Justin's Journey

by J.C.

8 Feb 2024 1867 readers Score 9.7 (11 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt


“What the hell happened?”

Jake had a sad and concerned tone in his voice as he looked me up and down. He stood to the side and let me step in.

“Where are yo-“

He shook his head

“Nevermind. Let’s get you to the shower. What can I do?”

“Nothing. It’s a long, awful story. Where’s Charlie? I need to talk to him”

“Charlie’s gone. He’s out at a bar with a few people I think”

“He’s not here?.. Ok”

I walked to the bathroom, closed the door, and started the shower. Then I heard a tap on the door.

“Can I do anything?”

“I’ll be fine, Jake… thanks”

When the water got warm I stepped inside. It felt like it had been weeks since I showered. I sat down on the floor and rested my head on my arms. The water began to wash off the sticky coating. It was probably the longest shower I ever took. I washed myself thoroughly twice and then spent the rest of the time sitting down thinking about what had happened. I replayed moments in my head. I started to get hard as I pictured some of the men, which made me feel disgusted with myself.

It was a forced gangbang. I should be pissed, emotional, or worried for my health. But instead I was just kind of turned on by the thought of it. The only worry I had was regarding Charlie. Maybe he was out looking for me. Maybe he left because he didn’t want to see me. I had no way of knowing.

The water got colder and I eventually resigned to get out and dry off. When I stepped out of the bathroom, I noticed a stack of clothes folded on the bed. And a glass of water on the night stand. I got dressed and downed the whole glass. Now that I was clean and my body had calmed down, I was starting to feel dehydrated and hungry.

I walked out of the room and smelled pizza. Jake was sitting on the couch playing on his phone. There was a blanket laid out on my favorite spot on the couch and the tv was paused. Grey’s anatomy.

“I hope the pizza isn’t too cold, I didn’t know you’d be in there that long”

I smiled and a tear began to well up in my eye. I started to walk towards Jake and he stood up. We embraced in a hug that lasted for nearly a minute. I squeezed him tight and he ran his fingers lightly along my back. When I released him he looked down at me and reached for the blanket. He wrapped it around me.

“Lay down and watch your show, I’ll get the pizza”

He brought me back a plate with pizza and a side of ranch. It was so sweet, but not out of the ordinary for Jake as of late. He’d been doing a lot of thoughtful things like that for me lately.

“Aren’t you going to ask me what happened?”

“Not if you don’t want to talk about it. I figure you’ll tell me when you want me to know”

I smiled and turned my head back to the tv. We sat there together and watched several episodes, eventually calling it a night and heading to bed. When I stood up and started to walk to the room, I remembered that Charlie still wasn’t home and we hadn’t spoken at all. My stomach turned.



I pretended to fold the blanket and let Jake go to his room. Once the door shut, I wrapped the blanket around myself, turned off the light, and laid down on the couch. It didn’t feel right to sleep in the bedroom, given the circumstances. It was Charlie’s bed after all. Plus, if he comes home, maybe this way I can avoid a difficult conversation in the middle of the night.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep but I couldn’t. I could hear the ticking of the clock on the living room wall. I thought about the events of the day. About Charlie. And about Jake. It was a long, dark, lonely night. But around three in the morning, the door opened and Charlie came in. He turned on the lights and I closed my eyes, pretending to be asleep. I could hear him pause to look at me. I hoped he’d come over to “wake me” and ask if I was ok. To hug me or feel some type of concern. But the light shut back off and I heard him set something down on the coffee table. Then he walked off to his room.

I opened my eyes and reached over. It was my phone. I suppose Charlie had tracked its location and found it. I had an unread text from him.

“Where the fuck are you?”

And then three more unread texts from Jake.

“Hey where did you go?”

“Are you ok? Or are you out having fun?”

“Please be ok. I’m gonna have Charlie go find you if you don’t respond”

I set my phone back down and closed my eyes to try to get some sleep. I had successfully avoided a middle of the night argument and at least I knew Charlie was home safe. I was able to doze off.

I woke up in the morning to Caleb making breakfast. I had almost forgot he was even home. He hadn’t come up from downstairs since I got home the night prior.

“You want breakfast?”

“No, I’m ok. Thanks though”

I went over to my laptop at the kitchen table and signed in to work. No crazy emails or anything. I sent a message to my team and told them I was taking a sick day. Then I closed the laptop and went back to laying on the couch.

Jake came out of his room, dressed for work. He shot me a quick smile and grabbed all of his stuff.

“You need anything?”

I shook my head. Jake squeezed my shoulder before walking out of the door. Caleb, having watched the interaction, spoke on his curiosity.

