Marines Squirrel and Honcho Find Their Plaything

by Buck

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Saturday morning arrives.  Used to getting up early, Squirrel rolls over and falls back asleep.  Not long after, Honcho and Brian awake with hard-ons, needing to piss.  Brian rolls out of bed first and goes to the bathroom, followed by Honcho as Brian takes a stance aiming his piss to hit the center of the bowl.  Silently, Honcho stands behind him and reaches around, holding Brian but not interrupting his stream.

When Brian is finished, Honcho asks him, “Why don’t you step in the shower and let me empty my piss all over your hot body?”

“That’s kinky.  I’ve never thought about doing anything with piss.”

“I think you’ll like it.  I’ll start at your neck and work down.  I want to wash your cock and balls with a heavy splash.  Then we can shower.”

Brian steps into the shower.  Honcho follows. Honcho takes Brian by the shoulders and places him against the back wall.  Honcho steps back, aims his cock, and suggests, “Maybe you want to taste it.  I can shoot it into your mouth.  You wanna try?”

Brian nods and opens his mouth.  Honcho releases his piss which flies into Brian’s face and finds his mouth; Brian reacts by drinking the hot liquid.

“You like that,” Honcho continues, lowering his aim to Brian’s rock-hard cock.

“It’s different.  I can say that.”

“Maybe you’ll like another drink later in the day.”

“I won’t say no.”

The men shower and dry off.  They return to the room with Squirrel still out of it.

With a little bit of ice, they pour themselves some cola, staring at their stiff erections. They are quiet, not wanting to wake Squirrel. They sit side by side on the free bed, listening to Squirrel snore and wrestling with a morning dream.

They can’t resist squeezing each other’s dick.  So they drink their colas and engage in a bit of squeezing and jacking.  Nothing to get them close to cumming.  After finishing their drinks, Honcho and Brian kiss.

They separate.  “Fuckin’ Marines aren’t supposed to kiss,” Brian utters.

“Marines ain’t supposed to do many things, but they do,” Honcho responds.

Honcho puts his hand on Brian’s chin and pulls him closer for another deep kiss. The kiss ends with Squirrel’s wake-up moan.

As Brian and Honcho break their kiss, Squirrel says, “I thought we were saving the sex for tonight.”

Honcho replies, “Nobody’s getting off.  We’re just getting off on being together.”

“I gotta take a leak.  You two get in the shower and let me piss on you.  You don’t have to drink it, but I want to spray your bodies with my hot pee.  I want to see my piss dripping off your bodies, flowing over your muscles and down to your crotches.”

Squirrel gets a little deliberate, spraying all four nipples before soaking their crotches with his piss.  With his cock emptied, Squirrel turns on the shower, and all three wash themselves, giving plenty of attention to their male parts that stand at attention through the soaping process.

They dry themselves off.  Seeing the cups with the cola, Squirrel takes it upon himself to make drinks.  He uses plenty of ice, a splash of the Jack, and sufficient cola.

“Drink of the day.  Let’s remind ourselves of what we have.  It’s the strangest arrangement.  And it all began because we bound Brian.  Drink up, warm our bellies, and go to breakfast.

After empty cups, Squirrel reaches into his case and pulls out a bag.  In the bag are three pink balloon butt plugs with little tails.

“I know I went beyond with the expense, but I got one of these for each of us.  We can insert them, and we’ll be feeling our asses while we eat breakfast.  And for the rest of the day. They vibrate to my Bluetooth settings.  I can make them vibrate at any time for any duration and intensity.  Even if the Lush 3 doesn’t vibrate, you can still feel its presence.”

Squirrel puts a little lube on the plugs, and each man inserts the plug into his ass.

“We’ll be arousing ourselves, and no one will know that breakfast is just the first step in our big day together.  Let me get my phone, and I’ll show you how they vibrate.”

Honcho is the first to respond, “Man, that’s like having a dick up my ass.”

Squirrel responds, “We can pass my phone around, and each of us can control our asses as we see fit.”

Squirrel had thought of everything.  All three pile into Brian’s Mustang, searching for a pancake house. “Let’s head south to the beaches.  We’ll find something there.

