Off Campus

by Lil Guy

14 Sep 2022 1524 readers Score 9.7 (94 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Seth’s Perspective

The day after Christmas, I borrowed Zach’s car and drove over an hour away to the outlet malls at the Illinois border just past Mom and Pop’s house, to hit the big after Christmas sales. My interview was in two days and I needed a suit. Between the holiday sales and the gift cards I was hoping to get away cheap. I didn’t want to spend too much; I was trying to save money for a car. For now, I just needed a basic suit, a button-down shirt, and a nice pair of dress shoes, I was going to wear the tie Zach gave me for Christmas. If I got the internship, I would figure out what I needed to wear to work and buy more clothes then. I asked Zach to come with, but he'd rather hang at the duplex and play football in the street with the guys’ next door, he had no interest in spending a day shopping.

It was nice whirring down the freeway in the GTI alone with my thoughts. Since my brothers were all still visiting Mom and Pop, and I was going to be in the area I texted Brad to see if it was okay to stop by after my shopping trip, ’absolutely’ he texted back. Then about two minutes later Kev texted me “I need to hit the after Christmas sales and get the boys some clothes. Want some company?” I used the voice feature to text him back, yelling ‘Yes Please!’ into my phone. He told me to meet him at the McDonalds off the exit near Mom and Pop’s, we could park a car there and drive to the outlet malls together. I was excited to spend some one-on-one time with Kev. We were close when I lived I Phoenix and I missed him, he was an amazing role model for me. I drove another half hour by myself before I exited the freeway and drove to our meeting place. Kev was standing there, leaning against Mom Nicholls’ car waiting for me. I pulled into the space next to him and he jumped in.

“Hey, buddy!” He said as he leaned over the shift and hugged me. “Are you sure it’s cool that I tag along?”

“Absolutely” I blurted out without hesitation. “Zach doesn’t like shopping, and his taste in clothes is questionable at best. I need another opinion besides; I NEVER get to spend time with you anymore.”

Kev smiled at me as he sat in the passenger seat and watched me drive. “I miss having you around, I’m glad this worked out and we get to spend a little more time together.” He said making small talk as I pulled back onto I-94. He asked me about how all the guys were doing and I told him about the drama downstairs. He had figured out the throuple thing when thwy visited us a couple of months ago and was curious about all that. I told him about Max and Brody. It wasn’t just a gossip session, he (and all my family) truly cared about my friends. Then we talked about my interview and what I needed to buy, etc. He was buckled in and leaning against the door looking at me as we talked and I watched the road. As I took the exit toward the outlet malls, he just blurted out with a big ole grin, “Look at you all grown up! Killing it at school, making friends, starting your career so early, getting engaged to an awesome guy.” His compliments made me smile… until that last one, then my face dropped into a look of panic. How the fuck did he know we were engaged?! I took my eyes off the road for a second and gave him a look of… well, probably horror. How the fuck did he know? “Nice ring” he said answering my unasked question with a shit eating grin on his face as he motioned to my left hand on the steering wheel. SHIT! I hadn’t planned on seeing Kev and forgot to take it off. He doesn’t miss anything!

“I… um… well…” I stammered for a bit.

“Cut the crap, Seth. It’s me. Did you guys get engaged or what?!” Kev asked with excitement.

I was afraid to answer, I was not ready to tell my family. “Yes” I said in a quiet voice glancing over at him and waiting for a response.

“Seth, you guys are so young, and…” Kev started to say before I cut him off.

“We’re too young, we have so much to experience before we settle down, we need to focus on school. I know. I know. I fucking know, Kev.” I barked back at him rolling my eyes, “THAT’S why I didn’t say anything, we don’t need the lectures.” It was starting to get tense as we pulled into the parking lot.

Kev laughed at me, paused, then said “Well, now that we got that out of the way… OH MY GOD YOU’RE ENGAGED!!!!” And with those five words Kevin the responsible role model and father of two was replaced by Kev, my friend and confidant who was excited for me. “Tell me freaking everything, when did it happen?”

“Zach proposed last night” I answered with a quiet voice and a loud smile.

“OH MY GOD, LAST NIGHT??!!” Kev was excited now, “So, this is like totally brand new?!”

“You are literally the only person who knows besides us. Please, please, PU-LEEEEZE do not tell anyone” I begged. “I think we’re going to keep it between us for a while to avoid all the well-meaning ‘you’re too young’ lectures” I said as I shot him an admonishing look.

