Over the Cliff

by TeamStilinski

14 Aug 2023 1278 readers Score 9.4 (18 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Cliff made a third circle around the block and finally made a conscious effort to park on the street. He killed the engine to his 2014 GMC Sierra 1500 and looked nervously at the house across the street. It was a squat, single-story house with dirty white siding, and all the windows had cheap looking vinyl blinds blocking any view inside. It was nearly dusk and still no lights appeared to be on inside.

Anxiously he opened his app and saw the various images of men update to his new location. BWC 7 was now listed at the top with an indication that he was only 57 ft away. Opening the chat box with said BWC 7, Cliff saw the multiple messages they had shared over the past few days. Cliff had several more glimpses of this stranger’s nice cock and Cliff had even shared several of his own. They had then made arrangements to meet and now Cliff was only a mere 57 feet away.

He hesitated above the phone’s keypad almost afraid to text. But he looked again at the large veiny shaft in the picture above and decided to write: “Here”

Three dots

“Come on in”

He’d come this far, and he wanted it so badly. As if from far away, or maybe like being controlled as a video game character would, he opened the truck door and walked across the street to the house. He tested the knob and it opened freely. Cliff was immediately greeted by the rather unpleasant odor of old cigarette smoke and he wrinkled his nose in disgust. Never a habit he really understood, but to each their own.

“Hey man,” someone called from the dark interior. Cliff squinted to find a guy on a rather used sofa, his jeans around his ankles and a white tank top over his thin torso. In his right hand was the infamous BWC 7 which he was lazily stroking and with his right hand he patted the sofa.

“Come on in, take a seat.”

Cliff swallowed hard and then at last stepped fully inside the small living room. Closing the door behind him, Cliff wanted to lock it so that no one could wander in and see them. But then he considered the need for a quick escape and left the door unlocked. He then made his way to the couch and sat down.

The light from a TV in the corner was suddenly lighting up the room and there was already straight porn queued up for viewing. It seemed BWC 7 had a thing for women with huge tits and titty fucking.

“This all good?” the stranger asked pointing at the screen. Cliff could see some of his features a bit clearer up close. He had a very narrow face, but kind of a big nose in comparison. Shaggy brown hair hung like a mop on his head and if it had been recently washed, which was a big if, it certainly hadn’t been styled.

“Yea,” Cliff croaked from a throat that felt too closed for comfort. He could practically hear his heart beating in his ears.

“First time?” the stranger studied him suddenly aware of the awkward way Cliff was perching at the edge of the couch and fiddling with the hem of his shirt.

“Yea,” Cliff answered with some embarrassment even though he knew he wasn’t being subtle.

“Damn, man, I’m sorry,” BWC 7 answered, “And here I am dick out when you open the door.”

The stranger pulled his tank top down to cover the erection, but it was still very present beneath the tented fabric.

“No, I like seeing it,” Cliff shrugged, “Just nervous.”

“For sure, man.”

Cliff liked the husky, rather raspy baritone voice. It actually was putting him at ease, and he allowed himself to sit back onto the sofa. His shoulders released some tension and he let out a sigh.

“Name’s Dusty,” the man stuck out the hand that had recently been around his dick. Cliff took it anyway and they shared a firm handshake. Cliff nervously chuckled a little.

“What’s funny?” Dusty asked with some concern.

“Sorry,” Cliff laughed, but trying to gain composure, “Just dick first, then the handshake.”

“Yea, guess we are a bit past a handshake,” Dusty laughed a bit too. It was a rough bark of laugh that Cliff found both goofy and somehow charming.

“Let’s watch some porn,” Cliff suggested, “Might relax me some more.”

“Right on, man,” Dusty nodded and hit play. The sounds of wet kissing, bodies grinding against each other, and erotic female moans filled the room. Dusty went back to stroking and his tank top was really only hiding the tip, which pressed so hard against the white material. The flaring head made a wet spot which Cliff was watching darken and grow.

