Male Pregnancy Tales

by Gazzaq

25 Feb 2023 1176 readers Score 9.1 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Nathan’s Story Chapter 8

 After his having sex with Zach and confessing to his boyfriend Sergeant Chance about it, the couple had split up. 2 months had passed since that had occurred and Nathan was in his house all alone in bed, thinking about everything that had happened, which had lead up to fathers to be parting for ever!

His family and friends were surprised at their parting as they were lovely couple and he did not give a reason for this. And on one hand Nathan was feeling sorry for himself, regarding his stupidity, having had an all night drunken sex session, with his ex-lover Zach.

The Sudanese man had given himself completely to him, and he enjoyed his all night cumming uncontrollably sex session, being inside the man accommodating grabbing asshole, and sucking mouth and silky throat, thus coating each orifice with his thick creamy jizz loads. He had loads pent up as he and his boyfriend Chance has not had sex for weeks now.

Being solely on top and fucking the bigger man down was so pleasurable, but as a consequence and feeling so guilty, he thought his best course of action was to come clean to his boyfriend, the father to be of his birth children,  and this was because he wanted to unburden himself which was selfish but needed.

Also his family response a few months previous, re his informing them that he was ‘pregnant’ and having baby with another man, after divorcing his ex-wife was not received well. To be clear, they did not have an not issue with his being with a man, but rather that they felt that he had hidden this fact. And that in their eyes he was gay and was being not honest with them.

So his reckoning was that he needed, to be honest with his boyfriend and kind of thought naively that he would be ok with this admission. However, what Nathan he had not banked on, was the way that Chance had looked at him. The man look absolutely devastated, as his face crumpled and his usually confident body sagged. Nathan noted with alarm how his man had suddenly aged in front of him.

Seeing his usually confident boyfriend in this state , resulted in his feeling terrible as he looked so bewilder. Nathan could see the hurt in his face, which quickly turned to anger and rage. This was a side that despite all of their arguments, that he had not seen, and this surprised him about his boyfriend, who was usually so measured and calm, when other around his weren’t.

Nathan did not fearing his safety, as he could handle himself as he had against the 3 men in the bar see chapter 6. But he was apprehensive, that things could get out of hand which kind of worried him. He needn’t have worried though, as Chance despite his distressed state moved away from him and besides, he was not that way, and would never harm a hair on his partners head.

He sat down heavily as he said to him, in an even but angry bewildered tone as he in complete shock to hear that his boyfriend had cheated on him. With that damn Zach of all people, who he knew resented him big time. He never said anything to Nathan but could read people well and knew that the man, was threaten by their loving relationship.

Chance always asked himself, why the man’s wife Alimah, who was lovely person, put up with her bisexual husband, fucking around outside their marriage all the time?” He said to his boyfriend, “but Nathan we agreed  that we would not see other sexual partners, didn’t we?” And added to that all of the other stuff that was said in the previous chapter, he packed his stuff up and left the house

As aforementioned Nathan was ruminating about the situation now in bed and over Chance’s words as he heard his harsh anger tone snap “Fuck it was Zach as well which make it worse that you’re doing your ex-lover. Shit his wife Alimah might put up with her husband fucking around, but I certainly can’t.”

“I don’t own you Nathan but I can tell you I could have easily had sex with a few of the recruits this weekend, who came on to me,” which was true. At the time Nathan asked him fearing his response that Zach was correct in his assumption that night at the function, that he attended with them, that his boyfriend Chance and one of the guy were having an affair.

 “What that hot Moroccan, Fahd I suppose” Nathan said looking at him. And Chance replied “yes I could have sex with Fahd, even though he is s not into men! And I know I could have persuaded him to fuck me easily, but I didn’t as I thought I had you, the man who agreed to be the father of my child!”

Nathan could hear his no ex boyfriends disappointed voice, and eventually fell into an uneasy sleep, tossing and turning. He woke early and decided to go a café opposite the station, to see if he could see Chance and attempt to talk to him, as he missed him and he had block his communication with him.

He sat by the window and in full view of the building across the road, and he got a unpleasant shock when he saw his ex-boyfriend walking up the street talking intimately with Fahd. They were looking at each other, walking in sync and were extra close, and it was more than just friends, he could see that.

