Loaded and Ready to Shoot

by Ty Jordan

6 Nov 2019 4850 readers Score 9.3 (74 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

Joel sat as close as he could to the wrestlers, but also high enough on the bleachers to get downward angles with his camera. He wasn’t the team’s of­ficial photographer, although he could have been: he went to all the college meets. Nor was he a wrestler himself. He loved to watch guys wrestle, though—especially the ones who were into full body contact holds and submissions. He often thought how different things might be now if he had known a friend who liked wrestling, liked horsing around with him, a buddy who he could trust completely, who would show him the ropes.

Joel was proud of his photo collection. He didn’t take the usual shots you might expect to see. He concentrated on the holds and body parts that turned him on the most. He wondered how many of the wrestlers he photographed were gay, like himself. Judging from the number of hard dicks he saw, there might be quite a few. He fantasized about handling a wrestler’s cock during a match—grabbing it while his opponent had him down. He’d get the cock so hard that the guy would submit to him before he submitted to his opponent. He wouldn’t let go until he made the wrestler’s singlet wet with cum.

Joel thought the team’s singlets were particularly hot—solid white with wide, light blue side stripes. White certainly showed off a guy’s dick and balls well. He had some close-ups of crotch bulges that he couldn’t look at without getting incredibly turned on. He’d sprawl across his bed in a sexy brief and jack off, imagining he and the wrestler in an erotic match. Maybe it would be a submission-only bout. Or better yet, a match where the goal was to juice the other guy before he juiced you, using whatever hold worked best. Joel soaked a lot of briefs this way, but he longed to do it with an actual guy.

His favorite wrestler on the team was a guy named Brent. He had more photos of him than anyone else. His body was tall and straight, with square shoulders, narrow waist and well-developed upper body and legs. He had black hair and friendly blue eyes. He also had a pretty firm cock when he wrestled.

Joel thought of all this as he watched the wrestlers warming up for their matches. He aimed his camera at Brent, who was leaning against the gym wall with some other wrestlers. The athlete happened to look up at the lens as Joel clicked the shutter. Brent continued to eye Joel now and then. He’d become curious about him, not because he photographed the matches, or because he always seemed to come alone. Brent first noticed him because of what he was wearing—skin tight 501’s. Brent was a 501 fan, too. To him, crotch hugging Levi’s looked terrific, especially on well-built guys like the photo­grapher. Joel was aware of the glances and believed they were a sign of un­easiness caused by the camera’s presence. He put it down, saving it for Brent’s match, when the guy would be too busy to notice.

Brent was up against an unusually powerful wrestler this time—very muscular and intimidating. The expression on his face seemed to say, “I’m gonna whip your ass no matter what you try, sucker.” He wore a navy blue singlet trimmed with gold bands around the leg openings. His crotch bulged with equipment massive enough to be threatening all by itself. From the first second they locked up, Brent knew he would be in for a rough one. The big guy plowed through his arms and immediately grabbed Brent around the waist. He crushed the breath out of his shocked opponent with an awesome squeeze. Brent was helpless. Suddenly his back hit the mat and the guy was on top of him. Although the move had not been a sustained bear hug, it felt like it. He was surprised that the ref didn’t give him a caution.

Brent was in trouble, but Joel was having a field day snapping pictures of his great legs and crotch. Finally Brent managed to flip over onto his stomach to avoid the pin. The big guy pushed an arm into his crotch and tried to turn him over. The ref didn’t see that he was also using the arm to press into Brent’s balls for added incentive. Brent winced as the guy muscled his balls in an all-out attempt to flip him on his back.

But somehow he held out against the nut vise. The burly opponent switched gears. He hammerlocked Brent’s right arm, then his left. Although Brent resisted every inch of the way, the guy gradually turned him, almost forcing both shoulders to the mat. He wedged his right arm between Brent’s upper arms and shoulders and positioned the other one across his opponent’s chest, nearly on the neck. He locked his hands together and pressed down, inching his victim’s shoulders closer and closer to defeat. Brent thrust his crotch in the air, arching his back as much as possible. He tried rocking toward one side, then the other, to maneuver out of the hold. But the guy really had him. The good-looking ref was flat on his belly, expecting to call the pin at any second. Brent strained like hell, narrowly escaping the end several times. Joel’s heart raced as he watched—and photographed—Brent’s sexy struggle.

