Life Change

by Adam S

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My name is Jason, and I am sixteen. My life changed for good within seconds when my homophobic father caught me viewing gay porn. I’d known I was gay from an early age but knowing his views on the subject, kept my sexuality hidden.

Having caught me masturbating myself whilst watching gay porn, the shit hit the fan. I’d thought he was out for the whole evening, but he came home earlier than expected. My mother had left him when I was eight years old. I wasn’t surprised because he was a complete bastard and treated her like a lackey. Although I was pleased that she’d stood up for herself and left him, I was unhappy that she couldn’t take me with her. My father had always kept her short of money, so she knew she’d never be able to afford to support a child. I forgave her and watched her go.

I’d secretly hoped that she’d come back for me when she could afford to do so but it wasn’t to be. When I was twelve years old, I was informed that she was dead. How she died, I shall never know but I wouldn’t be surprised if my father was involved.

“Get out now” he shouted as he looked at my erect cock, which was now rapidly shrinking. “You’re no son of mine and I never want to set eyes on you again.”

It suited me and I told him what I thought of him and his treatment of my mum. That didn’t go down well but it took the wind out if his sails sufficiently for me to avoid being slapped across the face whilst I switched off my laptop and dressed. He stormed out and said he expected me to be gone by the time he returned. I watched him leave, guessing he’d go to the pub, which was his favourite haunt.

I grabbed a holdall and bundled a few clothes into it plus my laptop. I also grabbed some money from a secret stash that I knew he kept hidden for a rainy day, and hastily made my exit. One thing I knew for certain was that it was impossible to argue with my father and get him to change his mind.

We lived in a small village in Kent, which I’d always hated because there was no life for people like me. I made my way to the local station and waited for the next train to London. I’d only visited once or twice before but I knew instinctively that it was the place I wanted to be.

What the fuck I was going to do, I had no idea. I had no money to speak of, nowhere to live and no job. However, I knew how to flirt with guys, not that I’d had much practice so far, but knew my flaxen hair and blue eyes would be an asset.

Eventually, my train arrived, and I climbed on board. It was now 9 p.m. so few passengers at that time of night. I sat down opposite a guy who I estimated to be in his mid-twenties. An older woman sat nearby. As we made our way, the guy opposite looked me up and down. My gaydar was pinging like mad and I smiled. He smiled back and I knew I’d been correct with my assessment of him.

Two stations further on, the woman got off leaving me and the other guy on our own at our end of the carriage. He immediately changed seats and sat beside me.

“Hi, now the old bat has gone let’s introduce ourselves. I’m Ben.”

“Hi, I’m Jason.”

“If I’m not mistaken, you’re gay” he replied without hesitation.

“I am and if I’m not mistaken, so are you” I grinned.

“Spot on” he chuckled and immediately place his hand between my legs. My cock immediately reacted, and he was soon caressing a stiff one.

“Mm, nice. You’re well endowed. What do you like?”

Having watched lots of gay porn, I knew what he meant. “I’m versatile” I replied, although I’d never been fucked.

He asked my age and when I told him he gave a satisfied smile. “You live in London?”

I said I didn’t and explained my current situation. “Fucking hell. He’s thrown you out with nowhere to go?”

“You’ve got it in one. He’s a complete bastard and I never want to see him again.”

“Where will you go? What will you do?”

“Haven’t a clue. Walk the streets and see what comes up.”.

“Wow. You’re brave. You do realise there are guys around who will take advantage of you.”

I told him that I had no choice. I had no money, no recognised skill to offer and nowhere to live. “All I have is my body” I grinned.

He laughed. “You’ll have no problem on that score. You’re very attractive and very sexy.”

I smiled and placed a hand in his crotch. He was already hard, and my mind went into overdrive, including my stiff cock.

“You can stay at my place tonight but that’s all. I have a partner and he’d not approve if he found out. He’s away tonight but returning tomorrow so you’ll have to leave immediately after breakfast.”

I thanked him and accepted his kind offer. At least that would give me time to sort myself out. We travelled the remainder of the journey in silence with our hands feeling one another’s cock through our trousers.

We finally arrived at London Bridge station where the train terminated. We transferred to the Northern line on the underground and twenty minutes later were walking into Ben’s one-bed flat. It was compact but comfortable.

“Make yourself at home” he said as he removed his jacket, kicked off his shoes and slipped off his T-shirt. He had a good-looking body which frequently saw the inside of a gym. I dumped my holdall in a corner, removed my jacket, shoes and T-shirt before removing my jeans. Since I seldom wore socks, I was now down to a pair of very skimpy briefs which showed the full extent of my manhood.

He smiled. “Nice. You’re going to go far provided you meet the right people. Drink?”