Even when the plugs weren’t vibrating, walking stimulated them.  Near the beach, the men found the perfect restaurant. When they sit down, they feel a certain push while the server hands out the menus and takes the drink orders.

Coffee, black coffee all around.

The three men throw their eating habits to the wind and order forbidden dietary delights.  The bacon and sausage are the only nods toward protein.

As they masticate, Brian asks Squirrel what his plans are.

“I wanna use the G.I. Bill to get an online degree.”

“in what?”

“I’m thinking psychology or philosophy.”

“So you’re a brainiac hot Marine,” Brian replies.  “Where do you want to go to school?”

“Wherever I’m living.  I’ve already signed up for a course that starts in the fall.”

“And that is.”

“An introduction to art appreciation.”

“All I know is that you are enough art for me to appreciate.”

“Fellas, there are people around.  Keep it down.”

“And Honcho, what are your aspirations?” Brian responds.

“I’m thinking of doing something with animals, specifically horses.”

“You need to come to Whisper.  We’ve got horses.  Plenty of horses.”

“I was thinking of a horse rehabilitation center.  I guess watching all those videos has gotten to me.  There have to be people who are willing to take up the slack.  It’s not about making millions; it’s about the satisfaction I would have helping bring a distressed animal back to health. And, so, Brian, what are your plans?”

“Oh, I’m going back to Whisper, probably build a house and help Dad run the business.”’

At that moment, Brian imagines Honcho and Squirrel living for practically nothing in one of the old apartments.  Squirrel could do his college online and earn extra bucks on the farm.  Honcho could fall right into the group of hands that keep the horses. Honcho could even build his center and promote it online.  Brian’s dad would enjoy the publicity.  Of course, explaining why two Marine buddies would want to come to Whisper in no where Colorado.  Brian knew he’d have to tell his dad what is going on.

Squirrel reaches into his pocket and presses the vibrator button just as the server places their plates on the table.  Honcho jerks a little and gives Squirrel an uncomfortable look.  Brian smiles.

The men finish their breakfast by topping off their coffees.  Squirrel stimulates them all as they are paying the bill. 

“Do you have to play with that thing on when someone is around?”

Squirrel smirks at both Honcho and Brian.

“It’s all a part of setting things up for this evening.  Let’s find some nice place where we can overlook the ocean.”

They cruise around in the Mustang for a while. Finally, they spot a huge patio with many tables near the water’s edge.  Parking the car, they go through the tropically inspired club’s interior, survey the deck, and find a table that satisfies their desires.

Squirrel, continuing his playfulness, turns on the vibrations when the server takes their order.  Beer all around.  With their asses being teased, the hunky Marines lean back, smile at one another, and then focus on the beach.

About twenty feet away is a table with two Marines drinking beers and snacking on salted corn chips.  Typically, the Marines comment on the new arrivals. “That’s a group I could enjoy.”

“Fuck, man, if it’s halfway in shape and has a dick, you’d enjoy it.”

“O. K.  It’s just that they look like they’re made for each other.  I think they’ve got something going on.”

“You’re always jumping to conclusions.”

“Haven’t I jumped to some good conclusions?”

“I have to give it to you.  You’ve gotten us into some pretty hot scenes.”

At that point, Brian excuses himself.  The coffee and beer need to be expelled.  He gets up and heads toward the john.

Not missing a beat, the ever-so-alert Howard gets up and follows Brian into the head.

Howard, about Brian’s height and with a solid build, unabashedly stands next to Brian at the urinals.  Howard assesses the situation, staring openly at Brian’s fine dick while the urine splashes well aimed into the water. Howard pulls out his dick and pulls on it suggestively. Squirrel figures the right time, hits the button, and puts the vibrations on high.  Howard sees the tail movement against the back of Brian’s shorts.

“Tell me you don’t have a plug up your ass, man,” Howard states flatly.

Brian, who had become a little uncomfortable with Howard’s staring at him and doesn’t want to give Howard any encouragement, remains silent.

