Missing in Miami

by Lee Obrien

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Chapter 4

Joey Morris

Joey stepped out of his shower, brushed his teeth, and combed his hair. He wrapped a towel around his waist and headed to his bedroom to get dressed. He had only come out as gay to his parents six months ago, right after his high school graduation. The eighteen-year-old was now attending a local college and was still living with his parents, who have been supportive since he made his announcement. He was getting ready to attend his first meeting of the campus LGBT+ organization. He had experimented sexually in high school but hadn’t had a real relationship with another guy. Joey was looking forward to meeting other gay students, he wasn’t necessarily looking for a boyfriend tonight, but was hoping to at least make a friend or two.

He gave his mom a hug as he walked out the door, “I should be home be home by 10, love you mom.”

She smiled, “love you too, honey.”

Joey walked into the meeting room and saw about 20 other students engaged in conversation in several smaller groups. He was greeted by a female student, she said, “hi, I’m Lindsey, you are Joey, right? I’m glad you decided to join us tonight.”

Joey smiled, “hi Lindsey, that’s right, I’m Joey, thanks.”

She smiled back and gave him a name tag and introduced Joey to the group that was closest to them. Joey noticed one of the guys in the group was very cute. He saw the name Ty on his name tag, and he gave Joey a smile as they were introduced. Lindsey had everyone take their seats and started the meeting. They discussed upcoming events and talked about things the group could do to raise awareness for the LBGT community on the campus. Joey was excited about being involved and was looking forward to doing his part.

After the meeting was over, everyone milled around and talked for another half hour or so. Joey had found his way to Ty, and they started to talk. As all the others were leaving, Ty said, “hey Joey, would you care to go grab a coffee?”

Joey looked at his watch, it was just a little after 9, he smiled, “sure, that would be great.” They left and went to the coffee shop that was just off campus, each ordered a cup and found a table.

Joey asked, “what’s your major, I haven’t seen you around campus before.”

Ty said, "I just started at the beginning of the semester, I’m still undeclared, I’m just taking gen ed classes until I decide on a major. Tonight was my first meeting too, so I was glad that there was someone else that was new to group.”

Joey nodded, “yeah, me too.”

They talked while they finished their coffee, Ty said, “so, I live just around the corner, I know we just met and I don’t ever do this, but would you like to come to my place and talk a little more?”

Joey looked at the time on his phone, it was 9:50, he really liked Ty and thought he would like to get to know him better. He said, “yeah, I would like that, just let me text my mom that I am going to be a little late.”

Joey sent his text and they walked to Ty’s apartment. They sat on the couch and resumed their conversation. Before Joey knew what was happening, he and Ty were kissing and undressing each other. As soon as Ty pulled Joey’s underwear off, Joey’s hard cock sprang out and Ty was sucking him to the root. Joey pulled the rest of Ty’s clothes off and soon they were engaged in a spirited sixty-nine session. Ty worked a finger across Joey’s hole, Joey responded with a loud moan and spread his legs. Ty replaced his finger with his tongue and pushed Joey’s legs up, so he had a clear path to Joey’s virgin hole. Ty moved up and started to kiss Joey as he aimed his cock at the spit slickened ass before him. Ty slowly pushed in and once he allowed Joey to relax, he began his assault on the tight ass. Joey’s head was spinning with pleasure as he was enjoying his first fucking. Joey knew he was getting close and when Ty hit his sweet spot with his last thrust, Joey’s cock exploded, sending cum flying everywhere. This sent Ty over the edge, and he filled Joey’s hole with his love juices. Ty collapsed on top of Joey as they kissed, trying to catch their breath.

Joey smiled up at Ty, “that was great.”

Ty smiled back and said, “yes, it was.”

Joey flinched as his smiled faded away, “ouch, something just poked me.” His vision started to blur as his and Ty’s eyes remained locked on each other. A few seconds later, everything was dark.


Saturday night, Lucas and I arrived at his parent’s house, we were greeted by five-year-old Nate jumping into my arms and 3-year-old Jake jumping into Lucus’s. They screamed, “Uncle Lucas, Uncle Ridge”, then switched so that we each got our hugs. Heather came around the corner smiling, “ok boys, give them a chance to get in the door.”

