My Cousin Benny

by reader207

18 Aug 2022 2261 readers Score 9.5 (50 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Tuesday morning came with that feeling of deja vu. Like a scene cut from Groundhog Day, I woke up to find Ben already gone. I was impressed he could maneuver such that he didn't wake me. Not so impressed he was missing. At least yesterday I had a sense of hopefulness knowing he would be back in a few hours. This time, his things were gone. He'll probably leave town after his interviews today. He won't be coming back.

Was I surprised? No.

Was I disappointed? Yes.

It's no wonder he left without a word or text message. After all, we had crossed another line last night.

As I rocked my hips against him, he reached back and spread his cheeks. During my next pass, my dick head pushed into his hole. Ben gasped, and moved his hands to my ass, pulling me down onto him. I freed one of my hands and spit into my palm, working the saliva onto my dick. I pressed again on his hole, with firm and steady pressure. Ben's hole opened up to me, and my cock head once again entered his warmth.

"I want you to fuck me, cuz," Ben whispered into the pillow. "Fuck me, Rob."

The memory of fucking Ben, of fucking my cousin, stirred my dick into raging morning wood. I wasn't normally one to top, but the taboo of it all was insanely hot. I loved feeling his tight, virgin hole grip my cock. I wanted to do it again.

I wish I had more time with Ben. I wanted to figure him out. Over the last year, we've seen each other three times. All of them had ended up with us fooling around. Truth be told, I couldn't figure myself out, either. Did I have feelings for Ben? I may be only 22, but I hoped I wasn't so naïve as to fall for my straight cousin. Or, did I just enjoy that my lustful fantasies have come true? Maybe that's all I am to Ben, too. Either way, he was gone. For now.

I spent a couple of hours playing video games when I finally received a text from Ben.

Ben: Sorry to dip out so early this morning. I didn't want to wake you and I had to get into the city early for my interviews. Thanks again for letting me crash

He probably wanted to avoid me.

Me: No problem, thanks for letting me sleep in :-p hope the massage helped for a restful night ;)

I wasn't afraid to bring it up. I saw the brief flash of ellipses as he started to reply, but it vanished. No reply ever came. Not that morning, not that day, not that week. Oh well. At least the memory of fucking my cousin could happily reside in my spank bank.

I did my best to move on, which didn't prove too difficult. I kept at it going to the gym, occasionally running into Alex. Months ago, I almost let him blow me in the gym sauna but I felt too much guilt for betraying Ben. All of those feelings were out the window by June when I saw online that Ben and his ex-girlfriend, Crystal, were not only dating again but engaged. It seemed he landed a job in NYC and they agreed to get back together. I only hoped he was happy with this decision and that maybe he'd come to terms with his fluid sexual identity. Who knows, maybe she pegged him at night. Actually, I wouldn't mind seeing that.

Towards the end of the summer, in September, I was included in a group chat with a bunch of phone numbers I didn't recognize aside from Ben's. The name of the group quickly updated to "Ben's Bachelor Bash". It seems I was to be invited to his bachelor party, how thoughtful. Messages soon started streaming in, to the tune of "let's get wasted, bro", "get him a stripper", and "does anyone have a coke hook-up?". Then came suggestions on bars, exotic locations, and what weekends everyone was free. I added nothing to the conversation and merely observed.

I got a separate text from just Ben.

Ben: Hey cuz, hope all is well with you. Our moms overheard me talking about my bachelor party planning and both insisted that you might enjoy coming as well. I wasn't sure if it was your thing, but I'd love to have you join us.

Me: Thanks for the invite! I might have to work or something, but I'll let you know if I can make it.

I didn't want to feel like an afterthought, but I did. It at least seemed like a friendly gesture and I appreciated he messaged me apart from the group.

After a week of bickering, it was decided to congregate in Boston on Halloween weekend. Everyone's budget was different so this made the most sense. People could stay in hotels if they chose, or get transport home as they were all fairly local. Normally I wouldn't have wanted to attend something like this, but I wouldn't have anything better to do. The few friends I had were my coworkers at the bar I worked at and they were all scheduled to work that night when I won a staff lottery to get the holiday off. And, who knows, it might be like my college days. Now that Ben was off-limits, I wouldn't mind cuddling up with some drunk and horny former frat bro friend of his.

The weeks leading up to the event passed quickly. Before I knew it, I was on the train headed into downtown Boston. All the guys were staying at the same hotel, so I went to meet them. Ben was staying in a room with his brother, Seth. I texted Ben I was on my way and he gave me their room number. When I arrived, I knocked on their door and was greeted by Seth who was wearing only a pair of ratty gray box briefs that cupped his balls perfectly. I wanted nothing more than to drop to my knees and bury my face in his bulge like I'd done that one time in his parent's garage.