“Well, you can at least make it hard for me.  I see you’ve got something that will expand nicely.”

Brian, his head thinking of the entire day being devoted to sex, remains still, pulling on his cock until it inspires Howard to reach over and grab it.

“Man, we’ve got to get together.”

“I’m with friends.”

“Those other guys at the table.”


“You three got something going on?”

“We’re together.”

“Are you telling me I don’t have a chance?”

“Aren’t you with that Marine at  the table?”

“We have fun where we can find it.”

The door opens, and the air rustles in.  Howard moves away from Brian and finishes his pee.  Brian lifts his dick inside close to his belt so it doesn’t appear he’s hard.  The man begins to pee.

“So, how long have you been at Pendleton?”

“About six months.”

As they are leaving, Howard continues, “And where are you from?””

“Whisper, Colorado.”

Outside the toilet, Howard continues, “I’m Howard, and you’re?“


“Think your friends would like to meet me and my friend?  It’s Saturday, after all.”

“I can’t speak for them.”

“At least introduce us.”

Brian introduces Howard, who waves his friend over.  Two more chairs are added to the table.

Howard says, “Everybody, this is Luke. I don’t know where he’s from, but I know what he does.”

The conversation turns into small talk, and the men talk about where they’re from and what made them join the Corps.

After the second round of beers, Howard, placing his hand on Squirrel’’s dick, blurts out, “Well, fellas, when do we get this show on the road?”

“What did you have in mind?”

“A group of five guys get together somewhere private, get naked, and see what happens.”

Honcho, imagining getting these two tied up, responds, “We’ve got a place.”

Howard speaks, “What are we waiting for?”

Cutting his eyes, Squirrel glances at Honcho and suggests, “Honcho, you go with Howard and Luke to our room.  We’re going to need some extras if there are five of us. If you get my drift?”

The group dropped some paper on the table to cover the service.  The men split up, and Honcho went with Howard and Luke.  Brian and Squirrel hop in the Mustang.

Honcho is all smiles with Howard and Luke.  Luke drives. Honcho sits in the passenger seat and Howard in the back.  Luke slides his hand on Honcho’s thigh on a straight stretch of road. “There’s plenty of time for that later.  I want to get to our room in one piece.”

Howard chirps from behind, “You don’t have to worry about his driving.  He knows where he’s going. And he gets there every time.”

Honcho keeps thinking about the rope Squirrel will buy, more cola, and Jack Daniels. Honcho gets an erection.  When there’s no chance of an accident.  Honcho takes Luke’s right hand off the steering wheel and places it on the huge bulge snaking down his leg.  Honcho somewhat quickly replaces Luke’s hand on the wheel.

Luke, “Man, that’s something to look forward to.”

Honcho smiles.

From behind, Howard adds, ‘I told you he was hung.”

“So you’re always right.”

“About packages, yes.”

Silence sits in until Honcho needs to give directions.

When the men arrive at the motel, they exit the Civic and enter the room.

Honcho indicates they sit on one of the beds.  Honcho makes three drinks of the day and hands the cups to Howard and Luke. Honcho, “Here’s to a good time for all.”  All three begin drinking.

Howard offers, “Aren’t you going to show me what you’ve got after you let Luke have a feel of it?”

Honcho drops his trousers and his tight whities and shows his monster standing at full erection.  “If you want to hold on to it, you can.”

Howard doesn’t miss a beat, reaching over and wrapping his hand around Honcho’s dick.

“Man, I can’t even reach my fingers.  What a piece of meat you have.”

“It’s what I was born with.”

“Neither one of us is small, but you’re like out of some porn movie.”

“Let’s just relax and finish our drinks.  Brian and Squirrel should be back in no time,” Honcho replies.

While Howard, Luke, and Honcho tempt themselves, Squirrel acquires more rope, extra cola, and Jack Daniels.  Squirrel knows he has enough relaxing medication to knock out Howard, Luke, and Honcho.  Because two more men are involved, Squirrel’s plan to hog-tie Honcho has just expanded into tying up all three so he and Brian can have fun.  Brian will be able to control Honcho and the two newbies the way he was tied up and fucked the first night he was picked up by Honcho and Squirrel.

