Little Blue Corvette

by Swallow Your Lightsaber

29 Jun 2023 1482 readers Score 8.2 (20 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

The past year had made young Mark Stapleton, wonder just how it was that things could change so radically so fast, but it had started with the move. They lived in an outlying community; it was not a town, but it was big enough to be one. It was made mostly of the affluent or upper class. Mark’s family had only lived here well they were coming up on the two-year anniversary. He had met the person that had grown in his life since the first day they came here. In every direction, though a bit more space between some of them than you would see inside a town, these were a bit more spread out. They went in every direction, as their large house was located at the intersection of a 4-way. Mark’s family owned the town’s local newspaper and some other newspapers in other towns. The person that had caught his attention was an African American gentleman, oh he was still young. Somewhere around 25 – 28 years in age. Mark himself, was only 18 now in age, but he was still curious.

Mark Stapleton was a mere 5’9” tall, he was solid and looked nice, he weighed in at 155 pounds. He played sports and took care of himself, he was a bit quiet, and it was not out of standoffishness, it was he just was awkward with other people. His hair was a very strong reddish tinged, but mostly blond, and he never knew what to call it. He had already been out enough in the sun this year, so he had a nice even tan. He was as comfortable talking about Star Trek, as he was about the overlying reason, he believed that the current trend of people referring to multiple, matrices chips that would through the use various processes to pick up new skills in what they called, “artificial intelligence”. He thought that meant the masses had zero ideal what these chips could do, and what the definition of intelligence really was. That was his thing, computers, and electronics. He thought sarcastically, ‘he viewed it more as very clever trickery, stacked upon the top of other clever trickery. 

There was a big splash in the pool, and he knew who that was, it was embarrassing but he could not help it. Since they had got here, it had been his only guilty pleasure was to look. It was the guy the lived on up the hill a way, his name was Ralph King. He lived by himself a far as Mark knew, he did not pry, but he was in really good shape and was pleasant to look at. He was a good-sized guy, if he was in a room to cause trouble and you were not paying attention that would be a mistake. His dark skin glistened in the water as he slid through it and Mark floated under there and watched him as he swam so gracefully. Then he noticed he was swimming in his direction and about swallowed a gallon of water as he popped up, coughing and clearing the chlorinated water from his lung and nose.

As Ralph had swum towards him, he knew he would be watching him, this perfect little thing wanted it, some of the King. It had been apparent to him immediately, most assumed because he was college educated and all muscled up and big, he must have been like an NCAA football player. No, he had worked out and honed his skills at one of the prisons around till he was 23. It was so stupid really, he and another friend of his had been riding someplace with, call him friend A. What friend A had failed to inform friends B and C is that he had been selling cocaine and had almost a kilo in the trunk of his car. Disguised so carefully, that when the police, who had been onto Friend A pulled them over. It was down in the compartment where you keep the run-in tire. I know people make jokes about the intelligence of cops; they are not that bad. So yeah, they found it, and Ralph, who as already in college and knew nothing of what was going on, was told by his family lawyer, would be better to plea and take a lighter sentence than to chance it and the jury come back with a guilty verdict on a Conspiracy charge. Riding to the store with his friend, he had spent three years in prison for that, but that was in the past.

He had gotten out and went to the bank with a business plan, he had really worked hard on developing. A federally funded program that recognized excellence in those who had recently reformed for their crime and returned to society had helped. He had opened a tire store and service center on Broadway downtown and it had been a good move. He had picked up a few tastes in his time and when he found out this young man was legal and kept to himself, he thought it might be worth the tine to get to know him.

He had started innocently enough, it seemed that Mark liked to swim, so he was at the big pool of Ralph’s often, they had their own, but it was much smaller. He had not minded at all, and even given him a key to the lock of the gate and just told him to lock it up when no one was around.

The King was looking for a very sort of specific young man, and Mark was at the low end of that age range. His ideal, now as he was 27 would be for someone ideally between 18 – 23 that had a bit of a brain. This one more than fit that bill, he might be 18 but he talked like a damned college professor, and the stuff he could do with computers, was well spooky. He was a small guy and had, I suppose if you are a fantasy fan, spritely good looks. If you are not, he was just hot a hell and he was blood in the water for a shark like Ralph King. He had once, been lounged back on the stairs of the pool as hot pants had gone in to get them a cold beer. He had come back out and as he had Ralph, had just innocently raised the lower portion of his shirt up. It revealed a muscular abdomen, six-pack, good chest muscles. Muscled good everywhere and no matter what he wore there was always a huge bulge of some kind. Unless he was one of those that stuffed a pillow in his underwear, it was probably much to think about.  

What it had revealed to Ralph was that Mark, was good, his gay cloaking device was rather advanced. There is no stereotype for who acts in which fashion, he is just for some reason hard for even those with the most powerful of gaydar to be able to sense a straggler from time to time. But his eyes betrayed him finally and they even lingered for a moment as he was transfixed. Ralph King had stayed that way and held him momentarily like he was hypnotized and then lowered his shirt. They had gone on as if nothing had happened. Once they had been in the pool and, while the King swam laps overhead and down on the bottom of the pool, Mark had been down there watching him. He came up in the pool suspiciously close to where that big bulge of Ralph’s was. Who had seen him approaching and changed course again to achieve contact, they had spoken a few words and parted ways.

Now as Ralph swam up to him, Mark surfaced, grinned, and said, “Hi.”

Ralph said, “Just the man I was looking for, you are the computer wizard are you not?”

Mark was rather modest, “I deal with them a great deal of the time, so I know more than most, and I even have my A+ Software/Hardware certification for work. What do you need done?”

The big guy thought, if you only knew, “I am going to upgrade my network, wiring and all, pay will be good. Short commute as in none really.”

