Get over here NOW”

I was thrilled, he needed me for something. I practically ran all the way to the house. I had my own key and I let myself in. He was in the den, sitting on the couch naked with a massive hard on, jacking off. I stood there staring, I’d seen him almost hard several times. I was so envious of both of there cocks, I was just average and I guess it was ok for my shorter smaller body but Tanner was fucking huge. He seemed mad as hell and me standing there staring at his big cock seemed to piss him off even more. 

“What are you fucking looking at, you god damn little pussy!”

I stood there shaking, scared to death. I’d never seen him like this. A bottle of vodka sat on the table beside him. I’d hardly ever seen him drink and now he was swigging it right out of the bottle. He starts yelling at me and I don’t know what to say or do. He gets to his feet and starts coming at me. He punched me in the stomach and I doubled over in agony as I collapsed to the floor, sinking to my knees before him. He’s knocked the breath out of me and I can hardly take in air, tears stream down my face. I look up at his wild face, his hard cock is just above my head as I cower on the floor. 

“Why is your fucking pussy ass always staring at me. You a god damn fucking fag? That it? You want my fucking cock , don’t you bitch!”

He’s screaming at me. I’m so freaked out, I just want him to stop yelling. He grabbed a handful of my hair and jerked my head up to face him. With his other hand he slapped the hell out of me. I was in shock, he slapped me again. I started to say something and when I opened my mouth, he stuck his cock in it. 

“Your fucking teeth so much a scrape my cock and I’ll make you wish you were dead, got that bitch?”

I’d never done anything like this in my life I wasn’t gay, I didn’t even know anyone gay, I’d never even had a blow job myself. I start to gag and retch. He told me I’d better not puke on his cock or I’d get another beating. He slapped me in the head and told me to relax my throat and to breath from my nose. I was doing everything I could to make him stop hitting me. I thought my jaw was going to break, on top of that, I was crying and my nose was running and I couldn’t get much air. That’s when it all went black and I passed out. I have no idea how long I was out but when I woke, I was alone. I was disoriented and confused as hell. Where the hell was I and where were my clothes. I was on a bed in a dark room. I got off the bed and bumped into something in the dark making some noise. A second later the door opens and the light is turned on. 

“About time you woke up. Get out here, you’re not done yet”

I flinch at the bright light and cover my eyes. Tanner turned and walked out and I followed. He’s standing, leaning against the island in the kitchen. His cock isn’t hard any more. 

“Get over here and finish me off, boy”

“Tanner, I don’t understand where this is coming from. I’m not gay”

“I like it when you call me Sir. When we’re alone you call me Sir. Got it? Also bitch, you’ve been eye fucking us since that first day we met you. You wanna worship us then get to it. We’re spending our time making your faggy ass over, it’s time for some appreciation and it starts tonight”

He pointed to the floor in front of him and I did as he instructed. 

“Suck it bitch”

I looked down at the massive cock and slowly sank to my knees. I lifted it to my lips and did as I was told. It was soon hard and I just shut my eyes and did it. Trying not to think about it. Then all of a sudden, I’m in the floor. He’s slapped me really hard in the side of the head.

“Open your fucking eyes faggot!” He yelled

“God Damn It Tanner! I fucking told you not to touch him! When he wants it he’ll let us know. Just like everything else we’ve shown him. For such a smart guy, you can be so god damned stupid. Get rid of that fucking vodka. I fucking hate it when you get drunk.”

He stomped off to his room and slammed the door. Ford helped me up and took me to his bedroom. I was freaked out and trembling as he guided me back. I’m trying to cover myself, well at least my dick. He sat me on the bed and I’m shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. 

“I’m not gay”

“It’s okay, don’t worry about it. What happened?”

I told him about the text from Tanner and everything that happened up until he walked in and saw Tanner slap me. Tears are running down my face and I can’t look at him.

“So you think being gay is a bad thing, is that what you’re saying?”

“I didn’t say that. I just said I wasn’t. That’s all”

He slipped an arm around me and I started bawling my eyes out. I couldn’t stop and I was falling apart. He held me closer, the warmth of his body and his sent was all encompassing. I inhaled deeply smelling his richness. My head is still down and I’m looking right into his lap, his legs are slightly opened and he massive cock is laying across his thigh and it’s about halfway hard. I can’t take my eyes off it. 

“Christopher, we don’t use labels here, okay? I just want you to be who you are. I know who I think you are and I think deep down you know too but it has to be you that makes that decision”

I sat in silence in his embrace for what seemed like forever. His cock was completely hard now.

“You’re gonna hate me, you’re gonna think I’m a freak”

I said softly..

“No one hates you here”

“You will and Tanner already does. He’s always hated me. He just tolerates me for some reason”

“He doesn’t hate you, he just drunk and he turns into a raving jackass when he’s like that”

“But what he said... what he made me do. He punched me and called me that stuff. He wants to beat the hell out of me. ..... Oh my god, I gotta get out of here!”

I tried to jump up to get out but he had me and wasn’t letting me go.

“Damn it boy, stop!” He yelled

I shrunk back thinking he’s gonna hit me. Terror is written all across my face. He pulls me closer. I start to panic. I know it’s gonna happen again.

“Tanner said the same thing he said. It’s gonna happen again. I thought I got away and it happening all over again. I gotta get away from here. Please let me go”

“Jesus Christ....he beats you, doesn’t he? You dad beats you. That’s why you’re so timid and scared of everything. How long has this been going on?”

I look at him panic stricken, I gotta get out of here. I start looking around the room looking for an escape. He figured it out before I could move. He squatted down in front of me and grabbed hold and shook me. 

“Christopher, look at me! You’re safe. No one is going to hurt you here. Do you understand me? No one is going to hurt you again. We fucked up, we didn’t see it but it’ll be okay. You’re going to be okay. Can you hear what I’m saying to you?”

He’s never once called me by my name before that night, he’s always called me little dude. Even when I met his friends he introduced me that way. I never said a word, I just wanted them to like me so bad, I didn’t care. He spoke softly to me...

“He beats you because you’re gay, is that it?”

“He...... ah, ..... thinks I am and that’s why”

“Your mom lets him?”

“Ah.... well.... she can’t stop him. He hits her too. We just try to keep quiet and out of his way. I hate him”

“Have you told anyone?”


“Jesus, what have we done” he whispered under his breath

“Ford, I can’t be gay, he’ll kill me. I just gotta get through school and get away from him. I’m scared he’ll track me down and murder me. I can’t be gay”

“He’s never ever gonna touch you. You got nothing to worry about ever again. Hear me?”

