Kingdom of Francia

by Ganteng

15 Apr 2021 2743 readers Score 9.2 (16 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

This is a pure work of fiction that originated from me. This homoerotica sets in a fantasy world similar to the Dark Age. It wasn’t heavily fantastical, meaning that I don’t have a plant to include dragons, etc. yet. The story is purely a creation from the author’s imagination and did not depict the author’s moral values nor it tries to promote a certain value/s. As this world was inspired by a medieval dark age, there would be a lot of themes that might unsuitable for certain people, such as relationship with minors, domination, slavery, and many other things that the author haven’t envision. This work, by no means, aims to be historically or culturally accurate. Many events that weren’t historically accurate or impossible to happen will be allowed to happen for plot-device purposes. As such, if you find any of the themes uncomfortable, please do not hesitate to leave.

“I told you they’re only good for their pussy.” Rory’s said with a roar of laughter which his four sons followed with laughter as well.

“Yeah, I almost regretted coming here to die instead of staying home and fuck everyone’s wives while their husbands were gone.” Said Brandon, the younger of the twins.

“Yeah, I couldn’t believe it myself. I prepared myself to die, and instead, we got three days holidays with a bunch of pussies to fuck.”

“Yeah, dad. The people going to be happy they got to fuck some pussies for three days. Not any pussy, Francia fucking royal armies’ pussies. You’re being worshiped after this.” His eldest, Ferghal, chimed in

“As if they haven’t already. Now they would let me fuck their wives’ pussy anytime I want. Patrick, grab me my gift from the Emperor.”

Patrick sighed but didn’t say anything. He later returned with a bottle of wine, “Here you go.”

“You know what would make this wine taste better son?”

The four sons didn’t answer knowing their dad going to tell what it was eventually.

“Shoving this bottle right up his cunt, and made him pour the one straight from his pussy.”

“As if the entire world hasn’t known you have a bone for the Emperor.” Ferghal laughed again.

“Yeah, but dad doesn’t have the balls.” And everyone laughed at Brian’s remark.

“Yeah? How about you try to fuck the emperor and we’ll see if you still have literal balls under your little dicklet.”

Brian went silent but his brothers laughed louder at that.

“You bitches, who told you to stop eating each other cunt!? There is still more cum left in there. Did they not teach you to respect your man there?” Rory slapped Vincent’s butt, the knight Patrick assaulted yesterday.

He quickly continued eating the equally puffed and swollen asshole lips to his own dutifully. The man under him, Maxence, the guard the twins fingerfucked, also continued eating Vincent’s destroyed ass. They thought they were fingered ruthlessly during the meeting, but they quickly soon realized they were wrong.

As soon as it was their time to change to the night shift with other guards, the twins quickly cut off their ways to the royal armies’ camp, and instead bring them to the chieftain’s tent. There, they were used as the chieftain’s bitch for that night. As a reward for finding the juicy cunts, the twins and Patrick were allowed to join in the orgy. And Rory never minded to share his cunts with his eldest, he really dotted on his eldest. So that night, they were fucked and being passed around the five 9” cocks, with the twins being the thinnest cocks, only as thick as a broomstick, and Rory’s can thick cock. Patrick was just a little bit thinner than his father, while Ferghal was only a little bit thicker than the twins. Those five cocks had been in all of Vincent and Ferdinand’s holes and had dumped their load in the holes numerous times as well. In there, they were nothing but holes for the MacCarthal to fill with cum. They were fucked from the evening to dawn.

If the studs were covered in sweat, the bitches were drenched in cums. The Leinster men were not only leakers, they also cum in buckets, and the MacCarthal can spurt cum like rain pour water. Vincent and Maxence still can’t believe how much cum was in their guts. They had been eating the cum for the last half an hour, and there was still more.

All of them watched the bitches still eating each other cunt contently when Rian came into their tent. “I have readied men for the hunting parties and getting the stuff we get to blow up that castle.”

“Good. How are the pussies? Everyone getting enough?”

“30 pussies for 300 men definitely aren’t enough. Luckily though, a lot of the men bring their bitches here as well, so they are fucking those when they can’t find the royal army’s pussy.”

“Fucking wimps. Tell them to flash their cock more and make more of those royal pussies leaking. If anyone hasn’t fucked a Francia’s pussy at least once after we went back home, I’ll let the entire tribe railed his pussy instead. There are over what? Two thousand army? Heck, everyone should at least fuck five pussies.”

“I’ll tell them that. Well, if you have nothing else, I caught one of the patrols looking at me weirdly when I came from the camp. I bet he knows what’s going on, and that got his ass itchy. I am going to help him now, and bring him to the camps so everyone can help him as well.”

“That’s what I am talking about. And bring these two as well. Patrick, help him. You’re only good for carrying bags anyway.”

“Bags of our cum.” Everyone laughed again at Brian’s remark.

Patrick just ignored it and carried Vincent over his shoulder while Rian carried Maxence.


They were all in the preparation tent, discussing the strategy of the siege. Louis with his 4 generals, admiral, and chancellor, and Rory with Rian and Ferghal. The three generals looked like brothers, they even have the same coat of arms on their shirt, a golden rose, probably the shape of their ass when Rory finished with them. Probably they’re house crest. They were muscular but not as big as the other foreign-looking general, which Rory was later known to be Pontikus, of Greek descent. He was built like Greek gods as well, probably.

“The Yorkish army trying to launch an assault to our line last night, but they are nothing compared to our fleet. Although, I have to point out their ships were fewer than what they were known for, so they must have split their fleet. Marshal Christoph must have been keeping them busy in their front lines. But splitting our fleet here meant that our front line has less fleet. We must take the siege as soon as we can so I can join Marshal’s fleet and give no chance for the Yorkish to push back.” The admiral, Stephen, finished his report with a small involuntary cough. And that’s when Rory knew Stephen was a natural-born bitch. He caught him glancing at him rubbing on his crotch, even at his son’s, throughout the report.

“I see. How about your plan Chieftain?”