I nodded as I slumped onto the sofa and adopted an erotic pose. I watched him pour two large whiskies and then sit beside me. As we drank, he plunged his hand inside my briefs and took hold of my burgeoning cock. It wasn’t long before he’d removed my briefs and I was stark naked.

“Let’s go to bed” he said when our glasses were empty and led me into the bedroom by the hand. He removed the duvet, and I sank onto the bed. I watched him remove the remainder of his clothes and when he too was naked, he joined me on the bed.

The sex was brilliant. Although I had little to compare it with but the feel of his big stiff cock inside my arse was everything I’d imagined. Okay, the initial breach was briefly painful, but it was well worth it once his big tool was inside my arse and fucking me. I’d never realised how exciting it would actually be and knew I wanted lots more. When he’d deposited his load of cum inside me, he sucked my cock to a very satisfactory conclusion.

“Thanks for inviting me to stay the night” I told him the following morning. As we ate breakfast, he suggested I make my way to Soho which was where the real gay action took place.

“I’m sure some guy will pick you up” he laughed.

Before I left, he gave me two ten-pound notes. “Don’t be afraid of charging for it. You’ve got a stunning body and a great arse to fuck” he grinned. I kissed him on the cheek and made my exit with a skip in my step.

Having made my way to Soho, using the map I had, I explored the area and ended up in Old Compton Street feeling excited. I’d never been before although I’d read much about it. As I stood admiring the guys around me, I was conscious of several of varying ages gazing at me as they walked by. I just smiled.

“Hi, are you lost or just admiring the view?”

I turned to find a guy in his late twenties walking nearer towards me. I smiled and explained I’d just arrived and was wondering which bar to go in since it was my first time in Soho.

“Come with me. I know just the place” he grinned. “I’m Ted. What’s your name?”

Having told him he asked how old I was. “Sixteen” I replied.

“In that case you can’t buy alcohol, but I can for you if we eat. Hungry?”

As if by magic, my stomach rumbled so responded that I was ready to eat. We walked down another nearby street and halfway down Ted led me into a dingy bar. It was relatively small, and guys were gathered around the bar. As we walked in, they turned to look at us. Several acknowledged Ted as he led me towards a table in the corner.

“Sit there and I’ll buy food and drinks. The sausage and mash is good here. That okay?”

I nodded and offered him some money for mine, but he declined saying “You can repay me in kind.”

As I watched him go to the bar, I had a good idea what he meant by that, but it didn’t bother me. He returned with two glasses of beer. I smiled as I took the first sip thinking about what my father would say if he could see me now.

“Food will be along shortly but whilst we wait tell me what you’re doing in Soho.”

I relayed what had happened and he nodded saying his father had done the same to him and he’d called him a fucking homophobe. I agreed and said I never wanted to see my father ever again. It was his loss, not mine.

“So, what are your plans now? What are you going to do for money and where are you going to live?”

I shrugged my shoulders since I didn’t have a clue. We were sitting on a curved bench seat in front of a round table. He shuffled nearer to me and put a hand on my crotch. I looked at the other guys by the bar but none of them were looking our way.

“Don’t worry about them. Anything goes in here” he grinned as he unfastened my jeans and plunged a hand inside to feel my growing cock. I’d discarded my briefs when dressing that morning, having decided it was sexier. “Mm, nice” he muttered before moving his hand down the back of my distressed jeans. I involuntarily raised myself to let him pull my jeans down enough to give him access so he could finger my arse. It felt good. “You’ve got a nice body. Guys would pay a lot for you. Interested?”

My heart was now racing. Ben had indicated this and suggested I make my way to Soho where I could meet guys willing to pay for sex. Just then the barman brought the food over, but Ted kept his hand down the back of my jeans fingering my arse.

“Thanks, Tony. Tell Karl I’ve got something for him.”

“Will do” Tony grinned as he took a good view of my open jeans which now had a stiff cock hanging out. I later found out that Tony was twenty-three and had been the barman for the past three years. Like everyone else in the bar, he was gay. He was also good-looking.

The food was good and as we ate, Ted said he could introduce me to a guy who could change my life. “Are you interested?”

“Yeah, thanks” I replied. I had little knowledge of such things and had no idea how to go about finding guys willing to pay for sex. As we finished eating, a black guy walked up to the table, sat down to the left of me on the curved bench seat and looked down at my wide-open jeans with the semi-erect cock lying there. I later found out that he was Nigerian and twenty-seven.

“Hi, I’m Karl. I own this bar and the club downstairs. I understand you’re interested in selling your body for sex.”

For a moment I was confused, wondering how this guy knew that but then realised that he and Ted were mates and the earlier questioning had been for a specific purpose. Karl smiled at me as he took hold of my cock which immediately reacted.