Soon, Cliff’s erection was so hard it felt twisted and awkward in his pants. It flexed excitedly, longing to be set free. He stood up briefly to drop his pants and underwear around his ankles and sat back down.

“Getting into it?” Dusty asked.


“Mind if I smoke a bit?”

“Ummm, I’d rather not.”

“It’s all cool, man. That’s why I ask.”

“Your tank top is getting wet.”

“Yea,” that barking laugh again, “I leak a lot…like a lot.”

“It’s kinda hot,” Cliff was licking his lips. He enjoyed the sounds of the moaning woman, but his eyes were trained on the tented tank top and the leaking mushroom head beneath.

“Yea?” Dusty was smiling at him lasciviously. He liked that Cliff was watching him.

“Hell yea.”

“As much as I leak everywhere, I cum just as much.”

“I bet.”

“You’ve got a nice dick too,” Dusty pointed out. Cliff glanced down at his own erection. According to a moment when Mckenzie had measured it, it was about eight inches, but Cliff expected she was cheating a little. His dick tapered from a substantially thick base, a slight bend to the left, and a big hemispherical head.

“Thanks,” Cliff answered as if he wasn’t so sure.

“You don’t think so?”

“Oh, I can’t complain.”

“Could I?” Dusty motioned with his right hand, but the only answer Cliff gave was to remove his own hand slowly from his erection. Dusty took the shaft in his surprisingly soft hand and began to stroke. It was warm and just the right amount of grip.

“Oh yea,” Cliff inhaled as the fingers wrapped around his head and then slid back down.

“There’s some lube on the other side of you.”

Cliff fumbled for the bottle on the end table and passed it to Dusty. After the bottle opened and closed, Dusty’s hand returned with the fresh lubricant, and it was sublime. Cliff rolled his head back and closed his eyes. He moaned audibly in response to the sensations.

“Like that?” Dusty’s deep voice asked only inches away from Cliff’s ear and it sent shivers down his spine.

“So fucking good,” Cliff whispered.

“I think your cock is amazing,” Dusty urged, “So big and thick in my hand.”

Cliff could only moan in response.

“Making me leak everywhere.”

Cliff slit his eyes a little to see that Dusty was not lying. The lower hem of his tank top was drenched with the pre-ejaculate. As Cliff watched, Dusty moved the shirt up and the fat cock head sprang out, dousing itself in fresh fluid that shone in the light of the TV screen. It was the hottest thing Cliff had ever seen and in his intense arousal he began to cum.

“Oh shit,” Dusty chuckled as his hand was suddenly drenched. Several streams of Cliff’s fresh cum traveled lazily down the back of Dusty’s hand.

“Fuck,” Cliff felt his body still firing electrical impulses of pleasure, his muscles tightening, his cock head suddenly super sensitive to the touch.

“Look at that mess you made,” Dusty whispered in Cliff’s ear and the tickle of his breath was so wonderful. Cliff then watched as Dusty took his cum soaked hand and began to jerk himself with it. Dusty picked up speed fast and there was an audible wet fapping noise as Dusty put some serious effort into his stroke.

“Wanna see me cum?”


“I’m gonna cum so hard.”

“Cum all over.”

Dusty did just that. The cum exploded from Dusty’s fat cock head and across his partially exposed abdomen. The next burst flew between the two men and landed on the back of the sofa followed by more that landed on Dusty’s shoulder. Until this point, Dusty had been silent as he was immobilized by the pleasure, but suddenly he let out a guttural roar as several greater gouts of cum exploded all over his chest and abdomen.

“Holy shit,” Cliff was impressed, “You weren’t kidding.”

“Fuck,” Dusty was panting, “I needed that.”

“I can’t believe that really just happened,” Cliff could feel himself grinning from ear to ear.

“Be careful,” Dusty laughed, “Might become a habit.”

“Well, we wouldn’t want that.”

“I gotta say, man, you are very hot,” Dusty waved a hand over Cliff’s whole body, “You must work out.”

“I love to work out.”

“Oh, yea?” Dusty shrugged, “Always thought I should get into it, but just never took the time.”

