
by Bill Drake

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I was prepared to take a good amount of teasing, and maybe more, this weekend. But the guys in the Sig Ep house were cool, I had to admit.

I didn't think I was going to be able to visit. But my older brother Connor swore to my parents he'd keep a hawk's eye on me, and keep me from drinking or doing any thing I shouldn't. I got along OK with my brother, but growing up he was always kind of bossy, taking advantage of being three years older than me and more of the popular kid in school. 

He was still that guy, only now I'd grown up and had really bulked up. I'd say it was basketball and lacrosse, but a lot of it was just obsessively working out and keeping my growing teen body fed with enough protein to put on muscle. I still had a young face - and I had a good idea it would be a while before I could pull off a fake ID - but I was starting to get a strong body for my 6'3" frame.

I now sat in a big sofa in the rec room of the fraternity house, watching some dumb TV. Connor plopped himself next to me with a knowing grin. He had two beer cans in his hand and offered me one. "Not a word to Mom and Dad, Squirt," he admonished.

"Course not," I said, gratefully taking the beer. I took a few sips. It was cheap beer but I didn't care, I loved it.

"Hey O'Brien," one of the brothers said. Alan I think his name was. A senior and a stocky, goofy dude who I discovered was one of Connor's close buddies in the house. The Four Musketeers they called themselves, and Alan was the crudest of the bunch. "Is the pre-frosh gonna partake of Mike's services?"

I wondered if Mike was a drug dealer or something. I figured my older brother wouldn't be into anything too wild. He was the studious one in the family.

Connor got an uncharacteristically shy look. "Dude, it's my baby brother we're talking about."

"I'm not a baby," I objected. I'd turned 18 a couple weeks earlier.

This fraternity brother just gave a sly wink to me before turning to my brother. "Like you brother doesn't get his dick wet. The young dude's a fucking lacrosse player fer Christsake."

Fuck, they were talking about sex. With a dude. I smirked, and Connor laughed when he turned to see my expression. "You don't even know what you're grinning about, Jake," he teased.

I shrugged, showing off as much teen bravado as I could. "I figured if it wasn't fun, you wouldn't be acting like I wasn't ready for it."

I could sense my brother was frustrated, cause he didn't object or act bossy, he just gave me a pale grin. "All right. Just remember. No talking about what happens this weekend. Promise?"

"Yeah, dude," I said, annoyed. "I fucking promise."

It was a half hour before Mike showed up. I heard his booming baritone voice coming down the SigEp house steps to the basement before I saw him. I don't know what I expected, but the guy was older, a lot older. Like, dad's age. And buff as hell. He didn't quite look like an ex-athlete, not like Coach Carson at my high school, but he was big and muscular, more of a gym-pumped build, and he clearly took real good care of himself. He wore a snug polo shirt and faded jeans and had a Chicago Bears ball cap on. His shirt was all filled out with huge pecs and big guns. I had jerked off to a lot of gay and bi porn, more than I'd like to admit. I never thought of myself as into older dudes, but something about this guy got me going. 

Particularly since I was putting two and two together and realizing this buff older man was somehow providing some kind of services to the fraternity brothers. Maybe just a handjob or something, and I wondered if he was actually a fucking hooker the way the guys acted so nonchalant. 

"Hiya, fellas, how's it hanging?" he asked, giving Dale a fist bump. Dale was another one of the Four Musketeers.

"About six inches soft," Dale wise cracked. 

It may have just been banter, but this was not what I was expecting for my pre-frosh weekend on campus. 

Mike gave a soft chuckle and looked around. "Same room?" he asked. 

"Yeah," Alan replied. "We set it up to make it extra comfy for ya."

Mike smirked but didn't take the bait of the taunt. He just asked. "Who's first?"

"Let the prefrosh have first dibs," said Kyle, a sophomore soccer player who had a whole stoner vibe about him.

I looked over at my big brother Connor, like he was going to object. He just shrugged in a "you wanted it" kind of way. 

So I acted like I wasn't some dumb young high schooler and stood up. I felt the guys' eyes on me, almost giggling. 

I followed the big guy up the stairs and down the hall. I don't know whose room we were using.... one of the brothers', but Mike seemed at home, like he came here regularly. As we stepped in, I started to get nervous, my bravado going right out the window. The man caught on.

"I've not seen you around the house before," he said.

I stood awkwardly in front of him, shifting on my feet some. "I'm just visiting," I explained. "I'm still in high school actually," I added, then immediately regretted it. I was probably blowing my chance for a handjob right then. 

