Joe discovers what he really needs

by Joeskin

29 Dec 2023 1198 readers Score 9.2 (28 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

It was mid-afternoon in the warehouse when Joe was approached by his boss.

“Joe, mate, remember that late delivery of air-con units you took a couple of weeks ago.”

“I do.” replied Joe, recalling the hot threesome he had had with Darren, the trucker, and Brett, the security guard, that evening.

“Well, turns out one of the units is faulty and they’re sending a replacement down this evening on a truck headed for Dover. It should be here at around seven. Do you think you could hang back to unload it?”

“Sure, no problem.” replied Joe, eagerly anticipating another hook-up with Darren.

“Great, thanks!” said his boss. “I’ll let Tony in security know.” Joe thought he better check that it was Darren who was actually driving that day. They had exchanged numbers, so Joe fired off a text.

“Ok M8. Are you on your way here?”

“No M8, its Jeff’s run.”

Shit! thought Joe, as the prospect of a hot session with Darren vanished before his eyes. After a couple of minutes, Joe’s phone pinged again.

“Only messing with ya, m8! I’m on my way, should be there by seven.”

YES! thought Joe. Darren was one hot fuck and he wanted a return match, just the two of them this time.

The warehouse was deserted shortly after five, so Joe made himself a coffee in the canteen, eagerly awaiting the arrival of the Henderson’s artic. Just before seven, he saw it pull into the yard. Darren jumped out and surprised Joe with a bear-hug.

“Alright mate? Great to see you again!”

“And you.” said Joe, looking Darren up and down and really liking what he saw. The trucker was wearing a red t-shirt and yellow hi-vis vest, black combat shorts and black safety boots. His red hair was tied back and his beard was fuller than on the previous occasion. Fuck, he’s beautiful! thought Joe.

“Is the Aussie around, or have I got you all to myself?” Darren asked.

“Brett’s gone, continuing his world tour. Last I heard he was in Germany. It’s dozy Tony on security tonight. He sleeps through most of his shifts, so we won’t be disturbed.”

“Great! I made you a promise last time and I intend to make good on it!”

Joe quickly unloaded the replacement air-con unit and Darren parked the artic up in the yard. He was going to stay there overnight before heading off for his ferry to Calais in the morning.

“Fancy keeping an old trucker company?” It gets lonely in the cab overnight.”

Darren didn’t have to ask twice. Joe locked the warehouse doors and jumped up into the passenger seat of the cab. Darren pulled Joe to him and kissed him before drawing the curtains across the windscreen. The cab was warm, and more spacious than Joe imagined, with a narrow bunk bed behind the seats.

Darren pulled off Joe’s shirt and began to kiss and caress his body. He undid Joe’s belt and unzipped his flies, pulling his cock out. Darren leant forward to take Joe’s cock in his mouth, cupping Joe’s balls in his hand, Gradually, he moved his hand under Joe’s backside until his fingers were probing Joe’s hole, gently at first, then more forcefully, slipping a couple of fingers inside. This made Joe rock-hard as Darren sucked eagerly on his cock.

After a few minutes, the men paused and Darren removed his vest and T-shirt, undid his shorts and pulled them off. Joe took Darren’s big cock in his mouth and sucked it until it was fully hard, caressing Darren’s broad chest as he did so. Darren lifted Joe’s head to face him and said,

“I really want to fuck you, Joe, if that’s what you want.”

Joe smiled and nodded, removed his boots and pulled off his trousers and briefs. He knelt on the seats, straddling Darren’s waist, and eased himself down on the trucker’s big cock. The two men kissed passionately as Joe moved his body up and down rhythmically, feeling Darren’s cock push deep inside him. Darren spat in his hand and began to massage Joe’s cock, at first gently, but then more forcefully.