“Yes sir”

“You don’t ever have to call me that again, same with Tanner. You’re staying here tonight, everything is going to be fine. You have nothing to worry about. Now, hop up there and get under the covers you need some sleep and we will work out the details in the morning”

We got in bed and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me in tight. He spooned up next to me and soon I was fast asleep. I woke up that morning and I was alone. I could smell coffee so got out of bed. Still naked, I picked up the shirt Ford discarded the night before and slipped it on. It was way to big on me. I walked out to find them in the kitchen talking, Tanner took one look at me and started coming towards me. I started to turn and run but he had me. I froze in my tracks, bracing for a blow to the head again. He just pulled me to him and turned me around and hugged me. 

“I’m so sorry. You gotta forgive me for last night, I was drunk and I know thats no excuse. I should have never done that and you have to know, I don’t hate you. Never have”

With that he kissed me as he held me in his arms. When he finished kissing me I was shaking again. He was the first man to ever kiss me and I guess my face showed it. 

“I’ve been an ass to you and I’m so sorry but you gotta relax. You couldn’t be in a safer place. No ones ever gonna hit you again”

“Not if we can help it”

I looked over at Ford and smiled a little. He patted the stool beside him and I went and sat down. He leans over and kissed me too. Both of them are nude as always but he slipped a hand around my waist and said...

“I like you better naked but I don’t think that shirt has ever look hotter. You’re a sexy little fucker”

I blush, as usual. I look across the breakfast bar at Tanner. He’s leaning in the same place he was last night when he made me suck his cock only this time he’s drinking coffee. I glance down and he’s hard as a rock again. I look back up at his face and he winks at me and I blush all over again. He laughed and said...

“You better stop that”

“Stop what?”

“Blushing, every time you do I wanna fuck you”

Ford takes my hand and puts it on his hard cock. He leans over and whispers in my ear...

“He not the only one”

He puts his hand over mine and closes it around his cock and starts moving it back and forth. I get that panic look on my face again. I quickly pulled away.

“You really think I’m gay?”

“We knew the first time we saw you. But don’t worry, we aren’t gonna rape you or anything. I told you, no ones going to ever hurt you again. You gotta understand and remember it”


“What. You can ask us anything“

“Are y’all gay”

“Gay as a goose”

I looked at Tanner 

“But you said all that shit to me last night. You called me a faggot...”

“I was drunk and horny and I knew you thought I was straight. I’m just glad Ford came in when he did. I might have really hurt you. I’m so sorry I punched you like that and the slaps too. I’m not ever getting out of hand like that again. You should hate me but I hope you don’t. I’ve been a little jealous and it went to my head”

“Jealous, of me? That’s crazy”

“I know it but I couldn’t help it. You look at me with lust in your eyes but you really only have eyes for Ford and it makes me nuts. I’ve known it since the day we met. I wanted you to look at me that way”

“I thought you didn’t like me”

“Well I tried not to, but the more you were around, the more you wore me down. Will you please forgive me?”

“I guess so..... Okay, since we are being honest here...I need to know a few thing. What was this all about?”

“Originally we just wanted to fuck you. We were planning to bring you back that night to fuck the shit out of you and send you on your way. Hell, we talked about just fucking you at the gym that morning but you were so infatuated with Ford he wanted to see how far you would go before you were begging for it. You have no idea how many times you almost got fucked. Hell, three of our friends are practically chomping at the bit to get a crack at your little ass. But Ford told us he would whip our ass if we touched you. We knew you hadn’t figured it out yet”

“But why me? I’m nothing special”

“Yes you are, I think your beautiful we both do”

“You know the thought that you two want to... ah you know... that scares me to death. You’re both huge. I’m not even sure I’m really gay”

“Baby, you’re gay. No doubt about it. Last night when we were sitting on the bed, you kept your head down that entire time. What were you looking at.... be honest”


“Be more specific. What part of me”

In a voice that could hardly be heard I said...

“Your cock”

Tanner starts laughing only for Ford to shut him down. 

“I’m not trying to embarrass you baby. I just want you to be honest with yourself as well as us. I know what you want and there is no shame in it. Look at me. Tell me what you want”

“Can I touch you”

“You can do that any time you want to”

I searched his face to be sure he wasn’t teasing me. Tentatively, I reached for his chest and lightly ran my fingers over his beautiful torso. It had always mesmerized me. I really did think he was the most perfect man I’d ever seen. As I ran my fingers over him, his nipples perked up and stood out. I looked back at his face and he looked like he was in ecstasy. He tilted his head back and his breath caught in his chest. I glanced down and his cock was hard as a rock and sticking straight up, a line of clear thick pre-cum is running down the side. Then I looked at Tanner who was watching and stroking his own cock then looked back at Ford. I slid my hand down and touched his cock. He kinda hummed a little. I just ran a finger up and down a few times, I felt odd doing it so I moved away and he let out a deep breath and opened his eyes. 

“I don’t know what to do”

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but you gotta know. I want you. I’ve wanted you for a while now but I’m never gonna pressure you in any way. After what you’ve been through, I’d never do it. It’s gotta come from you. You gotta make that decision on your own, not me”

Tears rolled down my face. I’m so fucked up, I don’t know how to be the one making those kind of decisions. I got up and went and found my clothes got dressed and ran home, a total wreck. I walked into my dorm room and fell on my bed and cried until I fell asleep. Sometime later, I was awoken by a knocking on the door. I opened up and Tanner was standing there. He just walked in and sat down on my bed. 

“We gotta talk. Come sit down, we gotta figure this out. I feel like I’m the one who fucked everything up so I gotta fix it. He’s into you, he’s got it bad but after what came out about your dad, he’s scared to death he’s gonna hurt you. You’re gonna have to make the first move”

The tears started all over again. Tanner pulled me in with his big arms and held me. 

“What’s this about, why all the tears?”

“You don’t get it, he’ll kill me. He told me so before I left for school”

“Who, your dad? What happened? Out with it damn it. I’m not leaving this room until I understand. You hear me”

That’s when it all came out. I’d had it beat into me as a child to be obedient, never talk back, speak when spoken to. When he wasn’t around, mom would tell me over and over I needed to be really good so he wouldn’t be upset or mad. It didn’t really seem to matter because I don’t think I got more that three days between beatings. As I got older, I was made to play sports as a way to explain the bruises but the psychological warfare never ended. He new from the time I was a little boy I was probably gay and he hated it. He even blamed my mom for it. He kept saying no son of his was going to be a fucking cock sucking faggot. He’d beat it out of me. I did my best not to disappoint him. I did everything he told me to do, even dated girls but because I was so shy I was a failure in his eyes. Why couldn’t I be like the other guys. Going away to college was an escape from him. If I could just quietly get through my years here and find a job move away and never go back, I’d be safe. 