“I have split my troops into few groups. Few hunting parties for the morning, day, and night, to make sure both of our armies are well fed. The scouts I sent last night to check the tunnels of the castle already confirmed that it was good to use for the oil barrels. We can move the barrels to the tunnels now. We’ll start so much fire and burn the city from the inside. This way, they’ll force to flee outside or burn alive inside the castle.”

“That’s good. I’ll have some of my men helped you and your hunting parties as well as moving the barrels.”

“If I may,” Louis gave a nod to Pontikos, “I think we still need to prepare for the catapults and the ram just in case the fire wasn’t enough to make them flee their castle. We’ll also prepare our siege army near the castle, just far enough from their archers’ range. If his plan work, this will be a swift victory, and if it didn’t work, we aren’t wasting the necessary time. I also propose to have the Leinster army withdraw from the front line on the day of the assault. There is no need to spill non-Francian blood in this small war.”

“Are you saying we can’t do our job!? Do you fucking take us for wimps!?” Rory roared in anger, his face red.

“Your plan relies a lot on them fleeing the castle, even if it worked. If they turned out not fleeing the castle, then these three days would be a waste of time. This also means we give the Yorkish three days to assemble their army and plan a better strategy. We can’t risk that.”

“That plan will fucking work because I am the one who devised it. And since it’s my plan, my men will stand in the frontline and slice some Yorkish’s throat. So grow up a pair of balls or I am going to shove mine to your cunt.”

“You’re too cocky chieftain.”

“Because I have a huge fat cock.” And at that Rory dropped his pants, revealing his soft but 6” long cock. Rian and Ferghal just laughed, while the rest of the room definitely looking at the cock.

The emperor quickly said, “Please pull up your pants, and refrain from doing this again in the future.”

Rory obliged, but he smirked noticing the look Pontikus gave to his cock.

“Pontikus, have the army assembly the siege weapons but do not rush it. We’ll rush it once the plan looks like it was about to fail. And the Leinster can have the frontline along with ours if their plan succeeded.”

Pontikus nodded, “Just keep your enemy out of our sight, we won’t be responsible if we accidentally killed some of your men who happened to be in our way.”

And Rory’s head became as red as his hair. He couldn’t accept that this man claim that his army can just kill his men that easily when his men were the ones thrusting their flesh sword at his army all night. “That’s it fucker. Let’s settle this on the field fist to fist and we’ll see who’s the bitch.”

“Fine, if that’s what the chieftain wishes.”

Louis shook his head, he wasn’t sure whether this is necessary or not, but his father did say things like this happened time to time in a camp, and that he shouldn’t interfere.

That’s exactly how he ended up in the square prepared by the Leinster men. He had to admit, despite having a lesser number, it seemed their army always there helping everything needed to be done. At one point he was getting bored with the preparation, not that he would enjoy the fight anyway, and smelled his clothes. He was stinky. Gosh, he wished he brought his bathtub.

“I know a place-,“ Patrick was cut off by Vincent’s body when he approached Louis, but he still pushed anyway. He knew the man couldn’t fight against him with all of the cum in his gut and especially after being railed all night long. “I know a place where you can have a bath, your excellency.”

Louis quite wary of the man and his intention, though when he didn’t find any reason why he would want to harm him. Yes, he was a vulgar barbarian, but that’s not a good enough reason to assassinate an emperor, especially since his army can easily massacre them. Besides, he felt the itch in his ass again and he suddenly just nodded, “Fine.” So, he followed Patrick along with his two guards.

The walk wasn’t far away, and eventually, they arrived at a very pristine river. Louis quite satisfied, “Thank you, this seems to be a good river. You may leave.” Patrick just nodded and leave along with the two guards although the guards would stay far away enough to guard Louis. Or so he thought.

When Patrick came back, he was still washing his body near the bank, and his hair was wet. “Why are you here? Where was my guard?”

“They left after I told them they should check out something in some bushes.” In truth, he told them to go away and bond over shitting cum unless they wanted a bloated gut because they’re going to serve the whole Leinster army tonight. He wasn’t lying about the bitch for the army part though.

Louis frowned, “I assume you aren’t stupid enough to assassinate me in here, then? My army can kill your much smaller army in a second.”

Patrick just smiled, “No, I am not that stupid. I’m here to make amend.”

Louis looked at him curiously.

“I just don’t think it’s fair that I gave your guard a free trial of my service, but I only offer you a teaser.”

Louis was taken aback, and he responded red-faced, “I am sorry, but I am not interested. We, the Franks, are people of high culture and morals, we do not indulge in such vulgarities.”

Patrick scoffed, “Your guards seemed Frankish enough for me, and you see how they enjoy getting their cunts fingered.”

“If anyone knows about that, especially the church, they would be in trouble.”

“But the church didn’t know, or anyone,

“I know.”

“Well, you didn’t count, want to know why?” He let that hang in the air for a few seconds, “Cause you, just like them, and the entirety of your royal army, want their ass to be scratched with a cock.”

“You barbarians are so far up your asses, aren’t you?”

“No, but if you say cock, that is probably correct. We all have huge cocks.”

Louis just scoffed

“Didn’t believe it? Here.” Patrick dropped his pants, and his half-hard cock popped out and splash some of the cum to Louis’s face and mouth.

Louis was about to say something but stopped as a drop of precum fell straight on his tongue. He still remembered the taste, and in fact, it was on his mind all day long. He finally got a good look at the thing that produce such nasty things. It was uncut, definitely barbarian, and Louis can see the precum kept leaking from the hooded dick. Noticing his interest in uncut did, Patrick pulled the hood so now he could see the reddish head peeking out and leaking constantly.

“this time it’s a free trial, so you can touch it if you want. Nobody will know but you and me.”

Louis wanted to reply that he didn’t want to touch it, but his body moved on its own and started to touch the shaft. Touching it, like children touching something they interested in.

“Here, let me show you how to get the good stuff.” Patrick grabbed Louis’s hand with one hand and start jacking his dick, while the other hand soaked the middle finger until it’s completely wet. He brought the middle finger straight to Louis’s tongue and rubbed all of the precum there. “See, It wasn’t hard to get to the good stuff.”

