Knowing Thyself

by Alcibiades

21 Aug 2023 2643 readers Score 9.1 (34 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

He was getting tired. Real tired. 

Moisture wicked off him as he glided back and forth, up and down, slick with determination and ego.  He wanted that feeling of pleasure to continue though; he had the desire, the skill, and satisfaction – that is, satisfaction that the after-Christmas paunch was melting away as easily as he glided through the water..

And it was happening pretty fast. At 6 ft 3, 33 year old Taub Litton’s weight had dropped to a trim 195 pounds by July 30 through a tight regimen of weight-lifting, running, and swimming. His loose abs were now trim, defined, no flab from two months before. His waist was 34 inches. He made a few laps more, mildly aware of a father and son nearby and keeping out of his way, occasionally chatting with a lady and her daughter who sat nearby.

The father was ginger, ginger-blonde, maybe five 10, trim, somewhat muscular. The son, was blonde, rather white blonde, and would have remained so had summer outdoor fun tanned him to a pretty golden hue, and seemed to draw out and contrast nicely with the bright blue eyes, and short pointed tongue that seemed to protrude every so often as he and his father joked with one another. Every so often the slight 17-year-old stole glances at Taub’s sleek form darting past as well, and he, the boy Caleb, stood off to the side in his wake. He turned back as his dad splashed him lightly as he slipped into the pool beside his boy. 

As Taub gripped the stairs, hauling himself out of the pool, he noticed his figure had regained its sexiness. He felt energized and alive. He swelled with pride, glancing down as the water cascaded downward, off him, and he pridefully knew he had kept to his six month plan and now met his goal weight. He smiled at the cute petite teen lifeguard as he approached, his gleaming white team contrasting with the tall and handsome black demi-god shimmering as the water gently bathed him, caressing his skin all the way down before the floor channels reclaimed it. She certainly noticed him, shyly looking away, that look of lust that, if he persisted, he could enflame then quench. Her glance toward his ample, tight speedo bulging out with his cocktube caused him to look down too, and when he looked up, she was blushing, staring at him, and he, staring back, blushed too.

He moved quickly past her, aware of a heat in his loins, and the pressing out of his suit. He was an attractive black man, with beautiful ebony skin, radiant and well-hydrated. His face was perhaps unusual, more aquiline nose, less squat, and eyes/nose/mouth perfectly placed to make him the perfect specimen once more. 

Pushing open the men’s locker room, he felt some relief, a relief that increased when he realized he was the only one there. A nice relaxing shower, that would be great.  Approaching a single shower with a curtain he saw OUT of ORDER clearly printed on a sign hanging down across the curtain. Frowning, he turned around, the same on the other curtained shower, with some tools and toolbox tucked into the corner of the dry stall.  

Sighing with exhaustion, he padded a few feet on to the larger, six-head open shower which had no such warning label. He gingerly opened a faucet, wondering what might come out, and was pleased to find quickly warming, strong spray. Working his tight light blue speedo down, around and off his high, tight ass, he tossed it carelessly into the corner of the shower closest to the doorway. Placing his towel on the hook, he stepped in. A stereotypical big-dicked black man, his sleeping cool snake rapidly warmed up, his large balls, the size of medium lemons, slowly sank contentedly into their home, slapping gently against his upper thigh.. He sighed, basking in the warm water, when his semi-hard black mamba danced in the warmth of the watery spray and his overheated balls began swinging to silent music as he lathered up, enjoying the warmth on his cool skin.

He took a moment or two to think again how he had met his goal, how hard he had worked to trim down and get back in shape, and those thoughts turned to obsession. Then he remembered the pretty teen lifeguard who glanced up at him, smiling that beautiful smile, and glancing down at his package, back to his face, then away, then back again. Yes, fucking her would be great, he thought sighing under the water, and as he did, feeling sexy, his cock pulled straight out. He smiled, looking down, and wondered why he hadn’t measured it recently, the last time maybe age 20, and it was about 8.5 inches. Then, embarrassed, he was rock hard again, his wide arrow-like glans a purplish-black, sleek rounded when filled out. He thought of his mother, his bills, the dry cleaning he had to pick up – anything to avoid the erection. But then his thoughts were interrupted by the door to the locker room opening on the far end of the room.

