Jock Pussy Syndrome Information Video

by Charlie Walker

15 Oct 2020 12897 readers Score 8.7 (72 votes) PDF Mobi ePub Txt

“Hey everybody, welcome to the information video for JPS! I’m your host, ESPN’s High School Baseball MVP of the Year, Luke Micucci!”

Everybody knew Luke. The charming, affable high school shortstop went viral thanks to his teen heartthrob good looks and his natural athleticism. There were already talks that he was going to be drafted directly into the MLB. He won over sports fans with his skills and hard work, and he had a sizable teen girl fanbase thanks to his innocent face, full lips, and short brown hair. He had the looks of an actor in the body of an athlete. Of course, Luke also had another completely unintended fanbase: gay guys who noticed just how well he filled out the back of his pants. Certain forums would trade pics of him, admiring his huge, powerful bubble butt in those tight baseball pants. If only they knew the truth. Here, he was standing in just a black tank top with his high school’s name on it and some navy shorts that sinfully showed off the blue waistband of his underwear. The background was an obvious green screen filled in with some cheap design. The video looked like it had a very low budget, but there was no doubt it was the real Luke Micucci. He seemed to be reading from some kind of script, because his speaking was a bit stilted.

“JPS is a new disease, and it’s very misunderstood. Since you’ve been diagnosed with it, I’m here to tell you that everything is going to be OK and explain what JPS is. First off, I gotta be honest: I have JPS. The symptoms used to be so bad, they seriously affected my game performance. I even though about quitting baseball! But after working with Dr. Carson, we’ve developed a treatment program that has almost completely gotten rid of my symptoms. Dr. Carson says there is no cure yet, but hopefully as more people can come forward, he can start working on one! This video is the first step in developing a cure!”

“A lot of you might be wondering: so what exactly is JPS? Well I’m going to walk you through the symptoms and then at the end I’ll demonstrate a treatment. If you, your son or brother or friend has been diagnosed, it’s not the end of the world. With the right treatment, symptoms are very manageable.”

“JPS affects adolescent men who are very physically active. Most people are between 14 and 25 years old. Dr. Carson believes it is related to testosterone and adrenaline, but more research needs to be done. If you aren’t physically active, meaning you don’t already have a high body muscle to fat ratio, then it is highly unlikely you have developed JPS. Cases have been confirmed with people who do various sports, like football, gymnastics, even dance, and of course, baseball.” Luke gave one of his trademark big grins.

“Alright, so the first symptom to appear is what Dr. Carson calls ‘increased glueteal development’. What this means is that your thighs and butt get super muscular really quickly. For some guys, it can practically happen overnight! Let me show you a pic of me before I got JPS…”

A picture of Luke in a profile shot from one of his games appear. It’s hard not to notice his muscular, perky butt.

“And now let me show you what I look like now…” Luke, who had been facing the camera until that point, turns to profile view, mirroring his pose in the other picture. The comparison is astounding. What was once a fine butt had now almost doubled in size, becoming a huge bubble butt. Even in his shorts, you could tell it was incredibly round and jutted out from his back.

“It doesn’t hurt or nothin’, but gains like this out of nowhere could be a sign you got JPS. I didn’t do squats or anything for this, it just showed up one day!”

“Ok, so the second symptom is even weirder. It’s easier to show than explain.” Luke turned, his back fully towards the camera. There was a large wet stain directly over the seat of his bulging shorts. He unbuttoned the shorts and slowly peeled the wet fabric over his enormous ass cheeks. Underneath, his hefty ass was being held up by a jockstrap. Once he succeeded, he bent over, reached back and spread his cheeks.

It was a perfectly round, pink hole. Besides the fact that a star highschool baseball player was showing off his asshole on some medical video, there was something else extremely strange about it. His hole was… flexing, puckering like the mouth of a baby bird. There was no way to describe it other than that it looked hungry. The source of the wet stain was also revealed: there was a slow trickle of a thick clear, glossy fluid dripping out of his hole.