He went onto the station and Fahd came into the café, and ordered coffee for two, giving Chances specific coffee specifications. “So what’s your boyfriend having today,” the Server asked? “Oh the usual and he is not my boyfriend he is my senior officer!” And he chuckled and spoke to one of the other customers, who soon left.

He waited and look around the café and of course did not recognised the blond man staring at him and collected his coffee and left.  And as soon as the door of the café closed, Nathan heard the servers chuckling as they said to each other “please that man is lying that Chance ‘is not my’ boyfriend, as he has been banging him out, ever since Chance  and his hot boyfriend Nathan spilt up!”

“Ah how sad the other said, as they were great couple and they were so happy, as I saw them kissing each other on the street, when they got together and they always came in here together. Yeah Nathan was pregnant, and they were so loved up and happy, and I was so pleased for them as Chance always long to be a father, and would make a great dad.”

“The day told me he lost the baby I will never forget it as he in here crying completely devastated, as he always wanted a child, and to have a family within a loving relationship. He was at loss on how to help Nathan, and then they split, not long afterwards.

“Yeah it a bit rubbish isn’t it and Chance had such tough upbring . I have known him a long time and his old man was damn tyrant, all nice on the outside but a devil, in disguise as they say within his home and he grew up in completed fear!” So it’s a wonder that he is such nice man, and never has a cross word to say about anyone.”

“To be honest, it’s a pity he is now that he is with that hottie Fahd!”

“A pity why the man is sex on legs?”

“Yeah but he is not Nathan is he? And I was rooting for those twos and their desire to have family together, as they were perfect for each other!”

Feeling sad and uncomfortable, Nathan got up and went to slipped out of the café, and caught the servers eye. The man said to his co-worker, “oh hell, I had no idea that Nathan was sitting there, and he heard everything shit!”

Nathan meanwhile was in total shock hearing all that and was devastated re at the confirmation of the fact that his ex-boyfriend and Fahd, were in fact now a couple, as he had guessed correctly. He wanted to confirm it for himself and the same evening followed them home, and this was confirmed.

Chance now living at Fahd’s place. He had spoken to him at work the day after he and Nathan had spilt up. And seeing he was upset as he was also homeless, as he had given up his accommodation to move in with Nathan, so he had nowhere to go and had slept at the station.

He was woken by the newly qualified junior officer who said “come home with me and stay as long as you like in my place, its small but will fit the two of us ok?”

“Thanks are you sure Fahd as I can got to a hotel?”

“Don’t be stupid Sarge! Come on lets go man!”

Chance moved in and was there for 2 weeks. And after a night out, he and Fahd had sex, with no kissing at first, but it a mutual jerk off. Then after they did this twice, he licked his way down the Moroccan mans, fit sexy body, and blew him, kissing, biting, nipping, chewing, and sucking his juicy fat dark than his dick.

He was throat fucked roughly and soon  gulped down his load and repeated this, getting on his hands and knees, and having his face plastered with hot sticky jizz. He moved down and rimmed him and tasted Fahd tart tangy asshole and buried his tongue in there, as far and it could go. He brought him off several times, before they fell asleep cuddling.

 When they woke they were relaxing and went you to have some lunch, and some afternoon drinks, “let’s go and fuck! Fahd was horny. So Chance let him fuck him, with his 9 inch prick. The man was pretty decent at having gay sex, and told him that he and some of the others had sex with each other at the academy.

“So you what then” he was asked?” Fahd replied “oh I am straightish but enjoy sex with men, but I am getting married soon so that will all stop then when my fiancée arrives, but all this is bit of fun, and besides gets me off loads.”

“Chance man, some of those recruits” and he name 8 of them, some of which Chance had no idea they were gay, including his Inspectors eldest son. “Yes man they all love me fucking their asses and hot greedy mouths so it win, win situation for me Chance and I get to unload my spunk whenever I need to buddy!”

“So you’re a top only man then?” “Yes as I cant have anything in my butthole, that’s too gay!”