As it did, the lights, which were on timers and had gone dark except where Taub was showering, snapped back on with a crackle, and he heard voices. Just bits and pieces he heard as he came back to the present. A couple more came in, milling around it sounded like, before leaving. Two voices came closer, and then the nude father and son rounded the corner, and stopped surprised in front of the shower. Both father and son glanced at the handsome black man, down to his package. Staring at the black men within, the father quickly recovered, pulled his son in front of him and gently pressed him to the opposite side of the shower. But the boy had the better vantage point, the small, wet mouth in an “O’ and Caleb’s wide eyes had lingered longer than his father’s. Taub, noticed the pair also, the staring, the vague longing, and his member quickly rehardened. Absently, he soaped it up again before turning away and focusing on his backside. 

The boy, as 17-year-old boys often are, was rock hard. His short, stubby, thin cock, pale against his tanned, lithe body, stood innocently erect. His father’s tool was lifting too, and thickened, but not much, as he washed the boy and him at bit, stealing glances at both his son and the backside of the muscular black man a few feet away.  Both noticed Taub’s musculature, the broad shoulders, narrow 32 waist, tapering down to a perfectly round bubble-butt, beautifully black, then splitting into two thick thighs.

Then, something odd happened. The boy looked at his father, then at Taub, now in profile, then back to the father. His father looked at him knowing, smiled slightly, then nodded toward Taub, cocking his head in a questioning fashion. The boy leaned up, and said quietly, urgently in his father’s ear, “Can I?” Glancing nervously at Taub, Caleb’s father said, “Ok, let’s see. I’ll dress and be waiting inside near the door, ok? Don’t take too long.” He looked at Taub, who had begun to lather up his hair, not hearing the conversation. “Don’t press him.” Both father and son turned off the water, and Taub glanced over at the absence of the shower spray before beginning to wash his hair. Footsteps, then silence.  

Then the spray next to him jetted on.  

What, thought Taub, as cold water splashed onto the back of his foot and leg.

Taub looked back and down to see a self-assured 17-year-old next to him – at the shower next to him, lathering up, and looking curiously at the black man.

Taub stared at him. He looked toward the door, and saw the boy’s father sitting with his back to the showers and putting on his socks. Taub looked down at the boy. 

“What are you doing?” He asked the boy.  

“Showering,” the boy, soap in hand, looked up at him beaming impishly before glancing downward at Taub’s semi-stiff and glistening shaft. Self-conscious, Taub turned slightly away. His cock was already at half-mast, and he felt the tingling begin again. Was this turning him on? Taub quickly finished up. He turned off the spray, and moved to go.

“Hey,” Caleb said suddenly, putting out his hand. “Wait.” 

Taub stopped, looking down. “What,” he said. 

“I want to ask you something.” Weirdly, a bit of fear seized this man; he cock drooped ever so slightly. What did this kid mean?

Then the boy sat down against the wall, behind the water spray. He bent and drew up his legs, but kept them apart. “I wanna say something,” looking at his feet. Taub’s gaze followed. The boy was rock hard.

Looking up with water pouring down his face, he asked,

“If I really wanted to,” he looked longingly at Taub’s black snake, and then the tongue flicked over his lips.  “Could I?”

“Huhh,“ Taub responded, his ebony body warming up with interest and desire, but rooted in the space. He glanced out the door. The boy’s father did not move and just stared out the doorway.

Caleb slid around onto his knees, and leaned forward. Reaching up, he gently cupped Taub’s enormous balls, and taking his other hand in wonder, gently stroked Taub’s shaft.

Taub was frozen there, staring down at the boy. The boy’s matted blonde hair, those sparkling eyes, his tiny, 5 ft plus frame, 87 pounds, grinning up at him, and he couldn’t move.

“I wanna  suck it,” Caleb said simply. “Can I?

“”Whaa..huh?” Taub said.  He just gaped at the kid. Did he hear right?

“I wanna.” the boy repeated.  A pleading, hoarse little whisper.

Taub shot a glance at the door. The father was scrolling through his phone, unconcerned.