Kev undid his seatbelt, leaned over the shift again and hug me. “I really am happy for you guys. I won’t say a word but tell me freaking everything. I want details.” He said like an excited friend. So, we sat in the parked car and I told him. I told him about Zach stopping at MacDonald’s on the way home, that I had no clue it was coming, about the reenactment of our first date at MacDonald’s. Everything.

“Oh my, god” he laughed out the words. “Zach is such a romantic little cheeseball; he reminds me of Randy. Randy proposed at the place he first saw me… in front of the duplex across the street from yours.” I had heard the story before and always thought it was romantic, it was so… so… Randy.

“Well, I blame you and Randy for this” I said looking at him. He scrunched his face and shot me a ‘WTF’ look. “Ever since you dropped the boys off at our place for the night, he’s been thinking about our future together. When we were sitting in front of the fireplace talking last night, he told me that he had talked to Randy when we were in Phoenix at Thanksgiving and asked him if he had any regrets about getting married and having kids.” Kev’s eyes were glued to me.

“Well, what did he say?” He asked in an excited voice of anticipation.

“He told him that his only regret was not making his move ten years sooner” I said, and a sincere “awwwww” escaped Kev’s lips. “Then Zach told me he wasn’t going to have the same regret.”

Then he said with admiration and sincerity “God, I love that man. If you’re lucky, Zach will be just like him, he’s prefect. Well, he’s perfect for me.” He paused for a minute and put his hand on my knee, “Seth, I love Zach and really am happy for you both, but please don’t rush it. Okay?” I nodded. “Use your head. If you decide to elope or something crazy like that, PLEASE promise you’ll at least call me and talk it through. Okay?” I promised, I knew where he was coming from. Kev, Randy, Brad, Scotty, ALL OF THEM always had my best interests at heart and they didn’t want me to quit college, or give up my dreams for some guy, But this wasn’t like that. Then he asked, “Can I please tell Randy, I suck at keeping things from him, I swear he won’t tell.” I understood and reluctantly agreed, I hated keeping secrets from Zach too. Then he said, “Call Zach now so I can congratulate him.”

“Call Zach” I said into the Bluetooth, within seconds it was dialing.

Zach answered, “Hey my sexy little f….” I cut him off. I wasn’t sure where he was going (fiancé, fuck toy, whatever he was thinking lol), but I didn’t want to find out.

“I’m in the car with Kevin!” I yelled as Kev laughed knowingly, “he’s coming shopping with me.”

“Hey, Kev!” Zach said in a loud, happy voice.

“Hey, Zach” Kev said with a snide tone, “Congratulations you cheesy little romantic.”

Zach was silent, not sure what to say. I broke the silence “I forgot to take my ring off and Kev figured it out.”

“Well so much for keeping it quiet” Zach said with a nervous laugh.

“Give me some credit guys, I won’t say a word to anyone…” Kev responded, “well anyone but Randy. Congratulations, Zach. Welcome to the family! I really am happy for you tow and wish you a very, very, very long and happy engagement.” I rolled my eyes and laughed.

Zach got his drift. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it. We’re too young and need to wait, blah, blah, blah.” Zach said laughing. “We promise to move slow, Kev.”

“Good man. I made Seth Promise to call me if you guys got a wild hair up your asses and suddenly decide to elope or something. That goes for you too.” Kevin said in a responsible, role model tone. Zach let out a big ‘HA’ in response to Kev’s request and promised him. We talked for a quick minute, then hung up and finally got out of the car to hit the mall.

The stores were crowded, but as expected the sales were huge. Kev led me into a men’s store, asked me my size and then went rummaging through the racks of suits. He knew how to dress to impress and was on a mission. I was following behind him as he went through the rows of suits and handed me the ones he liked. It only took about ten minutes before my hands were full of options “Go try these on while I find you a dress shirt, I’ll meet you by the dressing rooms. Oh, what color is your tie.” It was silver, blue and yell paisley, I tried to describe the shade of blue but gave up and texted Zach to send Kev a picture of it.

