Nishaan's Love

by AAA Prashant

27 Feb 2023 802 readers Score 8.0 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ahmedabad, 2021

It's the morning of February here, and the sounds can be heard as mornings are always calm and peaceful with some chirping of birds, It is the Desi Tadka sound of Mustard oil, Garlic, and Onion coming from the kitchen. Arhan is busy preparing breakfast, and once again he called out loudly as the alarm was ringing simultaneously for the third time in the bedroom.

"Nishaaaaaaan, it's the third time your alarm is ringing, it should be final, now get up yrr!!"

After a few minutes! Arhan is done with morning breakfast preparation, he then moves to arrange the breakfast at the dining table, while thinking "I've to go to his room! Or else he'll probably miss out on his first lecture if I won't wake him up!!!" 

As Arhan entered the dining area, he finds that there is already an obedient boy in his white shirt and black trouser, folding both of his hands and looking at the alarm clock in front of him on the table very seriously. 

"Ohh!! Arhan, can you please fix it, I don't know what's wrong going with this! It'll be the fourth time if it rings again!!" - Nishaan shows his problem through Sign Language, making his face Li'll sad. 

"Nish, don't worry I'll handle it later, okay let me disconnect its battery so it won't disturb you again" - Arhan Smiles back as he can visibly see the smile of Nishaan. 

"Mmm!, Nish, it's your final semester, and your project will commence from today right? Have you allocated a mentor!!?" - Arhan asked while serving breakfast to Nish. 

Nishaan nods his head and also acts some moves with his hands, then he engaged himself to finish his breakfast. 

"Fine, they're giving you a special mentor! And are going to introduce you to a mentor today!" 

POV of Arhan :

God, just keep blessing him! Especially in his college activities, although his all college mates and professors are helpful to him, still it's not easy to counter general academics & syllabus for a boy who is not general at all. 

Anyway, nothing to worry about, after all, I'm always with him. 

It has been 4 years since Mummy and Daida got separated from each other, We both living with Mummy as we refused Daida to go the USA with him. Nish was just 17, I had completed my master's and decided to join Mummy in her jewelry business. 

Everything went well till now, I was handling the organization well under her guidance, she is very caring towards us and especially for Nish, she always prefers him first over me, hardly she had given me any favor whenever both of us brothers fight to eachother. It was she only who supported Nish to take admission in Management College, where hardly things were comply or co-ordinate with his requirements. 

"I know Mummy, Nish can hear and understand the spoken language but what about others!! He has to face problems while communicating his queries to professors and What if he has to face bully with his mates, is he able to make any friends there, it'll create a psychological imbalance for him, why can't we approach him for other institutions and academy." - I expressed my frustration and worries in front of her

"Arhan, beta, I understand your worries for him, but I don't want to down his zeal, also I don't want to feel him a special kid, he's as normal as others are, I know there will be some problems to become compatible with the college environment, but it's a prestigious college of this city, they'll surely take care of his requirements, trust me!!!" 

"Mmmm! Mummy, I also don't want to kill his future potential, it's okay if something happens, ultimately his big brother will always fence him, inform Ratna aunty, and I'll take Nish to her for admission." 

Ratna aunty is a good friend of Mummy, as well as she is a regular customer of our pieces of jewelry, Also she is the principal of that college so It will be a Little privilege for Nish. 

All of sudden vanished from my thoughts, and I find myself in present from the past days, as Nishaan patted me twice on my right shoulder with a question mark on his face!! 

"" - I replied

"Are you coming to drop me to the college?" - asked Nishaan on his way. 

"Haan, wait here, I'm coming in two minutes"

Then I head to my room to get the keys and a mobile phone. On normal days Mummy used to drop Nish at his college but she went to Tamilnadu for some business purposes so it is my duty now, until she came back I'm the only source to take care of Nish and Home alongside my work.

I take the bag from Nish and pulled the door of the front side for him. Then I entered the car and started. I noticed that he was looking lost somewhere, "Nish, you okay?" 

He simply nodes in positive, and within 10 minutes we arrive at the college campus, I stop at the college gate and look at Nish.

He is about to move out...

"Listen! Whenever you'll have to leave, text me before 30 minutes, and I'll pick you up! And probably will take lunch together, okay!" 

He turned back having a smile on his face and holds me tightly, It feels strange to me, but later I realized he is scared of today's announcement which will be on the project for this semester because the previous sem wasn't a good experience for him. 

I hug him back, rubbing his backside. "Nervous for the final project!! Haan?" 

He accepts by moving his finger on my back! 


After a few seconds, he releases his grip, I take one of his hands on my hands and make eye contact with him, "look Nish, forgot everything, they're going to provide you with a new and exclusive mentor. I believe in your efforts, in the end, we all are here" - I tried to make him hopeful and confident.

He was looking a bit confident now!

"Still you don't want, then I and Mummy will do it on behalf of you" - I cracked a joke, and finally my heart gets satisfaction when he laughs at it. 