They repeat that a couple more times until Patrick stopped and said, “You know what would make it taste better?” Louis just looked at him expectantly. “Suck the goods straight from the source.”

To which, Louis finally snapped out and said, “I think this is as far,“ he couldn’t finish it since Patrick already jammed his precum-soaked finger in his mouth again. He was also soon lost in the fuckfog again. He didn’t even notice Patrick made him kneel.

“See, trust me, it would taste better.” Patrick didn’t wait for an answer though. He hooked Louis with his finger and pulled him toward his dick and make sure the slit went inside one of Louis’s nostrils. Louis tried to back away, but Patrick made him stayed in place. “Yeah, smell that, that is the smell of a real cock. Something you don’t know you don’t have until now. You only have the flesh, but it’s not a cock. Mine is the cock. A man’s cock. Make sure you remember the smell.”

Louis couldn’t forget the smell even if he has a choice. The smell more ingrained in his brain the longer the precum flooded his nostril so far up he coughed hard. He coughed so hard that the precum came out from his other nostril. Patrick finally let go only to grind his cock on his face again.

“I told you it was better, right? Even after just a second meeting with you, I already know you and what you like, know who you are. So why don’t you just trust me and be yourself?” He pulled his dick and hold it in front of Louis’s face. “C’mon, you know you want it.”

The taste wasn’t better, it was more violent, and now even his nose can’t smell anything but that pungent smell. But he couldn’t stop staring at the huge cock, couldn’t stop tasting what came out of it, couldn’t stop smelling it as well. How can that happen? He didn’t like the precum, right? But his throat getting dry, and his butt getting itchier. Can this man who he just barely met yesterday know what he actually wants? Louis couldn’t answer that, but his head did move closer to the dick with an open mouth and tongue sticking out.

Patrick didn’t waste any second. He pushed his head inside, and let his precum flooded Louis’s mouth. “See, it tastes better, right? You just need to let yourself loose and start to follow what you actually want.”

Louis let the precum soaking his mouth, savoring the taste, and it wasn’t nice or better. It was different. Different enough that he wanted to swallow it. So, he followed Patrick's advice and started to listen to himself, and swallowed.

“Yeah, suck that dick.” Louis didn’t even realize he was sucking Patrick’s dick, or that the latter started to push his dick in and out slowly, getting more inch in his mouth. It’s not that long before Patrick started to pound much harder, trying to get all of his 9” inside Louis’s mouth. Louis pushed back. “Fuck, they weren’t kidding when they said Frankish slut are so hard to please.”

Patrick pulled Louis’s legs closer to him and start to push a finger, “No!”

“I fed you my dick and you like it, now just let me handle your ass and soon you’ll enjoy my finger as much as your bitch guards.” Patrick kept pushing his finger despite Louis’s resistance.

And true to his word, Louis started to like Patrick’s finger move in and out of his ass. It started to felt really good when the finger touched something inside his butt. It felt like the finger was scratching away the itch he felt, or that he just simply gave his ass what it wanted. Either way, he started moaning and pushed his ass higher. To be more precise, he started to push his ass to the finger, something that even his guard didn’t do.

“See bitch? Now don’t fight back when I want to send my goods straight to your gut.” Patrick pushed his cock to Louis’s mouth again, farther this time, with less resistance. “Just breathe through your nose.”

He tried that as best as he can, but he couldn’t even fit Patrick’s entire cock in him without stretching his jaw. Patrick kept slowly pushing his cock deeper and deeper, but even then Louis’s gag reflex didn’t make it any easier. In the end, there were still three inches left.

“Fuck this shit. You might be the emperor, but you are the one who wanted to deepthroat this cock, so start making some effort for it, bitch.” And with that, he pushed Louis’s head right until his nose touched Patrick’s forest pubes. “Yeah, just like that. Get your pointy nose in that bush bitch. I soaked it with my piss and my family cum from your freshly fucked guards’ cunt and let it dry just for you.”

Louis did smell it, and the fucking intense smell of piss and dried cum sent him right to heaven. He choked and spout a huge glob of spits to the pubes, soaking his own face in the process, and his eyes rolled back to his head.

“I hope you can see your face right now. Not so high and mighty now huh, Emperor of the morally and culturally high Frankish? Emperor my ass, you fucking rule a kingdom, not yet an empire. You think we are so far up our ass? Have you seen your own ass? Let me tell you, Frankish didn’t have asses, they have cunts to be fucked.”

Louis didn’t fight back; he was so far from earth to be able to do that. Normally he would have Patrick’s head chopped off, but now he was just silent, letting the man skullfucked him, calling him any short of names, and degraded him. At one point they laid down, and Patrick started sucking Louis’s dick as well. And he thought he couldn’t go any further up than heaven.

“My special service to the emperor. Don’t tell I didn’t deliver and don’t tell my father or anyone. I still got an image to maintain.” Yes, while the Ires praise people for getting their dick sucked, they look down on people sucking their dick. It said the act wasn’t masculine. Something that Patrick wholeheartedly disagreed with. If a man wants a cunt, then he gets a cunt; if he wants to taste a dick in his mouth, he should get a dick in his mouth. After all, all part of his bitches’ bodies are owned by him, why waste any part.

Louis didn’t care; getting his dicked sucked, his throat railed, and his nose assaulted by the pungent smell, he couldn’t even get out of the fuckfog to even disagree. Though at one point his butt itch came back and pulled him back to earth. Louis grabbed his buttcheek, slapped them hard, shake them, and pulled them as hard as he can so Patrick could see the hole winking at him.

“You know you should add demanding sluts to one of your descriptions for the Frankish, right? Tell you what,” Patrick pulled back from Louis, “Say ‘please fuck my pussy with your finger like a bitch until I squirt’, and I’ll just do that.”

Louis hesitated, yes, he was basically getting railed like a bitch, but actually saying it was different. Degrading himself like that, he can’t allow himself to do that, can he? “I am not a bitch.” He finally said and tried to reach Patrick’s dick.