I put on the first suit and came out of the dressing room; Kev was sitting on a bench waiting for me and holding a few shirt options. “Turn around he said” and I twirled in front of the three-sided mirror. “Great fit, wrong color” Kev blurted “Next!” He made similar comments about the next two. The fourth was the winner. It was a basic charcoal grey suit “Perfect fit, perfect color” Mom can hem the pants for you he said as he checked the sleeve length and pulled smoothed out the suitcoat. Before I could even respond he had texted Mom Nicholls and she was pulling out her sewing machine ready to help. I ended up picking out two shirts, a white one as a safety net, and a bright blue one that coordinated with the tie from Zach. I paid for my purchases then we went shoe shopping. Kev walked in the store, down the second aisle as he asked my shoe size, then handed me the perfect pair. After less than an hour I was done shopping. I had my suit, two shirts, a pair of shoes and two pairs of sexy, silk briefs I bought when Kev wasn’t looking (one for me, one for Zach). Between the sales and the gift cards, I got away without having to dip into my car fund.

After I was set with my interview wardrobe, we went shopping for the boys. They had some event coming up and they needed formalwear. Oh my god the little toddler suits were so damn cute with the clip on ties, and tiny vests. All I could think about was raising kids with Zach. We were fucking engaged!!! I smiled for no reason (well no reason anyone else knew about). The reality that I was going to spend my life with Zach was sinking in and I fucking loved it. After about another hour of shopping for the boys we got in the GTI and headed back to the parking lot to pick up Mom Nicholls car so I could follow Kev back to the house. As Kev got out, he said, “Hey, you might want to put that ring on your keychain or something unless you want to let the cat out of the bag.” SHIT! I had to be more aware of that if we were going to keep things quiet. Kev jumped into Mom Nicholls’ car and I followed him into town.

When I got to Mom and Pop’s the place was buzzing with chaos as always. I brought all my purchases (well all except for the underwear) into the house. Mom was waiting with her sewing machine sitting on the dining room table, and within about twenty minutes or so she had my pants hemmed, then she ironed my shirts and made me put on a fashion show. Damn, I looked good, but of course my brothers all gave me shit (And that includes, Scotty, Randy, and Kev). When I came out all dressed up in my suit and gave a twirl, they all cat-called and Scotty yelled “lookit that bubble butt… it’s Dr. Buns” all my brothers laughed and started throwing out nicknames, Randy called me Dr. Hot Stuff, Eli called me Dr. Dumbass, and even Matty and Baby Scotty were calling me Dr. Sef’. Everyone had a wiseass comment to make as I strutted around in my new suit looking damn fine! Not that I’d expect anything less from my family. Mom Nicholls was the only one telling me I looked handsome, she always came to my rescue. I hung out for a couple of hours and then headed back to Milwaukee. I texted Zach when I left the house to let him know I was headed home.

Brad and Randy both had flights back to Phoenix that night so I took them to the airport on my way back. When I dropped the guys off at the departures gate, Randy hugged me and whispered in my ear “Congratulations, I love you, and I love Zach.”

I whispered back “Please don’t tell Brad on the plane.”

Randy just responded “Not my information to share. But you could tell him you know? He’d be happy for you guys, so would Scotty. We’re all proud of you.” I knew he was right, but I just wasn’t ready, I wanted to keep it private for now… something meaningful and intimate just between us. We could deal with everyone’s opinions and judgment about us being too young, etc. later. For now, I wanted to enjoy the moment. Randy gave me a final squeeze, then I went over and hugged my brother goodbye.

I had a huge smile on my face as I got onto the freeway and headed back to the duplex. I had a successful shopping trip, and an unexpected day of awesome family time. I had planned on a little more alone time in the car to prep for my interview, but I liked the way things turned out much better, plus I still had the next day to prepare. For the rest of the trip, I quizzed myself to on my own paper. Dr. Aarons’ goal was to get insight into my thought process and perspective on things, so a big part of the interview would be a discussion of my paper. He warned that due to the personal nature of my paper the discussion could get a little invasive and that I could just decline to answer anything that felt too personal. I really doubted that would happen, I had no problem sharing my story. Honestly, I have been telling my story ever since the day we moved in with Brad and Scotty. Every teacher, every friend, every parent of every friend, pretty much everyone we met was curious about our situation, and most weren’t afraid to ask personal questions. My life was an open book. I got so lost in my own thoughts that the trip flew by and I before I knew it, I was pulling the little GTI into our alley and into its parking space.

I parked the car and let out a sigh as I started to think about what to make for dinner. I grabbed the garment bag that was hanging in the back seat with my newly hemmed and pressed purchases. Then I grabbed the other bags out of the hatch and walked through the dark yard to the back door. The house was eerily quiet with everyone still gone. As I walked up the steps, I could smell something great coming from our kitchen. What the hell? I did all the cooking. Struggling with all the packages in my arms, I managed to open the door and there was Zach in an apron cooking.