Chance rolled his eyes but said “ok that fair enough” as he could not be bother to challenge him, re this old fashion attitude. He himself preferred to have sexual partner who was versatile like Nathan was, but that ship had long sailed! Nevertheless he and Fahd, were fucking nonstop ever since that night.

He noted that the more comfortable Fahd felt with him, the more intimate he became and was always kissing and hugging him, and fucking  him hard and sensually for hours, making him orgasm anally. Chance liked having non-committal sex with the younger man, as this was most convenient and took his mind off his relationship/baby loss.

However it was nowhere made up for his ending things with Nathan, who he missed and their unborn baby,. It was so  sad, how things ended with them but there was really no way back for them in his eyes. They carried on for 2 months, having hot sex and that day that Nathan had seen them coming into work together, the couple were spotted by Inspector Nathaniel Ngatai.

The senior officer had been assigned to another area for 3 months and was back that day, and he  watched as his Sergeant came into work with Officer Fahd. “These two look awfully close to one another?” He was not pleased at their familiarity at all.  The same day, he had overheard four of the younger and senior officers gossiping about the couple.

One of the junior officers a was saying “yeah that old dirty dog holier though owt, Sergeant De Los Santos-MacGregor eh! Yeah guys, he claimed he was in love and was going to have a family with that blond guy Nathan, who is so cute, and they were so perfect together and looked to be in love.”

Another interjected and said “yeah now look at him the asshole, I was so envious of the two them, and he dumped him for younger fitter model, and is now banging out, that sexy fucker Moroccan hottie Fahd all the time!”

“I know have you check his butt it delicious guy, a pure meaty muscle bubble, and I know that his slutty hole can swallow fat dicks!”

“Damn” the others all said “that’s so out of order the Sergeant doing that to his boyfriend, as I did not think he was like that, being a cheater!”

One of the older senior officers said “no guys that’s not quite the case, as I heard that Sergeant Chance and Nathan had broken up. This was due to his Nathan cheating with Zach that hot black guy, after he lost their first offspring and he went off the rails. So that why as a result Chance is now fucking around with Fahd, who was good looking guy.”

“But guys this is going nowhere as Fahd is gonna get married in a few months and his fiancée is certainly not going to put up with this is she, his fucking other guys?”

Having heard enough the Inspector said loudly, “excuse me, but haven’t you guys got any work to do today then?”  And looking panicked as they had not idea how much of this that he heard, they all scattered. 

And as result of hearing this news, and wanting to fix it so that he immediately change Fahd shifts, so that he and Chance were not working together, so they hardly saw each other. The man deliberately gave them different rest days as well. There was good reason for this, he reckoned.

A week or so later, he pulled his Sergeant into his office,  and was direct and told him to “stop fucking about, as you love Nathan. Yeah he made mistake and was grieving, which make us all do stupid things.”

“Plus Chance, I know that you ignored his calls when he called you over the training weekend, as the other instructors told me, that you told them, to fob him off as you did not want to speak to him. Which they did it and had good laugh about it behind his back.

So when Nathan tried to contact Chance after he and Juan Camilo had talked, he of course was away for a 3 day training weekend with the new officer recruits. Chance’s anxious worried boyfriend, was informed so many times that he was not available. Yet he kept on trying, and the final time he tried to call was late Saturday afternoon. And he was given the same excuse.

He overheard one of the Officers laughing as he thought he terminated the call as he said mockingly to his colleague who was also mocking Nathan calling him a “desperate pathetic sad fag,” as the other one said “oh she’s calling again, why can’t she get the message that the Sergeant don’t want to speak to her for fuck sake” as the call was terminated.

The officers was reported to Inspector Nathaniel and disciplined severely.

He was at the training weekend as well but did not realise how serious things actually really were for the couple. And as aforementioned he was working in another area before and after the training so missed all of the drama.

So he said to him “I know you fucking one of the junior officers Sergeant, and everybody is talking about it man.  It’s is not good Chance, that your fucking one of the men that you work with!” Chance went to protest angrily and remember who he was speaking to and snapped sulkily “so what? Its none know of your damn business who am fucking is it sir?”

“It’s my god damn life aint it sir?” He was stop in his tracks when he was told harshly “shut the fuck up man you dumb fucking stupid cunt!”