However, the man quickly moved away and stood, “Oh really? Then I guess I have to leave. I only give my cock to bitches, so if I mistook you for one then my apologies. We’ll never see face to face again, and you’ll never see my cock again.” He turned to leave.

“Wait!” Louis quickly cries. But he still didn’t say anything. Would he really debase himself for a dick? A fucking barbarian’s dick? What would his father said if he saw his son like this? Or the people? But all of that thought disappeared when Patrick turned again. “Please!” Patrick stopped and looked at him smirking. Oh, he knew exactly what Louis was doing, and he intended on letting Louis knew he was debasing himself for a cock.

“Please fuck my pussy with your finger like a bitch until I squirt.”

Patrick pretended like he was thinking, “Yeah? Not sure lad, you say you weren’t a bitch. Why don’t you show me the pussy and we’ll see if it’s a bitch pussy or not?”

Louis's head was red in shame, but he followed what Patrick had ordered. He pulled his legs up to his shoulder showing Patrick his butt.

“Spread the cheeks,” He spread it, “Spread it further,” and he did just that, “Wink it.” He winked his asshole to him. “Yeah, looks like a bitch pussy to me. But just to make sure, say that again, in that position, and keep winking that pussy at me.”

“Please,” He can’t believe he was doing this, “fuck my pussy with your finger like a bitch until I squirt.”

“Sure thing bitch. Lie down.”

Louis quickly laid down, and soon his mouth was getting mounted. Patrick wasn’t even starting slow. He deepthroated Louis at one go and proceeded to skullfucked him. Soon Louis's face was covered with Patrick’s egg-sized balls slapping his whole face. He wondered how would that taste. Patrick wasn’t being easy on his ass either. He jammed his two fingers right up to the hilt and started violently pounding the button inside Louis’s ass. Seconds later, his eyes already rolled back.

“fuck yeah, I hope your excellency enjoy me excellently fucking your imperial cocksucking mouth. Did you enjoy my excellent fingers fitting in your cunt as well your excellency? Can’t wait until my cock fits excellently there.”

Patrick could feel Louis’s throat muscle reacted to that by massaging his cock harder.

“I see, you also can’t wait for it, my excellency. Don’t worry, I’ll fuck your cunt so good you’re going to give birth to a red-haired heir.”

As he was getting closer, Patrick pounded Louis’s head like there was no tomorrow. He kept pushing Louis’s spot since it made his throat pulse as well, churning his cock well. “Fuck! I am nutting the fucking emperor.” And he sent gallons of cum straight to the gut.

He wasn’t without feeling, he knew his bitch want a taste of his load, so he pulled back leaving just the head, and started to fill his mouth as well. Louis was overwhelmed by the taste. It was salty, but also a little bit sweet. He liked it. Fuck, he was already addicted to it. He pulled out and shot the last spurts on Louis’s face, and there were still enough to cover his face.

Louis thought it was finally over, but he realized Patrick didn’t stop fingering him. He even rolled up his body so now his dick just above his own face.

“Jack yourself off.”

Louis obliged. He kept moaning as Patrick’s finger kept stimulating the spot. “I am coming.” He said before shooting cum right at his face. Both of them fall on their back.

“It was good, wasn’t it? Following what your body needs.” Patrick said as he leaned in towards Louis’s face. His fingers began spreading the cum on the face.

Louis just laid there in silence, still trying to take in what he just did.

“Well, I expect that cum will remain there until tomorrow. Meet me again in here at noon. If I can’t smell the cum, then my dick is off the table.”

Louis quickly looked at him and nodded.

Patrick stared at his face for quite a while, then leaned in to kissed him. Louis wasn’t responding at first, but Patrick was a good kisser, so he eventually responded. “Fuck, you are quite a looker. No wonder Rory’s dick keeps leaking whenever he’s near you.” He gave him a last peck on the lips then standing up. Pulled up his pants and went on his merry way.

Louis basked at the moment again, but he finally decided it was time to go back as the sun was about to go down.

The fight, which Louis found out later, was ended humiliatingly for Pontikus. They wrestled in their casual cloth, just clothes, and pants. But the clothes he wore couldn’t hide the Greek god’s muscular body of a hunk, his thighs, or even his bubble butt. Rory used his night pants, which were his cumrag. Nobody knew that except the Leinster of course, but the pants didn’t hide the smell either. The battle was quite close at the beginning, nobody seemed to dominate each other. Both of them throw hard punches here and there, pinned each other, slammed each other as well. One of the moments when the crowd cheered loudly was when Rory trapped Pontikus head between his thighs and pulled his body up by grabbing his balls, then piledrived him. At other times, Rory would pin the Pontikus and sit on his face, he then let out a loud wicked fart straight to his face. It was so smelly that Pontikus coughed hard after Rory let him go.

However, nobody mentioned this to Louis, but Rory seemed to love pounding his crotch to Pontikus’s face whenever he had the chance. And when he had too many chances, he would pin Pontikus with his crotch pressed on his face, making sure the man could feel his hard dick pressed on his face. Not even five minutes passed and Pontikus’s face already red like he ran a marathon. In truth, he was just getting intoxicated by the potent smell. He was very horny and his dick was rockhard. But unlike Rory, his bulge wasn’t showing up for a reason which would be clear afterward. In one of the pins, Pontikus’s pants were ripped open at the crotch. The truth is, Rory sneakily ripped it open. Then his not even 4” rockhard dick flopped out. Everyone was livid, some even whistle. “I guess it’s true what they said about the Greek and their Gods!” Yell one of the Francia armies, which incite laughter. Pontikus was as red as Rory’s hair, but he couldn’t break from the hold. His dick was exposed for a little bit more than a minute before he managed to break the hold. But the shame he felt made him unable to focus on the fight, and Rory didn’t finish. The redhead man ripped both his shirt and pants, revealing his 8” half-hard cock. He tackled him. Rory was on top of Pontikus’s back when he ripped Pontikus’s pants off him. He then held Pontikus’s arms and turned their body over, and with one hand, he thrust his dick over Pontikus’s thighs and pulled it upwards. Now everyone could see the difference in length. “Fuck even my 3 years son has a bigger dick! Is this the man who said he could accidentally kill us? I am not sure you can with that fucking small sword lad!”

