Oh, Brother!

by Jon Royale

18 Aug 2023 7652 readers Score 9.3 (33 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The following is an adult fantasy containing graphic sexual situations.   This chapter contains scenes of sexual humiliation and degradation which may be disturbing to some readers.  It is meant to be enjoyed by a mature audience.  

Twilight Manor was everything it claimed to be---and less.  Situated well off the beaten path in a thicket of tall trees it was a one-story, ell-shaped brick building which had seen better days.  It was a private facility and home to the aged.  Since state funds were not accepted for care the establishment was not required to be licensed.  Long-term residential care was surprisingly less than an average rent and paid in cash.  Naturally there were local health department inspections which the place generally passed (with a conditionally satisfactory rating.)   

Twilight was a male-only repository for those who were unwanted and forgotten by their families.  Certainly it was not the type of place most would want to send their beloved elder.  It was owned and operated by Dr. Marvin Schulman, assisted by his son, Dr. Adam.  Schulman was now fifty-three, tall and lanky with unruly shoulder-length salt-and-pepper hair, a unibrow and bushy mustache.  His spectacles always appeared to be ill-fitting, either sliding down his rather large proboscis or too high on one ear.  His appearance was one of a madcap professor.  Dr. Marvin had affection for Blood Marys, a daily habit which generally began in his office at noon.

Adam was twenty-eight and often looked as though he had crawled out of bed, thrown on yesterday's scrubs and crawled to work.  He wasn't altogether bad looking, was unmarried and a bit of a partier.  Adam had a penchant for nose candy.  The elder Schulman had high hopes that handling the overnight shift would curb his son of some of his extracurricular activities.  It hadn't.  The graveyard shift was often times dull, most of the old folks were zonked out with medication so there was much time for Adam to indulge in his unsavory vices.       

A minimal staff provided nursing and personal care managed by Head Nurse Benjamin (Benny) Soloman.  Although short-tempered, Benny was efficient but had a compulsion for the race track and was often behind his station on the phone with his bookie placing bets.  Benny was not generally lucky.  The overnight ten-to-seven shift was covered by over-sexed Richard (Dickie) Gladstone, a slightly overweight young man freshly out of nursing school who had an obsession for internet porn.  He spent most of his shift at his post either watching video at Porn Hub or reading amateur stories on GayDemon.  Dickie wasn't particular how he got his rocks off.

Along with Dr. Adam and Dickie Gladstone the only other personnel on site during the twilight hours was Horace Samuels, a young twenty-one-year old with no medical background.  He was there solely to assist the others.  Truth is, with the geezers zonked out for the night there usually wasn't much to do so Horace generally caught up with his sleep in one of the unused rooms.  Occasionally Dickie would slip into the room and give him a blow job and sometimes, if he felt like it, Horace would throw him a fuck.  Although unsubstantiated, he had a feeling the same thing was going on with Dr. Adam, the coke head. 

Horace's younger brother was known as Bozo, because of his big schnoz, and buddy to Donny Wilson.  Thankfully Horace hadn't inherited the Durante nose.  Horace was actually fairly decent looking.  Both girls and guys came on to him a lot.  Horace shared details of his conquests with his nineteen-year-old brother; Bozo, likewise.  Horace was especially titillated upon hearing of the night of debauchery at Bozo's friend Dawg's place when brother Donny served up his little bro to all his buds.  Horace had seen Billy Wilson around.  Good looking kid. Would never thought the type to take a dicking.  What especially interested Horace was learning that the boy wasn't a willing participant---at least not at first---and that his older brother was forcing him as some kind of sick revenge.  Horace was just kinky enough to get into domination, coercion and degradation. Although not the shiniest crystal in the chandelier he quickly came up with the germ of an idea for Bozo to propose to Donny.

Donny went for it whole-heartedly.  He had thought Billy's gang bang at the hands of his grubby buddies was wholly demeaning but what Bozo's bro had in mind was thoroughly immoral.  So far he had put his little prick brother through some fairly shameful paces, such as selling his ass like a cheap whore at the queer road house and then getting him fucked by super-hung, dim-witted Scratch and the others in hairy hound Dawg's basement.  But this proposed scenario was totally unconscionable.  Billy would be mortified.  Served him right, strutting around like he was some sort of golden boy all the time.  Getting all the love and praise from their folks while Donny was treated like an outcast.  Donny was amassing the blackmail material, photos and video of Billy taking cock down his throat and up his ass.  Stupid little fuck kept doing it to keep Donny from showing the damning evidence to the folks.  Meanwhile, Donny was gathering even more.  All it would take was one more pounding from their father, one more using pristine little Billy as the model for what kind of son he should be and Donny would let the bomb drop. That should shut loud mouth Tom Wilson up.  The folks would be putty in his hands, afraid of what Donny might do with the proof.  And he had no qualm about disgracing Billy or the family by putting it out there on the 'net or, better yet, posting it on the kid's high school FB page.  Sure it would be taken down but not before enough eyes saw what Billy Wilson was really into.

