Quid Pro Quo. Everyone has a price.

by Declan West

19 Jul 2023 3233 readers Score 9.0 (58 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Michael lived with me briefly about 8 years ago. He’s one of those guys who seems to never have his shit together but always comes away smelling like a rose. He graduated College, but only just barely. He had some success in business, but I always attributed that to his good looks and personality, but mostly good looks. I remember the day we first met. He answered my roommate posting on Craigslist with the simple word “interested” and a full-body photo. 

I sent Michael a photo of myself and we agreed to meet at a local coffee shop. I would interview him, and if I got a good feeling, I would invite him to see the room for rent. Michael walked into the coffee shop and every head turned in his direction. Michael stands at 6’3, is tan from head to toe, and always looks like he just finished playing beach volleyball. His hair was bleach blond and the shorts and tank top he wore left nothing to the imagination. Like everyone else in the coffee shop, I couldn’t stop staring.


“Are you Brian”? He asked. I stood to shake his hand as I stared at his disturbingly unfair beauty. “Yes, that’s me. May I buy you a beverage”? I asked. “Hell yeah,” he said without hesitation. We walked to the counter and placed our drink orders. Even the girl at the counter was a bit frazzled by Michael's good looks. We got our drinks and sat at the table that was as private a table can be in a coffee shop. 

I was too preoccupied with his appearance and didn’t have much to ask when we sat down. After 5 minutes of staring at him, pointless small talk, and my eye fucking him, I’d already decided that if Michael was interested, he could have the room for rent. We finished our drinks and I asked him to follow me to my house. I invited Michael in and he immediately showed a lot of interest. He asked a few questions, I asked a few questions and within 30 minutes he was signing the month-to-month lease I presented to him. The only question that stood out from our mostly normal Q&A was from Michael. “Do you have any issue with nudity”? I was careful to answer. “In what context”? I asked. “I love an all-over tan and your backyard is so private. Will it be a problem if I sunbathe naked back there? Once again I was careful to answer. “I don’t think that will be a problem”. (Hell no it's not a problem)

Michael moved in the following weekend and for 2 years we got along famously. I can’t say a bad thing about the time he lived with me. He was naked a lot, and I absolutely didn’t mind. He never once brought a girl over, saying he preferred to fuck away from home. He was not exactly the tidiest person and I figured he was too lazy to clean up his room to have anyone over. Our conversations about sex were few and far between, yet he was always very descriptive and I was a captive audience. I absolutely enjoyed it when he talked about sex. I sometimes wished it was with me.  

Telling Michael I was gay was never on the table. I didn’t think it was relevant to our living situation and I rarely hooked up with anyone at my house. During that period I was mostly hooking up at the gym or "cum and go’s" via Grindr. I didn’t know who Michael was fucking and he didn’t know who I was fucking. We had a silent understanding and a peaceful living arrangement.  

Our living situation was respectful and friendly and good for both of us. I have to admit I was disappointed when Michael gave his notice to move out. Michael had finally graduated from College and immediately had a job offer in another state. We had become friends while he lived with me and we shared many conversations over many dinners and drinks. I took him out to dinner one last time the night before he left and we talked for hours. We were both pretty sad when It came time for him to leave, but parted on good terms. For the 1st few years, we kept in touch, but as with any relationship, time passes and Michael and I talked less and less until we were essentially, out of touch. 

About 2 years ago, after not hearing from Michael for quite a while, he showed up at my door. I was super surprised to see him. He looked as good as ever. A little heavier in a good way and still sexy as fuck. I invited him in and we talked for hours catching up. He’d been struggling for the past few years ( no surprise ) but had some moderate success. He didn’t go into any great detail but he felt a fresh start was in order and decided to take a job back here In Denver. I don’t know exactly what he did for work, but it did involve Insurance of some kind and he claimed he could work from anywhere. I asked him if he needed a place to stay, but he’d already rented an apartment and everything seemed good with him. It was great to see him as all those lustful thoughts resurfaced. 

