Need a Ride?

by LittleBuddy

3 Dec 2023 5173 readers Score 9.7 (65 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Ride it Boy

I landed on the bed with a bounce, staring at the burly tow truck driver as he walked around it, giving me a hungry smile, his thick cock hard already, sticking out like an extension of his masculinity. He looked good, so fucking good I thought as I took in his messy curly hair, his heaving pecs and grapefruit sized biceps, the way his waist had that v-shape pointing to his meaty cock and balls despite his hard rounded stomach. His legs were thick and muscled, his body hair dark and lightly covering his body in the right places. This was a blue-collar man in every sense of the fantasy. He seemed sexier than my stepfather, in a different way though that I couldn’t quite figure out. He moved around my bed watching me, before he yanked at the covers and climbed in beside me, pulling the sheets over us and finding my naked body.

Greg pulled me into him and I could smell that manly scent mixed with sex on him. I felt his warm body touch mine, my smooth body responding immediately to the sensation of this bigger man’s naked flesh against my skin. I shivered, curling into his body, his arm extended for me to lay on, as his other arm pulled me into him.

“Get in here boy.” He mumbled, curling his leg over mine, scooping me up into the folds of his muscles. His hard belly pushed into my flesh, his hand finding my ass to hang on to and caress as he looked down at me smiling. He let out a small moan and shifted his body until he felt just right, me in his arms, our legs entwined, my hands resting on his leg and pec.

My head was against his chest, listening to the sounds of his heart beating, his nose breathing in and out just above me. This wasn’t what I expected of the big brute who had just carried me into bed after he let a fellow driver plow me alongside him. This was a different side of the bully of a man who made me suck his dick in his truck, arrange for a cop to come and use me and then show up with a friend. I was all his now.

His hand moved slowly up and down my backside, his fingers tracing my spine up to my shoulders then back down over the curve of my ass as his other hand rubbed my arm. It was quiet, and we were both still. Only the sounds of his breathing filled the room until he spoke softly.

“It’s been a long time since I did this.” He didn’t stop his fingers moving, or change position. I didn’t answer, just enjoyed the feeling. I wasn’t used to getting this much attention lately. My stepfather could only enter my room to fuck me quickly and quietly, no time for this sort of affection. But it was what I had been missing. I just didn’t expect it from this brawny guy.

Greg looked down at me, taking me in. My eyes looked up, seeing the frown on his face as he studied me, feeling his fingers move from my arms to my smooth chest, feeling them dance over my nipple up my neck to my cheek. He let his finger move over my nose, his eyes watching the movements as he outlined my jaw and my hairline, until he brought his fingers under my chin to lift it, the glint of his wedding ring catching my eye before he moved in to kiss me.

I felt his thick tongue move slowly into my mouth at first, tentative it seemed compared to the forcefulness earlier. There was a slow, methodical manner to this kiss, as if it was the first time now, teasing, tasting, testing. The kiss grew in intensity, our lips opening wider, our tongues exploring deeper. His breath increased, and his hands began to move around my body again. I felt his cock hardening, stiffening against me as our bodies moved slightly. He was pulling me into him tighter, or I was pressing into him more. My eyes were closed. My face feeling numb. My body on fire.

It was me that moved over him, rolling onto his body, sliding a leg over him to straddle him, keeping our faces locked still in a kiss. I felt him move with me, rolling onto his back until I was on him. I pulled my lips away slightly, opening my eyes to see his still closed, the long dark lashes against his face until they opened slightly. A small smile spread across his cheeks as he focused on me, his moustache curling upwards a bit, his hands moving up my arms to my shoulders to rub me lightly.

“You look good on top of me.” He whispered with a dazed look about him. I lifted my ass and moved upward, feeling his thick shaft under me. I let my bum move over him, hearing him inhale as I positioned his fat dick between my cheeks and teased him, grinding my ass onto him. His hands moved down my pecs, tickling my abs. His big paw found my own cock where he fisted it, tugging at it gently as his eyes moved back up to mine.

Greg looked just as good under me, his barrel chest at my hands to squeeze and feel. His rather handsome face relaxed and enjoyed the view. I leaned over him to kiss him again, and he welcomed me with a small groan, opening his meaty lips for me to taste, letting me bite down on his lower lip and tug at it as his hands continued their dance over my body.

I moved my hands over his big arms, pushing them down onto the bed, snaking up to his hands where he opened his fists for me and then closed his fingers around mine, holding my hands tightly as our kissing increased. I felt his cock throb under my wet ass and I slid upward, feeling the head of his cock at my hole. I sat down on it again, and squirmed, teasing him. He flexed, his cock lifting at an angle for me and I pushed back as we kissed and held each other’s hands.

We did this for a while, moaning into each other, fingers clinging to each other as our mouths locked, my ass working his cock to see if he could find my entrance with the movements of his hips. And when that cock was pressing at my angled hole, when I had him right where I wanted him, I pushed up on him, my hands holding his still against the bed, and I moved my ass so I could take him in.

I watched his eyes link with mine as his mouth hung open. I felt his body freezing, his hips in just the right position under me, holding me in place to make sure his cock was in the right spot. I didn’t need any lube. I didn’t need any hands. I maneuvered my body just right until I had that head pop into me and I slid backwards, down his shaft and felt him inside me once again.

We both moaned, his fingers squeezing me tight as he slid in. His head went back a bit as he groaned out, feeling the warmth from me wash over him. His eyes opened wider and locked back on mine as his hips met my ass and he pushed up into me.

“Holy fuck boy. That feels so fuckin’ good.” He grinned, squeezing his fingers around mine.

We didn’t move, me holding his hands down on the bed, my body sitting across his waist, my ass resting against his big legs. His cock flexed again in me and I rolled my eyes at the feeling, making him give a little laugh.

