Probed in Space

by GreatBallzNCock

9 Aug 2022 647 readers Score 6.5 (10 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Earth-Present Day-Farm

Sam and Jackie lived miles out from society on a small farm raising cattle. Sam was in the middle of milking the last cow of the day. 

Jackie: Sam! Sam where are you?

Sam: In the barn!

Jackie: Don’t be long. Your dinners ready.

Sam: Ok babe I’ll be along now.

As Sam left the barn he was met with a streak of light that zoomed over head and stopped just above his house.

Sam: what the….

Suddenly he saw a beam come down and lift up his house in one go. His wife Jackie yelled inside.

Sam: Jackie! No Jackie!

The beam lifted the house causing little signs of strain to show on the beam. This was the chance Sam had.

He headed back into the barn and was about to get his military issued homing launcher when the barn shook violently tossing Sam into a bale of hay.

Then there was silence.

Sam lunged out of the hay and make his way albeit wobbly to the barn door.

As soon as he opened it he wished he had not for ahead of him was not his lush fields of corn or the row of trees or even the starry night sky. What there was was a bright light that seemed to expand and retract.

Sam: what the….

Sam walked on into the light. It felt strange as if somehow every step he took was removing a piece of clothing from him. He almost giggled just thinking what a stupid suggestion until he looked down and his giggling stopped.

Before he was clad in brown overalls, a green checked shirt, a beer slogan cap and a pair of work boots. Now he was naked…totally naked.

Sam recoiled in horror. What was this?

The light got less bright until Sam could see he was in a metallic chamber. There was a table and chains and round the walls there were laminated looking windows. Like being in a prison interview room only this definitely was not that.

Sam then saw that behind one of these windows was his wife Jackie only she was naked but seemed asleep on the table.

Sam: Jackie! It’s me Sam. Jackie!

Jackie didn’t stir. She was alive as she turned to look in his direction but for some reason she couldn’t see him.

Sam: Over here babe! I’m here!

Still Jackie didn’t seemed to notice him or hear him for that matter.

Sam came to the conclusion that she couldn’t see him or hear him but that he could see her.

Sam then noticed other naked people behind the windows. Some looked at him and we’re trying to communicate and others looked lost. Then a voice rang out. It was a slithering voice that echoed.

Voice: We are Gunsa and we will begin the probing.

That was all that was said.

It seemed all the naked people heard it as some put their hands up and wailed, others sank to the floor. Sam saw Jackie kneel to the floor in despair.

As if by magic an orange glowing circle appeared in the floor of each room.

A multitude of different aliens appeared. Some were white others blue, red, green, pink and so on. Each had six arms, legs and heads and between each set of legs were long, drooling extremities that slithered here ande see there. They held six whirring probes which had different heads on each and seemed to vibrate with vigour.


If you want this story to continue comment and I will happily oblige! 😊