It was agreed, so they began to work on it the following Saturday, and Mark as on time and had his tools. Ralph King let him in and welcomed him.

“I guess the best place for you to start would be the old computers and make sure they are in good shape so I can save a much data as possible.

“Sure, I will get right on that, just get me on the machines please.”

Ralph went down to his computer room and logged into them all. He said, “I am going to start unboxing new equipment while the younger brighter minds of tomorrow, you, make sure everything is good to move.”

Mark went to work and was immediately hit with something he would never have expected. On the first machine that was running three screens. On the desktop, plain as day, was that? It was, a desktop way of accessing a program for finding other people like, well like he was. To a degree, this site was associated with total control and BDSM kind of stuff. He found that stuff, he was getting a bit of a rush of blood to his cock, he had watched the videos, read the stories, he just hadn’t.

The King of course had left those set they’re with his specific preferences, dick picks, chats, they were all signed in if he looked. He doubted it, the boy was too upright for that. He would see, though and he would find out.

He asked quietly, “I see you are looking at my finder app there, is it one you ever use yourself?”

The young man was honest, “I have never used it to chat, message, geolocate, watch live feeds or attempt to even have my profile visible, I just wanted to see what the interface looked like.”

Ralph King had walked up behind him closely and said, “I am going to put my hands on your shoulder.”

Mark waited and Ralph started massaging his shoulders in a pleasant fashion.

It was relaxing and felt nice, so Mark just relaxes and let it happen.

Finally, he said as he reached down and felt of Mark’s cock and balls through his jeans. He had not asked before he had not progressed down there. Mark was maybe kind of stunned a bit, he was new to the trenches.

Ralph said lowly to him, “What do you think about trying to suck my big cock, maybe let me start letting you begin to start to learn to take it in the ass. Why, I am doing all of that, you trust me enough to let me restrain you? You will be perfectly safe; I can swear on that one. If that is too heavy man that is fine."

Every part of Mark was burning up, he might be inexperienced, yet he is also an 18-year-old that is curious about this stuff.  He finally managed a weak, “Okay, just don’t hurt me, you are a big guy.”

The King told him to get undressed and he had a nice body for a smaller guy, He was a little muscular, he did work out, and he swam all the time. He had a nice 6” cock that looked like a pitcher had nailed the perfect average upward curve ball on that one. Nice big set of balls and what every top, dom, master likes, a well-shaped bubble butt.

Ralph stepped out of his clothes, when his came free, Mark had sort of been hoping BBC was talking about the British Broadcasting Corporation. That was not the case, and he was afraid to guess how big that thing was. He went over and opened a closet drawer and took out a medium length of soft looking nylon rope.

He sat down on the bed and said, “Come over here and sit down beside me. Mark finally did and the King gently cupped the back of his neck with one his hands and begin to push him towards that hard and abnormally large dick.

“Come on pool boy, be a good little bitch and suck on my dick, I know you want to. Lean down there and let me get you started; I need your arms.”

Mark started taking in that massive dick, it would take some work and time before he would be deep throating something this big. He bet he could still make it feel good, so he started. Ralph had taken Mark’s arms and had them bent back behind the boy. He had told Criss cross his forearms one over the other as he held his hands flatly together. The King just made one slip knot around the wrists and pulled it tight. He then began to roll the rope around and around the forearms, comfortably, but he would be very secure.  Once it was way more than enough, he took the remainder of the rope and stuffed it away in the belting.

For a moment now the big man grabbed his new friend’s head and pushed his further down than he had been going and he gagged of course, that would have to be worked on. He played what they so funnily term as, “gag the fag” on some places. He would never use such good terminology, but he decided to see what that ass felt like, and it was going to be rough first time. He got him up on the bed on his stomach and climbed in on top of him for leverage, and he liked it.

He told the temp slave, “Spread your legs really good and relax, it will be, something, just relax.”

After Mark had spread his legs good, the King slid down and began to rim him and was going to use some fingers. Otherwise, it would never happen, most likely. He worked and fingered in concert and his new bitch was responding favorably.

It did not take long before he had the head of his dick worked into him, and the kid was really taking it well.

“Yeah, take it bitch, you know you love it.”

The smaller guy could feel the pain of the larger man’s huge penis pushing deeper into him, but the King was going slow, if his bottom made a noise of pain he would stop and wait before continuing. He was in there enough to get a good fuck on, so he started to work it back and forth. And then up and down till he got a good rhythm going.

His big dick finally started rubbing enough on Mark’s prostate and surrounding tissues and this was making him moan,

“Uhm, that is, well, Uhm.”

The King knew he was where he needed to be, and he sped up a little and held a steady rhythm. He continued and continued and finally the little tied up guy began to shoot his cum into a pile on the bedspread.

Ralph was feeling it himself and so no reason to hold back, he wanted to make this little cocksucker down the hill his. He would mark him by filling his ass full of his cum and was starting to happen now. He liked to press in as full as he could and then let fly. Then you could still fuck for a short time, then it was time to end the operation. He felt his body shake each time he pumped his little slave’s ass full of just a bit more cum. He went for a minute, reached over, and lubed up a butt plug. He had Mark roll back to his stomach and inserted it and let it just sticking out and told him not to move.

He started untying the young man and asked, “You slave out?”

Mark said, “Do I what?”

The King said, “We sit down, hammer out a contract, and then you serve me under the conditions of that contract. In this case till the end of the summer, then I will have to see.”

Mark said, “We will discuss it, that was intense, and I am already starting to get sore.”

Ralph said, “If you do it, being sore like that will be kind of normal for you.”

Mark said, “Yes, I get that impression.”

“I already know what you are going to do, you will say yes, and I will have someone to play with all summer at times. If you were going to say no, you would have immediately.”

“We will see.”

“Yes, we will bitch.”