Lucas hugged Heather, “hey, sis. Good to see you.”

She said, “you too little brother.” She turned to me for a hug, “nice to see you too Ridge.”

We walked into the living room and gave Lucas’s mom a hug and his dad handed us each a rum and Coke.

I smiled, “thanks Larry, how have you been?”

He nodded, “doing great, retirement is boring as hell, but now I have all the time I need to bother this old lady.” He patted Jane on the ass.

She slapped his hand away, she turned back to me, and said, “Drake, he is always underfoot, and I am getting ready to find him a job. Do you need a janitor down at the police station?”

Lucas and I laughed, I said, “I’ll ask on Monday and let you know.”

Larry said, “don’t you dare, I have earned my time off. Besides, she used to like it when I patted her rump.”

Nate giggled, “Grandpa said rump, te he.”

It was clear that she really didn’t mind her husband’s teasing. Jane shook her head and motioned to the table, “everyone sit down, dinner is ready.” Heather and Joe fixed a plate for the boys then we all filled our plates. Jane had made Fettuccini Alfredo and all the trimmings, it was clear where Lucas got his cooking skills. The good-natured ribbing continued as we all ate too much, I just smiled as I looked around the table. The whole happy family thing was just so foreign to me, not only were they all eating together and talking, but they actually seemed to genuinely like each other. I was still trying to figure out what I ever did to deserve this. We played some games with the boys, Heather put them in their pajamas, and they were soon sleeping on the couch. We played a few hands of cards, and all headed home at about midnight.

Lucas and I slept in on Sunday morning, we did some laundry and just relaxed the rest of the day. We went to bed early, as we both wanted to get to work early the next day.


Joey Morris woke up and tried to determine where he was and how long he had been out. He tried to sit up in the bed, but he couldn’t. He looked around and didn’t recognize his surroundings. He remembered the meeting the night before and going for coffee with Ty. Then he remembered having sex and then things went black, what the hell happened. He looked down and saw that he was only wearing a t-shirt and his underwear. The door opened and a man, that appeared to be in his late forties or early fifties wearing a bath robe, walked in. The man smiled, “I’m glad you are awake, and you are even cuter than I was told.” The man sat on the bed next to Joey and started to kiss his neck, Joey tried to pull away, but his body would not cooperate, the man pulled Joey’s clothes off and dropped his robe. The man pushed his dick into Joey’s mouth until it was hard. The man played with Joey’s cock as it also started to grow to the man’s touch. Joey was trying not to get hard, it wasn’t working, his cock swelled despite his efforts to stop it. Joey couldn’t even tell the man to stop. The man rolled Joey onto his stomach and began to rub something slick on his ass, once again, Joey was powerless to stop the man. The man lowered himself onto Joey, pushing his dick inside and began fucking him. Joey just lay there until the man finished, then stood up and put his robe back on. The man slapped Joey on his bare ass and said, “yes, you will do just fine, now get some rest and do as you’re told, and we will all get along just fine.”


As I walked into the office on Monday, I saw a man and woman at the reception desk, the man was clearly upset.

He yelled at the desk officer, “my son is missing, my wife filed a report on Friday and was told she would have an update by the end of the day. It’s three days later and we have not heard a word, I want some answers and I want them now.”

The desk officer looked up at me with pleading eyes. I said, “excuse me sir, can I help you?”

He turned to me, “are you in charge here?”

I shook my head, “no sir.” I looked toward the captain’s office and saw that it was still dark. “Captain Green is not in yet, but please, come with me, we can wait in here until he gets here.”

I turned on the lights in interview room 2 and pulled a chair out for each of them to sit in. I said, “I’m detective Ridgway, can I ask your name?”

The man seemed to calm slightly, he said, “I’m Gene Morris and this is my wife, Ellen.”

I pulled a notepad from my bag, “I’m detective Ridgeway, and you said your son was missing?”

He nodded, “yes, my wife came here on Friday and reported our son, Joey, missing, I was out of town for my job and didn’t get back until Saturday. We called all weekend, and no one could give us any answers, we decided to come down as soon as we could this morning.”

I asked, “Mrs. Morris, do you remember who you talked to on Friday?”