“Can I cum inside you?” Darren asked, quietly. Joe nodded and the sex became increasingly forceful until Darren, with a loud groan, erupted inside Joe. This immediately brought Joe to a climax and he shot a stream of cum all over Darren’s broad, hairy chest. The two men embraced and kissed, Darren still hard inside Joe, who really enjoyed the intimacy of the experience.

After a few minutes, Darren pulled out a towel and cleaned Joe and himself up as best he could. As the passion subsided, the two men joked about the awkwardness of the cab for such an encounter.

“Next time, we’ll find somewhere more comfortable, assuming you want a next time, that is?” said Darren. “I’d really like to spend the night with you.”

“Yeah, that would be nice.” said Joe, looking forward to seeing more of the trucker. The two men dressed and chatted for a while.

“I better get going then.” said Joe. “You’ve got a long drive ahead of you tomorrow.”

Joe jumped out of the truck and waved goodbye to Darren before turning to leave.

At that moment, up in the security office, Tony was not asleep, but watching the monitor closely.

“Well, well…what’s that all about?” he said to himself as he pressed rewind on the video coverage of the yard.

The following day, Joe was back at work in the warehouse. By mid-morning, he began to feel that something odd was going on. He noticed his workmates huddled together in twos and threes, looking at their phones and glancing at him. He jumped off the forklift to go to the bathroom and felt eyes burning into his back as he left the warehouse floor. He passed one work mate in the corridor who grinned at him and whispered “You dirty dog! Another, however, seemed to look away, embarrassed.

Suddenly, his mate Craig appeared, looking very anxious.

“Fuck, Joe, everyone’s talking about you after seeing the video online.”

“Eh, what video?” replied Joe, confused.

“Look!” said Craig, pulling out his mobile. He played a video that showed a close-up of Joe jumping up into the artic and embracing Darren just before he pulled the curtains closed. It then cut to a video of Joe getting out of the artic over an hour later, according to the timestamp.

“Oh, fuck!” said Joe. “How the hell...?”

“Dozy Tony, the security guard, shared it online”

“Fucking bastard!” Joe shouted, breaking out in a cold sweat.

“Look mate, what’s done is done. All you can do is brazen it out. It’s not like you’re ashamed of being gay, is it?”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Joe replied, quietly.

The rest of the day was a bit awkward, although Joe’s workmates mainly seemed not to be bothered, while a few just teased him about it, enjoying his embarrassment. The following morning, however, he was summoned to see Sarah, the H.R. manager. Shit, thought Joe, I’m going to get the sack!

As Joe sat outside Sarah’s office, he could hear raised voices inside. Suddenly, Tony the security guard, stormed out of the office, slammed the door and rushed past him. A few minutes later, the head of the security company was shown out by Sarah.

“Come in, Joe.” said Sarah, smiling. “Take a seat.” Joe did so, fearing the worst.

“We need to discuss an alleged incident that took place on company premises the night before last. I’ve reviewed the security footage and, as far as I can see, we have no idea what might or might not have happened in the cab of that truck after the curtains were drawn. Let’s assume you were playing cards, shall we?”

“However, you failed to inform security that a truck would be parked in our yard overnight, which was a breach of procedure and could have caused problems with our insurance cover, so I have to issue you with a verbal warning. As it’s the only blot on your record here, it’s nothing to worry about and it will expire in six months.”

Joe breathed an audible sigh of relief. It wasn’t the best job in the world by any means, but it paid the rent and put food on the table.

“Thanks, Sarah. I’m very sorry and it won’t happen again.”

“Good. Then the matter is closed.”

“Can I ask what happened with Tony?”

“Oh, he committed a serious breach of policy by posting our confidential CCTV footage online. Off the record, his manager had concerns about his attendance and attitude to his work. He was already on a written warning, so the company decided to let him go.”

“One last thing. You’ll probably get teased mercilessly about your little indiscretion, and you’ll deserve it, so take it on the chin. If, however, anyone crosses the line into homophobic remarks, let me know and I’ll bring the house down on them.”