“We should hurry,” the boy urged. “Someone might come.” Seeing the black man’s concern, Caleb added, “My dad knows. It’s ok. The boy reached for the thick shaft at half-staff before him. “He’s cool with it. He’s watching the door,” he said, looking up, then down at the cock, water misting off the long, thick shaft.

The pink tongue poked out  and swirled around the broad cock-crown, swabbing it.  

“MMMMHHH,” the boy moaned. “ I never sucked a black man before.”

Taub stared at him. His fearful eyes shot out the door of the shower, saw the father, glanced left then right.  “Fuck,” he said. “Get over here.” 

Grabbing the boy's arm, he slid him across the floor to a secluded area of the shower, thought better of it, spun him so he was on his knees, but so Taub leaning back now and again could watch the door. The boy squealed in delight. 

“Shhh!” Taub hissed severely.  “Quiet!” He glanced out, the father had looked back for a minute, then forward again staring out the door.

“You want to suck, boy,” Taub quietly rumbled, swinging his hips forward to slap his cock on the boy’s face. “Then get to it,” he demanded. It had been awhile. Swallowing his shame, and engaging his lust, he pressed that plum-sized cock crown to the boy’s lips. 

Smiling broadly, the boy closed his eyes. And opened his mouth. But Taub pulled back.

“Wait,” he muttered, stepping back and leaning so he could see out of the showers. Caleb’s dad was still there, looking opposite, scrolling through his phone, watching the door. 

“It’s ok,” Caleb said.  “He knows I want this. He said it’s ok” Taub stared at him again, hardly believing his ears.. The boy smiled. “He knows. It’s ok. He’s waiting,” and he reached for Taub’s cock. Taub gently pushed the boy's hands away.

“No hands. Mouth, tongue, lips only.” Taub pulled him closer, literally pulling the boy’s small mouth onto his tool so fast the boy spluttered, readjusted himself on his knees, engulfed a good portion of cockshaft, and began a steady head-pumping.

“Suck,” his deep voice resonated. “Oh. My. God!”

Leaning in, not losing a beat, the 17 year old  raised his hand again. Taub gently pushed it away. “No. Nurse the tip, boy. Suck,” he said again.

Taub, lust in his eyes, could hardly believe his luck. Half-reclining on the shower floor was a beautiful blonde boy, matted hair, water dancing off him, his pencil dick rock hard and hairless, leaning in and throating 3-4 inches of black thick cock rapidly driving it into his mouth. The boy’s sausage was stiff and throbbing, and his look of pure joy flooded his face. He knew what he wanted, and he was not to be denied.. 

Stepping back slightly to look out the doorway and still harder than ever, Taub forced young Caleb to shimmy forward, taking more cock in stride and deepening his thrusts.  The boy kept glancing up watching the black stallion's reaction.

“That’s it, boy.  Look at me,” Taub hissed.  Blues eyes flashed upwards again and locked on the black man's coal-black eyes, then settled on the beautiful black torso, as he steadily nursed the black mamba. Varying his tempo, the boy increased his suction. Taub groaned, gripping the boy's head harder, which had the effect of sliding him right then left back and forth along the floor. Breaking his concentration, the boy giggled, but now it was Taub who was intent..

“No! Eyes up here!” The alpha male began to come out. Caleb looked up as Taub began to pump his tight high ass forward, driving his thick 8 inches into the small boy’s small mouth, water spraying everywhere, but the boy did not move on his own. He let his face be fucked properly. the lemon-sized cock head pushed forward insistently over and over again, not to be denied. Caleb braced his hands on the shower floor, but the forward cock blows slid him around even more. Taub gripped the boy's shoulder with his left hand, as his right meaty hand took up position behind the boy’s head.  To his amazement, the boy began to help. He kept pace, pistoning his head faster, the slurping sounds echoing off the walls, mingling the saliva with black precum as easily as the music of dancing water coupled together, accompanying the oral ministrations in the background.

“Oh, my god!" breathed Taub, eyes half-lidded. "Ohhh wowww…that feels real good, baby. Hey!" Eyes snapped open. "Hold up," he hush-whispered hurriedly. He pulled the boy’s o-ring mouth off, leaned over and checked the locker room.  He saw a tall boy walk quickly out from the direction of the urinals calling to someone out at the pool, with Caleb’s dad carefully watching. Awesome, he thought, a dad lookout. Dad looked back, smiled slightly, and nodded.

