Pat’s scrub down

by Alexthedreamer2020

15 May 2020 2284 readers Score 9.6 (31 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Alex woke up to the smell of fresh laundry. He stretched, arching his back, and glanced across the room, where Sam was still sleeping, quietly. He got off the cot, suddenly realizing how hot it was in the small loft, and peeled off his t shirt, leaving it on the mess of linens, and shuffled his way across, to the railing. He glanced over the edge of the small bungalow, to see Sam's Dad, Pat, draping wet clothes over a small wooden rack, in the corner of the living space, completely nude. Ever since they were kids, Pat was never shy about being naked in front of them. He was a free spirit, and loved being in nature. He'd moved into the bungalow, after he and Sam's Mom had split. It was out in the woods, on twenty acres he'd inherited from his parents, who'd been hippies in the 70's, and he restored the place, making it livable again. The guys had decided to have a reunion camp out, with Pat, after coming home from school, for the Summer. Pat was always so chill, but Alex had forgotten HOW chill he was. He watched Pat for a minute, just doing his thing, moving about the small space. 

Pat was on the slimmer side, with long, dark hair, he always tied up in a bun, on top or in back of his head. He was in his early 40s and lived substance free. He maintained a healthy lifestyle, and was covered in tattoos. When Alex was a kid, he'd actually helped design one of Pat's favorite tattoos on his left arm, of an eagle, in a nest, with two hatchlings. Pat had had a long talk about being second Dad to Alex, and wanted him to know he could count on Pat for anything, when he and Sam were kids. It was after the divorce, and one of their long chats, they frequently had. Most of his tattoos were significant, and some, you just didn't understand, but Pat loved being inked, and there really didn't need to be a reason for any of it. 

Alex noticed Pat had become hard, as he moved about, and disappeared beneath the ledge, where his room was. Alex casually walked down the small stairwell, and peeked around the corner, to see Pat jerking off, on top of his bed. His eyes were closed, and he was methodically stroking his shaft, with the other hand running up and down the hairline that went up his stomach. Pat wasn't a very hairy man, but didn't trim, or upkeep his body, and had a thick bush, and hairy legs. His beard was a masterpiece, and had a wavy texture, and glistened in the sunlight, that halo'd around the corner bed. Pat made no sound, other than the soft friction of the loose skin of his shaft moving up and down, with his closed fist. His dick was not long, but it was thick, and stood straight up. Alex studied the shadows the light cast on Pat's body, watching his natural muscular structure moving beneath the inked skin. There were no tattoos around his groin area, except for a snake pattern that started at his left hip, and disappeared beneath the bush of pubes.

Pat started a low hum, and his toes curled downward, as he tilted his head back, and opened his mouth, letting out a low groan, that almost sounded musical. He stopped stroking, but lifted his balls up, with the free hand, and used two fingers just below the head, to create a ring. Alex became aroused, watching Pat completely freeze, and strain all of his muscles, while he held his breath. His body started to tremble, and turn a light pink, and then he exhaled loudly, as his dick head came like a fountain. Alex jumped, seeing the massive amount of cum flying out of the narrow head. Pat was trembling, and started stroking quickly, shooting out a few spurts of clear cum. His body quickly became shiny, under the sunlight, but his eyes remained closed, and his mouth gaped open, while he clearly enjoyed the flow of his orgasm. Alex forgot he was even staring, when he suddenly realized Pat was looking at him, curiously.

"Well, good morning to you, young one." He blinked, and stuttered a quick apology. Pat always referred to them as young ones, even though they were nineteen. "Shhhh, no need to apologize. We are men. We are curious beings." Pat was still holding his erection with one hand, and seemed completely careless about just having exploded cum in from of someone, standing in front of him. "I've maintained my celibacy, but I do enjoy my own body from time to time." Pat let go of his dick, which stood alert, on its own. He slowly sat up, and turned, standing up quickly, and walking toward Alex. "I'm going to clean up, but feel free to use the shower, while I do so." The bathroom was in Pat's room, and open concept, with only a half wall of tiles, separating the shower from the toilet and sink. Pat started the shower, and stepped in, quickly soaping up, and Alex stood at the toilet, with a full pardon, not able to pee.

"Feel free to release the energy, young one. It's sometimes more enjoyable with a full bladder." Pat had taken his hair down, and it fell to the middle of his back. The dark waves, mixed with gray, almost gave him a Jesus look. His beard was soaked as well, and the hairs grazed his lower chest area. Pat was smiling at Alex, while he shampooed, still erect. "The power of the penis, is to be enjoyed. You can create life, and pleasure." Pat worked the shampoo suds, down his hairy trail, and circled his hands around his groin, and erection. "I've often enjoyed many orgasms in one moment. It's a beautiful thing." He was still smiling at Alex, who had decided, maybe it was better to sit down, and try to point his dick toward the water. He pushed his briefs down, and sat awkwardly, while Pat began to stroke his dick again. 

"Stand, young one, come over." Pat moved over, in the shower surround, and motioned for Alex to join him. Alex stood, more confident than he thought he would, proudly displaying his erection in front of Pat. He kicked off his briefs, and stepped under the hot spray of water. Pat started to soap Alex up from behind, kneading his shoulders, and working his knuckles lightly down Alex's spine. It felt so good, and he felt no shame, or awkwardness. Pat worked the suds down Alex's back, rubbing his fingertips in tight lines, up and down his ass cheeks, and in between his crack. Alex was shocked at first, but Pat was so quick about everything, he didn't have time to feel uncomfortable. Pat spun him around, and started soaping his chest, in circular motion, working his hands all over Alex's upper chest and shoulders, and moving his way downward. He stopped just above Alex's groin, but intensified the swirling, creating a warm friction, just over Alex's hairline. He'd become so sensitive, feeling a tingle throughout his entire body. 

