Keeping Secrets

by CummingOfAge

18 Nov 2023 1399 readers Score 8.8 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

My phone alarm went off at 9 pm, but I hit snooze, I had plenty of time since I wasn’t going to meet Will until 10:00.

We decided to run later since it was so hot out, and we figured it would at least be a little cooler a couple of hours after sunset, plus we were both going to take naps since we were up late last night.

We were both up until 3:30 am talking about what we were going to do about blackmailing Greg and Kevin.

I got up at 9:10, got my running shoes ready to put on, and put on my running shorts, and thought I’d lay back down until Will called me to tell me he was leaving his house.

I kind of dozed off a bit and looked at my phone and it was 10:15, and Will didn’t call.

I figured maybe he overslept, so I called him, and his phone rang a few times and went to his voicemail.

I didn’t leave a message but texted him to see if he still wanted to go running.

I put on my socks and running shoes, got a drink of water, and went outside to sit on the front steps to wait a few more minutes to hear from Will.

I stretched a little bit and then got Will’s text.

He said that he was sorry he overslept, but that he still wanted to go running, I texted back “Cool, see you in a bit”.

I started my run and got to where we usually met up, but I didn’t see Will, so I went to text him and saw he messaged me to meet at the dirt bike trails in the woods instead because he had left his apple watch in the tree house there, so I texted back OK that I’d be there in about 5 minutes.

I got to the trail going to the tree house, and there was no moon tonight so it was really dark, luckily the tree house wasn’t too far into the woods.

I made my way to the tree house and didn’t see Will, so I called his name, and he said I’m here in the tree house, so I went in the tree house, then all of a sudden someone grabbed me from behind and told me to keep quiet, he covered my mouth with his sweaty hands and told me I better co-operate.

I tried to put up a fight, but there were 2 guys, so it was pretty useless.

He took his hands off of my mouth and told me to stay quiet and do what they said or I’d be sorry.

Then he told me to take my t-shirt off, but I didn’t want to and resisted, so he pushed me down and grabbed the back of my shirt pulled it over my head got it off of me, and then used it to bind my hands behind my back.

After he did that he took my shoes and socks off, and then stuffed my socks in my mouth and put his sweaty hands over my mouth again.

I heard the other guy pulling duct tape off the roll, tearing it off and then taped my mouth shut.

After that, they pulled my shorts down to my ankles, then totally off and put my shorts over my head to make a blindfold.

Then they put my shoes back on and tied the laces really tight, and then tied the laces together so my feet were bound together.

So there I am, standing in just my underwear, and helpless.

The bigger guy was standing behind me, and he grabbed my boxer briefs like he was giving me a wedgie, and he basically picked me up and carried me out of the woods and back toward the road, I heard him unlock a car and then opened the door, and threw me in the back seat on my stomach.

They both got in the car, started it up, and started driving.

I started feeling sick to my stomach from the car ride, and was afraid I would throw up, at least I was on my stomach and hopefully wouldn’t choke to death if I did throw up, but thankfully I managed to not get sick.

I could tell we pulled off on a gravel road and were on that for a bit, then finally came to a stop, and they got out, opened the back door, and pulled me out of the car, they untied my shoes so I could walk, and grabbed my arms that were still tied behind my back and told me to walk forward.

I heard a door open, and he guided me through the door, closed the door, and heard him lock the deadbolt.

He took me to a chair and had me sit in it, he got out the duct tape and taped my ankles to the chair.

Then he told me to lean up from the chair, and he took the t-shirt off to free my arms but then tied each hand to the chair.

Then he took my shorts off my head, and I could see, and I could see that Will was tied down to another chair, only in his briefs.

As I suspected, it was Greg and Kevin who had us held captive.

I watched them rip the duct tape off of Will’s mouth, and then they came over to me and ripped the tape off of my mouth, and told me to spit my socks out.

Greg reached into his pocket and took out a phone, my phone.

He held the phone up to my face, but my phone is older and doesn’t have face recognition like Will’s does, realizing that’s how they texted me when I thought Will was texting me.

Will asked me if I was okay, and before I could answer, they slapped me in the face and said not to talk, and told Will not to talk either.

I saw a bottle of water next to Will’s chair, so I asked them if I could please get a drink of water.

Greg got the half-full bottle of water from Will’s chair and held it to my mouth and let me drink the rest of it.

Greg picked up a switch made from what looked like bamboo, raised it up, and stuck it into one of my nipples, then pulled it away and gave me a light whip on my chest.

He said if we cooperate he won’t need to use that, but if we don’t, it will be used much more harshly than he did.