“Oh, you should,” Cliff nodded, “Gives me so much more energy since I started. Honestly, my gym allows a guest if you wanted to check it out sometime.”

Dusty paused and eyed Cliff curiously. Cliff had been serious about the invitation but then realized that maybe they didn’t really plan to meet again. And jerking off on the couch was a far cry different from being seen together in public. Cliff immediately wondered what he had been thinking and Dusty’s silence was excruciating.

“Hell yea, man!” Dusty finally decided, and Cliff felt tension leave his shoulders.

Cliff felt so stupid and hoped his unease was not too apparent. But now that he had committed to potentially hang out again, they exchanged numbers so that it would be easier to stay in contact. Dusty got them a towel, although the mess was mostly all over Dusty, and they pulled their pants up. Cliff awkwardly inched toward the door as Dusty sat back down on the sofa.

“I’ll be in touch then,” Cliff stated as he waved in goodbye.

“For sure, man,” Cliff pulled out a cigarette and stuck it in his mouth, “Don’t be a stranger.”

Cliff went through the front door and in an equally dream-like state with which he had entered the house, he returned to his truck.

What the fucking fuck just happened?” his mind was asking him. He felt happy and thrilled and terrified and sick to his stomach. Guilt knotted inside him as he thought about going back to see Mckenzie tonight.

Did he smell like cigarette smoke? Was it on his clothes?” He began sniffing the fabric. If it was, he couldn’t notice it anymore. His mouth was dry, and his hands were shaking as he checked his phone.

Three texts and a missed call from Mckenzie.


She must have come home earlier than expected again, but the texts indicated she just wanted him to pick up something to eat on the way back. He shook off the events that had just unfolded, both figuratively and physically, and then started his truck. After the Bluetooth had connected while cruising down the road, he dialed back Mckenzie to discuss supper as if nothing had happened.

Later, after his pleasant meal with Mckenzie and a few episodes of mindless reality TV he drove back to his own apartment. He laid out on his bed and immediately pictured Dusty’s thick cock head swinging out from beneath the tank top. He opened his phone and found images of Dusty’s cock to jerk off to. He wondered what it would be like to feel that cock exploding and pouring it’s hot cum all over his body.

The deep voice, the goofy laugh, the cock exploding all over him. Cliff came and suddenly felt tired. He cleaned himself and went to sleep.

This became a routine almost every night for the next three days, obsessing over Dusty’s amazing dick before lulling him to bed. But he heard nothing from the man himself and Cliff didn’t have the nerve to text him either. On the fourth night, Cliff decided it wasn’t going to happen and he should continue his adventures elsewhere.

As the app opened, he could see that the green circle indicated BWC 7 was online. He ignored it and opened his recent messages from DL Buddy. Buddy was a slippery one and Cliff wasn’t entirely convinced he was real. But they’d had a decent back and forth one night about their hidden desires with other men. Cliff thought it was still worth exploring.

“New message from BWC 7” appeared in the notifications.

“Shit,” Cliff whispered in surprise. What could this be?

“Hey, man. How’s it going?”

“Not too bad.”

“Never heard from ya. Was hoping I would.”

“Same here.”

The three dots appeared and then disappeared. Cliff shifted anxiously in bed and decided to sit up. He nearly jumped when a text notification sounded on his phone.

“What time do you hit the gym?” appeared as a direct text to Cliff’s phone. Cliff smiled and closed the app.

“Usually about 5:30 or 6 am”

Three dots for way too long.

“Shit man, that’s insane.”


“How about Friday? You mind taking a guest still?”

“Not at all. Sounds good.”

“Coo. Shoot the addy for the dym, be there for sure… Shit, *gym”

“See you then.”

Cliff’s heart was pounding as he set his phone on the charger. He felt such a thrill of excitement racing through him and wasn’t sure he could sleep, but he was also suddenly uninterested in jerking off too. He turned on TV and watched a while until sleep found him.

Friday was only a few days away. He couldn’t wait.

by TeamStilinski

Email: [email protected]

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