“What are you doing? You don’t cook” I said with a smile of surprise.

“No. but I read. How fucking hard is it to follow a recipe?” He said with a shit-eating grin on his gorgeous face. Whatever he was doing it smelled great. He was so organized with shrimp, artichoke hearts, white wine, butter, garlic, and other stuff all measured out in little bowls or in piles on a cutting board. There was a pot of pasta on the stove and something great smelling simmering in a skillet.

“What are you making? It smells awesome” I asked as I walked up and gave him a quick hello kiss.

“a version of shrimp scampi. I found the recipe online this afternoon and it looked good. I wanted to surprise you” he said smiling proudly.

“Well, it worked. I’m surprised” I said, then kissed him. Dammit he was so thoughtful and cute as hell!

“Did you have fun with your family?” He asked as he continued to work adding ingredients to his concoction and looking at his iPad for guidance. I nodded and gave him a ‘yup’ as I walked towards the bedroom to unload all my packages. “What did you get?” He yelled to me from the kitchen. I rattled off a list of everything I got (leaving out the underwear) and started telling him about my day. “After dinner do I get a fashion show?” he yelled back. I laughed and agreed to model my new clothes after we ate.

I put everything away while Witchy sat on the bed trying to get fur on all my new clothes. I looked around the room and noticed that the rug had been freshly vacuumed and there wasn’t a speck of dust anywhere. “Hey! You cleaned” I yelled out to the kitchen.

“Yup, top to bottom” He shouted back. Then he shouted again, “dinner’s almost ready.” I walked into the dining room and he had the table set, the room lit with candles, and mood music playing softly in the background. He was full of surprises today. Damn, I could get used to this shit… a hot jock cleaning my house and cooking me dinner while I spent all day shopping. I laughed to myself then thought ‘yeah, this is a one-shot deal. Enjoy it while it lasts.’ He pulled the chair out for me then sat down across from me.

“Damn, Zach. What’s all this?” I asked with an adoring smile on my face. My heart was beating hard and I don’t know why. Maybe it was just the thought of him thinking about me all day while I was gone and spending his ‘play day’ doing things for me. Kev was right, he was a cheesy romantic and I fucking loved it. Scratch that… I fucking loved HIM!

“I dunno. We just don’t get a lot of time just to us without the guys around, and there’s a lot of big stuff happening with your interview and us getting engaged. I just wanted you to have a special night all about you.” He said in a quiet voice. My heart melted. We dug into Zach’s experiment. He made a salad and rolls to go with dinner. It was good… I wouldn’t call it Shrimp Scampi, he kind of ended up with his own invention but it was damn good. He even had ice cream and Christmas cookies for dessert, he thought of everything. We talked quietly throughout dinner, mostly about my day with the family. I could tell he was a little bummed that he didn’t come, he hated shopping but loved hanging with my brothers. Especially Eli… those two had become best buds. “Are they gonna be around New Year’s Eve? You should invite them to the party.” We had decided to have a house party New Year’s Eve since everyone but Brody would be back.

“Shit, I didn’t even think about that. That’s a great idea, they leave on the first. They could just pack their shit, stay here and we could take them to the airport the next day.” I said getting excited about the prospect of seeing my brothers again before they left. I sent them all a group text and got an immediate ‘fuck yeah, I’m in from Eli.’ Brian just said, ‘I’m in!’ Scotty and Kev passed; I was so excited!