“Nice cock” he grinned. “So, as I understand it, you’re homeless having been chucked out by a homophobic father.” I was again confused wondering how he knew that. “Don’t worry” he chuckled as he squeezed my cock, “Ted and I have a way of keeping in contact.” I then noticed Ted’s mobile phone sitting on the table.

I grinned. “Looks as if I need to be careful what I say in here.”

“You’re okay. Whatever you say in here, stays in here” Karl replied. “However, I can offer you a roof over your head, food, and security. The sex trade can be dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. All you have to do is do what you’re asked to do and enjoy life without worrying about anything. How about it?”

I looked at him for a moment. He appeared to be an honest guy and his manner gave me a feeling of trust. “If I agree and for some reason want to move on at some point, would I be able to do so?”

“Sure, but I’d expect a minimum of six months to make it worth my while. That’s assuming you do what is asked of you and keep the clients happy.”

Knowing my current situation, which was homeless with no idea of how to get work or find guys interested in paying for sex, I agreed. He stood up and told me to follow him. I hastily fastened my jeans and followed him with Ted by my side. I was taken through a door and down some stairs to the basement where the club was situated. Karl led me into his office where he offered me another drink. This time it was malt whisky. He pulled out a sheet of paper from his desk and told me to sign it. By now my head was spinning due to the earlier pint of beer and the whisky which I’d downed in one go like they had. Karl muttered that the document confirmed what we’d discussed, and I’d agreed to upstairs so all I had to do was sign it. I glanced at it and signed my name at the bottom.

“Get him showered and douched” Karl told Ted. I was told to leave my holdall with Karl which I did but never saw it again, so lost access to my laptop and spare clothing. “Here, you’ll be known as Jay” he told me.


Ted handed me over to one of the sex workers who would be my buddy. He told me I was one of ten working in the club aged between sixteen and twenty. His name was Malik, and he was an eighteen-year-old black African. His naked body was beautiful as was his gorgeous big cock. He first stripped me naked saying I’d not need my clothes again.

“From now on you’ll remain naked even when clients take us to their home.”

The thought of that turned me on because I loved being stark naked. He told me to shower and make sure I was clean in all the right places. He watched me the whole time which turned me on even more. When he was satisfied that I was clean he shaved my pubes before taking me into the area of the club where all the action took place.

“Let’s start on the glory hole wall” he chuckled as he led me towards a wall that had several holes about three inches in diameter through it at crotch height. He massaged my cock until it was hard and then fed my balls and the hard cock through the hole. My wrists and ankles were then shackled to the wall with my arms and legs outstretched. I was now trapped with my cock and balls on view from the other side.

It wasn’t long before a hand felt my balls and cock. “Beautiful” I heard a guy mutter from the other side. He then took the erect cock into his mouth and began to suck. It was awesome and I was enjoying every second. I then felt my arse being fingered and thought it was Malik but then noticed that he now had his cock through the wall.

“Mm, nice tight arse. Bet you love that being fucked” the guy muttered.

“It’s all yours.”

Within seconds the guy had his hard cock inside me and was fucking me. Having a guy sucking my cock and another fucking my arse was just perfect. I knew from that moment that I was going to enjoy being a male sex worker.

I remained shackled to the glory hole wall for two hours and had several guys suck my cock and fuck my arse. Malik then released me and asked how I was.

“Fucking brilliant. Love having my arse fucked and my cock sucked.”

He chuckled as we went to shower together. I got to know Malik very well over time and he became a good friend.

“Do you like being pissed on?” he asked as we dried ourselves. I said I’d never experienced it, but the idea sounded fun. “Okay, for the next two hours you’ll be shackled in the piss pit. You’d be surprised how many guys love pissing over another, and some even piss into your arse.”

The area was tiled with a gulley down one side where the piss ran into the drain. I was shackled with my head in the gulley, and my arms outstretched. He told me to open my legs wide. Once guys realised there was a subject ready to be soaked in piss, several arrived and started peeing over me. At first, I wasn’t sure about the experience but once the hot golden shower flowed over my naked body, over my head, and into my mouth if I opened it, I decided I enjoyed the experience.

A while later, a guy came in and lifted one of my legs over my chest. He then inserted his cock into my arse, and I felt his hot golden stream fill my arse whilst others continued pissing over my naked body. When he’d finished, another guy filled my arse with his big black cock and fucked me until he’d shot his load of cum.

Malik had told me that the whole club was covered with hidden CCTV cameras which recorded all the action. Unbeknown to the clients, some of these recordings were used as gay porn videos and uploaded to the major gay porn sites with the faces blurred or changed using special software. As the guy fucked me hard, whilst others continued pissing over my face, I chuckled at the thought of me being seen by hundreds if not thousands of guys around the world.

After my two-hour stint, Malik came to release me. “How was it?”

“Fucking brilliant.”

“The boss will be pleased. He likes guys who are prepared to do anything.”

