Moving To The Burbs

by Midwest Horndog

30 Dec 2023 683 readers Score 9.7 (19 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Part 7 - 1st Party

I was busy the next week setting up the first basement party.  After verifying that the contact info I got on the spreadsheet was correct, I sent out the invites.  There were two phone numbers that were wrong so I was happy I checked first.  I also sent invites to a bunch of my friends from the city.  Several RSVP'd that they would be there, so at least I'd have some familiar faces to play with if I had any time.  I figured that a lot of my time hosting would be running around, just like at my housewarming party.

I picked up a few of my city friends at the train station and another group had driven out.  The ones that came via train were spending the night since I hoped I would be too busy or drunk to get them to the station for the last train back.  As usual, the first people that arrived got to help set the food and drinks out and a couple volunteered to help me get the playroom stocked.  Between the warehouse store visit for paper towels, wipes and towels and my online bulk purchase of condoms, lube and such we needed only a few minutes to put things in place.

As I was heading back up the stairs, there was a knock on the back door and the one person I had invited but never expected to show was standing there, looking terrified.  Another guy was behind him looking almost as nervous.

"Hey, Jordan.  Come on in, I'm glad you came" I told him.  

"Hi, this is my friend Will" Jordan said as his eyes darted around.  The two walked into the kitchen and stopped before going into the living room or down the stairs to the playroom.  The other guests were mostly in the living room and I think Manny was downstairs checking out the new playroom additions I'd received from Cal.  Will looked even skinnier than Jordan, was about the same height, had a goth look with long dark blue dyed hair along with a few facial piercings.  I saw a few tattoos on his twig like arms, including one on each finger and several bangles on his wrists.   

"Welcome to my inaugural play party, Will.  Uh, both of you are over 18, right?" I asked.  I didn't want to be a jerk but I also didn't want to end up in jail.  

Will started to reach for his wallet when Jordan said "Yeah, I'm 18 and he's 19."

"Cool.  No alcohol for you guys but I'm sure you'll have fun anyways" I said.  

"I don't drink but we shared a joint on the way over cuz we were both nervous" Will said.  I chuckled at his honesty and I could have used one too.

"Nice, but there's no need to be nervous.   Uh... just FYI, you're supposed to share that stuff with the party host too" I said, grinning.  "Uh... No smoking in the house, please.  Use the patio and stay away from the door.  As for what happens inside... everyone else is going to be older than you, but there are a few guys that are in their early twenties.  You're free to play with anyone you want, but there are just a two rules.  No means no.  Don't let anyone pressure you into doing things you're not ready for.  You have a whole lifetime to experiment so you don't have to try everything tonight.  Second, what happens here, stays here.  Don't tell anyone what you did and who or what you saw" I told them.  I could see some people in the living room looking in, but thankfully they kept their distance while I talked with Jordan and Will.

"I just have one thing I want to do tonight" Jordan said.  He sounded more confident than I'd ever heard him.  "Yeah?" I replied.

"I want to lose my fucking virginity!" Jordan said loud enough that a few other people may have heard and I saw a few people chuckle as they looked in from the living room.

"Are you sure?  You should make it a good memory.  Don't do it just to get it over with" I said, looking more concerned than I expected. 

"Yeah, that's why Will is here.  I've known him since grade school, we're best friends and he was the first guy I told I was gay" Jordan said.  He was a little calmer, but I could still tell he was excited.  

Will had a devilish grin on his face before he said "I came out to him that day too.  I never thought we were both queer."

I smiled and gave a little laugh.  "Well, that's fuckin cool.  If you want more privacy, you can use the spare bedroom. Or... you get your pick of places in the playroom right now, but you'll probably have an audience.  Just have fun.  Uh Jordan, did you have a chance to prep, like we talked about?" I asked.  Both of them nodded and grinned back at me.  They scurried down the steps and moments later I had a few friends in the kitchen asking questions.  I didn't say anything about virginity being lost, that was for Jordan to say, but I did tell them that he wasn't out to his family and they needed a place to play.

About that time, more people started to show up and I moved on to welcoming them.  My fears became reality when I was spending all of my time playing host upstairs.  People had spilled out on to the back patio for some more space.  There was a group around the fire pit and another at the back creating their own smoky cloud.  Jordan and Will weren't the only ones grabbing a toke before heading to the playroom.

Everyone seemed to want to chat and the neighbors all told me that they were glad that I was carrying on the party house tradition.  With a little break, I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and headed downstairs.  I kind of chuckled when I saw Manny standing there in just a black jockstrap and harness with two guys on their knees looking up at him.  He was giving most of his attention to the rest of the room, making sure that people were using the furniture properly or giving suggestions if some looked confused.

I spotted Jordan and Will in the sling on the far left, with Will laying back taking Jordan's dick.  It wasn't what I expected, but there are a couple ways that gay guys can lose their virginity.  I kind of hoped he lost it both as a top and bottom that night.  They looked surprisingly comfortable and had a couple other guys around them watching and stroking.  A friend of mine, Barry, was locked on the cross with a short line of people waiting their turn to fuck him.

Walking over to the pair of slings, I felt a little out of place being fully clothed since everyone else was naked.  While my worn and ripped blue jeans and tight black muscle were ready to come off whenever needed, I wasn't ready to be part of the action quite yet.  I joined the three guys at the head of the sling watching Jordan and Will.  It was easy to tell that they were new to sling sex and the movements were a little odd at times, but they looked surprisingly good.  A quick glance over at Manny and the huge grin he gave me back told me they might have gotten a few pointers from self-proclaimed dungeon master Manny.

