Me and my Man

by Jstar

17 Oct 2023 1061 readers Score 9.4 (12 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I saw his car pull through a crush of others, I knew it well and had been surveying the 4 lanes outside the airport to find it.  He pulled into the idling lane, and I jogged over to it.  I pulled open the trunk, shoved my backpack in, then joined him in the front of the car.  I looked over at him as I said hello, stuck by the change in his appearance.  It had been three months since I had seen him.  During that time, he had started shaving his head and growing his beard longer.  It gave him a slightly more distinguished look and magnified the sexual energy he gave off.  It was a very good look on him.

Our last meeting had been in mid-July, it was now early October.  Before, during, and after that meeting, we had both hurt each other.  I told him that I was moving across the country for work, he reacted by telling me I never really loved him.  He chose to explore sex with someone else, something that was reserved for just the two of us.  I cancelled meetings and hid from him but finally agreed to one last meeting just before I moved.  It was a tumultuous two days together and left me feeling empty.  I took it out on him with my own anger but then left things in silence.

That silence lasted two months.  Initially his memory filled my empty moments and was all I could focus on.  We passed our two-year anniversary with not a word between us.  Some days all I longed for was a message from him, some days I swore I would never speak with him again.  Life went on, as it does, and I began adjusting.  I tried to fill the empty space he left with other men, unsuccessfully.  Each encounter reminded me of him and magnified my wish to be with him again.  Eventually I started not thinking of him all the time, willing myself to get over his memory.

Then one day in the middle of September I received a text from him.  Just a simple one, saying hi and asking how I was.  I did not answer him right away, I feared the hurt and pain that could be found along that path.  He had meant so much to me and I finally felt like I was starting to move on, but eventually I messaged him.  We sent a few texts back and forth that day and over the next few days, feeling each other out.  I could tell he was being careful too.

He suggested we chat, and I conceded, feeling that pull that he has over me.  During the phone call he asked if I was coming to see him.  I was shocked, both that he wanted that and that he blatantly asked for it.  I pushed him off, not saying yes or no, but that I would think about it.  Over the next few days my mind was filled with thoughts of what a long-distance relationship means, of him yelling at me, of his body intertwined with mine. 

Before we scheduled anything I needed to communicate that I had seen other men since our last meet.  I also had to learn what he had done.  I texted him, letting him know what had happened, not proud of it but also not ashamed.  I had made my decisions thinking I would never hear from him again.  He was mad, very mad.  He had waited for me, not hooking up with anyone.  I would later learn that was due to some missed opportunities, but the fact stood, he waited.    

We tossed ideas back and forth, meeting as friends, how many days it would be, what dates worked for both of us.  Finally, we made the decision to meet and see where things went.  We agreed on dates three weeks in the future, and I bought the plane tickets. 

The next few weeks were rough to say the least.  Our jealousies and fears worked to tear us apart and cancel the meeting.  Eventually we settled, calmed ourselves down, and confirmed the meeting.  I figured that the worst case scenario is that things would not work out well between us and that we could part as friends, not as we had at our last meeting.  The best case, the one I hoped for, was that we would try and carry on a long-distance relationship, as equals who kept our sexual energy between us. 

All of this led to me finding his car outside the airport and exploring those first few minutes with him.  I had booked a hotel for us to stay in and told him I was looking forward to being with him again, but in person things can change.  He always says we reconcile better in person, and I wanted to prove that.  We made small talk as we headed to a store to get some food to bring with us.  We needed lube too in case things went that far.  He said he couldn’t believe I had come to see him.  I half could not believe it myself, but here I was.  Love makes a person do strange things.   

We drove to the hotel, and I checked in, meeting him at the door to bring our bags in.  We didn’t have much, we didn’t need much.  Again, more small talk as we rode the elevator up and found the room door.  As we entered the room a question could be felt in the air, what would happen next?  Tradition was that we would meet in a kiss and start exploring each other’s bodies.  I glanced at him furtively as I put food away and shoved my bag into a corner.  I think he was waiting for the same thing, like we each needed a signal. 

I made the decision to put myself out there and walked towards him to see what he would do.  He did exactly as I hoped, raising his hands to meet in an embrace and meeting my lips with his.  Any awkwardness melted away as we found what was familiar to each other.  My hands ran up and down him as our lips explored what they had not touched in so long.  I could feel the muscles in his chest and the broadness of his shoulders.  He pulled me into his body and showed me how excited he already was. 