The wrestler’s conspicuously hard cock was raised high in the bridge for all to see and admire. It almost seemed like that was the real purpose of the position. Joel steadied his camera and zoomed in on the mountain in Brent’s white singlet. Next he aimed at the upper thighs and snapped several more photos. Joel could see Brent weaken. The big guy worked on him relentlessly, inexhaustibly. Brent looked and acted like he was caught in an on-the-mat cobra hold. He fought against it, but the downward pressure slowly conquered him. Suddenly the ref slammed a hand to the mat and it was all over. The big guy jumped to his feet, but Brent continued to lay there with his legs bent, as if he were about to do a sit-up. Totally spent, he let his thighs fall into a wide, erotic split. The singlet stretched tightly over his open crotch. Joel’s camera clicked again.

After a minute or so, Brent got up, moved off the mat and sat down to rest on the gym floor. A couple of team members crouched over him to offer re­assurance. Joel’s heart flipped again as one of the wrestlers laid his hand on Brent’s back and massaged it. He wished it were his own hand. But if it were, he knew he’d have a rough time fighting the urge to slip it around to the guy’s big, handsome cock. He wanted to lock his fingers onto it and feel every bit of that stiff, sexy muscle. He wanted to check out the balls just as much—one at a time, then both together. Joel scrutinized them. Cupped prominently by the singlet and jockstrap, they looked hard and ready for rasslin.’ He wanted to make them swell up even bigger so the guy’s already well-packed pouch would double in size.

Thoughts like these dominated Joel’s mind while he watched the final matches. When the meet ended, he put the camera in a leather bag, rearranged some of the bag’contents, then zipped it up. He stepped gingerly to the bottom row of bleachers and turned to leave. A voice called to him from behind. “Did ya get some good shots today?”

It was Brent. Shocked by this sudden meeting with his idol, Joel paused awkwardly before replying. “Yeah,I think so,” he said, hesitatingly.

“Do you have shots of every match?”

“Most of ‘em. Especially from this season and last.”

“Can I see ‘em sometime? We had some pretty good matches, and my girl­friend wants a few of me.”

“Sure. No problem. Wanna see these when I get ‘em developed?”

“Yeah, great,” said Brent with a grin.

The two exchanged addresses and phone numbers. When Brent left for the locker room, he gave Joel’s arm a little punch. “See ya, champ,” he said.

The brief conversation had left Joel churned up inside. On the one hand, talking to Brent was a tremendous high, just like he would feel if he met his favorite rock star. On the other hand, the fact that Brent had a girlfriend was a colossal disappointment. Joel watched the guy walk away. His tight, white singlet hugged the most perfect ass Joel had ever seen. Too bad he’d never get the chance to put his hands on it.

When Brent arrived at Joel’s to see the photos, he was wearing crotch-gripping Levi’s and a muscle tee. Joel wore a regular tee and the same Levi’s Brent had seen at the meets. The photos were laid out for the occasion along one wall in his apartment’s main room. Some were leaning against the wall; others were on the floor nearby.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Brent. “You sure have a ton of ‘em!” He bent forward for a closer look. “These are terrific, man!” said Brent excitedly.

“This bunch is from last season,” said Joel, proudly pointing to a group propped up along the wall. Brent dropped to his knees in front of them. Joel did the same, right alongside Brent.

“Remember this match?” asked Joel.

“Sure—a good one. Hey, this close-up of me is great; I really had that guy tied up!” Brent got more excited as he scanned the high quality photos. “Oh, wow!” he said, eyeing another shot of him pinning a guy. “I’d like a copy of this one—it shows off my macho biceps!”

They both chuckled. Brent put an arm around Joel’s shoulder, then gripped the back of his neck. He gave it a friendly shake. “You’re some photographer, hotshot!”

“You’re some wrestler!” countered Joel.

“What are these?” asked Brent, bending to pick up a couple of photos.

“They’re from some pro matches.”

“Very good. I like this stomach claw. I’m into claws,” said Brent with a diabolical giggle, holding the fingers of one hand in a frozen claw position. He quickly pressed the hand into Joel’s gut, slightly below the navel. It wasn’t a serious claw, but Joel responded with an extremely over-acted scream of pain. Brent got a kick out of the fake reaction. It also made his dick hard. He kept his hand on Joel’s gut and, using his other hand, slowly pulled him backward at the neck. Joel continued to writhe in mock pain as he laid on his back. “I give! I give!” he yelled.

Brent released the claw in victory, then reapplied it on Joel’s side. Since Joel was very ticklish in that spot, he jumped and shouted at Brent’s touch. “Stop!” he pleaded, laughing and twitching wildly. Brent let go and smiled down at him.