“You feel that eh?” His grin was intoxicating. I slid my fingers out from his, leaving his arms bent up by his body as if he was being held up at gunpoint. I grazed my hands down his arms, to his chest. Squeezing his big pecs I began to move my ass, seeing the pleasure wash over his face, working his cock inside me slowly. He groaned, breathing in deeply, watching me work my body on his, moving like a dancer on him, sliding his cock up and down enough to make him want to squirm. But he remained still, watching me, memorizing me.

I could have stayed in bed with him all day like this, the feeling of him from this position taking my breath away, making my cock thick and leaking again already. He saw me look down and brought a big thumb to my cock to wipe away the drop, bringing it to my own lips for me to taste, shoving his thumb into my mouth as I gyrated on top of him.

“Yeah. Ride my cock boy. Feel good?” his voice was still soft, talking to me in a quiet whisper, like it was forbidden. I nodded, sliding my hands over his beautiful chest, eliciting more growls and groans from him as his face relaxed more and his eyes kept slowly closing momentarily.

Then he arched a bit, and his hands moved up my legs to my waist and he lifted me upwards with his cock, driving it deeper into me and making me moan. But instead of taking over, he held on to me, and grabbed my 8 inches with his rough hand and started to stroke it as I moved on his.

“Ride that cock boy.” He whispered again, putting his free hand behind his head and flexing out his bicep. I heard a groan of my own as I watched him, feeling the sensation of his cock in my ass as he pulled at my dick. All 6 plus feet of his solid muscular body under me. This massive man probably twice my size now under me, weak with lust as he watched me pleasure myself on his pole.

I picked up my pace, leaning back more to give him a better angle on my cock. I put my hands on his massive quads, working my ass faster now. I watched him watching me, the frown on his face and the nods he was giving me.

“Oh fuck Greg you feel so good.” I whispered back at him as I bounced up and down.

He was nodding now, gripping my cock tighter, pulling at it harder with a new determination.

“C’mon baby. Ride that cock and make it squirt again.” He teased, leaving his tongue dangling out over his bottom lip as he focused on my cock.

I looked up to the ceiling, my body moving into his hand now, as if I was fucking his fist as his cock drilled me from underneath. I was the one who started moaning first. His voice was now matching mine as I felt the wave of my orgasm rising.

I opened my eyes in time to see the first volley of my cum shoot straight out, flying across his chest to his face and land there on his cheek much to his surprise. A second shot matched it, landing on his chin as his mouth opened wider and his own body began to spasm. My clenching ass brought him to his own explosion.

His body shook, lifting me up higher as he arched and drove his cock upward into me, his fist still clenched around my throbbing dick, letting more of my cum erupt from his vice like grip. He bucked up into me in a loud, low growl, holding me down with his free hand to make sure he didn’t escape my tunnel.

Like I was riding a mechanical bull trying to buck me off, I managed to hang on, gripping his pecs, squeezing my legs around his, keeping my ass down on him to feel his cock flood me again in what would best be described as a surprising sensual ending to a slow burn of an explosion. Until he lowered his ass to the bed, and his eyes locked on mine again. I bent forward, hungrily kissing him as he wrapped those big manly arms around me. For such a wild brute, this was a strange erotic way to have sex. I didn’t expect him to be so sensual. So much so that he rolled over on me, moving his body over me, keeping his cock inside me still and curling into me, holding me tight as he kept kissing me. His leg moved up, ensuring his cock wasn’t going anywhere and moved his face into the crook of my neck. We caught our breaths, still attached cock to ass, our bodies slick with sweat and cum, stuck together.

When his head moved, his scruffy face scratched at mine as his lips tenderly kissed me. His eyes opened by mine, and that grin spread once again on his face.

“That was powerful.” He said so quietly I almost didn’t hear his words. I let my fingers run along the stubble, to his moustache, and then to his curly hair.

But before I could speak, his hands moved around me and his hips started to move again slowly. His cock was still thick inside me, and he smiled as he started to slowly pump my ass again.

My eyes widened as I hung on to his broad shoulders, pinned underneath him to my bed. I licked my lips, and felt my eyes closing. “Oh my god….” I started to say.

“Don’t move baby.” He whispered again, lightly kissing the side of my face. He held me tight, fucking me in his arms, his cock still feeling so huge in me. I clung to him, tasting his shoulder, biting down on his flesh and closed my eyes.

He felt so good. I felt so safe and secure that I managed to breath out, “I’m not going anywhere.”

He groaned and found my mouth again, kissing me, forcing that tongue into me, and giving me a taste of his saliva as his arms surrounded me. I moaned into him, letting him use me like this. Forget Officer Rhodes, forget Pedro. Forget everyone. As I hugged his body tighter I knew this was all I needed.

I don’t know how long he fucked me. I don’t know how many more times he called me baby. I don’t know how long it took until he was shaking another load into my ass. I was delirious by the time he was done. But I was still clinging to him, still hanging on to him, still hugging him tightly when he subsided.

And as his softening cock at last left me, his arms didn’t. His head remained on my chest, his hot breath panting on me. I felt my own heartbeat pounding against him as we stay glued to each other, until our pulse returned to normal. And all I could hear was the ticking of the clock from down the hall.

Greg’s big body wrapped in mine. My fingers lazily playing with the curls in his hair.

I shifted slightly, seeing his face look up at me with a small grin, his eyes half open as he rested his chin on me. I could see the bumps of his muscular smooth back over me, the curve of his calf muscle on the leg outside of the sheets by my foot. And when I smiled back at him I knew this was all I wanted. And I didn’t want him to leave.

by LittleBuddy

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