We had another shower and a snack before returning to the main sex area. This time I was put in a sex sling with my legs tied over my chest leaving my arse on full view for anyone to fuck. A guy in his forties came up to me and ran his hand over my face and fingered my mouth.

“You want my cock up your arse?”

“Yes please, sir.”

“Good, because that’s what you’re going to get.”

I looked at his erect cock and it was huge, not only in length but in girth as well. He grinned as he lubricated it and then fingered my arse with two large fingers. When I was wide open, he plunged his tool inside. I cried out as it breached me. He slowly fed the cock into my arse until the full length was deep inside. He then fucked until he’d filled me with his cum.

My two hours in the sling seemed to fly by as guys fucked my arse. Some were rough but others took their time and enjoyed their sensual fuck. After yet another shower with Malik we had a rest before the evening session began. The club was open from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m. so the sex workers worked in shifts. When it was time to return, Malik took me to an area which had a padded floor on which clients and sex workers could have sex. Some clients wanted us to fuck them, but most wanted to fuck us.

I had a particularly nice guy who asked if he could fuck me after I’d sucked his cock until it was hard. He gently lifted my legs over my chest and asked me to hold them. He lubricated his now stiff cock and gently inserted it. It was a gentle fuck and continued until he’d deposited his load. Having thanked me and left.

“That arse looks ripe for a good hard fuck” the next guy announced. I just smiled at him and looked at his stumpy thick cock. He hovered over my upturned arse and plunged it in before giving me a rough fuck. Malik was nearby also being fucked. Our eyes met and we smiled. Another guy joined in and stuffed his erection into my mouth. Others gathered round to watch whilst massaging their cock to keep it hard. As soon as the first guy had dumped his load, another took his place to do the same. I ended up having six guys fuck me and dump their loads one after the other. Two others dumped cum into my mouth.

“Wow that was intense” Malik whispered as we made our way for a shower. After that was complete, he took me to the dining room upstairs to have our evening meal. Because the club was still open, the next shift of sex workers took our place.

“Karl was eating his meal when we arrived. After serving ourselves from the hot food laid out on a side table, he indicated for me to sit beside him.

“How’s your first day been?”

“Brilliant. I enjoyed it.”

“Excellent. From what I saw on the footage the clients appeared to be satisfied, so well done.”

He then informed me that he’d like me to sleep with him that night after the club closed. When I told Malik he said, “Wow, that’s quite an achievement. Normally he checks new guys out for several days before taking them to his bed. Be prepared for a long hard fuck. His cock is enormous.”

After our meal, Malik and I did another session at the glory hole wall, so I enjoyed having my cock sucked whilst being fucked by clients. By the time the club closed, I’d lost count of how many times I’d shot my load, but it felt good.

“Here’s the new boy” one of the older guys shouted as Malik and I arrived upstairs. “It’s tradition that the new boy is fucked by all of us.” I was immediately grabbed and carried into a lounge area where an orgy took place during which I was fucked by nine sex workers.

Finally, it was time for bed and Karl took me into his bedroom leaving the other guys to adjourn to the attic where the ‘boys’ slept. Since sleeping partners varied from night to night, and none of us had clothes or any other personal items, nobody had an assigned bed. The attic was one large open area where the guys dossed down for the night.

Seeing I was tired, Karl let me settle down beside him but when I woke six hours later, I found he was ready for sex. He turned me over and gave me a long hard fuck with his enormous black cock. I now felt one of the family which was a feeling I’d not felt for a long time.

The next few weeks followed much the same pattern as I worked my way around the club for guys to fuck me. None of the sex workers received payment since we had free board and lodging in return for keeping the clients happy.

“I’d like you and Malik to be filmed having sex” Karl told me one day. “It will form part of a gay porn film I’ll be putting online. “Are you willing?”

I told him I was and looked forward to it. He and Ted were the cameramen, and the action took place in the bar area when it was closed. Karl was pleased with the result, so asked us to do several more scenes in various locations around the premises. Once complete, Malik and I watched it online with some of the other guys. As was usual, when we were on rest time, we frequently enjoyed sex with one another, so I had my cock sucked whilst watching myself on screen.


I’d completed my six months at the club, and felt I was now living in a proper home with guys who respected me. Being a sex worker probably wasn’t the most sensible job in the world, but I enjoyed every minute.

Malik and I were now inseparable and frequently slept together as well as working alongside one another whenever we could. Three months later, Karl called us into his office.

“A very wealthy client has seen you two in action, and he wants both of you to join him at his country residence where he’s holding a house party. He’s arriving this afternoon to collect you.”

I looked at Malik and we both grinned. It was the first time I’d been outside the club for nine months. Even he’d only been out once during his two years at the club. Karl told us to be showered and ready for the client at 2 p.m. We left Karl’s office feeling so happy.

