Private Acts in Public Places

by TC Conner

31 Oct 2022 2420 readers Score 9.3 (35 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I was in Palm Springs one year for Pride. Of course the bars were packed and it took what seemed like hours just to walk around inside of them. On the other hand, the benefit of a packed bar is being able to brush up against all those bodies, particularly those without shirts and being able to use the packed house as an excuse to feel a bicep, abs, ass, or cock.

This being Pride there was quite a range of dressed and undressed and a very liberal enforcement of any dress code laws. Some guys stood deep in the crowd with their cocks hanging out of their jeans the idea being, of course, that is was an invitation to grab a feel as you squeezed by. One guy I noticed was wearing crotch-less jeans with a jock underneath, I supposed to cover the law on the streets, but in here the jock was pulled to the side with his hard erect cock sticking out for the grabbing.  Not surprisingly, as I squeezed my way through the crowd, the odd hand brushed my crotch, cupped my ass and just generally felt free to grope.  I may have paused a bit when that happened.

In one of the bars that I had been to, I was generally squeezing my way through the crowd and when I got towards the back there was a total traffic jam. No one was moving to let me by.  I looked a couple of guys ahead of me and there was one head bent back, mouth open and moaning.  Then I heard, “I’m gonna cum” which was followed by a round of cheers that could be heard in unison just under the general decibel level of the rest of the bar. When the crowd did start to break up, I saw this guy getting up off of his knees and the guy he’d obviously been blowing tuck his cock back into his jeans. 

Ya gotta love Pride in Palm Springs!

This was my third bar.  It was the largest so far and I was walking towards the back wall of the bar when this twink caught my eye. Not because he was young, cute or sexy, even though he was, twinks aren’t really my type, but because he had the strangest look on his face. The face was weirdly whimsical and carried a definite smile, or grin, or smirk, or something along those lines along with some measure of pleasure. Like he had a secret, like he knew something that I didn’t. He noticed that I noticed. He smiled and lowered his head in a nod and winked.

There was nowhere to stand comfortably where I was, so I let my curiosity get the better of me and I made my way around the bar and stopped near Twink. Over time, as bodies moved, shifted or otherwise made an opening, I took advantage of the opportunities to make my way to the back wall.  I had to find out about the look on that face.

I kept moving back towards the wall and made myself a spot just in front of a big butch guy leaning against the wall with one knee bent and his foot on the wall while he rested a beer bottle on his extended thigh. I noticed that this position put me even with Twink and that’s when I noticed, for the first time, that Twink wasn’t leaning against the wall but actually sort of leaning, maybe even sitting, in the lap of the guy directly behind him and it was he who was leaning against the wall.

Butch and Lap where standing, shoulder to shoulder besides each other with their backs against the wall.  Lap and Twink looked like they had been standing there long enough to become “friendly”. They'd move their hips in unison gyrating to the music as I and practically everyone else was doing. Even Butch was tapping his bottle of beer on his outstretched thigh to the beat of the music.

I stood next to Twink with my back towards the wall, looking at the crowd and the guys dancing on the bar in the center of the room. Several times, I got pushed back by the crowd and a few of those times I’d back into Butch, turn around and excuse myself.  He’d tell me how it was no big deal.  Once or twice he squeezed my ass as I was pushed back into him. I didn’t protest. I may have even backed up a bit to fit my cheek more snuggly into his hand. On those occasions, I noticed that he would have moved his knee to the side a bit so that when I was pushed into him my ass went directly into his opened crotch.  

Once, while having one of those exchanges, he raised his eyebrows tilted his head to the side between Twink and Lap and pointed the neck of his beer bottle in the same direction.  I looked down but didn’t see much over my shoulder shook my head and shrugged.  He held up his bottle indicating I should wait and dropped his leg stood up straight, adjusted the waste of his jeans and his rather full crotch and motioned with the neck of his beer bottle that I should move closer to him.  I turned around, faced him moved closer and we talked, well actually yelled, over the music, but it gave me the opportunity to lean in close as I shouted in his ear and he in mine.

We engaged in idle chit-chat as I waited, for what exactly I wasn’t sure, but I was willing to wait for as long as Butch was willing to talk. I kept looking over to Lap as inconspicuously as possible but sometimes he caught me looking, and we’d just smile at each other. His smile was as devious as Twink’s smile was puzzling. 

Time, talk and sips of beer passed while Butch kept looking between me and where Twink’s ass met Lap’s crotch. Suddenly, Butch grabbed my shirt and pulled me closer to him so that my head was resting on his thick, muscled shoulder. I was looking directly into Laps face.