Together Horace and Donny formulated the plan.  Horace truly was a sick fuck although, being Bozo's brother, that came as no surprise to Donny.  Their entire plan hinged on the cooperation of nurse Dickie Gladstone.  Horace approached the subject with Dickie late one evening while Dr. Adam was in a coke stupor.  After Dickie had given him some pretty decent head and was munching on his load Horace told him what he had in mind.  Dickie was just decadent enough to be interested but expressed some reservations.  Horace and Donny had already anticipated a bit of reluctance.  Horace hit up Donny's phone, Donny sent over a file which Horace played for Dickie, who gawked as images of the cutest young thing he'd ever seen indulging in hedonistic sex flashed before him.  The lad was a teen dream!  Dickie was instantly on board, provided he got to fuck---or be fucked by----the gorgeous creature.

Several nights later Donny crept into Billy's bedroom at the midnight hour and roused him from his sleep.  Billy, who had nodded off only a short time before, thought to object but Donny clamped a big hand over his mouth and huskily whispered, "Shut the fuck up unless you want to wake up the folks.  Now get outa that bed.  We're goin' on a road trip."

Billy was already on high alert.  What did his barbaric brother have in store for him now?  "I've got a big exam in the morning," he objected.  "I need to rest."

Donny snorted.  "Ain't you supposed to be the smart one?  You'll figure it out.  Now, let's move!"

Reluctantly Billy got out of bed and reached for the t-shirt and jeans neatly folded on top of his dresser.  Donny snatched them out of his hands and carelessly tossed them aside.  "You ain't gonna be needin' them," he announced maliciously.  Clad only in pajama bottoms, sans underwear, Billy sheepishly followed his big bully brother out of the room.  They carefully crept down the hallway so as not to disturb their folks, descended the front staircase and abruptly halted when Donny caught sight of Tom Wilson lounging in his armchair.  Sighting the bottle of Scotch by his side Donny quickly deduced that his lousy father was either asleep or passed out. Putting a finger to his lips to warn Billy he moved to the rear of the house, through the kitchen, and out the back door. 

There was a full moon and a chill to the night air.  Billy shivered, broke out in gooseflesh and his pert nipples popped out from his smooth chest.  He was barefoot and the pebbles, asphalt and overgrown grass were unforgiving.  Donny maneuvered him around the side of the house to the front where his beat-up car awaited.  Opening the passenger door he shoved Billy inside and then took his place behind the wheel.

"Where are we going, Donny?" Billy asked.

"Shut the fuck up!" Donny once again told him with that ever-present scowl.  "You'll know when we get there!"

They drove in virtual silence with Billy wondering what horrible thing Donny had in store for him.  If only he hadn't been with old man Hallahan that fateful day!  Correction: if only Donny hadn't caught him with old man Hallahan that fateful day.  Up until then he had everything under control.  And then the power shifted to his mean, ugly brother.  Well, that wasn't entirely true.  Donny wasn't really ugly; his personality was.  He was sure Donny had lots of girlfriends.  None of good breeding, but still he was fairly certain Donny had no problem getting pussy.  Neither would he.  Whereas Donny was muscular and dark Billy was fair skinned and light haired with a trim and toned swimmer's body.  He had been using that to his advantage, enticing the men who secretly desired that type of teenage boy to live out their sexual fantasies.  It was all so he could amass a decent chunk of change in order to further his education and be the one Wilson to make something of his self.  It had been going so well.  Until Donny stepped in.

The things Donny forced him to do were shameful.  Under the threat of exposure to their parents, his schoolmates and probably the rest of the town Billy begrudgingly followed Donny's orders.  It had been humiliating laying nude atop the hood of Donny's car in the parking lot of that road house allowing one anonymous guy after another to fuck him.  And Donny was selling his ass practically for peanuts!  If he'd been in charge he would have made a lot more.  After a while he hadn't even minded the fucking anymore.  It was the thought of lost revenue which really galled him.

And then to be used as a free piece for all of Donny's grotesque friends.  One was more disgusting than the other.  He had tried not to show it but once they gave him a sniff of some sort of enhancer all bets were off.  He was floating on a euphoric cloud.  It was a night for the record books, although not one he intended to repeat.  At least, not without compensation. 

Donny was driving down some unfamiliar roads on the rural side of town.  Billy couldn't imagine what his mean brother had cooked up for him this time.   After that motley crew of the other night he couldn't fathom anything nastier.  How he wished he could somehow get hold of Donny's phone and delete all the damning files.  Without them it was only Donny's word to shame him.  And everyone in town knew Donny was a liar and a creep.  No one would believe him.  Well, except for old Mr. Hallahan, who knew better.  

Donny pulled off the roadway onto a crumbling drive which led behind high, concealing trees.  Billy felt a moment of fear, wondering who, or what, he might encounter in such a remote spot.  Just as he was about to voice concern the forest opened onto the lot housing the Twilight Manor.  Totally unfamiliar with the place Billy found it all a bit creepy.  Lights above the canopied main entrance cast an eerie glow over the cracked, nearly deserted parking area.  Billy made out three vehicles, otherwise he might have considered the place deserted.  Donny pulled into a spot and killed the engine.

"What is this place?" Billy asked, nervously peering out of the windshield.

"You'll find out," Donny ominously grumbled.  "Now get out!"

Fully aware of his state of undress Billy stepped out onto the gravel pavement, wincing as it dug into his bare feet.  "Come on, we ain't got all night!" Donny ordered, not caring about his brother's discomfort.  Billy managed his way to the front of the building and waited with Donny by the glass front doors.  Donny dialed some digits on his phone and announced their arrival.