I looked at Will, again noticing the red marks on his chest.

Greg and Kevin started asking us questions about what we knew, and we both said we didn’t know very much.

Greg said he didn’t believe us, and then asked me for the unlock code for my phone.

I gave him a bogus code, and he struck me with the switch and asked for the right code.

I gave him another code, and that didn’t work either, and he struck me harder with the switch 2 times on the chest, and once on my thigh.

I told him I was sorry but that I was all nervous and upset and when that happens I forget things, he just looked at me and laughed, and whipped me on my chest and both thighs.

He then started poking me with the bamboo in the chest and nipples and started tapping it on my genitals, threatening to whip the switch on my dick while he kept tapping it on my cock.

It actually felt like I was getting a little bit hard, and Greg laughed and said hey guys, look at him getting a hard-on, I guess he likes it.

He then whips the switch on my cock a couple of times, and I yell out in pain.

He then just looks at me and asks me what the unlock code is.

My eyes were watering from the pain, and he said that he would give me a few minutes to collect my thoughts so I could remember the unlock code.

Will asked Greg if he could please go to the bathroom, that he had to pee really bad.

Greg told him to hold it.

Greg got a phone call on his phone and was talking to someone for about 10 minutes, and after he was finished talking, Will begged Greg to go to the bathroom, that he couldn’t hold it any longer and didn’t want to piss and make a mess in the house.

Greg told him, okay, I’ll untie you, he untied one arm, and then the other, and told him to lean up, and then he tied his hands together behind his back.

Then Greg untied his ankles from the chair and told him to stand up, he then grabbed Will’s tied hands and told him to walk towards me.

Greg then pulled Will’s briefs down to his ankles and pushed him up to me, and told me to open my mouth.

I resisted, and Greg pinched my nose closed so I couldn’t breathe, I finally opened my mouth so I could breathe. Will is saying he can’t hold it any longer, and Greg pushes Will into my face and tells Will to go ahead and piss.

Will tells Allen he’s sorry that he can’t hold it back anymore, and Will’s strong stream of piss is going into Allen’s mouth, Greg yells at me telling me to drink it all and that he doesn’t want a fucking mess.

Greg tells Will to sit his ass back in the chair.

Greg starts tormenting me again with the bamboo switch, mainly poking my nipples and dick to make me hard.

I’m definitely getting a boner, I just can’t help it.

Greg and Kevin are making fun of me.

Greg lays off, and by then I have the strong urge to take a piss myself.

I asked Greg if I could please go pee, and Greg said with a laugh, why of course you can.

Greg unties me just enough so I can stand up, and he tells Will to get on his knees.

Kevin grabs Will’s hair and holds his face into my dick, and with his other hand, he pushes my ass into Will’s face.

I really have to pee badly, but at the same time, I got another boner so bad I don’t know if I can piss.

Kevin pulls on Will’s hair, pulling and pushing Will's face onto my cock. He pulls Will’s face off my cock and sees that I’m rock hard, Kevin and Greg both laugh and Greg tells Kevin to keep pushing and pulling until that little faggot Allen blows his load!

Well I’m doing all I can to not blow my load, but I can’t hold it back, and my cum starts shooting out of my cock like a fucking machine gun.

Kevin keeps holding Will’s face into my cock, so Will doesn’t have much choice but to swallow my cum, and after the cum finally quits flowing, I feel my warm piss streaming hard, and man it just keeps flowing.

My stream finally weakens to a halt, and Kevin yanks Will’s hair to pull his face off of my dick and tells him to sit his ass down again.

Kevin then walks over, and I see him unbutton his pants, and pull his pants down while he’s stroking his cock. He tells me to open my mouth, slams my face onto his cock, and tells me to suck on him. I’m sucking on him for a bit, and he’s starting to get hard.

My mouth is getting tired and I stop sucking, and he slams my head into his dick and says to keep sucking.

I start sucking again, and now he’s super hard, and I can taste his pre-cum.

He’s really slamming my face onto his big cock, and it’s making me gag some, I thought I was going to throw up from gagging, but then Kevin just holds my head on his cock, and he pushes just hard enough that I fell his cock in my throat, but I’m not gagging anymore.

He pulls my hair to pull my head back a little, and he tells me to suck on him again.

I’m sucking on him, tasting his prec-um, and suddenly realize I have to piss so bad, and before I can say anything I start pissing myself.

I’m pissing myself and then I feel his cum explode into my mouth.

Kevin then walks away and goes into the bathroom, I'm feeling weak and faint, I try to look over to Will, but then everything just fades into darkness.