My Craigslist Roommate

by Shadow123

27 Oct 2023 3135 readers Score 8.2 (30 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I knocked on the door and a short thin man with glasses opened the door. 

“Hello, are you Doug from the Craigslist roommate listing?” I asked.

“Yes, I am. I’m guessing you’re Evan. Come on in,” he replied.

He let me into his apartment. I’d been desperate to find a cheap living situation with a roommate, so I looked on Craigslist and found Doug to be great match based on his listing. But the guy was a complete stranger and I didn't even know what he looked like. I was pleased to see that he was an unintimidating guy and kept the apartment well-kept and clean. You never know with Craigslist, I could be walking into the home of an absolute wackjob. But Doug seemed normal and friendly enough that I felt at peace living with him for the next few months.

“Here’s your room,” Doug said gesturing to an empty spacious bedroom. “It has your own bathroom and comes with a bed. I assume you brought everything else you’d need?”

“Yes! It’s all in the car.”

“Do you need help moving everything in? I can help with the small stuff, I probably wouldn’t be much help with the bigger things,” he said chuckling looking down at his skinny arms and legs.

“Haha sure I’d appreciate any help. There aren’t too many heavy things, but it’s alright I can handle those.”

“Yeah, I’m sure you work out more than me,” he said looking at my athletic build, “You carry the desk, I’ll carry the blender.” 

I laughed. This guy seemed cool. Craigslist can be risky getting a random roommate, but it looks like I got lucky. 

A month had passed, and I’d enjoyed my new home. Doug was a neat freak so he kept everything super tidy in the common area and the kitchen. He even cooked for me some nights and could make some incredible spaghetti. We weren’t best buddies or anything, we mostly kept to ourselves and stayed in our room when we were home. But I liked it that way. Honestly, he was as good of a roommate as I could've asked for, I had no complaints.

Exactly a month after I moved in, I awoke on a relaxed Saturday morning to a knock on my door. I slowly woke up and wiped the crust out of my eyes to see Doug sitting in the chair next to my bed. It took me a second to process what I was seeing because we usually never went in each other’s rooms. We didn’t lock our doors because we trusted each other by now, but our rooms were our personal areas. 

“What’s up?” I asked confused.

He smiled, “Rise and shine sleeping beauty. Were you going to sleep all day, man? It’s 11 am!” I noticed a different more arrogant tone in his voice. He was usually respectful and polite.  

“Why are you in my room?” I asked defensively, beginning to get upset. This guy woke me up from a fantastic sleep, came into my room unannounced, and is now insulting my sleep schedule like I’m not a grown man who can do what he wants?

“Great question,” he said pompously. “I’ll give you a full explanation: when you first walked through the door to be my roommate, I immediately noticed that you were a handsome sexy man that I would like to have sex with.”

I nearly choked on my spit, stunned at what I was hearing. “Is this some kind of joke?” I said nervously, beginning to get uncomfortable.

He continued nonchalantly, “But I quickly realized you were straight which sucked, although I still wanted to have sex with you. So, what did I do? I waited patiently, suppressed my urges to ravish your ass, and instead spent this last month building your trust.” 

My heart started to race in panic, and I scanned the room to look for my car keys so I could get out of here.

“If you're looking for your car keys, they’re not here. You may notice that your laptop isn’t here either. Nor your phone. Nor your wallet. Nor even any of your clothes. While you were sleeping, I took all of your belongings and locked them away somewhere safe. This way, I’d have some strong bargaining power.”

My heart dropped, I frantically searched the room and he was right everything he said was gone. I couldn’t call the police. I couldn’t run and drive away. And I couldn’t even run away because I sleep naked and he took all my clothes. How the hell did he know I sleep naked?

“What do you want?” I asked with my lip quivering both in fear and anger.

“Another great question!” He said with a smug smile. “I want to make sweet love to you. And not only that, I want to have sex with you while you do everything I tell you to do.”

He took off his shirt to reveal his skinny bony body.

“C’mon man. Anything but that. I’m not gay! I’ll pay you whatever you want!” I pleaded.

“No, you must not have heard me right. I didn’t say PAY me whatever I want, I said DO whatever I want,” he said with a glare and a stern tone. “If you do what I say, then you can have your stuff back and go on your merry way."

"Like what?" I asked apprehensively, the horror setting in. 

"First order is to come take my pants off,” he demanded as he grabbed his crotch. He was wearing basketball shorts with likely no underwear, so I could clearly see he was fully erect.

I whimpered, trying to think of someway ANY way out. Oh wait... I could just beat him up and force him to give me my stuff back.

As if reading my mind, he said, “By the way, I have my phone and will call the cops if you try anything. And if you don’t do what you’re told, I found this in your drawer,” he said holding one of my bags of weed. “And I have no problem turning you into the authorities, where I’m sure this amount of marijuana is enough to give you prison time and lose that fancy job of yours.”

My hope was dwindling rapidly. “What if I turn you in for sexual assault?” I asked desperately.

“No one will believe you. I mean look at you and look at me. You’re twice my size and you won’t have a scratch on your face.”

Checkmate. This was a strategically planned attack and he had me cornered. I sat there in shock. 

