Lovers scandal

by Santa

16 May 2024 284 readers Score 7.7 (3 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Alfie Sawyers hurriedly made his way home. It was pitch dark in the moonlight that evening. Not a faintest flicker of light to guide his way. He weaved in and out of the traffic erratically, his heart beating fast. It wasn’t butterflies fluttering in his stomach but bats! Sinisterly snarling as they swooned! Piercing eyes of venom coming at him from all angles. His heart sank, his brow filled with sweat, nauseousness overwhelmed. 

He’d got the text from his boyfriend, Sampson. “Who is Benjamin and why in the hell have you been talking to him about me, you, and us? I want answers, Alfie. Come home right now!” 

If only Alfie had been honest and upfront with him from the beginning, he wouldn’t have felt the need to explore what other guys could offer. This was down to the shortcomings Sampson offered in, well, that department! 

His guilt overrode him. He thought deeply about how his actions affected others, especially his boyfriend. Yet he wasn’t getting what he wanted at home, was he?! Sampson just couldn’t provide him with the stimulation he desired … This had gone on too long now! In his haste, he had left his phone at home. Sensing something between them both had been off for some time, Sampson had naturally checked his Grindr account! Shit, he had broken that trust between them, but then again, so had Alfie. He was in the doghouse alright! 

Sampson was a tall, handsome guy, strong and muscled. He was what you may call a jock or such sort similar archetype. He was a young colt. One might say an alpha male. He worked hard, and he played hard. He had it all in the departments one would admire in a young man. Except for one, his dick! As Alfie was a pure breed bottom, he certainly craved something much bigger. A size queen? Yeah, you could say so, but they never discussed it. There was a missing link in their relationship on that front. They never talked about other guys, checked out other guys, or fantasied about other guys … It might seem all rainbows and unicorns to have such exclusivity in theory, but in reality, it was pulling them apart. He gave Alfie what he wished for emotionally, but physically he was to put it politely on a dud in the bedroom! These newest of revelations were suddenly at boiling point with discussions to deal with their problems laying ahead.

Sampson back at their apartment raged something rotten! His intuition had been bang on the money! Where did Alfie get off on treating him like this?! Was he not good enough? It sure seemed so in his boyfriend’s book … The door opened. It was him! 

“What in the hell Alfie”? 

Sampson stood arms crossed with a glare in his eyes Alfie had never seen before. How on earth would he explain this away? 

“So you have enjoyed chatting with this Benjamin and his 8.5 incher? Are they even his dick pics? Seems you sure got a good eyeful anyway, my precious boyfriend!” 

The way he said ‘my precious boyfriend’ sarcastically pierced Alfie’s soul. No way to wriggle out of this one! Completely caught, hook, line and sinker!

Alfie wiped his brow and moved close to his boyfriend. Was the touchy feely card going to work right now? Not one iota and Sampson pushed him away as soon as he got close enough. “You owe me an explanation right now, Alfie?” 

“Ok ok, I know I screwed up, it’s just that I was bored and stuff … So I got talking and next thing you know this guy was sending me dick pics! What more can I say …” 

“What more can you say are you fucking shitting me?” Sampson barked, alarmed at Alfie’s assertions!

Sampson interrupted and exclaimed, “I sure as hell saw what you wrote, of course! “Let’s not forget that, shall we?” ... Can you repeat what you said to me?” 

“Well, why’s that necessary if you already know?” 

“I want to hear you say it. I want to know the truth from your mouth and not just some hocus pocus Grindr chat!” 

“Don’t do this too me Samp … Please, you have already read what I have written. It won’t help you or me right now if you make me repeat it!” 

So it was true, Sampson thought! No denying it. He meant all he’d said. 

“No, I want to fucking hear it, Alfie! Tell me how you feel about my dick!” 

Alfie turned away. He couldn’t look him in the eyes. He feared the piercing condemnation and shame it would bring over him. So he blurted it out … 

“I said your dick wasn’t making me happy. I said I wanted something thicker and longer to satisfy me. I said I was looking for something new! There are you happy now?” 

Alfie scorned then stormed out of the room. He’d cleverly managed in the faintest of moments to turn his own guilty actions into something that made Sampson look like the bad guy. Well, in a swift power struggle, that’s how it had played out. After all, Sampson was rather insistent he hear it from his own lips. Yet the good fortune on Alfie’s part didn’t last very long as Sampson followed him into the bedroom. 