But the man didn't seem fazed. His blue eyes twinkled beneath the brim of his ball cap and a smile formed on his handsome face. Up close, I could now see the silver flecks in his stubble, and for some reason I found that really hot. "Is that right, buddy?" he asked. "Not too young for me, are ya?" he asked. Kind of flirty in his question.

"No, sir," I replied. Feeling dumb for calling him that. "I'm a senior... just turned 18 a couple weeks ago."

He nodded with that sexy smile of his and now openly looked me up and down. "You're big for 18... you lift regularly, I bet."

"Yessir," I said. I wished to hell my parents had instilled that deference to elders thing in me so hard. I probably seemed like an idiot to this guy. "I'm a typical jock, I guess. Hoping to get a lacrosse scholarship somewhere." God, I was blabbing now.  

"Nice," was all the guy said, and like that he was crouching down in front of me. I'd lost any chub I had with the nervousness and the small talk, but now I knew instantly I wasn't gonna have a problem getting hard. I felt that horny tightness in my chest and throat as I watched this hunky guy get in position and run his hands along my legs.

Mike looked up at me. I tried to gauge his age. Late 40s to mid 50s. He was well-preserved for sure but also had a tan that made his face look more ruggedly handsome. "I bet you get a lot of attention from men," he said.

I shook my head. "I wish," I replied. It was refreshing to be honest, even if I didn't even know this guy.

Mike's paw now massaged the growing boner in my shorts. "Just send out the signals, stud, and I can guarantee you'll get as much attention as you want." It was wild to hear his words in such a deep baritone of a voice, the Chicago accent thick as hell.

"Signals?" I asked. In addition to a handjob, maybe I could get some advice for hooking up. If I had the guts to back in my small hometown. 

"Yah," he explained. "Eye contact, body language. Letting a guy knowing you're open to his advances." His fingers were now undoing my shorts. "I wasn't sure about you, actually. You seem the shy type."

"I've never done anything like this," I admitted.

"Na? Ever have your cock sucked, buddy?" he practically growled.

I shook my head. My heart pounded more. Maybe this was gonna be more than a handjob.

I watched as he pulled my shorts and underwear down. My cock flopped out, hanging in midair for a second before it bounded up into a hard upright position. I was hornier than I realized.

"Hot damn!" Mike gapsed. "Cherry and hung as fuck." His hand wrapped around my meat, sending shock jolts of pleasure to my balls. The man's eyes seemed fixed on my dick. "Hell of a cock you got, buddy," he said. Then looking up, he asked, "You Connor's brother?"

"Yeah," I replied. Blushing some. I guess I figured Connor partook of Mike's services, but this was crazy to think about. My dick enjoyed the idea of my big brother getting sucked, though. It jerked in Mike's mitt.

He returned his attention to my crotch. "I could tell," he said. "Though you're even bigger than him... fuck!" The man's voice was deep and booming, gruff even. He paused and licked his lips. "God, I love virgins."

And like that, I watched, almost as if in slow motion, as this middle-aged hunk leaned in and started taking me into his mouth. He used his tongue to wet me down at first, just an inch or two, and even that felt incredible. Pleasure, but also the novelty of the sensation. I'd not been entirely truthful with Mike. I'd fucked a couple of chicks, that drunk fumbling at parties kind of fucks, and I dated one girl who let me feel her up before she gave me a handjob. THIS, though, was another world. Mike knew what the fuck he was doing.

The kicker was he pulled back a second and took breath, then swallowed me all in one go. His throat felt snug and tight, but it was the nastiness of the action that caught me off guard.

Not as much a shock, though, as the sound of a new voice in the room.

"How is he, Pre-Frosh?" It was Craig, a fit, muscular junior, a kind of typical popular frat dude. The fourth guy in the Four Musketeers group my brother hung out with. I guessed he was sent in to keep an eye on things and make sure I was OK.

"Fuck," I gasped. Switching personalities now that I was trying to impress one of Connor's brothers. "Dude knows how to work a cock."

Indeed, as I spoke, Mike was bobbing up and down on me with slick sounding mouth strokes, his spit running down my balls.

I got a better view of Craig as he stepped up. He always wore his longish dirty-blond hair under his ball cap, and I saw his cure-handsome face examine my own. "You gonna nut soon, bro?"

I shook my head. "I could," I replied. "But I want this to last." It was my first time out, and once I got over the fear of a quick trigger, I'd settled into enjoying the rising and cresting pleasure without quite orgasming. Though I felt I could at any second.