He backed up a bit, pulling open his belt, unbuttoning his jeans, and pulling them beneath his hips.  I knew my job and dropped to my knees, greeting his hard cock as an old friend I had not seen in way too long.  I licked it to provide lubricant then opened my mouth and started working down the shaft.  His cock was just as I remember, hard and thick, standing straight out from his groin, with just the slightest upward curl.  He tasted amazing but what really got to me was his smell.  As my nose can in contact with his dark pubic hair I breathed in his scent, as always it was, masculine and clean, a combination of the soap he uses and his natural smell.  It reminded me of all the things I liked about him and of all he meant to me.

As I continued to go down on him, he pulled his shirt off, exposing his hairy chest and torso.  I pulled his jeans and boxer briefs down to his ankles and grabbed onto his thighs for support.  I could feel the hard muscle beneath the skin.  His legs have always turned me on, they give his entire body a view of strength, as if the artists who carved the famous statues of Greek gods did so with his legs as their model. 

I stayed on him for a while, reveling in the permission I had from him to provide oral sex to his magnificent cock.  I would go down on him as far as I could, willing my gag reflex into submission, driving my nose in his hair.  I worked the tip, rolling my tongue around the sensitive part where the head meets the shaft.  He let out small noises every now and then, letting me know he was enjoying what we were sharing. 

He pulled me up and met me with another kiss.  Locked in this embrace we continued to use our hands to touch every part of the other we could.  His shoulders were bigger, and his upper arms showed more definition.  I had added some weight around my middle, and he grabbed it and used it to pull me towards him, he always says he likes the meat.

We broke off the kiss and I pulled back to look at him, running my hand over the side of his face, wanting to remember every part of him.  I stepped away, it had been a long flight to meet him, and I needed to shower.  We both knew what we wanted from the other and that would require some preparation from my end.  He sat down to have a snack while I took my things to the bathroom and did what needed to be done. 

When I came out of the shower, he was ready, and I made my way to where he was sitting on the couch in all of his naked glory.  I sat down next to him, curled against his bigger body, and leaned in for another kiss.  He reached over and started stroking my arm, reaching up behind my back and to my neck.  I felt the gently and familiar pressure of his hand starting to push me down towards his hardening cock.  I gladly submitted and kissed my way down his neck, past his broad chest, down his full torso until I was face to face with his glorious cock.  It pointed straight out and needed no help from me to get any harder, but I went down on it anyway.  I love to taste him and smell him and bring him pleasure this way.  I worked up and down, occasionally diving so he was fully engulfed inside my mouth, feeling his thickness inside of me. 

I felt him reach down and start to finger my hole, gently probing and feeling all around my ass.  He gave a familiar pat, and I knew what to do.  As he slid down so that he was lying on the couch I stood up then straddled him.  His cock was right in my face, and I knew he was staring right at my pink hole.  I felt the familiar tingle of his tongue as he started licking and probing me.  I went back down on him, taking his cock back in my mouth.  He felt so familiar and welcome as he worked to loosen up my hole.  He drove his tongue deep inside of me, then pulled out to pull my hole open and spit into me.  He gently bit down each side of my ass-cheeks, something I had not felt in a long time.  His every touch was welcome and caused me to go deeper and harder on his cock in response. 

This foreplay did not last long.  We were horny for each other, and I could not wait a moment longer to have him inside of me.  I knew he felt the same by the grunts he gave and enthusiasm he was using to open me up.  I stood up and pulled off him, taking his hand and pulling him towards the bed.

“It is time?” He spoke.

“Yes” I replied.

I climbed on the bed, ready for a doggie-style position on the edge of the mattress. This was he could stand on the floor and keep control.  It was our favorite position to allow me to loosen up, I had not taken him in so long that I knew as he entered it would take some patience. 

He followed behind me, and I reached up and back to apply lube to his hard cock.  I placed a generous amount on myself too.  As I bent back down, I could feel his hands on my hips, positioning me exactly where he wanted, lining up my hole with his hard cock.  I took two quick hits off the bottle of poppers as I felt him begin to push into me, wanting so badly to have him inside, to hear his little grunts, to be connected with him like this again.  He took things slowly, working himself inside.  I felt the poppers rush hit as he pushed through, and his hips met my ass.  I quick jolt of pain made me remember to relax and breathe.  He held himself there for a few seconds, allowing me to adjust. 