After dinner Zach said, “fashion show time!” as he started to clear the dishes. I smiled and went into the bedroom to change. I put on my new silk briefs. They matched my blue shirt and were shiny, and silky against my package, there wasn’t even enough material to cover my bubble butt. They were border-line thong, and I got a pair for Zach in red. I started to get a semi just from wearing them and thinking about Zach in his made my cockhead poke out the top of the pouch. I continued to put on my new duds, finishing up by tying the tie Zach gave me. You know, my father didn’t teach me many useful things, however, going to church for 16 years I learned to tie my own tie. I finally put my suitcoat on and looked at myself on the full-length mirror on the closet door. I’m sorry, but I looked damn good if I do say so myself. I donned my new bag from the Hall’s and walked down the hall and into the living room. Zach had all the lights turned off. When I entered the living room he shined a flashlight on me, and announced “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the catwalk Dr. Sethmund Freud-Westin-Hall the first!” Then he hit a button on his phone and the music starts playing through the JVL Bluetooth speaker “Doh. Doh doh doh doh doh doh doh…” It was Zach’s favorite song Uptown Funk by Bruno Mars. While the intro was playing Zach gave a play by play of my outfit, “Dr. Westin-Hall is wearing the latest in clinical psychologist wear… a charcoal grey suit, blue shirt and an amazing tie that brings a splash of color to this studly outfit. His ensemble is completed by a masculine, man-bag.” When the words of the song kicked in over the speaker Zach yelled “Work it stud!” I played along strutting my stuff across the living room floor, gliding, pivoting, pointing, posing as I moved to the music, playing to the imaginary audience as the flashlight followed my every move and Zach cheered me on making catcalls. When Bruno sang “Too hot, hot damn…” I shed my jacket, hooked it on my fingers and flung it over my shoulder in one swift move. “Take it off hot stuff” Zach yelled as I gently tossed my suitcoat onto the back of the couch then undid my tie and flossed my neck with it, moving it from side to side, then I approached Zach who was sitting in the overstuffed chair holding the flashlight. I looped the tie around his neck and gyrated my hips in his face as he looked up at me. I tossed the tie on top of my suitcoat and basically transitioned from runway model to stripper. I started unbuttoning my shirt seductively, button by button giving Zach a show, and by the look on his face, he was loving it.

When my shirt was unbuttoned, I shed it, again tossing it gently onto the pile of clothes on the back of the couch. I was now dancing shirtless and seductively unbuckling my belt. I grabbed the buckle and pulled it through all the loops in one hard tug, whipping it on the floor as I did, eliciting a loud “WOOOOO” from Zach as he watched me with wide eyes. I tossed the belt aside, kicked off my shoes one-by-one and shot him the sexiest look I could conjure up, I don’t know what Zach saw, but from my end it was smoldering hot! I moved the zipper up and down teasing him, then pushed my crotch into him so he could pull the zipper down for the final time. When he did, I shimmied out of my pants putting them neatly with the rest of my clothes.

Zach’s eyes bulged out of his head when he saw me there dancing in just my back dress socks and silk briefs. “Goddammit, those are hot!” He said breathlessly.

I kept dancing, now with my hands behind my head and my cock bulging out the front of my briefs and said, “I got you a red pair just like them.” Zach laughed and made some comment about putting them to good use or something.

When the song ended, he stood up, kissed me, and said, “You look hot as hell in that suit, baby. Dr. Aarons will hire you just to have that sweet ass in his office all day.”

“I want him to want me for my mind, not my body.” I said kissing him back.

“Well, I want both” Zach said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the bathroom. “I’ve got one more surprise for you.” He said pulling back the shower curtain and revealing a new rain showerhead with a handheld wand attachment, just like the guys had installed downstairs. I had been begging Zach for one since I saw theirs. “Jump in” Zach said.

“Wait, I need to hang up my clothes” I said. I didn’t want Witchy laying on it and getting it all wrinkled and furry. I went and hung everything up properly while Zach jumped into the shower. While I was in the bedroom, I took off my underwear and put them on the bed, I set the pair I bought for Zach right next to them.

Then I walked into the bathroom with my hard dick leading the way. Zach was completely naked and just stepping under the hot water, I joined him. We were face to face with the warm water falling over us like a gentle rain shower. We kissed under the water as Zach grabbed my engorged manhood and I started to stroke his flaccid cock to erection, it didn’t take a lot of effort on my part. I grabbed the bottle of shower gel and poured a little into Zach’s palm, then a little into my own. We soaped each other up and then went back to stroking each other, damn he felt so hot, and hard in my hand. It always amazed me how his cock could be so hard, yet so soft at the same time. Our hands were moving in sync as our kiss became impassioned and lustful. We stroked and kissed and I felt something hard spray against my hairless, pink hole. The wand! Zach had grabbed the wand with his free hand and was pushing it against my soapy hole. Fuck, the warm water felt amazing and my sphincter responded by opening a little letting more water in. It felt good combined with the sensation of our kiss.

Zach let go of my cock and put his arm around my waist to pull me in tight against him. Our slick, soapy bodies writhed together as he held the wand against my opening and filled me with warm water. It was such a new sensation, something so intimate and indescribably. He removed the wand and placed it back in its holder, then we let the water wash away the soap and grime. We dried each other off and then he left me alone in the bathroom to finish cleaning myself.