I left the campus, after receiving a goodbye from him, I drive my car into the basement of Outlet. I entered through the main gate instead of using an elevator. "Welcome to the Nishaan Diamonds Sir nd Ma'am, May I know what are you looking for?", "Ma'am it'll be best as per your specifications", "Ma'am, This 0.7-carat one, it's the best combination with your ethenic attire" "Sir, you should choose between these two, because this jewelry will add some valuable emotion to your relationship" this was some background voices, our representatives are engaged with customers helping them to choose better. I directly head to the 2nd floor by the red-carpeted staircase, where I stop myself as RasikBhai is coming from the hallways, he passes a smile to me, and I do the same. 

"Good morning nanka, lagn no samay chhe, etle have swas pan levano time nathi malto"

This means "it's the time of marriage season, business will gonna more busy these days" RasikBhai was our executive head since I was in 10th Grade may be. He always uses the word "Nanka" for me, which refers to a "small boy" in the Gujarati language. 

I took control of my cabin, and RasikBhai handovers me some booklets, and papers. I hold a glance at the sales report of last month, then move to a lookout that booklet. "Ohh, This is the last day of this exhibition!!, We must be there by today" - I exclaimed to RasikBhai.

"Haan, Nanka!! I already talked with Minal regarding the exhibition visit, she will join you for the day!"

"Fine, it'll be a great help for me if she will be there, okay! A... After doing with these four files I'll be left with Minal" I added 

"Kaka, I observed a sharp increase in our profits! It's just because of our extraordinary team and their efforts, so communicate to our employees this time we are going to provide the lucrative Incentives."

"Sure! I will, after all, we all deserve this success, especially you and Damini Madam!!" - Says RasikBhai

"It's done, I'm leaving, just take care Kaka" - I tell in a rush while handing over the files to him. 

Again I use the staircase to go down, along with I matched the call to Minal to come in parking directly!

"Hey Minal"

"Good Morning, Sir" - she greats

"Good Morning, now let's sit inside, rest of the details you'll be providing me, alright!" - I ordered as I was in hurry, I don't know why Am I behaving like this. The destination was far away in Baroda City as it was 120 kilometers from the current place, which means I'll be hooked at least until evening. 

After a boring journey of 1.30 hrs, I'm completely aware of the facts and various potentials of this visit, all credit goes to Minal only. As I entered the Marriott, the place of the exhibition, I receives a notification on WhatsApp. It's Nish, some flashes of morning appear in my mind. "Arhan, how could you forget that, I promised to be with him and to take lunch together" "now what to do, how careless I'm...... already Nish wasn't feeling good" also I was scared if everything went good or not, I was cursing myself. 

"Sorry, Nish! I'm out of town, probably come back tonight dear! I booked OLA Cab, for you. It'll drive you home back in just a few minutes!! Chitra (our cook), will arrange your meals, Take care of yourself." - Aarhan informed him, and try to establish the focus on the visit. 


Author's POV

Nishaan was Li'll bit busy with his phone, he was in the front passenger seat, and suddenly the guy who was driving the car, placed his hands on Nishaan's shoulder making him conscious of his presence. 

"you okay? Love" 

Nishaan shows the text by Aarhan, and the message "No, my new project mentor, he's driving me home, I'll be fine" which was in the draft by Nishaan.

Vikram understood the dilemma with Nishaan, after all, how he can tell his big brother that the small brother is with his boyfriend, not just his boyfriend, now he is the Official Guide for Nishaan's project as well.  Vikram was having a Li'll smirk on his face, but Nish found him irritating, anyway, Vikram didn't care though, and focused on his driving.

Just in few minutes, Vikram entered the parking of a mention named "Khandelwal's", Vikram immediately opened the door for his charm, and said "welcome to your in-law's house Mr. Nishaan Vikram Khandelwal" In a teasing tone. This proved fruitful as Vikarm's way of attaching his name with Nishaan's, turns Nishaan's face red as tomatoes, but with the combined expression of nervousness, irritation, and blushing. With this sweet interaction, they entered the house. 

Vikram pointed the direction to Nishaan and said to him "get fressup and relax urself there in my room, a... sorry, our room" -- and before he can tell anything else, was punched by Nishaan's elbow...

"Owwch" -- 

While Nishaan was on his way holding his backpack, having a big smile on his face...

Exactly, he also enjoys being embarrassed by his boyfriend, but at the same time, he is conscious of his expressions. Before entering Vikram's room, he turned back to face Vikram, who was staring at Nishaan with a confident expression, like he was already aware that Nishaan will glare at him back. Nishaan made a heart shape using both of his hands placed it on the left side of his chest and gave a smile to Vikram. 

And believe, Vikram could lose all of the stuff that belongs to him, just seeing the cute gesture and innocent smile of the person who is the landlord of his own heart. Vikram blinks his both eyes slowly and smiles back. 


Vikram's POV

Ahhh!!, The guy... He must be hungry, I should make something to feed him. It's not a big deal for me, as I know the cooking, Let's go Vikram without wasting a single second. With this, I was in the kitchen, and within minutes, the food was ready. I served the simple Rice along with Honey & Curd in the following two plates, and also served Ghevar in a separate bowl for Nishaan, because I know he likes Ghevar, particularly from my home. 