“I wonder what he’s like” I commented as we made our way back to the main club area.

“I think I know which guy it is. Last week a young Indian guy was here wandering around having a good look at everyone.”

Suitably showered, we reported to Karl’s office on the dot of two. As we walked in, the young Indian guy eyed our naked bodies.

“Perfect” he commented as he stood and held out his hand. “I’m Anil. Both of you are beautiful.”

We smiled at him and admired the beautiful silk khurta he was wearing which was open at the neck to show a glimpse of his sexy naked flesh. He was also wearing the traditional white dhoti beneath this and a pair of matching silk slippers. We introduced ourselves and shook hands. He then gave each of us a garment to wear.

“I’ve based it on the traditional dhoti that I’m wearing but without the strip of material that goes between the legs.”

Basically, it was a piece of white cotton material that wrapped around our waist and left a teasing glimpse of our naked thigh. It was fastened with Velcro for easy removal. Having admired us in the garment he gave us a pair of matching slippers to put on our naked feet.

“Perfect” he smiled as he stood back and admired us. He explained that he wanted us to be with him for four days during which he’d be holding a house party. “I’ll explain more as we make our way to my house in Kent.”

The club was situated in an old building that in days gone by had its own stable yard. This was accessed via a passage that was wide enough to accommodate a horse and carriage. The stable building was now a garage for Karl’s car. We excited the club into the stable yard and found Anil’s Rolls Royce parked in the yard.

“Wow” I exclaimed. I’d never in my wildest dreams thought I’d ever travel in such a beautiful car. Anik invited me to join him in the rear and Malik to take the front seat.

“Kabir acts as my chauffeur and general man about the house. We’ve known one another from childhood.”

As Kabir manoeuvred the car down the narrow passage and onto the road, Anil explained that he was holding a house party for six gay friends, and he wanted us to serve food and be available to service the needs of his guests. I took that to mean, sexual needs.

“You have probably seen me visiting the club on several occasions. I’ve even sucked your cocks through a glory hole. I’ve been very impressed with the way you conduct yourselves, which is why I chose both of you.”

As he spoke, he rested a hand on my crotch and felt my growing organ. I sensed that Kabir was doing the same to Malik in the front.

“However, I’m also looking to employ two suitable young men to live at my country house in Kent and assist Kabir with household chores and be part of the family. But first, let me tell you something about me and Kabir.”

He went on to explain his upbringing and how he became so wealthy. Both he and Kabir had been born in India. As boys they’d become close because of their sexuality which they’d kept secret from their parents. When Anil was thirteen his father took him to England leaving Anil’s mother in India. His father was an accountant and soon became a successful businessman in the City of London. Anil was expected to follow him into the business so qualified as an accountant.

“A year ago my father suddenly died from a heart attack, so I inherited the business and its assets which are now worth several million. I’m telling you this because I feel it’s important for you to realise that despite my wealth, I’m an ordinary man, albeit gay.”

He went onto explain that as soon as his homophobic father had died, he arranged for Kabir to join him in England. They were lovers and had kept their love for one another going during their time apart.

His family is very traditional, and he was expected to marry and have children. His grandmother made it her task to find suitable brides, all of which he declined to marry. Once Kabir had joined him, they told their family in India that they were gay so would never marry a girl. They knew by admitting this that they’d be rejected by their family, but it was of no consequence to them. Anil was now rich and by disinheriting him, his family no longer receive any financial support.

“I’m explaining this to you because I believe both of you have been rejected by your families due to your sexuality so will understand.”

I automatically placed a hand on his thigh and said I fully understood.

“Thank you. I wanted you to understand the situation so you can decide whilst you’re with us whether you’d be willing to join us.”

I already knew my answer and was fairly sure Malik did too. Although I enjoyed life as a sex worker, I knew it was not something I wanted to do forever. I much preferred the idea of being part of a loving family provided I could do that with Malik.

The journey to the country house, which was situated not far from Maidstone, took around ninety minutes. As we approached, I could see it was surrounded by open fields. As country houses go, it wasn’t enormous but had six bedrooms and two reception rooms plus a dining room and a modern kitchen. The outside looked old but had been modernised inside whilst keeping original wooden beams.

Kabir stopped the car outside the front door, and we all got out. Anil unlocked the large oak front door and invited us in. Whilst Kabir parked the car in a large separate double garage which stood to one side, Anil showed me and Malik around.

“I understand you guys are used to being naked the whole time, so feel free to remove your dhoti. Kabir and I often do the same.”

I glanced at Malik, and he smiled as he immediately unfastened his dhoti and kicked off his slippers. I did the same and Anil stood and admired our nakedness.

“You are both truly beautiful. I so hope you’ll accept my offer of employment.”