When Squirrel and Brian return to the motel, Squirrel enters displaying the cola and Jack Daniels.  Brian sequesters his bag of goodies behind one of the chairs.

Squirrel sees that the guys have drinks, so he makes a couple for Brian and him.  The men sit facing one another.  Honcho is now back in his pants, and nothing is showing.

“When are we going to get naked?” Howard queries.

Squirrel responds with his idea.  “You know, fellas, we have the vibrating plugs up our asses.  It would be good for you and Luke to have the same sensations we’ve been experiencing since this morning.  You two get naked,  Brian and I will get naked.  You can get on your knees and suck our dicks while you slowly pull our plugs out.  We’ll wash them off with soap and hot water and lube them up.  You two can get on your knees and bend over the beds, and we’ll insert the vibrating plugs up your asses.”

“While you get naked and we get naked, I’ll fix us another round of drinks.”

Knowing the cola would disguise the relaxing drug, Squirrel mixes five drinks, handing the three altered drinks to Howard, Honcho, and Luke.  Squirrel’s plan is working perfectly.  Squirrel and Brian, now naked, sit on the side of the bed while Howard and Luke suck them.

“We’ll put our legs up in the air, and you two can slowly remove our plugs while you continue to suck our dicks,” Squirrel directs.

With Howard and Luke sitting on either side of Honcho, Squirrel cleans the plugs.  He returns from the toilet, lubes the plugs, and instructs Howard and Luke to bend over the bed and expose their asses.  Brian and Squirrel enjoy inserting the plugs in Howard’s and Luke’s asses.

“This is something new,” Luke intones when Squirrel presses the button on his phone, and the plugs start vibrating.

“You can’t say you’ve never had anything up your ass, “ Howard snaps back.

“Nothing like this.  I’ve had fingers, dildos, and real dicks, but nothing that vibrates the way this thing does.”Honcho adds, “All three of us are in sync.  “What you two are feeling is the same thing I’m feeling.  It gets us ready for some heavier action.”

“Well, mister party-dick Marine, I wouldn’t think you’d need any outside or inside stimulation,” Howard twerps.

“I may have the party dick, but it’s still the dick I have all the time.  Jacking it can be fun, but no matter the size, it needs more than my hand and some lube.”

“Well, while your asses are vibrating, why don’t you two get on your knees while your asses tingle and your prostates ache for release.  On either side of Honcho, let your mouths do everything they can to make that monster feel good.  And while you’re taking care of Honcho, Brian and I will have something to suck on.”

Squirrel and Brian elbow their way in, so these two delectable dicks attached to hardened Marine bodies can be devoured.  Squirrel and Brian concentrate on the heads, tonguing the glans, sometimes drifting down the shafts.

What is transpiring among the three is new territory.  Howard, the aggressor, tries gobbling the head.  Quickly, he learns the head is too big to .suck.  However, he can suck on parts of it, comparing it to different feelings and then turning the head over to Luke. Luke has a magic tongue.  At first, people think Luke is just a hanger-on with Howard, but the cause is Luke is laid back.  Once his tongue has engulfed a cock, the recipient of the soft inexplicable velvet-like sensation dissolves any resistance.  The feeling of Luke’s tongue is so unique; the men he sucks can’t believe the feeling, as no one else who has ever sucked him caused them to feel that indefinable glow.

Luke takes over Honcho’s dick head.  Immediately, Honcho feels something he has never felt before, and he’s had many men want to suck his dick.  And many men have tried sucking on his dick.  But nothing like what he was feeling from Luke.

“Man, you’ve got magic in your mouth and tongue.  Keep at it.”  Honcho imagines Howard and Luke as two hot-bound Marines who will have their asses worked over.

 With their asses vibrating, Luke continues on the head, and Howard treats the shaft to kisses, licks, and little nips. Honcho is totally one with the action.

This scene evolves into Howard and Luke sucking Brian and Squirrel while they play with Honcho’s cock.

Squirrel breaks away, finds his phone, and orders a burger and fries for delivery. 