I entered the room, engaging my both of hands holding the plates, nowhere I was able to find my man, he might have been taking shower inside as I saw his clothes on the bed. I put the plates on the nearby table and was waiting for him to come out. 

I was looking into my phone just to respond to some messages, and I heard the sound of the door being opened, and the image of a college boy, with his wet hair, in a white towel wrapped around his waist appeared.

God, I wasn't even able to feel myself think anything else apart from lustily looking at him. I could feel the clear & high heartbeats and warm breaths coming from myself. The Small Vikram was making tension at the bottom side. 

I made a step forward towards his direction, and second...then.. third, he was unable to move as he was backed by the bathroom's door,  I was just a step ahead of him, he was just smiling while looking straight into my eyes, soon I hold my left hand on the door, and the right one on his shoulder. Our breathings were interchanging with each other. He closed his eyes, having red-colored cheeks. Soon I thought to tease him more, and I came closer to him, I bring my lips to his left ear and said "our lunch is waiting for us, let's have" and backed a step, removing both of his hands from his side. As soon as I talked about lunch instead of doing something dirty, he opened his eyes having Li'll anger on his face as he was pouting in a way of an innocent baby.

He made his way toward the bed to grab his clothes while pushing me aside. He was about to turn back, and at the same time I hold him from the back side, arresting him into my arms, I crossed my hand around his waist and placed my face on his right shoulder. As I'm just two inches taller than him, our cheeks locked together. "Should I help u? My Angry Young Man" 

Nishaan looks more cute and sexy, when I found him teased, but by me only. Nishaan tried to be free from my hug, but I hold him more tightly than then, but perhaps my baby wanted to show his anger on me, and he tried again, and his efforts eventually led us to fall onto the bed. Now he was on top of me, while I was holding him with the same grip but this time it was face to face. 

His face was confused, after all, what I wanted from him. Now, can anyone explain this to my innocent future hubby? that I just want to spare more time with him only. Anyways, our eyes met again, and this time it wasn't possible to let him go for even an inch of distance. Our lips met, and I pulled him on me by my hands in his hair. I was enjoying his red rose lips. Just in minutes, I changed the position and he was beneath me. I continued to push my tongue into his, tasting the taste of our mixed saliva. The guy under me was the beautiful creation of The God who meant for me especially to be in my protection. My hands were interlocked with his, and I was moving my lips on each part of his face - cheeks, chin, tongue, neck, and lips.   Now my clothes were found disturbing to me, so I removed my Shirt, Trousers, and undergarments including the briefs, with that the 7" of mine member was released. 

Which, Nishaan take the cock into his right hand, and was giving a gentle massage to it. While he was still semi-naked wrapped in a towel in front of me. I unwrapped the towel and released Junior Nishaan to take a breath in the open air. The transparent pre-cum on his cut was attracting me to them. Soon we're into 69, where Nishaan was enjoying his lollipop, and I was with mine. I was enjoying it a lot because the taste of his cock was as good as his saliva was. While on the other side, I was feeling hot under his mouth, the sensation was like that which can't be explained in words from me.

After around, five minutes, he changed his position, and asked me to enter my cock into the ultimate destination, for which I wear a condom, and applied some lubes on it, also anally applied a lot by two of my fingers. Then I all take care of the missionary position and entered into him gradually. Of course, it wasn't out Frist or second time, so no pain will be there I assumed. I was humping him alongside tasting his lips as well. The moaning from his proved that he is enjoying being fucked by his boyfriend. His moaning was giving me an additional zeal to fuck him hard as fast as I can thrust.  After some time, I was at the climax, till then Nishaan had already released his sperm, which spreads all over our chests. In just 10_15 thrusts I shoot my semen, into the warm hole, but was covered in thin plastic. Nishaan hugs me tightly, for a few seconds and then I removed the condom properly.

After looking into eyes of each other for a few more minutes, I suggested he take bath together, but he has always been a lazy boy, so he didn't respond to anything apart from gesturing his laziness. I held him up in my arms to take him under the shower.

He started smooching me while water was flowing on us, it was making me harder again,  But before anything I could do, he inserted my cock into his juicy cave and started humping by himself, he was still in my arms, folding both of his legs around my hips and his hands were wrapped around my neck, I was at cloud nine and was enjoying the deep kissing at the same time. I was more excited, and begin with a hardcore one, digging the beautiful hole roughly.  Soon in 5 to 7 minutes, I loaded him from inside, while unloading me. 

We then cleaned ourselves and put on the separate bathrobes, and moved out to the bedroom. I dried his hair and then also mine, and fed him up with me, then gradually he slept in my arms! as we were talking about some random shits together. Soon, when I slept I Don't Even remember.

Authors POV

It was a morning of some random day! @ Khandelwal House;

Ratna (Nishaan's College Principal) and Vikram were taking breakfast together, suddenly Ratna spoke out "Vikram, don't you think that you should lock your room if you're sleeping with someone special"

Wtf, But wait how she does came to know? Is she aware of the relationship between Vikram and Nishaan? What she's doing in Vikarm's house? When Nishaan and Vikram met first, what was their love story? And what happened to them now?

Well you'll have to wait for the following part.

by AAA Prashant

Email: [email protected]

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