Moving on

by Zeen

4 Feb 2022 428 readers Score 9.6 (9 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The Bossboy

Even though I was back on the good graces of mi madré, now more than ever, with each passing day, my trial drew closer and closer, and I was nervous as fuck. I told mama the truth about what happened... and so much more. It felt good to be back home with her, especially since I was now an outcast from Las Sombras. For the fact that she decided to except me for who I am, comes to show she is truly mi familia. But as far as my pending case goes, I told my defense attorney, Charles Briggs, just about everything as well. He told me how he was gonna work out a deal with the DA so that I would not have to do any jail time. "Fingers crossed", I thought to myself.

So, my day in court was about a week away. It was Friday afternoon that I returned home from work. When I went inside, there was my mother and another woman; a cute-looking African American, sitting at the dining table. As it turned out, her name was Delores Mitchell, who was State's Attorney for my case. The reason for her visit was for what I had hoped: a deal that would keep me out of prison. Mr. Briggs told her what I had told him, including my fallout with Los Sombras. She asked some firm questions, but the one question that stood out the most: do I still want to keep my promise to Los Sombras even though they turned their backs on me? Those whom I once considered mis hermanos were quick to shut me out after they learned of my sexuality, but despite that, if there was an opportunity to keep my promise to them and still take a plea, then I would do it. And so, came the deal: Mrs. Mitchell had already spoken to the employees who were in charge on the night of the robbery. The store's owners were not willing to press charges if I agree to pay over three grand worth of merchandise that was stolen that night and six grand for the woman who was knocked down by Herman. That's almost 10K in moolah! As much as I didn't like it, I took the deal, accepting responsibility for everything, with no need to get my... former... boys involved any further.

On the day of the trial, while mi madré was driving me to court, I saw on the windows of a glass building in downtown LA that had a large banner-sized sign that said how they were hiring for a clean-up crew member. At that moment, I had no idea what the place was, but I took a screenshot of the sign with my mobile phone and decided to check it out later. My plan was to get a second job so that I could pay all the legal fees. I finally arrived in court, where my trial took place in the United States Courthouse. When speaking with my attorney, I told him how I was gonna pay for everything. He said that since I would likely be sentenced to probation, I would likely have a probation officer to see on a regular basis and attend group counseling. Therefore, he would ask the judge to start my visits six months after sentencing. I figured; cool, but again, fingers crossed. For once things worked in my favor...almost. For starters, the trial did not take long. But, as expected from my plea agreement, I would have six months of probation plus one hundred hours of community service. Thankfully, I did not have to attend any group counseling. Charles asked on my behalf if it was possible to start sentencing six months from that day since I needed time to work a second job and accumulate the money for the legal fees. The judge was all for that idea but I would still have to serve half a year's worth of probation, so in a way, that's like serving a year an entire year for probation. Well, I agreed, especially if it means not going to jail. The judge also ordered me to return to court on the final week of probation.

When I returned home after my court appearance, mama wanted me to chill out for a little bit while she made dinner that night. However, I was not gonna waste time and quickly got to searching the internet for my second job. The first website I went to was for that sign on the glass building I saw earlier. It turned out that the place was a jewelry import business. They were hiring a clean-up person for late-night shifts. It was not very convenient at first, because I still worked at the Nimbus Coffee place from eight to four. Still, I went for it, and the following morning, they called my mobile phone for an interview. I got the job, but it consists of me working at 10 pm, which is the time that the building closes, and finishing at 3 am since the place had to be kept almost spotless on a regular basis. The bright side is that I would not work on the weekends since the place was closed during that time.

The first three months were tough. I was not able to get as much sleep as I use to, and I hardly have time to myself. It was work, work, and work... almost every day. One night when I arrived home, mi madré had on the dining area table her off-the-charts delicious strawberry-frosted cake with a side of sugar cookies, all of which she baked herself, and with a note telling me how proud she was of me. She couldn't tell me herself because she was already in bed sleeping, but that placed a huge smile on my face. Definitely made what I was doing, which was to make things right, all worthwhile.

Griffin Goods Import; that was the name of the place for my second job. This job did not have many additional benefits like the Nimbus Coffee Shop, but damn, they would really pay you! A fixed amount of twelve hundred dollars... weekly! It was definitely not like that of Nimbus Coffee Shop, which paid bi-weekly, so that made it easier to put money aside for the legal fees. As far as how the work was, it was pretty nice for the most part. I was one of the members of the clean-up crew; vacuuming certain hallways, taking out the trash, and cleaning up in the manager's office. The only thing I did not like about the job was cleaning the restrooms... for obvious reasons. At least I never had to deal with any asshole customers; as great as it is to work for Nimbus, you'd get those types of people. Anyway, one night, I was asked by one of the building's managers to focus all of my attention on the conference room since one of the crew members had to call out that night. Not only I got it done, but I went the extra mile by making sure everything was well organized and put together, with the leather-padded binders, ink pens, the water glasses, as well as the refreshment area with the coffee maker and mugs. Apparently, the managers who saw this the following morning were impressed and shook hands with me, thanking me.

