My Brother's Birthday

by lotusprn

5 Sep 2023 9542 readers Score 8.9 (110 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was starting to get late. I had to stay longer at work. Every year, we host a benefit that often gets thrown together at the last minute. This year is my turn to lead the project and organize all the details. This is the last day before the weekend, and a few colleagues of mine had stayed behind to help me knock out some last-minute things.

My phone buzzed. My boyfriend, Chase, texted me. “I’m getting ready to head out. See you at the restaurant <3.” Some family and friends were meeting my older brother, Daniel, for his birthday dinner. I texted Chase back, “Running a little late. Meet you there soon!”

Once Chase arrived, he sent a group selfie at the restaurant and captioned it “Hurry up slowpoke ;)” I took a minute away from my work to look over the photo. My brother, Daniel, had his arm draped over Chase’s shoulder. I noticed Daniel’s girlfriend wasn’t there, & remembered she was studying abroad in France for a few months. A couple of Daniel’s friends, Blake, Cameron and Will were bunched up against them. Behind them were my mom & dad, Uncle Tim & Aunt Jane, and a couple of our cousins, Jared & Tyler. Everyone had big smiles, all beautiful faces and bodies.

I went back to working & started to focus harder to try and finish up. Before I knew it, almost an hour had passed! I messaged Chase, “I’m so sorry!” “That’s alright,” Chase responded, “some of us younger guys are heading out to the bar. You can meet us there!” I got another picture, this time from Daniel. Him and Cameron were holding Chase’s legs up and carrying him around. Clearly they had got into a couple drinks at the restaurant already.

Another half hour later, and I started getting several messages, mostly pictures. I didn’t open any right away, figuring this was typical drunk shenanigans. Another 20 minutes passed and I figured I should wrap things up. My last co-worker just left, and I had been missing all the birthday fun.

I opened my messages and started to click through the pictures. The guys with their tongues out, holding drinks, dancing…I was clicking through and had to go back. ‘Was that…?,’ I thought to myself. Daniel, Cameron & Chase were doing a 3-way kiss. This took me by surprise. I didn’t really know how to feel. I clicked through a few more pictures before getting to a video of my cousin, Jared, & Daniel’s friend, Will, making out, with the boys hollering in the background. I needed a minute to process what I was watching. For the most part, everyone was straight, aside from Chase and I. Was everyone just that drunk & bored?

I braced myself for the next video from Daniel. It was close up, and I couldn’t make out what was happening at first. Then the camera pulled back a little to reveal a mouth. To my surprise, I realized someone’s dick had moved into frame, and the mouth had gone to work. I think my brother was getting his cock sucked on the dance floor! I sat there in shock, mouth agape, just watching the videos cycle through. If that was Daniel’s dick, he was pretty big…I realized I was starting to get hard, and had to stop myself. Why am I thinking about my brother this way? Why am I seeing this at all?

A few minutes later, a new video came in & the scenery changed. I think it was a hotel room. The camera panned over from the wall to someone lying face down and ass up on the bed. Their pants were thrown to the side. I knew that bubble butt anywhere…that was Chase! I always considered myself lucky to have a boyfriend with such a nice bottom, and he did not disappoint in the bedroom. But seeing this left me with all types of feelings of confusion and jealousy. We don’t have an open relationship & have been fairly comfortable in that, but having seen the prior videos, I think I knew where this was headed…

I heard Daniel’s voice say, “You’re taking too long” from behind the camera, before Blake walked up behind Chase. Blake is a football player, 6’4”, with a bulky, muscular build. He pulled his shirt over his head and his pants down, groping Chase’s butt & slapped it a couple times. Blake bent down, spread Chase’s ass, and spit into his hole, before standing back up straight and mounting him. Blake’s cock was rock hard, and probably almost 8 inches in length. His torso was covered fairly evenly in hair, & I couldn't help but stare at his massive shoulders and arms. He eased his cock into my boyfriend’s ass, & Chase let out little moans and grunts as he took each inch. Once Blake had established his way in, he began pounding away, Chase’s ass jiggling as he bounced back and forth on Blake’s cock.

I could hear Daniel, Cameron & Tyler’s voices in the background, making small talk while every so often egging Blake on. I was dumbfounded. Buzz. Daniel sent me a text. “Take a hint little bro. Get your ass over here. Or don’t. Your boyfriend is loving this shit.”

Even though I still didn’t know what to think, I was getting distracted by this primal feeling. I was feeling hot and horny. Questions can come later. I hurriedly gathered up my things & headed out to my car. “Where you at?,” I messaged Daniel. I saw a bubble with 3 dots pop up as he began to respond, & I shifted my car into drive…