“But then I met y’all. I was blown away by your incredible bodies. I tried not to look but I couldn’t help it. That morning when you both came up to me, I was both terrified and infatuated. I was scared you would see through me and figure me out and some how he would find out. But y’all started bossing me around but we’re friendly at the same time and something from all my training clicked in and I was compelled to do as you said. It’s what I understand and respond to and I wanted you to like me. I know it’s fucked up but I felt protected by you and I would do anything to make you happy”

“Jesus, Christopher, I had no idea. God I’m such an asshole. I always steamroll over everything. I like things my way and I like being in charge. I liked bossing you around and you seemed to respond to it, even seemed to want it. 

”I do like it when you tell me what to do. Hat way I don’t mess things up”

“I gotta let you in on something. Remember I told you it pissed me off that you didn’t look at me like you did him but that’s only half of it. When I first met him I was just as bad as you are. I was so into him. You’re right, he’s perfect and I was attracted to his strength as well as his beauty. Oh and he’s smart, he’s got an analytical mind. He can figure out anything. He blew my mind. Just one problem, we are both tops. I even tried to bottom for him a few times. I hated it, never have liked it and even with him it was no better. So I did the next best thing. I invited him to move in and we became best friends. Best friends that share bottom boys. You know, I spotted you first, I saw you on campus and wanted to get in you pants but I lost you in the crowd. Then I pointed you out to him at the gym and he agreed we needed to nail you. But when you saw us, it was clear it was him you wanted. You could hardly take your eyes off him and it pissed me off. I was mad by the time he spoke to you but I guess half way through dinner that night I was warming to you. I couldn’t put a finger on it but something about you spoke to me”

“You scared me so much because you were so much like my dad but then you weren’t like him at all. It was strange. You were dark and brooding like him and then you were excitedly helping me out. I liked it when you took charge so I knew what to do. Oh and I loved working in the kitchen with you. I like watching you cook, my dad would never do that. He hardly ever walked in the kitchen and he’d never cook. That was women’s work. He wouldn’t even let me help my mom, said it would make me a sissy, but last night.... When you hit me, you turned back into him only it was a him that wanted me to be gay but I didn’t do it right and you hit me again. I just wanted to die right then and there. I wanted you to just beat me until I was dead”

He looked at me horror struck, his mouth hanging open at a loss for words.

“Tanner, don’t be mad at me. I should have never said that. I need to have my head examined. Please don’t be mad!”

As we had been talking he’d moved a little so he was facing me as we talked, but the look on his face shook me. He made me jump back a little when he stood up, only he didn’t strike me he sank to his knees before me and pulled me in his arms. He hugged me for a long time, his face next to mine. I felt moisture on my shoulder then he pulled back and looked at me. His eyes were wet with tears. 

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry. I’m just so sorry”

And he hugged me again he was overwhelmed with emotion but he finally let me go. 

“If it takes me the rest of my life, I’ll make it up to you”

“It’s okay. It doesn’t matter”

“Yeah it does, you matter a lot”

“Look, I’ll be okay, I’m just a screwed up kid and I’ll figure it out some how. I just gotta get through school and I’ll be okay”

He sat there looking at me. I could see the wheels turning in his head. He gets up out off the floor and starts pacing back and forth. He starts talking and his tone is gruff...

“This is what’s going to happen. Get your shit together, that laptop and all your books. Where’s a suitcase, we need to pack some clothes. We’ll get the rest later. Just get what you need for now. Now hurry up, move it”

 I jumped up and did as he said, he never raised his voice but he was stern and demanding so I knew he meant business. I got a bag packed and he reached in my closet and grabbed pretty much all the clothes hanging there and bustled me out the door. He stormed out the building and loaded my stuff in his Range Rover and off we went. He never said a word, he pulled into the garage and got my stuff out and headed into the house. He took me to one of the guest room and started putting my clothes in the closet. He still hadn’t said anything. Ford was standing in the door watching, looking confused. 

“This will be your room or if you like, you can take the other one but this ones bigger. The bathroom is in there. You can finish this up later. We are having a family meeting so let’s go in the den”

I started to say something but he stopped me. 

“I’m running this show, you can ask questions later now move it”

I went and sat down in a chair and Ford sat on the couch. He pointed at me and said...

“You go sit with him, I need to look at you both at the same time. Move it”

Ford started to protest and he told him...

“Just shut up and listen. Things are gonna change. You are moving in here and we are going to take care of you”

I started to say something and he stopped me.

“Just listen, both of you, okay? Can you give me that much?”

He was on the verge of yelling at us. He took a deep breath and started in. He looked at Ford and said...

“He needs us. He needs stability and security and I don’t want him alone in that fucking dorm. That fucking son of a bitch he calls dad is dead to us, okay? I’m having my family attorney inform him if he comes near Christopher again, we will have him arrested. As for his tuition and expenses, I’ll take care of it because you know that’s fixing to stop. He’ll be cut off. I’m gonna have a MasterCard and an American Express in your name sent ASAP. Until then if you need something I’ll get it. That mother fucker will never harm you again. As for you two, you better figure it out. Ford if you really like this boy you better get on it and show him how you feel because if you don’t, I will. Don’t put it on him to make those decisions, he’s not capable of that right now. You freaked him out with that shit so knock it off. As for that bedroom, it’s yours. You wanna live in it you can. You wanna sleep with one of us, you can do that too. You will have your responsibility’s and I expect you to do everything I tell you. Also, you’re gay, get over it. You’re in love with that man , he knows it I know it and you do as well. You told me you wanted us to be in control so brace yourself baby because we are taking charge. As of right now, unless you say no, you are ours. From now on, when you get home, you get out of those clothes. We are working hard to give you the body you wanted and we wanna see it.  .  .......... I’m waiting, why are you still dressed, strip!”

I jumped up and did as he demanded. My head felt like it was going to explode and so did my dick. 

“Just so you know, since you don’t like having to make decisions, I’m making them for you. You will be getting fucked tonight. Fords gonna do what we intended all along, he going to pop that cherry. He’s going to do everything he wants and you’re going to let him and when he’s had his fill and if you allow me, I’m going to get my turn. Do you want me to fuck you? You can say no and that’s okay. I still fully intend to do everything I said I would. You will be like my ward and I’ll be your guardian. What do you say?”