“Ever do much wrestlin’ yourself?” asked the hunk.

“Not really. None, in fact. I’d like to learn some holds, though.”

“Yeah? How about me giving you some lessons in exchange for a few of your photos?”

“Great idea—as long as you don’t mind dealing with a guy who has no ex­perience.”

Brent’s eyes gazed into Joel’s longingly, thankfully. “There’s nothing I’d rather do. I’m glad my experience doesn’t scare you away.”

Joel propped himself up on both elbows and smiled back. This seemed too good to be true, he thought to himself. And yet, his fantasy of getting to know Brent was becoming a reality. Every cell of his body seemed to ignite in joy.

Brent surveyed the photos carefully as he sat on his knees in a wide leg-spread. He began selecting his favorites. Joel’s eyes were locked onto Brent’s incredible buns. Levi’s were made for this ass, he mused. But when Brent turned to face him with the chosen photos, Joel was equally mesmerized by the front of the jeans. The jock’s balls stuck way out. The Levi’s were lighter in color around each of them, suggesting that they’d been rubbed through the denim. Joel wondered whose lucky fingers had that pleasure. The dick was definitely firm. What a juicy sight this guy was. It was clear to Joel why his fantasies had been dominated by him.

But Brent also had fantasies. Late every night Brent would lie naked on his bed, separate his strong legs and jack off—thinking about Joel. As he pulled and squeezed his maleness, he imagined it was Joel’s. Having studied the front of Joel’s snug 501’s many times, Brent was sure the guy had pretty big nuts, probably bigger than his own. He craved to feel them. The last time he wrestled a gay guy in private—about a year ago—and got his fingers around the guy’s hard balls, it turned him on so much that he didn’t want to let go. So he didn’t. That was when he found out he could bring a guy to a climax merely by working his nuts. What he did with the balls was so unique and sexy that an orgasm was inevitable.

The dickbulge in Joel’s Levi’s was even more prominent than his highlighted balls. Brent’s desire to put his hand on that bulge became stronger every time he saw Joel. He did do it, but only in his mind while he jacked off, and in his dreams. Brent made Joel shoot many times every night in his fantasy, hoping that sometime soon it would be the real thing.

Brent laid the photos aside and moved nearer to Joel, staying on his knees. Joel looked at the stud, unable to take his eyes off the guy’s fantastic, Levi-clad legs.

“Wish I had legs like yours,” Joel finally said, slightly embarrassed at his stare.

“Takes a lot of work, hotshot.” He gave his leg a punch. “Feel it.”

Joel hesitated. “Go ahead,” urged Brent.

Joel put his hand on Brent’s left thigh. A spark of electricity shot through his arm. “Geez!” he blurted out. He squeezed the thigh, shocked at the hardness of it. Brent grinned. Having Joel’s hand on his leg was like getting an injection of super-potent sex drive serum. His cock jumped to full throttle inside his jockstrap.

Joel took a little longer than necessary to remove his hand from the thigh, and Brent got the message.

“What holds do ya wanna learn first? Amateur? Pro?” asked Brent.

“Anything’s O.K.”

Brent smiled. “Let’s do a full nelson. Get on your belly, man.”

As he turned over, Joel began to have seconds thoughts about this well-conditioned stranger locking him up in a potentially painful or dangerous hold. “Go easy,” he said with some concern. But when he felt Brent’s sexy body stretch out on top of him, his nervousness disappeared almost instantly.

Brent had a hard time controlling his anxious cum as his stiff rod wedged between Joel’s gorgeous, curving, Levi-clad cakes. Brent hooked his arms under Joel’s and brought his hands together on the back of Joel’s neck. Both guys just laid there without saying anything for several minutes, absorbed by the sensuality of tight 501’s and tight bodies in full contact. Although Brent had the nelson locked in securely, the hold was more of an embrace than an outright submission maneuver. Joel knew he didn’t have the strength to overpower the wrestler, but the attempt would no doubt be as sexy as hell. His biceps strained. His arms couldn’t budge Brent’s. He rocked repeatedly to the left and right, but wasn’t able to do a roll-over. Finally he began to slowly pull his knees forward under him, raising both bodies. Suddenly Brent switched holds. He wrapped both arms around Joel at the waist and squeezed.

“Reverse bear hug!” announced Brent proudly.

