Orc master

by Rickyricky1701

5 Apr 2024 977 readers Score 6.5 (8 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Chapter One

Dartans village had pilliaged by thieves. Waking up he notices he  been captured by a tribe of orcs that have taken a liking to him. They decide to present you to their chief as a new pet."Sir! We have brought back a gift!" One of the orcs says as he pushes Dartan forward. Their chief is a large Orc with long black hair, green skin, and black eyes. He is tall and muscular and stares at you curiously.

The orc chief notices Dartans huge muscles , especially for a human male. His  clothes are tattered due to being ambushed. He also notices the length of Dartans  cock under his pants. He comments on Dartans  muscles and says You are in good shape for a human male and so masculine  in appearance.

He walks up to Dartan and looks him over, reaching out to touch Dartans  muscles. "Impressive...I don't usually see humans this strong." He then takes note of your cock underneath your pants, clearly interested in it. "And such a large one too," he murmurs softly to himself before looking back up at you with a smirk on his face. "Well then, let's get you settled in then."  He leads Dartan towards a room within the tribal meeting hall where he keeps his pets. As you enter the room, he locks the door behind him and turns to Dartan with a grin on his face. "Now then, time for some fun!"

The Chief looks Dartan up and down, taking note of his impressive physique and large cock. "Well, well," he says, "looks like we have ourselves a fine specimen." He walks over to Dartan  and examines him closely, running his fingers along his  muscles before reaching down to grab hold of Dartans  cock firmly. "You're quite well-endowed for a human."
He then looks at the tear coming down Bradley's cheek and frowns slightly, "What happened to your face?" He asks, "Were you injured during the capture process?" Despite any initial concerns about Dartans condition, the Chief seems mostly focused on admiring his physical appearance.

The Chief continues to examine Dartans  body, taking in every detail while stroking his cock slowly and letting out low moans of pleasure. He pays no attention to Dartans  wounds, instead focusing solely on how perfect he is for being kept as a pet. "You're really quite beautiful, even with those injuries." He tells Dartan  with a smile before leaning in close to whisper in his ear, "I can't wait to play with you." As he speaks, he starts to undress Dartan  piece by piece, starting with his shirt and working down to his pants and underwear. When everything is removed, he stands back up and admires Dartans s naked form from head to toe, taking in every curve and muscle with delight."Now then,"