I sat there naked and hard as a rock. The way he was talking turned me on. I admit, I was scared to get fucked. They both had huge cocks but I wanted it so bad and it was kinda like telling my dad to fuck off.

“Yes sir, I want it”

“God damn it boy. Use your words. I want you to tell us what you want!”

I broke out in a hot sweat and beads started to form on my forehead. I started to talk and he yelled at me to speak up. I nearly jumped out of my skin and Ford started to jump to my defense only to be stopped again. I’m breathing hard as I start to speak...

“I wanna be your boy. I want you to fuck me, both of you. I want to make you both happy and I’ll do anything you want”

“Good boy. Now follow me. You need to do a few things”

He took me back to Fords room into his bath. He told me to take a shower and clean up. He showed me how to use the hose attachment to clean everything and he gave me strict instructions to be finished and in Fords bed in 30 minutes or less and not a second longer and walked out. I jumped to it. 

Mean while, in the den they guys talked...

“Have you lost your fucking mind? He’s not ready for this yet”

“You saw what happened this morning when you told him he had to make that decision himself. He fell apart. Also, you didn’t hear what all he told me. He’s incapable of making those choices. Doesn’t matter how much he wants it. That bastard has done major damage to that boy and he only understands commands.  Forcing him to make a decision that big might cause him to have a nervous break down, is that what you want? He wants someone to be in charge, we kinda figured that out before but we thought it was something kinky. We are going to show that boy love, he’s never had it. Are you as into him as I thought you were? Because he’s hooked on you. I think he’s in love and you need to treat him as such. I’m not telling you to go in there and rape him, just go show that kid how good it can feel when someone wants you. He wants to give himself to you and wants you to be his first. Just be gentle with him. You can be more forceful when you talk to him but for gods sake, don’t hurt him. He’s had enough of that to last a lifetime”

“Are you sure about this? I think he’s to delicate and I don’t wanna do something to make it worse”

“You gotta trust me on this. We’ll ease him out of this mindset and help him grow. We just gotta be patient and let him experience some freedom. I feel like under that timid exposure is a tiger waiting to be set loose. Ford are you in this with me? I need your help to rescue this boy”

"I’m in. You know I’m in. I started falling for him a while back. He makes me feel special”

“Dude, he worships the ground you walk on. You okay with me sharing him? I know this ones different than all the other guys we’ve banged together. You know I love you and I just want us to be okay too”

Ford stood up and pulled him into his arms. They kissed like they always did. If things had been different they would have been a couple a long time ago but that was never to be. This was the way they could be together and still have what they wanted and Ford really wanted that boy bad. They walked back to the bedroom and they could hear him finishing up. When he opened the bathroom door he found his two saviors propped up in the bed and both with massive hard cocks just for him. He stepped to the side of the bed and Ford took his hand and pulled him closer, then he lifted the smaller boy up over himself and placed him gently between them and started kissing him. The boy responded and kissed him back. Tanner’s large hands were all over him and he too went in for a shared kiss with the beautiful man he’d loved for so long and the sweet and beautiful boy he was growing to care for so deeply. He kissed down his smooth neck and then down to the tiny little nipples he’d adored so often. The boy really was a beauty. His sleek muscles were popping more everyday. It wouldn’t be long until he looked like a smaller version of Ford. He looked forward to that day. Maybe he could talk him into growing his hair out to look like him too. Then he’d have a matched set to love. 

Ford couldn’t seem to get enough of the boys lips and mouth. He’d been wanting this boy for so long, he just never expected this turn of events. He followed Tanners lead and worked his way down to the other little nipple and then further on to the boys cute little cock. It wasn’t big but it fit his smaller body and it had a nice thickness and bigger head. It felt good in his mouth. He lingered there for a while and then he moved down to that sweet spot between his open legs, just under his balls. He licked the fuzzy little taint and down to his final destination. He stopped and repositioned himself and lifted the boys legs up in the air and started eating him out. He smelled all fresh and clean and a bit like soap. His fuzzy little pucker responded to the maneuvers of his tongue and started to flicker as he licked. He heard the boy gasp and then Tanner kissed him to distract and confuse his mind. They’d done this tactic before but never on a virgin and never on a boy like this. He licked and chewed on the tiny puckered lips of this perfect little hole. He slipped a finger inside and the boy gasped again. Tanner kept kissing him and he continued working this sweet little hole. His cock was so hard it hurt. He could hardly wait to be inside the boy, making love to him, filling him with his seed so that he would always be apart of him, part of his DNA. He’d long looked forward to breeding this boy but now it seemed so different. He was going to be his, his and Tanner’s. He worked his finger in with his tongue and then a second. He’d remove the fingers and pulled back and the boy would kinda panic. Oh yes, he pegged it right. The boy was a true blue bottom. He would be perfect once they got him broke in. This boy loved things up his ass. He was going to be over the moon when he got his cock up in him. He just needed to make sure he was good and open. He wasn’t like other guys, he was no open gash on the prowl for the next big cock. This boy was special and needed tender loving care. The harder stuff would come soon enough   He’d been at if for quite a while and Tanner kept working the top half so he could keep working that hole. Soon he was ready. His sweet little pucker was relaxed and open. He kept a finger working it as he slicked up his cock. He put the boys feet over his shoulders and he lined his cock up with his hole and started slowly entering him. Tanner has a nipple in his teeth and the boys eyes are rolled back in his head. Gently he slid into him until he was fully balls deep. Christopher moaned out loud as I opened him up. He got Tanner to move, he looked down and saw he had his entire cock embedded in the boys ass and smiled at me. Tanner lay on his side beside the boy and slipped his arm under his head. He spoke softly in his ear. 

“Such a good boy. You took the whole thing. Are you okay?”

He’s got a shaky breathing pattern but his face is relaxed and at ease. 

“I....ah, ....oh.....ah....I thought.....oh ah... thought it would.... “

Ford leaned down and kissed the boy as he slid in and out of him. His ass was amazing. So hot, smooth and so tight. This was perfect. He looked at his face to get a read on him and he froze, tears were spilling down the sides. 

“Oh god baby, am I hurting you?”

“No, don’t stop. Please don’t”

He leaned in and kissed him then Tanner leans over and joined the kiss. This continued on like this for long time. Soon the boy was begging for more so Ford picked up the pace, fucking him harder and faster. Within minutes, he was flooding the boys ass with with the first ever load of cum in his young life and Ford collapsed on him, spent. The three shared yet another kiss. Slowly, Ford pulled his sill hard cock from the boys ass, making him gasp yet again and he rolled over on to his other side. Christopher was tucked in between these two beautiful men and for the first time in his life, he felt totally safe, contented and protected. He’d never been so happy and satisfied. 