"Hey cuz!" he said, opening the door to let me in.

"Hi, Seth," I replied, trying not to stare at his crotch.

Seth led me into the room and plopped down on his bed. He'd gotten more of a belly since I'd seen him last, but it only gave him the ideal dad-bod. He had his long legs, coated with dark blond hair, splayed out suggestively. His thick thighs looked both powerful and inviting. He'd grown a bit of a beard as well, and he was checking all the right boxes. I was half tempted to get on my knees and offer him a blowjob when Ben came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel with wet hair and rivulets of water trickling down his muscular chest to his chiseled abs. The sight of my two cousins, both nearly naked, had my dick raging in seconds. Fuck.

"Hey, Rob!" said Ben.

Ben loosened the towel from around his waist to dry himself off more. As he passed between me and his brother, I caught a glimpse of his soft cock, but a perfect view of his meaty ass. Seth acted like the proximity of his naked brother was totally ordinary. Ben pulled some sort of clothing out of his bag that was red and blue. Instead of putting on any underwear or shirt, he pulled this material up his legs. It looked like some type of lycra or spandex. He continued pulling it up his body, over his torso and inserted his arms. Ben had transformed into a maskless Spiderman.

"What do you think?" he asked us. "I'm spiderman!"

"I can see that," said Seth. "I can see a lot of things."

Seth wasn't wrong. The tight material hugged every bulge and outlined every muscle. It was going to be a rough night tagging along with this stud.

"What about you, Seth?" I asked, trying to break the attention from Ben's spandex-clad body.

Seth jumped up off the bed and rifled through his bag, He pulled out a pair of dark brown khakis that looked cut off at the knee and a black vest. He put both on and then an eyepatch and a hat.

"I'm a pirate!" he said, brandishing a plastic scimitar. "Gimme yer booty!"

He looked so proud of himself, it was his first kid-free Halloween in a couple of years after all. I noticed also that he neglected to put a shirt on. His broad, hairy chest was on full display. I'd happily give him my booty. Did he intend it as a euphemism? I hope so.

"You guys were much more inspired than me," I said, waving a decorative masquerade mask.

"I thought Halloween was like, gay Fourth of July or something?" asked Ben before trying on the costume mask.

"Not for all of us," I retorted.

"This thing is way too hot," said Ben, shucking the mask. "Who's up for a shot?"

Seth nodded eagerly. Ben pulled out three shot glasses and a bottle of tequila, filling one for each of us.

"Cheers, queers!" said Seth and then looked at me apologetically. I shrugged, unbothered.

We downed the burning liquid in one big gulp each. Seth had a face that made it clear he wasn't used to drinking straight tequila. His eyes watered and he coughed.

"You alright there, big fella?" I asked in a mock soothing tone while patting his shoulder, making Ben roar with laughter.

A knock at the door that quickly turned into aggressive banging gave Seth an excuse to save face. I streamed half a dozen or so guys in their 20s, all with some form of Marvel superhero costume. Guess I missed the theme in all their bantering via text. I sat quietly as fist bumps were exchanged and more shots of tequila were passed around. They really did look like a part of some fraternity reunion. Hair and facial hair are all neatly kept, athletic, chiseled features, and an all-American feel. They all could've been retired Sean Cody models if not so brazenly straight. My mouth, and my dick, were practically drooling.

We started the evening out with a brief dinner at a nearby fast food stop before finding the closest bar. I kept it light with simple vodka sodas, not wanting to partake in shots like the other guys. Most of Ben's friends already seemed rowdy and rambunctious. In contrast, Ben and Seth also seemed to take it easy, probably feeling some sort of responsibility to look after the others. That's not to say we didn't get tipsy, just not wasted.

We barhopped our way through Boston. Admittedly, I was having a good time. All the guys were super friendly, each taking time to socialize with me. Ben, similarly, seemed to stay by my side in an almost protective way. We would put his arm around my shoulders occasionally and ask about how my year was going and other random topics.

Eventually, we made our way to a strip club, though I didn't realize that from the outside. I don't think I'd ever seen so many bare tits in my entire life. The guys instantly found a table right in front of the stage. I managed to sneak away and sat at the far end of a bar as far away from any naked female as possible. It looked like Seth was pulling out a wad of cash and dancers flocked to give them attention.

I ordered a drink from the cute male bartender and watched on in mild amusement. Before long, Spiderman Ben was up on stage sitting on a folding chair getting the full bachelor party experience. Some busty brunette was soon grinding her thong-clad ass on Ben's last. Lucky her. He had his hands on her trim waist while biting one of his lips, totally focused on her. It was silly that I felt jealous of her. After several minutes of grinding and motorboating, Ben got up to return to his seat. Even from this distance, it was clear he was sporting a raging hardon, all thanks to his spidey costume. My dick sprang to life at the view. The other guys, including Seth, all got their turns for a lap dance and I pictured every one of them ending up with a boner. It almost made being here tolerable.