In short order a young man with unruly, longish hair wearing work coveralls, the sleeves rolled up past his minimal biceps, appeared at the door.  Donny nodded at him.  The stranger grinned and turned the lock on the door to allow them entrance.  Donny gave Billy a rude shove and followed him inside. Billy was instantly overwhelmed by the smell of stale urine and disinfectant.  He had the feeling he was in some sort of run-down hospital.

"Everythin's good to go," the attendant told Donny while relocking the door behind them.  Billy had a feeling the guy was high on something---or else extremely excited.  Maybe a little of both.

"What about the doc?"  Donny inquired.

The other one whistled and winked, "Out like a light on the couch in his office.  What the patients didn't get, he did.  No worries.  He'll be out for hours."

So it was a hospital!  But what kind of health center would be located out here in the boonies?  The place certainly looked nothing like their local medical center, at least what Billy had so far seen of it.  It was kind of creepy.  And this Janitor-looking type did little to dispel Billy's unease.  He was unshaven, his outfit was worn, stained and unbuttoned down to mid-chest and his finger nails looked encrusted with grime.  He looked more like a gas station attendant that a hospital employee. 

The attendant ran his eyes up and down Billy with a hungry, enlivened look and absently squeezed his crotch.  "I'm Horace," he announced.  "I hear you know my brother, Bozo." 

Billy's eyes flared.  Donny's smarmy friend, Bozo.  The one with the big nose who had eaten his asshole, fucked him and then later fed him a load.  This brother appeared, at least genetically, not as unattractive as Bozo.  Billy fleetingly wondered if his cock was anyway near as big before guiltily banishing the thought from his mind.  He suddenly had the feeling he was brought here to be Horace's whore for the night.  Bozo must have told him all the raunchy things he had done to him and now older brother wanted some of the action.  If so, this wouldn't be all that bad.

Or, so Billy thought.

There were two corridors to the facility.  One ran the front length of the building, the other straight back.  Horace led them down the later.  Billy warily followed with Donny in the rear, giving him a shove every now and then to urge him forward.  Doors were closed along both sides of the hallway, the patient’s rooms in this strange hospital, Billy figured.  He detected some rustling behind some of them, occasionally a painful moan.  Obviously this Horace character worked here.  If Donny wanted Bozo's brother to do him why did it have to be at his job?

Midway down the hallway they came upon the nurses' station.  A pudgy, rosy-cheeked young man in scrubs, who looked more choir boy than nurse, bumbled up from behind the computer screen he'd been interestedly watching and nervously gathered himself together.  Billy was certain this one had been playing with his crotch, probably watching porn while on the time clock, and unaware of their impending presence.

"Which room first?" Horace asked him impatiently.

"Th-this way," Dickie Gladstone nervously (or excitedly) responded, stepping out from behind his station.  He was flustered by seeing Billy.  The boy was even more appealing in person than he had been on video.  Cute, wholesome face, nice, lean body with a slim waist those pj bottoms were provocatively riding low upon and just enough teenage musculature.  Dickie couldn't want to get his hands on the super-cute boy.

Dickie led them a short distance, stopped before a room on the right and opened the door, stepping back to allow all three entrance.  The interior was dimly lit but was enough for the others to make out the occupants.  There were two.  Lying on his back on one of the beds, head tilted back with mouth open and snoring rather loudly was an ancient man with a creased face and nearly bald head.  The other was awake.  Wide awake.  Sitting in an armchair in the corner with his night shirt lifted to his waist and flogging his erect dick this one appeared somewhat younger and apparently more vivacious than his roommate.  He looked well fed, had a round, liver spotted face, thin hair sprouting from his scalp and an animated look in his surprisingly sparkling eyes.  His tongue was hanging from the corner of his mouth as he diligently worked his piece.

"That's William there in the bed.  He's goin' on ninety," Horace told them with a grin.  "The other one is Chester.  He's seventy-nine."

"Does he always beat off?" Donny inquired disgustedly.

Dickie snorted.  "Are you kidding?  Most of these guys can't even get it up anymore."

"Well, that sure looks like a woody to me that he's yankin' on," Donny snickered.

"They had a special treat in their medicine cup tonight," Dickie informed them with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.  "A little enhancement I arranged for them."  The other evening it had been a cinch to lift Dr. Adam's keys to the medicine room when he was passed out in his office and secure the container of Viagra housed there, usually for Dr. Marvin's personal use.

"Sammy?  Is that you, Sammy?"  Old Chester had spotted his visitors and was looking directly at Billy.  "Look Sammy!  Daddy's got a hard-on!"

Horace chuckled.  Dickie conspiratorially told them, "Sam is his son.  According to the records him and his sister put Chester in here eight years ago.  Neither one of them has been to visit him since.  Not unusual.  It's the same for mostly all of the patients here."

"Come over here, boy," Chester motioned with an arthritic hand, not the one he was jerking himself with.  "Come play with Daddy's pee-pee like you used to."

Horace nearly doubled over with barely contained laughter.  "Old fuck must've been diddling with his boy back in the day!  Oh, fuck, would love for Tom to come visitin'.  I'd really put the screws to him!"

Dickie gave Horace a sour look.  Although he swung a great dick and could fuck as well as the rest sometimes Horace was an asshole.  "He has advancing dementia," Dickie explained to the Wilson brothers.  "Common for residents of a nursing home.  Some are full blown Alzheimer’s.  Sad."  Directing his attention to beautiful Billy, he said, "Right now he thinks you're his son Sam when he was your age."