He then gave each of us a document which detailed the offer. When we read it later, we realised that the job paid a generous financial allowance plus full board and lodging.

“Oh my. They are gorgeous” Kabir exclaimed when he appeared.

“I’ve told them they can remain naked if they wish and that we also enjoy being naked at home.”

“You bet” Kabir grinned and immediately removed his clothes. Anil did the same as Malik and I looked on. When both guys were stark naked, we gasped. They were both beautiful.

“Whilst I unpack the bags, why don’t you show the lads around” Kabir told Anil. He agreed and gave us a tour of the house.

“This will be your room” he said as he led us into one of the rooms that overlooked a large garden and land beyond. I asked who owned the land which had wooded areas amongst open parkland. “A local landowner. In days gone by this house belonged to the estate. As you can see, we’re not overlooked so feel free to wander naked around the garden whenever you want. Even the front is protected from people looking in because of the high perimeter wall and locked gate. We often work in the front garden naked” he chuckled.

Having shown us the main bathroom he left us to settle in, although like most of the bedrooms, ours had an ensuite bathroom with a double shower which Malik and I used.

“I could certainly live here” he commented as we sponged one another’s back. I agreed and was tempted to accept the job immediately, but we decided to wait a while before doing so.

Feeling fresh again after the journey we made our way downstairs. We found Kabir in the kitchen. I asked what we could do to help.

“Either of you any good at cooking?”

I replied that we both helped with cooking at the club. “But he’s better than me” Malik laughed.

“In that case Jay can help me, and Malik can keep Anil company.”

Malik left to find Anil and I settled down to start preparing vegetables. As I worked, I told Kabir that my name was actually Jason but had been told that I’d be called Jay in the club.

“In that case we’ll call you Jason” Kabir grinned and placed his hands around my waist. I could feel his naked body pressing against mine and if I wasn’t mistaken, I could feel his cock stiffening which caused mine to do the same. His hand moved to take hold of mine, so it was soon rock hard. “Mm. That feels so good. Do you like using it?”

I chuckled and said I was used to performing all kinds of sex. He whispered into my ear “I can’t wait to feel it inside me and to fuck your cute arse. I do hope you’ll accept Anil’s offer.”

I said it was highly likely that we would but wanted to consider it for a while.

“Mm, not only gorgeous but sensible too” he laughed.

As we worked together, which I enjoyed, I asked how young he and Anil were when they first met.

“Five years old and we’ve loved each other ever since. We first had sex behind a tree in the forest when we were twelve years old.

“It must have been hard for you when he was brought to England.”

“I cried for a whole week. I felt lost but Anil found ways to keep in contact and his father frequently visited his home in India, so we had secret times together. We fucked whenever we could” he laughed.

I was intrigued why Anil’s mother hadn’t come to England. He explained that it had been an arranged marriage and neither loved one another.

“How’s your new assistant coming on?” Anil asked as he appeared in the kitchen with an arm wrapped around Malik’s waist. Seeing the satisfied look on his face told me that Anil had fucked him already.

“He’s just perfect” Kabir grinned and put his arm around me. “His name is actually Jason, not Jay” he added.

“That’s a much nicer name” Anil replied. “And this beauty has a gorgeous arse to fuck.”

Kabir chuckled. He was used to Anil fucking whenever he could. Despite their deep love for one another, they were not monogamous. With the food preparation complete, the meal was put in the oven. Whilst it cooked, we all went into the garden since the weather was still warm. As I walked naked onto the lawn it felt wonderful to have the freedom to be stark naked under the clear blue sky. We wandered down the garden and admired the shrubs which were in full bloom. It looked an easy garden to maintain.

“Will Malik and I assist with the gardening?” I asked as we continued.

Anil turned towards me and put an arm around my waist. “That’s the idea. Kabir has too much to do with running the house and preparing meals whilst I concentrate on work.”

Malik asked if he mainly worked from home, and he said he did, using an office which was situated off the large hallway. He only went into the London office once a week.

“I do so hope you’ll both agree to join us” he said, turning me towards him and looking into my eyes. “You’ve got such beautiful blue eyes.”

I smiled knowing I’d already made my decision to accept his offer. I so hoped that Malik felt the same. He pressed our naked bodies together and our cocks kissed. They immediately reacted and within seconds we both had stiff cocks. Kabir and Malik looked on as he kissed me on the lips. It was sensuous and my heart began to pump harder. Knowing what would happen next, Kabir took Malik into his arms and kissed him. They too soon had erections that needed attention.

Without saying anything, Anil turned me round and bent me forward. I felt the tip of his hard cock pressing against me. He lubricated it with spit and pressed harder until he was through the entrance. He then slowly slid the full length into me.