“Soooo, I don’t really know much but I know some weird stuff happened yesterday. Do you wanna talk about it?”

“Not really”

“Ok. Well I’m here if you need me”


Caleb went back downstairs to work and I decided to get things over with. I walked to Charlie’s room. He was sitting up in bed, on his phone.


He didn’t say anything or look at me.

“Do you want to talk about yesterday? I owe you an explanation”

“Do you? You’re a fucking whore. You wanna let the whole town take a turn? Be my guest”

“Charlie, it’s complicated”

“It’s really not. You left your phone at a park to go be a cumdump in some drug den. Sounds like the kind of thing you’d do”

“Charlie I was blackmailed and kidnapped”

There was a pause.

“Then go tell the police”

“I can’t. It was a police officer that blackmailed me. He was the guy from the bar”

Another long pause.

“I don’t know, I need to think things over. Just leave me alone”

“Charlie I want to walk you through this. I want to explain myself”

“I said get out. Leave”

I let out a sigh and walked out of the room. I sat down on the couch again and turned on the tv. I needed to cool down and have a distraction. I stayed there curled up on the couch for most of the day. Around dinner time I left to go on a walk for some fresh air.

I found myself heading to the park just by default. I kept my distance from the parking lot and the meeting spot with the cop. I was just so frustrated with the situation. Pissed that it happened, pissed at the consequences of it, and pissed at myself for still fantasizing about it.

I sat down on a swing and swayed there for about an hour. I enjoyed the breeze in my face and the sight of the sun beginning to hide behind the trees. It was peaceful. But I knew I needed to return to the house and deal with the Charlie mess. When I got back in the house, Jake was sitting on the couch.

“Hey come sit down”

“I can’t, I need to go talk to Charlie. We haven’t resolved anything”

“He doesn’t want you in there right now, trust me”

“Why do you say that?”

Jake sat still and looked away from me. I could tell something was up. I walked towards Charlie’s room.

“Justin don’t”

I ignored Jake and opened the bedroom door. Charlie was sitting with his back against the headboard. There was another guy on the bed, lying on his stomach, sucking him off. Charlie looked up at me and smiled. He gave me the middle finger and held it there until I turned around to leave the room.

“How long has that been going on?”

“He got here like 20 minutes ago. I’m sorry Justin”

“No it’s cool. He can do whatever he wants”

Charlie had never been with another guy since I came into the picture. Even when he shared me with so many others, I never saw him so much as kiss another guy since he’s been with me. It was a weird feeling. I knew I didn’t really have a right to be mad. Charlie and I didn’t really have clean cut boundaries for ‘cheating’. I sat down with Jake on the couch.

“Can I at least explain to you what happened?”

“If you want to, of course. I’m all ears”

I told Jake the whole story. How I downloaded Grindr and met the guy at the park. How the cop showed up. How he blackmailed me. How I was taken to the den and all the things that happened there. He didn’t say a word. He just looked at me intently. A couple times he reached down to adjust his pants. I think parts of the story turned him on.

“That’s so fucked. I’m sorry that happened. But I’m glad you’re ok. You’re not going to see the cop again, right?”

“Of course not. He already did the worst thing he could. I think Charlie’s pretty much done with me”

“You don’t know that”

“Do you not hear them?”

Silence followed in the next few seconds and we could hear the muffled moans of the twink. It sounded like Charlie was fucking his brains out.

“He invited the guy over so I would walk in on them like that. He wanted to me to see it”

“Yeah I know”

“I don’t know what to do. I can’t sleep on the couch forever. Do I start looking for a new place? Or do I hope Charlie comes around? He’s been so weird lately, things are just all fucked up”

“Sleep in my room”

We locked eyes and smirked at each other. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t already thought of that. But I also don’t want Jake to just feel like I’m using him.

“Seriously, I’m happy to be a cuddle buddy. Fuck Charlie. If he’s not willing to listen, he’s a moron. What you went through was awful. Hot, but awful. He should be understanding”


We turned on the tv and enjoyed each other’s company for a while. Near the end of the episode, Charlie came out of his room wearing just his boxers. The walked his visitor to the door and said goodbye. He groped the guy and shoved his tongue down his throat as a farewell.

“See you tomorrow”

He was trying to get under my skin. Trying to hurt me. So I ignored him. Charlie went back to his room. He stayed in there the rest of the night and when it came time for bed, Jake stood up.

“I think I’ll take you up on your offer”

Jake smiled big and lifted me up. He threw me over his shoulder and walked us to his room. He tossed me on his bed and got on top of me. He kissed me. And then rolled off of me.