I felt him begin his small movements as he started fucking me.  Small and slow at first but moving into his normal tempo.  It felt so familiar and welcome, something I had missed for the past three months.  Daddy had come home to his boy and his boy was happy about it.  I lowered my shoulders and head all the way down to the bed as an act of submission, my way of telling him he could have whatever he wanted.

After I fully opened up to receive him, he felt amazing inside of me.  He is everything I have ever wanted in a man and that includes his cock as well as his personality.  We fit together like a hand in a tailored glove.  I rode up and down on his cock while he continued to thrust his hips back and forth, joined together in a familiar rhythm.

There comes a point in our lovemaking where the act ceases to be about him or me as individuals.  It transitions to this thing that is greater than the two of us together, where we fly higher than we could if just seeking our own pleasure.  It is a time where we move in synch to give to the other, while also taking what we want.  It comes naturally to us now, not expected, but always welcome when it arrives.  There is no specific point where it happens, just a gradual lift to where we both understand what is happening and strive to keep the intensity of the moment.  We made it to that point very quickly.

“On your back” was all he said.  As he pulled out of me, I knew exactly what he wanted.  I moved to flip onto my back, ass still at the edge of the bed, legs in the air.  He grabbed my ankles to hold me steady then lined himself up again for penetration.  As I felt the pressure of him trying to enter I looked at his face.  His handsome face glowered down at me, focused on the task at hand.  His gorgeous eyes looked right at me, the sight of him causing me to relax and let his cock-head pop inside.  He was so fucking hot at this moment, the light glisten of sweat starting to show on his shoulders, his thick arms holding my legs, his huge, hairy chest standing out proudly.  We were two men in heat for each other.

He leaned into me as he entered, starting to move in and out, fucking my willing ass.  I reached to hold his hips to me, feeling the taught muscles underneath.  He started hitting my spot and driving my pleasure high as he worked his way through my insides.  He was the man I wanted, the only one I wanted inside me.  He leaned down, lowering his large frame to meet mine.  I reached my head up ever so slightly to meet his lips as we met in a deep, wet, passionate kiss.  He was all that filled my senses.  Touch, taste, smell, it was all him.  I was squashed between my man and the bed, the only place I wanted to be.

We kept on fucking back and forth, trying different positions.  Amazingly we found a few we had never tried before, they seemed to come naturally.  Every time I glanced at him I was overcome by his manliness, his sheer power as my top, wanting to bring him more happiness each time we connected.  We ended by jacking off while lying next to each other.  I buried my face in his armpit while working my own cock and moved quickly to catch his cum in my mouth as I saw him close to his own end.  His cum tasted sweet and salty, I cleaned up after his while enjoying the gift he allowed me to take. 

I fell back on the bad, still working my own hard cock after he finished spewing cum in my mouth.  He took a few seconds to recover himself then pulled this amazing move he has only done a few times before.  He lifted himself off the bed and hovered over me, reaching his right hand into my hole, using his left hand to hold me up, and covering me with his body.  My face was buried between his chest and neck, again all my senses were filled with him.  I came quickly, making a mess as I did.   

We cleaned up after such an intense time.  I grabbed a shower while he cleaned his cock off in the sink.  As I watched him stand up on his toes to get let the water run over his cock, I was struck by how much I had missed seeing that simple act.  My tall, handsome man cleaning the results of our sex off that magnificent body.  I felt so lucky to be back with him.

I woke the next morning right beside him.  His back was turned to me and he was snoring very gently.  The sheet was just below his shoulders, and I glanced over at them as he breathed in and out, his massive muscular bulk moving with it.  There are times I feel as close to him as those breaths when we move as one and reach new levels together. 

We went to breakfast, chatting about work, family, and friends.  We talked about my move, I asked about his family overseas.  We decided to hit the gym after breakfast, doing another sort of cardio that we had done the day before.  We headed back to the room after working up a sweat and as we entered, I walked close to him, asking him if I could breathe him in.  He is not a fan of sweat but allowed me to, so I nestled my head on his chest and breathed in his magnificent smell.  As I did, I felt him move and recognized the motion, he was pulling down his shorts.  I reached down to find his cock already hard and lowered myself to take him in right away.  The base of his rod was wet with sweat and my face was covered in his smell by the time I had given him a few minutes of head. 

This did not last long; we had a few errands to run and it wasn’t time for more involved sex yet.  We went out to pick up food for the day, dressed as we were for the gym.  He looked sexy in his snug gym shorts that showed enough of his legs to keep me horny the entire time.  We picked up food and more lube. 