"You up for sharing?" he asked. Cautious. I had a sense if it was any of the guys in the house, he would have butted right in. But I was Connor's kid brother. 

I pulled back, and we both laughed as Mike tried to follow me, latching his lips on my meat before I finally broke free.

Craig was already pulling down his sweatpants to reveal his hard dick. He was regular sized, with a good-looking cut cock. I enjoyed seeing it but was also proud I outmeasured this cocky bro.

"Hot," Mike gasped as moved from his crouch to a kneeling position. Craig played host by offering a folded towel for the man's knees. Mike pulled off his ball cap and tossed it aside. His hair was short and showed a good deal of gray along the temples, but he had enough length on top to give that matted-tousled look from his cap. Mike was still in his polo and jeans, and his muscled bod looked pretty amazing as he scooted toward Craig.

"Fuck yeah," the fraternity brother grunted. "Suck my fucking cock, dude."

Craig's eyes were down, eagerly watching the big guy do his work. Craig's more modest size meant Mike could go wild, battering his own throat with hard and fast movements of his skull.

I didn't know where to keep my eyes. On Mike and his slutty thrill in sucking dick. Or on Craig, whose face and now whole body were clearly responding to the sexual stimulation.

Craig finally reached down and held Mike's head, steadying it and slowly pushing him off. 

"It's O'Brien's turn," he said with a chuckle/ "I know you like the big ones, Mike," he added.

"I do," the man admitted without shame. He gave Craig's tool one more lick, then steadied himself, hands on his thighs, as I stepped up to where Craig had been.

Somehow Craig's BJ had warmed Mike up for me. It was jut the deep throat that got me off. It was the swiveling motion fo his head and the milking suction. Involuntarily I gripped the back of his head to brace my body.

"Oh SHIT!" I cried. I was entering orgasm now, one that put my previous ones to shame. I saw white for a second and felt light-headed. Like Mike was sucking out my consciousness along with my cum. 

I heard Craig laughing. "Go for it, bro!" Then, "Niiiiccee."

Mike finally spat out my prick. "If you want seconds, stud, you know where to find me," he winked.

Craig, meanwhile, was practically pushing me out of the way, eager for his turn, his dick reddened and leaking in excitement. "Tell the next guy he's up," he said as he thrust back in between Mike's wet lips. "It won't take me long."

I found my shorts and underwear and put them back on, taking one more view of Craig, who was actively fucking the big burly dude's face.

Everything about this was so crazy and so exciting. A couple of the guys on the team had bragged about gangbanging Kelsey Myers, but I think they were bullshitting. And here was an out-there gangbang happening in my brother's fraternity house. 

I was still flush and breathing heavy when I returned to the den. "Who's next?" I announced as I plopped next to my brother on the couch and picked up the beer can, which hadn't warmed up too much. I took a sip of the cheap, watery stuff, which for whatever reason tasted like the best goddamn beer I'd tasted. Meanwhile, one of the brothers got up to make his way back to Mike.

The guys all were acting normal. Connor was trying too, but I could tell my brother was watching me, trying to read me. I turned to him. "What, bro?" I asked, maybe acting more annoyed than I was. 

"You OK, Jase?" he asked in a low voice.

I nodded. "Why wouldn't I be?" I asked, trying to play it cool. "That was awesome."

He paused and took a sip of his own beer. "You won't mind if I go in there soon?"

"Fuck, no," I replied, getting the courage to make eye contact with my brother. We were two O'Brien men experiencing the same cocksucker. It was a strange bonding experience, for sure. "I'd feel bad if you didn't on my account."

Indeed Connor's turn was next, and he got up off the couch, a boner already forming in his sweats. I had never thought of my big bro like this, but indeed he had a pretty big tool.

He was gone about ten minutes. Good for him. When he came back, his face was flush, like mine had been, the Irish genes made his cheeks rosy pink after sex. I could tell he was embarrassed to have done that with me there, and I enjoyed being the laidback one for a change.

"Seriously, bro," I whispered. "Thanks for letting me do that. You know... for not getting all protective and shit."

He shrugged. "Just don't tell Mom and Dad," he warned.

"What the fuck would I tell them?" I said with a chuckle.

Connor laughed. 'You got a point there."

We were watching some dumb MTV reality show, but mostly my attention was on the brothers as one by one they got up to go partake of Mike's services. Alan might have been the last to do so, and when he came back he asked, "Anyone up for seconds?"