“Fuck. You are so gorgeous” he exclaimed. As he began to fuck, I glanced over at Malik. Kabir now had his cock inside of him and was fucking back and forth. We grinned at one another, both feeling happy. As the fucking continued, I couldn’t believe that we were having sex in the open air but here we were both being fucked by gorgeous guys who’d offered us a way out of working at the club. They both fucked with vigour and as Anil did so, he massaged my cock.

“Ah, fuck” he cried as he deposited his load of cum inside me. Once done, he continued massaging my cock which was almost at the point of explosion.

“Fuck, I’m coming” Malik cried out and I looked across at him as his cock exploded, shooting ribbons of creamy cum over the grass.

“Ah” I shouted and did the same, much to the amusement of the other two.

“Thank you” Anil smiled and kissed me full on the lips. “Sex feels so much nicer out in the open air, doesn’t it.”

I agreed, it certainly did.

After we’d eaten our meal, which tasted superb and far better than the food at the club, Malik and I helped clear away the dishes. Once done, we adjourned to the living room where Anil had prepared after dinner drinks. He invited Malik to sit with him on one sofa and for me to sit with Kabir on another. As I sipped my drink, Kabir played with my cock until it was hard. Anil was doing the same to Malik.

“As you can see, we like lots of sex” Kabir grinned as he sat me on his lap. He took both our cocks into his hand and began massaging. The two heads rubbed together and the sexual tensions inside me came to a peak. I shot my load of cum over his chest. He then shot his load which produced ribbons of thick creamy cum in arcs about a foot long before they landed on my chest.

“Wow. That was great” I grinned.

I was conscious of Malik also climaxing and Anil doing the same over him.

We all retired for bed at eleven. Anil and Kabir to their room and Malik and I to ours.

“I’ve made my decision” he said as he prepared for bed. “And it’s a yes.” I confirmed that mine was too, so we agreed to announce our decision over breakfast the following morning. We snuggled into bed and held one another tight, satisfied that we’d made the right decision.


When we awoke the following morning, it took a few seconds to recognise where we were. The comfortable bed had provided a deep sleep and I felt fully refreshed. We kissed and cuddled one another before having a shower together.

“Are you sure you want to accept Anil’s offer” Malik asked. I said I was even though it was a risk since we hardly knew them, but I had a good feeling about them and was sure it would work out okay.

We decided to dress in the altered dhoti we’d been given in the knowledge that they’d soon be removed. When we went downstairs, we found Kabir busy making a traditional Indian breakfast which consisted of many dishes, some of which looked the kind of dish I’d eat for a main meal.

Once Anil had joined us, we sat down to eat. As we did so, he gave us details of the house party that was taking place later that day. Six guests were attending, two of whom were staying overnight. Malik and I would be required to circulate amongst the guests with plates of food which we’d help Kabir make before they arrived. Kabir would be responsible for drinks.

“You’ll be wearing a white dhoti that I’ll give you later. It’s like those your wearing so easy to remove. Expect lots of touching and groping. If a guest removes it, continue naked. At some point you will be required to service their sexual needs. Any questions?”

Malik and I looked at one another and shook our head. “There is something we’d like to tell you” I replied. Anil and Kabir looked at us enquiringly. “We’ve decided that we’d like to accept your offer of employment and to live with you here.”

“That’s excellent news” Anil beamed and jumped up to give each of us a hug. Kabir did the same. “I’m sure you’ll both be happy here. I’ll call Karl immediately and tell him the news and that you won’t be returning to the club.”

For a moment I was confused because I’d thought we’d have to return and negotiate a leaving date.

“He’s aware that I was going to make the offer and we agreed it would be best for you not to return to the club. Neither of you have a need to do so, do you?”

“No” Malik replied. “It’s brilliant.”

Kabir added that he’d collect our personal belongings the next day. I knew I only had the holdall that contained my laptop and imagined Malik had much the same. With breakfast over, we began our chores having stripped naked. Once the breakfast items had been cleared away, we set to and made a range of delicious items to offer the guests.

The guests started arriving late afternoon, so Malik and I went into action taking their coats and showing them into the reception room. Whilst he helped Kabir serving drinks, I greeted the other guests as they arrived. Two of these were Paul and Robin who were staying overnight. Paul was twenty-five and Robin twenty-three.

“Oh my. Who have we got here?” Paul giggled as he patted my backside and then had a feel beneath my gleaming white dhoti. Both were dressed in tight-fitting T-shirts and slacks that showed every muscle in their body, including a well-formed cock which was clearly evident because they had no underwear. The final guest then arrived, and I let him in. Paul moved into the reception room, but Robin hung back pretending to admire a painting in the hallway. Having shown the final guest into the reception room, I returned to the hallway.

“You are divine” Robin grinned as he took me into his arms. Before I could say or do anything, his lips were locked onto mine and his hand was beneath my dhoti feeling my naked cock.

