My Stepfather Mark

by Bo Fantasy

13 Oct 2023 11347 readers Score 9.0 (73 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Reader discretion is adviced, this story contain graphic content depicting violence and rape which may not be suitable to all readers. This is a fictional story and do not portray real events or real persons.

(All characters in this story are 18+)

I have found myself in a terrible predicament.

No one can really help me and there’s not a chance in hell that I’ll ask for it. Too many questions will hurl my way. But here I am, stuck and afraid of doing anything about it. I guess it is what it is, right?

I’m Evan, now 18 and a senior in high school. I’m decently fit, play soccer, and spend a lot of time playing 2k. The secret though, you guessed it, I’m into guys. Typical, I know. No one really knows except my best friend Charles. He has been trying to convince me to come out for the last 2 years now, claims it won’t be bad and that he’ll help me get laid, yadayadayada. So far, fairly normal right? Well it would be, if it wasn’t for my mothers recent marriage.

Enter Mark, the guy my mother fell for last year. It didn’t take her much time since dad died to move on, only a year and some change. At the end of my junior year they decided to tie the knot, got married in the summer and we moved in together right before senior year. Now I have a stepdad and a younger step sister, she’s only 7. Starting out I just thought that Mark was weird, kinda quiet but always thinking. Soon enough I started to see his true self, one that laughs and cracks jokes and tried disciplining me like I’m his child. It was typical but, I started to resent him. I would do anything to curve him around the house, and for a while it worked. Then my birthday rolled around.

Enter, my 18th birthday. For the most part, the day was awesome! It landed on a Friday so I still had school but afterwards I played a tournament on 2k with my buddies. I was so excited thinking about the next two days, the Saturday and Sunday following. My friends and I were going to drive to the inlet and take out Marks boat, something he was allowing for my birthday. Only I didn’t know it wasn’t a gift, it was really more of a trade. My mother made lasagna for dinner, my absolute favorite, and myself, Kimmy, my mom and Mark sat at the dinner table to eat. After they did a small ice cream cake, we all laughed and they joked about how I’m still not a “real adult” or whatever that means. It was nice, and for a little while I forgot about how much I loathed Mark. After dinner and cake, my mother got Kimmy ready to leave, she was going to stay at a friends house this weekend. By the time I was headed back upstairs to continue the game, mom and Kimmy were out the door.

Enter, the trade. Before I got my set up ready to play again, I got a little horny. “Barely anyone’s home” I thought, so I shut my door and pulled out my phone. Twitter was my go to, it had all the niche porn I was looking for. “Deep throat” and “strugglefucking” all seemed so hot to me, I never knew though if I wanted to be the top or the bottom. Before I could get close enough, I heard a knock at my door. I froze but quickly slid my shorts up and covered myself in my comforter.

“Hello?” I called out to who I presumed to be Mark. Ugh, Mark would ruin this time on my birthday. Mark opened the door and revealed his face, grinning and smily.

“Hey bud! Excited for the fishing trip tomorrow?” He sauntered his way to my bed and sat on the corner. I was already bricked up under my sheets from the porn I was just watching, but something in me was wondering why I was still so hard. Is it the thrill of almost being caught?

“Yeah totally. Charles and Jordan are really excited too.” I didn’t want to be short and mean as I wanted him to leave soon in a positive way. He smiled and looked forward at the wall, his lips pursed a bit and I got a good look at his jaw. Maybe this is why mom fell for him? He’s not ugly by any means, he’s a stud really, definitely someone I would see in porn. He’s hairy and tan skinned, deep blue eyes and furry eyebrows. An Italian man by definition, not to mention his dad bod, clearly packed with muscle but softened.

“I hope you know that mom and I love you, so does Kimmy.” He finally looked at me, his eyes seeming a little darker now, hazy and dare I say, sexual. I’m probably just horny still.

“I know.” I responded quickly, nothing I really ever said mattered though, as long as I went along with it. Plus in a few more months I’ll be off to college and won’t have to see him everyday.