Rory let him go again, but he still hasn’t finished with him. He grabbed Pontikus by the hair and pulled him closer towards the Francia army side, then he held him surfboard. The Leinster even coming closer to see the small rockhard dick being showcased at everyone. The whistled getting louder, even the army of Francia now cheered for Rory, those who were filled with Leinster cum were louder. At one point Rory said, “If you want to surrender, then say you are my dumbfucked cunt with a clit.”

Pontikus hesitated, but when Rory allowed them to flick his dick, he quickly shouted, “I am your dumb fucked cunt! I am your dumb fucked cunt!”

One of the Leinster men flicked anyway and say, “You forgot your clit bitch!”

Pontikus whimpered and followed with, “I am your dumbfucked bitch with a clit!” loudly, so loud that even the Yorkish army inside the castle could hear it.

It was a horrible fight for Pontikus, and he certainly needed to assert dominance offer his army, or they would think of him lowly. Even after that humiliating fight, Pontikus still didn’t have any choice when Rory approach to hold hands. His hand was strangely wet and sticky. He even invited him and his squire to his tent tonight. He of course couldn’t refuse or even react violently to the man. He still needed to be chivalrous.

The strategy turned out to be a good thing for Francia and Leinster. The royal army was well fed and able to do their work much faster, Louis can see they get along fine as well. Leinster's army seemed to get close with his army, so he didn’t think he should worry about another brawl. He also noticed that the Leinster army was far more energized than his army. What he didn’t notice was that, when nobody was looking, the Francia royal army always getting fingered, at every turn, after making sure nobody that they know wasn’t a bitch yet was around, the Leinster men shove their fingers up the Frankish’s butt. When they were much further away, the Frankish got their ass railed with the Leinster cock, and if another Leinster passing by, they got another cock. The fact that the Francia army was helping the Leinster army at everything they did also meant that they got a pussy they could fuck whenever they want. And they always spared sometimes to fuck. Everyone who had come back from any sort of assignment with the Leinster army was sure to have a couple of fat loads inside his stomach. The number of bitches at Leinster campground that night also increased from 32 to 400 hundred out of 2000. This was due to the number of men stationed near their campground was only 700. They, of course, had put their baby batter in more Francia’s army than 400. So yeah, the strategy definitely turned out to be a good thing for both Francia and Leinster. One got their balls empty, and the other got their pussies filled.

Rory still reveled at the last report from Rian when his guard notify Pontikos was in front of his tent. He almost went to Pontikos’s tent and fucked him there. Rory smirked at the guard while grabbing his crotch. “Send him in, also fetch for my eldest, told him he got a Greek pussy waiting, and unless he wants to have a loose pussy, get his ass here quick. Make sure there are always guard in front of my tent as well, I don’t want to have to yell to have the pussy hauled to the lads after I am done with him.” The guard gave a tug at his crotch as well and did what he was told.

Not long after Pontikos arrived with a wine bottle in his hand. “A gift for winning today’s fight.” He gave Rory. He didn’t want to give this guy any gift for humiliating him like that, basically destroying his image in front of his own army. But at least he needed to show his army that he still has his dignity by showing his chivalry and showing them that Rory was the barbarian. Besides that, the tingle in his butt said he needed to bring him a gift. He even wore his best noble clothes, a tightly fitted nightgown that hides no muscle, and tightly fitted trousers that hide no butt.

Rory scoffed looking at the guy. He surely couldn’t get any less direct asking to be fucked, he might as well just say it to his face. He took the wine and put it on a small round dining table nearby. He sat, and then motioned for Pontikus to sit across him. “I thought I make sure I invited your squire.”

Pontikus smiled, “My apologies. I thought it wasn’t appropriate to have a servant at a very personal visit like this.”

Just then, Ferghal arrived, ”Glad you haven’t started yet.” Ferghal would love a tight pussy rather than a loose one, that’s why his father always allowed him to go first. It would be too loose for Ferghal if he was the one opening up the cunt.

“Starting what?” Pontikus asked curiously.

Rory scoffed again, totally showing no respect for the general of a way larger army. “I think you know what my son referring to, and I think you also know that wasn’t the reason why you didn’t invite your cute squire.”

“I don’t know what you meant.”

“I think you know tonight you’re going to end up on that floor, ass up, begging for my cock to rail your cunt.”

Pontikus stood, “I don’t think-“ and then slapped.

“Listen bitch, we can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way and I’ll let everyone see, including your army, how you are nothing but a good cunt. Choose bitch.”

Pontikus was shocked by the slap, but he knew he couldn’t win. He couldn’t even win fighting only Rory. “My army will res-“ Another slapped.

“They won’t. They’ll point at you and laugh, just like they did today. And let me tell you a secret, any Frankish men you see passing here has a Leinster cum in their gut. They definitely won’t help you.”

Pontikus was aghast, he couldn’t say anything. He was a general of a much larger army and known to be very strict but in front of this man, he was nothing. He swallowed hard.

“And don’t think I didn’t notice how you look at my cock earlier. I know you would jump to suck it if there was nobody there.”

Pontikus was about to open his mouth when another slap hit him.

“I haven’t got all day bitch. If you want the easy way, rip your garment, you aren’t going off with any clothes out of this tent, and offer me your cunt on the floor. If you aren’t the hard way, give me your best punch or don’t say anything. I’ll have my son open the tent so everyone could watch me fucking you.”

Pontikus was thinking again, but not for long because another slap hit him.

“Make me wait again and I’ll tell my son to open the door.” Right after he said that he followed with, “Open the tent.”

“Wait! No!” Pontikus ripped off his clothes and kneel on the floor with his ass up and his face down to the floor.

“Spread the cheek and say the magic word bitch, make me wait for one second and the tent is open.”