The men clean up and get dressed to disguise their activity.   Brian opens the door to dispel the intensity of their sex.  Squirrel spreads the curtains and raises the window.  A light breeze blows through the room.

Waiting for the food, Squirrel mixes his drowsy drug in Honcho, Howard and Luke’s drinks.  He dispenses them naturally.

“Here’s to a great weekend, boys,” Howard chimes.

“Marines,” Honcho corrects him.

“To a sixty-year-old man, we are boys.  We may be able to kill, but we have yet to deal with life.  Boys?  Marines? Men? Friends?” Brian responds.  Smiles all around while they tip their cups.

The food arrives as they finish their drinks. Hungry, they dig into the bags and parcel out the grub. Conversation, what little there was, comes to a halt as they tear open the ketchup packets and drizzle their fries. They unwrap the paper for their double bacon burgers. 

The drug is taking effect on a full stomach. After cleaning up the wrappings, Honcho, Howard, and Luke express their desire to rest. Squirrel and Brian yawn with them and take an afternoon nap to refresh themselves for the evening activities.

Squirrel gives the men a last blast with the vibrating plugs.  Howard and Luke lie down on either side of Honcho.  After the last blast, the three men fall out and even snore a little.

Squirrel brings out the ropes and begins tying up Howard.  First, he binds Howard’s calves and ankles.  Having a sneaking suspicion that Honcho would like to fuck Howard, Squirrel ties Howard’s hands behind his back.

Brian, to achieve a little variety, ties up Luke with his hands in front of him.  His ankles and lower legs are bound completely.

With smiles, Squirrel and Brian roll Honcho over and bind his hands behind his back.  They tie his thighs, calves, and ankles together.

Squirrel suggests that he and Brian have a dose of Jack and lie down since it will be long before the gang of three becomes conscious.

With the room now darkened, the bound men wake up and struggle with their ropes, but nothing gives. 

Squirrel causes the pink plugs to vibrate at high speed for at least a minute.

Honcho states, “What the hell is going on?”

Squirrel responds, “The plan between Brian and me was to get back at you.   You needed to be bound.  We didn’t know some adventurers would be in on the deal.”

Howard says, “I may be into many things, but I’m not into S and M.”

Squirrel answers, “If this were an S and M scene, your nipples would be clamped and hurting you to the point of severe pain.  And maybe there would be a significant weight hanging from your balls. This is just a little bondage play.  First, we are going to pull Honcho’s plug.  We’ll get Honcho on his back and his legs in the air.”

Squirrel and Brian pull Honcho’s legs forward and then into the air, exposing the pink tail of the vibrating plug.  With lube on his finger, Brian penetrates Honcho’s ass to ease the removal of the plug.

Honcho asks, “You guys had this planned?”

“Yeah, Brian agreed that when he went with us, he had no intention of losing control by being bound.  This is repayment.  Nor punishment.”

“So you decided to drug me, tie me up, and god knows what else.”

“That’s about the size of it.  And talking about size, Brian and I will fuck you.  Then a little or should I say big surprise. I bought a dildo that is almost a casting of your cock.  You’ll feel what it’s like when you fuck someone, what it does to them.  You have that to look forward to.”

With that plan laid out, Brian lubed his cock and carefully entered Honcho’s ass.  Brian let his cock rest inside Honcho’s ass before the movement began.  Brian grips Honcho’s rockhard while pulsing his dick in and out of Honcho’s tight ass.

“Oh, man, you make it feel good.  Powerfully good.”

Brian builds himself up into a state before the final state of cumming.

“I think this ass is yours now.”

Brian withdraws, and Squirrel enters. 

While fucking Honcho, Squirrel announces,” Don’r worry, fellas.  We may tie you up, but we are not torturers.  Do you think I wouldn’t want to share this ass, this ass on this godlike Marine with two fellow buddies?  It’s share and share alike because after you fuck him, he’s gonna fuck you.  You get to fuck his ass first, and then the tables will turn.”