“Good.. “ he smiled again and stood up, his 6’3’’ stature towered over my bed. “.. come on give me a hug then I’ll leave you alone!” He opened his arms waiting.

“Alright alright” I caved to get him out of my room, only I hadn’t fully thought this one through. While getting up, I remembered my raging boner in my shorts, luckily he’s looking at my face and didn’t notice. I got up swiftly and hugged him, my head fitting right into his armpit. He squeezed a bit, taking a big breath. Suddenly his left leg moved forward, running his thigh right into my raging boner. I didn’t move, I wanted him to think maybe something is just in my pocket. If I don’t mention it, he won’t right.

“Love you, Evan” he broke from the hug, unbothered and smiling down at me. I half ass gave him a smile back and climbed back in bed. He muttered a goodnight and see ya soon before heading out and closing the door behind him.

Phew.. that was a close one. I grabbed my phone again and for some reason the porn on twitter just wasn’t a doing it for me, maybe the Mark walk in ruined the mood. Though I was still really horny, just laying there stroking my 6 incher. I finally decided to get on Grindr, usually an app I refrain from using but I just felt like I needed to talk to someone, get a few pictures and converse about a good time. My profile was anonymous but there were pictures of my body, just cropped. When I opened the app I was bombarded with ads and messages, the last time I was on here was like a week ago maybe. Scrolling through them, I remembered the guy I’ve had a few chats with, “R4pe 4 U” was his name. He was online and only lived 4 miles away, he’s like 30 something and I don’t think he knows me nor do I know him. It made him the perfect person to chat with, and his kinks really turned me on, kinda scary though.

Me and him started to chat, he replied quickly and started demanding things from me. Pictures and videos, he wanted to know what I was wearing, the typical. I was very cautious, I’d send him a few pictures but none with my face. I finally got him to send pictures of his dick, it’s huge actually, probably 8 inches. In his photo his dick is propped up against a beer can, the thickness about even. I was starting to get close with jerking off. But again, I heard a knock at my door.

Before I could even try to cover up, someone opened my door hard and walks in. It’s Mark. I started to scream at him while covering myself in the blanket, “you can’t just walk in my room Marc!” I was so mad. He can’t just dismiss my privacy like this. In all my rage, the only look he had was a small smirk. I started at him for what felt like minutes, shook as to why he wouldn’t open his damn mouth. “Get out!” I screamed at him.

Before I knew it, Mark stomped over to me and backhanded me in the face. “Shut up bitch!” He yelled as I grabbed my face in shock and crawled to the opposite corner of my bed. “TwinkboyE? Is that you?” He kept creeping closer to me over my bed. How the hell does he know that. My eyes shot to my phone still open on Grindr, to which he looked and snatched my phone.

“Hey give me that back!” I tried to reach for my phone but he smacked me again, dismissively without a word.

“So it is you. Huh.” He looked like he was admiring my phone. Then he looked directly at me, a completely twisted look on his face. Oh my god how did he find out? What is he mad? Is he going to tell mom? “You wanna get raped boy?” He asked me with another smirk.

I was shocked at his words. Do I want to get raped? How does he know the contents of my conversation with this guy? Is that guy actually him?

“I’ve had my suspicious about you Evan..” he continued talking while setting my phone down on my dresser. “.. but I never knew until now.” He turned to me, his eyes have this sickening look about them, primal. I was still so shocked, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t speak. “You know mom won’t be home for a while.” He cocked his head and smirked down at me. Okay? What does that mean? “She’s stuck in conversation with the Pullmeyers, all it takes is a glass of wine.” He folded his arms over his chest and continued admiring me.

“What the fuck is happening?” Is all I could manage. I was so confused, scared and I felt hopeless.

“Can’t you tell Evan?” He looked down upon me, moving closer with each word. “I’m gonna rape the fuck out of you.” Those words sent a chill through my spine and my words stuck in my throat. Before I could even try to negotiate, he pulled a grey washcloth from his pocket, it looked wet. It all happened so fast but next thing you know the rag was in my face and he was pushing me into my bed with all his force. I struggled and struggled but soon it all faded to black..

pt 2 coming soon :)