Love 22 Vs 50

by Fucker

18 Aug 2023 610 readers Score 7.0 (3 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

How this narration of story started? Basically, Cherry was started narrating his story, struggles,  and about his relationship with Sashaa to the writer during April end 2021.

First day of the Narration

The events narrated here happened during 2008-09, during the time Cherry landed in  Bangalore from Sagara for search of job / living. Reaching Bangalore, he put up in a PG as  normal bachelor do. But as a normal bachelor, he was not able to tolerate the environment of  the PG. Food was horrible, dirty boys around him to split panparag in rooms only, wet clothes  hanging inside the room, etc, etc, which made him home sick. To put in his exact words. “cloth  drying wire was tied diagonally from one corner to another corner in room and all hanging  underwear and baniyans”. Somehow, He managed to stay there for 2 months.

Second day of the Narration 

First day was just an introduction and let us continue from where we left with that dirty PG. So  Cheery moved to another PG which was little okay but only little. Same stories continued there  also. No good food, no nearby restaurant for a change, boys were too clinging, not allowing him  to study for interview but calling for playing cards, carrom board, etc and loudness of TV volume.  Because mostly of them are doing course in NIIT and were depending on placement from that  institute only. So, they never had any interview calls, nothing to study in between, never used  to apply anywhere outside and thereby nothing to do after returning home. So, Cherry felt that  “it’s not working out and with this casual lifestyle he will never get a job”. Hence, he decided to  move to a shared accommodation which is not a PG or hostel. He looked out for some  accommodation to share with people who is working, so that he gets his own space and other persons will be busy with their jobs. But there also he expected some problems like high rent,  security deposit, but he didn’t give up. He started looking ads in ad-mag, classifieds and over internet.

First meeting with Sashaa 

So here comes the entry of Sashaa. At first, he was not interested in boys and all. Cherry met  him through Sulekha Ads where Sashaa posted an add that he has a 1 BHK and he wants to  share in JP Nagar. On calling Sashaa over phone, Cherry went to see the house on his invitation.  Sashaa said he is not so keen on having roommate but if he gets someone who stay aloof and  manage all on his own without bothering him, then he is okay to share. And our Cherry is also  of same mind and had no time to make friends, hang around or do bachelor parties at home,  but just wanted to be alone to achieve his aim of getting a decent job.

After seeing the house, they sit for decision and that time Cherry felt Sashaa like a strict army  officer. Sashaa started telling rules and regulations means he doesn’t like friends visiting home,  loud noise, late night coming, etc. Our boy got scared on hearing these. Also, Sashaa told that  he doesn’t cook, and he eats outside only which is also seems to be a drawback. Sashaa was 50  years old married having wife and a son while Cheery was young, energetic and sweet 22 years  old boy. Sashaa is basically from Kanpur and settled in Lucknow. He landed in Bangalore that  time for a contract job. While Sashaa took a cigarette and offer, Cherry refused and left the  house saying that he will let him know about his decision on joining for sharing the house in  couple of days. At first Cherry decided not to join and never called Sashaa for 2 weeks. After  that Sashaa called one day and asked whether he is willing to join or not since one more guy  had expressed interest in sharing. Finally, Cherry thought it is better to join so that at least he can study peacefully and packed up his luggages. 

First day experience in new house 
Cheery reached the new house with luggage and at the same time Sashaa was just back from 
office. Our boy was struggling with the luggage, but Sashaa commented “what the problem, 
young boy! You seem to be older than me” and didn’t help. Cherry asked whether have a 
mattress or a bedding, for which Sashaa replied it’s rolled up and kept there and it’s a new one, 
which he brought as a pair. Sashaa allotted 2 shelves in cupboard and asked to arrange neatly since he don’t want mixing things with each other and asked to unpack bags and keep the bags on loft. Basically, the house was a one BHK with one extra verhanda (pics was kept in hard disk which got corrupted and as such no pictures to share now).

Since evening time, Sashaa was reading newspaper and our boy was so tired, he just layout on the unfolded mattress. Seeing that Sashaa ordered to unpack the other handbag and arrange things in shelves neatly to which Cherry responded to do sometime later. Sashaa rudely replied that are you tired or busy planning for your 80th birthday which made our Cherry angry. While Cherry was busy talking with his PG friend about the shifting and other plans, Sashaa came to room, took wallet, looked Cherry like “oh these today’s generation guys simple talk nonsense for hours” and locked the house and left without even informing where going, when he will return and all. Further he carried the duplicate key with him which Cherry came to know when he called him for the same and he got casual reply from him that you were busy on phone and you should have asked before me leaving. Cherry got angry and cut the call. After half an hour our old hero came and kept keys on TV unit and asked to take. It was around 6.45 PM; Cherry went out and have some idly / vada and come back while Sashaa was bossing nicely with office colleague to complete some task for tomorrow.

Around 9, Cherry went out for dinner with his PG friends since Sashaa don’t want to join. Sashaa looked Cherry fiercely when he returned back @ 10.30 PM by looking at his wristwatch. 
Cherry went for sleep after checking whether Sashaa had dinner or not. That’s how that 
evening passed after shifting and misunderstanding between two.

Secret Look  

Next day morning, Sashaa woke up early, took bath, did little pooja and left for office. Cherry ensured to get up from bed only after he left because of yesterday drama and like kids wake up  after their father leaves home. But Cherry was acting like sleeping and watching while he was  changing after bath. Cherry replied to writer for the question asked what he was watching.

“Saw his manly chest, his nice shaped button underwear, bulge of cock, butt and lean muscled biceps”. Wow! What a secret and romantic look!