Squirrel withdraws.  Brian and Squirrel stand Howard up.  Howard is in pig heaven. He knows he’ll enjoy fucking Honcho with the idea that later Honcho will fuck him.   He can’t wait to feel the magnificence of Honcho’s cock up his ass. 

With his arms tied to his side and his hands bound behind him, Brian places Howard’s dick next to Honcho’s hole as Squirrel holds Honcho’s legs in the stratosphere.

Howard has never felt an ass like Honcho’s.  Something about the shape or the way the muscles grabbed his dick,  Howard is being introduced to something that takes his mind off getting fucked.  A sense of satisfaction from feeling something different overwhelms him.  He fucks like the Marine he is.  Howard pounds Honcho’s ass.

Not letting a moment of sexual activity go to waste, Brian places himself next to Luke’s head.  Brian turns Luke’s head to allow for sucking.  Luke opens his mouth, extends his tongue, and licks Brian.  Brian, wanting more of Luke’s sweet tongue, pushes himself into Luke’s mouth, who reflexively begins to hurse on Brian’’s dick.  “You know how to suck, Marine.”

Howard fucks Honcho with his deepest desires.

Squirrel drops Honcho’s legs as a sign to Howard to stop fucking Honcho.

“Brian, let’s give Honcho’s legs a rest and then you can hold them while Luke fucks Honcho.”

Squirrel takes the bottles around and gives each man a drink. Squirrel insists on two rounds, and the men can't resist.

Squirrel moves Luke into position while Brian lifts Honcho’s legs.

Luke, who has been a team player all his life, has never engaged in such open behavior among men.  Howard has taken him to a couple of bars with glory holes.  He’s even been to some video adult movie houses.  But this experience of entering Honcho’s ass sends his mind into another realm.  The warmth from his dick radiates throughout his body, centering on the smoothness of Honcho’s ass with his slow-moving dick. Unlike the pounding Howard gave Honcho, Luke is moving sweetly in and out, savoring the level of intensity that he continues to feel.

Honcho states,” Your dick is as sweet as your tongue.  Keep fucking me just the way you are fucking me now.”

Squirrel, always the one to find an opportunity, slaps Luke’s ass with firmness. 

A side of Luke came out with his response.  “Make it pink while I fuck this ideal of Marine manhood.”  Squirrel willingly complies.

Brian gets into position.  “Luke, while I’m holding Honcho’s, why don’t you give my  cock some attention?”

As Squirrel is hitting his ass and beginning to leave handprints,  Brian is enjoying Luke’s mouth sucking with energy on his dick.  The four men lose themselves In the moment.  Howard looks on but can’t reach his leaking cock.

Squirrel ceases his slaps.  He takes his pre-cum and covers his head which enters Luke’s ass.  Squirrel and Luke get into a mutual rhythm.

That moment comes when it’s time to break the rhythm.  Squirrel pulls out of Luke, grabbing Luke by the waist, pulling him out of Honcho.  Brian drops Honcho’s legs.

Brian and Squirrel sit facing the three bound Marines.  Squirrel speaks, “Now for Honcho’s moment of torture, getting back for binding Brian without Brian having any idea he’d lose control.  To get back at Honcho, I have purchased a dildo the size that comes close to Honcho’s.  Now we are going to lube this baby up, and you’ll get to feel what you give to a man when you fuck him.”

Squirrel retrieves from his bag a monstrous flesh-simulated dildo.  It keeps its shape, but it bends to conform to the the ass’s shape.  Squirrel takes out the lube and covers the dildo completely.  As Squirrel opens Honcho with the head, Honcho complains he’s being stretched too much.  “Take it like the Marine you are.  If you can give it, you can take it.”

With the insertion complete, Squirrel asks Honcho how he feels.

“I feel stretched and fuller than I have ever felt, and you’re not even fucking me with it.”

“Oh, you’ll get fucked, don’t worry about that.”

With deliberate movements, Squirrel lets Honcho feel the impression of his cock.

Honcho yells out, “It’s too much.”

Squirrel, “You’re talking too much.  Brian, fill his mouth with your cock.”