 Lap smiled at me, lowered his eyes and tilted his head down indicating that’s where I should look.  And that’s when I saw what Butch had been waiting for and wanted me to see. As Lap slowly pushed Twink’s ass away from his crotch, his cock was slowly beginning  to slide out of Twink’s hole because the seam along the ass of Twink’s jeans had been completely cut away and removed which allowed Lap’s cock unimpeded entry deep inside Twink.  

I leaned over for a better look and Butch pulled my head deeper into his shoulder and chest. Lap pushed Twink’s ass a little farther away. I could see the entire shaft of his cock, only the head was left inside Twink’s ass. Lap looked at me as if to ask, what did I think?  I raised my eyebrows twice quickly in succession and grinned. He pulled Twink’s ass slowly all the way back onto his cock once again reinserting the entire shaft and resting Twink’s ass against Lap’s full thick bush of jet black pubic hair which was totally exposed because the zipper and waste band of Lap’s jeans were wide open exposing his pubes, cock and balls.

Butch and I watched intently as Lap slowly buried his cock deep inside Twink’s ass several more times, each time just as slowly drawing it out and leaving inside Twink’s ass only the head of his cock.  And each time smiling while watching us watching his cock appear and disappear deep inside Twink’s hole. After about 4 or 5 times of this slow insertion and withdrawal, he started to move more rapidly, aggressively, forcefully. He grabbed Twink’s hips tightly and actually fucked him right then and there until Lap shot his load. He looked at Butch and me and winked, sort of as an indication that the show was over.

Butch didn’t seem in much of a hurry to let me go and I wasn’t in any hurry to pull away. Unlike Twink, Butch was my type. He was tall, had a full head of dirty blond hair, bright blue eyes with a seductive  mischievous spark that said I want to fuck you silly, a full mustache, a square jaw, a mouth full of pure white teeth behind full, pink, sensuous lips,  a broad smile and even broader shoulders.

The unbuttoned top three buttons of his shirt revealed a deep separation between two strong, hard, well developed, square, tanned pecs with pink nipples that peeked out tantalizingly if he moved just right. The short sleeves of his shirt were rolled up just enough to reveal full, hard, fluid biceps framed on each side by rope like veins. And his grip on my shirt was just strong enough to make his right bicep flex a little. For those “of a certain age” the expression to describe him used to be “built like a brick shit house.” Not sure that expression is still used today. But you get the picture.

After a few moments, his strong hands loosened his grip on my shirt.  I leaned back upright and Butch said “What did you think?” “Pretty impressive” I said “What did you think?”  “Pretty fuckin hot.”  “Have you ever done that?” I asked. “Not in a crowded bar like this. I’ve fooled around in bars, but not packed like this and I’ve never had my dick in a hole constantly for that long. They’ve been here for at least two hours.” He must be on Viagra.

"How long have you been watching them?” “About two hours.” “You mean they were like that when you first stood here?” “Yup, and after about 20-30min, they gave me a little peek where he just pulled out slowly and just as slowly reinserted his cock maybe half a dozen times sort of as a tease or preview of what was to cum, you should pardon the expression. Then, after I’d been standing here for about an hour, he actually just flat out fucked him like he just did. Only last time, he pulled out his cum covered cock to show me that he had, in fact, shot his load. Man they got balls”.

Well no wonder you haven’t left this spot, clearly I’ve missed all the action.”

You like stuff like that?” Butch said nodding his head toward Twink and Lap.  “You don’t?” I asked.  “Suppose I do, Suppose I do.” He grinned.

We talked some more. We were still standing pretty close together and several times he grabbed his crotch and adjusted himself. Each time he watched me watch him do it. After the third time, I moved my hand from my side and stuck my thumb in the waist band of my jeans so it hung down just over my cock.  I moved in closer so the next time Butch adjusted himself he did so right onto the back of my hand.  Not to miss an opportunity, I turned my hand around and cupped his crotch. He didn’t move.  I rubbed. He pushed his crotch forward, deeper into my hand. He was hard. He grinned at me and said “Like that?”  “Hell yeah” I grinned.

He handed me his beer and told me to save his place, he’d be right back and as he went past me, he brushed his crotch against mine and didn’t move, but rubbed it into mine. We were both hard. We kept a lock on each other’s eyes as we rubbed cocks. He padded me on the arm with one of his strong hands and said “Promise, be right back. Gotta pee.”  I moved into his spot against the wall to reserve it.

True to his word, he returned shortly making his way back to the same spot he left.  I relinquished his spot against the wall and returned to standing in front of him. I gave him back his beer.