Will told Jordan "Faster... like before" and Jordan began to plow faster.  It was nice to see them tell each other what they liked.  I had seen many bottoms over the years just take whatever the top would give them, but if they were friends, they shouldn't hold back.  Jordan hammered his buddy for several minutes before slowing down.  It was an erotic sight and my cock got stiff very quickly.

"Let him swing away from you and tug him back...  make the sling work for you" I said.  Jordan broke his stare at Will and looked up.  When he saw me there, the first moment was of panic before he realized it was OK for me to see him fucking.  We'd had some pretty explicit discussions so seeing him naked again wasn't really new.  A smile came over his face as he pushed Will away and then pulled him back before his cock could slip out.  They continued and with each thrust in, Jordan's smile got bigger.   

I wandered around the sling behind Jordan and looked down.  There was a distinct puddle of cum on the cushioned floor directly under Jordan.  It made me think that they might have flipped and that it was Will's cum dripping out and the thought made me grin.  My hand rested on his shoulder and I gave it a squeeze before telling him quietly "Damn, you two look really hot.  Have fun!"  I wanted to leave the two to themselves, even though I knew they had an audience watching them fuck.

My neighbor Bob and his wife Nancy were the only straightish couple down there, with Nancy on the throne and Bob kneeling at her feet.  Both were naked and I think I saw a pair of cuffs on Bob's wrists.  I'd have to ask Manny later if it was just a domination thing or if more happened. 

"Things going good down here?" I asked Manny.

He grinned back at me and replied "Oh, yeah.  This place turned out fuckin' great.  I don't know half of these people but everyone is having a blast.  I just had Andy on the pole... I didn't know he liked getting paddled."

I looked over and he wasn't there any more and before I got pulled into something, I headed back upstairs.  My playtime would be later, if at all.  It was nice to see people using almost all of the equipment down there and different groups playing together. Based on the pile of towels, some had used the shower.  It was another thing to ask Manny about to see what kind of things happened there or if it really was just a place to clean up.

I made another lap upstairs before I saw George and his wife Christine knocking on the front door.  They looked almost as nervous as their son had.  They came in the front door, though, and looked around at the people in that part of the house.  Relief came over their faces when they saw a few of the their neighbors there.  Before they went to join them, I said "Drinks and snacks are in the kitchen and help yourself.  The playroom is down the stairs by the back door, but PLEASE don't go down there for a while" putting extra emphasis on the word 'please'.  With someone else at the door, I headed back to greet the next guests.

With a few more people added to the living room, I headed toward the kitchen to get myself a much needed drink before seeing what was going on out on the patio and then take another tour of the playroom.  As I came back into the kitchen from outside, I saw George and Christine coming up the stairs, looking shocked.  Immediately, I knew what they probably saw.

"I warned you not to go down there" I said.  They both appeared to be trembling.

"We just wanted to see what everyone was talking about up here" George said as they made their way into the middle of the kitchen.  I stood across from them, shaking my head.

"He's an adult and adults do things.  It's a safe place to experiment and they were looking forward to it when they arrived.  Hopefully he didn't see you watching him... it could make it very awkward later" I said.  Hopefully, Jordan had gone back into his deep trance looking at Will and not the other people in the basement.  

In some ways I regretted my comments as soon as I said them since they didn't tell me what had shocked them.  It could have been Bob and Nancy, or Manny and his boys, or Barry locked to the cross getting fucked by strangers, but my money was seeing their son Jordan fuck or get fucked.

"Yeah... but I think we should get going" George said with Christine nodding.

"The night is young, grab a drink and chill out on the patio or in the living room.  If you leave now people will talk and it will get back to Jordan.  Don't make it more difficult on him or ruin his night" I told them.

"A drink would probably be a good idea..." George said, turning around and grabbing a pair of glasses and the bottle of whiskey.

"You should be proud of him.  You raised a good kid" I said before heading back into the living room and hoping they would settle down.  I talked to a few people, glancing back into the kitchen just in time to see George and Christine take their drinks out on to the patio.  Looking out the back window, I saw them talking to another neighbor couple and they did look more relaxed.

About a half hour later I saw George and Christine come inside and make themselves another drink.  I was relieved that they were staying a little longer.  I kept glancing back as I talked to some friends in the living room and once the new round of drinks was made, they turned around.  They talked another few minutes until I saw Jordan and Will come into the kitchen from downstairs, thankfully fully clothed.  I quickly excused myself and went into the kitchen just in time to hear Jordan exclaim  "You're here?  Cool!"

I stopped, hoping I wasn't going to have to intervene when Jordan said excitedly "Mom, Dad... this is Will, my boyfriend."  My jaw may have dropped but I was proud of him.  A moment later, when I saw a four way hug, I was proud of George and Christine too.  I went back to the living room, but stuck close to the doorway so I could see what happened in both rooms.

They talked for several minutes before my curiosity got the best of me and I went back into the kitchen.  "Things good in here?" I asked and all four laughed.  

"Better than good" George said with a huge smile.  

A few seconds later, Manny came up the stairs and moved between Jordan and Will.  He was still wearing his playroom clothes which got a pair of surprised looks from George and Christine.  Manny threw his arms around the two younger boys' shoulders and asked "How are my sexy pups doing?" 

"Great, Sir.  These are my parents.  I finally told them and can't believe how good it feels" Jordan said.  Manny gave both a firm squeeze before looking back at Jordan's parents.  His comment confirmed my thoughts that he'd given a few tips to the boys earlier.

"You got a great son here.  Keep on doin what you're doin and ya'll will be good" he said.  A few moments later he winked at me before he looked at Jordan and said "Talk to Kevin to set up a time for a more private session but I hope to see you at the next party here, too." 

by Midwest Horndog

Email: [email protected]

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