Morgans First Master

by Sirflox

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Story by cllewis / Sirflox Copyright 2022 All rights reserved.

Writers note: This is a true story. The names have been changed. Everyone in the story was over 18. Most of this started 16 years ago and carried on for several years.

….Morgan refused to identify himself as straight or “bi-sexual” if you asked he would just say “ I am a Morgan” In reality, well he really was the poster child for “tri-sexual”. As I got to know Morgan I got to know that he was extremely competitive, an adrenalin junky, the more his boundaries were pushed the happier he was. He was a state champion running back, into track and field, basketball, swimming, high-speed racing, 4 wheeling, and off-road adventures. He was well-raised, and knew how to dress (that man could rock a turtle neck or shirt and slacks or 501s and a button-down or even sweats.), he was skilled with all the etiquette and rules. He could make any women swoon and made straight men look and drool. He was a butch man's man, with a soft sub inside him begging to come out. He loved rock and roll and knew every show tune(but wouldn't admit it)- it was always funny …He was an enigma, a conundrum and a myth amongst his peers all rolled into one and I was his first Master.

Back in the day, I ran ads on craigslist (CL). It was the Sears catalog of gay sex, kink, and perversion and a hell of a lot of fun. My ads were direct and descriptive. I wrote to the point of what I wanted and to the point described in detail expectations and what I was looking for.

I used the same ad over and over with only minor variations, It worked like a trusted fishing lure I always got the fish I want with it.

As I said the ad was very specific, it detailed that I was looking for a submissive or slave for BDSM activities using all the toys in the drawer, including a long session with the enema bag, restraints, and man-scaping to my desired look. It explained that a session averaged 3 to 4 hours and that the sub would leave exhausted and sore.

One early December evening I was contacted by one of my older CL ads ( I actually had forgotten I had placed it it was that old) The contactee was an 18-year-old. What was interesting is he followed the ad to the T including his face pictures. The Kid was great looking. But he was a kid He sent me pictures of him in his high school football uniform with his name and high school on the jersey. (Yes, I did look him up and saw that his birthday had been in November- so when he contacted me he was barely over 18.) I responded to his email and nicely told him he is too young and to come to see me when he is a bit older. So -basically I throw the fish back to grow up. I hate virgins and though he was of legal age, I don’t like kids. There is way too much potty training and mommy/daddy baggage.

I will say this kid was persistent. He was contacting me a couple of times weekly. Never too pushy, always respectful. The kid kept hounding me to at least meet him so he could show me how mature he was--hoping I would change my mind. So after 6 or so months of hounding, I set up a coffee date at a local coffee shop—the kid was a no-show- just as I suspected he would be.

I wrote the kid off to the Craiglist piecrust category-Just flakey and went about my business.

A couple of months later I got an email with an attachment from the kid- there was one sentence in the body of the email “This will explain why I wasn’t there can we try again please-Morgan.” I opened the attachment and it was a discharge summary and a large bill from a local hospital showing the date of admission, discharge date, diagnosis, and recovery and care summary. My young little fish had been in the hospital for over a month and was then admitted to a rehab center to fix what was broken and damaged. His initial hospital stay had him admitted the day he was to meet me. The cause was a broken fibula and a very serious blood infection caused by a fall off a sand sail surfer.

I figure any kid that is brave enough to send me his name address, and other data deserved a second chance. So we chatted for a month or so, I wanted to give him time to get his strength back and make sure his immune system had recovered. I invited him to my house for coffee. By this point it was December again, he had his birthday in November and had gone from a high school student to a community college boy. I felt much better he was now 19.

Writers note ---Some more background - Morgan was a “bi-sexual”, well really a “tri-sexual”. As I got to know Morgan, I got to know that he was extremely competitive, an adrenalin junky, the more his boundaries were pushed the happier he was. He was a state champion running back, into football, running track and field, basketball, swimming, high-speed racing, 4 wheeling, and off-road adventures. He was an avid natural athlete and runner. The school gig wasn't his thing, at best he was a “C” student. Morgan was from an upper-class home and was adopted at 4 days old to older parents who could have kids. He was sheltered by his parents and thus was prone to acting out to get his way.

