Never Going to The Gym Again

by Shadow123

3 Dec 2023 6145 readers Score 8.8 (78 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Last set. Make it a good one,” I told myself.

It was about 15 minutes before the gym closed for the night and there weren’t that many people left. But there was this one cute girl working out on the elliptical a few machines over. She was wearing bright orange yoga pants that spotlighted her voluptuous ass, a tight black athletic shirt that hugged her in all the right areas, and had curly brown hair that bounced as she walked. I’d been eyeing her my whole workout, but I was too scared to talk to her—they say don’t try to pick up girls at the gym anyway, right? I swear these gym girls dress up like that on purpose, they love the attention. I wasn’t complaining though, it gave some much needed motivation to finish my last set. 

“…8...9...10.” I racked the bar and sat up from the bench press, wiping the sweat from my brow. My muscles were spent, but I’d finished the strenuous workout and felt accomplished. I admired the veins popping from my forearms and biceps in the mirror as I drank my water. Grabbing my belongings, I walked toward the exit, but not before I stole one last glance at my gym crush. I lucked out as I caught her right as she was bending over to grab her water bottle. “Clunk.” I'd been so distracted that walked into a promo sign staring at her. But when the front desk girl looked to see what the noise had came from, I recovered by smiling and waving goodbye to her like nothing happened. She wasn’t bad herself. 

“Till next time gym girl, hopefully I see you again,” I thought to myself as I walked out into the cold brisk night. I always parked kind of far away because I figured it’d serve as my cool down walk, but after tough workouts like this one I always regretted that decision.

I was nearing my car when I made accidental eye contact with a guy putting his gym bag in his truck. I gave a friendly nod and smile to avoid making it awkward. 

He smiled back at me and said, “Hey cutie,” in a gruff voice.  

My smile immediately faded, and I put my head down and picked up my pace to get to my car. 

“Oh c’mon you can’t take a compliment? Just say thank you,” he taunted.

I didn’t respond again and he didn’t seem to like that. He started walking behind me. 

“I’m not gay bro,” I frantically told him to deter him. 

“You don’t have to be gay, just say thank you. Don’t be disrespectful.” He was catching up to me. 

I stopped in my tracks so he wouldn’t follow me to my car and turned to face him. In my most intimidating voice I said, “Cutie ain’t a compliment, miss me with that feminine shit. I’m a grown man bruh.”

For the first time, I got a good look at him and he was a lot bigger than I’d realized. He was wearing a sleeveless black tee showcasing his absolute pythons for arms and he wasn’t the typical gym bro because he definitely didn’t skip leg day. He looked like Captain America’s long-lost cousin. As soon as I’d said my rebuttal, I immediately regretted my aggression because there was no way  I was winning a fight against him. And since I parked far away from the gym, no one was close enough to help.

He slowly walked toward me. I gulped, frozen In my stance. I didn’t want to take a step backward because then my fear would be obvious, but I didn’t want to take a step forward because I did not want the smoke. 

He stopped inches away from me and stared me down. Then, he reached behind me and grabbed my ass, pulling me against him as he said, “What’s more manly than being with another man?” 

I lowered my head in shame, afraid to try to push him off me. But he lifted my chin with his other hand and stared at me for a second before he kissed me. 

Everything in me wanted to shove him off me and run, but I was terrified of what he would do. If he was bold enough to do this, what else was he capable of? So I did the lamest thing you could do: I just let him kiss me. I wondered if gym girl was watching this pitiful performance, there were floor to ceiling windows at the gym so it was possible. I know I’m a sucker but I was hoping it’d be a kiss, he’d ask me for my number or something and I could escape. 

Wrong move. He apparently liked my kiss and told me to come to his truck. He grabbed my hand and led me to his large tricked out truck. The gym was closing by now and although we were a bit far from the gym entrance, I saw some people in the distance walking to their cars, I even spotted gym girl with her bright orange pants. I thought about yelling for help, but what would I say? “Help, this guy kissed me?” I had too much pride and still thought I could handle it myself. 

When we got to his truck, he opened the door, hopped in the passenger seat, and literally picked me up to sit me in his lap facing him. I was a solid 160 lbs, not light by any means, that just showed how strong this guy was. 'Click,' he closed the door and locked it. 'Uh oh,' I thought, my time for escape just passed. 

He smiled up at me, relishing the fact that he got me sitting on his lap in his car. “You’re all mine now,” he said firmly gripping my ass cheeks with both hands. He pulled my head toward his and kissed me. I didn’t kiss back, but he didn’t care and made out with my unmoving mouth while he stuck one of his hands inside my shorts to caress my bare ass. 

At this point, you may be wondering, why didn’t I fight back, resist, something? I have to admit: I’m not a fighter, I’ve never been in a fight, and when they say you have three responses in conflict: fight, flight, or freeze. I just found out what I do in conflict and that was freeze. By now, I had accepted my fate, and hoped that if I was cooperative he would take it easy on me. Definitely the least manly decision I could make, but maybe he was right, he was much manlier than I was. 