“Listen when I was gonna discipline you when you were totally unprofessional with Nathan in his interview, I chose not to yeah. But it my wife Annette, who told me to please don’t be too hard on you, so I didn’t discipline you against my better judgement  which I realise was big mistake on my part, as should have stuck to my decision!”

“Yes Annette said to me, Chance has wanted his own family like us and that husband of his dumped him. He had told everyone he wanted to have family but had no intention of committing to this and left Chance.  She also said that you reminded her of a work colleague of her sister’s husband. He was at the time, married Pauletta, and he had the same issue with her husband Nathan and they just got divorce because of this!”

“Then Chance, we discover he was the same man, that you were interviewing. Annette told me to please see if you can help Chance as he is  nice man and deserves to have his wish, and if Nathan wants that, what’s the issue?”

“So you see man, because of this, I spoke to you and asked you both if this was what you wanted, and you both said yes! So I told you good now go and make your family remember?” Chance listen to him and was touched, that the usually tough and cold senior office was telling him this, and moaned “yeah but he cheated on me with his ex-Zach and I don’t wanna ever see him again.”

To which Inspector Nathaniel said as my forefathers would say “mate get a grip you drongo, you really as prized dick wad of the highest order you stupid brain dead idiot!” The Sergeant was shocked to hear the Inspector speaking so directly, and his mouth open as the man carried on and he said “Jesus Christ your boyfriend grieving and he needs you and you fucking around with that young bloke, who is fit and good looking I admit!”

“Jeez Chance man, I saw you at that function and you were practically all over each other talking so intimately, so that everyone was talking about the pair of you, saying that you were fucking or were gonna start fucking each other! And your boyfriend Nathan better watch out as he sat there talking with Zach and looked anxious beneath his smiling face.”

“ I said to them, nah Chance won’t ever do that as he is smitten with Nathan, and their gonna have family. Look Nathan pregnant with their first child, and look how happy both they are, so seriously stop being so bloody negative you guys!”

“The others were like what whatever, those twos are gonna be fucking around before we know it Inspector, you mark my words man!  And I see they they were right, as here you are doing just that with the young man Fahd, and are living with him not giving two fucks that Nathan suffering!”

The Inspector shook his head and said “man, unless you gonna get op and have womb inserted inside you, you not gonna get your fucking wish to be a father are you, as I bet you Fahd is the one doing the fucking, and shooting his seed inside you every opportunity he gets yes?”

“I am correct aren’t I Chance?”

Chance looked at him miserably, groaned and said “your right sir, I have been an selfish idiot!”

Nathaniel said quietly and was apprehensive as he was an extremely private person but he shared the following and said to Chance, “look mate, I don’t usually talk about my private live as you know, as like to keep both separate unlike my early career.”

“Yes like your Nathan, I lost one pregnancy, and then went on two successful pregnancies, and gave birth to my son and daughter. I also went off the rails after losing the first one and cheated on my Annette with her best friend, but thankfully she manage to forgive me. and I did some hard grafting to earn her trust again. And we had 4 offspring since.”

“ All I am going to advise  go and see if you can salvage you relationship with Nathan, that man adores you. And yes he made stupid mistake but don’t ruin what you have please man!”

Chance looked at him and looked anguished  said “oh shit Nathan never gonna forgive me for this, as he did ask me if I fancied Fahd and he was a bit put out by my talking to him at the function, which felt great for my ego at the time, as the guy is so easy to speak to.”

“Oh fuck I told his firmly, no love I don’t fancy Fahd and he is getting married and not into men, but to be fair I was flattered to be received all of his attention.” Nathaniel replied “yeah but since then you are actually fucking,  so Nathan was kinds of right wasn’t he mate?”

And Chance groaned as he shook his head looking miserable.

“Go and sort thing out with Nathan and hopeful he will forgive you and you him for fucking that Zach, who I knew was bloody trouble!”

“There no point he won’t” Chance moaned he said.

He was told, “go and try for fuck sake what the hell is wrong with you? The two of you complete each other, now go on you had your fun with Fahd, he aint gonna give you, your long for family, so  go home and go and be a father for fuck sake with you boyfriend Nathan!”

And Chance got up and walked out of the door.

To Be Continued