“What ever I did to get you both as my protectors was the smartest thing I’ve ever done. Y’all are so good to me, I don’t deserve this. You could do so much better than me, I come with way to much baggage and drama”

“Look mister, don’t be trashing my boy. I think he’s pretty fantastic. Oh yeah, he’s a great fuck too”

“I forgot to to warn you, Ford thinks he’s witty as hell. Just smile and nod your head, he’s easy to please when he like this”

I started laughing and Ford punched Tanner in the arm...

“Smart ass”

Tanner reached over and grabbed Ford and pulled him over me into a big sloppy kiss then I pulled them both down to me so I could join in. 

“Can I ask another question? How come I never ever saw you guys kiss all these months. I’ve been here almost every day for hours every time? You two are all over each other and yet I saw nothing”

“Baby boy, you didn’t have your eyes on us all the time and you missed a lot that happened right in front of you. Besides, you thought we were straight and we let you”

Ford said as he gave me a quick peck on the cheek. 

“It started out as a game. We tried to see how many things we could get away with while you were in the room. Hate to say it but you aren’t the most observant person I’ve ever met”

“So y’all were really just gonna bang me and send me on my way? Just like that, wham bam thank you man”

“That was the plan. Oh and you’re hardly a man. You think we call you boy because we can’t remember your name?”

“I’m only four years younger than you two”

“Chronologically yes but in maturity and experience, you’re just a baby boy”

“Are y’all always gonna boss me around?”

“Probably, but you like it. So why don’t you quit talking and sit on my cock. I still haven’t sampled that sweet little ass”

“Don’t you want me to go get cleaned up first?”

“Hell no. I’ve been fucking boys filled with Fords cum for a few years. I like it that way. Besides baby, you need to get use to being filled with cum. I gotta feeling your ass’s gonna be getting a lot of it pumped up it”

“I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’m starting to love the idea. I wish I could shove it in my dads face”

“We can make that happen, if you’re serious”

“Oh shit, Tanner. What’s running in that twisted mind?”

“I already told you I was contacting that bastard tomorrow. What do ya say we make a little movie. When I’m done with him, he’s going to cut you off anyway. I know he’s your father but his blood isn’t worth shit so I say we give him the biggest fuck you we can. Let’s take a little video of you fucking yourself on my cock and sucking Fords at the same time. You can tell him off as it happens. What do you think?”

“He’ll cancel my phone service”

“I’m getting you a brand new phone ASAP, let him. Fuck him I say”

“Let’s do it. Wait, what about my mom. He’s gonna hurt her”

“Already thought that part out. I’m getting her away from him too. Don’t worry. My family is powerful and well connected. I’m going to ruin that mother fucker. He will lose everything if I get my way”

Ford said reassuringly....

“You never wanna get on the bad side of Tanner and you don’t mess with those he cares about”

”What I care about right now is getting inside that ass. Come here little boy. I want some of that”

I crawled on top of him and started to move into place but he had other ideas. He pulled me forward until my rock hard cock is touching his chin. I’m thinking he’s wanting to suck it so I lean forward to help him out. But I was wrong. His massive hands latch on to the globes of my ass and lift me up and I’m brought down on his face. I yelp as his long tongue jams right up my cum filled ass. He is literally tongue fucking me. I was so shocked, I’d never imagined anyone would ever do such a thing! He’s sucking Fords cum right out of my ass, I almost shot my load right then. I couldn’t believe what had been happening to me. All these years I’d been beat just because my dad thought I might be gay and now two of the most beautiful men in the world were proving him right. Everything was changing, everything I thought I knew about me had been ripped away. My mind was in a whirlwind and my cock was hard as rock. I started beating it as hard as I could and Tanner reached up and made me stop. Ford, who had been right behind me all this time, running his hands all over me and kissing my neck, whispered....

“That’s not yours to play with anymore, little boy. You need to show some control and restraint, that’s ours now, you belong to us”

For some reason, that shook me to my core and my whole body broke out in goose bumps. 

“That turns you on, doesn’t it baby”

“Yes sir, it does”

His tongue slipped lightly up my neck behind my ear, making me shiver.

“Tanner, he’s ready”

Tanner lifted me up again, both of them are raising my body up and bringing me down to his cock. They get me to squat over him, Ford takes Tanners cock in hand and holds it straight up and guided me down on it. Ford has a long and thick cock, I found out later he’s nine inches long. The very first man that was ever in me was huge and yet Tanner was bigger. He’s got another inch and a half on Ford and almost half again thicker. Once he got the massive head popped past the tight ring of my ass, it was up to me. I’m perched on the head of this massive cock, trying to catch my breath and the world seems to just stop. He’s not moving, he’s not even touching me and Ford has taken away his hands. My legs start to quiver and shake. No ones saying a word, it’s decision time. He flexed his cock and it kinda shocked me out of my trance and I started to descend down on his it. Gasping for air, I got a couple of inches and I stopped again. It was just so damn wide. Tanner told him...

“Get the stuff, he’s gonna need it”

Ford jumped up and ran from the room. I start to freak out, it’s to big. My breathing gets erratic and I’m panting. Tanner is telling me to relax and to breath deep and slow. His hand is holding me in place, I’m starting to panic a little. My cock is deflated and limp.

“It’s gonna be okay baby. You’re doing great, just breath”

Ford runs back in and gets back behind me again, his arms are under mine supporting me. He’s got this little brown bottle in his hand. He puts it to my nostril and puts a thumb over the other side and tells me to inhale. The glass is as cold as ice but I do as I’m told and a warmth folds my head and body. He repeats the process on the other said. My body is relaxing and he has me do it again. All of a sudden I feel so full. He kisses my neck again and tells me I did it, I took the whole thing. I’m still in his arms and my head is back on his chest. I’d never thought anything could be like this. I was out of my head in pleasure. I feel my cock getting hard again as I sit on his massive staff. 

“Look at this cute little pecker, the boy loves it! Come on baby, ride it for daddy”

My mind goes into autopilot and my body takes over I start lifting myself and dropping back down on his cock. Within minutes, I’m banging myself on his cock like a two bit whore. It was as if I’d been doing it all my life. I keep reaching for my cock and they just move them away. This went on for five minutes or five hours, hell I didn’t know or care. I loved this feeling and I didn’t want it to stop. He pulled me down on him and we are chest to chest. He rolls over with me still stuck on his cock. He grabs my ankles and spreads me wide as my feet touch the bed above my head. He’s fucking the hell out of me, hitting something inside me making me moan. 