“Yo’ daddy doesn’ mind? He looked at Caleb. The boy smiled, drenched.  

“Nope,” he said. “Who dya think trained me? I’m kinda good, huh?” To prove his point, the boy leaned in and licked Taub’s point, too. Then flicked his tongue the length of Taub’s long shaft, flicking, kissing, slurp-kissing the large furry ballsack before tonguing along the other side of the shaft and slurping loudly on the cockhead again. ““He knows I kinda need it,” Caleb finished, and he opened his mouth wide and swallowed a few inches before soon pistoning his head with even greater intensity. His mop of blonde hair flailing back and forth, the sucking and water music  as before, and his cock semi-hard now slapping against his leg in time with the boy's forward oral action.

Taub couldn’t believe the sensations. It was heaven, and this boy knew his game. He looked down at the concentrated look on Caleb’s young face, his hollowed cheeks…and then his cock began to swell and throb. The pre-cum dribbled out impatiently now, lots of it, and Caleb whimpered and moaned in response, his tongue scooping it up and hoovering it into his sucking young mouth. Taub groaned.

“”Fuck, boy, ohhh, god…yeaaaa, daddy…uhoh…trained you wellllllll. You slurping my load out, little slut.”

In response, the boy slowed somewhat, varying his strokes, some deep, some shallow, then he really started pistoning. Taub spread his thick muscular legs wide, wrapped his fingers in the boy's hair. Surprised by the sudden jerk to his scalp, the boy cried out, but soon found his mouth sucking again on reflex as the turgid ebony pike claimed him again. With one hand on his own waist, the other holding Caleb’s blonde mop, Taub’s pistoning took control. The boy gagged and fought a bit before giving in to the oral assault, concentrating  on taking the black tool pistoning deep. Taub didn’t last long. He yanked his cock out and pumped it. Once, twice...

“Ta—oh, man….Ye..yeowww, ohhhh, Ohhhhhk,fucckkk AHHHHH taaakkkeee ittt,” Taub groaned out, almost a demand as well as a pleading release. As Taub’s orgasm overwhelmed him, Caleb, who never touched his own cock, began to gently stroke it, his legs, bent at the knee splayed out. Watching his lover 's face closely, Caleb stayed centimeters from the obscenely purple cock-knob, transfixed at its opening slit. And when he knew the time was right, opened his mouth wide. Volleys of cum jetted into his mouth, though Caleb had to adjust his head and mouth to catch nearly all, pooling his creamy delight onto his tongue before trapping the cock-crown in that tight gripping desperate young mouth. Taub shuddered, and looked down.

Releasing the cock carefully, Caleb slowly opened his mouth. Taub’s seed, thick and masculine cocktail languished there, an offering to hard work, determination, and aching worship from a satisfied admirer. The mouth closed, and Taub heard the third most gratifying sound in all the world– the sound of grateful gulping of man-seed. 

The boy giggled, burped, excused himself, giggled again. Looking with wonder at the dangling cock branch, he positioned the head back at his mouth, and pumping the cock gently, those black lemons caressing his throat, as he swabbed away a quarter-sized dollop of man seed, then a smaller amount until the big balls had given up their last and he had consumed it all.

“Mmmmm,” he licked his lips and his eyes met Taub’s dark ones.  “Thanks, sir.” “It’s delicious.” He rose up on his knees, kissed the shrinking tip of the arrowhead, gave it one last flick of the tongue, and rushed out to join his father.

The dad smiled.  “All done, son?” he said, but never looked over at the shower.  The boy nodded, took his father’s hand, and they exited the men’s locker room.

Taub closed his eyes, reaching down to gently fondle his balls. His dick was still too sensitive, and tingled achingly. He turned off the shower. He thought about the warm, wet mouth of that boy, the tight oral grip, tugging and licking, and he began to harden again. Then his eyes snapped open.  He groaned.

Was he becoming a boy lover?

by Alcibiades

Email: [email protected]

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