She pulled a card from her purse, “yes, it was detective Harper.” I suddenly remembered hearing Harper talking to her as I was walking to my office. Phil Harper had moved up to detective at about the same time as I did. He was a decent guy, but he didn’t work on too many missing persons cases, he was much better at solving burglaries. Just as I was getting ready to ask my next question, Captain walked by, “good morning, Ridge.”

I stopped him, “hey captain, this is Mr. and Mrs. Morris, their son is missing, they talked to Harper on Friday and haven’t heard from him. Do you know what the status is?”

Captain sighed, “damn, that’s my fault. Right after Mrs. Morris left, Harper got a call, his kid was rushed to the hospital with appendicitis. He gave me the statement, and before I could hand it off to another detective, I got called to the commissioner’s office. Mr. and Mrs. Morris, I am so sorry.”

Gene Morris shook his head, “so now what do we do?”

I said, “captain, I can take this, can you get me the statement?”

He nodded, “yes, I’ll get it right away.” He was back a minute later and apologized again. I started to review the statement with the Morris’s. I asked them some follow up questions.

I asked them, “so Joey went to a club meeting at his college on Thursday night and didn’t come home. How long has he belonged to the club?”

Ellen Moris said, “he just joined, it was his first meeting.”

I asked, “what kind of club was it?”

They looked at each other, Gene said, “it’s a gay club.”

Ellen stepped in, “it’s the campus LBGT+ club.”

Gene sighed, “I suppose now you are just going to tell us he’s off having sex with some guy and will be home soon.”

I said, “no sir, Joey being gay doesn’t matter at all to me, I am still going to investigate every lead. Is it normal for Joey to not come home for an extended period of time?”

Ellen shook her head, “no, not at all, he always calls, even if he just going to be late.”

Blake walked in as I was writing my notes, He said, “morning Ridge, anything I can help with?”

I said, “morning, this is Gene and Ellen Morris, their son is missing. Mr. & Mrs. Morris this detective Blake Robbins.” They exchanged quick pleasantries. I asked, “would either of you like a something to drink, coffee or tea?”

They nodded their heads, “coffee would be nice.”

Blake smiled, “I’ll get it, you need one too Ridge?”

I nodded, “yes please, thanks, Blake.”

Blake was back in a few minutes with our coffee, he sat down as I cleared up a few more points on the original statement. Mrs. Morris told me that Joey had sent a text to let her know that he was going to get a coffee with one of the other members of the club. She said she went to bed and didn’t realize he hadn’t come home until the next morning. Mr. Morris was out of town for work and the only flight he could get was Saturday morning, he got home around noon.

Blake and I got all the information we could from the Morris’s.

I said, “I am so sorry that no one got back to you on Friday, I promise you that I or detective Robbins will call by the end of the day, and every day until we find Joey.”

Gene Morris held his hand out for me to shake, “thank you detective, I am so sorry about all the yelling earlier.”

I shook his hand, “no need to apologize, you had every right to be upset and feel free to call either of us at any time. We are going to the college right now to talk to the members of the LBGT+ group, and like I said, I will call you before 5 this afternoon.”

Once Mr. and Mrs. Morris left, Blake and I went to my office to compile our notes.

Blake asked, “what do you think?”

I replied, “I guess we need to start with talking to Lindsey Carroll, she’s the leader of the LBGT group, she probably has a roster of all the members and maybe she knows who Joey left with.”

Blake nodded, “that’s as good a place to start as any.”

We didn’t have a phone number for Lindsey, so Blake called the college and explained the situation to the admissions office. They couldn’t give us her number, but they promised they would get her a message. A few minutes later, she called us back and we set up a meeting at the coffee shop next to the campus.

We decided to go to the admissions office before we met with Lindsey to see if we could get a copy of Joey’s schedule. Since he didn’t live on campus and didn’t have a roommate, we wanted to talk to some of his classmates.

Blake said, “we need to be back at the office at 1, remember Adam is coming in to meet with the sketch artist.” I nodded as I put my notepad in my bag.

He paused for a minute then said, “this may be stupid, but I have a strange feeling.”

I asked, “what do you mean?”

He shrugged, “that maybe the Rob Wilcox and Joey Morris cases, just might be related.”

I raised an eyebrow, “funny, I have the same feeling.”


To be continued…

by Lee Obrien

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024