Another 2 years had gone by since the drop-in. He had promised to keep in touch but he fell off the face of the earth once again. I wasn’t bothered. It was nice to see him when I saw him and he appeared to be doing well. I assumed work for him had taken off, and he was never without female companionship. Life for him was simply too busy I suppose. 

 Labor Day weekend was approaching and I was heading down to New Orleans with a group of friends for Southern Decadence, the one holiday weekend where all the gays gather for "Gay Mardi Gras. I'd been several times and let's just say.."What happens in New Orleans, stays in New Orleans"  I had a flight booked 1st thing in the morning and I was packing my bags. My phone rang and the caller ID showed “MIKE”. Well, this is a surprise. 

 I answered right away. “What’s up buddy”? Hey there! He said. So sorry to bother you. I know I haven’t seen you in a while and calling out of the blue like this is probably expected behavior from me, but I've got to tell ya, things for me have been a bit crazy, both good and bad. I hate to admit it, but I’m a bit down on my luck. I’ve been living off my savings for the last year, my credit cards are all maxed out and I’m currently dead ass broke. I have just about enough money in my account to cover my rent this month, but I can’t pay my cell phone bill or my Internet bill. If they don’t get paid, I’m essentially fucked.

The little work I’ve been able to do requires both of those things. I’ve got a big business deal. and I mean a really big business deal closing in a month that will help get me out of this situation and back on my feet. I was wondering if you would consider helping me out. You know I’m good for it, and you of all people know how hard this is for me to ask”. He said. 

I thought about it for a moment and felt I needed to know exactly what or how much he needed before I agreed to anything. As long as we’d lived together, he had never asked me for money, and the rent was always paid on time. He must really be in a bind.  

“Mike, remember when we were living together? Do you recall how I feel about lending money? I know we talked about it in depth because you loaned a friend some money and he never paid you back and it pissed you off.  “Neither a borrower nor a lender be” has always been my mantra.  I can’t loan you the money, but I would consider giving you the money. We could work out a trade for something.. “Quid pro Quo” as they say. You scratch my back I’ll scratch yours. 

“Yeah, I remember for sure, and that sounds amazing. I can't believe I've gotten myself into such a bind, but I'm willing to do absolutely anything if you’re willing to help me out,” He said. I thought for a moment about what I could possibly want from Mike and there was only one thing I could think of. The only thing I ever think of when I think of Mike.  Exactly how much money are we talking about Mike? I asked. “$300 would get me out of the hole I’ve dug for myself,” Mike said. 

$300 was nothing to me. I’d pulled some cash from the bank before my trip and had at least that in my wallet. I could part with it and not lose any sleep. “Ok, Mike. I’m willing to help you, but we have to agree on a trade.” Seriously, Brian” I’ll do anything at this point”. “Anything? I asked. . Even through the phone line, you could feel the tension of the moment.  

  “It’s interesting that you would say that. We’ve known one another for a long time, Mike. You may or may not know this, but as long as I’ve known you I’ve been attracted to you. Not in an “I want to date you” kind of way”, but in a “damn he’s so fucking good-looking, lustful” way.  When we lived together, I remember you used to constantly talk about jerking off. How often you jerked off, what you watched to jerk off to, and the random places you jerked off. Not to mention the torment of watching you sunbathe and walk around the house naked. I have o many visuals in my head and many, many daydreams about what it would be like to be in the same room while you stroked your cock. Which brings us back to what you can do for me. I hate to take advantage of your difficult situation, but…  

“I’m happy to help you and give you the money you need. You don’t have to pay me back. All you have to do is fulfill a fantasy of mine”. I hesitated for a moment, then spoke. “I want you to jerk off for me while I watch. Think of it as getting paid for something you do freely and often” 

 Again there was a long moment of silence. 