He spread his cheeks and quickly said, “Please fuck my ass.”

“You’re a bitch, I expect you to beg like one, and loud like one.”

Pontikus hesitated again


“Please! Please fuck my pussy! Slay my hungry pussy with your big fat sword! Please, sir!” He said so loud that everyone in the Leinster quarter can hear. They knew whose voice was that, and that got them really hard. Everyone’s going to fight to get the pussy first. While the Frankish army who was being fucked by the Leinster army in the quarter suddenly flex their ass muscle when they heard their strict general begged for his pussy to be fucked like a cheap whore.

Both Rory and Ferghal laughed condescendingly at Pontikus spreading his cheeks. They could even hear the guards outside laughing and calling him names. “Look at the clit, it knows his pussy is going to be thoroughly fucked.” Rory said as he nudged Pontikus’s 3” dick with his shoes.

Pontikus gave a small grunt when Ferghal pushed his finger inside, “Oh yeah, it’s a fucking hungry pussy. Fuck it’s sucking my finger inside!” They heard the guards’ laughter again. “Don’t you worry little pussy, I’m going to feed you my cock soon, and if that’s isn’t enough, my dad’s cock’s going to fill you just fine. And if that wasn’t enough, don’t worry, we planned to fill you with both of our cocks.”

Pontikus shuddered at that, but his dick jumped letting out precum.

“Your clit seems happy general. You better remember my dad’s generosity for honoring your pussy with his dick.” Having no answer, Ferghal grabbed Pontikus small balls and twisted them, “Do you understand that bitch?”

“Yes! Yes, sir! I understand.” Ferghal twisted them again, before letting go.

Rory took the wine bottle Pontikus gave him and popped it open. “Too bad I can’t do this with the Emperor, but you will do.” He said before pushing the bottle into Pontikus’s ass. “A single drop leaks out, and you’ll ended up my army’s bitch.”

He let out a loud gasp as he felt the strange liquid filling him. He let out another gasp, a relief this time when Rory pulled out the bottleneck. He closed his asshole as tight as he can.

Rory laid down on his fur mattress, “C’mon bitch my mouth is dry. Don’t make your man waiting.”

Pontikus slowly crawled with his ass still up fearing he would let out the wine accidentally if he changed his position. He crawled on top of Rory’s and slowly push his ass back towards Rory’s face while his hands supporting him on Rory’s chest.

“Don’t let it out yet,” Rory said as he squeezed hard both of the bubble cheeks in front of him. He traced his fingers on the asshole and teased it lightly. “Fuck yeah, that’s one tight pussy. You can act all high and masculine with that general title, but I know this pussy was screaming to be shown her place. To be fucked by real men with big dicks.”

Pontikus let out another loud gasp when Rory ate him out. He didn’t even realize he slowly let out the wine. He tried to resist moaning but it was getting harder when Rory roughly pushed his tongue past the ring, starting to tongue fuck his ass. He didn’t even notice when Ferghal opened the tent a little bit and let the guards watch.

Ferghal moved closer and grabbed his dad’s trousers. Knowing what his son was about to do, Rory lifted his butt and let Ferghal taking off his trousers.

Pontikus was already letting out soft moans when Ferghal came and slapped him. “Look at this and that bitch!” he said pointing out to his dad and his 9” cocks. “They’re going up your shitter no matter what, so if you want it easy. You better start sucking us out. The more spit you have on them, the easier it’ll get for your pussy.” Ferghal ground his cocks on Pontikus’s face before pushing it into the mouth. Pontikus was letting it in at first because he wanted an easier time for his ass. He started resisting when Ferghal’s cock push deeper triggering his gag reflex. However, Ferghal was having none of it and forcefully skullfucked him. He used his fingers to pulled Pontikus’s nose upwards like a pig, “Breathes through your nose, pig.”

Pontikus snorted.

Ferghal slid all of his lengths in and out of Pontikus’s mouth, “That’s right, you’re a pig now. You’re going to snort like a pig and squeal like one once this cock inside you. Next time you want our cocks, or any Leinster cocks, you’re going to drop down, spread your cheeks and snort like a pig. You hear that pig?” He finished with a powerful affirming deep thrust, planting Pontikus’s face in his pubes.

He kept fucking him like that until he finally pulled out. Pontikus looked like a mess with his face slick with spit, precum, and even a few red pubes. “It’s time for you to worship my dad’s cock, pig.” He said pulling Pontikus closer to Rory’s dick by the nose. He grabbed his dad’s dick and slapped it on Pontikus’s face slathering more precum on his already messed up face.

“Can you feel that? Can you feel how thick and full it is? Yeah, it’s also going up your shitter. It’s going to mint you a new pussy, so say thanks.”

“Thank you.” Another dickslap.

“Now stroke it.”

He was too slow grabbing the dick so Ferghal gave him another dickslap. Pontikus quickly grabbed it and stroke it just like he was ordered.

“Feel that? That is way more thick and long than your pathetic clit.” Ferghal guided Pontikus’s hands to stroke the entire length of his father’s dick. “You see it now? That’s a cock, yours is a clit.”

“Mine’s a clit.”

“Now suck it.”

Another dickslap was given when Pontikus was hesitating. Then Ferghal gave a push to his head until Pontikus can finally taste the dick head and the precum on his tongue. He wasn’t disgusted. He had a tryst with his squire. Even though he was the one fucking, he still loved to suck his squire’s cock. But this is definitely different. Much stronger, much pungent. Also, this time he was the bitch, and this huge cock was going up to his pussy. The thought made his ass trembled, which Rory responded by grazing his teeth at it. Ferghal didn’t even need to forcefully push Pontikus’s head this time. The man’s already going to town.

Ferghal walked away and returned with the wine bottle. “Mind sharing that?” He said standing between his dad’s head.

Rory stopped sucking which made Pontikus moaned in disappointment but continue sucking, “Not at all son.” He said gave a slap to the butt and pushed it up towards Pontikus. He was going to protest when he felt the bottleneck was pushed again inside his ass, but Rory stopped him by locking his neck on to his dick using his legs. “Nah bitch, I want to feel your throat first,” Rory said now starting to skullfucked him.