“Ah!” yelled Joel as the wrestler applied more pressure. He pushed upward a little more. Brent put a stop to that by slamming down on him, flattening his body against the floor. The shock made Joel grunt, but he got another shock as well: his hard cock had come down on one of Brent’s hands. The wrestler immediately wrapped his fingers around it. Joel let out a sexy gasp that turned Brent on even more.

“Dick hug!” said Brent. They both laughed.

Joel didn’t try to pull the hand away, so Brent continued to hold the stiff tool. This move on his cock excited Joel tremendously. Yet the wrestler was involved with a girl. Joel was confused. Why was this happening?

Brent fingered the rod until he had the Levi’s virtually encircling it. He checked the shaft out from top to bottom before going back to a steady hold on the tool. “Nice cock, dude!” he said. “Nice ‘n’ hard!” He squeezed it again.

Joel groaned in pleasure. “What if your girlfriend knew you were doin’ this?”

“I don’t have a girlfriend,” answered Brent.

“But you said…..”

“I lied at the meet,” interrupted Brent. “One of my teammates was standing nearby, listening to us talk about the photos. Hope you’re not too pissed.”

“No girl?” asked Joel, still amazed at the revelation.

“No girl. And I bet you don’t have one either. Right, hotshot?”


“That’s what I was hoping,” said Brent, sighing in deep relief.

The wrestler gave the rod another friendly squeeze. Joel felt sure that he’d entered Heaven. He could hardly conceal his growing joy. While the two talked further, Brent’s fingers kept busy. To Joel it seemed as though Brent was still feeling his rod, but that wasn’t all the wrestler was up to. The fingers were gradually unfastening the fly, one button at a time. It took several minutes to complete the job. After opening the Levi’s, he slowly reached inside. Joel’s thin, no-fly cotton brief was smooth and taut around the thick tool. The fingers surrounded it carefully, making sure of the grip. Without warning he gave the shaft a bigger—and much longer—squeeze than before. Joel shouted as his nearly unprotected cock stung from the force of it.

“No!” shouted Joel, instinctively pushing up with both hands, lifting himself off the floor. He even managed to get to a position on his hands-and- knees, with Brent glued on top of him. But the intensity of the hold prevented him from doing anything else.

After Brent ended the torture, Joel was breathing hard and fast. “What the fuck are you tryin’ to do?” he gasped.

“What’s the matter? Can’t ya take a little cock rasslin’? Thought ya wanted to try out a few holds?”

“Shit,” said Joel. “Do ya have to kill it?”

“It’s still alive and well, buddy,” answered Brent, maintaining a full but lighter grip on Joel’s shaft. “I’ll show ya.” He brought a finger up to the wide, brief-encased cockhead and tickled it.

Joel’s body jerked. “Ah!” he giggled.

“See?” said Brent. “Your big pole survived!”

Before Joel could utter another word, the wrestler snaked his fingers under the brief and coiled them around Joel’s hot meat. “Yeah!” Brent gloated. “Your cock’s mine, hotshot!” Using another sudden body press, he slammed Joel to the floor. The guy’s rod, pinned under the weight of two bodies—and held firmly from bottom to middle by Brent’s hand—throbbed with increasing excitement. Despite its confinement, Brent could still move the muscle back and forth. Joel groaned in pleasure as the wrestler rubbed the top half of the rod against the tightly drawn brief.

“Like that?” whispered Brent.

Joel could only moan in delight, experiencing what up-to-now had been strictly a fantasy for him. Brent pulled the cock out from under the brief. He began to rub the head gently and slowly against the Levi’s. Joel grunted loudly. Brent felt the big cock pound as he slid it across the smooth denim again and again. Joel squirmed, hardly able to withstand the extreme, torturous ecstasy that began to stab through his shaft. It invaded more and more of the rod. An awesome pleasure gripped Joel’s entire body. Every muscle strained, begging for the release of his sizzling cock juice.

Brent forced the rod’s tip into the 501’s, held it there and renewed his massive hand-clamp. He started to move the clamp up and down in a slow, grinding rhythm—not sliding his hand along the cock-skin, but pulling and stretching the whole shaft. Joel writhed as his tool reached its maximum hardness. Huge tidal waves of pleasure surged higher and higher within it.

“Can’t take much of this one, right hotshot?” said Brent. “Come on, stud, pump it out! Soak these Levi’s! I wanna feel it!”