We headed back to the room and as you can guess the kissing started right away.  We each undressed and reveled in the others’ body as we touched and stroked and kissed through the next few minutes.  We needed to shower, and I waited as he got started, joining him after a few moments under the hot water.  As we kissed under the spray it felt like I was in a different world, one where only he and I existed.  He allowed me to soap his body up, scrubbing every inch of him from head to toe.  I was an act of service I relished, receiving permission from him to touch him everywhere.  I was lost in his overpowering presence and before I knew if I bent over, ready to take his hard cock again. 

We tried fucking in the shower, but it did not last long.  We were filled with lust for each other and as we got out, we dried off quickly, ready for a long session. 

“On your back, at the corner of the bed.” He growled. 

I laid down, ready for him.  He towered over me, leaning his head back as he again pushed inside me.  I curled my own head back as he hit the right spot almost immediately. 

“No one treats me like you do.” He said as he began the all-to-familiar bucking in and out of me.  He felt amazing inside me, more than I had ever dared hope that bottoming could be.  His face took on the look of a man possessed, needing to use his boy for what he wanted.  His boy was willing.  I closed my eyes, lost in the feeling he was giving me.  He changed tempo, he thrusted all the way in me, he sped up and slowed down.  It was like he knew exactly what I wanted before I even did.  He was a master playing his best game.  I don’t know how long it was but after while of this glorious feeling I sensed a change, his fucking became focused again.  He wasn’t playing around anymore, his climax was within sight.  I knew the familiar path he was taking, gentle here, hard there, faster and faster as he got closer. 

“UUUUUUGHHHHHH” He breathed as he came, jerking all the way into me.  It wasn’t a loud sound this time, but one that showed the intensity of which our session had been marked.  I felt his body involuntary jerk each time he came, reveling in the fact that he was filling me with his cum, breeding me to be his.  He leaned over into me, kissing me wetly.  We didn’t hold the kiss long, he needed to breathe, and I understood that.  He laid on me for just enough time to calm down then stood up. 

My legs were still in the air as he looked at me from above.  He reached a finger down to catch some cum leaking from me, pushing it back inside.  As he pulled out of me I grabbed his hand and brought it to my mouth.  I licked and sucked the remaining cum of his finger, wanting not to let any of him go to waste. 

Later, as we were resting from our intense fuck-session, I curled up next to him on the bed.  His large frame was splayed out in the middle of the bed, I was on his right side, my head crooked into his armpit, our bodies connected from chest to toes.  His smell filled my nostrils, his cum was inside me, the sound of his voice filled my brain as if we were alone what mattered in the entire world.  We chatted away about life as we each drifted off to sleep.  

We each awoke from our naps at different times.  We spent the afternoon talking and figuring out where our relationship was to go next.  We fucked for a while too.  At one point we were in the doggie position and he feasted on pizza while inside me.  He used me as his table, the container laid on my back. He calls it combining the pleasures of life.  I call it serving my man.  We spent the rest of the evening like this, talking, fucking, and jerking off.  It was relaxing and pleasurable, just spending this time with him.

I woke to a dark room in the middle of the night.  I guessed it to be around two in the morning but I was not sure of the time.  I laid in bed, just listening.  I was trying to figure out if he was awake, knowing that we both look forward to the intensity of our early-morning fucks.  As I laid there the best thing happened, his hand reached out towards me from the other side of the bed.  It came to rest on my hip as I was lying on my side facing away from him.  I knew what would come next and wanted it with my entire being. 

I rolled over and entered his outstretched arms, meeting his lips is a kiss.  I snuggled up against him, my cock hard, rubbing against his thigh, and felt him grab my hand and reach it down to his own hard member.  I could tell it would not take much to get him ready to enter me.  I stroked him a bit while we kissed but soon moved down to take his cock in my mouth.  I knew it would be a long time before I saw him again and I wanted him inside me as much as possible, whether by mouth or other means. 

I sucked him for just a few moments, he was ready and there was no stopping his sexual aggression.  He pulled me off him and jerked me onto all fours, showing his strength and dominance.  He moved behind me and pushed my ass down, we were positioned in a squatting doggie-style pose.  I quickly applied the lube to both of us, feeling the heat and urgency coming from him.  I felt the pressure on my hole as his cockhead met my pussy.  I felt him begin to enter and I reached back to hold him from going too fast.  He continued, slow but steady as he breached my inner ring, causing a brief flash of pain followed by the pleasure of having him stretch me open again.