After finished loading Pontikus with wine, Ferghal set the bottle down and lower himself to eat the ass which made Pontikus’s throat’s muscle flexed and Rory moaned. But Rory’s moan was blocked by his son’s huge balls that were now rested on his face. His eldest son had the biggest balls in all of their family, even bigger than him, and seeing this up close, he was proud. If it was another man’s balls or his other sons, he would already bite the balls off. But he won’t do that to his eldest. Ferghal can do nothing wrong in Rory’s eyes, even when his furry chest hair was slick with Ferghal’s cum.

After finishing his wine, Ferghal rose and pushed on the ring lightly, “You feel that bitch? I’m going to turn your ass into a pussy.”

Pontikus couldn’t even resist, he was locked by Rory’s leg. All he could do was pathetically trying to reach behind using his hand. But that wasn’t enough to stop Ferghal from pushing it in forcefully. Pontikus screamed, but all it did was making his throat massaged Rory’s dick more intense.

Ferghal didn’t even wait for Pontikus to adjust to his length. He kept pushing in and out, putting more inches inside the ass. When Pontikus gave an audible loud moan, even with his mouth plugged, Ferghal knew he had hit the jackpot. “You still doubt that this is a pussy? Well, then what about now.” He said as he drove his entire cock inside grazing the spot, making Pontikus ass muscle gripped the cock harder, “Fuck you’re tight!”

Ferghal let his cock rested for a second but quickly started sliding in and out of Pontikus’s now officially a pussy again. At first, he went slowly but picked up the pace until he was jackhammering him. Pontikus’s grunts getting louder and louder, and his ass started to push back, meeting the thrust. Rory saw this and smacked his son’s butt proudly.

“That’s my son! Fuck the pussy! Making a fucking royal army general squeal, I couldn’t be more proud of you!”

Hearing his father’s encouragement, Ferghal pounded harder as well. Rory also wanted to get in action. So, he moved away from under Pontikus, trying his best not to disturb his son, and moved in front of Pontikus.

Right after Rory’s dick was dislodged from his mouth, Pontikus let out loud moans, he no longer cared who heard him. All he knew was his ass felt really good. And when Rory presented his cock in front of him, he wasted no second and started to go to town.

“Fuck yeah son, you turn the bitch right! Now he knew he is a pussy. Now it’s time to turn his stuck-up pussy right out for the insult he gave us!”

Ferghal pick his pace even faster, “Yeah, what he said? Accidentally killing us? I think it’s you who need to be careful around the Leinster in case our dick accidentally tore you up a new pussy!”

Pontikus’s ass contracted again.

“I think that’s actually what this bitch wants. Don’t worry, my dad already planned to give you for our army use since the beginning, so they’ll definitely tear you up a new pussy!”

Pontikus couldn’t stop imagining him being used by the entire Leinster army, and that made his ass tight grip on Ferghal’s cock never loosen. It wasn’t long before Ferghal getting faster.

Rory smiled as he wanted to degrade Pontikus further. He pulled out and slapped Pontikus. “Tell my son to fuck your pussy good!”

“Please sir, fuck my pussy good!”


“Please fuck my pussy good! Fuck, it felt do good!”

“Tell him to breed you!”

“Please sir, feed my pussy with your cum, my pussy is hungry!”

“Tell him to put a big-dicked redhead son inside you!”

“Please, sir! Give me a big-dicked redhead son, I don’t want him to have a clit like me!”

Ferghal lost it at that and pushed his dick as deep as he could. He kept gushing out cum for a good minute, and Pontikus kept moaning loudly. At this point, Rory was sure everyone at the camp already heard his bitch moan. Well, more bitch for them. He was lucky the one in charge in this camp was Pontikus and the admiral. He knew for sure the admiral was going to offer him his pussy even without the need to bitchslap him.

Pontikus laid down with his ass still up in the air, catching his breath, when he felt Rory’s head start to push in. “Wait, it’s too big!” But Rory ignored the protest. He was about to protest again when his head was grabbed by Ferghal. He quickly pushed his dick inside Pontikus’s mouth.

“Clean it up good and ready for the next round bitch! I told you, you’re going to get both my dad and mine. So make sure it slick for your own good!”

Pontikus sucked the dick that had just been in his ass, and he frowned tasting his ass juice there. That didn’t stop Ferghal from fucking his face though.

Pontikus sucked more of Ferghal’s dick when Rory pushed further as if that could make the pain subside. Spoiler, it didn’t. He did scream more and more, but his hands moved to spread his cheek further, making easier access for Rory. Even with all of Ferghal’s cum, precum, and even his own precum, it’s still hard to push all of Rory’s cock inside the newly opened pussy. And when Rory managed to lodge all of his dick inside, he didn’t waste any time either before pounding the pussy. Unlike his son, his thrusts weren’t as fast but more powerful. He pulled out until the head remained, and drove his cock as hard as he could to the spot. Pontikus’s eyes bulged out of his head like Rory could push out his eyes out from fucking him.

Rory kept fucking him like this until Ferghal’s dick came back to life, and he pulled out of Pontikus.

“I am ready, dad,” Ferghal announced.

Rory, who was fucking Pontikus doggy, fold up Pontikus’s body in half and laid down on his back without pulling out. Pontikus was trembling in fear when Ferghal came and readied his cock on his filled pussy. “Please, sir. Have mercy.” He finally could muster.

Ferghal just smirked and teased the hole with a light push, he loved looking at the man's frightened face. “Yeah? Beg like a bitch and loud.”

“Please sir! have mercy with my pussy. You just open it up! I am afraid it would be too loose.”

“Hey, open the tent!” He shouted.

Pontikus didn’t even have time to protest when the tent was opened, revealing a bunch of men at the front who had been listening to him getting fucked. Their dick was out in the open and leaking like crazy.

“Shout, and I mean shout, Leinster men can be cocky because they have big fat cocks.”