There wasn't a sport he didn't excel in. He was well-raised, and knew how to dress (that kid could rock a turtle neck or shirt and slacks or 501s and a button-down or even sweats.) He was a dream to go out to dinner with knowing all the etiquette and rules. He ate anything. Loved Sushi and" In and Out. " He was a butch man's man, with a soft sub inside him always begging to come out. What can you say h e loved rock and roll, but yet knew every show tune and song from Sesame Street or the Muppets. it was always funny in later times he would come over to help me in the yard or with chores and would walk in singing whatever musical I was weeding or mowing or to…He was an enigma, a conundrum and a myth amongst his peers all rolled into one. Now Back to the story.

When I reached out about the coffee date at my place He accepted but asked if he could wear the blindfold as the ad described – I said yes, but cautioned him that I wasn't planning on anything happening. Morgan showed up land knocked at the agreed time, found the blindfold on the door, put the blindfold on, walked in, and stripped before I could stop him- he dropped to his knees and said “Master please accept me you are all I could think about in the hospital and since -I want to serve you”.

Here on his knees in tight-fitting boxer briefs was a stunning young god. 6 pack, furry, and with a throbbing erection. I got him up and took him to the couch and made him sit next to me on the opposite end and began to ask him basic questions (allergies, injuries with a detailed discussion of the accident and hospitalization, his motivation for being here, his prior sexual experiences, his limits) With each question he edged closer to me and then back down on the floor- kneeling in front of me- begging me to give him the enemas described in the ad and have my way with him. (turns out that during his hospitalization he had several bouts of extreme constipation from the opioids and was administered many fleets and bag enemas as well as two lower GI series- he really actually liked the enemas lying to get given one by the hospital staff)

I hadn’t planned on a session with the boy, so I had nothing ready. I left him kneeling and went to put some enema solution to soak (at that time I was still doing an ivory bar soap and baking soda basic enema with my herd- so the bar of Ivory goes into a gallon of 102-degree water and soaks for 10 minutes until the water looks like 2% milk, then you add a heaping tablespoon of baking soda and stir).

While the solution was brewing. I grabbed the restraints from the drawer walked to the boy and set them on the floor in front of him and hand him reach out and take each one and explore it with his fingers, sniff it, lick and put it back down, and call me after he has done this three times with each restraint. I ran and prepared the playroom putting out a rubber sheet and setting out the lube and poppers.

When the boy called out that he had completed the task I returned and put the boy's wrists in restraints and pinned them behind him. Even in his black Calvin Klien boxer briefs, you could see the huge wet spot of precum and his cock throbbing. I went back and finished preparing the play space. I got the boy up, undid his wrists, and taught him the “melt” command—having him lean back into me and melt into me. We repeated the exercise several times- then I took him to the play space, positioned him doggy style on the bed, and slid off his very wet boxer briefs. Freeing up the hardest boner I think I have ever seen… I explained in detail to the boy what was going to be happening, the potential sensations, and that because of the enema solution I use he would have to take three bags, even if he used the established safe word. He rapidly agreed.

I spread the boy's legs, proceeded to apply a large glob of Vaseline on his little pink hole, and then to work it in…with each touch there was a moan, when my index finger finally entered him the groan was amazing. I worked more Vaseline into the virgin hole—I slid it out, and slid in the colon tube, it was like a hot knife into cold butter sliding right in, past the second sphincter to its mark. The boy was moaning and whimpering with each inch. Once in I made the boy squeeze the tube in his ass, 50 times calling off each squeeze. At the 49th count, I reached down and slathered Boy Morgan's cock with a mix of Vaseline and Lush’s wiccy muscle magic Morgan's rock-hard and hot-to-the-touch cock throbbed in my hand. I then positioned myself where he could easily suck my cock, I explained about poppers and what they did. He indicated he had done them many times before. With his friends. I explained that at first, I wanted him to lick my cock from the bottom of the shaft to the tip and not to take it in his mouth. He eagerly followed the instructions making sure every surface of the shaft was well-licked and wet. I looked down to see multiple strings of pre cum running out of his piss slit-like spider webs from a spider spinnerette. By this time the colon tube had been up his ass for about 15 minutes, with him periodically giving it a squeeze when I commanded. I did a practice run of how I wanted him to do poppers with me. I gave him a short hit of poppers with instructions to not exhale until told to, took a hit myself – and pushed my cock into the boy's mouth. I told him to exhale, as I opened the valve on the enema and grabbed his cock. As expected the boy let out the little gasp every man getting an enema does when the solution hits the gut…and I began to slowly jack his very hot cock…he took to sucking my cock like a dolphin to water. His zealous sucking caused him to gag several times…He paid no attention to the nearly two quarts of hot silky Ivory solution filling him, he was very cognisant of telling me when to stop touching his cock as he got close to cumming, a continual stream of precum running out of his rock-hard member.