“Anything happening?” he asked as he nodded toward Lap and Twink. “Not yet” I replied. “You didn’t miss a thing.”

When he past me to resume his position against the wall he again pushed his cock into mine, again pausing to stare and rub and grin. When he settled against the wall, he reached out and grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled me closer so our crotches pushed against each other again.  He looked me straight in the eyes and then looked down. My eyes followed his. He placed the neck of the beer bottle in his mouth and held it between his teeth. Then he unbuttoned the waist of his jeans and then very slowly, one by one, the buttons of the crotch of his 501s until out popped his stiff, naked, beautiful cock.  He removed the beer bottle from his mouth and smiled.

Either he never wore them in the first place or he had removed his underwear in the men’s room. In either case, my hand was now holding his bare cock. I stroked it a few times and reached down to cup his balls. He raised his eyebrows twice and said “Like that?” “Definitely” I said.

He was thick, cut and had nice big round balls. I slid my hand up and down his shaft, brought my hand to my mouth licked it wet and went back to jerking him off “Like that?” I asked. “Hell, yeah” he said

He stroked my jeans covering my stiff cock. I reached down under his balls grabbed a handful of sweat which they were now covered in, raised it to my nose, sniffed, lowered it to my mouth and sucked each finger. “Oh, you nasty, nasty boy” he said as he grinned. “Just beginning” I said “Just beginning.”He leaned in and finally I got to taste of those thick sensuous lips and tongue. His lips were moist and soft and he thrust his tongue deep inside my mouth as far as it would go. I returned the favor and we “sucked face”, eagerly, greedily, lustfully. We both grabbed the back of each other’s head pulled our lips as close together as possible and shoved our tongues as deep into each other’s opened mouth as they would go. As his full thick “stach” rubbed against my upper lip I wondered what it would feel like rimming my ass.

We sucked tongues and rubbed each other’s cocks for a while with Lap watching every move of ours for a change.  When we finally broke, Butch pulled his phone out of his pocket, checked the time, and said “Listen, I hate to do this, but I really have to meet friends for dinner. Meet me back here in an hour and a half, right here.” He buttoned up, gave me a kiss, squeezed my cock and said “Right here, an hour and a half. Actually, don’t even leave.  Why not just stay here and enjoy the next show?”  Looking at Lap, he said “There will be another show, right?”   “Always” was Lap’s answer.

As he pushed passed me, and I watched his tight firm bubble butt walk away, I also noticed his underwear was hanging out of his left back pocket. I moved into the space against the wall where Butch had been standing next to Lap.

Lap smiled, looked at me and said “You don’t put on such a bad show yourself.” ”Well nothing’s gonna happen,” I said disappointed. “Not what it looks like from the cheap seats” said Lap. “Obviously, he went to the men’s room to remove his underwear. He could have unbuttoned right here if he came in that way.  He definitely wanted you to play with his naked cock. Cut?” “Yes.”  “Thick?” “Very.”  “Balls?” “Full and round.”  Yeah, OK, nice package, but he left.” I said.

Twink had missed it all. “What happened to your friend?” he asked. “Not a friend. We just met.” “Pity, he’s hot.”  He smiled and pushed his ass back deeper onto Lap’s cock and moved it around in circles, only this time I knew what was going on and why he had that look on his face.

“So are you gonna come back?” asked Lap. “Don’t know.” I responded “Why don’t you take his advice? Stay here. Enjoy the show.” “Not sure, maybe. I’m a little bummed, thought it was going better than it obviously was.” “He did say he’d be back.” Lap said trying to be encouraging.  I removed my phone from my pocket, checked the time, showed it to Lap and said as I replaced my phone back in my pocket “A little early for dinner isn’t it? And unless the restaurant is like, next door, who finishes dinner in an hour and a half?  And if he really was interested why didn’t he invite me to join him?”  “All very good questions, maybe with very good answers” Lap said “but if you don’t stay, you’ll never know.” 

I stood there for about another 30-45 minutes feeling sorry for myself, talking to Lap. You know, the usual: how long have they been together? Do they do this every Pride? Do they live in PS? How long can he stay hard on Viagra?  What do they do for work? etc., etc., etc.   It was an interesting conversation, sort of, but it wasn’t getting me any closer to getting laid and took a lot of shouting to accomplish over the loud music.