“What the Fuck, Brian”.? You’ll give me the money if I let you watch me jerk off? Jesus, I certainly didn’t see that coming. I swallowed my pride and called you because I thought you were my friend and would just help me out. I didn’t think you’d propose something so fucked up. You know what Brian? I guess I’m simply not that desperate.  Thanks for nothing, and by the way.  Go Fuck Yourself.”.Mike hung up. 

I honestly didn’t think Mike would be angry about my ask. He’s always been an exhibitionist and it's not like I’d not seen him and his beautiful cock naked hundreds of times. I wonder what set him off like that? It didn’t matter. Mike’s a big boy and he’ll figure his shit out. I don’t think $300 is going to make him or break him and I didn’t really have anything to lose. It was the 1st time I’d heard from him in years.

 After an hour, my phone had not rung and there were no text messages. I continued to pack for my trip and put Mike right out of my head. At exactly 9 pm on the dot, Michael showed up at my door. Again, I was completely surprised. “Hi, Mike”. Hello. “May I come in”? “Of course”. Michael entered and headed straight for the kitchen. “You got any beers?’ he asked. “Of course, help yourself to whatever you can find,”  I sat down at my dining room table and waited for Michael to reenter the room. 

“Brian, I know you don’t think I’m too bright, but when it comes to people, I’m not stupid. The moment we met I knew you were into me. I didn’t care. At that time, I think everyone was into me. I had no shortage of offers from women and men, that's for sure, but I always choose women. I’m not thrilled by your offer, but I’ve never been in such a pinch and I’ve exhausted all of my resources. You’re the only person I’ve not asked for help. It was embarrassing enough to ask, then you throw that curveball my way. I’m sorry about what I said to you, and I did say I would do “anything”, I thought maybe yard work or landscaping etc.. . I just couldn’t have imagined you would propose that. It was truly unexpected and It totally threw me.  

I thought for a few moments before responding. “Look, buddy. I’m sorry you’re in a world of hurt, and of course, you’re my friend. A few bucks here and there I don’t care about. Even a few hundred bucks I really don’t care about, but as I’ve said, I’m not a person who lends money. I’d rather give it away than have someone feel indebted to me. $300 bucks isn’t a big deal for me. I don’t think asking for something in return is unreasonable when I don’t expect to be reimbursed, especially when you specifically said you would do “absolutely anything”. “Anything” simply got me thinking. 

“Let's just say I’ve gotten older and bolder and you don’t get what you want if you don’t ask. I’ve worked hard for many years and have almost everything I need. I’ve got a great job with a great salary, my house is paid for, and I do what I want. Why not take advantage of an opportunity for something I’ve never experienced if the price is right”? I've got nothing to lose. 

Before I could say another word, Michael stood up from the table, took off his t-shirt, and slipped off his sweatpants. “If the offer is still good, I accept your terms”, He said. 

Well, shit. This totally took a turn. Michael stood before me fully naked looking better than he did 8 years ago. He was slightly thicker but the definition in his muscles was so much more apparent. And then there was his cock, just as I remembered. Long, girthy, uncut, and fully shaved. I immediately reached for my wallet and put $300 on the dining room table. 

I asked Michael where he’d like to be and he said the bedroom would be best. I don’t think Michael had ever even been in my bedroom the entire time we lived together, but it worked for me. “Where do you want me”? He asked. “Just be where ever you would feel most comfortable. I’ll figure out the best place to watch once you get started” I said. I was instantly nervous and in disbelief that this was actually about to go down. 

Michael made himself comfortable on my bed and I had to try very hard to contain my excitement. I’d pictured this in my head over the years and here he was, stunningly naked in my bed. Michael set up the pillows so that he was almost sitting with his back to the headboard. His hair was still as bleached blond as ever and there were still no tan lines. He took his cock into his hand and slowly started stroking. I thought it might take time for him to manage an erection, but he was almost instantly hard. Impressive. 