Billy's eyes widened.  So this was an old folk’s home, not a hospital.  He now had a pretty good idea why Donny had brought him out here.  His brother wanted to further degrade him by forcing him to make it with these gnarled old men!  Was there no limit to Donny's malice?  Hadn't he already humiliated him enough?  If it was just Bozo's brother, or even the chubby, amoral nurse, that would be one thing.  But not these octogenarians!

"Drop your drawers and go play with your daddy, Sammy," Donny commanded.  When Billy hesitated Donny grabbed his pj's by the rear, crudely yanked them down and shoved him forward.  With his feet caught up in the pajama's Billy lost his balance and fell forward, landing on hands and knees between Chester's legs. 

Dickie gasped and his, well, dickie sprang to attention.   Down on the floor Billy's pert little ass was thrust out in their direction.  The contours of those fleshy twin orbs curving outward so lush and smooth and the inviting pucker of his asshole had Dickie salivating.  It took all his stamina not to dive forward, bury his face in that butt and eat like a fat man at a buffet.  Likewise, Horace was breathing heavily as his hard-on tapped against the front of his uniform.  He recalled all the vile things Bozo claimed to have done with the teen and had the overwhelming desire to tap that sexy ass. 

Billy glanced up at the hard dick surrounded by all-white crotch hair and then over his shoulder at the others with an innocent, pleading look on his face.  It was enough to make Dickie whimper and Horace groan.  Even Donny, generally immune to Billy's appeal, felt a surge of carnal desire.  Later he cursed himself for not having his phone at the ready to capture the spectacle.  "Suck the dick!" he ordered. 

Defeated, Billy diverted his attention to the task at hand.  There was no getting around it.  He would have to service this old man's meat.  Assessing it he decided the cock looked pretty much like any other, despite the gent's advanced years.  Seemed to him that, although the body got older, the dick pretty much stayed the same.  It wouldn't be so bad.  He'd sucked off Mr. Hallahan a few times and that one was only a few years younger than this man, Billy figured.  At least with Hallahan he was being rewarded with some of his social security benefit.  This latest in Donny's twisted game would be done gratis.

Deciding the sooner he started the quicker it would (hopefully) be over, Billy set to the task at hand.  Fighting back a wave of revulsion he closed his eyes and swiped his tongue up the underbelly of the dick.  It wasn't bad.  Rather average.  Not horse hung like some of Donny's friends, but a good solid seven inches or so.  From the first lick Chester was quivering all over.  Billy figured in this place it had been a while since the old fart had received any attention.  He had ceased jerking his beef and allowed Billy to take over. 

"That's it, Sammy," he babbled.  "You're such a good boy.  Do it just like Daddy taught you."

Billy figured the guy wasn't in his right mind but, what the heck, if he wanted to think he was his son, Sammy, let him.

"Wouldja lookit this shit!" Horace was wonderstruck and tugging more aggressively at the crotch of his uniform.  "He's really suckin' the old fuck's dick!"  Of course, Bozo had given him a play-by-play recount of what went on in Dawg's basement but seeing the action live was a totally different game.

Billy painted the dick in spit with long, hungry licks, curled his tongue around the head and dug into the wide slit.  A pearl of piss graced his taste buds.  Fighting momentary revulsion Billy slipped his lips over the crown and slovenly sucked on it while stroking the shaft with his fist.  The sooner the golden-ager got off the sooner this would be over.  At least he hoped so.  He shuddered to think how the cum would taste.  Probably like spoiled mushroom, he guessed. 

"Take more," Chester prattled on, placing both hands atop Billy's head and attempting to compel him down.  "All the way, like you used to do, Sammy."

Billy gulped and forced himself to take more of the old cock.  He ate his way down the shaft until the head was pressed against the entrance to his throat.  The thing was throbbing wildly inside the warm, wet cavern of his mouth.  Donny, who had come in from the side, probably for a bird's eye view snarled, "All of it, he said, bitch!"  What sounded like a muffled protest came from the teenager who nevertheless gulped the cock down into his throat.  His smooth, cute and clear face was nestled in the old man's fragrant white bush.  Detecting the soft click of a phone cam Billy knew his rotten brother was adding to his already damning gallery.

Billy slid his mouth up and down the engorged pole, plunging the head deeply into his throat each time.  He worked feverishly on all seven inches, desperately wanting to get this grandpa off so he could go home and get back to sleep.  Chester was babbling incoherently, obviously enjoying what "Sammy" was doing to him, so it shouldn't be long before he spunked.  Billy moved more forcefully, diving down on the boner and mercilessly raping his own throat. 

Dickie had his chubby cock out of his scrubs and was unashamedly stroking it as he fantasized the cute teen giving him the same treatment.  "What about this one over here?" Donny demanded, breaking into his reverie.  "Is he dead?"

"William sleeps a lot," Dickie explained.  "He's on several antipsychotic meds."

"Does his dick get hard?" Donny wanted to know.

Dickie shrugged.  "Gave him a pill same as Chester.  It's possible."

Donny grabbed Billy by the hair and yanked him off Chester, dragging the boy away from the protesting old man.  While Horace stepped in to calm Chester down Donny shoved Billy toward the hospital bed and the relic lying on it.  In his sleep William looked every bit of ninety, if not more.  His features were gaunt, eye sockets sunken and open, snoring mouth toothless.  Dickie scrambled over to remove the sheet covering the patient and lifted his gown.