“He’s a natural. Look at that little cunt open for me. Look at me boy. I want your eyes on me when I breed you. Oh FUCK! TAKE MY CUM, OH FUCK!”

I can feel it pumping inside me. He leans down until we were nose to nose.

“Think you’re going to like being our boy?”

“Oh yes sir daddy”

He kinda did a little laugh then kissed me tenderly 

“I don’t know about you but I’m fucking starving. As much as I hate to pull out of this sweet little ass, I could really go for a big ole bacon cheeseburger and a pile of onion rings. What about you?”

He pulled his huge cock out of me and hopped off the bed. I nearly lost my mind when he pulled out so fast. If grown comfortable with something up inside me. It made me yelp out loud and Tanner busted out laughing. 

Ford scooped me up in a big bear hug and stood me up beside the bed. My legs were a little unsteady and I could feel cum running down my legs. I noticed he was hard again, he pushed me over to a big dresser with a mirror over it, he placed my hands on it and had me spread my legs. His eyes are meeting mine in the reflection and he rammed hid big cock straight up my sloppy hole. 

“Still think you’re not gay, little boy? You’re taking your third fucking and about to get your third load. You’re not only gay, baby, you’re a cum dump”

His hands are on my hips and he never broke eye contact as he proceeded to fuck me hard and fast and soon he was shooting in me again. He wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed me again. That’s when I noticed Tanner off to the side filming us fucking. I blushed bright pink and he busted out laughing again. 

“We forgot to make that little movie for dear old dad. It wasn’t what I planed but it’s fucking hot. We’ll send it first thing Monday morning. We should send it to his office with a nasty note attached. I’d love to see his face when he sees that. Priceless”

We all headed into Tanners room so we could use his bigger shower together. Guess what, I got fucked again by Tanner but it was just a quickie. He was bitching because he was hungry. Soon we were piled in his Range Rover and headed out for food. We pulled up to Prince of Burgers, an ancient drive in with car hops. I’m looking at the menu board and I’m starting to worry. There wasn’t a thing on it I was allowed to eat. They are laughing and talking as we wait for the car hop. Ford turns around and looks at me and sees the stress on my face. 

“What’s wrong”

“Nothing, I’m not hungry. I’ll grab a bite later at the house”

“Bull shit, out with it boy!”

"I’m not supposed to eat this stuff sir”

I said looking down, embarrassed for saying anything.

“Oh shit baby. I’m sorry. You can have anything you want. This is a special occasion, we’re celebrating tonight”

“Celebrating what?”

“Oh come on, can’t you guess? We popped your cherry today. You’re our little pussy boy now, our baby boy”

He winked and blew me a kiss. I relaxed and figured out what I wanted. Tanner pipped up...

“Just remember little boy. What ever you take in has to be worked off. They say sex burns calories, maybe we should fuck it off you”

They’re laughing again and picking at me in fun. Tanner is wiggling his eyebrows at me in the rearview mirror and kissing at me all obnoxiously. It had been a wild weekend and it was only Saturday. The rest of the evening was more relaxed, we piled into Tanner’s big bed and watched a movie. Some superhero something. I kinda laughed to myself. Ford asked what was so funny.

“When I first saw y’all at the gym, I had nick names for you. Tanner was Captain Marvel and you were Rip. I thought y’all looked like those superhero guys in the comic books. They’re always drawn really hot and sexy. Who would have thought I’d end up as your boy wonder”

Tanner loved the superhero reference and Ford was giving him shit about it. We never did finish that movie. About half way in, they were all over me again. By the time we fell asleep, I’d been fucked from both ends many times. I fell asleep with cum leaking from my ass. 

I woke sometime around the time I’d normally be finishing my morning work out. This was two days in a row I’d missed one and I jumped up in a haze in a bed I didn’t recognize at first. I smelled coffee and searched around for something to put on. I grabbed the tank top Tanner had on the day before and went to find them. I poked my head around the corner to see if I could come join them. They were in the middle of a conversation but Ford waved me in. I quietly took my seat beside him at the breakfast bar and listened.

“I think you need to call your dad and see what he thinks. This is a huge step and she could get hurt”

“I’ll call this morning. You’re right, he’ll know what to do”

“We should probably go get the rest of the stuff out of his dorm today. Hand me that notebook and a pen. I need to make a list”

I was pretty sure they were talking about me so I just listened and waited. Tanner pored me a big glass of milk and got me some fruit and yogurt. He never once said a word to me but he did kiss me on the cheek when set breakfast down in front of me. They kept taking and adding to the list. 

“Did you get a look at that laptop? What a hunk of junk. I bet that things twenty years old”

“Put it on the list. I noticed it a few months ago, what a disgrace, I was gonna get him one for Christmas but I think we’ll he’d over to Apple today and get that taken care of when we get the new phone.”

“He needs some new clothes too. We can do that this week sometime”

“We need to hit the grocery store today too. We are eating for three now”

I sat quietly eating and listening. The two of them were as usual, taking charge and once again it was about me. I started getting uncomfortable and fidgeting with my food.

“Stop playing with your food, what’s wrong with you?”

Tanner always sounded a little stern when he was in the middle of something. I dropped my head in shame. I could feel my nose burning. I just couldn’t cry in front of them again. My hands started to shake and Ford slipped his had round my waist.

“Whats wrong baby boy? You can tell me”

“I don’t want you spending all your money on me, I don’t need anything. My laptop is just fine”

“Come here”

I got up and moved between his legs as he sat on the stool. He pulls me into a big hug as I’m backed up into his warm body facing Tanner. As usual, they are naked and Tanned leaned against the island again. We seem to end up here a lot. 

“Listen baby boy, I don’t think ether of us is ever gonna be able to use up all our money so you don’t worry about that. Your life is getting ready to change and we need to make plans. I know this is strange to you but it’s what has to happen. You are our responsibility now. It’s like we just became parents to a healthy bouncing baby boy”

“He looked pretty fucking healthy bouncing on my cock last night”

I blushed and he blew me a kiss. 