Towards midnight, it looked like the group was starting to lose steam. I rejoined them on their way out. Truth be told, I don't think they even noticed I was gone. Easy to do with a face full of titties. Normally I would've parted ways here, but I left my keys, wallet, and headphones at the hotel for fear of losing them during the night's activities. We split a couple of cabs and made our way back. All the guys dispersed to their separate rooms and I went with Ben and Seth.

Seth ditched his vest and hat. He'd lost the eyepatch to a dancer and the sword to a bouncer he tried tickling. I gathered up my things and was getting ready to leave but Seth stopped me.

"Stay a little longer," he suggested. "Have a beer with us."

He pulled out a few cans of craft beer from the mini-fridge and handed one to me and one to his brother before kicking back on the bed. Ben was laying down already, propped up by the headboard, still in his spandex suit. His bulge still looked full from the dancers' attention. The guys talked about which one was hottest, who had the best rack, etc. Nothing I could contribute to. I sat on the couch and merely observed. Seth got up to use the bathroom. By the time he was done, Ben had dozed off, beer still in hand.

"Looks like he's done for the night," he said. "Want another beer?"

"Sure, why not," I replied.

After handing me another can, Seth stood in front of me and unbuttoned his cut-off khakis letting them fall to the floor. He was still wearing those ratty gray boxer briefs. This time I noticed a hole, right at eye level, that showed off the tip of his cock. His briefs were slightly tented from a semi-hardon.

"Sorry," he said, noticing me looking. "All that talk about those strippers got me kinda hard."

"No worries, I get it. Well, not me, cuz ya know," I said and Seth chuckled. He still hadn't moved away.

"I wish that redhead was here," he said, sitting down next to me and spreading his legs so that our knees were touching. "I bet she gives great blowjobs."

Seth's dick twitched and grew more firm. I licked my lips staring down at his meat. It seemed clear to me where this was going, and I was game.

"Do you think she could do better than I did?" I asked, hinting at the time I sucked his cock.

"I dunno," he said. "I might need a reminder."

Seth palmed at his lengthening cock and I got to my knees in front of him. We held eye contact as I reached with both hands to the waistband of his underwear. He lifted gently and I pulled them down over his knees and to his ankles before tossing them aside. Seth spread his legs wide, his heavy balls resting on the couch cushion and his full 8.5" dick quivered in front of me. It looked exactly as I remembered it. In a flash I had his dick in my mouth, taking half of the length before gagging.

"Take your time, cuz," he whispered.

I slowly bobbed my head up and down over his thick cock, using one hand to jerk him and the other fondled his balls. While last time Seth was aggressive, this time he let me do all the work. My hardon needed to be freed as well, so I quickly pulled down my pants and underwear to my ankles, keeping my shoes on. My hard dick was now free to swing as I continued my efforts on my cousin's massive tool.

Between Seth's quiet verbal encouragements and me moaning with his cock in my mouth, I didn't even hear the stirring behind me. The next thing I knew, something warm and wet was pressing against my exposed hole. I looked back to find Ben, on all fours, the Spiderman costume pulled down over his torso, rimming my ass. I didn't even know what to say, let alone think, so I put Seth's cock back in my mouth and enjoyed Ben's tongue.

"What do you say, bro?" Seth asked. "Should we spitroast our cousin?"

Oh my god. My dreams come true. Ben didn't reply, only got up and peeled off the costume letting his slender 8" cock flop free. Ben crouched behind me and spit on his dick.

"C'mon cuz, spread those cheeks for my baby brother," said Seth.

I reached back with both hands and spread my cheeks wide as instructed, my hole already puckering in anticipation. There was the slight pressure of Ben's dick head against my hole and I pushed out to welcome him inside me. His spit-lubed dick slid easily into my tongue-wet hole. He didn't waste any time and immediately began with an aggressive pace that hammered my hole. Feeling encouraged by his brother, Seth started pumping up into my mouth trying to fuck my throat. I had my hands on Seth's thighs making sure to prevent him from totally choking me. I gagged a little, but being reamed from both ends by two brothers, by my cousins, gave me the resolve to take their merciless pounding.

Seth got up and made as if to move his brother out of the way.

"C'mon, Ben, I need to fuck," he pleaded.

"I'm not done yet," said Ben.

"Dude, I've got blue balls here," said Seth.

"I said wait your turn!"

"I know one way to solve this," I said, feeling cheeky. Ben paused his thrusts but kept his dick lodged inside me.

"Go on," said Seth.

"Why don't you fuck Ben while he fucks me?"

The two brothers stared at me, then at each other.

"Okay," they both said in unison.

To be continued...

by reader207

Email: [email protected]

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