"What the fuck is that?" Donny asked upon seeing the tube coming out of the gash in the geezer's dick.

"Catheter," Dickie told him.  "William has bladder and kidney issues.  Not uncommon for men of his advanced years.  Give me a sec and I'll remove it."

"No," Donny barked, eyeing the tube running down to a bag attached to the side of the bed.  "Leave it there."  To Billy, "Get down there and wake up his dick!"

Billy looked horrified, "Donny, NO!"  It would be like sucking a corpse.

"Fuckin' make him do it!" Horace prodded animatedly.  This entire happening was sick as hell, but perversion was right up Horace's alley. 

Showing Billy who was in charge Donny roughly grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and forced his face down to the comatose man's exposed crotch.  "Lick that dick!" he commanded as he held his brother's head in place.  Positioned to the side of the bed Donny's larger framed body was flush against his brother's.  His groin was unintentionally pressed into Billy's squirming ass.  Billy was almost certain that under his denim Donny had a hardon!

The stench was offensive.  It was a combination of piss and funk.  Obviously the staff did a shoddy job of bathing this patient.  Billy whimpered as he looked down at the cock lying along one of the man's bony thighs.  It was a long, pale and translucent thing.  Billy could clearly see even the tiniest vein under the fragile-looking skin.  The lips at the head were gaping to allow the tube entrance.  He let out a small gasp when a flow of dark yellow urine came up out of the hollow and traveled down the length of hose. 

"Lick it, I said!"  Donny angrily ordered, mashing his face into the sleeping man's goods.  Billy emitted a small cry, swallowed back the bile rising in his throat and laid his tongue on the resting penis.  With long licks he bathed the dick, fighting the revulsion at what he was being forced to do.  Those anonymous men in the parking lot and Donny's degenerate friends were one thing, but this was sinking to the depths of lechery.  For a fleeting moment he thought of opposing Donny and putting an end to his brother's depraved extortion.  Taking a chance that the scourge wouldn't carry through with his threat.  But, then again, what if he did?  Billy would be disgraced. 

Better to accede, at least for now.  In a few months, with any luck, he'd be far away in college and out of Donny's twisted grasp.

"Around the piss tube," Donny instructed, his camera at the ready.  "Lick around the piss tube.  And do it like you like it!"  Billy wanted to cry.  But he followed Donny's orders.  He lapped around the tube at the point where it disappeared into the crown and even burrowed a bit into the already crowded piss slit.  As another wave of piss bubbled up Billy licked the tube, almost as if he was tracing the urine's progress. 

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Dickie sobbed and shot his load across the floor.  Horace snickered, both at Dickie's premature release and the degeneracy of Billy's lurid actions.  There was a huge wet spot on the crotch of his uniform from his excited leakage.  Oh, how he couldn't wait to get his dick in this young slut!

It was then that an amazing thing happened.  Although still in his unconscious state, William's dick began to stir.  As they all watched with amazement the cock expanded to large, then even larger, dimensions.  When it had completely unfurled and was standing proud and tall it had to measure more than a foot!  Billy's lower lip quivered and he took the majestic tower by its base with one hand and ran the other up and down its surface.  He knew, without being told, it was what Donny would want him to do.  Besides, he was as astonished as the others at this unexpected discovery.  Moving in he sucked along the bloated belly of the thing from head to balls and back again.   His tongue lashed out at the cock, swirling around its now-heated surface and making it slickly wet.  Billy actually found himself mesmerized by the enormous dick of the still-snoring elder!

Not entirely sure what had possessed him Billy took one long lick up the shaft.  Reaching the crest he enveloped the head, piss tube and all, and slurped it into his mouth.  He eagerly lapped and sucked, taking it to the back of his throat while both hands fisted the shaft.  The hard, thick cock filling his mouth was warm and throbbing even though its master was in dream land.  Billy gave Donny the photo opportunity he wanted, gurgling with wild passion around the old man's dick.  His mouth moved up and down on the solid organ, taking a bit more of it each time.  Inch after inch of geriatric meat slid down into his throat.  Billy choked, he gagged but he doggedly persisted in taking as much as he could handle.  His eyes were streamed with tears, his cheeks were bulging and his face had turned bright crimson.  But he didn't stop.  Although he didn't quite reach the base there was more down his throat than not.  With the huge thing buried deep he slovenly massaged it with his throat muscles. 

Horace was whooping and hollering like at a rodeo.  Dickie was already stroking himself to a second orgasm and Donny was busily recording the event.  They all seemed to have forgotten there was another in the room.  A sudden clatter from behind reminded them.  Old Chester was bounding forward within the frame of his walker, his dressing gown hiked up and resting over the curve of his erection. 

"Sammy!  Sammy, boy, what did I tell you about bothering your grandpa when he's getting his rest?"  Coming directly behind Billy, who was bent at the waist at the bedside, he tossed the walker aside, took the young man by the hips and speared him with his dick.  He missed, instead riding his prick up Billy's smooth split.  He made another stab.  Missed again, this time gliding it down through Billy's perineum and under his balls.  Third time proved to be the charm.  His chunky monkey shot right through Billy's ring and plowed straight through his guts.  Billy grunted around his mouthful of cock, taken by surprise by the old man.  Chester literally froze.  Although he hardly remembered, it had been a long while since his dick had been in a hot, tight hole. 

"Is the old fuck havin' himself a heart attack?" Donny worried.