“We just made a few plans, that’s all. We’re holding off on that nasty little movie for daddy dearest, we gotta get your mom out first. That where Tanners dad comes in. When he’s at work, we’re gonna get our people to pack her up and get her out and the three of us are gonna be there to help so she understands what’s happening. Once we have her safely tucked away, we are gonna blow his world to hell, okay? Then we send  your little fuck movie to him”

“I didn’t think of all that. Thank you for taking care of her, I’ve been afraid he would kill her someday”

Later, he called his dad. From the sounds of it his mom was on the call as well. He explained everything and informed them he was making me his ward. I had been beat up enough and he was making sure I was taken care of. It was funny to just hear one side of the conversation. He had to tell them a few times that I wasn’t his boyfriend, I belonged to Ford. Ford and I were in near fits of laughter when he was trying to explain how they were mistaken, that Ford was his best friend and not his lover. In the end, all they really needed to do was help get my mom out and hidden and Tanner would take care of the rest. That call was well over an hour and it was the funniest thing I’d ever witnessed. Ford and I were having a ball. When Tanner got off the phone, he plopped in a chair and said he needed a drink. To which Ford told him if he was gonna start drinking at nine o clock on a Sunday morning, he could do it alone and we were leaving and taking all the extra car keys with us. He was pissed he even mentioned booze after what happen Friday night. Tanner was fumbling around like a little kid trying to get a word in edgewise to say he was just kidding. He promised he wouldn’t drink like that ever again and Ford was gonna hold him to it too. 

Everyone is scared of Tanner but Tanner is scared to death of pissing of Ford. It didn’t take long to figure out the dynamic of these two alpha males. Tanner was by far the biggest and strongest of them but Ford was the boss and Tanner always gave into him. Ford was fine with everyone thinking Tanner was the man in charge as long as Tanner knew the truth and didn’t step out of bounds like he did the night he punched me when he was drunk.

The following week, things fell into place. My mom was moved here to a little condo not to far away from us and they even got her a car. She was set up and it wasn’t long before she got a job in the administration office on campus. I saw her almost every day and she was as happy as could be. 

Halloween was the next big deal on campus and the guys said we were having a big costume party. Tanner got a friend to do him a Captain Marvel costume like that old comic and Ford said we were going as Tarzan and Boy which really meant we were going pretty much naked. The costume required us to color our hair brown and Tanner had to go a yellow blonde. It was a blast. The party was a huge hit and everyone had a fantastic time but the real fun was the after party when most of the guests left. All together, including the three of us, ten guys remained. The forth bed room suddenly had a sling hanging from the ceiling and it didn’t take long before I was in it getting fucked by every guy in the room. Now I wasn’t the only one getting fucked but I was the only one that got fucked by everyone. By the time everyone was gone, I was worn out and to top off the evening, I leaned the hard way that it was possible to take both Tanner and Ford’s massive cocks up my ass at the same time. Needless to say, I slept most of the next day. Tanner fixed me a little bite to eat on a tray in bed and as soon as I was finished, I was back to sleep. I didn’t get out of bed until nearly dinner time that evening. I dragged my ass into the den and started to sit down and Tanner stopped me and pointed to the door.

“Listen here little boy. I don’t mind you being the resident pussy boy for all out friends but you need to wash that thing out. You smell like cum and sweat so march that cute little ass in there and take a shower. Dinner is in half an hour. Move it”

Ford was cracking up.

“Oh my god, you sound just like your mother”

“Shut up bitch or no dinner for you”

“Yeah right, who’s gonna stop me”


“What ever, you and what army?”

I could hear them laughing and talking as I got on with my shower. I dried off and came back in. Tanner told me to set the table and I did as I was told. As we sat eating Ford asked me…

“Christopher , are you okay with al this, baby?”

“All what? Dinner? It’s wonderful”

“No honey, I mean us and the way things are around here. Sometimes I think we treat you like a slave or something”

I dropped my eyes again and whispered

“I like it. I feel needed and useful. I love being your boy, both of you. It’s the least I could do for all y’all have done for me. I’ve never felt so loved and protected before. I love you guys” 

Thanksgiving was coming and my mom and I were invited to spend it with Tanners family in Vermont. A private plane flew the four of us and a driver met us at the airport in Boston and drove us up. It was a fantastic weekend but it was strange to be with my men and them not taking charge of me like they did at home. It was very relaxed. Tanner’s mother is a fantastic cook and my mom and she had a wonderful time getting to know each other and Tanner’s sister in law, myself and him helped get it on the table. His dad and older brother hung out with Ford and the grandchildren and stayed out of our way. No wild sex happened that weekend although both of them got me alone every day but never all of us at the same time like at home. Ford and I had our own room and Tanner had his, Ford and I could fuck all night if we wanted but then Tanner would get me off alone sometime that day and give me a quickie. We weren’t ready to share the full extent of out relationship with his family.

When Christmas came, Ford’s mother called to invite us to join them in Park City for Christmas week. It was a lot bigger family affaire. I bet they had nearly thirty people for this production. We didn’t have to cook as it was all at the big lodge in a beautiful room looking out on the snow covered mountains. It was a winter wonderland and it was so much fun. This time we had a room together at his parents house. His parents were a lot less traditional and way more open minded. Ford told his mother everything and she thought the three of us were adorable together. It wasn’t common knowledge but some of the younger members of the family were cool with it and even Fords hot cousin got in on the action and partied with us all night. Or should I say we partied with him in his hotel room. Big dicks must run in the family because he was ever bit as hung as Ford and he fucked the shit out of me as Tanner fucked him. He said it was the closest thing to getting to ever fuck Ford because they looked so much alike. When we got back home, a red Vespa scooter was delivered to me from Ford parents. A note attached read, 

“Merry Christmas

Thanks for making our Ford so happy.

Welcome to the family

Love, Hunter and Sissy”

By the end of my freshman year, my sexual horizons had broadened and my body was totally ripped. I looked so much like a little version of Ford and Tanner got his way a little with my look. My hair was now the same platinum blonde but cut really short up the sides and fuller on top. Ford said I was way too short for long hair and he liked the contrast of our look together this way. They decided, not long after I moved in that I would look better hairless and had all my body hair removed. I was also fitted with a custom made cock cage and they had tiny little silver posts put in my nipples. To think I’d never touched a man before I met them and now I was fully out to everyone we met and was the personal sex toy to two of the hottest men I’d ever seen. I loved one with all my heart but the other I was deeply in love with and he’s the one that owned my heart. I never said it, but I thought I’d probably marry Ford someday. 

My mom found out that the old fucker (my father) lost his job and then lost the house. He was living in a cheap apartment in the poorer side of town and selling used cars at some dump of a place. Tanners dad did a number on him and I couldn’t be happier. He should have been better to us is all I can say. 