I was still feeling a little uncomfortable. I’ve made indecent proposals many times in my life, but there are some people I’ve always considered off-limits. Michael was one of those people. I think the excitement of going to Southern Decadence and the debauchery I was looking forward to might have played a factor in this situation and bolstered my courage. I was simply getting in some practice before my raunchy weekend. The fact that Michael seemed to be "all in" and into it made it that much more uncomfortable. I was expecting embarrassment or humiliation and I was getting confidence and dirty talk. I didn't want him to be embarrassed or for him to feel humiliated, it was just how I thought he might respond. Boy was I wrong. 

“You like watching this big man stroke his cock? I bet you’ve busted many a nut thinking about me over the years. Don’t think I didn’t know you were taking in every inch of me when I was sunbathing naked in your backyard. I’ve always known you’ve wanted me. I hope you’re satisfied” He had no idea how satisfied I was. I’d seen Michael naked many times but never hard. His cock grew to impressive proportions and every ounce of my being wanted to do more than just watch.

Michael was putting on a show which was not what I expected. He was so comfortable stroking for me, I couldn’t resist upping the stakes. 

“Michael. I’m willing to pay off your phone bill and your internet bill on top of the $300 we’ve already agreed upon if you let me stroke the cum out of your cock”. My proposal was already indecent, but this took it over the top. Fuck it!  I might as well go for broke. I waited for Michael's answer almost expecting another outburst of anger, but he stopped stroking, put his hands to his side, and gave me an approving shoulder shrug and nod. I moved very quickly to his side and had my hand around his cock within seconds. His response to my touch was surprising. He didn’t shy away and was almost welcoming. His cock felt so big and heavy in my hand. Is this really happening?

I could tell with every stroke that Michael was enjoying my hand job. I’m sure countless women have handled this cock, but could I actually be the only man? His response had me doubting that. He seemed too comfortable with it all, but what did it matter? I was getting what I wanted and he would get what he needed when this was all said and done. 

I stroked Michael's cock as if I were handling the rarest cock on the planet. It was a thoughtful hand job, intended for satisfaction and I could sense Michael’s pleasure. I needed more access, so I crawled between his legs and began rubbing his body with my free hand. There was no doubt in my mind he was enjoying it as much as I was and I wasn’t going to let this end too quickly.

Michaels's cock was as hard as ever and looked bright red with anger. I felt Michael getting close to busting and I wondered if he would agree to let me suck the cum from his balls. I prolonged the inevitable as long as I could but Michael was giving me every indication that he was about to bust. I had to act quickly. I didn’t ask permission and quickly took all of Michael’s cock into my mouth as I continued to stroke his shaft and massage his balls. There was no resistance. He didn’t protest one bit and proceeded to face fuck me aggressively forcing my head down onto his cock till all his seed was rushing down my throat. There was anger in the way he forced my head down onto his cock, but I didn’t care and perhaps it was warranted. 

I swallowed every last drop as I choked on his cock.  

We finished our transaction in the dining room, Michael still nude and still very hard. I will never get tired of looking at a naked Michael.  He took the cash I’d laid on the table and as per our agreement, I used my credit card to pay his bills.

Michael got dressed in silence. We didn’t have much to say to one another after it was all done. This was strange territory for him, but not for me. I got more than what I asked for and I gave him what he desperately needed. I guess there really wasn’t much to say.  I’d never actually paid anyone for sex, not with money anyway. I’ve traded this for that over the years, but this was a very different and satisfying transaction, for me at least. Michael was out the door pretty quickly and I simply resumed packing for New Orleans with a very intoxicating taste lingering in my mouth.  

 I ran into Michael at an event in town about 1 year after our Quid pro Quo. He looked amazing as always and had a lovely young lady on his arm. We were near enough to one another, but we simply nodded in the other’s direction.  As the night progressed, Michael looked back in my direction and few times and we made eye contact. I didn’t sense any anger coming from him and It felt to me like he wanted to come over, but he didn’t.  It was at that moment I realized that whatever friendship or relationship we once had ended on that fateful night. There was no going back to what we were. Still, money well spent. 

No regrets. 

by Declan West

Email: [email protected]

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