Finally, I said, “I think I’m gonna go and pushed myself away from the wall to leave. Lap grabbed my arm, grinned and said “Can I persuade you to stay?”  “What did you have in mind?  I coyly responded, knowing full well what he had in mind. “Maybe I can keep you entertained for a few minutes, “Wanna see it again?” “Of course I do.” “Honey,” Lap said to Twink “I’m going to give this guy a “special” show. He’s down in the dumps because his friend left and needs cheering up, OK?” “Oh, poor baby” said Twink.   “Sure, let’s cheer him up.”

This time I had a great view. I leaned back against the wall and looked down.  Lap’s cock slowly emerged from Twink’s ass as he pushed Twink forward revealing his cock all the way to the head as he had done before. Still couldn’t tell if he was cut. Still couldn’t see the head. Then he slowly pulled Twink’s ass back on his dick and his cock disappeared all the way down to his full thick, bush of pubes. He did this several times. Each time, sliding his dick very slowly, each time watching me watching his dick disappear and reappear from Twink’s ass. 

I watched intently like a child watching someone un-wrapping a candy bar that he knew he was going to be given. Lap never took his eyes off of me watching his cock. I never took my eyes off of his cock.

When he got to where only the head was still in Twink’s ass, he stopped like all the other times. He continued to look at me looking down at his cock.  ”So, what do you think? You like it?”  “What’s not to like?”  He held it there for a few more minutes, his cock almost fully out of Twink’s ass, me looking at his exposed shaft, him looking at me looking at his exposed shaft. But this time, he didn’t move his cock back into Twink’s ass; he just left it there exposed. He waited until I took my eyes off of his cock and looked up at him. He smiled, looked directly into my eyes and said. “Want to touch it?”

I reached out and touched it. I wrapped my fingers around his exposed cock. He pulled out more so part of the rim of the mushroom head was exposed, and I could see that he was cut.  I wrapped almost my whole hand around it and squeezed. All this time, I kept looking up and down between his eyes and his cock. He just concentrated on my eyes. I concentrated mostly on his cock.  I formed a circle with my thumb, index and middle fingers and started to slide them up and down his shaft.

“How does my cock feel?”  “Great” I said lightly squeezing and stroking his cock. He grinned. “Glad you like it”. He let me do this for awhile, a long while, actually, “How does my mini jerk feel?”  “Also great.  Nice that the juice in Twink’s ass keeps my cock well lubed so your fingers slide up and down easily, feels really great.” This time he spent more time watching what I was doing. 

Then he looked me straight in the eyes, grinned and said “Want to suck it?”  I was, and I’m sure I looked, surprised. I gave him an “are you sure?” kinda look, given where we were. “If you don’t want to suck it, that’s OK.”  “Oh, I want to.”  

I looked around and the crowd had me completely blocked in. All I saw in front of me were rows of shoulders and backs of heads packed in close concentrating on the guys on the bar, dancing and seductively moving their hands all over their bodies and their jock strap all around their crotch and cock, occasionally pulling it down over the pubes and onto the shaft of the cock it contained showing some of the shaft, but not as much as Lap was showing me.

The only guy who might be a problem was the guy standing next to me, on my left, who evidently had been watching the show and knew exactly what was going on. I looked at him, he looked at me and said “Go ahead, suck it. If you don’t, I will. I’ll block you here”.

He stepped away from the wall, turned his back to the room and closed the open end of the square. “I wanna watch and you gotta tell me how it tastes.” 

I knelt down and started to lick the part of the shaft that was exposed and out of Twink’s ass.  I licked it all the way up to Twink’s ass, might have even licked a little of Twink’s hole when I got to where the cock was inserted inside. I licked his cock like this for a couple of minutes from the root to Twink’s hole, maybe sometimes into Twink’s hole, and back again. Then Lap pulled his cock all the way out of Twink’s ass and plunged it directly and deeply into my mouth.

I looked up with his cock in my mouth, he looked down and smiled.  I licked and I sucked over and over, tried not to make too much noise, but then this was a very loud bar what the hell was I worried about? He was still looking down watching me suck him. “How does it taste?”  “Delicious.”  I took it out of my mouth a couple of times to lick it like a lollycock from the bottom of his balls to the slit in the head of his cock and back down to his balls,  which were big and round and tasty.

His cock was strange tasting in a way. It had, after all, been marinating in Twink’s ass for at least 3 hours and probably much longer. Yet it didn’t taste nasty or like shit, it tasted like something that had been brewing in a mixture of unidentifiable juices, tasty but unidentifiable, and it was one of the juiciest cocks that I had ever sucked. There might just be something to this marinating thing after all I thought.