Each time the hand clamp crushed his cockhead into the 501’s, the pleasure waves doubled in intensity. Joel knew the wrestler had him. He couldn’t have stopped or delayed his climax now, even if he’d wanted to. The hero of all his fantasies was about to make him cum. Joel screamed as the waves of delight at last exploded from his cock. His body heaved. A thick river of cum poured into the Levi’s.

“Yeah, pump it!” yelled Brent, pushing his own stiff rod against Joel’s Levi butt. The wrestler’s powerful arms double bear hugged the sexy body under him: the left arm grasped the lower chest, while the right hand squeezed the delirious, erupting cock.

With his belly and shaft pressed to the floor, Joel felt the hot cream squirt all over his gut. Each blast of cum seemed to be an unusually long one. It wasn’t until Brent rolled him over afterward that the guys saw the extent of Joel’s river.

“Holy shit!” exclaimed Brent, staring at the cum-drenched Levi’s. “I haven’t seen this much spilled cream since the dairy truck accident downtown!”

Both guys laughed wildly. Brent thought about the coincidence of Joel’s last name. “Say, that wasn’t YOUR cream in that truck, was it?” he kidded. “After all, it was a Donovan’s truck, you know!”

They laughed again. After calming down a bit, Brent sat up on his knees facing Joel’s waist. He whipped off his tee shirt and rocketed it across the room. Joel feasted his eyes on the wrestler’s great upper body and pecs for the first time up close.

Brent laid a hand on the guy’s soaked fly. He grinned and stroked it, giving special attention to the long, rock-hard bulge. “I love the feel of wet Levi’s.” he said. “You look terrific in these, man. Especially right here.” He gave the bulge a long, friendly pinch.

Joel slapped Brent’s muscular thigh, then kept his hand on it. He smoothed it up and down the sexy, tightly-jeaned leg.

Brent put his hand inside Joel’s fly and held the cock firmly. “This baby’s ready for another submission.”

“Hey, time-out, man,” said Joel. “I wanna get outa these wet jeans.”

While he peeled off the Levi’s plus shirt, his new buddy stripped to his jockstrap. Then the two rolled around on the floor like puppies in mock combat, each repeatedly—and intentionally—gaining and losing the advantage in quick succession. Both guys got a kick out of the experience. Joel had fantasized about doing this kind of thing with a hot looking jock for a long time, and Brent, although frequently involved in college matches, rarely wrestled for fun or sex with his gay friends.

The playful romp turned out to be exhausting after all, since it lasted quite a while and included lots of what Brent called “submission tickling” and “rape tickling.” When the guys had fully explored and exploited each other’s touch-sensitive areas, they collapsed side by side, laughing.

Brent couldn’t take his eyes off Joel’s extremely sexy, white brief. Its no-fly front, designed to emphasize a guy’s equipment, gave Brent an on-going thrill. It was the next best thing to seeing a guy crotch naked. Brent had guessed correctly about Joel’s balls: they were giants. Each one bulged up into the brief as if attempting to outdo the other. They were definitely ready for what Brent had in mind.

“On your belly, man,” ordered Brent. He crawled onto Joel’s back and hammerlocked both arms.

“Ouch!” yelled Joel.

“You can take it,” said Brent. He jacked up the arms.

“Ah!” shouted Joel.

“Fight the pain,” encouraged Brent. “Fight it!”

Joel’s shouts decreased to groans, then to gasps.

“That’s it. Good boy,” said Brent. He eased up on the pressure and, holding Joel’s wrists, with one hand, he moved off him and crossed the guy’s legs at the ankles. “Hammerlock and figure four,” he announced.

The wrestler pulled Joel up on his side, keeping the hammerlock on and ankles against his gut. He put his free hand between Joel’s legs from behind and onto the left inner thigh. He slid it up and down, feeling the guy’s muscles.

“Very sexy, dude,” complimented Brent.

Joel’s cock pushed forward, stretching the brief way out. Brent leaned over Joel’s side and, from that moment on, watched his buddy’s crotch continu­ously. He slowly moved his hand along the thigh toward the big basket. He stopped right next to it. Brent caressed the thigh, following and occasionally touching, the brief’s edge with his fingers. At last he put his hand around Joel’s balls.

“These are fantastic!” said Brent, excitedly feeling the warm nuts. He checked each ball separately. “Tryin’ to see which one I like best!” he said with a chuckle. The jock gave the basket some heavy stroking as Joel grunted in approval. Then Brent slipped his hand under the brief’s pouch and gripped the balls.