He slipped a finger in my asshole and at first my hole rejected it. But he sucked his finger and with a little coercion, my asshole gave in and soon his whole middle finger was in my ass. 

“I need my dick moistened up or else it’s gonna hurt. You gonna moisten it up for me, baby?” He crooned as he fingered me. 

“Uh ok... what do I need to do?” I said, completely oblivious. 

He smiled at my innocence, then pushed me onto the floor in front of him. He pulled down his shorts, unveiling an enormous veiny penis that I don’t even think was fully hard. “I need you to suck daddy’s dick.” He slapped it against my face from which I nearly fell over due to its hefty weight. 

I was shocked and froze yet again, my face inches from his throbbing cock. He pressed his dick against my pursed lips, trying to force his dick in. But he must’ve been experienced with this dilemma because he simply squeezed my nose until I was forced to take a breath then stuck his dick straight down my throat. I immediately choked. He let me recover for a second, before he went in again then again. After a few repetitions of this, he was able to fit his dick halfway down my throat and his dick was soaked with my saliva that I’d choked up. 

“Daddy’s dick is hungry for your asshole now. It wants to tear up that tight ass of yours.” I looked up at him with eyes of defeat and he knew it. I was terrified of his mega dick even touching my asshole, but he was in control and wouldn’t take no for an answer. 

He hoisted me back into the first position facing him on his lap, only this time I was squatting over his dick. He lowered me onto his tip, and like before, my hole resisted but after the incessant pressure it opened up and accepted his dick. That didn’t mean it wasn’t painful, I shrieked in pain. He hummed at me like a baby and seemed to take joy in seeing my face contort in pain. He dropped me lower on his dick and I screamed louder. 

“Shhh shhh shhh. Just let it happen and it’ll feel good. Daddy’s dick is good for you.” I don’t think he was concerned about people hearing us, there was hardly anyone in the parking lot, but I think he genuinely wanted to help me out. I followed his advice and stopped resisting and allowed his dick into my ass. His dick sank in a few more inches with relative ease. 

“There you go, baby. I told you daddy’s dick would feel good if you let it.” I don’t know if it was because he said it, but I started to notice some of the pleasure he was talking about. As I focused on the pleasure instead of the pain, before I knew it, I was resting on his balls and his whole dick was in my ass. 

“You did it, babe! I'm so proud of you!” He said genuinely impressed and gave me a smooch for my reward. I was amazed as well, just minutes ago I thought I’d never be able to take even a few inches of his dick, so I was thrilled to be able take his whole cock. Wait, what was I talking about?

Before I could come to my senses, he lifted me off his dick then spun us both around so that I was face down on his lowered seat with my legs sprawled out beneath me. I was positioned on that passenger seat like a surfboard. He got on his knees behind me on the chair and pressed up against me. “Now imma fuck you good,” he whispered into my ear. I shivered but my asshole tingled in anticipation.

I felt his dick enter my hole and he began thrusting his entire dick inside me up to his balls then pulled out all the way out to his tip. I moaned uncontrollably with each complete insertion. He slowly picked up the pace until he was pounding my ass ruthlessly. I shrieked in pain and pleasure, he grunted from the effort, his balls noisily slapped against my ass, and the entire truck rocked back and forth. We were lucky we were in an empty parking lot because if not someone would’ve seen us, heard us, or smelt us. The car had a putrid smell of my feces since I wasn’t given a heads up to clean my anus. And the car windows fogged up from the intense body heat being shared. We were both sweating profusely despite the chilly weather outside. I was just worried I’d start cramping, I hadn’t been able to drink my protein shake after my initial workout, so my muscles definitely weren’t recovered for this impromptu second one. 

As if on queue, he stopped and whispered in my ear, “After a good workout like this one, you need to hydrate and get your protein. Lucky for you, I have a two-in-one remedy.” He flipped me over and faced me with a smile. He kissed me then leaned back to start stroking his cock in front of my face with vigor. I knew what was coming next, and no I didn’t want his secret sauce, but this was the final step. If I resisted now, who knows what he’d do?

His body suddenly trembled and he instinctively stuck his dick down my throat. He gave a booming moan as warm semen shot out his dick and had nowhere to go but down my throat. The salty sweet liquid was surprisingly not bad and did quench some of my thirst. After he squeezed out the last drops, he laid on top of me gasping for breath. 

He was a heavy dude and soon I was struggling to breath. “I can’t breathe,” I mustered. He chuckled and rolled over, “Sorry baby.”

He gazed at me from my side, “Did you enjoy daddy’s dick?” 

I had no other choice but to nod my head.

“Good because daddy knows where you workout, and he knows your car.”

I groaned internally as I glanced over to see my car as the only other car in the parking lot. Welp I guess that’s goodbye gym girl, I’ll have to find another gym. And I’ll probably have to throw away my car too. 

“I hope we can workout together again soon,” he said as he kissed me on the cheek. 

I nodded again then slowly opened the door. He didn’t object, so I slipped out the door and ran into the night, not even caring that I was naked.

“See you again, cutie!” he called from his car. 

I sighed, I should’ve just took the compliment.