After holding the entire bag for 20 minutes I pried him off my cock and took him to the bathroom to drain- putting my cock back down his throat to suck as the 2 quarts of solution flowed back out and down the drain… I popped my cock out of his mouth took the bag and refilled it to 2.5 quarts, had him do the paperwork, and took him back to the bed, he assumed the position—I re-lubed the tight little hole and slide the colon tube back in as soon as it was in he started counting out loud as I position my self, when he hit 50 he took my cock down his throat and I opened the valve and set it to slowly fill the boy and proceeded to teach the boy how to work a thick daddy dick—bag two was into his bowel in two shakes of a dead lamb's tail and held the predetermined 10 minutes, I took the boy to drain –set him on the head put my cock down his throat and said release, he asked please let him hold a bit longer that it hurt so good. --- who was I to argue? 10 minutes later he released, and the outcoming solution was still a smelly brown mess, I told him another soapy bag was in order and I ran and fill the bag to three quarts of the solution, changed out the colon tube for a thicker Pezzer-style nozzle.

I bought the boy to lie down and rest before the third bag started. Like a good boy, he rested for 15 minutes. With some coaching he cuddled into my chest (first time ever laying with another male) I got him to drink some Gatorade.

After the rest time, I instructed him to assume the position for the 3-quart soapy fill. I slowly skilled him, working to keep us each on the verge of cumming. I could tell that the three quarts pushed his limit a bit. But with each cramp, his cock got harder and throbbed more. I taught him to suck harder on my cock with each cramp and focus on how good my cock felt and tasted not on the discomfort. Bag three was in and held for 20 minutes. I took him to the drain. He grabbed on and wouldn't let me leave the whole time the three quarts were coming out. I finally pulled away and went and prepared water and baking soda rinse bag. I knew the kid had to be tired and his jaw sore, my cock was sore. I explained that he was to make us both cum during this bag…and that I was to cum before he did…I lubed his ass, and re-lubed his cock with the wiccy muscle Magik and vaseline, I also slid one of the seeds from Wiccy Muscle Magic bar into his piss slit—(in the Kama Sutra they talk about inserting a rice grain an inch into the urethra) I gave him a huge hit of poppers with instructions not exhale—took a hit myself, started edging his cock and had him exhale as I opened the valve on the much cooler than before enema…there was a loud gasp and moan, as he went to work polishing my knob –He was like a British butler at a royal palace all about polishing my knob– in no time at all, I was nearing orgasm, I coached and paced him so the bag would end at the same time I came and with my cumming he came. I work the timing, Morgan is screaming in pleasure with each cramp of the fluid in his bowel – finally, the magic moment hits of the bag gurgling, which triggered me to shoot – which triggered him to shoot the biggest load I have ever seen from another human male. We both melted into a stuck slick slimy spooge pile, and I notice Morgan crying, You can go release I tell him thinking that it is the enema cramping, he is like no no—it feels so good I am crying because I love the sensations the rush. Morgan held that enema for another 55 minutes. During that time he got his cock hard, and came a second time before I dragged him off the bed into the toilet to drain. As many times before He grabs me and holds me as he is draining – not letting go. When the flow of the releasing solution had stopped and I got him in the shower and washed up and into some spare briefs ( I had his size from my ex) We looked at the clock and it was 2 am we started our date at 2 pm-- we had been at this 12 nonstop hours.

Morgan wanted to leave but I said no, not until he has napped a bit. I set an alarm and he curls up on my chest and begins to snore (boy that kid could snore) After an hour or so nap, I l got up put a robe on and helped him get dressed. I was heading to the door to let him out when he grabs his phone -He texted his roommate that he was staying out and that he would be home early afternoon. Morgan got undressed asked me to put the restraints and collar back on him and crawled into bed, He snuggled into my chest and when I least expected it he planted a kiss on my lips saying thank you… We slept until 11, I got up made him some breakfast—called him to the table—and well he ate, and then I got eaten…Horny boy he is…

This was the first of several years of adventures with Morgan. It turns out this was Morgan's first time. Morgan and I had several firsts over the years. Lots of ups and downs(pun intended) -- If you like this true story and are interested in more adventures with a young flaming bisexual let me know.