“The second symptom is a strange sensation in your assho—I mean anus. It feels really itchy and uncomfortable. It seriously messed with my practice, but thanks to Dr. Carson’s treatment I don’t have to deal with it. The weird liquidy stuff is some kind of fluid coming from my as– I mean prostate. Dr. Carson has studied it. He has no idea what it is, but apparently it has some enzymes and other stuff that dissolves fecal matter and it’s antiseptic. It basically cleans everything up and makes it slippery.”

“These ‘episodes’ of itchiness and leaking are totally random, so they were always so much trouble. I hated having to miss games because I was so itchy and wet. Dr. Carson finally found me and we got started on a treatment right away.”

“For those with minor symptoms, one possible treatment is a prostate massage. A prostate is a thing that helps with your reproductive system, you can massage through your hole. All you got to do is stick something in there, uh… you know. Let me show you. I usually use my fingers.” Luke moved one hand over his slick hole, and immediately sunk three fingers to the knuckle. It was clearly not his first time doing that.

“You just got to feel around for a small rub and rub thaaAAAAAaaatt–!!!” Luke let out a loud moan, looking back towards the camera with his blue eyes rolling back into his head, biting his lip. He dug in deeper with his fingers.

“If your fingers can’t massage your prostate well enough, Dr. Carson has invented a special medical device specifically for that purpose!” Luke held up a long, beige cylinder. It was flat on the bottom and tapered off to a rounded top. It looked to be made out of some kind of rubber. Luke bent back over and slid the device up his hole again, eyes rolling back into his head. He opens his mouth and starts to moan.

“Oh FU-“ Suddenly, there was a smash cut to a different scene. Why was the rest of Luke’s instructions edited out of the video?

Luke was facing the camera again, still in his tanktop. This time, he was only wearing a jock.

“Unfortunately, prostate massage has no effect on the more severe cases. Dr. Carson has also theorized that too much prostate massaging can cause JPS to become more severe over time. At first it worked fine for me, but after a while it only made things worse. However, the next treatment that Dr. Carson devised has a 100% success rate!”

Luke walked to the side of the frame, the camera following him, revealing a massage table. Laying face up on the massage table was a man, but the camera was positioned in a way so that you could only see his large, throbbing erection sticking straight up.

“Dr. Carson has discovered that injecting fresh sperm directly into the anus provides long-lasting, but still temporary, relief. Unfortunately, frozen sperm and sperm injected into the anus soon after ejaculation has no effect. Also, the injection site depends on the patient, but it is pretty deep, deeper than the prostate. But don’t worry, Dr. Carson has nursing staff specifically trained in this treatment! Here, let me demonstrate for you with one of the nurses.”

Luke turns his bubble butt towards the camera again, throws one of his meaty thighs over the massage table, and starts to lower himself onto the nurse’s penis. His face is not visible, but one can imagine his eyes are rolling back into his head again while his guts get tunneled into. He began to put his strong thighs to use and squat up and down on the nurse.

The video suddenly becomes very choppy, like sections are being deleted or skipped over. Whenever Luke is about to say something the video skips again. It’s hard to make out what he is trying to explain. Could the DVD be corrupted or something?

“OH GO-“ Skip.

“RIGHT TH-“ Skip.

“HAR-“ Skip.

“GONNA SQU-“ Skip.

Luke lowers himself entirely one last time. Then, a different voice, much lower and gravelly, lets out a long moan. The nurse’s balls draw up, obviously unloading. Luke also lets out a loud yelp while the clear, thick liquid gushes out of his stuffed hole. Luke lifts himself off the nurse’s penis, which is now soft and deflating. He turns back towards the camera, out of breath and red-faced. He is breathing heavily, but his own jock pouch has no bulge or stain.

“And that is Dr. Carson’s special treatment. For more information in receiving treatment, please contact Dr. Carson at the following number. Thank you for your time and I hope this has been helpful for those suffering from JPS.” Luke gives one of his trademark smiles and waves goodbye.

The video ends with the following information in white letters on a black background:




by Charlie Walker

Email: [email protected]

Copyright 2024