“Ah, there you are, Robin” Anil chuckled. “I see you’re familiarising yourself with one of my new staff.”

Robin stopped kissing and turned but his hand remained on my now erect cock. “He’s beautiful. Where did you find him?”

“I’ll tell you later and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to explore his exquisite body later on, but first, join us for drinks. Jason, Kabir needs you in the kitchen please.”

Robin removed his hand and I hastily moved into the kitchen with a stiff cock pushing out my dhoti. Kabir giggled and felt it. “I see Robin has already had a feel.” He too was now wearing a dhoti with nothing else but his wrapped between his legs. He asked me to remove dishes from the oven and arrange the items onto serving platters. With that done, I took them into the reception room and commenced offering them to the guests. Malik hastily collected more items from the kitchen.

We spent the next half-hour serving food whilst Malik topped up glasses leaving Anil, who was also wearing a traditional dhoti, to chat to the six guests. It wasn’t long before guests removed items of clothing until all were naked from the waist up and walking around barefoot. Three were Indian so were also wearing a dhoti. Malik and I continued to offer food from our platters and once empty hastily refilled them from the array in the kitchen.

The alcohol flowed and when the food had been consumed, Malik and I were the main attraction. Our modest covering was removed, and we were each bent over the arm of a chair with our legs wide apart. Each guest then licked and fingered our arse. Having stripped naked they fucked us, followed by Anil and Kabir. During the course of the evening, we were fucked several times over and received ribbons of creamy cum. Their sexual appetite was insatiable. When they weren’t fucking us, they had us suck their cocks until they were milked. Two guests also got us to fuck them.

At eleven, four guests departed leaving a naked Paul and Robin caressing me and Malik whilst a naked Anil and Kabir waved the others off.

“A successful party, I think” Anil grinned when he and Kabir returned.

Anil suggested they had a drink, so he prepared a brandy for everyone including me and Malik. Kabir collected some more dishes from the kitchen that he’d kept to one side. They were mainly for me and Malik since we’d not had time to eat much but the others also tucked in.

“So, where did you find these two beauties from?” Robin asked. Anil told him and then questioned us about our life as a sex worker and how we’d got into it. As we did so, we each had our cock gently massaged.

“I think these lovely lads would enjoy one more fuck before we retire, wouldn’t you lads?”

Malik and I grinned and nodded. The four of them then proceeded to fuck us and deposit yet another load of cum. Anil then announced that the guests could choose a bed partner. Paul chose Malik and Robin chose me, so we led them upstairs to the guest rooms we’d prepared earlier.

Robin was too inebriated to do much, so I sucked him off to a satisfactory conclusion before we went to sleep with his arm wrapped around me. But the following morning I woke to find him licking my arse with one of my legs lifted over my head.

“Ah, you’re awake” he grinned. He then proceeded to fuck me, and it felt wonderful. After receiving his morning load, we showered. He dressed but I was told to remain naked, which didn’t bother me. We made our way downstairs to find Paul in the dining room and a naked Malik assisting Kabir preparing breakfast. The satisfied look on his face told me he’d been well fucked by Paul.

“What sexual fantasy do you have?” Robin asked me as we ate breakfast. One immediately came to mind because I’d discussed it with Malik.

“I’ve often imagined being blindfolded and taken naked somewhere to be gang banged” I grinned.

“I’m sure we could arrange that, can’t we Anil?” Robin replied.

A few weeks later Kabir told me to sit down whilst he blindfolded me. “We’ve got a surprise for you” he chuckled. Malik and I had settled in well and we enjoyed our new life.

“Is this his fantasy?” Malik asked. Kabir nodded and asked if he too would like to take part. Always up for anything, Malik said he would, so he too was blindfolded before we were led naked out to the car. Once in the back, we held hands. It was difficult to know where we were going but after about a thirty-minute drive, we stopped.

Once we’d been taken inside, I realised we’d been brought to a home owned by Robin. I was strapped over what I can only describe as a fuck bench which had a hole through which my cock was fed. My head rested on a cushioned headrest so that a cock could be fed into my mouth. I was conscious of Malik having the same done to him.

We remained strapped to our bench for the next hour during which I had at least ten cocks fuck my arse whilst another was thrust into my mouth to be mouth fucked. At the same time, my own cock was sucked to a very satisfactory conclusion several times over. During this process, the vapour from a bottle of poppers was pumped into my nostrils causing my body to be on a high. My arse was filled with creamy cum and by the time I was released it was dribbling out. At times, I felt warm liquid flowing over my head and body which I assumed was golden showers.

Finally, we were released and showered before being driven back home still stark naked.

“Did you enjoy that?” Kabir grinned.

“It was fucking awesome” Malik and I replied. There was no doubt that our life with Anil and Kabir was life changing.

by Adam S

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024