Joel gasped at the feel of the wrestler’s fingers around his tight nut-skin. Brent saw the cock jerk hard under the brief. He played with and massaged the balls for several minutes. Working the nuts from this position—with his arm locked around the guy’s butt from behind—stirred up the passion between his own legs in a big way. He buried his arm in the asscrack and pressed into it while he pulled and squeezed Joel’s manhood.

Brent now had complete control of the guy. He switched to his unique orgasm grip, the special hold on the balls that he’d been anxious to use on Joel. Brent watched the guy throw his head back as the pleasure tripled. Every inch of Joel’s cock tickled wildly. It felt as if Brent had inserted a long, narrow feather down his sex-tube and was using it to tease the inside of the shaft. The large cockhead pushed further and further into the thin brief. Joel’s pleasure had become so intense that it blocked his awareness of the subtle yet important things that his buddy was doing with his nuts. He could only lay there and be Brent’s willing slave.

Since Brent had extremely sensitive balls himself, he knew what to do to get the most from this kind of hold. The stud probed the big balls in exactly the right places, squeezing them just enough to keep the pleasure building. The cockhead now jutted almost straight out, pulling the brief along with it. The leg openings stretched up and away from the skin, leaving gaps above the thighs, and a view of the lower cock. Brent thought seriously about changing holds: he wanted to bear hug the handsome cock. But that would cause an instant orgasm and his fun would be over. So he stayed on the nuts, enjoying the prolonged hold.

Brent played an erotic game with Joel’s juice. His ballwork would coax it upward ever so slowly, then he’d back off so that only a drop or two of cum could escape the rod. He did this again and again, until the brief was wet and virtually transparent. Joel breathed heavily. Beads of sweat covered his body. The guy looked like he was engaged in a strenuous physical workout.

“Yeah,” said Brent. “What a great fit—your macho balls and my macho hand!” How does it feel, stud?”

The wrestler pulled the nuts out as far as he could. Joel strained in maximum pleasure. Brent brought them back to the crotch. “Pretty cool, huh! A few more of those and I’d have you pumpin’ like crazy!”

Joel was beside himself. “Do it! Do it!” he pleaded.

“Hold your horses, cowboy. You gotta learn to enjoy it for a while. And I gotta learn which one I like the best. Maybe it’s THIS one…..”

The wrestler squeezed into the left nut. Joel reacted with a gutsy yell. He realized Brent wasn’t going to make him shoot yet—he might keep up this pre-orgasm torture all night. He struggled to free his arms and legs, but they were practically numb from being locked up so long.

“Forget it, man. You’re mine. So are these nuts!” He pulled them again, overwhelming Joel with so much pleasure that he could hardly stand it. Joel gasped. “Yeah, you can do it,” said Brent. He pulled once more. Joel strained in silent ecstasy. “Yeah, good job.” He locked his fingers onto the nuts in a way that would finally give Joel what he wanted. “You earned this, stud.”

Brent didn’t apply his orgasm grip with a lot of force, but the hold always made a guy climax after half a minute or so. He called it the “grenade.” It brought the juice up slowly, giving the guy extended, unforgettable pleasure. He watched Joel’s cock begin to jump with excitement—from little twitches to big, throbbing jumps. Joel opened his mouth wide as pleasure clawed deeply into his body. The rigid cock reached out, then paused, frozen at the peak of sexual heat. Joel uttered a long, erotic, whispered scream. The wrestler watched his buddy’s cock jerk powerfully and erupt into the brief. Joel yelled as load after load of hot, milky juice saturated the fabric.

Brent lost track of how many blasts of cum fired from the cock. By the time it stopped, the whole front of Joel’s brief was drenched. Brent finally released his buddy’s nuts, grabbed both sides of the wet brief and pulled it off. He sprawled belly-to-belly on Joel and gave him a long, passionate kiss. Joel brought his arms up around Brent’s shoulders and held him tight, respond­ing with equal passion. It was a moment that Joel had dreamed about all his life. He wanted the kiss to last forever.

Following the embrace, Brent sat up on Joel’s gut. “Now let’s get a better look at your hotrod, hotshot!” he said. The wrestler moved backward, got comfortable on Joel’s upper thighs and gazed at the long, still-stiff cock.

“Great lookin’ meat,” he said. He took hold of it with his right hand and started to jack off the guy.

“No!” said Joel emphatically. “I can’t take another one yet.” He tried to pull Brent’s hand away.

Brent gave the cock a long series of massive jerks. “Yeah! This’ll get ya!”