About a month after I started working for Griffin Goods, I had met the chairman of the company; a man named David Stephens along with his son, Tyler Stephens. Tyler had interned at the place before and was now training to become co-chair despite being only twenty-two at the time, and therefore, starting early. Both of them were very polite and nice, especially Tyler... you can say he was very friendly. We had a brief but fun conversation before we had to get back to our respective jobs. After we spoke for the first time, Reginald, one of my fellow clean-up agents, took me aside to have a word. He said, “Look, man, the bossman's son you just had a chat with... there are some rumors about him that maybe you should know.” I asked him what kind of rumors. As Reginald paused for a little bit before sharing info, I was thinking “Was Tyler just putting on a front as a nice guy and was truly a dick, and not in a good way; what was it should I know?” Reginald finally went on to say that Tyler tends to get very flirty with the workers, not with females, only the dudes, and when he takes a liking to someone, it all starts with a friendly conversation. “That's it?!” I thought to myself. I only told Reginald “Alright, man, well, thanks for telling me” and got back to work. If Tyler's gay or bi, of course, that's fine by me. As I've said, I'm bi, so dudes flirting with me is never an issue. Then again, if there did come a point where Tyler would want to hook up, that would complicate things, wouldn't it? I learned early on that you can't mix business with pleasure, especially under my circumstances. It would also be hard to reject Tyler, not just because he's the chairman's son, but he was also a fine-looking guy himself; slightly taller than me at 6'2, strawberry short blonde hair with blue eyes, and a gorgeous smile. At that time, that was as good as a description as it gets. When I continued to work, a part of me did wonder what he looked like naked. Just a thought... at first.

Sunday morning in mid-May; was a day that I rarely have a day to myself. I was looking forward to it, and so was mi polla. I woke up close to 10am and went on-line to “shop for some holes”. I'm always cautious when it comes to cat-fishing, and there were too many pages that looked pretty damn suspicious. I figured, “fuck this”, so I had to once again settle on laying in bed, strip off my briefs, getting butt-ass naked, and stroke until I spewed some venom. I was edging for some time, and because it felt good, I gave off some moans. Unfortunately, my moans were not quiet enough as mi madré, knocked on the door asking me if I was alright. I told her I was fine, and that I was just waking up. She went on to say she bought some groceries and wanted me to help out with them. Yeah... obviously, this killed the mood. I got dressed and helped out with the groceries, then I took a shower to get my day started. When I went into my room to dry off, I got a call from Adrian Moore, one of the operations managers at my second job. He asked me to come in that evening to set up the conference room for a very important meeting that was just arranged for the following Monday morning. All I had to do was organize the room the same way I did months earlier. There was a four-hundred dollar bonus for the setup. “Hell Yeah!” I thought to myself, so I agreed to be there at 6pm to get everything ready. As time went by, I was starting to have second thoughts about coming in to work. There was a nasty rainstorm that day, and I was hoping that Mr. Moore would call or text me to say “Nevermind, it's been pretty bad outside, so you don't have to come in”, but he didn't. I did what I said I was gonna do and arrive there the following evening. The storm had settled down, but it was still raining, and it would have sucked if I had to wait outside for a bus on a typical Sunday schedule at night with all the rain, even with an umbrella at hand. Thankfully, mi madré gave me permission to borrow her car and drive to work.

So, I arrived at Griffin Goods Import about fifteen minutes early. Mr. Moore was at the front desk to let me in since the place was pretty much empty. He thanked me for arriving and told me to be careful when navigating around the building. Due to the storm, the place had lost power, and is running on a back-up generator in the meantime, but only the offices and some parts of the hallways had some lighting. When heading towards the conference room, Mr. Moore gave me a flashlight, a portable lamp, as well as a checklist, for the task at hand. He asked me to return the portable lamp to his office when I'm done. Mr. Moore had left for the evening, but not before informing me that when I leave the building from the main entrance, it will lock behind me. That said, leaving the premises, once the conference room was set up, would not be an issue. The portable cordless lamp was just what I needed to get the job done. Even though it took only an hour and a half, I was very thorough. First, there was the cleaning: vacuuming, polishing the tables, and even wiping the conference windows with Windex on both sides of the glass. Second, came the stocking and organizing: set up the leather-padded journals in front of each seat with printed fliers and business cards inside, placed ever so neatly inside their respective places, then placing blank notepads on the right-side of each journal with their branded ink pen on top of those notepads positioned diagonally on top. There were a total of twenty seats at the table, so I made sure I had twenty glass cups for water and twenty coffee mugs to place in the middle of the conference table, arranging them to be about an arms reach from each journal. Lastly, I had set up the refreshments area for water and coffee on the table on the far end of the conference room. It was a matter of neatly stocking up on the bottles of spring water, and coffee beans along with other drinks, seltzer water, lemonade, and even coke, all of which came in capped bottles. My work was finished. Next, I took screenshots with my phone on how everything looked for Monday's setup, and sent them to Mr. Moore by text. About five minutes later, he called and said how everything looked great, and that the workers in their office will have to do very little to welcome their guests for the meeting... thanks to me.

