Morning blowjob while making coffee

by Kiunga

1 May 2021 4357 readers Score 8.7 (43 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I have written about this guy before (here) and it has been awhile since I’ve seen or heard from him but partly because in a really bold move he moved to another country to ‘restart’ his life (as he put it).

It didn’t really cross my mind the underlying reason behind his sudden move, but given his penchant for dick and ass, no surprise, he moved away from Mum and Dad’s house and suddenly was free to live the life of an openly gay man. 

Good for him I say! About time!

Over the course of several months, I did hear little glimpses of his sexual escapades through my partner and he was definitely revelling in his new found freedom.

Having sucked his big dick on occasion, when I heard him tell my partner, “I fucked some ass last night and I am never going back to pussy,” I was hopeful that at some point in the future I might be the lucky bottom riding that dick.

Fast forward about 8 months later, the lockdown eased sufficiently and we started to have people over for dinner and BBQs, and on this one weekend, he was one of about 8 that came by and hung out in the sunshine, played in the pool etc.

I don’t even think on this weekend there was a particular occasion, it was just a case of good friends desperate for some form of social interaction and I was happy to play hostess with the most and indulge everyone with food and drink.

The evening went on, and unlike before where he I have ended up behind the house, in the woods, in a toilet, or somewhere dark and nasty fooling around, the entire evening this time, in my presence he was kind of aloof.

He is super charming and sexy and was having a great time.

Well, we all were having a great time but that probably had more to do with the copious amounts of social lubricant that were being poured.

At almost 50, I’m not the spring chicken I once was, so around 1am, I called it a night and said my farewells before heading to bed with the dog and promptly passed out.

Don’t even know what time everyone else left, didn’t even hear my partner come to bed.

For some reason though, I rarely sleep in, so by 630 the next morning, I am waking up and get to my usual routine; the dog and I go downstairs, turn on the news and I make some coffee.

When it’s warm, I usually go downstairs in just my underwear and on this morning, I was wearing some of my favourite boxer briefs/trunks made my CDLP which I will say are probably the sexiest most flattering underwear out there, and although I don’t get a commission for saying this, every man should own a pair (I’m partial to the boxer trunk because my thighs and ass look great).

Downstairs I go and I am standing with back to the kitchen at the counter getting my coffee press and kettle ready when I am suddenly aware of movement behind me.

I didn’t think much of it and just assumed it was the dog moving about after coming back from doing her morning business.

I swear I nearly threw the coffee press at him when I heard his voice.

“Good morning!” he said.

I nearly screamed it startled me so bad.

He started to giggle a little as I turned around clearly having just had the living daylights scared out of me.

“Fucking hell!” I said, I did not know we had house guests!” laughing as I grabbed my naked chest and with the other hand tried to cover up myself.

“I got you good! He said with this huge smile on his face, “yeah, sorry about that, I was too wasted and just crashed. Thought I might be able to just zip off and not be a burden but here I am! Ta Da!”

I had brought a t-shirt and shorts down with me and pulled the T-shirt over my head trying to regain some modesty.

“You don’t have to get dressed up for me, I liked the view," he said.

Blushing, I looked down over the top of my glasses at him and gave him the “you’re naughty look.”

“No serious, those trunks are hot as fuck and you’re looking super fit.”

I left the T-shirt on and we bantered a bit back and forth.

I was actually proud to share that for the entirety of lockdown I had focussed on working out and slimming down, and the results were suiting me just fine.

At almost 50, I would never be a body builder but had slimmed down and toned up. Had a nice shelf for a chest that filled out a T-shirt nicely, nice sight abs with definition, my thick thighs looked nice in tight jeans and these trunk boxers, and my big phat ass that guys have loved since I was in my 20s was just as round as ever.

I said as we talked, “Yeah, you know, I’m gonna be 50 soon and I just decided, gotta enter that decade in decent shape.”

“Well you’re looking great man.”

"Thanks," I said.

I had my back to him at this point as I poured the hot water into the coffee and although I was not as startled this time, when I felt his hand on my ass cheek, I did jump a little.

He leaned in right up against me, each of his hands were on one cheek each and he pushed me to the counter edge, pinning me against and then leaned his forward and around to my neck.

Kissing my neck he whispered, “I’ve missed you.”

His hands slipped away from my ass and around to my crotch which was now almost completely erect.

“I’ve missed this too.” He said has he took a handful of my cock.

As he grabbed my dick I could feel his hard cock from behind as he pushed against me and continued kissing my neck.

I pushed him back enough to be able to turn around and we embraced each other and locked lips for a long and sensual kiss while both of our hands roamed and groped each other’s bodies.

I hadn’t noticed it initially, but as I kissed him and ran my hands over his chest I noticed he was wearing his coat.

“Wow, you really were ready to bolt outta here weren’t you?” I said teasingly.

He laughed, “No, actually you need to lend me a T-shirt before I go.”

I was being a smart ass with him and said, “Were you being a teenage boy and splooged in your T-shirt this morning?”

He blushed and admitted that was exactly what happened but he went further and told me exactly how it happened.

“When you went to bed,” he remembered, “I had watched you all night, you are so fucking sexy, you don't know, and I honestly thought about drugging your hubby so I could come find you and play, but that didn’t happen because you know, that’s not cool, but when he went to bed, I crashed and got into the spare bed rock fucking hard and the whole time I am spread eagled on the bed jerking I kept saying over and over, please please please, let him come into the room, please walk in on me. Only you didn’t and I didn’t think you'd appreciate me blowing my load all over your sheets so I grabbed my T-shirt and now its in the garbage.”

“Should have used your sock man” I teased while kissing this cute and sexy rambling man.

“Nah, that load wouldn’t have fit in my sock” he smiled.

“Oh yes,” I said kissing him, “I remember those loads well”

“Got another for me, or are you spent?” I asked.

“For you babe, always.”

I didn’t waste any more time and dropped to my knees.

I had his dick out in nanoseconds it seemed and got to work earning a second load from my studly little friend.

“I wanna fuck you so bad” he mumbled as he fucked my face with his hands on the back of my head. "Can I? Can I come back and fuck you next weekend? Please? lets do this, I want you, lets fuck"

His was a two hander dick and I was going to town slobbering and sucking on his big dick and enjoying every nasty word he mumbled about breeding my ass.

I doubt I had been blowing him for more than five minutes when he grabbed my head forcebly and put just the head of his dick into my mouth.

I followed the queue and sealed my lips around the shaft and while pumping as I could he tensed up and blew his load into my mouth.

I managed to swallow every drop he pumped into my mouth like the good little cum whore I am.

Standing up I didn’t really want to let go of his dick and he dripped more cum out as I squeezed which I scooped up and licked off my finger.

In any other circumstance I would have now gone to the shower, cleaned up and come back for the fuck of my life, but alas, he really did have to go.

So I went and found him a t-shirt to wear and after giving me the perfect good bye kiss, off he went.

Hubby woke up much later that afternoon.

I told him only about being scared by our house guest and while we laughed he asks, “I hope he didn’t catch you in your undies like usual?”

I just winked and replied, “Nah I was a good boy.”

by Kiunga

Email: [email protected]

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