“Your not getting out of this one, Alfie … Why in Jesus hell’s Christ would you think this would be acceptable towards our relationship?Firstly A) You go behind my back and start having conversations with this Benjamin dweeb and secondly B) You make obvious enjoyment out of discussing our private life! We are exclusive, me and you all the way!”

Alfie sighed inside at that last announcement. Monogamy in a gay relationship. What was this? Perhaps a new show on the reality channel called ‘A Day in the Life of a very un-gay couple’ Yeah great, what incredible and enthralling viewing that would make for the homo community! Happily ever after and a big cake at the end of it! Whoo!!!

He had to play it cool. No impulsivity in his answer. Maybe, in fact, he wouldn’t offer a retort at this point. He decided to just sit there on his bed. Sampson’s eyes locking with his as they sat in what seemed like a lifetime and an age of silence! 

In a sudden change of current that peeked itself mercurially on Sampson’s part, he whipped his dick out! Something Alfie was not at all expecting in the light of the deep discussion. 

“Go on, touch it! Touch your boyfriend’s cock. You love me, don’t you?” 

There was a tenderness to his words. Futile like a solider once strong in his resolve spurned by the enemy and gutted in his leg with a bayonet! It came meekly as though he were attempting to find a modicum of validation that everything at that moment was peaches and cream between them … 

Alfie refused to follow… He could sense Sampson wanted him so badly at that second to adhere to his wants. He was begging as a child to be loved at the moment. The pair of them stared blankly and intuitively at one and other. It was clear at that moment they had lost. 

“So you won’t touch it?” 

“I will! I mean I do … I mean what are talking about!” 

“The truth Alfie. I’m everything and more that you ever wanted, but my penis just isn’t up to your personal standard anymore!” 

Penis, Alfie thought, oh dear! Why had it all become so prim and proper? Penis, penis, penis! Vagina, vagina, vagina! It made it the reality when he was using those terminology’s regarding his dick! He didn’t like that one bit. It made his stomach heave. This certainly was anything but playful … They were like two people gazing from one shore to the next, barely audible, hardly visible and just their deep thoughts to tangle with, alone! 

This was a big dent to Sampson’s ego! He wasn’t used to being put into such a fragile position. He was the king of his castle. He had the brawn, brains, looks and the garish styles to match! Yet deep down, if God hadn’t given him the richly endowed praise he deserved, then he was, well, an incomplete man … 

The pair of them were ever the model couple to look at! Often stirring envy in passers-by in the gay quarter! Shit, they could have even done only fans together and made a fortune had they wished! Nevertheless, Sampsons’s limited viewpoint and his excessive control over Alfie had completely sidelined any discussions about free expression. 

Alfie was the ever gorgeous young twink all admirers would wish to lay their hands on! He was a total tootsie roll! He had glimmering blonde hair that parted naturally at his fringe like a young Leo. With a cute little button nose, pearly cheeks and blue as the Caribbean sky eyes. He was petite in stature and gleamed with everything one would love to appreciate in a sexy young boy! At 22, he was a tad younger than Sampson. Aesthetically, their relationship to the onlooker swam in perfect symmetry. 

Sampson put his dick away. Alfie sighed relief inside as this was totally not the right moment for play! 

Instead, he took his boyfriend’s eyes into his puppy dog like, feeble in expression! A type of gaze that would make anybody’s heart melt, especially Sampson, his lover!  

Alfie felt torn, unsure of what to do with his affection for Sampson. He loved Sampson. He was one of the first boyfriends that had treated him kindly. With a purposeful love, a human would give to another human in deep affection. They had a spirited connection, brimming with substance in their emotional connections together. 

Yet emotional affections and physicality had to connect with one and other. Otherwise a savouring distaste was going to ensue! 

“Here is your phone.” Sampson said gingerly, ‘I’ve not deleted the conversation or Grindr. I’ll leave that to you to do the right thing.” 

Alfie cursed himself inside and simultaneously Sampson, too. Taking the phone, he looked to see. Indeed, he hadn’t deleted either. It was true! Sampson was playing a cool card right now, subtly enforcing the responsibility of the situation into Alfie’s hands to deal with. It was a more clever approach than becoming engrossed in a temper flare ruckus! Yeah, sure he could have scolded him, but the angle of ‘disappointment’ felt more inline with making Alfie wake up and smell the coffee. Sampson wasn’t about to give up on their exclusivity. He was as stubborn as a mule on that front. No, Alfie was going to think long and hard about what he’d done! 

by Santa

Email: [email protected]

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