Mr. Moore informed me that he texted HR about the extra money that was to go to my check, so we were good to go. I told him, “Excellent, I'll just put the lamp back in his office, and call it a night.” After Mr. Moore had thanked me again and bid me goodnight, I headed towards the top floor in the elevator where his office was located. It was pretty dark in the corridors because of the power outages from the storm, so I used the flashlight Mr. Moore gave me to safely walk through the area. The Bossboy, Tyler, had his office next to Mr. Moore's and as it happens, the lights were on. As I was approaching his office, I heard sounds coming from Tyler's office. They actually sounded like moans. At first, I was concerned, because I was beginning to think that someone might have been hurt. The door was cracked open, so when I peaked inside his office... man, was I in for a surprise. I looked inside to see two dudes getting it on! “What the actual fuck!” I thought to myself. They were both on the office's leather couch, with one guy riding the other; cowgirl. It was easy to figure out that the guy getting his dick bounced on was Tyler, because he's white, and the guy, judging by the tone of his skin, was someone of a different race.

Reginald was right, Tyler likes the dudes. He and his fuck buddy were completely naked as they were boning... not one article of clothing save the gold necklace on the guy riding Tyler. As Tyler and his “friend” were getting it on, you could easily listen to what they were saying: “Like that?” “Oh, yeah!” “Like that dick?” “Love that dick!” “Want my cum?” “Yeah, give me that cum!” “Oh, yeah, you're gonna get it! Sweet Hole!”. It was the craziest thing ever. I figured that this was also my reward for doing a good job at that place. Of course, it was not long until mi polla decided it wants to come out and play, so what I did was to get on both of my knees, unzip my pants, whipped that fucker out, and stroke it while “enjoying the show”. At one point, Tyler's dick slipped out of the other guy's ass, and I got a good look of seeing him hard... that thing was big! The girth on that was crazy wide, and he had to be seven inches uncut. As for the bottom guy, Tyler said how he had a sweet whole, and I could tell it was, given the backside on that guy! He definitely had a donk on him. All this time, I had to be careful not to get caught, but was also determined to get off on this. I had not had sex with anyone for a long time at this point, so for me, this was the next best thing; perving on someone else... at work of all places!

The two decided to switch to doggy-style. Originally, I was on the right-side of the door-frame when I discovered that this was happening, so, just to make sure I was not caught peeping, I quickly went to the left-side of the door-frame so they would not catch me while they were changing positions. At this point, I was ready to nut. I took one long peak in to try to get in on much of the action as I could so that I can release to the image of Tyler boning his guy. Here I was, with my cleaning rag at hand so I won't splooge on the carpet floors and walls. Just as I was just about ready to cum, I finally got a look at the bottom guy's face, after he and Tyler switched from cowgirl over to doggy... and I went from turned on, to quickly becoming completely stunned. Even my boner disappeared as I could not believe my eyes. I looked away just for a moment before looking back into the office to confirm who the guy was and who Tyler was having sex with.... it was Alex from Los Sombras. At first, I thought to myself “No way! Just no fuckin way!” until I peaked in one more time, and sure enough, it was him. Now, it came to a point where I felt the need to just get the fuck out of there. I zipped up my pants, quickly made sure that I'm not leaving anything and prepared to leave. Mr. Moore's office door was completely open, so I did not have to worry about opening the door and risk making a sound when I returned his portable lamp, and I took the long way around through corridors to get to the elevator. After I had left the building, I had to focus as much as I could when it came to driving, since I had a twenty minute ride home. When I arrived home, mi madré was already resting up for her usual busy week, which was good, because I did not want her to see how I was still shocked by what I saw that night. All I could do for the remainder of that night was to take a shower and head to bed. However, I could hardly catch any sleep that night. Here I am thinking about how much I wanted answers. I was tempted many times to call Alex on his mobile phone , and tell him what I saw, but we haven't spoke in months since I was kicked out of Los Sombras, and I still had his number saved. Clearly, I was not ready at that point to confront Alex about his own sexuality, if ever.

So, laying in bed, I decided that the only thing I could do at this point was to leave it alone, even though it was tough to do since I was going back to my second job the following evening. And seeing Tyler again was gonna be pretty awkward. I didn't know what to expect, and it was scary.

To be continued...