Horace shrugged and snorted, "Who cares?  We need the beds."

By then Chester had regained his senses.  Well, at least some of them.  Holding onto Billy's trim hips to steady his precarious balance he fucked the boy with short, fast jabs.  Billy choked on William's huge dick, fearing what his school buddies would do if they ever found out what he'd gotten himself mixed up in.  If Donny showed even one of them this photo set it would be all over the school.  He'd be ruined!  Donny literally had had him by the balls and there was no clear way he could see to extricate himself from this mess.  For now, he had to do the terrible things Donny wanted.  They were progressively becoming worse.  Donny wouldn't stop no matter how badly he shamed him.  After tonight, what could possibly be next?    

"Sammy, honey, your hot little pussy hole is so good! Better even than your Mommy's!  Just you wait!  Daddy's gonna shoot you full of brothers and sisters, Sammy baby," the excited man babbled.  For an old guy he was fucking Billy's butt fairly hard, plugging the boy's sleek asshole with his randy manroot.  The spectators all noticed that Billy's pretty teen cock was hard as steel and dripping a steady stream of pre-cum.  Although he might be protesting, his dick was telling another tale.  Dickie felt the urge to squat down in front of the boy and provide some oral relief to that beautiful, suckable teen dick.  It was a challenge but he somehow managed to restrain himself.

Billy sucked hard on William's dick using everything he knew to get the oldster off as quickly as possible.  His jaws were spread impossibly wide to accommodate the huge meat and bothersome plastic tube.  His tongue repeatedly massaged the thick bloated vein running along the underside. He swallowed it whole time and again, actually impressed with himself for performing such a feat.  He supposed it came from all the practice he had the other night with Donny's hung buddies.  Just a few months ago he never suspected he'd become an accomplished cocksucker.  It was something he had not aspired to be. 

While old William might be, for all intents and purposes, dead to the world his cock was alive and throbbing.  The blood was pounding through the bloated veins just barely beneath the surface of the proud piece.  Billy snorted like a hog, his nostrils flared as he madly stuffed his face with old man meat.  His aggressiveness soon paid off.  William's snore became a mournful moan, his frail body went tense and his big dick convulsed, sending globs of senior cum down the plastic tubing and into the awaiting bag.  Billy came off it and frantically pumped the rod in his fist, releasing the last of the octogenarian's load.  William's body relaxed and, with a satisfied smile on his crinkled features, resumed his rest.

Chester followed almost immediately after.  With the shout of a dying man he stuffed his dick deep and released his load, all the while chanting "Sammy, my Sammy!"  Dickie dutifully came up behind to steady and assist him back to his bed, where he quickly fell off into slumber.  Billy was up on his knees, panting heavily and wiping his wet mouth with the back of a hand.  His youthfully muscular body gleamed with a sheen of sweat. 

"Do you have to take that thing out to empty it?" Donny asked, pointing at the catheter bag.  Dickie explained the process to which Donny barked, "Do it!"  Dickie went about the business of removing the bag and attaching another.  Donny took possession of the used model, grinned evilly and stepped over to his fatigued brother.  "Drink, bitch! he ordered.

Billy froze, horrified.  The clear bag was half full of yellow urine and thick chunks of cum.  Shaking his head and attempting to back away he protested.  "NO! NO!"  But suddenly Horace was down on his knees behind him, steadying him with an arm around his chest.  The loathsome attendant roughly grabbed his hair by the roots and yanked his head back with a sadistic giggle.  Billy continued to shake his head from side to side and clamped his lips tightly shut.  Still holding him by the hair Horace reached around with the other hand and promptly clamped his nostrils.  Billy bucked and flailed as his oxygen was cut short.  Just as he felt certain he would lose consciousness he parted his lips to catch a breath and Donny pounced.  Placing the opening of the bag to Billy's lips he upended it.

Foul warm liquid poured into his gasping mouth and filled the orifice.  Although he attempted to spit it out Horace had him in such a hold that he was unable.  He had no choice but to reluctantly swallow.  Revulsion knotted his stomach and he thought sure he would puke on the stuff.  There was so much that he couldn't keep up with it.  Urine and cum drained from his gaping mouth over his chin and ran down his torso.  When the bag was nearly empty Donny lifted it over Billy's face.  With the nasty deed complete an insanely cackling Horace released his hold.  Billy knelt there utterly degraded with piss dripping from his brows, lashes, nose and chin.  His chest was rising and falling heavily as he attempted to catch his breath after the horrific ordeal.

"Where to next?" Donny inquired of the other two.  Next?  Billy shuddered.  After the fiendish things he'd been forced to endure he would have thought that would be enough!  But vicious Donny wasn't through with him yet.

Dickie led them directly across the hall to another shared room.  There they encountered another pair of elderly patients, both awake but appearing not all that alert.  Billy stood there piss wet, shivering and looking altogether stunned by recent events.  He had no idea how appealing he looked in his naked teenage dumbfounded splendor.  Dickie, the dutiful but nasty nurse, went over to the overweight one.  Turning down the bedcovers from the confused man's bulk he spoke to him as if to a child.

"We have a treat for you tonight, Edgar.  You like treats, don't you?  This is a verrrrrrrrrry special one.  You're going to like it a lot."  He lifted the man's dressing gown, revealing the adult underwear covering his privates.  As he moved to remove it Donny halted him.