“Sorry, I shouldn’t”

I got up on top of him and straddled him. I bent down and we began to make out. His massive hands rubbed all along my body. He gripped my shirt and began to slide it towards my head. I threw it off and went back to kissing him. He slid his hand down the back of my pants and I felt a finger at my hole. I was still a little sore from all that had happened, but I didn’t care. Jake could do whatever he wanted.

He played with my hole while we made out. His breathing got heavier and I moaned softly. I whispered to Jake.

“We should be quiet. Charlie would be pissed if he knew”

“Fuck Charlie. Be as loud as you want. I don’t care what he thinks”

“Well he could evict us both”

I chuckled but Jake kept a straight face.

“About that”

I gave him a confused look. He pressed his lips together and looked to the side.

“I didn’t know how to tell you. But I got a new job… and I’ll be moving. To Colorado”

“… Oh…”

“I already told Charlie. I’ll be leaving in a week and a half. I already gave my notice at work”

“I don’t know what to say”

There was silence again. But this time it wasn’t comfortable. I felt uneasy. Like another rug was being pulled out from under me. Jake was the only good thing outside of work at the moment.

He grabbed my head and pulled me to him again. Our kissing became more passionate and intense. More clothes were thrown off. I started to wonder if this was a goodbye thing for Jake.

I kissed his neck and lightly bit his earlobe. That’s when he started pushing my head down. I kissed his body a few times on my way towards his crotch. He pulled his sweatpants down and I whipped out his cock. I slapped it on my face a few times and then slid my lips down the shaft. I went slow at first and he played with my hair while I sucked.

“Fuck babe, that feels so good”

I loved that he called me babe. I went faster, making more slurping noises in the hopes that Charlie would hear through the wall. I noticed Jake started to move his hips with the motions.

“Fuck it, let me fuck that throat”

He pulled my head up and got off the bed. He grabbed me and put me in position on my back with my head hanging off the bed. I opened my mouth and he immediately went to town. He thrusted himself balls deep into me and let out a sigh of pure pleasure. Then he held the sides of my head with his hands and fucked my face.

I couldn’t help myself so I started to jack off while he wrecked my throat. He pulled out a couple times to let me breathe. Each time, more spit would drip down from my mouth towards my eyes and forehead. It added to the tears already streaming. Then he bent down and it looked like he was going to kiss me. Instead, he spit into my mouth and gave me a light and playful slap on the face.

He stood up and went back to filling my throat. I reached one of my arms around to grab his ass and feel it clench with each thrust. With the other, I continued jacking off. Jake’s cock was so perfectly thick and heavy, it fit tightly snug down my throat. I unloaded on my stomach while he held himself balls deep. His ballsack was smooshed against my nose.

He pulled out and started jacking off. He leaned forward. For a second, it reminded me of the guy in the den. His taint hovered over my face. I could smell his musk and stench. His balls rested on my lips until I opened my mouth to let them fall in. I sucked on them until he shot his load. I felt his balls move in my mouth when he emptied them onto my chest.

“Holy shit. You are incredible”

He grabbed his shirt off the floor and wiped me off. We both brushed our teeth and got ready for bed. When I curled up with him under the covers, I clung to his arm. I almost started to tear up knowing he was moving away. It was like he could read my mind because he suddenly interrupted my thoughts.

“Come with me”


“You can work remote, right? From anywhere?.. move to Colorado with me”

“You’re not serious”

“I’m dead serious. But only if you want to”

“I can pay rent”

“I might need you to”

We both laughed and I went to bed smiling that night. I guess I sort of resigned myself to the thought that Charlie and I were over. And I was excited for exploring things more with Jake. He seemed excited too. He didn’t seem to care what Charlie thought.

Over the course of the next few days, the house was silent. Charlie didn’t speak much to either of us and Caleb went to visit his parents. Probably because of how hostile the house felt. Jake and I decided to have fun with it and play into Charlie’s little competition.

One night Jake and I were watching tv and cuddling on the couch. I heard a knock at the door so I got up to answer it. It was the guy Charlie had been seeing. Another little twink. Similar build to me, just less muscle tone. He was blonde and wore glasses. He was honestly pretty cute. He smiled at me.

“Hey, I’m here to see Charlie”

“Yeah, welcome in”

He walked himself to Charlie’s room and within minutes we heard them playing around. Jake chuckled and dropped his pants to his ankles and sat back on the couch. I got on the floor in front of him to get to work. He grunted loudly and I had to stop a couple times to keep from laughing. He was trying to make a scene and compete with Charlie just to be obnoxious. Once Jake fed me a load, we went back to watching tv.