I heard the guys laugh as I stood up.

"Pre-Frosh is going back!" cried one of the guys. I hoped I wasn't embarrassing Connor or anything, but I had tasted the forbidden fruit and wanted another bite while I still had the chance. I ignored the taunts and made a beeline back to that room.

The door was ajar, and I pushed my way in. I saw Mike's polo shirt before I saw anything else. It was on the floor, a few feet away from where that folded towel was, and his discarded jeans.

The man was on the bed, face down and ass up in a dreamy quiet repose. I underestimated how muscular he was. That ass alone jutted up in two round, hard globe, and his back dipped down then swelled up in an amazing mass of lats and rear delts. Th back was tanned and totally smooth, a contrast to his pale but furry buns.

I was taking off my shorts and underwear when Mike turned nad looked over at me. "I was hoping you'd come back, buddy," he said in his deep, soft voice. "You eager for the full ride?"

I wasn't the brightest guy, I suppose, but it was dawning on me what he mant. At least one of the brothers had fucked him, and Mike was now asking me if I wanted to fuck him too.

"Yeah," I replied. Like it was a normal occurrence for me. My dick was rock hard again, and I fisted it a little. 

Mike gave a smile as he watched me get closer to the bed. "Damn. I'm gonna feel that in me good, aren't I?"

Somehow he knew how to be flirty as hell in a masculine way that got me rock hard. Before this weekend, I would have imagined I'd enjoy having sex with one of Connor's fraternity brothers instead. Living out some Sean Cody or Corbin Fisher fantasy. But this older guy was pushing my buttons big time.

"Yep," I said, trying to act cocky like Craig or the other guys had. Only I didn't know where to start when it came to fucking an ass. Surely it wasn't as easy as in the porn videos. 

Thank fully Mike seemed to read my hestitation. "Just climb on, buddy. Daddy's all lubed up for that big monster."

I wasn't sure what I thought of the daddy thing. But this man was so hot and so clearly in heat, humping the bed some and hiking his meaty ass up for me as I got up onto the mattress.

His muscle felt warm beneath me as I stretch my body on top of his, trying not to put all my weight down on him, but just enjoying this. It was so different than fucking a chick, the completely lack fo hesitation as Mike reached back and gripped my tool long enough to guide me in place.

"You have an amazing body, stud," he hissed. "Hot fucking high school senior."

My prick felt the wetness of the lube. Then as I pressed past his recently fucked folds, I knew it wasn't just lube. I'd heard the phrase sloppy seconds, of course, but it was insane how sloppy Mike's ass felt. Tons fo fraternity cum awaited my dick as I bored inside him. I knew not to just ram it in him, and in a way I savored the slow inching inside and the way the man's guts clung to me.

"You have a great body, too, Mike," I said, now letting my chest press against his back muscle. A thought occurred to me. "You let guys do this a lot?" I asked.

He leaned his head back up against my neck. It took me a second to realize he was moving his ass back against my hips too, doing some of the work to penetrate his ass with my long cock. "Yeah, I do," he replied, matter of fact. "That bother you, buddy?" 

"I don't know," I said truthfully. "I guess it's kind of hot... thanks for letting me do it."

Mike let out a deep growl. "Anytime, buddy... that dick of yours feels AMAZING."

I sawed some inches in and out then decided to go for it. Sending my hips forward, I pressed all the way inside him. I'm thick and long, and I know Mike really felt it.

"Oh FUCK YEAH, buddy!" he grunted, pushing his chest up a little as if to challenge me to press him back down to the bed. I did, accentuating my movement with another thrust into him. "Love that horse meat ya got."

I would have loved this anyway. Losing my ass-fucking virginity with a man. But Mike was gonna spoil me, I knew. The man just loved sex and his need was infectious. I held on to his shoulders and started fucking. Not hard but with a steady deep pump. Maximizing the pleasure on my cock but also aiming for that deep vocal response from him.

"Take that dick, man," I growled in his ear as my hips now worked faster. Mike was bigger and more muscular than me, but I had the leverage position to hold him steady while I nailed him, as well as the sex adrenaline pumping in my veins. 

I worried I was going too hard, but the harder I nailed him, the more he seemed to get into it.

"GODDAMN! High schooler fucks like a porn star," he growled.

I worried the brothers could hear us mate. Then I hoped they could hear everything. I was riding that excitement of my first piec of ass, and I was rising to the occasion. I now knew why my lacrosse buddies were so excited by pussy, but this was even better. 