He pushed my shoulders to the bed and began aggressively fucking.  He was being raw, animalistic.  I could tell this was no long session, that he knew what he wanted, and it was my job to serve.  I did so happily, always wanting to bring pleasure to my man.  I stretched out my arms for stability to keep in the position he wanted, meeting his thrusts with my own to create a rhythm between us.  I felt his hips thrust into my ass and felt the full glory of his raw cock as he rammed me over and over.  His fucking became more and more intense, more focused on the goal.  I could feel the energy between us, the unsaid communication to keep my position and allow him to take what he wanted. 

The only sounds that could be heard were the slapping of his hips meeting my ass combined with the wet suction of his lubed-up cock in my pussy.  They were the sweet sounds of sex at it’s best.  As he fucked me harder and harder, I felt like my hole was on fire, a pleasure filled burning sensation that became too intense to hold in.  I reached out to grab a pillow, burying my face in it as I let out groans of pleasure. 

As he continued to pile drive me into the mattress, I sensed the change in his rhythm.  He started to go faster, deeper, and a little out of control.  As he jackhammered my pussy, I could tell he was getting close.  It was the kind of fuck where a top loses all sense of the other person, I was just a hole to him at that point, a willing receptacle for his pleasure.  He became even more intense, driving in and out of me.  I held on as best I could as his large body slammed into my smaller one.  I knew it wouldn’t be long now and I would have the prize that I longed for.  As he reached his point of no return I heard his grunt,


He pushed down on my ass in order to hold himself up as waves of pleasure were released each time he filled my body with a new spurt of his cum.  He pushed into me a little more each time, driving the cum deeper inside me, making sure I was marked as his.  He stayed in that kneeling position as long as he could, but I knew he was winded and needed to lie down.  He lowered his torso on to mine, his cock still inside me.  As I felt his chest hair meet my back I groaned, welcoming the warmth of his skin against mine.  I felt the sweat from this intense fuck session and felt proud that I had given him that.  He hugged me as long as he could then flopped down on the bed, exhausted. 

I laid next to him, waiting for him to recover then moved down to clean his cock of the cum, lube, and ass juices that were on it.  It is always a very intimate thing for me to clean him, my last act of service to him after being his sub.  I relished the taste of his jizz, knowing that this was the taste of my man, and he was so good to me to let me be the one who took care of him. 

After a quick clean up we went back to sleep, our mission accomplished.  The next thing I knew it was morning and time to have breakfast again.  We talked about the future.  Of the challenges that a long-distance relationship would bring.  We made plans to see each other in January. 

As we made our way back to our room, I knew I wanted him again.  My flight was in a few hours, and I wanted to feel him inside me and remember what it was like to be connected to him.  I was sore from so much fucking but I didn’t care.  My want for him was greater than any pain from my used hole.  Before we began, he generously let me drink from his cock, I swallowed his pee, completing the fluids I had taken from him and the submission he wanted from me.  I bent over for him again, not with cumming in mind, but just to have some fun and connect with him again.  As always, he was a stallion, hard and ready to go, magnificent in the way he tops me. 

He pulled out of me the final time, neither of us cumming but each of us happy to have had one last chance to play around.  He suggested we try one last thing, then backtracked on it.  It sounded intriguing to me, and I wanted to try it with him.  While he went to the bathroom I set up. 

I chose a spot where the walls of our room were close and set pillows on either side.  I sat down, back against a wall on one side, he sat on the other, same position.  Our legs were pretzeled together, our cocks touched, and we took turns jacking each other as one.  As the rhythm built, we each jacked ourselves, lost in feeling each other and being so close.  We each took a hit of poppers and while riding the high stared into each other’s eyes.  I felt so clear to him at this point, so fragile and open to him that I was overcome with my closeness to this man.  Being this way with him, feeling him near to me, smelling him, it all drove me over the edge and I came right there, staring into his beautiful eyes.  He came not long after and we both stayed there, awed by the place we had gone with each other and how close the time had been. 

About an hour later he dropped me off at the airport, giving me a kiss on the cheek.  As I entered the airport doors I missed him already but was happy in the knowledge that we were back together.  We were a couple again and it was just the two of us.  It might be a while before I saw him again but when I did it would be even more amazing that this meeting had been, because each time with him is better than the last. 

by Jstar

Email: [email protected]

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