Joel shrieked and bolted upright from the wrestler’s moves on his super-sensitive shaft. He coiled an arm around Brent’s neck and started choking him. The choke was for real, just like Brent’s jack off. Both guys struggled but neither would release the other. In desperation Joel pulled the jock over with surprising force. When Brent’s shoulder hit the floor, he broke the hold. Joel dove for the jockstrap and wrestled it off. But before he could grab the guy’s rod and get even, Brent had captured his feet—one in each hand. The wrestler lifted Joel’s legs and spread them apart.

He did the split slowly, but he did it with authority. On his back again, Joel winced and slammed his hands to the floor. Brent looked down, admiring the guy’s pulsing cock and huge, round balls.

“If I had a third hand,” he said, “guess where it would be right now? It would be on those great nuts of yours! Yeah, I’d rassle those babies real good. I’d pull ‘em up and keep goin’ until your butt was in the air! I’d hold ya up there by your nuts while I sucked your cock. My tongue would be all over that juicy cockhead.”

The wrestler changed holds. He turned Joel over into a crab position. He let go of one leg and pressed the guy down, eventually sitting on his lower back. He wrapped his other hand around Joel’s tool. “This is my jock crab—one leg and one cock!”

Brent inspected the shaft, looking for the place that made it throb the most. He found it: the base of the cockhead. He arranged his fingers around the head so that the cockhole pointed directly into his cupped palm. “This time I’m gonna catch every drop, hotshot!”

He went to work on the sensitive area. Joel fought hard to get loose, but the athlete was just too strong. Brent wrestled the cockhead like a pro. Joel didn’t have a chance. Unable to power out of the crab, Joel screamed as Brent concentrated on the pleasure spot.

“C’mon stud, right into my hand. Let’s see ya fill it up!” Brent felt the rod turn to granite. One more submission squeeze was all the cock could take. Joel cried out in agony as long squirts of burning cream shot into Brent’s waiting palm. A spurt from Brent’s own cock fired into his jockstrap.

After he’d milked the last drop out of the stud, Brent got up, took off his jock and spread Joel’s thick cream onto his shaft. He slowly slid his hand up and down it. His eager tool shot another load of pre-cum to mingle with Joel’s.

Joel rolled over and gazed up at Brent. The wrestler was standing with legs far apart, rubbing his long rod. He looked at Joel.

“Most of this is your cum, man. Feels great on my cock!” After a minute he stopped rubbing. “Time for some more. You’re gonna give it to me, aren’t ya, hotshot!” He quickly reached down and grabbed Joel’s cockhead at the sensitive place.

“No more!” shouted Joel, as the wrestler started in on it again.

Brent worked the head anyway, causing instant pleasure-torture. He got down on Joel and wrestled the ruddy muscle wildly. Joel threw him off in a rush of adrenalin and instantly sought revenge. He jumped on Brent’s chest and put a good choke on him. Brent halted it by burying a hand in the guy’s gut. Joel gasped as Brent’s fingers squeezed. The claw paralyzed Joel. Soon he was breathless and helpless under its control. He gradually fell forward. Brent grabbed his pecs with both hands. He suspended the guy over him and clamped into the pecs. Joel shouted—he wasn’t sure if it was from pleasure or pain. Maybe it was both.

The wrestler finally let Joel collapse onto his chest. Then he coiled his arms around the guy’s narrow waist and bear hugged him. Brent did it lustily, crushing chests, guts, cocks and nuts together with awesome intensity. He began thrusting his cock against Joel’s. Hearing Brent’s increasing grunts of pleasure, Joel figured he’d have to shoot soon. The wrestler lifted his butt off the floor and rammed his tool into Joel’s nuts. Joel gripped Brent’s tight ass under him. He dug his fingers into the sexy buttflesh. Brent yelled raucously as his cock exploded. Joel felt the hot liquid shoot between the sweating bodies.

The wrestler’s cum seemed to restore Joel’s energy. He took advantage of the moment and pushed up and out of the bear hug. He seized Brent’s hot shaft and applied his own bear hug on it. Brent raised his head in surprise, but Joel was now in charge for the first time—and both guys knew it. It was time to even the score.

He yanked the cock upright. Brent jumped at this unexpected move. Suddenly Joel wrenched the shaft back and down between the wrestler’s legs.

“Ah!” yelled Brent. “I give! I give!”