"Let him do that," he gruffly commanded.  Giving his brother a shove, he said, "Get over there and take off his diaper."  Defeated, a forlorn Billy shuffled forward and set to work removing the undergarment.  A delighted Donny was capturing the entire sequence on cam video. 

"Looks like old Edgar here made himself a bit of a mess again," Horace chuckled once the shit holster had been removed.  Thankfully, for Billy's sake, it wasn't a number two. 

"Let me clean him up," Dickie, the ever attendant nurse, offered.

"I tole you, let him do it!"  Donny barked.  Dickie moved to supply some wipes but Donny halted him again.  "Not like that.  He's gonna do it with his tongue.  Now get the fuck down there, Billy.  An' don't make me hafta tell you twice!"

Billy gave Donny a sad, downcast look.  Tired, a dejected Billy nevertheless crawled onto the hospital bed between the chubby old man's legs.  Pausing for a moment he swallowed hard and then began licking the oldster's privates.  He lapped the insides of his thighs and dangling balls before attending to the main event, the cock.  After William's big fella, this one was mercifully short.  Everything tasted of stale piss but was more tolerable than what he had previously endured.  Billy licked like a mother cat cleaning her young.  Edgar's cock began to stir.

"Eat his asshole!" Donny snarled.  Pretending not to have heard, as if that would have gotten him off the hook, Billy sucked on Edgar's inflating dick.  But Donny was having none of that. 

"Get his legs up so's he can get at it," Donny told the other two.  Dickie obediently got on one side of the bed; Horace, the other.  Taking Edgar by the back of his lower leg and under the knee they lifted and spread, baring fat man's ass.  "Eat, motherfucker!"

Choking back repulsion Billy reluctantly lowered his face to the spread rump.  His nose crinkled at the gamey smell emanating from the brown eye, which looked moist and somewhat slimy.  With a strained whimper he flicked his tongue over the rosebud.  Although it was questionable whether he was cognizant of his position, Edgar mewled and bucked against his face.  Billy cringed at the sour taste but, fearful of Donny's punishment, lapped at the ass.  Edgar's dick instantly shot to full hardness, although only a mere five and a half inches. 

Billy hated Donny more now than ever before.  Still, he ran his tongue along the ass split and over the moist pucker in order to pacify his tormentor.  The recipient of his reluctant intentions certainly wasn't complaining.  The portly old man was moaning and quivering every time Billy swiped over his shit hole. 

"Enough with the fuckin' foreplay," Donny interjected angrily.  "Get your tongue in his hole and eat him out!"

Billy sniffled and zeroed in on the target, lashing out specifically on old Edgar's asshole.  He began tonguing the wrinkled, swollen pucker.  He cried out in exasperation when he bore through the hole and slipped inside the murky, funky depths.  With his face buried in the old man's ample buttocks he washed his licker around the insides of the gamey hole.  Amid hoots and hollers from Horace and encouragement from Dickie young Billy tongue fucked the elderly man, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the attention.

When Donny's barbarous interest had been fulfilled he ordered Billy atop the portly fellow.  Billy begrudgingly straddled Edgar's groin while the other two assisted in directing asshole to cock.  He rode the short chubby for only a short while before Edgar convulsed inside him.  Donny immediately directed him to the other bed where the roommate had donned his 'specs and was stroking his hard old cock while delightedly watching the action.  Billy mounted this man, rode him through ejaculation and was doubly "rewarded" when the old timer released a stream of warm piss into his cum loaded pussy.

They went from room to room.  Billy lost count of how many geriatric dicks he sucked and fucked.  It was now after three in the morning and he was beyond worn out.  Cum was oozing from his hole and leaking down the insides of his thighs as he stumbled to the next.  They entered a darkened room, Dickie threw on the lights and Billy saw that the private room was empty.  Could this mean his ordeal was finally over?

Fat chance, Billy.

"Your turn," Donny allowed the others.  "Do whatever in fuck you want with him."

Billy gave them a pleading look.  But these two had been waiting all evening for a piece of the action, their cocks were straining with expectation and they were not to be deterred.  Horace had an especially insane gleam to his eyes that sent a chill down the boy's bare spine.  While Dickie was busily stepping out of his scrubs Horace grabbed hold of Billy, lifted him off his feet and rudely tossed him face down on the bed.  Billy scrambled to set himself right which resulted in his weight resting on knees and forearms with his perfectly juicy teen butt pushed out toward them. 

If Donny ever had a doubt, once Horace stripped off his facility-issued coveralls there was no denying he and Bozo were blood brothers.  Their cocks were nearly identical.  Ten or more beefy inches of almost obscene looking meat, its crown barely peeking out of it at least two inches of dark, thick foreskin pulsed maddeningly from the tall, lanky young man's loins.  Horace swiftly moved forward onto the bed behind Billy and briefly took stock of his luscious ass before smacking it.  Billy jerked when the attendant's hand landed its first blow on his buttocks.  Horace lifted his other arm far back and struck the other.  With a sadistic leer he continued to strike both cheeks in succession loudly, forcing young Billy to cry out, until his firm cheeks were rosy red. 