Pat worked his hands separately down to Alex's hips, continuing to keep just outside of his groin area, and worked his upper thighs, moving up and down his inner thighs. Alex was really enjoying the scrub down, and had become almost numb to the sensation, when he suddenly realized he was about to cum. "Oh, oh," he pushed at Pat's hands, and turned away, as cum shot out of him, hitting the tiled wall, and floor. He put his hand out as a shield, and felt pulse after pulse of hot spunk spraying against his palm, as he took hold of his shaft with his free hand. He started pumping wildly, keeping the sensation going, and felt a second surge of heat, as even more cum erupted from his dick. He was shaking all over, and felt Pat take hold of his shoulders, softly rubbing them, as he came. "Oh God, oh God," he felt the need to pee, and squatted quickly, feeling a strong surge of urine flow from deep within. He fell forward on all fours, under the weight of relief. 

He kept peeing, feeling Pat's reassuring rubs on his shoulders, and down his spine. It felt so damn good, he whimpered a little, biting his lip, to keep it from trembling. "There you go, young one. You've released it." After a few moments, he got back up, and hugged Pat, not caring that they were both aroused, and covered in spunk and suds. He pulled back, feeling the hot water flowing between them. Pat continued to rinse off, and nudged him playfully, smiling, and giggling. "I knew you'd get it. You're a champion, and what a load you released young one." Pat turned Alex around, admiring him proudly. "My, that was amazing. You remind me of a younger me." Pat splashed water down Alex's hairy groin, rinsing soap suds away, getting a better look at his manhood.

Pat turned the shower off, and the men stepped out, onto the cold tiles, hurriedly shuffling to the bedroom. Pat was tying up his hair, and Alex noticed he was still sporting an erection. His wet body hair, and pubes clung to his tattooed flesh. Alex noticed how attractive Pat was, soaking wet, in the light from the window. He could've modeled, had he chosen to do so. His beard was heavy, and draped in Swirles down Pat's neck and chest, his eyelashes thick, and dark, creating a mystery around his brown eyes. "I used to be able to fuck for hours, young one. I've since given up my ways, but I shall enjoy my erection, as long as I have it." Pat walked past Alex, and lay across his bed, taking his dick in hand again, slowly jerking it up and down. He smiled over at Alex. "You may join, if you wish." "I'm spent. I can give you space though." "If you choose so. I don't mind your company young one." 

Pat closed his eyes, and Alex sat next to him, on the bed. They quickly soaked the sheets, and Alex could feel the cool air from an open window somewhere. Pat reached over, taking Alex's hand, and moved it to his hairy stomach. Alex felt the warmth of his groin, and the wetness of the thick hair, swirling under his palm. "Move it about freely. Feel my body change." Alex moved his hand up and down, studying the way the hairs responded to his touch, feeling his fingertips glide over Pat's firm body, the coat of hair spreading between his fingers, and thumb. Pat continued to stroke, creating little, wet wisp sounds, as the wet shaft became lubricated, by the copious amount of pre cum, that began to ooze from the dark head of his engorged dick.

Pat was emitting low groans, and Alex became more bold with his motion, working his way lower, and lower, in swirling moves. He occasionally would brush against the lower shaft of Pat's dick, and then circle back up the abdomen. The skin was becoming more relaxed, and warm, and the hairs were drying quickly. Pat was letting out the low hum, and Alex noticed his toes were curling downward again. "Take hold of me, young one." Pat led Alex's hand to wrap around the shaft, as Alex felt the shaft thicken into a rock solid form, allowing no more movement, and then it started throbbing, and flexing beneath his grip, as a silky smooth, almost clear load shot out of the tip, once again coating Pat's tatted body, with a shiny glaze. He groaned, and moaned under Alex's touch.

The cum stopped flowing, but Alex started to stroke the shaft up and down, feeling the slick cum create a lubricant over the head and shaft. Pat started to writhe and grunt in pleasure, arching his back, and giggling, with an open mouth, biting his lower lip, and squirming like a boy being tickled. "Oh young one, you bring me great pleasure." Pat reached his arms up, pressing his palms against the wall, and pulled his feet up, heels together, thrusting his hips, and turning his face, sniffing deeply at his armpit. Alex kept stroking, feeling Pat's dick softening, but he kept jerking at the hips, so he assumed this was good momentum. "Oh, ooooh, owwwww." Pat grunted, and tucked his chin, glancing down with a grin, as a few spurts of heavy, thick cum, shot straight up, out of his softening dick. "Ohhhh, yeahhhhh, there it is, there is isssssss." He mumbled out, his eyes rolling back, as his entire body went limp. He was breathing deeply, and going softer within Alex's fist. 

Alex let go, and stood up, quietly shuffling to the bathroom, and pulled on his briefs. He tip toed past Pat's bed, who appeared to be in a daze, looking up, and out the window, still covered in cum, his legs pulled up, and his arms tucked behind his head. Alex went back up the stairs to the loft, and got back onto the cot, pulling the sheets up to his chin. He smirked, and looked up at the ceiling, hearing the soft whisper of wind coming from an open window somewhere.

by Alexthedreamer2020

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