His ass was slick, and I could feel the wetness along my cock and balls. I had a good idea all that cum was frothing up his furry crack. A few of the fraternity brothers had fucked and bred Mike's hole. Connor was probably one of them, I thought.

The idea that I was fucking on my brother's load made my balls tighten immediately. "Holy fuck," I gasped, my cum working up real quick. A part of me wanted to slow down and enjoy this more. That part of me lost out, though. I held on tighter to Mike's beef and just went to town, cumming deep inside the man's guts.

"Get it, buddy," Mike cried, eager for my side. I had no idea if he was going to get off. Maye be he did earlier. Right now, it was just about my spurting prick and my pure need. 

I rode out the cum and finally slowed my roll, now kissing along the man's neck adn feeling up his body.

"Hmmm," the man muttered. "You sure that was your first, Stud?" he teased. "You fuck like a champ."

"Yeah," I chuckled. "Hell of a first time, too," I said. "I'm gonna remember this one for a long time."

"I'm glad, bud," he said. "Damn... it feels like I got a baseball bat wedged up inside me."

"Sorry... I can pull out," I said.

"Don't on my account," Mike said, softly, almost shyly. "I mean, I figure an 18 year old jock has another in the tanks, right?"

My dick wasn't going soft and while I wasn't 100 percent sure I could come again soon, I knew I wanted to get as much Mike time as I could. It might be a long time before I had the chance to fuck a man gain. "Yeah," I replied.

I humped him some more, before Mike asked if I wanted to try out some other positions. We didn't do them all, maybe, but I had a good number of firsts that afternoon. Missionary, cowboy, reverse cowboy, standing. But we finished in doggy, which might have been my favorite. I was getting sweaty and actually the kind of winded I'd get during a lacrosse game. But I fed off being in the saddle of this hot, beefed up older man and making him growl deeper sex groans as we got into it.

The second orgasm was even better than the first and seemed pretty heavy for my third cum of the day. I felt like a total stud when I finally dismounted and saw how much cum I'd added to Mike's hole. I gave his rump a gentle pat which made the made laugh. 

He watched as I got dressed again. "You around town for long?" he asked.

"Just the weekend," I said, as I pulled on my T-shirt.

He grinned and looked me up and down. "If I give you my number will you hit me up before you go?"

This is not how I expected my college visit to go. "Hell yeah," I said.

Mike slid out of bed, his beefy body looking amazing all naked, with some wiry silvery hair in his chest fur. His dick was pretty soft but I could see the trickles of fresh cum dripping down the insides of his hairy thighs. I guess me and the brothers loaded him up pretty good.

He found his wallet and fished out a card for me. It read "Daddy Mike" with a phone number, Insta and Twitter handle and OnlyFans URL.

"Are you a porn star?" I asked in surprise. I now felt like a small-town hick for sure.

"Just like to have a little fun," he replied. "If you're the jealous type don't look me up online," he said. "A couple of dudes learned that the hard way." He seemed weirdly apologetic as he warned me.

"If what we did just now was a 'little fun,' I'd hate to see a lot of fun," I joked.

"The weekend is still young, Pre-Frosh," he winked.

I was a little lightheaded and thirsty when I got back to the den. A couple of the guys razzed me for taking so long, and I noted Kyle and some other dude get up to go in together.

Connor seemed quiet, not pissed off, but in a strange mood. Later, after dinner, we found ourselves sitting alone. My big bro decided to check in with me. 

"I guess I shouldn't have beeen so worried about you with Mike," he said. An edge to his tone, like maybe he didn't approve. I don't know.

I sighed. "I'm gonna call him up tomorrow, you know... go hang out with him." It was a euphemistic way to say I was gonna fuck Daddy Mike again. 

That hit my brother the wrong way "Come on, Jason. I'm supposed to be watching out for you."

"Dude, it's gonna be fine," I countered. I didn't know if I could convince him of that, or if he needed convincing. Maybe he just felt guilty things had gotten out of hand.

"You know," I added. "I'm into dudes, Connor."

"Clearly," my brother laughed. OK, he wasn't THAT pissed off at me if he was joking around.

That made me laugh, too. "I mean, like, I know that's what I want. I'm gay."

"Oh," he said. "That's cool." Then, "You know I still worry about you, Jase. It's what brothers do."

"Yeah," I conceded. I shot him a wry grin. "And thanks, bro. I wouldn't have it any other way."

by Bill Drake

Email: [email protected]

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