Meanwhile, Dickie had hoisted his bulk to the front of the bed, leaning back on the headboard with his chunky legs to either side of Billy and his cock in the boy's face.   Crudely grabbing Billy by the back of his head he forced him down to his meaty crotch.  Billy had little choice but to take the dick in.  Once Billy's lips were on him Dickie excitedly thrust his groin upward and speared his seven thickset inches into the boy's mouth.  After some of the atrocities he had endured this evening Dickie's dick was something of a relief.  He wrapped his lips around the shaft and sucked it deeply into his mouth, causing Dickie to moan appreciatively.  Dickie's pudgy hand was in his hair, practically pulling it out as Billy worked him.  He nursed the head, swirled his tongue around the cock and finally took it into his throat. 

Callously admiring his handiwork on the now-burning buttocks Horace brought his monster cock up to the split of Billy's ass and roughly shoved it inside.  Billy grunted around the mouthful of dick he was sucking.  Reminisces of Bozo flashed before his tortured eyes.  After the nearly dozen loads (or so) deposited up his hole this evening Horace easily glided in clear down to his thick, unruly public patch.  Throwing back his long, greasy hair, Adam's apple prominent, he gasped, "Fuck, this is better even than Betsy Jarvis's hairy pussy!"  Taking Billy by slim, tight hips he began pummeling that ass with long, full-throttle strokes.  His big dick tore through the boy's ravaged colon with a punishing force.  Donny gleefully observed while snapping damning remembrances.  Bozo's twisted brother was the perfect nemesis for Billy-boy.

Horace slapped a palm against Billy's right cheek, already bright red from his earlier assault, and cackled maniacally at the way it made the lad's stuffed asshole tighten up.  He leveled a stinging blow to the other side, then the other, then back again, loving the way Billy's pussy grabbed his big prick with each forceful slap.  Reaching over the kid's bucking body he grabbed him by the hair, yanked his head to the side to spit on his cute face and then shoved him down on Dickie's meat.  He used force to crush Billy's face into Dickie's groin and held him there beyond the point of the boy's struggling.  Billy was suffocating on Dickie's cock.  When his hands were beating the mattress to either side of the nurse Horace wrenched him up.  With saliva pouring from his lips, snot dripping from his nose and tears draining from his eyes Billy hoarsely gasped for breath.  Gut fucking him even more forcefully Horace allowed him only a few moments before shoving him back down on Dickie.  Using both hands with their dirt-encrusted nails he shoved Billy's head up and down as if he was nothing more than a rag doll. 

Dickie's head was back on his shoulders while his tongue lolled out and his eyes rolled up in their sockets.  His balls were buzzing and he felt that familiar hum deep in his belly.  His breath was coming in short, hard chugs and his dick felt hard as steel.  "Oh fuck!" he cried breathlessly.  "I-I'm gonna cum!"  And, with a strangled cry, he did.  Surges of hot cum shot down Billy's throat as the boy choked and gagged.  "Take that fuckin load, bitch!" Horace snarled as he held Billy in place, forcing him to capture every drop.  Dickie's hips bucked, driving the exploding cock deep into the boy's esophagus and drowning him in salty semen.

Once Dickie was drained Horace pulled Billy's mouth free of the cock, yanked his head back again as he came up over the boy and rode him like a horse.  His big cock bore down into Billy's wrecked cunt, slamming his prostate with each savage hump.  Horace was an animal and Donny was leaking in his pants and silently cheering him on while he watched and recorded.  All at once Horace's entire body tensed, his breathing became shallow and a dazed look cast over his white trash features.  Gnashing his teeth and shouting out a long, mournful "OH, FUCKKKKKKKKKKKK!" he came.  Billy's insides reflexively clamped around the spasming dick, eliciting another wail from the thrashing young man.  Blasts of warm cum gushed into Billy's already drenched guts.  Horace pulsed load after load until the stuff was bubbling out around his submerged cock and leaking down over Billy's balls. 

The thick cock spasming against his sensitive button set Billy off.  Moaning and gasping in guilty pleasure he shot his boy load across the sheets below him.  Horace groaned and shuddered as he felt Billy's pulsing asshole clawing at his cock as he came.  Using his last ounce of stamina Horace resumed fucking Billy through his release.  Billy's clutching and bucking insides felt so awesome on his dick that Horace found himself miraculously cumming again!

Horace fell atop Billy, arms wrapped around his chest and nuzzling on the back of his neck while Billy's head was resting on its side in Dickie's crotch in their postcoital bliss.  Billy had been fucked beyond the point of exhaustion.  He didn't know how he'd manage to make school in a few hours.  If they left now he'd get a few winks in dastardly Donny's car on the way home, at least.  He knew he looked a mess and that his asshole was leaking like a sieve.  He'd have to pad himself with toilet paper to get through the important exam. 

Just then the door burst open and Dr. Adam Schulman came bounding in.  He froze when he saw the teepee of naked bodies on the hospital bed.  His eyes were wild and glassy, his clothes rumpled and hair mussed.  Donny, already poised in a defensive stance, noticed the white powder on the stubble over his upper lip. 

"Horace!  Dickie!  What is going on here?" he demanded.

Horace gave him a sly smile.  "Relax, doc.  We was just gettin' some boy pussy."

At that moment Billy raised to look at the new arrival.  Dr. Adam's lower lip quivered as he quickly assessed the cum-drenched teen.  Fumbling with the catch and zipper he released a rapidly rising erection, ordered Horace and Dickie out of the way, and mounted Billy.  Too weak to protest Billy sighed, moaned and lifted his ass for the good doctor's exam. 

He was confident of passing this one, at least.  

by Jon Royale

Email: [email protected]

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