Pontikus hesitated but quickly shouted when he felt Ferghal pushed his dick.

“Now shout, you won’t be cocky anymore because you don’t have a cock, but a clit.”

He obliged quickly this time.

“Now shout, as an apology, you’re going to allow any Leinster to stuff your cunt full of cock to punish you for your cockiness.”

He closed his eyes, he could no longer face the world.

“As an apology for my cockiness, any Leinster men can stuff my cunt full of their cock!”

“Nice bitch, now you don’t have to worry about your pussy getting loose,” Ferghal walked away and returned with crumpled Rory’s cum rag of trousers. He got in position again and pushed in hard.

Pontikus opened his mouth to scream and to protest, but was quickly blocked by the foul trousers lodged inside his mouth. “Yeah, you don’t have to worry about it anymore because from now on, you’re going to take. Two. Dicks. Every time!” He said accentuating his last few words with much harder thrusts.

Everyone cheered when Ferghal pushed all of his dick inside. But that cheered quickly died down when Stephen arrived, “What happened here?” He said angrily but stopped to look at General Pontikus getting double penetrated.

“What do you think bitch? Get in line! You can suck their cocks while waiting for your turn!” Rory screamed. He wasn’t surprised at all when the admiral dropped down to his knees and began sucking his men’s cock.

“You ready to make this bitch scream, son?”

Ferghal didn’t give any answer, he just jackhammered Pontikus who now can’t stop screaming at each thrust. This was Rory’s favorite position. He could just lie down and didn’t have to move his body but his cock still got pleasure from the tightness of the dick and his son’s cock rubbing it rapidly. In the end, it wasn’t long before both of them scream bloody murder and flooded Pontikus’s as with so much cum it started to gush out even with both cocks still lodged inside.

But Leinster men, especially MacCarthal, were hardly done with one round. So they decided to take the fuck to Leinster campground. All of the Frankish army under Pontikus and Stephen were being passed around like cheap whore. They both too being passed around like a cheap whore with Pontikus receiving the roughest end.

By the next day, he couldn’t even attend the meeting because he wasn’t allowed to leave. Louis was so angry when he heard the reason why Pontikus couldn’t attend was that he was drunk. They didn’t tell him that he was drunk from cum, not alcohol. But Louis didn’t tell them he had been sucking Patrick’s cock by the bank either. By the last night before the assault, he was covered in cum, every single part of him. His stomach has a visible small bump from the cum he wasn’t allowed to expel. Though he did accidentally expelled some and was told to lick it up.

Rory was enjoying his beer looking at the orgy in front of him, resting before preparing to assault the castle tomorrow when his youngest appeared. “You call me?”

Everyone didn’t stop fucking when Rory slapped Patrick’s face. It was just a usual thing for them. “Where the fuck were you!? Your men working their ass off to make sure this plan succeeded and you’re just playing around fucking soldier! Don’t you realize how important this is for us!? If the plan failed the emperor will surely give us the Yorkish! This is the opportunity of a lifetime to build a strong relationship with an empire! Why can’t you be useful like your brothers! If not like your eldest, then at least like the twins!”

Patrick’s face was red with anger. No, his brother wasn’t useful. Yes, his brothers were always moving about with the troops, but all of them were there only waiting to get some cunts to fuck. He knew that, and he knew his father knew that as well. The only reason why he put Ferghal on a pedestal despite him doing nothing was because of his pussy itching for his son’s dick. But of course, he didn’t say that. “I am working on it.”

“On what!?”

“On the emperor, of course, since you’ve got no balls.”

Rory scoffed, “Don’t make me laugh! You’re telling me your useless ass banging the emperor?”

“Not yet.”

“That’s what I thought!”

“It won’t be long before I own his ass.”

“Yeah, just keep jerking off with that wet dream. In hindsight, I would love to see you try and get your balls chopped off, or even better, your head! Saving me some trouble getting rid of you.” Rory said condescendingly. He would have personally killed Patrick if that wasn’t such an issue amongst his people.

Patrick smirked, “Do you want to bet? Or you don’t have the balls for that too?”

“You don’t have anything to give me.”

“I can give you myself. You can sell me to slavers, getting rid of me and getting money as well while you’re at it.”

“That’s a good plan. And I can just denounce you from being a slave. Finally, you’re being useful. And what do you want? Not that it matters.”

“If I can show you I own the emperor at the feast, Conor will own your ass for the rest of the feast. You may not try to fuck him until then.”

“That fucking wimp!? I am not even sure he can fuck!” He laughed along with everyone else there. “Doesn’t matter anyway.”

“I am not done yet. I want Ferghal to always ready to serve my cock during the feast, which includes making it slick for asses and cleaning it up later. Brian and Brandon will eat any cum from every ass and pussy at the feast.”

“This bet doesn’t concern them.”

“See, I told you. Your balls have shrunk.”

And just as Patrick predicted, his dad is already tripping. “You insolent prick! Fine, we have a deal. I’ll make sure to have you ended up in whorehouse or breeding pen.”

His brothers just snickered at the bickering, “Betting your life for one-time sex at the feast, I thought you were smarter than that. Turns out we all were right, you are a dumbfuck.” Said Brian.

Patrick just laughed, “You didn’t get it didn’t you?” Patrick walked closer to Brian until they were face to face. “When I own the emperor, I’ll own all of your ass. And balls!” He said then proceeded to kick Brian’s balls.

What later ensued was a brawl. So, just another normal night among the Leinster.

To be continued

And that’s it for this chapter! It’s quite a long one and had a lot of juicy stuff. But I have to remind you, I am a new writer, so please let me know if I was trying too hard for the sex scene or if I should try harder.

Also, I need to clarify something. Although this story was inspired by a medieval setting, this story was in no way aim to be historically or culturally accurate. This story will focus more on the erotica rather than making sophisticated historical fiction. With that in mind, there will be a LOT of things that were impossible to happen that I allow happening for plot purposes. I hope I clear that out. And as always, I welcome any feedback. Thanks for reading.

by Ganteng

Email: [email protected]

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