At one point, I looked up and Lap was watching me, so was Twink. I licked Lap’s balls again. He lifted them up to my mouth. I opened my mouth and licked under them and he inserted each one separately into my mouth while I continued licking and sucking each one of all its flavor and taste, all the time still jerking his cock. When he started making groaning noises, I released his balls from my mouth and went back to sucking his cock replacing my fingers with my mouth and tongue. He grabbed the back of my head and shoved his cock all the way to the back of my throat ‘til I gagged and my nose and mouth were buried deep in his thick full pubes which were sweaty and smelled better than poppers. I opened my mouth wider and took in more. They tasted good too.

I pulled his cock out of my mouth to the point where the slit was resting on my lips slurping all the way. He was starting to precum and I ran my tongue along the slit in the head of his cock and lapped it all up. Then I tongued the slit and head to get anything that I might have missed, pinched the slit with my fingers, stuck my tongue inside and licked along the inside of his piss slit. I shoved his cock back into my mouth. I licked it again and then sucked it some more. He grabbed the back of my head and started to fuck my mouth, first with long steady strokes like he had done in Twink’s ass, then faster and faster, harder and harder thrusting his hips to drive his cock deeper and deeper into my mouth and throat. It wasn’t long before he shot his warm, thick, creamy load.  

As he was shooting his load into my mouth, I looked up at him and he was looking down at me. He smiled at me while I was still sucking out the load from his cock that he was still shooting down my throat. There was something special about that moment when he was cumming in my mouth and I was sucking and swallowing his cum out of his cock and feeling his load sliding sensuously down my throat while we were looking directly into each other’s eyes knowing and sharing what was happening. It formed a very special secret connection, if for only a minute.

He moved his head up a bit in a manner that indicated he wanted me to open my mouth. I opened it, stuck out my tongue and showed him my tongue covered with his cum. He reached down got a finger full, raised it to his mouth and ate it. I swallowed what was on my tongue feeling his thick, creamy, slightly salty load slide easily down my throat. I licked his cock clean, licked and sucked a little of Twink’s hole and inserted Lap’s cock back inside,  but not before giving Lap’s cock  one good, long, last, wet sloppy suck and also finding a little more cum on his shaft which I sucked up.

After I had reinserted Lap’s cock back inside Twink’s hole, I stood up, and said to Lap. “Thanks, that was delicious” and to Twink, “Sorry, that load probably should have been for you,”  “No reason to apologize” Lap said,” he gets his fill wherever, whenever and however many times he wants. There’s always plenty to go around.”  

The guy, who had been standing next to me and had moved in to close the square, grabbed the back of my head and kissed me.  He sucked my tongue and ran his tongue all around the inside of my mouth. Evidently there was still some of Lap’s cum in my mouth because when he released me he said ‘You’re right, it is delicious” winked and moved back to his original position.

About ten to fifteen minutes later, I leaned over and shouted in Lap’s ear “I’m gonna go grab a bite, nice meeting you and thanks…for everything.”   Lap never stopped looking forward into the crowd, raised his left hand and pointed forward “Maybe you want to wait a minute.”  My eyes followed his finger into the crowd and much to my surprise, but certainly my delight, right into Butch’s face. He smiled nodded his head when he saw us looking at him as he maneuvered his way back to the wall.

When he arrived he said “Told you I’d be back. Miss me? Get another show?” “Yes, yes I did”, not really distinguishing which question I was answering. “The show was quite enjoyable and quite different.”  Lap looked at Butch’s quizzical face and said “I let him suck my cock, head and all also my balls and I shot a load in his mouth and he swallowed it all.  Like a good boy”

Butch looked at me and said “My, my you have been busy” Can’t leave you alone for a minute.” “Wasn’t sure you were coming back. You said to stay and enjoy the show. So I did. It was just an expanded version.  Something they call a ‘special’ show.”

Then Lap said to Butch, “I’m going to dump another load in this ass in maybe 30-35 minutes so stick around. And I promised your friend that he could suck my cock again if he wanted to.” 

I sort of figured out what Lap was doing. He was letting Butch know that I had options since he had seemingly left me in the lurch. But Butch did come back so I wasn’t really sure why Lap felt it necessary to say all that, unless, of course, he just wanted his cock sucked again.

Butch looked at me and held my gaze while he said to Lap “Well he might be busy” he  held up a pair of scissors, rapidly opened and closed them about 4 or 5 times as if cutting something and with a twinkle in his eye, threw me a devilish grin. “Interested?  Wanna join them? Give them a show for a change?” “Why can’t I do both?” And I threw the grin right back at him. “Greedy little bitch, aren’t you?” “You have no idea.”

by TC Conner

Email: [email protected]

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