That summer they got me a passport and took me to Europe. We traveled for about a month before we came home. Before I met them, I’d never even been out of the state and now they were showing me the world. I’m still very reserved and can be shy around strangers, I’m way more comfortable listening and being in the background but with my newly developed body and shocking hair I was more on display than ever before. That was a love hate thing for me. I liked how I looked so much like Ford but some of the attention was a little unnerving for me. Tanner was right, I did have a tiger in me, although he was more a cute kitten type of tigger. The only time I wasn’t reserved was when a was faced with a hard cock. As clothing in our house wasn’t something seen a lot, I’d taken to trying to get them hard and back up on their hard cock. I’d become quite insatiable, I was forever needing one of them to fuck me.

One time they were in some conversation about some professor and this paper Tanner was working on. They were standing in the kitchen having a smoothie and I walked in and started sucking Fords cock. He never once acknowledged my presence in the room, I got him good and hard and then pulled my little step stool in front of him and backed up on his hard cock. I fucked myself on his big cock and the only response was a slight groan when he seeded my hole. I turned and looked at him and he acted like I wasn’t even in the room. They were still talking about that god damned paper. I looked over at Tanner and the way I could tell he knew I was alive was his cock was hard and dripping ball slime. He never touched it or said a thing to me. I pulled my stool over to him and did the same thing. I backed my sloppy boy cunt on his cock and fucked myself has hard as one can standing on a stool. Now he did grip my ass when he blew his wad in me but they just kept talking. It was making me crazy. It just made me want more and they were fucking with me. It was one of the few times I got pissed and started yelling at them. I was so mad they were ignoring me when I was in so much need. Since they started locking my little dick away, I couldn’t get off like I used to. I need stimulation deep inside my ass to keep me happy. I started stomping around yelling I was going to go find some stranger to fuck me if they weren’t going to do it. I even pulled out my phone to find someone on Grindr. They stood there in shock at first and then they started laughing at me. I’d only been locked up about a month at this point and I was losing my shit. I was a raving hormone, I needed fucked really bad and I wanted it hard. That DIY fuck only left me needy. The harder they laughed, the madder I got. I stormed out of that kitchen with cum dripping from my ass and ball slime running from my cage. I didn’t go to our room, I went to my seldom used room and slammed the door. I was furious, they couldn’t do this to me. Let’s face it, I was out of my head and not making a bit of since. I’m stomping around, slamming doors and drawers and just over all losing my shit. I don’t know how long I was making an ass out of myself but soon my door was flung open and Ford is standing there with a ball gag in his hand. In a stern voice he told me...

“Shut the fuck up and get over here”

He stuck the gag in my mouth and strapped me in. Then he grabbed me by the wrist and snached me out of the room. He threw me over his shoulder and took me out to the garage, then he put a black hood over my face.

“Don’t even think about touching that hood! You hear me boy?”

I nodded my head and he screamed in my face, I could feel his hot breath in my face even through the hood. I stood as still as death. I was a little scared as well as turned on. I could hear movement and what sounded like chains rattling. Then he picked me up and lay me back in something. I knew immediately they had brought the sling out of the extra bedroom and hung it from the rafters of the garage. I felt my hands and feet secured then I waited. It seemed like forever. Then I hear Tanner say...

“Right out here. Don’t hold back and have a good time”

Hands were on me and several fingers were jammed up my sloppy cunt. I grunted behind my ball gag and hood. I felt a thick cock being forced up my hole. He wasn’t real long just thick. Then the hood was removed and this awful looking guy with a pot belly and a blob of a nose is leaning over me fucking hard and fast. He’s all sweaty and gross, he even stinks. Fords standing close by watching with his arms closed over his chest. He looks pissed. I hear Tanner telling another guy where to go. This one is a lot older. I bet he’s in his sixties, saggy body but a better cock. The first guy blows and pulls up his pants and walks out. The next guy takes his place. He was hard as stone, must be on viagra. This kept on for most of the evening. All kinds of guys, three were fellow students I’d seen on campus. All kinds of bodies and types. A few were really hot and I saw Tanner give them our number but for the most part, I got guys I’d have never touched. When it was over, Tanner came out with a bucket of cold water and dumped it on me. Ford got me down and took me out in the back yard. He removed the gag but I didn’t say anything. He pushed me over to the side yard and made me get on all fours. He took the garden hose and hosed me off and flushed out my sloppy cunt. When he was done, he told me to get in the house. I was freaked out. I just knew I’d crossed a line and he was going to kick me out. Tears were running down my face by the time he finished cleaning up and faced me. 

“Don’t ever pull that shit again. I take care of you and make sure you have everything you need or could ever want. We both made a complete ass of yourself tonight. You need to learn a little humility and respect. Even as pissed as I am right now, I still love you so stop crying”

“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir”

“You gotta choice here. If you’re through acting like a bitch, you can come back in the den and be a part of the family or you can sleep in your old room tonight. What’s it gonna be?”

“I’ll be good. I promise. I’m so sorry”

“Good, I don’t like trolls touching you. I’m never doing that again but I was so pissed at you for throwing a temper tantrum like a spoiled brat. Where the fuck did that come from?”

We’d walked back to the den. Tanner was sitting in his favorite chair. He wasn’t about to say a word and risk the rage of Ford. 

“I’m so sorry. I’m so wound up with this thing on me. It makes me crazy. I was so horny and y’all were laughing at me. I just lost it. Please don’t be mad at me. Don’t send me away”

“Christopher, baby, stop! No one is ever sending you away. It’s not gonna happen. I wanted to spank your ass but that’s never going to happen ether. That’s why I stood and watched. Those guys were warned not to hurt you. I just wanted to humiliate you a little. Besides, you said you wanted to be fucked more. I just gave you what your slutty little ass wanted. A few of those guys were kinda hot, don’t be surprised if they come sniffing around for some more of that sweet pussy”

We cuddled on the couch a while and then I got sleepy and fell asleep. Some time in the night I woke to find myself between the two of them in our bed. Our bed was in Ford’s room. Tanner dated/banged other guys once in a while and joined us more often than not. Soon he kinda stopped dating all together, he just wanted to be with us. I loved it that way, just the three of us but I was really Ford’s boy. The only one other than him that was fucking me regularly was Tanner. Any others were when we invited other guys over to play. I’d get hit on on campus and it always freaked me out. I could hardly say anything and would stammer something out real quietly and haul ass. Every time it happened, I’d send Ford a text to tell him everything. He thought it was funny as hell but I didn’t find that out for a long time, only Tanner knew. 

by Slutty Texas Btm

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024