Joel got a terrific thrill out of using a guy’s cock to make him submit. He kept the rod held down and enjoyed watching the strain on the wrestler’s face. He gripped the hunk’s balls with his other hand. He squeezed them against the base of the shaft. Brent shouted again, but this time it was a shout of complete pleasure, since ballwork always put his sex juices into high gear. As he crushed balls against cock, Joel saw a change in Brent. Caught between pleasure and pain, Brent’s fighting spirit was being neutralized.

“Shit! Fuck you, man!” groaned Brent as Joel discovered the secret of Brent’s nuts.

Joel stayed on the nuts, wrestling them into one submission after another. It drove Brent bananas. His wrenched-back rod shook with pre-climax spasms. Joel bear hugged the balls for several spectacular minutes, keeping Brent trapped at the peak of sexual excitement. The wrestler shattered the air with a long series of ecstatic screams. His man-juice seemed to explode within him countless times it roared up through the long, stiff tool. Joel aimed the sex-gun at his own crotch. Brent’s cum rifled out in strong shots, plastering Joel’s balls and cock. The guys grunted as the hot cream pleasured both of them.

It didn’t take long for Brent to “recover” from his orgasm. “You little shit!” he said with a threatening grin. “You’re gonna pay for that!”

But as Brent leaped up toward him, Joel managed, probably by luck, to get him in a body scissors. Joel had often fantasized about scissoring a jock and now that he had, he found the experience even better than he’d dreamed.

“You’ve got strong legs, man,” said Brent as Joel squeezed. Anyone else might have been in trouble, but Brent’s body was tough. The stud slapped Joel’s legs, then put a claw hold on one of the upper thighs. He fingered into the muscles. It weakened Joel enough so that he could crawl out of the scissors. Joel got to a position on one knee, but with lightning speed the wrestler was already launching another attack. This time it was a nerve hold—a double claw on the trapezius muscles.

Brent loved to do this hold. He stood up behind Joel, spread his legs wide and dug in. Joel froze in pain. Brent’s upright cock twitched in excitement. His nuts hardened. Joel’s fingers fanned out in terror. Brent had his victim set for another favorite hold. He wrapped his arms around Joel’s neck. “It’s all over, pal,” he said, locking the guy in a cobra.

It wasn’t an especially painful hold, but Joel tried to break out of it anyway. His attempts soon faded as the strength drained from him.

“Yeah. You’re goin’ to sleep, ol’ buddy,” said Brent in a low, sexy voice. “Then I’m gonna get your cock and…..”

Joel couldn’t clearly distinguish any more words. Brent laid him on his back, spread his legs and sat between them. He looked down at the guy’s stiff shaft and balls. He took hold of one nut with each hand. Joel moaned as his head began to clear. The wrestler lowered his mouth to Joel’s waiting rod. He stroked the long meat with his tongue. Joel groaned in groggy ecstasy. Keeping a tight squeeze on the guy’s nuts, Brent closed his lips, taking as much of the muscle as he could.

Joel squirmed in dreamy pleasure while Brent showed him one of the best ways to wrestle a cock—and make it give. It was the kind of submission that Joel had always craved, and Brent had long planned.

Joel no longer knew if he was awake or sleeping. Darkness was everywhere. He couldn’t see much light outside or within his apartment. His cock still felt horny and super hard. Brent was lying next to him with one arm draped across his gut. He heard Brent talking to him—but was it a dream, or real?

“You’re great, man. I’m gonna be the best buddy you ever had. And the best lover.”

Brent crawled on top of Joel and gave him a kiss that nearly suffocated the guy. But it was a kiss that could only be from a passionate wrestler, and Joel ate it up. The jock did a push-up above Joel, held the position, and stared down at him in the darkness.

“I hope you can stay the night,” said Joel softly.

There was no response. Brent moved off Joel and sat beside him.

“What’s wrong?” Joel inquired.

“Nothing. I can’t hit the sack with you tonight. I had a match planned with someone—a guy I just recently met, a hot guy too.”

Joel felt crushed. Somehow, he hadn’t counted on anything like this. He was silent.

After a long pause, Brent finally spoke. “C’mon, don’t take it so hard.” He paused once more. “Hey stupid—the match is with YOU!”

He jumped on Joel laughing. “I sure had you goin’, didn’t I!”

“You brat!” yelled Joel. He grabbed Brent’s hard cock.

“Let’s go, hotshot!” challenged Brent. “I wanna see all the holds I taught ya—and a lot more of Donovan’s famous cream!”


by Ty Jordan

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024