Learning to swim

by just imagine

10 Nov 2023 7455 readers Score 8.6 (77 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

I was sixteen when we moved house , my parents had come into some money so we moved out of the city to a small town where most of the houses had huge gardens some with pools , ours didn´t which was ok as I had never learned to swim . Everyone was very friendly and Igot on really well with the boy next door, he was about my age and we were in the same school and he introduced me to his buddies so I soon fitted in and loved it there . 

One Firday as we walked home from school he said come round tomorrow , mom is away so dad is doing a bar b q for me and my twin brothers , I said I didn´t know he had brothers , and he explained they were older and worked away but they were a very close family so they came home often. My perents had plans for Saturday so I said Iwas going next door , they were fine with that as they knew my buddies dad . In the morning I got a call from Jake to say bring my swimming trunks , as I didn´t swim I only had a very small pair of speedos I sun bathed in , I told him this and he laughed and said thats no problem we would end up naked anyway with there being no women around , I thought he was joking , packed my speados and off I went . They were in the pool when I arrived Jake and his twin brothers I sat on the edge and very embarrassed explained Ihad never learned to swim , no problem said Jake dad taught us and he has this great method Iam sure he can help you and we three can too , I´ll call him , Jakes dad was quite a guy, handsome tall well built and very hairy . He came over to the pool and told the boys to sit on the side so as not to be splashing about , then to my shock he took off the shorts he was wearing and slipped into the pool naked , now he said this is how I taught the boys and they loved it and we now play together all the time . Now I want you to lay on your back and float I will hold your head up you just relax put your head back thats it , no one seemed to care he was naked . I lay there just floating he moved to my side telling me to keep my head still and in the water  , his hands now were on my back and butt . I was sure he was rubbing my butt but with the water I couldn´t tell . now he moved back to my head  , now he said spread your arms out , I did as I was told and it felt great I closed my eyes and let the water hold me then his hand was on my back lifting me slightly and I felt his other hand slowly slip into the back of my speedos , he was speaking softly and said just relax , float and let the water hold you , Jaked shouted from the side its great isn´t it , the older boys were drinking beers but watching intently , I guessed by now they all knew what was happening I had been set up , but I was enjoying it so far , now Jakes dad had his whole hand inside my speedos  and a finger was playing with my hole , just stroking and pushing on my pink virgin hole , by now Iwas hard as a rock , he said lets get these off shall we and in on tug off came my speedos to a cheer from the boys ,  and then he said right thats enough for now you guys  lay in the sun a bit I´ll get food started . I was in a sort of shock not knowing what just happened  , Ipulled my self out of the pool by which time Jake and the twins were naked , Jake said told you not to worry about trunks and laughed , Dad is a good swimming instructor isn´t he ? he has a great technique don´t you think , there was I with a rock hard cock , just having had my buddies dad playing with my butt hole , and all I could say was yes I would love more lessons , to which one of the twins said oh there will be plenty more , we can help too . 

We all sat around naked in the sun eatting , it felt great I had never felt so free by the time we had finished it was getting dark so I said I had to head home , as I got up Jake´s dad said tomorrow ok for some more swimming lessons , I don`t know why but I said sure love to , because deep down I wanted Jake´s dad to touch me more I had never been touched like that ever and it felt great , as I left  Jake said this is between us remember I nodded with antisipation as to what would happen tomorrow .

by just imagine

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