Brian kneels over Honcho and stuffs Honcho’s mouth.  Squirrel increases the tempo of his movement.  Honcho grunts.  Brian and Squirrel smile at each other.

Squirrel removes the dildo from Honcho’s ass.  Brian takes his dick out of Honcho’s mouth.

“Am I punished enough?”

Without speaking, Squirrel and Brian untie Honcho, who stretches out.

“What are we going to do with these two?” Honcho queries.

Squirrel responds, “What do you want to do?”

“I want to fuck Howard since his hands are tied behind his back.”

Howard can’t believe his luck. While Brian and Squirrel focus on Luke, Howard fantasizes about what Honcho is about to do.

Honcho tells the men he wants to watch Squirrel and Brian take over Luke’s body.  Firstly, Squirrel and Brian attack Luke’s nipples, evoking Luke’s mutterings about the pain and pleasure.

Honcho speaks up, “Let’s see if we all can’t cum together and make this an evening no one will forget.  I suggest Brian fuck Luke, and Luke jacks himself while he sucks Squirrel’s dick.  I’ll take care of Howard.  We have to be in communication at all times.  Five Marines having one enormous orgasm will be a dream come true.”

Luke, whose hands are tied in front of him, can jack his dick as Brian enters him and fucks him.

Squirrel beats Luke’s lips with the head of his cock before entering his mouth.  “I don’t know how you got a tongue that is so soft and sweet and sensual, but you’re going to make me cum like I’ve never cum before.”

Honcho kneels Howard over the side of the bed so his ass is vulnerable to Honcho’s penetration.  Howard is driven into a new state of mind.  He has longed to be fucked by a huge, monstrous dick.  Honcho carefully fills Howard’s ass and begins his movements.

“Yes, fuck me as deeply as you can.  Tear me up.  I’ve dreamed of this day since I was first fucked. Now I have a god, a Marine god plowing my ass and turning my insides into jello.  Are you going to reach around and jack me off when you cum?”

Not knowing about Honcho’s predilection for cumming by pulling Howard’s arms, Honcho agrees to jack Howard and make him cum.

The men in their desired positions begin to feel the urge to ejaculate.  Luke first lets them know he’s close.

Honcho tells him to hold back as Honcho speeds up his ravishing the interior of Howard’s body.  Honcho asks around, and Brian and Squirrel are close but in control.  Honcho continues to jack on Howard’s dick, using his pre-cum as a lubricant. 

“Tell me, Howard, how close are you getting to cumming?”

“If you keep fucking me like you are, I can be there at any time.”

“O.K. Marines, let’s shoot our loads together.  You ready Luke?”

Moving his head away from Squirrel’s dick, he says, “Yes.”

“What about you two, Squirrel and Brian?”

Brian replies, “I just need to fuck him faster, and then I’ll shoot.”

Squirrel nods, “Yes,” as he places his dick back in Luke’s mouth.

“O.K.  It’s time we get what we’ve been working for all this time.  I’m going to blast my cum inside Howard as he shoots off.”

Honcho pulls back on Howard’s arms, causing him to feel pain in his shoulders as Honcho blasts his load into Howard’s ass.  Honcho feels Howard’s load pumping out of his dick.

Luke absorbs Squirrel’s load, shoots his own load as Brian yells, “Ooh, Rah,” filling Luke’s sweet ass with his cum.

There is silence as all men listen to their heavy breathing.

Honcho drops Howard’s arms and pulls his dick out of Howard’s ass.

Squirrel allows Luke to breathe as Brian looks at Luke’s load splattered across his stomach and chest.  Brian removes himself from Luke’s ass.

The breathing returns to normal.  Squirrel and Brian untie Howard and Luke.

Squirrel injects, “Now we need a shot or two of Jack D.”

While the men lie on the beds, Squirrel makes five innocent drinks and gives them out.

After downing a healthy swig, Howard questions, “Do you think this can happen again?”

Squirrel responds, “We’ll see.”

Other Works by Buck Jones on Amazon

Marine Stories

Gay Joining the Corps

Various Encounters

Young Marine and Gramps

by Buck

Email: [email protected]

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