When I finished my ritual, I jumped into the shower one last time to rinse off, then went into the bedroom. When I entered the room with lit with at least a dozen candles and Zach was laying on top of the covers in his new red silk briefs looking sexier than he ever had… and let me tell you the bar was set damn high. “Damn, you look hot” I said in a breathy exhale. He shot my blue briefs to me slingshot style. I caught them in my hand and stepped into them, pulling them over my fresh, clean body.

“Fuck, you’re sexy” he growled out. “Get over here, doctor.” I moved towards the side of the bed and leaned down to kiss him before I slid in next to my hot studly fiancé (fiancé, that was a word I wasn’t used to yet). I rolled on top of him grinding our silky crotches together as we resumed the passionate kiss we had started in the shower. I stretched my body out on top of his, our chests were touching, our legs were touching and the skin-on-skin sensation jolted through my body. Oh my god, it had never felt this intense before. He pushed his hips up and our hard, silk covered cocks rubbed against each other. Zach grabbed one of my ass cheeks in each hand and pulled me as tight against him as he could. I was gyrating my hips and pushing into him hard. He put his thumbs in the waistband of my briefs and pulled them off me, then he wriggled his way out of his so that I was lying on top of him completely naked and it felt great.

Zach rolled us over so he was on top of me, then flipped around so he could suck my dick. That put me in my favorite position, sixty nine with Zach’s cock and ass hovering inches above my face. Fuck! Lust overcame me and I pulled his ass down so that his rigid, veiny cock slid right down my throat. I was working his cock with my mouth and breathing through my nose, inhaling deeply, and taking in his scent. He was clean and smelled of soap, but his musk as still wafting through and I it fueled me. I freaking devoured his tool as I inhaled his scent, the scent of my partner for life. Goddammit it was intoxicating. I was drunk on lust as I pulled him deeper and deeper down my throat. He was expertly sucking my cock but it was secondary to me swallowing his. I needed him and he sensed it. He started to raise and drop his hips, throat fucking me, and it hurt in the most incredible way. I wanted more, so much more when he stopped everything and rolled off od me laying at my side.

“Fuck, I’m so close” he panted out as he turned to look me in the eyes. “Fuck. I want you so much” he said kissing me tenderly as he repositioned himself between my legs. He pushed my knees to my chest, lowered his face and started eating me out with a purpose. He spit in my hole, worked it in with his finger, then ate me out some more. He did the several times and then moved so that his purple head was pressing up against my hole. The he pushed in and penetrated me for the first time as my fiancé.

I gasped and bit my lip as he pushed steadily forward slowly entering me inch-by-inch until has soft scrotum was resting on my smooth, white crack. He held himself in me as we kissed. He must’ve held himself inside me for several minutes. I contracted my canal and squeezed my warm, fleshy insides around his manhood eliciting moans of pleasure from Zach. He finally started to pull out until just his head was left inside me, then he slowly pushed forward, hitting places inside me that sent me into a fricking tizzy. He pulled out and pushed back in steadily increasing his speed and pressure making me moan and groan as I begged for more. I was lost in my own ecstasy, “Fuck me, Zach. Harder. Faster, FUCK ME” I screamed as my fiancé complied. He spit in his hand, reached down, and started stroking my cock in rhythm with his fucking. In and out Zach moved giving me more pleasure than ever before. “Shit! I’m going to cum” I yelled as Zach pumped my cock harder and moved his mouth and free hand as close to my manhood as he could.

“Shoot it baby, give me your load” Zach said poised in anticipation to catch my seed. A jolt of electricity shot through my body as I shot my load hard. Zach caught the first spurt in his mouth, then the second. The rest of my load landed in his hand and he wasted no time licking it off and leaning in for a cum-filled kiss as he continued to pummel my ass. Oh my god it felt amazing! Even after I came, I wanted more and Zach didn’t disappoint. He was relentless thrusting into my tight hole harder and faster with more and more passion.

“I’m gonna cum, Seth” Zach said into our kiss. “Fuck, fuck…” he exclaimed as he shot into me filling me with warmth as he continued to pound me using his cum as lube. He kept it up for a couple of more minutes and then collapsed on me breathing heavily, his smooth, muscular chest sweat-covered and heaving. He rolled off me and we just laid there looking at the ceiling with gigantic smiles of satisfaction on our faces.

The silence was broken by a pounding that came from the floor, and a muffled voice shouting “Hey! Shut the fuck up, I need to work in the morning.” Eric was back and our quiet, alone time was over.

To be continued…

by Lil Guy

Email: [email protected]

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