“Yeah there’s no way out for you buddy. Now, c’mon take my pants off… Or I’ll dial 9-1-1,” he said taking his phone out.
I threw off the covers to walk over to him. If I got caught for weed I’d lose my job and have that on my criminal record for life, I couldn’t afford that to happen. Plus, who knows if there’d be worse guys than Doug in prison. 

“Crawl!” He demanded.

I hesitated, then swallowed my pride and got on my hands and knees to crawl over to him. 

“There’s a good boy. I’m so lucky to have such a cute and obedient roommate!”

I was humiliated and wanted to get this over with as quickly as possible. When I was right in front, I paused before I reluctantly pulled down his pants to uncover a large rigid cock.

He giggled, “Look how hard and excited I am! Here, feel it.” He slapped his dick against my cheek, making solid thuds. ”Mmm,” he groaned as he rubbed his dick all over my face. “You’re my slave. And you have to do whatever I say,” he taunted, relishing in his power. “Now, suck it,” he told me, resting the dick on my lips.

I whimpered and began to beg but he raised his phone like he was dialing the police. So I opened my mouth and took in his cock. I grimaced as I felt the skin of his penis on my tongue. Begrudgingly, I bobbed my head up and down on his cock, making him moan with every suck. 

He lifted my chin, “look at me.” I looked him in the eyes behind his thin-framed glasses while I continued sucking. “Say, ‘I love your cock, Master Doug.” I began to lift my head off his cock so I could say it, but he put a hand on the back of my head to keep me there. “No, say it on my cock, speak into the cock mic,” he said with a snicker. 

“I wuv uuur caawwk madder duugh,” I mustered with his thick cock in my mouth. He gave an evil laugh, completely enamored with the power he possessed. 

Then, he slammed my head down his cock and buried his cock deep into my throat. I choked and came up for air, but he immediately did it again, and again. Before I could catch my breath, he shoved my face in his balls to breathe in the musk of his testicles. 

“Suck on my balls. Give each one the love and care they deserve," he ordered. I sucked on each of his hairy balls individually until his wrinkly scrotum was smooth and clean. 

He squeezed my butt cheeks, “That booty is calling to me. I think it’s ready for some dick.” I gulped in fear. I had no idea how this was going to go. 

“Turn around.” I crawled around so that I was no longer facing him but my butt was. “Mmm,” he groaned spreading my cheeks. I felt a wet sensation in my asshole as he began licking and sucking my hole. I frowned at the strange sensation and the thought of what he was about to do. 

Then, I felt his dickhead press against my asshole with increasing force until it popped into my anus. “Ow!” I screamed and instinctively moved away. But he grabbed me by my hips to hold me in place as he speared deeper into my anus. I shrieked louder but he didn’t stop. “Don’t resist or it’ll hurt more. Let Master Doug have control of your ass.” I reluctantly tried to do what he told me and avoid resisting. Once I did, his cock slid deeper into my ass with speed. I let out another shout.

“Quiet slave! We don’t want the neighbors to be jealous with how much fun we're having.” I tried to hold in my screams as he heaved his last couple inches into my ass. “There’s a good slave! I knew you could do It!” He said, slapping my ass to congratulate me. 

He began to thrust in and out, in and out. I couldn’t help but moan as he penetrated me with a rough consistent pace. It was a pleasurable feeling but I was to upset that I was in this predicament to enjoy it. Master Doug seemed to enjoy it enough for the both of us though, moaning and giggling with delight. 

“Get on that bed. I want to see your face as I fuck you.” 

I was already past the point of humiliation. I obliged with no reluctance and laid on my back on my bed. He lifted up my legs and leaned over to stick his dick inside me. I couldn’t believe this frail man with glasses who I’d deemed as a harmless dweeb was taking advantage of me. But Doug was fully soaking in the moment, penetrating me while staring me down saying, “I’m your master. I’m your master.” I had nowhere else to look, but whenever I did try to look away he reminded me to look him in his eyes. 

“Say, ‘I love your cock Master Doug,'” he demanded once again, this time sticking his fingers in my mouth. 

I chocked on his fingers, “I wuv uuur caawwk madder duugh.” 

He leaned over and kissed me while he was fucking me. My ass was numb now and I had given up on resisting anymore. I had completely given in to his domination. Sensing that, he decided to do one final act of ownership. “I’m going to cum on your face.”

He pulled out and rested his balls on my chin as he stroked his moist cock. Soon, I heard a grunt then his body shuddered as he ejaculated all over my face. “Ahhh,” he grunted in satisfaction as the last squirts of semen left his cock. Then, he stuck his dick in my mouth to clean it off. The taste of his semen was disgusting, and I tried to stop myself from puking. But he didn’t care as leaned over me and penetrated my mouth until his dick was fully soft.

Finally, he rolled over next to me with a last groan of contentment. He turned my face to him and kissed me, “Great job today slave. You’ve earned your stuff back. But never forget who your master is. If you ever forget, I’ll have to remind you again,” he stated slyly as he gave me another kiss. 

He got up and returned my stuff. But I laid there on my bed in shock, processing what had happened. As expected, I left the apartment that day and never returned. But he was right, I never forgot Master Doug.