Once the kid left, Charlie came out to the kitchen to make some food. I was resting my head in Jake’s lap while he played with my hair. I was almost asleep.

“If you guys are just gonna fall asleep, you can do that in your room”

I opened my eyes and looked up at Jake. He rolled his eyes and patted my head, signaling me to get up.

“Ok sure. Justin, let’s go to my room. I’ll grab a couple snacks, you get naked”

I grinned and looked at Charlie. He didn’t challenge it at all. He kept silent and made his food. I figured Jake was just saying it to get a rise out of Charlie, but when we got to his room, he started yanking my clothes off and then he threw me on the bed. He pushed my head down into the pillows, dropped a big wad of spit on his cock, and slowly pushed his way into me.

Jake fucked me hard enough to make the headboard hit the wall. There was no denying what the thudding sound was from. I could just picture Charlie boiling with rage.

The next week flew by. I got approval from my work to move. I talked to my family about it, but honestly wasn’t too big of a deal. I’d grown apart from them over the last few years. We got everything packed up and then Jake and I road tripped out to Colorado.

He didn’t tell me anything about our new place, he wanted to surprise me. When we got there, it was a tiny, two bedroom house.

“It’s really small and shitty. But I just couldn’t bring myself to get an apartment. I hope you like it. We can paint walls and stuff. It’s all ours. Well, mine. But sorta yours too”

“Jake I love it”

That same night we found the closest gay bar and drove thirty minutes to have a fun night out. We danced and made new friends, it was great. I got pretty drunk and was feeling a great buzz when we got outside the bar. We walked towards the car and Jake stopped me.

“I have a surprise for you. It’s Adam”

Adam is one of the guys we met in the bar. He’s tall, the same height as Jake. A little slimmer, but super cute. He has a sharp jaw, dark brown hair, and a voice that could scratch an itch. He’s also a blast on the dance floor. But I had no idea what Jake meant.


“He’s over there. He gave me twenty bucks. Go have fun”

I still couldn’t tell if he was serious.

“Are you pimping me out now?”

“Hell yeah. Go on, he’s waiting. I’ll be here”

He chuckled. I turned around and saw Adam leaning up against an SUV, staring right at me. I looked at Jake one more time for approval and then walked over to Adam.

“Hey. Get in”

Adam opened one of the doors to the backseat. I crawled in and he got in right behind me. He unbuckled his belt and slid his pants down. He was a shower, not a grower, and I remembered why I liked tall guys so much. He was pretty comparable to Jake. I leaned over and kissed his tip. He put his hands behind his head to enjoy the show. I went to town giving him the best head of his life.

“Fuck yeah, suck it”

He continued to give his compliments.

“Holy shit that feels so good”

“Keep going, just like that”

“Fuck yeah, go all the way down like that”

He reached over to play with my ass a little bit. After a minute of fingering my hole, he decided he was ready.

“Alright, let’s see how that ass feels”

I got on my knees sideways on the seat. My pants were down at my knees. He hunched over me, his body pressed against my back. I felt him run the tip of his cock up and down between my cheeks. He leaned back and pulled out a bottle of lube. I was impressed he kept some in his car. He lubed up his cock, hunched over me again, and plowed his way in.

He felt so amazing in my hole that I forgot how cramped we were in the car. He kept a hand around my throat and he reached the other around to jack me off. He licked along the side of my neck and kissed me on the back of it. I felt tingles all over my body.

“Fuck yeah, let me bareback your little hole”

As he got close to finishing, he leaned back and pulled out of me. He jerked his cock until it spit cum out onto my ass. It dripped down my crack and he shoved his cock back in my hole. He gave me a few more slow pumps. In the final moments of him in my ass, I shot my own load. It splattered into my underwear, that were resting right at the end of my tip. Then he pulled out and wiped himself off with my shirt.

“That was hot. I hope I see you again”

“For sure”

I pulled up my pants and felt all of our cum soak into my underwear. Then I slid my shirt on and felt the wet spots where he wiped the cum and lube off. I got out and walked back to Jake’s car. When I got close, Jake got out and opened my door for me.

On the ride home, I thanked Jake for such a fun night and for being such a great guy to me. He smiled back at me.

“You’re absolutely perfect Justin… now when we get home, you better be ready for round two”

It’s only been two weeks since Jake and I moved out to Colorado, so there isn’t much more to the story. We are still having a lot of fun and Jake is trying to make Adam a regular friend of ours. I’m really happy here. I’m sure there will be more to my journey, but I’ve had some really fun stories to share. I like to relive them in my head. Thanks for reading :)